Business Ethics Assignment: Submitted by Rahul Raj R 3511210121

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Ethics and Production

Ethics in production is a subset of business ethic that is meant to ensure that the production function or activities are not damaging to the consumer or the society. Like other ethics there is a certai co!e o" co !#ct or sta !ar!s to $e "o%%o&e!' ho&e(er e s#ri ) that the ethics are co*+%ie! &ith is o"te !i""ic#%t. , e o" the *ost i*+orta t characteristic o" the $#si ess to!a- is that there is a )reat !e)ree o" i ter!e+e !e ce $et&ee (ario#s $#si ess "# ctio s. .ro!#ctio ca ot ha++e &itho#t *arketi ) a ! sa%es a ! (ice (ersa. I or!er to s#r(i(e i the co*+etiti(e s+here or)a i/atio s tr- to re!#ce the costs i (o%(e! i +ro!#ctio +rocesses. This cost e""icie c- is so*eti*es achie(e! at the cost o" 0#a%it-. .oor +rocesses a ! tech o%o)- is #se! to kee+ the cost !o& ' this is es+ecia%%- tr#e "or s*a%% +%a-ers &ho ca ot a""or! eco o*ies o" sca%e. Ha(i ) sai! this there are a%so e1a*+%es o" i !#str- )ia ts that co*+ro*ise! o certai +ro!#ctio +rocesses' co%a co*+a ies *ake #+ "or a )oo! e1a*+%e. A%% the +ro!#ctio "# ctio s are )o(er e! $- +ro!#ctio ethics $#t there are certai that are se(ere%- har*"#% or !e%eterio#s &hich ee! to $e *o itore! co ti #o#s%-. The "o%%o&i ) are &orth *e tio i )2 1. There are ethica% +ro$%e*s arisi ) o#t o" #se o" e& tech o%o)ies that are !e%eterio#s to hea%th' sa"et- a ! e (iro *e t. Tech o%o)ica% a!(a ce*e ts %ike )e etica%%- *o!i"ie! "oo!' ra!iatio s "ro* *o$i%e +ho es' *e!ica% e0#i+*e t etc are %ess +ro$%e*s are *ore o" !i%e**as. 2. De"ecti(e ser(ices a ! +ro!#cts or +ro!#cts those are i ate%- !e%eterio#s %ike a%coho%' to$acco' "ast *otor (ehic%es' &ar"are' che*ica% *a #"act#ri ) etc. 3. A i*a% testi ) a ! their ri)hts or #se o" eco o*ica%%- or socia%%- !e+ri(e! +eo+%e "or testi ) or e1+eri*e tatio is a other area o" +ro!#ctio ethics. 3. Ethics o" tra sactio s $et&ee the or)a i/atio a ! the e (iro *e t that %ea! to +o%%#tio ' )%o$a% &ar*i )' i crease i &ater to1icit- a ! !i*i ishi ) at#ra% reso#rces.

Dilemma of Ethics in Production

There are certai +rocesses i (o%(e! i the +ro!#ctio o" )oo!s a ! a s%i)ht error i the sa*e ca !e)ra!e the 0#a%it- se(ere%-. I certai +ro!#cts the !a )er is )reater i.e. a s%i)ht error ca re!#ce the 0#a%it- a ! i crease the !a )er associate! &ith co s#*+tio or #sa)e o" the sa*e e1+o e tia%%-. The !i%e**a there"ore %ies i !e"i i ) the !e)ree o" +er*issi$i%it-' &hich i t#r !e+e !s o a #*$er o" "actors. Bho+a% )as tra)e!- is o e e1a*+%e &here the +oiso o#s )as )ot %eake! o#t !#e to e)%i)e ce o the +art o" the *a a)e*e t. Us#a%%- *a - *a #"act#res are i (o%(e! i the +ro!#ctio o" sa*e )oo!. The- *a#se si*i%ar or !issi*i%ar tech o%o)ies "or the sa*e. Setti ) a sta !ar! i case o" !issi*i%ar tech o%o)ies is o"te (er- !i""ic#%t. There are *a - other "actors that co tri$#te to the !i%e**a' "or e1a*+%e' the i (o%(e*e t o" the *a +o&er' the &orki ) co !itio s' the ra& *ateria% #se! etc. Socia% +erce+tio s a%so create a i*+asse so*eti*es. 4or e1a*+%e the #se o" so*e "erti%i/er $- co%a co*+a ies i I !ia rece t%- create! a atio a% !e$ate. The sa*e co%! !ri ks &hich &ere co s#*e! ti%% -ester!a- $eca*e o1io#s to!a- $eca#se o" a cha )e i the socia% +erce+tio that the !ri ks are ot "it "or co s#*+tio .

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