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1.P.;N. Problem Solving in SocialInteraction on the lnternet:Rumor as Social Cognition
2.G. What' s Modem about the Modem Legend?' 1985
3.C.J. Perceived Control in Wish and Dread Rumors 1996
4.J.S. A Rumor-Panic about a dangerous Satanic Cult in Western New York 1989(1-2)
5.J.R. Rumor as a social phenomenon:An analysis of three crisis rumors of the 1970s 1986
6.S.R.;P. A Social Comparison Ac-count of Gossip 2004
7.C.J.;D. Evidence for a Social Conduct Moderating Function of Common Gossip 1998
8.C.J.;B. The Virulence of Dread Ru-mors:A Field Experiment 1991
9.J.;M. Moralities of Everyday Life 1982
10.F.;J.R.;s.s. Chaging the World and Changing the Self:A Two-process Model of
Perceived Control 1982
11.R.L.;A.J. Rumor 2000
12.R.L.;M. "Killed by Idle Gossip":The Psychology of Small Talk 1985
13.R.L.;G.A. Rumorand Gossip:The Social Psychology of Hearsay 1976
14.R.L. Rumor and Gossip in Interpersonal Interaction and Beyond:A Social Exchange Perspective
15.R.L. Inside Rumor:A Personal Journey 1991
16.P.B. Modem Legend and Rumor Theory 1972
17.D.K.;S.;D.B. 'Antiperspirant Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer 2002(20)
18.D.L. Introduction to Collective Behavior 1985
19.G.;S. Rumor and Gossip in Orga-nizations:A Conceptual Study 2000(05)
20.F.T.;M.A. 'Of Tabloids and Family Secrets:The Evolutionary Psychology of
Gossip 2002
21.T. The Rule of Social Networks in the Adjustment of African Students to British
Society:Students' Perceptions 2001
22.A. From Survival Tales to Attack Predictions,Rumors Fly 2001
23.O. The Crisis Mauager:Facing Risk and Responsibility 1977
24.R.F.;L.;K.D. Gossip as Cultural Learning 2004
25.R.A.;D.B. 'Word-of-MouthCommunication in the Soviet Union 1953
26.P.;T. What is an Urban Legend? 2003

27., ! Verses,Foiled Again ! (2004,August 23).Retrieved 5 December 2005 from

28. The 4000 Jews Rumor 2005
29.R.H. Rumors as Intensified Information Seeking:Earthquake Rumor in China and the United
States 1994
30.R.H. Collective Behavior 1964
31.P.A.;G.A. Whispers onthe Color Line:Rumor and Race in America 2001
32.P.A. 1 Heard It through the Grapevine:Rumor in African-American Culture 1993
33.J.M. Gossip as Social Comparison 1977
34.L.C.;K.C.;C. Rumor and Gossip:Social Discourse on HIV and AIDS 1999
35.M. A Tale of Two Cities 2003
36.T. Improvised News:A Sociological Study of Rumor 1966
37.N.B.;L.H. Passing the Word:Toward a Model of Gossip and Power in the Workplace 2000
38.R.H. A Psychology of Rumor 1944
39.S.J. The Attainment of Peer Status:Gender and Power Rela-tionships in the Elementary School
40.S.R. Rumors in Iraq:A Guide to winning hearts and minds 2004
41.J.-N.;B. Rumors:Uses,Interpretations and Images 1990
42.M.E.;A.A.;B.;R.L. Gossip,Gossipers,Gossipees 1994
43.G.W.;L.J. An Analy-sis of Rumor 1947
44.R.L. On Rumor 1974(03)
45.S. American Dream Put on Hold at Car Plant Doomed to Shut 1992
46.A0B. Rumor Reseach:An Overview 1973
47.M.;R. News from Behind My Hand:Gossip in Organizations 1993
48.M. Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesau-rus 1996
49. Gossip and Scandal 1963
50.B. Tales of Mass Murder,Rape Proving False 2005
51.M.;R.L. Notes toward a Contextualist Understanding of Social Psychology 1985
52.A.M. Rumor Turns Fantasy into Bad Dream 1991
53.V.E. Man' s Search for Meaning:From Death-camp to Existentialism 1959
54.E.K.;R.L. Gossip and Net-work Relationships:The Process of Constructing and Managing
Difficult Interaction 2006
55.E.K. Research on Gossip:Taxonomy,Methods,and Future Directions 2004
56.S.T. Social Beings:A Core Motives Approach to Social Psycho-logy 2004
57.G.A. Manufacturing Tales:Sex and Money in Contemporary Legends 1992
58.G.A. Rumors and Gossip 1985
59.D.;J.L. The Structure of Gossip:Opportu-nities and Constraints on Collective Expression
among Adolescents 1991

60.J.C.;C. Fear Exceeded Crime' s Reality in New Orleans 2005

61.R.I.M. Gossip in Evolutionary Perspective 2004
62.R. Contemporary Legends,Rumours and Collective Behavior:Some Neglected Resources for
Medical Sociology? 2001
63.N.;P.;R.L. Reining in Rumors 1994(01)
64.M.-;W.G. Beliefs in Conspiracies 1999
66.H.;J. Psst,Did You Hear?:Exploring the Gossip Phenomenon 2002
67.C.;C.;E. Emo-fional Selection in Memes:The Case of Urban Legends 2001
68.N.;P. Rumors In-fluence:Toward a Dynamic Social Impact Theory of Rumor
69.P.;N.;R.;L. Rumor Denials as Persuasive Messages:Effects of Personal
Rele-vance,Source,and Message Characteristics 2005
70.P.;N. Psychological Motivationsin Rumor Spread 2005
72.N.;P. Rumor Psychology:Social and Organizational Approaches 2007
73.N. Rumors reported in December 2005,NPR web Survey 2005
74.N.R.;D.A.;J.R.;C.J.F. S. Relational Victimization
in Childhood and Adolescence:I Hurt You through the Grapevine 2001
75.P.T. Secrets,Plots,and Hidden Agendas:What You Didn't Know about Conspiracy Theories 1999
76.T. Rumors in War 1947
77.K. Vigilant Utahns 2002
78.J.H. The Choking Doberman 1984
79.J.H. The Vanishing Hitchhiker 1981

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