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Republic of the Philippines I)epartment of Public Works & Highways Region YI - \Mestern Yisayas

OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR Fort San Pedror lloilo City Tel No. s29-e0-01'Fax No.3$?,&f?4. lmra
Sfu- $fla:l*eil F- A4ei*r*da


No- ? *(asoy.S{., Eliock ,1-{ Vi11a San l-orenzo 'Subd., Lapaz,Iloila City


This refers to your letter dated February 19, 2014 that was received by the Office on March 4, 2A74 which followecl up your request to be furnished information and/or documents relating to the following projects, namelyl lloilo Convention Center,
Iloilo Diversion Road and Iloiio Bridge.

First of ali, we would like to ask for an apology for not immediately responding to your request since the information and the documents that you requested are voluminous contract documents and it relate to various contracts of the said three (3)
projects. Please be informed that we have already prepared all the contract documents relating to your request and the sarre are now ready for reproduction.

It is however requested that you shoulder the expenses for the cost of the
reproduction of all these contract rlocuments. The following are the fees paid by the bidders for the said contractsl Iloilo Convention Center Phase I P 50,000.00, Widenins/inrprovement of Iioilo Diversion Road (Benigno Aquino Avenue) P 30.000.00 and Construction of the Iloilo Bridge P 20,000.00.

The said fees or amount are based on the amount paid by the bidders when they purchased biddins documents and they bid for the subject contracts, win or lose. They were issued the corresponding official receipts for said fees.

In this regard, please pay directly to our cashidr the said amount and once payment is made, we will immediatelv furnish you of the corresponding contract
documents that you recluested from our office. Tha
and my cordial regards.

EDILBERTO D.TTAYAO Regionai Director

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