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Ayrshire Nappy Library

Loan Form
Full Name Address

Phone Number Email Address Nappy/s & Accessories Borrowed

Deposit Date Borrowed

Payment Method Due Date & Return Method

Loan Agreement I can confirm that:

I ha e recei ed instructions !or the nappies and will !ollow them in its use" I ha e chec#ed that the nappies and any accessories are present and in $ood wor#in$ order" I ha e read% understood and a$ree to abide by the borrowin$ terms and conditions"

I a$ree to return the nappies% accessories and instructions in $ood condition by the date and method abo e" Borrowers &i$nature Date

'n behal! o! Ayrshire Nappy (ibrary% I a$ree to the loan as detailed abo e" )he loan deposit has been recei ed" (enders &i$nature Date

For Admin use only* Anythin$ missin$/dama$ed Amount to be char$ed Deposit re!unded% Method + Amount"

Ayrshire Nappy Library

Ayrshire Nappy Library

B'RR',IN- )ERM& & .'NDI)I'N& / P(EA&E 0EEP )1E&E F'R 2'3R RE.'RD&
1. Loan Form a4 A (oan Form must be completed !or each time you borrow with your !ull name% address and contact details% deposit alues% return method and due date" b4 2our personal details will be #ept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 5667% and will only be used to contact you in relation to your loan" 2. Loan Cost and Duration a4 All nappies are lent sub8ect to a ailability% condition and suitability" b4 )he standard loan period is 9 wee#s" (oans are !ree o! char$e and last !or 9 wee#s" ,e will wor# to$ether to come up with a #it suitable to your needs" c4 At our discretion you may arran$e to borrow nappies !or a shorter or lon$er period :!or a holiday% e ent% etc""4 please contact us to discuss" . Deposit a4 A !ully re!undable deposit is re;uired !or each loan" )he deposit amount is <=> and will be returned in !ull !ollowin$ the timely return o! the nappies or accessories undama$ed with all instructions and any additional accessories" b4 )he replacement o! any lost nappies% accessories or instructions will be paid !or out o! your deposit" ,here the amount owed is more than the deposit you will be re;uired to co er the cost and it will be ta#en up in the small claims court i! not recei ed" .har$es !or lost components will be e;ual to replacement cost :includin$ any posta$e costs4" .har$es !or items dama$ed beyond normal wear and tear will be 8ud$ed on a case by case basis" c4 At our discretion% deposits may be reduced or wai ed !or those with special or e?ceptional circumstances" !. "ayment #ethods a4 Deposits may be $i en as cash or !riends and !amily PayPal payment% and are re!unded by the method $i en" $. %eser&ations a4 2ou can reser e nappies !or when they are ne?t a ailable and as a$reed in ad ance" ,e cannot o!!er $uarantees !or when they will become a ailable% but will do the utmost to pro ide you with the best a ailability in!ormation a ailable" 2ou will be as#ed to complete a loan !orm in ad ance" )he nappies will only be reser ed i! the !orm has been recei ed and ac#nowled$ed by us" b4 Reser ation ser ices are made a ailable entirely at the library@s discretion and these !acilities may be withdrawn at any time without notice" '. Late %eturns a4 I! we do not hear !rom you within A> days !rom the start o! your loan% we will consider the nappies lost and #eep your !ull deposit and send a bill !or any remainin$ balance due" b4 I! you are unable to return your nappies by the a$reed date due to library sta!! illness or holidays% we will e?tend your loan period and a$ree a new returns due date with you" (. %eturning Nappies a4 Returns can be made durin$ a Meet or by a prearran$ed a$reement at a con enient location" I! this is not possible the nappies and instructions may be returned by post to arri e on or be!ore the returns due date" b4 Nappies% accessories and instructions returned by post should be sent to* 5AA Mc0inlay .rescent% Ir ine% 0A59 7DR c4 )he nappies are returned by post at your own cost and ris# :we ad ise that you use &pecial Deli ery and retain proo! o! posta$e4" Please ensure you allow su!!icient time !or the nappies to arri e by their return due date" d4 Please ensure that the nappies% instructions and any accessories are pac#a$ed appropriately / we pre!er that you @doubleBba$@ them and write both addresses on both layers" ). Condition of the Nappies a4 All nappies are chec#ed be!ore lendin$ to ensure that they are in $ood condition and wor#in$ order" )he borrower may chec# the condition o! them prior to the start o! the loan and must con!irm on the loan Ayrshire Nappy Library



11. 59"

!orm that they are in wor#in$ order" b4 It is the borrowers responsibility to chec# o er them be!ore e ery use" Ensurin$ that there is no tears% brea#s or holes" I! any dama$e is disco ered please stop usin$ them immediately and contact us" Laundering Nappies a4 Nappies will be laundered prior to $oin$ out !or hire and should be returned properly laundered ready to be loaned out" b4 ,e as# that you !ollow all manu!acturer@s instructions% where there are none we will $i e out our own instructions" It is your responsibility to ma#e sure you ha e these" c4 Ne er use !abric so!tener on any o! the nappies or accessories as this a!!ects the absorbency and will ma#e the nappies !ail" (et us #now i! you accidentally do this so we can run throu$h the process o! strippin$ it out" d4 ,e as# that you re!rain !rom tumble dryin$ or placin$ the nappies directly onto a radiator as o er time this can a!!ect the P3(" I! you are unsure chec# the manu!acturer@s instructions or $et in touch" Care of Nappies a4 3nder no circumstances is it permitted to smo#e whilst near or holdin$ the nappies" Please in!orm us i! you are a smo#er% or i! there is a smo#er in your home" &mo#in$ is #nown to increase the ris# o! cot death !or babies% and these ris#s ha e also been lin#ed to babies bein$ in close contact with clothin$ or ob8ects contaminated with smo#e particles" b4 Please #eep the nappies away !rom anythin$ that may stain permanently :oil% paint% pens% etc""4 or anythin$ that mi$ht dama$e it :scissors% elcro% #eys in your ba$% !ire% etc""4 )he cost o! dama$e beyond normal wear and tear may be remo ed !rom your deposit" A,, nappies- instructions and accessories remain the property of Ayrshire Nappy Library at a,, times- and a,, ,oans are sub.ect to a&ai,abi,ity and our discretion. I) I& 2'3R RE&P'N&IBI(I)2 )' EN&3RE )1A) 2'3 ARE 3&IN- )1E NAPPIE& .'RRE.)(2 AND )1A) 2'3R BAB2 'R .1I(D I& &AFE A) A(( )IME&" A2R&1IRE &(IN- (IBRAR2 .ANN') BE 1E(D RE&P'N&IB(E F'R AN2 A..IDEN) )1A) RE&3()& IN INC3R2 'R DEA)1 ,1I(&) )1E NAPPIE& ARE IN 2'3R .ARE"

Confirmation of Loan Agreement

I ha e borrowed the !ollowin$*B

I ha e read% understood and a$ree to abide by the nappy instructions and borrowin$ terms and

I will return the nappy/s borrowed by the !ollowin$ date and

method*DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Borrower@s Date &i$nature 'n behal! o! Ayrshire Nappy (ibrary I a$ree to the loan abo e" )he deposit o! <DDDDDDDDD has been recei ed" .A&1/PA2PA( (ender@s &i$nature Date
For the duration o! the loan i! you ha e any ;uestions you can contact us by email at ayrshirenappylibraryEhotmail"com or ia our !aceboo# pa$e at www"!aceboo#"com/ayrshirenappylibrary ,e will aim to $et bac# to you as soon as we can :usually within 9Fhrs4"

Ayrshire Nappy Library

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