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Global Geography 12 C.P.

Allen High School

twitter: @MrBrewerCPA Mr. Brewer

Group Challenge! To test your basic knowledge about key geography concepts, complete this pre test in groups o! " #. $iscuss each %uestion and decide as a group which answer seems best to you all and be prepared to e&plain your choice. 'ood luck( Match the !ollowing concepts:

)* +,


. / 0 1


There are !i2e main lines o! latitude that circle the earth. ,hat are they3 4. 5. ". #. 6. There are se2en continents on earth. .ame as many as you can: 4. 5. ". #. 6. 7. 8. .ame the largest city in9 .o2a 1cotia Canada

There are two key lines o! longitude that di2ide the earth. ,hat are they3 4. 5.

The ,orld

Bonus: :ow many people li2e in these cities3

Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School

twitter: @MrBrewerCPA Mr. Brewer

How many oceans are there on Earth? What are their names?

)ach chunk o! the bar below represents 4;< o! the )arth=s sur!ace. Create a legend >a code that e&plains 2isual symbols?, and e&press using lines@shading@pattern@colour@etc. how much o! the )arth=s sur!ace is co2ered by water and how much is co2ered by land. All sections o! the bar below should be used(

:ow many people li2e on earth3 :ow many countries is the sur!ace o! the )arth di2ided into3 :ow many can you name3 ,hat is the highest point on )arth3 ,hat is the lowest point on )arth >hint: it=s not on land(?3 Countries are o!ten di2ided into subsections. Canada uses two types o! subsections what are they called3 4. .ame all 4" o! Canada=s subsections: 5.

Nova Scotia is divided into counties. How many are there, and what are their names?

Aou should attempt to complete this task through collaboration alone to start. Aou will be permitted to use other materials as the class mo2es along. ,e will ha2e a component o! our class that in2ol2es labelling maps, and this will help you get started with it(

Group Challenge!

Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School

twitter: @MrBrewerCPA Mr. Brewer

To test your basic knowledge about key geography concepts, complete this pre test in groups o! " #. $iscuss each %uestion and decide as a group which answer seems best to you all and be prepared to e&plain your choice. 'ood luck( Match the !ollowing concepts:

)* +,


. / 0 1


There are !i2e main lines o! latitude that circle the earth. ,hat are they3 1. Arctic Circle 2. Tropic of Cancer 3. E uator !. Tropic of Capricorn ". Antarctic Circle There are se2en continents on earth. .ame as many as you can: 4. Africa 5. Antarctica ". A#ia #. Au#tralia 6. Europe 7. $orth A%erica 8. South A%erica .ame the largest city in9 .o2a 1cotia Halifa& 3'() ((( Canada

There are two key lines o! longitude that di2ide the earth. ,hat are they3 4. Prime Meridian 5. Bnternational $ate -ine

The ,orld Shanghai 1!.3" %illion

Toronto 2." %illion

Bonus: :ow many people li2e in these cities3 :ow many oceans are there on earth3 ,hat are their names3

Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School

twitter: @MrBrewerCPA Mr. Brewer

Atlantic *cean Arctic *cean +n,ian *cean Pacific *cean Southern *cean )ach chunk o! the bar below represents 4;< o! the )arth=s sur!ace. Create a legend >a code that e&plains 2isual symbols?, and e&press using lines@shading@pattern@colour@etc. how much o! the )arth=s sur!ace is co2ered by water and how much is co2ered by land. All sections o! the bar below should be used(

:ow many people li2e on earth3 -.2 billion :ow many countries is the sur!ace o! the )arth di2ided into3 1.' / 1'0 :ow many can you name3 A 1*T ,hat is the highest point on )arth3 2ount E3ere#t ,hat is the lowest point on )arth >hint: it=s not on land(?3 2ariana# Trench Countries are o!ten di2ided into subsections. Canada uses two types o! subsections what are they called3 1. Pro3ince# 2. Territorie# $orth4e#t Territorie# $una3ut 9u8on

.ame all 4" o! Canada=s subsections: Alberta $e4foun,lan, an, 1abra,or 5riti#h Colu%bia $o3a Scotia 2anitoba *ntario $e4 5run#4ic8

Prince E,4ar, +#lan, 6u7bec Sa#8atche4an

.o2a 1cotia is di2ided into counties. :ow many are there, and what are their names3 Annapoli# Guy#borough Pictou Antigoni#h Halifa& 6ueen# Cape 5reton Hant# <ich%on, Colche#ter +n3erne## Shelburne Cu%berlan, ;ing# =ictoria :igby 1unenburg 9ar%outh Be prepared to keep this acti2ity to check your answers in class and research answers you don=t locate today at home. ,e will ha2e a component o! our class that in2ol2es labelling maps, and this will help you get started with it(

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