Carrom Rules:: Board Arrangement

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Carrom Rules :

Players sit opposite each other, the opposite two are partners Board Arrangement : Carrom coins are arranged on the centre circle of the carrom board as shown in the following illustration, with the red 'queen' at the centre. The whites should be lined up to form a "Y" shape, with two sides aiming directly towards the corner pockets.

ach player sits on his side of the board and can only strike from that side. The contestant playing white 'breaks' or plays first, this will be decided by the toss of a coin. The team winning the toss gets to strike first and has to play the !hite coins.
Team of 2. Update the doubles partner name in comments section in registration page. Partner has to be from the same building cluster. ( No substitutes allowed). In case, no partner, IB club will pair !ou with one. Partner has to be from the same building cluster.

The ob"ect of the game of carrom is to sink all of your carom coins, using the #striker$, in any of the pockets before your opponent. Your turn continues as long as you keep sinking your coins. !hen placing the striker on the board to shoot, it must touch both #base lines$, either co%ering the end circle completely, and not touching it at all. The striker may not touch the diagonal arrow line.

Correct &triker Placement

'ncorrect &triker Placement

Striker should be flicked & not pushed. You cannot move or leave your chair hile stricking. !o part of your body" e#cept your hand" may cross the imaginary diagonal line nor may your elbo protrude over the frame in front of you. $ven your feet or knees may not leave your %uadrant.

'ncorrect (rm Position

)or forward shots, you can use your inde* finger, middle finger, or e%en the 'scissors' shot.

'nde* )inger

+iddle )inger

'&cissors' &hot

!& BAC' S(&)S or )(*+B,!- permitted.

+atch results The red 'queen,' can be pocketed at any time after sinking your first piece but must be sunk before your last one. (fter pocketing the queen, you must sink one of your coins, thereby 'co%ering' it, into any pocket in the ne*t shot, or she is returned to the center spot. ,nce the queen is co%ered, whoe%er clears all their coins first wins the 'board'. -ame is played on a best of three basis . player ining / boards ins the -A+$.

0enalties during the game :

&inking the striker costs you one coin and your turn. 'f you sink a coin along with the stricker -.ouble due/, then two of your coins come up to the board and you strike again. (fter sinking the striker, your opponent places the due coins as abo%e within the center circle. 'f you ha%en't sunk one yet, you owe one. 'f while shooting for the queen you also sink one of your coin in the same shot, the queen is automatically co%ered, no matter which went first. 'f a piece "umps off the board, it is placed on the center spot. 'f pieces land on end or are o%erlapping, they are left that way. 'f you sink your opponent's piece, you lose your turn. 'f you sink their last piece, you lose the board . 'f you sink your last piece before the queen, you lose the board, .irect strike to opponents coins is a foul 0 entitles your opponent to place one of your coins pocketed on to the center ring.

&pecial thanks to Carrom 1oard Centre for pro%iding some illustrations used on this page.

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