A) Averages

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com CAT 2014 online Prep Average of any group is defined as,

Average is nothing but the simple arithmetic mean of the group. By taking the average, we can represent an entire group by a single value i.e. average of that group. So, now we can replace each and every item of a group with the average value of the group without changing the total of all the items in the group. Eg. If there are 4 boys: A, B, C and D. Age of each boy is 15, 16, 17 and 20. Now what will be the average age of the group? So,

Average age of the group will be 17 years.

Now, if we replace age of each boy with the average of group i.e. 17 years, there would be no change in the total.

Another important thing is that sum of the deviation of each item from average value is always zero. So in the above example, (17 15) + (17 16) + ( 17 17) + ( 17 20 ) = 2 + 1 + 0 3 = 0

If another boy E joins the group and the average age increase by 2, what will be the age of E? Now the average age will become 19 years. As Age of E is able to maintain the average age at 19 and then providing +2 to the other boys. Hence age of E should be 19 + 2(4) = 27 years. Important Points : a) If the value of each item/member is increased/decreased by a value n then the average of the group of items will also be increased/decreased by n. b) If the value of each item/member is multiplied/divided by a value n then the average of the group of items will also be multiplied/divided by n. c) The average value of a group will always lie between the smallest and greatest value in the group.

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Weighted Average : When we know the individual average values of two or more groups, then to find the combined average of the groups, we use the concept of weighted average.

Eg: If the average marks of the three sections in a particular class are 60, 80 and 70 respectively. And the number of students in these sections are 30, 20 and 50 respectively. Find the overall average marks of that class. Overall average = = =69 marks

Note : If we have two numbers A and B, then Arithmetic Mean (AM) = (A+B)/2 Geometric Mean (GM) = Harmonic Mean (HM) = 2AB/(A+B)

Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time Note: If both the distances are equal i.e. d1 = d2 = d then, Average speed = If both the time taken are equal i.e. t1 = t2 = t then, Average speed = (V1 +V2)/2

Eg. A man travels at a speed of 60 kmph on a journey from A to B and returns at 100 kmph. Find his average speed for the journey (in kmph).

Compiled by : MBAUniverse.com CAT 2014 online Prep

Average speed =

= 120 *100/160 = 75kmph

Q1. The average weight of 16 boys in a class is 50.25 kg and that of the remaining 8 boys is 45.15 kg. Find the average weights of all the boys in the class. a) c) 47.55 kg 48.55 kg b) d) 48 kg 49.25 kg

Q2. Example The average of 11 results is 50. If the average of first 6 results is 49 and that of the last 6 is 52, find the 6th result. (1) 48 (2) 50 (3) 60 (4) 56

Q3. The ratio of current ages of Ramesh and Suresh are in the ratio of 4 : 11. 9 years ago the ratio of their ages was 1:5. Find the average of their ages after 7 years. (1)14 (2) 24 (3) 17 (4) 37

Q4.A pupils marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half (1/2). The number of pupils in the class is: a) c) 10 40 b) d) 20 73

Q5. The average of the numbers of chocolates owned by 30 boys is 20. If the average of the number of chocolates owned by 10 boys out of these 30 is 30, then find the average of the number of chocolates owned by the remaining boys.
a) c) 10 15 b) d) 20 25

Q6. A man spends Rs. 750 on an average during first 8 months. During the next 4 months he spends Rs. 680 per month. He took loan of Rs. 320 during the year and paid Rs. 600 for LIC premium. Find his monthly average income? (1)750 (2) 650 (3) 950 (4) 850

Compiled by : MBAUniverse.com CAT 2014 online Prep Q7. The sum of ages of Rahul and his uncle is 62 years. After 4 years the age of the uncle will be four times that of the Rahul. Then the difference between their ages is
A. C. 30 40 B. D. 32 42

Q8. The average salary of trouble shooter working in Logi Infotech is Rs. 5000 while that of system engineer is Rs. 3050. Find the total number of employees in Logi Infotech if the average salary of employees is Rs. 3650.
A. C. 130 80 B. D. 240 300

Q9. The average temperature of the town in the first four days of a month was 58 degrees. The average for the second ,third, fourth and fifth days was 60 degree .If the temperature of the first and fifth days were in the ratio 7:8 then what is the temperature on the fifth day?
A. C. 64 60 B. D. 62 66

Q10. A man whose bowling average is 12.4, takes 5 wickets for 26 runs and there by decrease his average by 0.4. The number of wickets, taken by him before his last match is what?
A. C. 80 84 B. D. 85 70

Solutions: 1.(c) Use the concept of weighted averages.

2.(4) The sum of 11 results = 11 50 = 550 The sum of the first 6 results = 49 6 = 294 The sum of the last 6 results = 52 6 = 312 So the 6th result is = (294 + 312) 550 = 56 3.(4) After finding the average of current ages add 7 to get the average after 7 years. 4.(c)
Let there be x pupils in the class. 1 xx 2 x 2 = 20 x = 2 x= 40.

Total increase in marks = x 2 = (83 - 63)

Compiled by : MBAUniverse.com CAT 2014 online Prep 5.(c) Use the concept of weighted average. 6.(1) 7.(d) 8.(a) Use the concept of weighted average. 9.(a) 1st day = 7X, 5th day = 8x Total for first 4 days: 58*4 = 232 total for 2,3,4,5 day = 60*4 = 240 difference between 5th and 1st day = 8X-7X or 240 -232 X = 8 temperature on fifth day = 8*8 = 64 degrees 10. (b) Let us assume number of wickets taken before start of this match = x and number of runs = Y Y/X = 12.4 or Y -12.4X = 0 (Y+26) / (X +5) = 12 or Y-12X=34 X = 85 (number of wickets) Y = 1054

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