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HEAD OFFICE (SEOUL KOREA) Tel> 8733?3-&&88 F $> 873367-883' ULSAN PLAN, R & D CENTER(ULSAN KOREA) Tel>8;7-7@7-;&7&"7@6-?;6& F $>8;7-76A-6'&8

NIXOL RNF-366F is designed for the production of rigid polyureth ne fo !" especi lly for discontinuous l !in ted p nel syste!# It consists of !i$ture-polyol" silicone surf ct nt" c t lyst nd %CFC-&'&( s (lo)ing gent# Its ch r cteristic fe tures re good flo) (ility" lo) ther! l conducti*ity" good di!ension l st (ility nd good co!p t (ility )ith Crude +DI#

T,-IC.L -RO-/RTI/0
IT/+ .ppe r nce 6iscosity" cps t 78 0pecific 1r *ity" t 78 NIXOL RNF-366F D r9 (ro)n li:uid 388 &#&;8

Ingredient NIXOL RNF-366F Crude-+DI2&3 NIXOL RNF-366F &88 &88

2&3 NCO4 5 (out 3&

Re ction -rofile Cre ! Ti!e <sec3 1el Ti!e <sec3 Free Rise Density <9g=!33

73 &68 7;#;


HEAD OFFICE (SEOUL KOREA) Tel> 8733?3-&&88 F $> 873367-883' ULSAN PLAN, R & D CENTER(ULSAN KOREA) Tel>8;7-7@7-;&7&"7@6-?;6& F $>8;7-76A-6'&8


Fo !ing conditions
Ite!s Co!ponent Te!per ture <-=I3 +i$ing 0peed = Ti!e Roo! Te!per ture .t!osphere -ressure Free Rise Density
B% nd Fo !ing Test t C-C L (#D

Conditions 78 = 78 ;888 rp! = &8 sec 78 77 &8&3 !( r fter & hr fro! fo !ing

2 .ctu l re ction profile * lues could (e * rious depending on the processing conditions

+olded Fo ! -hysic l -roperties B + chine Fo !ing Test Result D

Ite!s Core Density<9g=!33 C-F ctor <9c l=!#hr#3 Closed cell content <43 Co!pressi*e 0trength<9g=c!7"=="3 Fle$ur l strength <9g=c!73 Tensile strength <9g=c!73 G ter (sorption<g=&88 c!73 Fl !! (ility<&3 Fl !! (ility<73 Di!ension l 0t (ility <43 -38 " 7' hr @8" 7' hr NIXOL RNF-366F 3;#7 8#8&;; ?7#@ &#?A=&#'7 7#?8 3#88 &#?; 0#/ @64 -8#78 8#38 Test +ehtod .0T+ D &677 .0T+ C &@@ .0T+ D 7A;6 .0T+ D &67& .0T+ D @?8 .0T+ D &673 .0T+ D 7A'7 .0T+ D &6?7 .0T+ D 38&' .0T+ D 7&76

2 Test Conditions
- + chine > /+E -U-A8 - Cycling=shotting pressure<-=I3 > &;8=&;8 ( r - +old 0iFe > @88X;88X&88!!3 - +old Te!per ture > '8& - De!old ti!e > 78!in - Declining fo !ing (y &; deg


NIXOL RNF-366F is supplied in steel dru!s# .*er ge net )eight --------------------------- 7889g .*er ge gross )eight -------------------------- 7789g

HEAD OFFICE (SEOUL KOREA) Tel> 8733?3-&&88 F $> 873367-883' ULSAN PLAN, R & D CENTER(ULSAN KOREA) Tel>8;7-7@7-;&7&"7@6-?;6& F $>8;7-76A-6'&8

NIXOL RNF-366F is slightly hygroscopic nd !ust (e stored under conditions so th t cont !in tion )ith ) ter nd the (sorption of t!ospheric !oisture re pre*ented# Cont ct )ith copper or copper lloys !ust (e *oided# NIXOL RNF-366F should (e stored in dry condition ) y fro! direct sources of he t" prefer (ly in the unopened origin l cont iners# Opened dru!s !ust (e closed tightly nd i!!edi tely fter dr )ing-off ! teri l# Reco!!ended ! $i!u! stor ge ti!e --------------------- 6 !onths stor ge te!per ture ----------------------- &838oC

NIXOL RNF-366F h s *ery lo) order of cute to$icity nd is neither irrit ting nor (eing sensiti*e to the s9in# It is che!ic l for industry use nd nor! l c re should (e t 9en to *oid unnecess ry cont cts" spl shes in the eyes" or ccident l ingestion#

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