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MARKING SCHEME FOR PAPER 3 2010 trial Perlis Question 1(a) Rubric Able to state all the observations and inferences correctly Sample answers: Observations 1. inc electro!e become t"inner $. %rown !eposite is forme! at copper electro!e '. %lue solution turn to &olourless( become paler (( T"e intensit) of blue solution !ecrease Inferences inc atom ionise! to #inc ions &opper atom is forme! &opper(II) ions is !isc"ar*e! to copper atom , ' $ 1 . Score ' Score

Able to state any 5 answers correctly Able to state any 4 answers correctly Able to state any 3 answers correctly Able to state any 2 answers correctly Able to state any 1 answers correctly No response or wrong response Question 1(b) Rubric Able to state all the voltmeter readings accurately with unit Sample answer: inc an! copper : 1.- / 0 an! copper : ..1 / Q an! copper : $.1 / R an! copper : ..- / Able to state all the voltmeter readings accurately without unit//correct reading with unit. Sample answer: inc an! copper : 1.-./ (1.0 an! copper : ..1./ (..1 Q an! copper : $.1./($.1 R an! copper : ..-./(..Able to stateany 2 readings correctly without unit No response or wrong response

1 .

SULIT Question 1(c)

$ Rubric Able to construct a table to record the voltmeter reading for each pair of metals accurately Sample answer: 0airs of metals inc an! copper 0 an! copper Q an! copper R an! copper /olta*e ( / 1...1 $.1 ..Score


Able to construct a table to record the voltmeter reading without unit for each pair of metals 0airs of metals inc an! copper 0 an! copper Q an! copper R an! copper /olta*e 1...1 $.1 ..-

Able to construct a table to record any 2 voltmeter readings without unit. No response or wrong response Question 1(!) Rubric Able to arrange all the metals in ascending order in electrochemical series Sample answer: &opper2 R2 02 inc2 Q Able to arrange any four metals in correct ascending order Able to arrange any three metals in correct ascending order// arrange all the metals in decending order No response or wrong response

1 . Score '

$ 1 .



Question 1(e)

Rubric Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable with direction. Sample answer: T"e furt"er t"e !istance between two metals in t"e electroc"emical series t"e "i*"er(lar*er(bi**er t"e volta*e value. Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and responding variable. Sample answer: T"e furt"er t"e !istance between "i*"er(lar*er(bi**er t"e volta*e value. two metals2 t"e

Score '

Able to state the idea of hypothesis Sample answer: 3ifferent pair of metals "ave !ifferent volta*e value No response or wrong response Question 1(f) Rubric Able to state all the three variables correctly Sample answer: Manipulated varia le: 0airs of metals Resp!ndin" varia le: /oltmeter rea!in*(volta*e C!nstant varia le: copper electro!e2 copper(II) sulp"ate solution Able to state any two variables correctly Able to state any one variable correctly No response or wrong response Question 1(*) Rubric Able to state the operational definition for the potential difference accurately Sample answer: T"e potential !ifference is t"e voltmeter rea!in* w"en two metals are !ippe! in an electrol)te. Able to state the operational definition for the potential difference correctly Sample answer: T"e potential !ifference is t"e voltmeter rea!in* w"en two metals are use!. Able to state an idea for the potential difference Sample answer: 3ifferent metals s"ows !ifferent voltmeter rea!in*

. Score '

$ 1 . Score '

SULIT No response or wrong response Question 1(")

. Score '

Rubric Able to classify the cations and anions in copper !!"sulphate solution correctly Sample answer: &ations anions &u$42 54 SO-$62 O56

Able to classify one cation and one anion // cations or anions correctly Able to classify one cation or one anion correctly No response or wrong response Question 1(i) Rubric Able to predict the positive terminal and the voltage value correctly Sample answer: 0ositive terminal 0 /olta*e (/ $..

$ 1 . Score '

Able to predict any one answers correctly Able to predict No response or wrong response Question 1(i) Rubric Able to e#plain the relationship between the time for negative terminal to corrode and the position in electrochemical series accurately Sample answer: T"e !istance between ma*nesium an! copper in electroc"emical series furt"er Able to e#plain the relationship between the time for negative terminal to corrode and the position in electrochemical series correctly Sample answer: T"e !istance between ma*nesium an! copper furt"er Able to state an idea of the relationship between the time for negative terminal to corrode and the position in electrochemical series correctly Sample answer: T"e position ma*nesium "i*"er t"an #inc

$ 1 . Score '

SULIT No response or wrong response Question $(a)

, .

Rubric Score Able to state the statement of the problem accurately ' Sample answer 3oes t"e "i*"er t"e concentration of aci! 2 t"e "i*"er t"e rate of reaction7 Able to state the statement of the problem correctly Sample answer 3oes t"e concentration of aci! increase t"e rate of reaction7 (( To investi*ate t"e effect of concentration of aci! on t"e rate of reaction. Able to give an idea of the statement of the problem Sample answer &oncentration effect t"e rate of reaction No response or wrong response $

. Score '

Question $(b)

Rubric Able to state the three variables correctly Sample answer Manipulated varia le : &oncentration of aci! Resp!ndin" varia le : Rate of reaction C!nstant varia le # /olume of aci! ((mass of metal Able to state any two variables correctly Able to state any one variable correctly No response or wrong response

$ 1 . Score '

Question $(c)

Rubric Able to state the relationship correctly between the manipulated variable and the responding variable with direction Sample answer T"e "i*"er t"e concentration of aci! t"e "i*"er t"e rate of reaction. Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable without direction Sample answer T"e concentration of aci! increases t"e rate of reaction Able to state the idea of hypothesis Sample answer 3ifferent concentration !ifferent rate of reaction 8o response or wron* response


Question $(!)

Rubric Able to state the materials and apparatus accurately Sample answer Materials inc2 aci! 9.., : $..; mol !m6' 2 water Apparatus &onical flas<2 measurin* c)lin!er2 stopper2 !eliver) tube2 basin2 burette2 stopwatc" . Able to give a list of substances and apparatus correctly Sample answer Materials inc2 aci! Apparatus &onical flas<2 measurin* c)lin!er2 stopper2 !eliver) tube2 basin2 burette2 stopwatc" . =ble to *ive at least one material an! one apparatus 8o response or wron* response

Score '

1 . Score '

Question $(e)

Rubric Able to state the steps correctly Sample answer 1. = burette is fille! wit" water an! inverte! into a basin of water. T"e initial burette rea!in* is recor!e! $. (,.61..) cm' of aci! 9.., : $..; mol !m 6' aci! is measure! an! poure! into a conical flas<. '. $ * of #inc pow!er is a!!e! into conical flas< -. T"e conical flas< is close! imme!iatel). ,. =t t"e same time2 t"e stopwatc" is starte!.. +. T"e volume of *as is collecte! in '. secon!s interval for , minutes >. T"e e?periment is repeate! usin* t"e same volume of aci! wit" !ifferent concentration. Able to state steps 1$ 2$ 3$ 5$ % and & Able to state steps 2 and 3 No response or wrong response

$ 1 .



Question Rubric $(f) Able to e#hibit the tabulation of data that includes the following information' 1. (eading for manipulated with unit 2. (eading for responding with unit 3. 3 # 12 table Sample answer Time(s) %urette Rea!in*(cm') /olume of *as(cm') Able to e#hibit the tabulation of data that includes the following information' 1 (eading for manipulated with unit// without unit 2. (eading for responding with unit//without unit 3. 3 # 1)// 3 # 12 table Sample answer Time(s) %urette Rea!in*(cm') /olume of ' *as(cm ) Able to e#hibit the tabulation of data that includes the following information' 1.(eading for manipulated without unit 2.(eading for responding without unit '. =t least ' ? 1 table Time %urette Rea!in* /olume of *as No response or wrong response or empty table . '. +. @. 1$ . 1, . 11. . '. +. @. 1$ . 1, . 11 . $1 . $-. . ' . + . @ . 1$ . 1, . 11 . $1 . $. $> . '..

Score '


Question $(a)

Rubric Score Able to state the statement of the problem accurately ' Sample answer 3oes t"e presence of catal)st2 copper(II) sulp"ate 2 increase t"e rate of reaction7 Able to state the statement of the problem correctly Sample answer 3oes t"e presence of a catal)st 2 increase t"e rate of reaction7(( To investi*ate t"e effect of a catal)st on t"e rate of reaction. Able to give an idea of the statement of the problem Sample answer &atal)st effect t"e rate of reaction No response or wrong response $

. Score '

Question $(b)

Rubric Able to state the three variables correctly Sample answer Manipulated varia le : &atal)st Resp!ndin" varia le : Rate of reaction C!nstant varia le # /olume an! concentration of aci! ((mass of metal Able to state any two variables correctly Able to state any one variable correctly No response or wrong response

$ 1 . Score '

Question $(c)

Rubric Able to state the relationship correctly between the manipulated variable and the responding variable with direction Sample answer T"e presence of catal)st2 copper(II) sulp"ate 2 increase t"e rate of reaction7 Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable without direction Sample answer = catal)st increases t"e rate of reaction Able to state the idea of hypothesis Sample answer


@ &atal)st effect t"e rate of reaction 8o response or wron* response . Score '

Question $(!)

Rubric Able to state the materials and apparatus accurately Sample answer Materials inc pow!er2 copper(II)sulp"ate solution2 water2 aci! 9.., : 1..; mol !m6' Apparatus &onical flas< cm'2 measurin* c)lin!er2 stopper wit" !eliver) tube2 basin2 burette2 stopwatc" . Able to give a list of substances and apparatus correctly Sample answer Materials inc pow!er2 copper(II)sulp"ate solution2 water2 aci! Apparatus &onical flas<2 measurin* c)lin!er2 stopper wit" !eliver) tube2 basin2 burette2 stopwatc" . =ble to *ive at least one material an! one apparatus 8o response or wron* response

1 . Score '

Question $(e)

Rubric Able to state the steps correctly Sample answer 1. = burette is fille! wit" water an! inverte! into a basin of water. T"e initial burette rea!in* is recor!e! $. (,.61..) cm' of aci! 9.., : 1..; mol !m6' aci! is measure! an! poure! into a conical flas<. '. , cm' of aci! .., mol !m6' copper(II)sulp"ate solution is a!!e! into conical flas< -. $ * of #inc pow!er is a!!e! into conical flas< ,. T"e conical flas< is close! imme!iatel). +. =t t"e same time2 t"e stopwatc" is starte!.. >. T"e volume of *as is collecte! in '. secon!s interval for , minutes 1. T"e e?periment is repeate! wit"out a!!in* copper(II) sulp"ate solution Able to state steps 1$ 2$ 3$ 4$ %$ &and *


1. Able to state steps 2$ 3 and 4 No response or wrong response 1 .




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