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Adam Campbell

1408 NE 102nd St. Kansas City, MO 64155 Phone: (816 616!""21 # s51$6$0%&ai'.n(&isso)*i.ed) Objective To secure a position with a well-established organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the field of Computer and Information Systems anagement! "rofile Computer s#ills in icrosoft Office $%ord& '(cel& "ower"oint& Internet '(plorer) Adobe (Acrobat Professional, Premier, Photoshop) Macromedia (Dreamweaver) Efficient with time management and successfully meeting deadlines Confident in interpersonal communications !eam player that wor"s well with others Motivates others to achieve teamwor" efficacy Confident in interpersonal communications Demonstrate e#cellent time management s"ills $ery adaptable to changing environments and technological progression %elf&motivated individual Committed to 'uality wor" Always loo"ing for ways to improve a process (ntuitive in critical situations %or# '(perience *ight Custodian C +anitorial ,,C - aryville& issouri Aug! ./0.-"resent )or"ing *+&,+ -hrs a wee" to help with college e#penses Able to wor" a night .ob (/&,AM) and maintain full&time student schedule 0esponsible for cleaning and sanitation of the %tudent 1nion, %tation, and 2orace 3rant Elementary 4orced me to overcome critical situations repairing bro"en machinery (t5, t, Micro %crubbers) 'ditor 1 Camera O23 edia ,,C - 4ansas City& O5Sarasota& 6,A 6eb! ./0/ 7 *ov! ./08 My Cousin6s business he operated out of %arasota, 4lorida Professional 'uality media production company Paid on commission to edit $ideo %tream or on&site filming Promotional or Entertainment $ideos compatible with various hardware and software Paid on commission to edit $ideo %tream or film on&site Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro and Dreamweaver Advertisements, education orientated, camps-clubs-organi7ations, weddings, graduations, anniversaries 9S' 7 Supervisor Towne "ar# ,,C - 4ansas City& issouri April ./0.-"resent Car $alet and 3uest %ervices 8ocations9 Marriott Country Club& Pla7a, Embassy %uites, 0uth6s Chris %tea"house, and P:8 District 0esponsible for greeting every guest at the door and hospitality throughout their stay Promoted to Car $alet %upervisor in May of *+5, 'ducation Missouri %tate 1niversity ; %pringfield, Missouri August *+55& May *+5* 3eneral Education emphasis (nvolved in Alpha <appa 8ambda fraternity = Philanthropy and (ntramural football, hoc"ey, and softball 2istory Club & 4>8A & Phi >eta 8ambda 2abitat for 2umanity volunteer & Misti6s Mission :orthwest Missouri %tate ; Maryville, Missouri August *+5*& Present Pursuing >achelor of %cience in Management and (nformation %ystems Member of !au <appa Epsilon 4raternity = Delta :u %t ?ude6s volunteer & :orthwest 0ugby Club Community Activities

Philanthropy and fundraiser events & !au <appa Epsilon 4raternity Misti6s Mission volunteer & ?oplin, M@ !ornado Distaster 0elief

Aouth >aseball->as"etball coach %t Charles-2oly 4amily Aouth 3roup & <CM@ 2illcrest !hrift %tory $olunteer = 8iberty, M@ 1nited )ay volunteer

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