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Dear applicant,
It is never too late to be what you might have been! All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them and you have just taken the first step towards this life changing experience. Challenge yourself and join the AIESEC team, the worlds biggest student organization which offers you the opportunity to lead, develop and improve as an individual. As Local Committee President I encourage you to apply for a VP position and together we can make AIESEC a bigger, better and stronger organization. Bring your ideas, your experience and your positive attitude to learn and lets create together a future and legacy for generations to come. There are many hardships waiting and simultaneously even more rewards, because AIESEC is a nest for all of us members to flourish and be the best we can be. Motivation, support and guidance will be always present and our goal is to find you who is restless to make a change, excited to take on responsibilities and willing to learn. If you recognize yourself in any part of this then we welcome you to apply and let the fun begin! Anna Stefani Local Committee President Elect 2014/2015

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

Application instructions
Throughout this process you will be challenged to use all of your creativity, knowledge and competence to create your own Executive Board Application.
We would like: Your CV (in English) please list all relevant information from your past working experience. Motivation letter (in English) Maximum 1 page Both of these documents need to be converted to PDF. Once your application is complete, it should be sent to :
via e-mail by 23:59 GMT+1 the 22nd of April 2014.
Please name the email :

LC VP [position you apply for] application-[First Name]-[Surname]

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

Application instructions continued

The elections for the positions as Vice Timeline - from application to start of the President within the Executive Board of term AIESEC Stockholm will take place on the 28th of April 2014.
During the election candidates are expected to: Present themselves as a candidate and why you are applying (max 5 minutes). Present your vision and strategy for the functional area you are applying for (max 5 minutes). Take part in a 45 minute Q&A session from the members and invited alumni/externals together with the other running candidates. Deliver a closing speech (max. 2 minutes) 22nd of April 2014 VP Application deadline 28th of April 2014 VP Election night

MAY-JUNE 2014 Executive board transition

26th of May 2014 Executive Board term starts June 2014 National Conference, Empower

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

Local Committee Structure




Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

General expectations for EB 2014-2015

This booklet outlines the job descriptions of the Leadership Team of AIESEC Stockholm; however, they may vary according to the needs of current state of the Local Committee. The most important thing is that the leaders have clearly defined responsibilities and they cooperate to reach the goals of the organization. As a member of the Executive Board of AIESEC Stockholm you are expected to: Attend local commitee meetings Train members in your functional area Attend all national conferences Execute duties from June 2014 till May 2015 Ensure transition for the EB of AIESEC Stockholm term 2015-2016 Work towards an LC wide goal of realizing exchanges

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

Local Committee Position overview

FINANCE: The Vice President Finance is responsible for proper short and long term financial management, accounting and financial transparency. Furthermore, he/she is in charge of support teams in other areas with financial planning and management. INCOMING EXCHANGE: Vice President Incoming Exchanges responsibility lays in the connection between the organizations which take AIESEC interns and AIESEC as an organization. Therefore, his/her tasks are delivery, quality management and reselling activities of the Incoming Exchange as well as developing strategies to ensure growth in quality and quantity in the exchanges. OUTGOING EXCHANGE: The Vice President Outgoing Exchange is the responsible of local chapter of AIESEC in Sweden regarding the strategies on the Exchange Participant (EP) side. She/he is responsible for raising and selecting suitable good quality EPs as well as providing them with necessary preparation. She/he should seek to implement international and national strategies, as well as to build international co-operations to increase the quantitative and qualitative performance of the LC. TALENT MANAGEMENT: LC VP Talent Management is the final responsible for the implementation of the Talent Management processes and Talent Development programs (listed accordingly to the Talent Management System definition) at local level. The role of the LCVP TM is to guarantee these processes are happening smoothly in the LC, contributing to the recruitment, development, retention and performance of the members. COMMUNICATIONS: The VP Communication is the main responsible for creating a strong, brand aligned exposure and image for AIESEC amongst our stakeholder groups, managing the global brand in local chapter of AIESEC as well as external and internal communication issues. He/she is responsible for ensuring that AIESEC is profiled in local/national media. Furthermore, this person is overall responsible for managing online presence of AIESEC Stockholm. EXTERNAL RELATIONS: The VP External Relations is the main responsible for the stakeholder management including the representation of local chapter of AIESEC in Sweden. Additionally, he/she is in charge of selling activities, expanding accounts and developing new partnerships.

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

Vice President of FINANCE

The organization is only working properly if the organization has enough funds, so mostly it's a lot of responsibility in order to approve or deny some expenditures. All your decision could affect positively the organization by increasing sales, members development but also negatively by wasting money. You will learn a lot what is cost opportunity and return of investment. So take a chance to lead the largest student organization in the WORLD called AIESEC." Tautvydas Zabilionis Vice President Fin 2013-2014

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week Leading, coaching, and coordinating functional department Financial Management Accounting Office Administration Direct involvement in LC activities Integration of interns Planning & Tracking Leadership Affiliation with finance and legal issues # of positive audits, reports submitted. % of diligent conduction and transparency of the documents and documentation. # Fund applications sent out and success rate. # of budget adjustments. # Exchange delivered in LC
Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April





Vice President Incoming Exchanges responsibility lays in the connection between the organizations which take AIESEC interns and AIESEC as an organization. Therefore, his/her tasks are delivery, quality management and reselling activities of the Incoming Exchange as well as developing strategies to ensure growth in quality and quantity in the exchanges.

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week Raising and matching TNs (recruit companies in Stockholm to host interns) Preparation after matching TN (fdocumentation for companies) Financial control (budgeting) with VP Finance Evaluation of TNs (receive and provide feedback to companies) Direct involvement in LC activities Integration and management of incoming exchange Planning & Tracking Leadership Excellent communicator and sales skills # of incoming exchanges realized. % of realization of exchange goals within LC. # of TNs raised. Growth in quantity and quality of exchange based on projects.




Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April


My year as Vice President has developed me both personally and professionally in more ways than I'm probably aware of. Practical skills within sales, strategic planning, time management and the ability to communicate with people all over the world are things I would never have acquired if I had only spent this year studying at university. Add to this all the amazing people I have met through the global AIESEC network, that inspire me to be the best that I can and to make the world a better place! If you want to be the force behind sending students of Stockholm on professional and voluntary internships, while experiencing all of this, you should apply for Vice President of Outgoing Exchange! Cecilia Hedlund Vice President OGX 2013-2014

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week EP recruitment: raising, matching and delivery Provide LC training in exchange procedures EP care: communication and follow ups with interns overseas Re-integration of interns that Initiate promotional activities with Communications department Planning & Tracking Leadership Excellent communicator # of EPs raised, matched and realized. Quality of exchange preparation and reintegration. Retention rate of members in the teams. # Exchange delivered in LC


Competencies required


Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April


As a VPTM I was in charge of recruiting members, coordinating events like LC meetings and training session to ensure member development. By taking on this position I was able to develop both personally and professionally by gaining skills within event planning, project management and HR. I was surrounded by a great AIESEC spirit of colleagues, and members whom contributed to a very fun, learning atmosphere which will be an unforgettable experience! Elon Ezdri Vice President TM 2013 2014

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week Member recruitment, selection and education Facilitate opportunities in the learning environment Talent goal setting, tracking and appraisals Talent tracking and pipeline management Assist in LC and promo activities Planning & Tracking Leadership Coordination and organization skills # of active LC members. # of members with exchange and leadership experience. Quality of @XP stages. % of clear JDs for each position within the LC. Retention rate. # Exchange delivered in LC
Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April


Competencies required


Vice President of COMMUNICATIONS

I had no idea how this journey as Vice President of Communications exactly would turn out. Now I can see that from leading highly ambitious and international team of young individuals I have gained more than I expected. The position of Vice President of Communications enables you (and requires you) to fully use your creativity to unleash a benefit for both the organization and your own personal development. Apart from improving important marketing and communication skills you also have the most awesome environment in which you can built a network, make friends and most of all, have fun! All this comes with a great amount of possibilities and opportunities while working on making, if not the world, at least Stockholm a better place. Michael de Lange Vice President Comm2013 2014

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week Running marketing campaigns to support local and national projetcs (OGX/ICX/ER) Implementation of national initiatives on local level Local platform maintenance: website, Facebook, Twitter etc Materials design and strategic implementation to provide support for other departments Brand education, tracking and implemenation. Planning & Tracking Leadership Marketing knowledge and affiliate with design # of sign up for @ programs. Conversion rate between # sign ups and info meeting attendence. # and % increase of views on Social Media. # Exchange delivered in LC
Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April


Competencies required



Looking back at my time in AIESEC and as Vice President of External relations it has indeed been a fantastic experience. I have had the outmost pleasure to lead an international team of highly ambitious individuals and through our work in external relations I have developed important skills which I will benefit from in various personal and professional situations. The position as Vice President of External Relations gives you the key to the business world. As the face of AIESEC in Stockholm you will gain valuable knowledge for your future career, as it includes skills related to sales, management and signing partnership agreements with institutions, universities and companies. Additionally, you will also gain an incredible network as you are the one arranging but most of all attending the events with both existing and also potential partners of AIESEC. Andrea Hemming Vice President ER2013 2014

Expenditure of time

12 hours per week Maintaining company database Preparation and coordination of major external events Press and Media management Promoting the local committee and AIESEC to organizations in Stockholm Making marketing campaigns/events together with OGX and Communication Selling, networking and negotiation skills Leadership Planning and time management Stakeholder focus Growth in # of partners and universities. Growth in # of partners in business sector. Growth of quality in local committee. # of collaborations through events
Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April


Competencies required


Thank you for going through the application booklet. We are looking forward to receive your application!

For general questions contact For functional questions, contact the Vice President responsible of the corresponding functional area (contact information is included in the functional description)

Submit your application by the 22nd of April 2014 before 22 23:59 GMT+1 to Applications are open since the 10th of April

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