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three ships with him- the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

Discovered an island in the Bahamas and thought he was in the Indies so he called the natives that inhabited this island the Indians.

Robert De La Salle
Led a French expedition down

the Mississippi River In the 1680s. He was the first European to sail down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

Sent by England to explore the Northeast coast of North America in 1497 and 1498. Goal of expedition was to find wealth in the new lands.

Spanish Conquistadores Started his expedition in 1519 with five tiny ships. Sailed through the strait at the tip of South America. Slain by the inhabitants of the Philippines.

People who built mounds for things such as residential and ceremonial services and burial. Lasted from 3000 BC to the 16th century.

Mound Builders

The Spanish fleet that sailed against England. August 8, 1588 The largest engagement of the undeclared Anglo-Spanish war. England surprisingly defeats them. Opens up exploration for the English.

Spanish conquerors. 3 G Goals: Gold, God, and Glory Swept across Cuba and Mexico.

Extinguished Aztec and Incan empires while sweeping

through what is now the Southwestern United States. THE SPANISH CONQUERED THE AMERICAS BUT DID NOT PEOPLE THEM Intermarriagedeveloped social classes

Spanish built a fortress to block

French ambitions and to protect sea lanes to the Caribbean. This place was founded in 1565 being named the oldest continually inhabited European Settlement in the future United States.

Iroquois Confederacy
This group was inspired by a

strong leader named Hiawatha in the 16th century. They developed the political and organizational skills to sustain a robust military alliance that menaced its neighbors.

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