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Evidence of Competency: Narrative of Promise This narrative review highlights my competency in both leadership and communication.

I believe these two narratives specifically highlight my strengths and areas of growth. I would also venture to say that is also focuses on my commitment to the field of higher education. I believe that these two narratives definitely speak to who I am and what I have contributed and what I will contribute to the field on the future. Ray Tennison and Willie Gore were both able to share the some concrete examples of how I lead, things I designed, my interpersonal interaction and my daily communication. I believe this artifact fits reflective leadership because of my ability to learn, lead, and empower other which was shared throughout their narrative. I would also say how Willie shared my appreciation for the field and how I articulate my passion. These past two years Ray was able to be provide me the opportunity to learn and grow from him. I was able to seek new knowledge and development through you. As my past supervisor he was able to see me grow and lead. I worked directly with Ray my first year as an Assistant Resident Director for Mertz Hall a first year community. My first year was no easy year, I was faced with many challenges some being homesick, work life balance, anxiety, family issues, and overall expectations. Ray was able to ease some of that and mentor me in a way that I would be receptive. Some of the major thing that we worked together with is the overall maintenance and community building of residents hall. I also worked closely with him in conduct and crisis management. Ray had enough faith in me to share work, dreams, and the vision with me. He accepted my eagerness to learn more each day and my sheer joy over the little things. These past two years through supervising me he has shown me how to development as a new professional. I realized very quickly through his leadership the power of a mentor and to have someone cheering you on. These past two years he has also provided me an opportunity to reflect on my ability to lead others and empower students in my various capacities.

Willie Gore is a first year graduate student in the Higher Education Program and a graduate assistant in the Department of Residence Life. Willie Gore is one that I can honestly say that kept me grounded and pushing forward this semester. Ever since he was visiting on campus for the initial housing graduate assistant, I knew we connected but did not understand. Yes some would say because we share some identities but that was not it. Willie allowed me to mentor him and support him. We shared many of the same struggles in terms of being African American student as a predominately White institution. Through this our relationship grew stronger and stronger. I work with Willie on different projects and committees within the department and outside the department. Willie and I have been able to support one another and I am happy that I can be a role model for him. The support that we show and give to one another in our assistantship and our coursework was important for the both of us as we progress in our academics and our assistantship. As I was reflecting on this letter one thing Willie have taught me was to understand truly why I do the things I do. Why do I wake up in the morning and go to work each day? The question remains What is your Why? That is something you asked me on the first day we meet and I appreciate that because I believe everyone should be able to articulate their why.

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