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List of environmental issues

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his is a list of environmental issues! "s such they relate to the anthropo#enic effects on the natural environment!

Climate change $ %lo&al warmin# ' %lo&al dimmin# ' Fossil fuels ' (ea level rise ' %reenhouse #as ' )cean acidification ' (hutdown of thermohaline circulation ' Environmental impact of the coal industry ' *r&an Heat Islands ' Floodin#

Conservation Ecosystems $ "noxic waters ' +iodiversity ' +iosecurity ' ,oral &leachin# ' Ed#e effect ' Ha&itat destruction ' Ha&itat fra#mentation ' Ille#al dumpin# ' In-situ leach Fishing $ +last fishin# ' +ottom trawlin# ' +y-catch ' ,etacean &ycatch ' %illnettin# ' Ille#al, unreported and unre#ulated fishin# ' Environmental effects of fishin# ' )verfishin# ' .arine pollution ' Whalin# Forests $ ,learcuttin# ' /eforestation ' Ille#al lo##in# Natural resources $ 0esource depletion ' Exploitation of natural resources Species $ Endan#ered species ' %enetic diversity ' Ha&itat destruction ' Holocene extinction ' Invasive species ' Poachin# ' Pollinator decline '(pecies extinction ' hreshold host density ' Wildlife trade ' Wildlife disease

Energy $ Ener#y conservation ' Efficient ener#y use ' Environmental impact of the coal industry ' Environmental impact of the ener#y industry 'Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin# ' 0enewa&le ener#y ' 0enewa&le ener#y commerciali1ation ' Environmental degradation $ Eutrophication ' Ha&itat destruction ' Invasive species ' (oda lake

Environmental health $ "ir 2uality ' "sthma ' +irth defect ' /evelopmental disa&ility ' endocrine disruptors ' Environmental impact of the coal industry ' Electroma#netic fields 'Electroma#netic radiation and health ' Indoor air 2uality ' Lead poisonin# ' Leukemia ' )ne Health ' (ick +uildin# (yndrome ' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin#

Environmental issues with war - "#ent )ran#e ' /epleted *ranium '.ilitary (uperfund site 3,ate#ory only4'War and environmental law ' (corched earth Environmental law - Environmental crime ' Environmental 5ustice ' Polluter pays principle ' Precautionary Principle Genetic engineering $ %enetic pollution ' %enetically modified food controversies Hydrology - Environmental impacts of reservoirs ' ile draina#e ' Hydrolo#y 3a#riculture4 ' Floodin#' Landslide ' Intensive farming $ Environmental effects of meat production ' Irri#ation ' .onoculture ' 6utrient pollution ' )ver#ra1in# ' Pesticide drift ' Plasticulture ' (lash and &urn ' ile draina#e

Land use $ +uilt environment ' /esertification ' Ha&itat fra#mentation ' Ha&itat destruction ' Land de#radation $ Land pollution ' *r&an sprawl Soil $ "lkali soil '+rownfield ' (uperfund sites ' 0esidual (odium ,ar&onate Index ' (oil conservation ' (oil erosion ' (oil contamination ' (oil salination ' (uperfund

Nanotechnology $ 6anotoxicolo#y ' 6anopollution Nuclear issues $ 6uclear fallout ' 6uclear meltdown ' 6uclear power ' 6uclear weapons ' 6uclear and radiation accidents ' 6uclear safety ' Hi#h-level radioactive waste mana#ement '

Overpopulation $ +urial ' )verpopulation in companion animals ' ra#edy of the commons ' %ender Im&alance in /evelopin# ,ountries ' (u&replacement fertility levels in developed countries' Water crisis

O one depletion $ ,F, ' +iolo#ical effects of *V exposure

!ollution $ 6onpoint source pollution ' Point source pollution ' Li#ht pollution ' 6oise pollution ' Visual pollution ' Interplanetary contamination "ater pollution $ "cid rain ' Environmental impact of the coal industry ' Eutrophication' %roundwater rechar#e ' .arine pollution ' )cean dumpin# ' )il spills ' hermal pollution '*r&an runoff ' Water crisis ' .arine de&ris ' .icroplastics ' )cean acidification ' (hip pollution ' Wastewater ' Fish kill ' "l#al &loom ' .ercury in fish ' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin# #ir pollution $ "tmospheric particulate matter'Environmental impact of the coal industry ' (mo# ' ropospheric o1one ' Indoor air 2uality ' Volatile or#anic compound ' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin#

$esource depletion $ Exploitation of natural resources ' )verdraftin# )verexploitation

Consumerism $ ,onsumer capitalism ' Planned o&solescence ' )ver-consumption Fishing $ +last fishin# ' +ottom trawlin# ' ,yanide fishin# ' %host nets ' Ille#al, unreported and unre#ulated fishin# ' )verfishin# ' (hark finnin# ' Whalin# Logging $ ,learcuttin# ' /eforestation ' Ille#al lo##in# %ining $ "cid mine draina#e ' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin# ' .ountaintop removal minin# ' (lurry impoundments "ater &depletion' $ "noxic waters ' "ral (ea ' ,alifornia Water Wars ' /ead (ea ' Lake ,had ' Water pollution ' Water crisis ' Wastewater

(o)icants $ "#ent )ran#e'"s&estos' +eryllium',hlorofluorocar&ons 3,F,s4 ' ,yanide ' // ' Endocrine disruptors ' Explosives '/ioxin ' oxic heavy metals ' Environmental impact of the coal industry ' Her&icides ' Hydrocar&ons ' Perchlorate ' Pesticides ' 'P+/E ' Persistent or#anic pollutant ' P,+ ' Polycyclic aromatic hydrocar&ons ' 0adioactive contamination 'Volatile or#anic compounds ' +ioaccumulation ' +ioma#nification ' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin#

"aste $ Electronic waste ' %reat Pacific %ar&a#e Patch ' Incineration ' Litter ' Waste disposal incidents ' .arine de&ris ' .edical waste ' Landfill ' Leachate ' oxic waste'Environmental impact of the coal industry ' Exportin# of ha1ardous waste' Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturin#

See also[edit]
Environment portal Ecology portal Sustainable development portal Renewable energy portal

Environmentalism Index of environmental articles List of conservation topics List of environmental disasters List of environmental or#ani1ations List of sustaina&ility topics Lists of environmental topics

External links[edit]

7 Environmental Pro&lems hat "re Worse han We hou#ht 8 EarthFirst!com Environmental Issues and 0esearch opics 8 "urum(cience!com

Environmental Issues 8 %lo&alIssues!com 9 .ost /an#erous Human "ctivities hat Harm he Environment 8 he Ener#y Physics " List of :; .ost (i#nificant Environmental hreats hat We are %oin# to Face in <:st ,entury 8 he Ener#y Physics 3causes and effects4
Human impact on the environment

Anthropocene Environmental issues Human impacts Impact assessment General Planetary boundaries

Agriculture fishing irrigation meat production palm oil Energy industry biodiesel coal electricity generation nuclear power oil shale petroleum reservoirs wind power Manufacturing cleaning agents Causes concrete nanotechnology paint paper pesticides pharmaceuticals and personal care Transport aviation roads shipping Other land use mining genetic pollution human overpopulation overexploitation particulates pollution war

Biodiversity threats Deforestation Desertification Erosion Coral reefs Freshwater cycle Global warming Habitat destruction Holocene extinction Nitrogen Effects cycle Land degradation Phosphorus cycle Ocean acidification Ozone depletion

Birth control Cleaner production Climate change mitigation Climate engineering Ecological engineering Environmental engineering Environmental mitigation Industrial ecology Mitigation Mitigation banking Organic agriculture Reforestation Restoration ecology Sustainable consumption Waste minimization

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