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The Eight Biggies

Spiritual Purification - The rules of Life Ignorance and Wisdom

People can live in happiness or misery. Ignorance leads to misery. Wisdom can produce happiness. We choose Life or death every day. Every month we are happier and more alive, or we are more tense, more miserable, and more dead. People rarely die in one day, they spend a lifetime dying by poor quality living. The basic causes of death are!

". Ignorance # never thin$ing about the alternatives to the traditional practice of physical death and never thin$ing of our natural divinity and spiritual power. %. Emotional energy pollution # we have a natural tendency to absorb feelings, emotions, and energy concentrations # good or bad & from the people we spend time with. 'ost people are ignorant of the energy body and how to cleanse it with simple spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water, fire, meditation, love, energy, and rest. Emotional energy pollution eventually causes energy burn out and death. (alse and negative information can build victim consciousness and patterns of self sabotage into our life. . Poor diet & 'edical science reveals that most people eat themselves to death. )hristians, who are supposed to have eternal life, die of cancer and heart disease because they eat

too much meat, *ust li$e non )hristians. Poor diet $ills more people than alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs combined. To $now this and understand it is basic to wisdom. 'y purpose in writing this article for you is to give you the benefit of +, years of research. I have traveled around the world over ten times, studied all sub*ects and all religions to find the truth about human happiness & to discover the owner-s manual for divine human beings. What I am sharing with you now is the best of what I found & the basic principles and practices that ever evolve our health, happiness, and success on all levels. What you do with this $nowledge, of course, is up to you. I have done my best to present my ideas clearly and simply. I will first summari.e the basic rules in /od-s owners manual for the human mind and body in words that are easy for you to remember! ". 'ind & %. Earth & . 0ir & 1. Water & +. (ire & 2. Love & 3. 4espect for the 5aints & 6. 4est. 7ow I-ll e8pand each of these words to give them a clearer meaning so that you can understand the rules & the principles or spiritual purification techniques that ma$e you healthy, happy, alive and successful. 0 spiritual purification technique is a simple practice that we can do every day that cleans our energy body and ma$es us feel better. It gives us better energy and enables us to feel peace, *oy and love, and to be more creative. It also $eeps the physical body healthy and ma$es it a responsive and pleasurable place to be. The eight biggies of spiritual purification are!

". Earth purification: Earth purification is basically food mastery and e8ercise. (ood mastery means to learn what our body actually needs, how much and how often. It means good nutrition and as well as fasting regularly to give our internal organs a rest. 9egetarianism is a basic requirement for mental and physical health. :aving a personal e8ercise system is important. Wal$ing, hatha yoga, or the five Tibetan rites are good systems. There are many other forms of earth purification li$e using crystals, hi$ing, gyms, percussion with drums, dancing, receiving body wor$ li$e massage, manual labor, swimming, sitting in a forest, etc. Earth includes also our wor$, having a career that we love and winning the money game. It includes loving and creative service to people. %. Air purification: ;ou can heal your mind and body by consciously breathing <ivine Energy. It is a wonderful tool, taught by good 4ebirthers =reathwor$ers. ;ou don-t have to die to feel /od. ;our body is the Temple of /od. To feel /od in your body is the best place to feel :im or :er. )onscious Energy =reathing is often called a biological e8perience of /od. It is easy to practice when you learn connected breathing and learn to breathe from the =reath Itself.The =reath Itself is the =reath of Life which is the source of Life # <ivine Energy # to the body and mind. )onscious =reathing or Energy =reathing is a healing ability that ma$es people more spiritually self& sufficient. Intuitive =reathing the body and mind, it

cleans the blood and the nervous system. <oing it daily or regularly is a basic rule of the owners manual . . Water purification: =athing twice a day is a marvelous spiritual purification practice that cleans and balances our energy body. It is best to bathe immediately after getting out of bed and it is valuable to bathe before sleeping. I noticed that all the immortal yogis I met bathe before sunrise and before sunset. There is special value to this practice, but you should try it when you can and discover by yourself what it does for you. >nowing the quality of the water we drin$ is also important. <rin$ing enough contributes to good health. 'ost health authorities recommend drin$ing at least one quart of pure water per day. )hec$ your water quality? 1. Fire purification: @nderstanding and using the spiritual power of fire to clean our energy body is as important to mental and physical health as food. (ire may ta$e the most intelligence to use. (ire can burn away the causes of all diseases out of our energy body & our aura. (ire helps to clean our aura. (ire can burn away the death urge and persistent negative emotions faster than anything. +. Meditation mind purification! Audging the quality of every thought as it flows through our consciousness, the =uddha called it the supreme technique of enlightenment. Learning to transform our negative thoughts into positive thoughts is a part of this technique. 'editation means to hold troublesome thoughts and feelings in our mind and wor$ with them until we

can transform them into harmony with the Truth. The mind is a powerful goal achieving mechanism. We must always consciously select a goal for our mind to wor$ on. 4eaching one worthwhile goal after another is success consciousness. 4eading and the scriptures and great ideas is also a part of mind mastery. 'antra ;oga and prayer are great ways to purify our mind. 2. Lo!e: 'aintaining love and fun in all our human relationships is an important part of our owners manual. It feels good to be an honest and ethical person. 5ince we do love others as we love ourselves, love is ultimately self&approval. 0pproving of the 5elf in us and having positive thoughts about ourselves enables us to give approval and positive feelings to others. Bur very 5elf is the Infinite )reator 5pirit or Life Energy. To perceive the Presence of /od in us is love. To perceive it in others is love. Love means spiritual community and spiritual family in which we give and receive support for spiritual growth and personal healing. Love also includes community participation and political responsibility. To e8press ourselves in community and participate in local, national, and international government is the practical way that we love other people. 3. "espect for the Saints: 5ometimes we discover a very wise or good person. It is wise to spend time with these people and honor them and learn as much as we can from them. Learning from people may be the fastest way to learn. We learned negative emotions and habits from our parents as well as

positive thoughts. I have met several immortal yogis who are hundreds and some of them thousands of years in the same body. They are very, very wise and deserve to be called 5aints. =eing with them is the greatest pleasure of my life. 0ssociating with people who are masters of what we desire to master is an important rule. 6. "est: The 5abbath day principle in the =ible is a good practice, but it doesn-t have to be 5aturday or 5unday. It can be any day of the wee$. To rest at least one day per wee$ enables us to en*oy the other si8 days at least twice as much and to accomplish more. >nowing when to ta$e a rest is a great secret to health and success. 4esting is practicing the Presence of /od directly. It is a continuous source of power, wisdom, pleasure, healing, creativity, and strength. 0bsolute rest is absolute power # nothing can resist it. >nowing when to rest and practice rela8ation is an important point in our owners manual. ;ou now have the basic principles of the owners manual. ;ou can learn more by practicing them and by studying the =ible, the 5hiva Purana and all great scriptures. There are many more principles. We learn the secrets of =reathing from the =reath Itself, we can only learn the secrets of fasting by fasting, we can only learn the secrets of fire from the fire Itself. We learn the secrets of water from bathing, we learn grace through devotion to /od, we learn the secrets of the saints by spending time with them, we learn the secrets of rest by

resting and we learn the secrets of the mind by thin$ing. We can only $now life by participating. 0nd it is important to be able to *ust =e? We can choose ignorance or wisdom. To choose ignorance brings misery and death. To choose wisdom brings purification and pleasure and personal aliveness. Those acts which are in harmony with our divine nature usually ma$e us feel good and more alive. 5ome acts feel good when we are doing them but produce bad effects later. To $now which is which is wisdom? If some of these simple spiritual practices are new to you, but you e8periment with them, you will soon understand why the world doesn-t wor$ and why there is crime and unhappiness. They may ta$e a little effort to do, but they are simple and will not produce results for you unless you actually do them. To persist in misery ta$es self discipline also & discipline with punishment attached.

'editate on your energy body the ne8t time you shower or ta$e a bath and notice how different you feel before and after.

=uild a fire in your fireplace or a campfire in your bac$yard and notice how it changes your feelings. Aust sitting with a campfire one to two hours can heal physical diseases. It will cure depression almost every time.

(ind an Energy =reathing teacher or 4ebirther and do ten sessions if you-d li$e to e8perience a wonderful surprise. ;ou may discover that indeed /od dwells in your very own body.

(ast on liquids for a day. <o enough e8ercise to en*oy your body and notice that you have a body. /et yourself in good physical condition.

4ead a page of scripture every day or e8periment with a mantra 4each out to your neighbors with love and participate in a town meeting.

Try resting in the Presence of /od until it becomes a reality for you. /od loves you. It is safe for you to fall in love with /od.

/od says, CThe wise do spiritual practices?D

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