Opening Ritual For Goetic Daemons

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Opening Ritual for Goetic Daemons and Elemental Spirits.

I have been working with the Daemonic Hierarchies and been trying many from different Traditions To call the Daemons from this Plane, i mean those which are around us, which are more suitable for petitioning them for mundane things. And I found this one more effective, i would wish you to give a try during your rituals

rom the !ast call to "ord #$I!%& His !nn' (!% DA #$I!%& !"AT rom the &outh call to "ord A)A*)+% His !nn' !"A% $!*A A)A*)+% rom the ,est call to "ord PA*)+% His !nn is ' "I%A% TA&A (!DA% PA*)+% From the North call to Lord A$IT+% His !nn is' !"AT A%A% A$IT+%
After performing This tracing four +ne tip up pentagrams and vibrating the !%%& -daemonic formulas of calling.. $epeat the same operation counterclockwise and tracing four inverting pentagrams at each cardinal point while vibrating the daemonic formulas of calling. Doing this will cause an #nbalancing between the /asual and Acasual forces around you, making easier for the spirits to manifest. Another point is that i recommend to place the sigil of the Daemon traced on partchment and charged with the blood of the operator0karcist in the center of a palindrome s1uare, for e2ample those presented in the 3ook of the sacred magic of Abramelin the )age which may represent our desire or wish to manifest. +r within a Palindrome of our own construction. I recommend to avoid the /lassical Triangle of )anifestation with the /yrcle, because this has proven ineffective and illogical, because we e2ist in a fourth dimensional world and the Triangle will only bring manifestation to one4s desire probably in the dream or mental plane but not in the material plane which is our goal.

The oneiric plane is tridimensional lacking the variable of time, that is why we lose the notion of time while dreaming.

urthermore, i am currently working in a Pentagon of Daemonic )anifestaion to open the 5ates of Hell and bring forth the forces and spirits of 5ehinnon into physical manifestation.

This Dark &orcery Pentagon of Daemonic )anifestation with the right 1lipothic daemons names, instead of the classical names of the demiurge' Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, Anapha2eton found in the /hristian 5rimoires is meant to bring forth a state of the art veritable system of &atanic0luciferian &orcery tool. It is also good to remark that within &atanism the /ircle is never used in any ritual, because it represents the emprisoning figure0forces of the demiurge0monad. Instead, an edged geometical figure is recommended for working with daemons thus representing the angles in between, and the nature of the satanic forces which are acasual, disruptive and enthropic. In the case the sorcerer0operator needs protention around himself or herself and edged geometrical figure must be traced, be it a &1uare, Trape6oid, Pentagone, +ctagon...etc. This is done with consecarted chalk, charcoal, salt, flour, paint... formed by positioned candles or by the fire combustion of some subtance or material thus surounding us with an edege geometrical figure made of fire. This can be use also in protection against the most baneful and deadly black sorcery attacks. I will be presenting the angular pentagon of evokation0invokation in its due time, and probably will form part of a book that i am planning to realease of my authorship and based on over 78 years of actual practice, testing and proven results. Hope this information may be useful for the reader and dedicated practitioner of the Dark Arts. In %omine Drakonis 9 Ho Dra:on Ho )egas 9 . %ecrosophiacos, (anuary 77, 7;<= e.v.

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