Mike Week 4 - 2in1

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The Graphical User Interface (GUI).

The MIKE 11 graphical user interface is based on five Editor interfaces. The Editors are synchronised together using the Simulation Editor. Synchronising the editors together enables links to be developed from one editor to another. Network Editor

Cross Section Editor

Simulation Editor

Graphical User Interface (GUI). 32 Bit Windows Application. MIKE Zero Compatibility.

Boundary Editor Parameter Editors Time Series Editor


Simulation Editor


Simulation Editor
The Input page.
Browse for files

The Simulation Editor displays the contents of a simulation file. A project or study may consist of many simulation files (*.sim11) enabling the input files and computational parameters for each simulation to be stored individually.

The Model page.

Select the type(s) of simulation model(s) required by marking the check boxes

Open editor file.

Select the simulation modes.

The input page specifies the file types required for the corresponding model selections on the model page. The Input page sets up dynamic links between the editors. (e.g. a cross section data base will be linked to a network file)

The model page specifies the type of model to be used and the simulation mode.



Simulation Editor
The Simulation page.
Calculates the maximum simulation period from the given input files.

Simulation Editor
The Results page.
Specify the result file name or select using the browse button.

Storing frequency is a multiple of the time step specified on the Simulation page.

Select type of initial conditions. Green lights indicate the inputs are valid.

The simulation page contains the initial conditions, computational time and time step.

The Start page.

A simulation cannot be started when a red light indicator is present. Validation messages display error messages indicated by the red status light


Network Editor



The network editor consists of a Graphical View and a Tabular View. The Graphical View displays the model branch network over a background image of the study area.
Display Tabular View

Many of the menu selections are available directly from the MIKE 11 tool bar. Placing the cursor over a tool button will display the tool button function.
File ,new, open and save tools Cut,copy & paste tools. Print and help tools. Graphical view zoom tools Time Series Editor tools. Network Editor tools.

Parameters Editor search tools. Cross Section Editor tools.

Right mouse click on tool bar panel to display Toolbars dialog box.

Graphical View Exercise Open the network editor by pressing on the edit button on the simulation editor. This opens the horizontal view



Network Editor Graphical View

Network Editor Graphical View

Items can be displayed or hidden by toggling the check marks under the View / Network menu.

Selected items can be edited using the pop up dialog. Access pop up dialog using right mouse button click.

The Graphical View displays all items over a backdrop image of the model area giving a complete overview of the simulation setup. The Graphical View maintains the correct aspect ratio when the view is magnified using the zoom functions.

A model can be setup and edited entirely using the Graphical View. Mike 11 will automatically setup the tabular data while you work in a graphical view. All model network items can be inserted, edited and deleted directly from the Graphical View.


Network Editor
The backdrop image can consist of any number of layers. These layers can be imported and displayed using the Layer menu


Network Editor
Editing data describing the River Network. Definition of River Setup : Digitized River Network River Branches Hydraulic Structures - Weirs, - Culverts, - Regulating, - Controllable Weir/Gate, - Dambreak

Backdrop image, grid and other layers can be edited using the pop up dialog box. Access pop up dialog using right mouse button click.

Exercise Click the right mouse key and delete the two background images Select Layer | Import and import the two GIF files Vida400.gif and Vida400-bw.gif. In explorer open the two .gifw text files and examine the format

Editor-file: *.nwk11



Network Editor
- Tabular View
The Tabular View contains all information relating to the model setup. Information displayed in the Tabular View is dynamically linked to the Graphical View and will automatically update the graphical display.
Tabular View

Network Editor
The Points page.

- Tabular View
Information can be edited in the data entry panel.

Information can be edited in the overview panel. Selected point is highlighted on the Graphical View by a rectangular marker.

The Points Page contains a complete list of digitised points in the model setup. Points can be connected in series to form a model branch. The point chainage can be user specified or default. The default chainage of a point is calculated as the linear distance between neighbouring points on the Graphical View.

Graphical View



Network Editor
- Tabular View The Branches page.
Branch Definitions.

Network Editor
- Tabular View
The Weir page.
Weir definition. Weir parameters. Information can be edited in the overview panel. Input weir geometry.

Selected branch is highlighted on the Graphical View.

Information can be edited in the overview panel. Selected weir is highlighted on the Graphical View.

The Branches Page contains a complete list of model branches, connectivity, flow direction and branch types.
Definition of River Branches: Topo ID River Name Upstream Chainage [m] Downstream Chainage [m] Branch type (Regular or Link channel) Upstream connection to other Branches Downstream connection to other Branches Maximum x



Network Editor
- Tabular View
The Culverts page.
Culvert definition. Culvert parameters.

Network editor

Setup of Channel Network

0.000 Choose the required culvert type from the drop down list.

R_A 0.000 - 10,400


R_B 3.000 - 15,000

10.400 15.000 15.000

Information can be edited in the overview panel. Selected culvert is highlighted on the Graphical View.

R_C 15,000 - 25,000



Upstream End 0000 3,000 15,000

Downstream End 10,400 15,000 25,000

Upstream Connection R_B 15,000

Downstream Connection R_C 15,000 R_C 15,000 -

Other hydraulic Structures in MIKE 11 Regulating Structures Control Structures Dambreak Structures




Network Editor
Grid-point spacing in River Branches
Chainage [m] : 20,000 28,000 32,000 40,000

Cross Section Editor

Raw Data View.
The Cross Section Editor displays the contents of the cross section data base through the Raw Data View. The cross section data can be edited using the tabular view or the graphical view.

Max. dx = 5,000 m

Max. dx = 3,000 m

Changes made in the cross section editor will automatically be transferred to the Network Editor for display in the Graphical View

Max dx > 8,000 m

H-point with cross section from Database H-point with interpolated Cross Section Q-point Q-POINTS are then inserted halfway between H-points and at all structure locations

H-POINTS are located at the start and end of each branch and where cross section from the Database exists. Interpolated sections are inserted where the distance between cross sections is larger than Max. dx

Tree View

Tabular Raw Data View

Graphical Raw Data View




Cross Section Database

Database file has the file extension *.xns11, it can contain several cross-sections, each identified by: River Name Topo ID Chainage Each cross-section in a database has information Raw data (X,Z-values defining the bed level) Processed Data (Hydraulic Parameters e.g Cross-sectional Area, Hydraulic Radius, Storage width, Surface area )

Raw Data
Raw Data:
M = 10 M = 30

Datum Flood Plain River channel

Bed level Section Type: Datum: Radius Type: Markers Divide Section:

x,z coordinates Open / Closed Reference level Resistance or Hydraulic Radius Right and left river bank Divide in River and Flood Plain channel / Active and passive section for morphological update Level of divide for River and Flood Plain Channel Relative Resistance. Transverse adjustment of bed resistance.

Level of Divide: Resistance:




Cross Section Editor

Raw cross section data can be edited in the graphical view using the pop up dialog box. (right mouse button) Choose the edit mode by placing a check mark in the pop up menu

Cross Section Editor

A history of cross sections selected in the tabular view will be displayed in the graphical view as a grey shadow. To clear the history select the clear command on the pop up menu. Display options for the graphical view can be set using the Settings command on the pop up menu

Pop up edit menus can be activated for each branch, topo-id or chainage.

Processed data will be updated automatically when a raw cross section is edited.

Resets the bank markers.

Display the processed data.




Cross Section Editor

Resistance Radius vs. Hydraulic Radius

Cross Section Editor

Left and Right Bank Markers

Effective Area

Resistance Radius:

1 R* = y y db A0

Smooth transition from deep to shallow

Hydraulic Radius:

RH =


Includes more accurate side wall effects in deep narrow channels

Processed data is computed ONLY between Left (1) and Right (3) Bank Marker




Cross Section Editor Processed Data

Cross Section Editor

Processed Data View.

Select the number of processed data points.

Select the data display type.

Each Record includes: Area, Hydr.Radius, Width, Conveyance calculated for different Water Levels Additional Flooded Area (optional) Resistance factor (optional) Data editor includes: Tree View listing all sections Tabular View of hydraulic parameters Graphical View of selected parameter

Protects manual data editing from automatic update.

Pop up dialog box in graphical view enables history plotting and erasing.




Cross Section Editor

Cross section display settings.
The cross section display setting are accessed from the Setting menu of Mike 11. The settings control the display, edit and mouse sensitivity functions on the Graphical View of the Cross Section Editor. Choose the settings that suit the way you work.
Choose the attributes for all graphical objects. Double click the tick marker to display or hide the items on the Graphical View.

Cross Section Editor

Insert new river (test), topoid (DID-98), chainage (0)

Type in X,Z raw data

Set Bank Markers

Compute Processed data

Select the datum type for plotting cross sections.

Exercise In the Processed data table work with the various editing and display facilities, manual editing of processed data records computing additional levels of processed data graphing the various hydraulic parameters changing bank markers in Raw data compute processed data




New Cross Sections

Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions applied at external boundaries and internal boundaries

Discharge, Q :

Upstream of River Lateral Inflow Closed End (Q=0) Discharge Control Pump

h or Q/h

Exercise: Open the cross section editor, and locate the river SEJERS-BK NED Right click on chainage 818 and copy this cross section to BIRD CREEK chainage 0 and 2450, specifying the Topo-ID DID-98 Repeat this procedure by copying VIDAA-MAG chainage 53 (Topo-ID TOPO-92) to RABBIT RIVER chainage 0 and 3775.

Water Level, h :

Downstream River boundary Outlet in Sea (tide, wind) Water level control Downstream Boundary (Never upstr.) Critical Outflow from Model

Q/h Boundary :

Observe that cross sections at each end of the new branches are now plotted on the Network View

In general, Boundaries should be located where Boundary Condition is not affected by the system. - and where key investigation area is not directly affected by boundary condition.



Boundary Editor


DFS Time Series Editor

The Time Series Editor stores and displays all time series data files (*.dfs0) used in MIKE 11. A time series file may store multiple time series, provided the time scale and time increments are identical. Time series may be edited graphically or manually in the tabular view
Pop up dialog box provides edit tools and settings.

The Boundary Editor contains a boundary specification in the upper part of the window with and overview of all boundary conditions in the lower section. Boundary conditions can be inserted manually or updated automatically using the Insert Boundary function in the pop up dialog of the Network Editor.
Set the required boundary type from the drop down list. Select a time series file that contains the boundary data. Select the required item from the time series file. Use the Edit button to display and edit the time series data using the Time Series Editor. Overview of model boundary conditions.

Editor-file: *.bnd11

Exercise Open the boundary file (vida96-3.bnd11) from the simulation editor and study the content. You will see that it only has boundary conditions for 8 open boundaries, well have to define for the two new branches

Selected points are highlighted on the graphical view.




DFS Time Series Editor

The time series selector is used when the Items button on the Boundary Editor is activated. The DFS Selector displays a list of valid and/or invalid data types available in the time series file. Select a valid data type to apply the time series to the current boundary condition.
Green light indicator signifies a valid data type, red light for invalid data types.

DFS Time Series Editor

File Properties.
Overview of items in the time series file. Add, Insert or Delete time series to and from the DFS file.

Graphical Settings.
Indicates the type of boundary condition requested for the current boundary..

Choose the attributes for all graphical objects.

Indicates the boundary conditions selected

Double click the tick marker to display or hide the items on the Graphical View.



Create a NewTimeseries


HD Parameter Editor
The HD Parameter Editor displays supplementary simulation data.

The Initial page.

Specify global initial conditions in this panel Local initial conditions can be input here using the Insert function on the Network Editor popup dialog

Exercise: On the MIKE 11 Toolbar, select NewTimeseriesBlank Timeseries Select Equisistant Calender Axis, timestep 0 00:15:00 (15min), 360 timesteps Select Name as Tide, Type=Water Level, and press OK On the TimeSeries Editor, select the Calculation Button Enter the expression i1=sin(n-1)

The Resistance page.

Specify global resistance number and type.

Local resistance conditions can be input here using the Insert function on the Network Editor popup dialog



HD Parameter Editor
Specify global solution method.

Local solution methods can be input here using the Insert function on the Network Editor popup dialog

Mark the check boxes to save additional information to the result file.


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