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Intervention Suggestions for Recruitment and Retention Strategies Strategies for Recruitment include:

Recruitment Selection

Strategies for Retention include:

Employee Orientation and Onboarding Career development Employee Recognition and Reward Training Supervision

Examples of common interventions related to each strategy are listed below. This list is not comprehensive but rather is meant to offer suggestions. !nformation and resources that are available through this "eb portal#s recruitment and retention resources can be located through a word search. $ew resources and information will be added on a regular basis. !nterventions for a Recruitment strategy can include: Realistic %ob &reviews 'information available on this web portal( Expanded recruitment sources Referrals from existing staff )eveloping an *early pipeline+ of persons interested in receiving the education experience or credentialing re,uired for the profession -ttracting different generations Expanding the recruitment pool or recruiting from specific populations 'e.g. people with disabilities consumers veterans or older employees( .uilding a comprehensive web site that includes mar/eting and recruitment sections

!nterventions for a Selection strategy can include:

Experiential hiring or 0ob tryouts Structured interviews "or/er registry or referral center

!nterventions for Employee Orientation and Onboarding strategy can include: Reviewing and implementing employee orientation and onboarding strategies 'information available on this web portal( 1sing the buddy system to assist new hires 'information available on this web portal( -ddressing new employee#s generational differences 'information available on this web portal(

%ob shadowing Training newly hired to competencies Engaging employees through retention practices

!nterventions for a Career Development strategy can include: 1sing competencies in developing career ladders hiring and supervision 'information available on this web portal( 2entoring 'information available on this web portal( Succession planning3leadership development Retention strategies for different generations )eveloping career pathways %ob sculpting3flex time !ntern to employee

!nterventions for a Recognition and Reward strategy can include:

!nformal recognition strategies 'information available on this web portal( 4ormal recognition strategies 'information available on this web portal( Rewards through motivation 'information available on this web portal( Employee suggestion programs 'information available on this web portal(

!nterventions for a Training strategy can include: Training associated with credentials and standards 'information available on this web portal( Training based on feedbac/ 'information available on this web portal(( 5endor6developed or existing training 'information available on this web portal( )esigning and developing customi7ed training 'information available on this web portal( Competency6based training Competency training to upgrade

!nterventions for a Supervision strategy can include: 2a/ing supervision effective 'information available on this web portal( Choosing an effective supervision style 'information available on this web portal( Turning supervisors into coaches 'information available on this web portal( Encouraging Emotional !ntelligence in the wor/place 'information available on this web portal( )eveloping effective communication 'information available on this web portal( !ncorporating tactics to motivate employees 'information available on this web portal( 1sing effective conflict negotiation 'information available on this web portal( Team building 'information available on this web portal( 2anaging for generational differences 'information available on this web portal( Encouraging culturally competent supervision 'information available on this web portal( )eveloping participatory management .ehavioral health specific training

8olding high performance practices

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