The Judgment of The Birds

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Learning Objectives By means of reading an excerpt, the students should be able to: A.

determine the importance of justice through answering the questions correctly; B. cite instances when they have experienced such injustice; and C. compose an apology letter addressed to the person to whom you have incurred injustice Learning Content A. Subject Matter The Judgment of the Birds B. Reference Ladera, H et al C. Materials Picture of the author Pictures of raven Fortune Box Consequence chart Strips of cartolina containing questions. Values / Skills A. Values Life is given to us by God without any hesitation which we should treasure and take care of , thus, no one has the right to inflict any type of injustice to anybody. B. Skills

Inferring messages from the story using the different elements used. Appreciating the beauty of literature. Expressing ideas through verbal and non-verbal communication.

Learning Concept Judgment- an opinion or decision that is based on careful thought; the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing Injustice- refers to misuse, abuse, neglect, or malfeasance that is uncorrected or else sanctioned by a legal system or fellow human beings. Procedures A. Preparation a. Conduct the Family Feud Game What are the three environmental problems in the Philippines? 1. Overfishing and destructive fishing = 28 Fishers in the Philippines are increasingly coming home with pitiful catches. Of a number of factors which have led to this situation, one stands out: over-fishing in many areas. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), there has been a drop of 90% in the quantity of marine organisms that can be trawled in some traditional fishing areas of the Philippines. 2. Coastal infrastructure development =30 Coastal zone development has been particularly damaging to the Philippines marine environment, especially to coral reefs, mangroves, and sea grasses. 3. Deforestation = 39

After decades of deforestation, which has left about 3% of the original cover, forests continue to be under threat from agriculture and urbanization, illegal logging and forest fires.

b. Give recent news about the threatening of the 7 Crater Lake in San Pablo, Laguna. c. STATE OBJECTIVES!!!!! B. Presentation 1. Present a picture of the author and give a short background of information.
Loren Corey Eiseley (September 3, 1907 July 9, 1977) was a highly respected anthropologist, science writer, ecologist, and poet. He published books of essays, biography, and general science in the 1950s through the 1970s. Eiseley is best known for the poetic essay style, called the "concealed essay". He used this to explain complex scientific ideas, such as human evolution, to the general public. He is also known for his writings about humanity's relationship with the natural world; these writings helped inspire the modern environmental movement.

2. Introduce the topic for the day or the title of the story where the excerpt was taken. The Judgment of the Birds 3. Unlock difficult words. Sleek Unperturbed Squirming Beak 4. Ask the students for some insights by just reading the title. The excerpt might be covering some issues about the environment. 5. Post some questions that will guide the students in understanding the story. o Who are the characters involved in the story? o What event is happening in the story? o What feeling is evident in the story? 6. Do the first reading of the story. 7. Instruct the students to answer identify what are being asked. 8. Do the reading again. Call for volunteers. 9. Post the questions as well as the consequence chart. 10. Determine the subject of the story. 11. Ask the students to cite come instances in which they experienced injustice from someone. Experiences might be in school, at home or in the community. 12. Provide instances when you incurred injustice in your life and the lesson that you learned. C. Synthesis Life is given to us by God without any hesitation which we should treasure and take care of, thus, no one has the right to inflict any type of injustice to anybody. D. Evaluation Construct an apology letter addressed to the person to whom you have incurred injustice. Write it on a 1 half-sheet of pad paper.

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