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Chris Joshua B. Saldon

Ah, another day full of misery and warfare. Its Tuesday, November 24, 2082. The ambiance was terrifying and miserable of every single day. Observing and witnessing with my naked eyes every citizen dying by stray bullets, strong calibers, fancy laser beams and other mechanical neutralizers via my secret U.A.V (Underground Amphibian Vehicle) was so mind-blowing. Despite this tragedy, Im still seeking for that single torn of hope. A hope that will restore change, and possibly Peace. Im Chris Joshua B. Saldon; a 16 year-old peace advocate came from a simple, yet fantastic family. Since the World War III started to implement its havoc, every country was conquered and I and my other relatives were separated from each other. After the explosive declaration of War between Nations (Specifically war between Western joint nations and Eastern countries) begins, I forcedly packed myself for a long-term survival. With this U.A.V packed with tons of Vitamin squares and Food, Im satisfied that this whole set-up would provide my desired survival. Yes, Im blaming the Western-joint Nations for all these tragic fiasco. They were so vicious and greed for power. They abused the capability of modern biotech technology to accomplish their terrifying crusade to conquer world. They used the Bio-tech tissue technology to build the Perfect Army, perfect in the way one soldier is equal to a 100 soldier. An Army no one would ever imagine to face. I just wonder how why Easter countries didnt have even single idea that Western countries would plan for this. According to Zner Asonipse, a famous inventor/scientist at 2075 science convention, building a perfect bio-tech tissue wasnt really impossible, instead he stated: It wasnt Impossible to create a full functional tissue, it was just difficult. It only needs superb resources and years of work to create a 10 fully functional body. That speech makes me think that it was the hint Western Nations adapted to fulfill the creation of the Perfect Army.

After that terrifying incident, my entire life was changed and remolded. I still remember that moment. It was approximately about 6:30-6:50 am at our dining area. It was Saturday and our whole family was presently eating our nutritious breakfast. I was watching my favorite News Block at our Vtech screen while my mother and father was toasting bread and my sisters were brushing their hairs. In the midst of our breakfast, an explosion caught almost our whole villages attention including us. Everyone sprinted outside to check whats the thing caught their attention. I was the only person who didnt get interested and I just decided to finish my meal. But a flash report on the news astonished me. According to the reporter with wild hair with a nervous accent: Just got this quick information across the country, a massive amount of hazardous bombs was scattered. It was still unknown whos the responsible for the release of the bombs. Its advisable to keep away from the bomb. After hearing that shocking information, I quickly jumped out the fences and tried to stop them from going near the bomb. But unfortunately. I failed. The explosion was so powerful. The impact caused by the bomb splashed me for about 2 miles and crushing windows, glasses, trees, cars and even the road itself. I guess Im very lucky that I survived. But yet, with my knees kneeled down the floor and my both hands holding my face, all I can just say. Theyre all gone.

Two days after that incident, vengeance and loneliness was tattooed on my mind. I picked up all of my dads artilleries and equipments and started to travel across the world. Finding for hope, for change.

November 21, 2082. 6:12 am. U.AV One week after the crucial incident, the fragments of the incident were still fresh on my mind. While Im doing my multi tasking maneuver (Eating, watching Portable V-tech projector and doing mechanical flaws), the news block I was watching covered a mass Press Conference held at Paris, France. The King was stating some sort of war between nations. He spoke with ease and elegance (some French accent which annoys me) at the beginning of his speech. Later he turned sarcastic and mean as he finally reveals the sidestitches of War of Nations. Giving me more spirit to pursue my revenge.

And as twilight starts to stare, I still continue to write and to design the parallel equipments that will boost this vehicle to enhance my traveling tour. And as I partially finished the entire task for this day, I still conclude: The world War III continues to seek, would it destroy the bond of the nations?

November 26, 2082. 8:44 am. U.A.V Fatigue and stress, the crucial state of my physique. This day since the war started, devastated quickly plagues the globe. Approximately 30% of Asia was conquered by the vast Western Nations army. As I observe the maneuvers and havoc of the perfect army at the V-tech screen, I was amazed in scientific perspective. The whole production and structure of their bodies was so complex and versatile. Killing people with their spontaneous Laser Vortex shooter and crushing vigorous army tanks with their bare hands was so AMAZING. Leaving destruction on their wake.

At the midst of the destruction, one of the soldiers mechanical arms was blown away by an extreme tank and accidentally fell above my U.A.V top cover. Without any hesitations, I grabbed the arm and investigate the material that made W.J.S invincible.

compartment at U.A.V

November 28, 2082 9:25 am. Laboratory

Ah, I feel every single limps of my body stretching out because of hard work at the laboratory. Last night, after I examined every single tissue of the mechanical arm, but I failed. The only thing I noticed is some crystal dusts on the mechanical veins. I was so disappointed. I think I only need some bigger and precise specimen like Perfect armys Chest or even the head itself. November 29, 2082. 9:00 am. Secret Lobby beneath a school at Tokyo, Japan. Just visited my friends secret location. Ive just visited Karll and his brother Raven Tunborrch. Those two were professional weaponry creators and combatants. I came to them to seek for help regarding for the investigation of the mechanical part. After a long debate, I finally convinced them. As time cripples fast, weve finally finalized the dream ambush.

November 30, 2082 5:4 am U.A.V I woke up too early for this day. The dusts and dews of the grass embody the environment. Its been a while since I scented fresh oxygen. And as I take my fancy breakfast, I scan the ambush plan protocol sent via V-mail y Karll. According to the plan, we will lure one bio-soldier in a succumb and secreted are. There we will execute our plan. Heres some illustration of the protocol:

Im not still satisfied with the plan. But I guess we need to gamble our faiths.

Hall, current Perfect Armys target area.

Dec 1, 2082 7:30 pm. Tokyo

We plated our exotraps early. We tried to prepare it as soon as possible at our desired area. Be confident in everything you do, Not all things can be done twice said Karl. It was so inspiring. It gives me more confidence for this plan. And after that speech, the moment came quick as we expected. Finally, Raven with his Ninja couture gimmicks, weve finally lured one soldier . Raven used some fancy decoy to attract the soldier, and it actually does. And as the prey, or I should say the predator came to our trap, Karll and Raven execute the plan quick. And as weve expected, the soldier was paralyzed and had been caught. But the freeze time of the main system of the soldier wont last long. So we immediately amputate some important parts to finally shut it down. Thanks to my Old friends.

December 2, 2082. 6:30 pm. U.A.V Laboratory. Yesterday, weve finally caught a whole soldier. Giving me the chance to investigate more important parts of the soldier. Giving me the chance to unveil the secrets of the worlds strongest Army.

Finally! I knew it was the secret! A quantum chip paired with Colostone and Omni-Crystals are the bread-and-butter power supply amplifier of every equipment which makes them more complex and versatile. Just remembered. According to Dad, the best way to shut down a sophisticated crystal-chipped mechanic bodies are to expose them to Crimstone rays. It was a secret knowledge Dad gave me after the explosion. But unfortunately, most of the Crimstones was disposed to Sun years ago. Only few had it.

December 3, 2082. U.A.V Still, I was wondering where I would acquire that Crimstone. It was so difficult and nearly impossible to find one. Its like finding a single thread on a large corn field. As far as I know, only people from Philippines had it. But Philippines were fully conquered by W.J.N about a month ago. The Country was prohibited and restricted. Even a bird cant enter its territory.

Still, Im researching for the location of the legendary Im trying to communicate all remaining survivors across the globe via a private network lobby online. According to a user from Manila, Philippines named Puff28, the restriction of Philippines wasnt that tight. By undergoing on a secret tunnel beneath a certain ocean. She also asked her if she had some information about the crimstone. According to her, only aristocratic clans had it and treasured it as an ancestral legacy.

After that information I received, I desperately contacted Xien, a boat mobile expert and also my child hood best friend.

Dec 5, 2082 8:46 am. U.A.V Good news, I was able to convince Xien to have a visit at Philippines. I also prepared some stuff I need for the trip. Would War devour Peace?

December 6, 2082 4:00 am. Underground station. Just contacted Xien. And Im waiting him here at this underground station. And as I expected, hes like just like were grade school. Nothing changed in his personality. Reckless, fierce, smart, and prideful. But nonetheless, hes my best friend. As we finally entered the train, Ive seen some news about Philippines. It was something regarding the status of the country. Something usual. Destruction and death. Japan failed the world once again. Along the trip, Xien and I had an conversation about our lives. Xien became an Engineer and married to Zarah and had 3 beautiful daughters. And I also tell something about myself. And as I expected, he didnt get interested about my boring life.

December 7, 2082. 7:00 am. Philippines.

As we entered Philippines, I checked all our supplies and half of it were deducted. Also I was amazed how this coral reef was preserved for years. The ocean, the current, the life forms and even the birds that can be stared above the clear sea was so amazing. Filipinos surely are organized people.

By passing through some hidden canals, weve finally reached Manilas underground lobby. There, we met Jose, their captain. Jose shown hospitable traits of Filipinos to us. He gave us drinks, food and shelter. What a good characteristic Filipinos had. Without any doubt, this may be the reason why many countries tried to colonize them. As we took dinner, Ive seen a rare scene. A family praying before eating dinner, smiling and loving each other. Anyways, weve held a meeting with Jose and revealed our true agenda upon visiting Philippines. According to Jose, he didnt hear even the word Crimson on their lands. Giving me more pain that this trip would be wasted. So weve just decided to make an large announcement of the citizen of the underground village. Xien as an ambassador, announced about our own plan to restore piece. To find Crimstone. But as he ended his speech, no one reacted. It disappointed me. It makes my faith smaller. But, I wont give up that quick. For I had the blood of Saldons running through my veins. Anyways, at the speech, Id noticed a beautiful girl sitting on the side of the tables. She was so mysterious. She was holding some kind of pendant while her eyes observing everyone. Looks weird for me. But I got interested and asked her name. Hazel Odilas, thats her name. Both of us caught each others attention quickly as we had an interesting conversation. And I admit it, I loved her.

December 16, 2082. Underground lobby. Manila, Philippines.

Were still searching for Crimstone. Were just hoping Crimstone was here, it would be a big disappointment for us if it didnt. Weve just wasted all our efforts.

As usual, we took breakfast. And Xien continued our research. And I quickly looked for Hazel. For a short period of time, I already missed her so much. I missed her scent, her voice, her face and she itself. As I walked on the hall, I finally met her and both of us decided to talk for a while. And as we walk, Ive noticed something interesting on her pendant. Some crimson colored stone embedded on the middle of her pendant. So I asked her about her pendant and she said: This pendant was so special. The stone embedded on the middle was a stone our clan treasured. This pendant came from my ancestors. This pendant is very important for me. I had a guess that the stone Hazel had on her pendant was the Legendary Crimstone. The stone that will neutralize those big bullies and put equality on world. But, as Hazel said, that pendant is her most treasured thing. But I tried to borrow her pendant for some inspections and examination to prove that its really the Crimstone. What a coincidence, the girl I love is the one who wields right nows most important stone. I think its really destiny brought me here, to discover the Crimstone and meet the girl I would Love.

December 17, 2082. 8:26 am. Underground Manila, Philippines.

This morning, Ive just realized. Theres a specific thing lost everywhere. A thing the whole World joys. The cold breeze of winter that makes every child to do their wish lists. The streets filled with shimmering lights at

night. The stunning trees designed with flashing lights and a star at the top. Something like Christmas. Anyways, after Ive finally examined the stone on Hazels pendant, as I expected. The crimson data dad gave me and the data of the pendants stone matched. Finally, Ive found the Legendary Crimstone. I quickly informed Xien and Hazel about the Crimstone. Xien is the only one who got happy about the news, but Hazel remained Silent and sad. So I confront her and explain if I could borrow her pendant for a while and she said: It wasnt about the Pendant. Its about you. If you had the Crimstone right now, youll leave Philippines and continue your journey. Youll be gone and Ill be alone. I dont want to be alone again. Ive appreciated your concern Hazel. Words that make her tears wiped out and her face attain happiness. After she unveils her feelings, I decided to bring her with us. As we packed ourselves, Filipinos gave us food and fuels needed for the trip. Giving me pressure that their faiths are burdened at my shoulders, oh I mean at our soldiers.

December 18, 2082. 6:20 am. Underground tunnel back to Tokyo, Japan.

Earlier at the morning, we already left the lobby. And at the station, three of us are so stressed and weak. So we decided to rest for a while to regain strength needed. I also checked our resource inventory and heres the chart:

Food & Meal: 400 packs H2o & Solutes: 60 gallons Fuel tanks: 50-90 (1 ton per tank) Weaponry bullets/batteries: 60 remaining.

As I expected, our resources would be lessen faster because of our new Member. But the resources given by the Filipinos were helpful and added to our inventory.

Its been around 6:30 pm since weve reached Tokyo. But an unexpected scenario welcomes us as we parked the train. The perfect army finally discovers the underground world of rebels. They destroyed all tunnels an even killed most of the citizen there. Were lucky that they didnt notice us. Probably because we took the most secreted tunnel on underground base. Without any hesitations, we changed our lane into a random route. A route that would take us to a new world. The route 00.

December 19,2082. Route 00.

After we saw Underground world was already conquered, we quickly flee to save ourselves. This time, with Crimstone already, I and my most important friends take route 00. Route 00(route Zero) is a route Ive never been through. So Im nervous for what will welcomes us as we enter this mysterious branch line. Nervous and sadness was obvious on Hazel and Xiens face. Two of them are scared and being too emotional because of what theyve seen. The only world free people can inherit was gone. But this gives me more spirit to end this. Just wait WJN; Ill crush all of you. Apparently, this route seems to be long. Or even infinite. Weve already passed through 15 branch stations along the way and seems cant find anything. So weve decided to rest and trust the auto-pilot robot to take care for the wheels. December 20, 2082. Route 00.

As I woke up this morning, were still at route 00. I guess theres something weird around here. The branch stations seem to be mutual. I guess this route is a labyrinth. I suspect that this Route is some kind of maze. With my eyes puffed and concentrating, I observe every single railing were passing through. I also recorded the motion path of the v-train to observe its movement. While Im busy at my observation, Xien and Hazel are preparing some tasty dinner. But I tried not to be distracted by the luscious smell of food. Because if I would, I could miss a single clue.

Its midnight and both Xien and Hazel are at cloud nine of sleep. My body is really tired and almost collapses. So Ive decided to take my rest too. But as a substitute, I placed my RoboCam at the window to record the path. I also keep the motion path recorder for more information while Im asleep.

December 21, 2082. Route 00.

The motion path recorder and RoboCam already caught something suspicious. The motion path recorder is illustrating that the train turns left every 5 hours at a certain point. In short, it the direction of the route is circle, repeating again and again. Also, the RoboCam caught on the video some patterns. And it also reveals that were passing through the certain point every 5 hours as the path recorder says. I guess I solved the mystery about this Fancy route. Xien and Hazel were shocked about the truth behind this unending route. So 3 of us decided to breach out into the middle. Probably leaving the train and roam around and check the Core station. As we leave the train, Ive noticed some shape hiding behind the posts; maybe it was just my imagination. We expect that the core station would be the best hiding place after Perfect army breached down here, but were wrong. The core station was

totally destroyed and messed up. I guess WJN knew this place would be the first hiding place the Survivors would be. Pitty WJN. What we just saw were few survivors. We met 3 teenagers(2 girls and 1 boy). At first, they was shocked for our arrival, they almost attacked my love. I think they learned the instinct of a vicious killer turtle (Hiding at one point and killing predators when they tried to hurt them). But later on theyve calmed and had a conversation with us. The boys name was Sieg. Siegs appearance is neat and clean. Sieg had a fair body and face. I guess hes trust worthy. The two girls are named Alletzirk and Allenoj. Two of them are sisters. Two of them are charming and alluring. But I wont be attracted to other girls except for my love Hazel. Also, two of them are also trust worthy. After a long conversation, Ive decided to take 3 of them with us. And without any hesitations, they immediately accepted my invitation. Xien and I is happy for recruiting more survivors at our trip. Because it only shows that more people wants to support me. But Hazel wasnt that happy. I dont know the particular reason but Ill just ask her later. As we aboard at the train to rest, Sieg, Alletzirk and Allonej are amazed. Thus, we continued and finally had a rest.

December 22, 2082. Route 00. I woke up late and all of them already finished eating breakfast. Alletzirk and Allenoj helped Hazel cleaning our mess. While Sieg and Xien is fixing our v-train. I wonder how could I inform the rebel government about my discovery. I Guess we need to contact them so I can use this Crimstone.

December 23,2082. Route 00. Sieg,Xien and I decided to breach above this underground route to escape this endless maze. But were still concern about the army. What if theyre

actually scattered above us waiting for our appearance. Still it wasnt that sure but we need to gamble to survive.

And as the quest for peace of this team continues, without their consciousness, they themselves are slowly creating history. One of the most important key tasks anyone imagined. The tasks of restoring peace and harmony upon a land without please.

Jan 3, 2083. Almost a month after Joshuas crew succeeded acknowledging Eastern Joint Nations about the weakness discovered by Joshua about the Army. Without any hesitations, East Nations quickly built as massive Crimstone Harvester Satellite and send it to roam above space, and to end the armys havoc. Jan 10, 2083 As the final song of peace was ready to sung, almost everyones hope was attached onto Joshuas plan. And as everyones wanted to happen, the Crimstone burned down and disabled the army leaving the Western Nations weak and defenseless( Because almost 85% of their troops was scattered all over the world and almost small troops was left to guard their countries). Jan 19, 2083. The date of restoring peace. The date everyone wished for, finally, Western Nations kneeled down and admitted their mistakes. At Tokyo, Japan. A peace ceremony was held, honoring 6 heroic teenagers for saving the world. Also at that date, General Soach Rekcuf whom started the invasion, was seen dead at the prison he was detained. German armies also honored his death with the traditional vintage gun salute. Jan 26, 2083.

Millions of years ago, countries are compacted as one holy land called Pangaea. But as world erupts and destructed, it was spliced into hundreds of islands. Isolating everyone from each other. And as billion of years pass, we quickly evolve with the mentality to stand above everyone. But, as nations are united, now, everyone stands above everyone. Jan 26, the date wherein every nation decided to unite as one. And they call the newborn Land called Dove.

The End

January 3, 2011. Ahh, what an amazing DREAM. Oh, Im late for our group stage play practice. I wonder what kind of stage play the other class prepared. Nah, I just hope we would have peace and coordination at our practice so we can stand out on that day of presentation. So long my friend, I hope you liked my dream even if it was a bit LONG. Gonna eat my breakfast, I dont want to be late.

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