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Name: Julia Melissa Lopez Marte Title: the adventure of Ulysses (Odyssey) Author: Bernard Eystin 1.

genre: Fiction 2. Setting: (Where does the story take place?) Much of the action in the Odyssey takes place on the sea, where Odysseus must battle against the storms of the sea god, Poseidon (Neptune) and Ithaca .Ulysses travelled to Aeolian (twice), the island of the cyclone, the island of the mermaids, and others The author used places based on the Mediterrian. 3. Character Names: Ulysses: the king of Ithaca, principal character. Penelope: the wife of Ulysses. Telemachus: son of Ulysses. Laertes and Anticlea: parent of Ulysses. Minerva (Athena): child of Zeus (Jupiter). Aphrodite: child of Zeus (Jupiter). Circe: the witch. Calypso: the nymph. 4. Describe the main character. What kind of person is he or she? The protagonist of the Odyssey. Odysseus was one the other Greek heroes at Troy and now struggle to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Odysseus is the husband of Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. However he is a strong and courageous warrior, he is most renowned for his cunning and also that he was very intelligent. 5. The story begins with: The end of the troy war, war that Ulysses was. And he and some servants want to go to their native country (kingdom), but they were lost in the sea. Meanwhile, in his home, his wife, Penelope and his son were struggling with the suitors, that were consuming their goods.

6. The events in the story are: (include details) Telemachus, was looking news about his father to know if he was alive or dead in several lands. Ulysses and his crew land on Ismara on the coast of Thrace, where they sack the city. They start a battle with the Ciconian, where many men (6) were lost, after that they arrive on the island of the lotus-Eaters. The island of the cyclone, when they were retreating in a cave, place that, Polyphemus the cyclone, the child of Neptune, was living there and was eating the animal and then 2 servants per day, until they finally space. Ulysses and his crew on the Aeolian island of Aeolus, the keeper of the wings. In there, Aeolus give him the wing to help him return to his land, and warn him to not opened, but they were opened and they were swept back to her in a violent winds. But when he returned to that land, he wasnt well welcomed. Ulysses arrives on the land of the witch, Circe, in there he stays 8 years, and when he was leaving, and she warms him about the dangerous of the mermaids. Ulysses arrive in the island Ogygia, Calypsos home, staying there for 7 years, after that he built a boat and set sail once more. Neptune, seeing him at the sea, bringing violets storm down on Ulysses. Later, he washes up in land; in there the king provide him cloth, food, and also a ship for him to retoun to itaca. 7. The story ends with: He (finally!) returns to his native country, but nobody recognized him, and said that he was dead, because he wasnt there for around 15 years. So, he, his son and his father, made a little battle between the suitors. Later, they decided to make a competition of archery between themselves, and Ulysses won, they realized that was him. He became the king again. 8. I learned that: I learned that no matter how far you are for a place or if you dont know what happen to he or her you have to believe in he or her (Telemachus). Also about Greek topics, their believes and thoughts, and how they behave. 9. I really liked: That they used mythological consents in the book, that tell you how was their life, how they think, and at the same time, give you spiritual learning.

10. I didnt like when: That this book has a lot of versions and dont tell you why Neptune was mad at Ulysses. Some versions say that was because he blinded his son, the cyclone, and had taunted him afterwards. And the other said that that Ulysses believe that he was better than the gods, and Neptune want to give him a lesson, but, in my opinion is the first one, because he prayed to Minerva and Homer(in the original version) dont tell about his religion or believes. 11. I wonder: What will happen with the kids of Calypso and Ulysses, who they would look like, and what will happen if Penelope knows of their existence. 12. I would/would not recommend this book because: I will recommend this book because is pretty interesting. It's like an adventure and at the same time tragic novel with a little of romance written a long, long, long, long time ago. It's hard to comprehend at parts, but still, I like it so far. And if you like history, you can see the Greek mythology, and also compared to nowadays.

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