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Synopsis on

(ECE-496) SECTION- E2E04

Submitted by:
Ashish Rajput ( Apoo&' )opta ( 00 49!)" Ro## No$ 44 00 0*6)" Ro## No$ 4+

Submitted to:
%&$ Ch$ Ra'i San(a&

RTLinux is a hard real time RTOS microkernel that runs the entire Linux operating system as a fully preemptive process. It is one of the hard real-time variants of Linux, among several, that makes it possi le to control ro ots, data ac!uisition systems, manufacturing plants, and other time-sensitive instruments and machines.

The key RTLinux design o "ective #as to add hard real-time capa ilities to a commodity operating system to facilitate the development of complex control programs #ith oth capa ilities. $or example, one might #ant to develop a real-time motor controller that used a commodity data ase and exported a #e operator interface. Instead of attempting to uild a single operating system that could support real-time and non-real-time capa ilities, RTLinux #as designed to share a computing device et#een a real-time and non-real-time operating system so that %&' The real-time operating system could never e locked from execution y the non-real-time operating system and %(' )omponents running in the t#o different environments could easily share data. *s the name implies RTLinux #as the first computer designed to use Linux as the non-real-time system ut it

eventually evolved so that the RT)ore real-time kernel could run #ith either Linux or +S, -.I/.

The key RTLinux design o "ective is that the system should e transparent, modular, and extensi le. Transparency means that there are no unopena le lack oxes and the cost of any operation should e determina le. 0odularity means that it is possi le to omit functionality and the expense of that functionality if it is not needed. The ase RTLinux system supports high speed interrupt handling and no more. *nd extensi ility means that programmers should e a le to add modules and tailor the system to their re!uirements. It has simple priority scheduler that can e easily replaced y schedulers more suited to the needs of some specific application. 1hen developing RTLinux, it #as designed to maximi2e the advantage #e get from having Linux and its po#erful capa ilities availa le.




RTLinux is in fact a Linux kernel module. It is the same type of module that Linux uses for drivers, file systems, and so on. The main difference et#een RTLinux module and an ordinary Linux module is that RTLinux module calls functions, #hich are offered y RTLinux kernel #hereas ordinary module uses only Linux kernel functions. The source code of a simple Linux module is given elo#. It contains t#o functions3 init4module, #hich is called #hen the module is inserted to the kernel y insmod or modpro e command, and cleanup4module, #hich is called efore module is removed y rmmod. 5include 6linux7module.h8 5include 6linux7kernel.h8 int init4module%void' 9 printk%:Init;n:'< return @< A void cleanup4module%void' 9 printk%:)leanup;n:'< A

7=>rinting :Init: in ?ernel=7

7=)learing :Init: in ?ernel=7

*fter you insert the module y running modpro e threads, you should see a message Init on your console. *fter running rmmod threads, you #ill see a )leanup message. If you #rite RTLinux application you use these functions to initiali2e and deinitiali2e your application.

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