Learn Analytics: Advanced Analytics & Tools Training

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Advanced Analytics & Tools Training

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SAS Certifications
One of the easiest ways to get your foot inside the door of the Analytics Industry is to get yourself SAS certified. It works wonders during Interview shortlisting if your CV mentions you have Base SAS or Advanced SAS certifications. For more information on certifications, click here. Our SAS modules have been geared to prepare students to clear these certifications; you can opt for classroom trainings-offline as well as online (with complimentary Video subscription) or go with the Video Modules alone. Module 1 concentrates on the topics tested for Base SAS certification. Module 2 is designed for students preparing for Advanced SAS certification, students directly enrolling for Module 2 (Advanced SAS) should have working knowledge/familiarity of topics covered in Module 1.

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Access Free videos on our Video Library page. Become SAS Certified

SAS Training

First things first...what is SAS? What UNIX is to the IT industry, SAS can be described as the software around which the whole analytics industry was built......well that may be an exaggeration, but SAS commands on overwhelming market share in the advanced analytics tools. As per an IDC report SAS has a 35% market share, more than double its nearest competitor. It has been around for more than 45 years and is now synonymous with Analytics. That's all very well, but what does it do? SAS originally stood for "Statistical Analysis System", which as the name suggests was used for Statistical analysis. Today it has evolved to become a ubiquitous Business Intelligence (BI) tool which is used for Data analysis, reporting, predictive modelling, data mining, econometric and time series analysis...pretty much anything and everything related to Data Analytics. How do I learn it? Well, you are at the right place, our trainers have trained thousands of students in SAS for both retail as well as corporate clients before launching this initiative. We have broken the training down into multiple modules specifically designed to prepare students for SAS certifications as well as getting them job ready. Our curriculum is designed for Base and Advanced SAS Certifications, our module design is as below: Module 1 - Base SAS Introduction to SAS interface and library structure and definition Reading data using Datalines and importing and exporting datasets Data Structures Infiles statement - reading raw data Formats and Informats Variable attributes and data modification using Data and Set statements Using conditional statements to modify data - Where, If and Nested IF Data Management Appending and Merging datasets SAS Functions for data manipulation Loops and Arrays in SAS Basic Proc steps - like Proc Contents Report Generation Proc Format, Proc Report and Proc Tabulate Proc steps for basic statistics - like Proc Univariate and 10 10 4 Hours

Proc Means

Module 2 - Advanced SAS Introduction to SQL - basic DBMS and RDBMS concepts Using SQL Procedures in SAS Proc SQL Using conditional statements in SQL and aggregate functions Data manipulation using Proc SQL Introduction to Macros SAS Macros Local and Global declarations Using built-in macro procedures and functions


Our students can enrol for classroom training or buy Video subscriptions alone. Classroom students also get access to training videos for a limited duration which can be extended. How do I get started? Hey, we never said you had to wait for anyone to get started! We provide free training videos which will cover the first 3 modules free of cost. And if you really want, you can actually take it up from there and learn it by yourself. (Yes, we are letting you on a secret, SAS is actually very easy to learn and you actually don't need us!!) If you like our free training videos and want to take the full subscription or enroll for classroom training (Offline or online), contact us on the email below or call us. Click here to access free SAS Training Videos. I am in Tuva, Russia, can you train me? Tuva or bust eh?? Fear not, the world has progressed rapidly since Mr Feynman expressed a desire to interact with the good citizens of Tuva in USSR during the cold war. We provide trainings to students all over the world, as long as you have a broadband connection, a fairly capable laptop and a mic setup, we are ready to rock and roll!. You can either enrol for classes on Webex or take video subscriptions. Offline, actual classroom trainings are restricted to Bangalore, India for now. The way we have gone about designing our curriculum, physical presence in a classroom is not required at all.You dont have to come to us, we will come to your home and teach you. (Metaphorically speaking!)

So...lets get started!! Terms and Conditions Privacy Copyright 2011 Bee Analytics Solutions Email : Info@Learnanalytics.in Phone: +91 22 252 75570 (Landline)

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