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Server Management Flow

July 2011 V1.0 Archana R

Table of Contents
1 2 3 4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................3 Scope of Work................................................................................................................................3 Process Flow ..................................................................................................................................3 Detailed Requirements ..............................................................................................................6 4.1 Raise New Request..........................................................................................................7 4.2 Grouping of Stock by Stores ........................................................................................9 4.3 Dispatch Stock by Stores ........................................................................................... 13 4.4 Physical Verification by IDC ..................................................................................... 16 4.5 Logical Verification ...................................................................................................... 19 4.6 Fill up OS Software, Hardware, Network, Back-up, Port and Monitoring Details ............................................................................................................................................ 20 4.7 OS Hardening by STF Team ...................................................................................... 31 4.8 Response to STF Teams comments. ..................................................................... 32 4.9 Support Head Approval.............................................................................................. 34 4.10 Rack Allocation and Other details ........................................................................ 35 4.11 IDC Head Approval Page .......................................................................................... 37 4.12 Support team Acknowledge .................................................................................... 39 4.13 VM Process Flow.......................................................................................................... 40 User Access Details ................................................................................................................... 41 5.1 Who can access this module? .................................................................................. 41 5.2 Event and Status of Request for each event ...................................................... 42

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This document provides the process flow, field requirements, validations and the entire functionality with respect to the Server Management Flow.

Scope of Work
1. 2. This document covers the functionality with respect to the New Server flow process. This document does not cover the functionality with respect to the Change Management process. This document also does not cover auto-raising of SR for Network/ Back-up/ Port and Monitoring request. Though this was recorded as part of requirements this will be taken up as part of Phase 2


Process Flow
The below is an high level process flow that will be followed in the New Server Management Process

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Server Management Flow New Server Process

Support Team raises New Server Request

Stores Receives Request

Stores Groups and Despatches No Sent to Stores

No Sent to Stores

IDC Physical Verification

Verification Matching

Yes Support Team 2nd Level Verfication Yes

Verification Matching

Enter Software Details, Back up, Config and Monitor Details, if available

On Entering OS Details and Clicking Submit, Submit to STF for OS Hardening

STF Team Enters their feedback, submits to Support Team

Support team Responds to STF (Mandatory) and Submits

Support Head Approval

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Detailed Requirements

Various teams and the functionality applicability to the respective teams are given in the below in the below tabular format. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Section 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 Functionality Raise New Request Grouping of Stocks by Stores Dispatch Stock by Stores Physical Verification Logical Verification Fill up OS Software and Other Details OS Hardening by STF Team Response to STF Teams comments. Enter Network/ Monitor details etc if not done in 4.6 Support Head Approval Rack Allocation and Other details IDC Head Approves Support team Acknowledge Team Support Team Stores Stores IDC Support Team Support Team STF Support Team Support Head IDC IDC Head Support Team

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Raise New Request Raise New Request page is available only to the Support Team. The Support team will be able to raise a New Request for Server Movement using this page. When the Support team associate logs in, he will see the following page.

On clicking New Request, the below will be displayed.

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List of fields in this page



Requestor Requesting List Of Value Location Group List Of Value Name Server List Of Value Type Server Make Server Model Server Details Remarks Submit

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO Auto Populated based on Login E M E E M M Indicates if it is an Internal/ External Server

List Of Value List Of Value Text Box Text Box Button




Trigger Click Submit Button

Effect Request will be routed to Stores


Email Triggers

Trigger Click Submit

Effect Email sent to Stores

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Grouping of Stock by Stores Stores associate, when he logs in will see the following page.

On clicking Dashboard, the below page will be displayed.

On clicking the Waiting for Group Id link in the My Status Applet, the request dashboard will be opened.

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On clicking the Order id, the request will be opened

. On Selecting a Server and clicking Submit, the Sub items will be displayed for grouping.

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List of fields in this page



Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO RO RO RO RO Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated

General Details Tab Request Id Requested By Requested Date Location Group Name Stock Grouping Tab Servers Multi select List of Value Submit Button Available Multi select Stock List of Value Items Submit Button

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Additionally stores will be asked to capture the following information: Field Type Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) Make LoV E M Model LoV E M HDD Text E M Processor Text E M RAM Text E M Extended Text E O NIC Card Assurance Tab Assurance LoV E M Type From Date Date E M To Date Date E M Vendor Text E M Name Add Button To Add more rows in Assurance Tab
4.2.2 Validations

Trigger Click Submit Button

4.2.3 Email Triggers

Effect Request will be available to Stores for dispatch.

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email

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Dispatch Stock by Stores Once approved by Stores, the request becomes eligible to be dispatched by Stores.

On Clicking the Order Id, the following will be displayed.

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List of fields in this page



Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO RO RO RO RO RO E Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Defaulted to the Raised Group Will display only members of group Values Returnable, NonReturnable O O O O

Request Details Tab Request Id Requested By Requested Date Location Group Id Issue Details Tab Group Name Issued To List of Value


Radio Button

Statutory Compliance Tab Octroi Amount Number Octroi Cheque Text Number Octroi Cheque Date Date Statutory Text Receipt Number Return Date Date Courier Details Tab Courier Name List of Value



O M If Courier Name=On Hand, then Courier Number and Courier Date are Optional.

Courier Number Courier Date Mode of Transportation SBU Name Remarks

Text Date List of Value List of Value Text


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Trigger Click Submit Button

4.3.3 Email Triggers

Effect Request will be routed to IDC

Trigger Click Submit

Effect Email to IDC and Support team

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Physical Verification by IDC On Stores dispatching the Server, it comes to the IDC Tray for Physical Verification. When IDC associate logs in, dashboard will be displayed as below. The IDC Associate will have to click on Waiting for Physical Check.

On clicking the Waiting got physical Check, dashboard will be displayed. On selecting the Order Id from the dashboard, the following page will be displayed.

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List of fields in this page



Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated (includes Initiator, Stores etc) Auto Populated Auto Populated Auto Populated M

Request Details Tab Request Id Requested By Requested Date Location Group Name Issue Details Tab Issued To Group Issued To Name Issued Date Courier Details Tab Courier Name Courier Number Courier Date Mode of Transportation SBU Name Logs Tab Role

User Name Date Comments Physical Check Remarks Approved Reject

RO RO RO E Button Button



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Trigger Click Approved Button Click Reject Button

Effect Request will be routed to Support Team for 2nd level verification Request routed to Stores Note: Stores should be able to make changes and resubmit the rejected workflow along with comments


Email Triggers

Trigger Click Approved Button Click Reject Button

Effect Email to Support team Email to Support team and Stores

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Logical Verification Once the request is physically verified by IDC, the request comes to Support team for logical verification. Support team logs; select the Order id from Dashboard and drills down. The following page is displayed.


List of fields in this page



HDD Processor RAM NIC Card Comments Verified

Text Box Check Box

Editable Mandatory (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO RO RO RO E M E M


Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Y/N against each of the field HDD< Processor, RAM, and NIC Card. Note: This is mandatory only if the field is populated.



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Trigger Click Submit Button

Effect Check if all mandatory radio button have value yes. If all has value Yes, then go to the next page in the Support Team login. If at-least one mandatory attribute has a value No, then message pop up to display Logical Verification Rejected. Click OK to Proceed. Buttons OK and Cancel. If Cancelled, the Support Team will be able to make changes to the page and click Submit again. If OK is clicked, then the workflow is sent back to Stores. Stores should be able to re-submit to Support Team.


Email Triggers

Trigger Click Submit

Effect If Yes, no email is triggered. If No, email is triggered to Stores. When stores re-submits, mail is sent to IDC and Support Team


Fill up OS Software, Hardware, Network, Back-up, Port and Monitoring Details

OS and Software Details:

On Support team confirming the logical verification, Software Request form is displayed for the Support team. The classifications of software required to be entered are: Operating System Anti Virus Back-Up ILO Others Classifications that do not fall under any of the specific classifications can be entered under others.

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List of fields in this page



Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E E E M O M

Operating System Tab Operating List of Value System OS Version Text Type of List of Value License License Reference No of License Anti Virus Tab Anti Virus Name AV Version Type of License Number List of Value Text List of Value

Freeware/ Licensed Mandatory if Type of License is Licensed



License Reference No of License Back up Tab Back Up Name Back Up Version Type of License Number List of Value Text List of Value E E E O O M

Mandatory if line entered Freeware/ Licensed Mandatory if Type of License is Licensed

License Reference No of License ILO Tab ILO Name ILO Version Type of License Number List of Value Text List of Value E E E O O M

Mandatory if line entered Freeware/ Licensed Mandatory if Type of License is Licensed

Mandatory line entered


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License Reference No of License Others Tab Software Name Software Version Type of License Number List of Value Text List of Value E E E O O M

Freeware/ Licensed Mandatory if Type of License is Licensed

License Reference No of License Number

Mandatory if line entered Freeware/ Licensed Mandatory if Type of License is Licensed

If Licensed is selected (in each tab), the following fields will be displayed. Field Type Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E O E E E O O O

Assurance Type From Date To Date Vendor Name

List of Value Date Date Text

On entering the OS Details, there will be an option submit to STF for OS Hardening. Alternatively, the Support team can go to other tabs, fill in the details, then come back to Software Request tab and submit it to STF.

Note: 1. Multiple OS Details can be added and Submitted to STF. 2. CALS to be a Software Name in the List of Values in Others tab

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Enter Operating System Add More OS Details details Move to STF Email Triggers

Workflow sent to STF

Trigger Move to STF

4.6.2 Hardware Details

Effect Email to STF Team

Hardware details will look like the below snapshot.

List of fields in this page



Date of Production

Editable (E) Mandatory Remarks / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO Will be populated once the server is
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Make Model Processor Serial No Stock Group Id Capacity Assurance Tab Assurance Type From Date To Date Vendor Name Submit Button


moved in to Live Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated Auto-populated

Note: Data in assurance tab is only read only. This information will be entered by Stores at on receipt of the server.


Trigger Click Submit Email Triggers

Effect Moves to Network Request

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email

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Network Details

Network Details snapshot will look like below.

List of fields in this page



Host Name Interface Tab Interface IP

Text Text Text

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M E E M M

To accommodate IP V6 format

Mask Gateway FW Type

Text Text List of Value List of Value



IP Type Add

List of Value Button

Yes/ No Primary/ Secondary/ ILO/ BU Direct/ Natted To add more lines in Interface tab

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Trigger Click Submit Email Triggers

Effect Moves to Backup Details

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email


Backup Details

Backup Details snapshot will be displayed as below.

List of fields in this page



Client Name

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO Auto Populated based on Host Name entered in Network Details
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Backup Tab Directory to be backed up Frequency of Back up Retention Period Time to be scheduled Add

Text List of Value List of Value List of Value


M M M M Daily/ Monthly/ Weekly/ Infinite One Week/ One Month/ Infinite During Day Time/ During Night Time To add more lines in Back Up tab



Trigger Click Submit Email Triggers

Effect Moves to Port Details

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email

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Port Details

Port Details page will appear as follows:

List of fields in this page



Source IP


Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) To be compatible with IP V6 To be compatible with IP V6

Source Mask Destination IP

Text Text

Destination Mask Ports Protocol Duration End Date

Text Text List of Value List of Value Date Picker

TCP/ UDP Permanent/ Temporary Applicable only if Duration is Temporary

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Trigger Click Submit

Effect Moves to Monitoring Details. Decision of where the workflow should go to (STF NetOps) will be decided. This is currently an Open point.

Email Triggers

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email Email Requirements for STF and Netops will be decided based on the decision taken for the workflow. This is currently an Open point.


Monitoring Details

Monitoring Details page will appear as follows.

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List of fields in this page



Application name

List of Value

Port Number Add

Text Button

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M List of all Software entered in the Software Request page E M To add more lines


Trigger Click Submit

Effect Details Saved. If Waiting for STF, then the request stays in Status Waiting for STF.

Email Triggers

Trigger Click Submit

Effect No Email

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OS Hardening by STF Team

When the STF team logs in, they can access the dashboard by clicking Operation STF Dashboard Click Open under My Status. Select the appropriate Oder Id from the Dashboard list. List of all details entered in the request will be displayed. Additionally, STF will have to login the below details.
4.7.1 List of fields in this page



Bulletin Title Maximum Severity Rating Vulerability Impact Affected Details Add

Text List of Value

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M E M

Text Text Button


M M To add multiple rows of Vulnerability details

Attachment Submit

Attachment Button



Trigger Click Submit

4.7.3 Email Triggers

Effect Workflow sent to Support Team

Trigger Click Submit

Effect Email sent to Support Team

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Response to STF Teams comments. (Also enter Network/ Monitor details etc if not done in 4.6) Support Team can select Waiting for Vulnerability Comment in the Dashboard and drill down on the Order Id to respond to feedback from STF. The page will look like below:


List of fields in this page



Bulletin Title Maximum Severity Rating Vulerability Impact Affected Details Feedback Submit

Text List of Value

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) RO Auto-Populated RO Auto-Populated

Text Text Text Button


Auto-Populated Auto-Populated



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Trigger Click Submit

4.8.3 Email Triggers

Effect Workflow sent to Support Team Manager

Trigger Click Submit

Effect Email sent to Support Team Manager

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4.9 Support Head Approval When the Support Head logs in he will be able to drill down on Open from the Dashboard and into the required Order Id in the Dashboard Queue and go to the request. List of all details entered in the request will be displayed. Support Manager will have to provide his approval or rejection with supporting comments.


List of fields in this page



Comments Approve Reject

Text Button Button

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M



Trigger Click Approve Click Reject

Effect Workflow sent to IDC Workflow sent to Support Team. Support team should be able to re-enter details and re-submit


Email Triggers

Trigger Click Approve Click Reject

Effect Email sent to IDC Email sent to Support Team

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4.10 Rack Allocation and Other details When the IDC team logs in, they can access the dashboard by clicking Operation IDC Dashboard Click Waiting for IDC Approval under My Status. Select the appropriate Oder Id from the Dashboard list. List of all details entered in the request will be displayed. Additionally IDC will have to enter following details.

4.10.1 List of fields in this page



Rack Details Power in Watts ILO Patch Panel Server U Size Mac Address

Text Text Text Text Text

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M E M E E E M M M

Switch IP


Add More Option to be enabled Add More Option to be enabled To accommodate IP

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Switch Port


Patch Details


VLAN Details


V6 format Add More Option to be enabled Add More Option to be enabled Add More Option to be enabled

Attached Devices Submit

Text Button

4.10.2 Validations

Trigger Click Submit

4.10.3 Email Triggers

Effect Workflow sent to IDC Manager

Trigger Click Submit

Effect Email sent to IDC Manager

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4.11 IDC Head Approval Page When the IDC head logs in, he can access the dashboard by clicking Operation IDC Dashboard Click Open under My Status. Select the appropriate Oder Id from the Dashboard list. List of all details entered in the request will be displayed. IDC Manager will have to provide his approval or rejection with supporting comments.

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4.11.1 List of fields in this page



Comments Approve Reject

Text Button Button

Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O) E M

4.11.2 Validations

Trigger Click Approve Click Reject

Effect Workflow sent to Support Team Workflow sent to IDC. IDC team should be able to re-enter details and re-submit

4.11.3 Email Triggers

Trigger Click Approve Click Reject

Effect Email sent to Support Team Email sent to IDC

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4.12 Support team Acknowledge Once the IDC Head approves, the support team should acknowledge the Server Movement into Live. List of all details entered in the request will be displayed. Support Team has to click Acknowledge Button.
4.12.1 List of fields in this page



Editable Mandatory Remarks (E) / Read (M) / Only (RO) Optional (O)



4.12.2 Validations

Trigger Click Acknowledge

4.12.3 Email Triggers

Effect Server Status becomes Ready for Modification

Trigger Click Acknowledge

Effect No Email

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4.13 VM Process Flow VM process flow will follow the below steps. All fields relevant to a Physical Server in each of this step will also be applicable to all the VM servers associated with that Physical Server

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User Access Details

Who can access this module? The following roles will be created for this purpose. Mapping Visibility An individual user will be given the Support Team Role.

Role Support Team

Support Team Head

Group Head Name Mapping will be done

Stores IDC IDC Head STF

An individual user will be given the Stores Role. An individual user will be given the IDC Role. Group Head Name Mapping will be done An individual user will be given the STF Role.

Functionality Reference A team member 4.1 can view 4.5 (a) Status of 4.6 his 4.8 request 4.13 (b) Status of a request raised by his team (based on the Infodesk group mapping of the User) A Support Team 4.10 head can view all request raised by his team (based on Infodesk Group Mapping) 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.11 Location based 4.12 4.7

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Event and Status of Request for each event Status of Request Awaiting Group Id Awaiting Dispatch Status of Server NA NA

Event Raise New Request Approved by Stores Grouping Dispatch by Stored

Awaiting Physical NA Verification Physical Verification PV rejected NA Rejected Resubmitted by Re-Submitted to NA Stores IDC for PV Approved by IDC Awaiting Logical NA Verification Logical Verification LV Rejected NA Rejected Resubmitted by Re-Submitted to NA Stores Team for PV Logical Verification With Support NA Approved Team Submit to STF Awaiting STF NA response SFT Submits Response from NA STF Support Team Awaiting Support NA Submits to head for Head Approval approval Support Head Support Head NA Rejects Rejected Support Team re- Re-submitted for NA Submit Head Approval Support Head Awaiting IDC NA Approves Approval IDC Submits Awaiting IDC Head NA Approval IDC Head Rejects IDC Head Rejected NA IDC Team re-Submit Re-submitted for NA Head Approval IDC Head Approves Awaiting SID Generated. Server Status= Live Acknowledge (in Production) Support Team Closed Ready for Modification Acknowledges

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