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Cheik-Siramakan Keita



Mr. Kanata is a man aged of 62 years old with dark brown eyes, short grey hair like his beard, he has a height of 1.98m and is in good shape due to hours spent at the gym. His skin is tan because his parents was Native American and African, he was born and raised in Canada. Mr. Kanata is an ex-cop who work as cop for 40 years, he has a daughter called Capucine. Narcisse is a 30 years old woman who has grey slanted eyes, long curly dark hairs a height of 1.90m and a tan skin. She started working for the world leader of video games development, because of her series of best seller games she has earn enough money for the rest of her life and for her kids but she still work by pleasure. Mr. Kanata also has a wife called Aliyah Mcbane she is a 60 years old woman who is redhead and has short curly hair, she has blue eyes, and she has a height of 1.92m and a pale skin probably because her parents were both Scottish. She was born in Scotland and was raised there for twelve years before moving to Canada. Now she is martial teacher but before she was a soldier. Everything starts Gatineau it is 07:00 am 25/11/2053 Mr. Kanata and Claire are eating inside the kitchen which is rectangle with the fridge, the sink, the oven and the micro-wave against the left wall. On the wall adjacent there is a window/door leading to the balcony, parallel to this window/door is across the room there is the entrance door is and on the right wall against the wall there is a table made out of wood. This day Claire was feeling happy Mr. Tanaka too, the whole house was silent no noise, the hot sun of summer sun was lighting the room, the cold wind was blowing slowly through the opened window gently caressing their skin they felt like they could not be more happier after what they have been through. 40 years ago 20/11/2013 06:00 am like every morning Mr. Kanata woke up ate eggs, drink juice, did the dishes than he goes to the bathroom takes shower, brush his teeth, put some clothe on grab his bag then go to take the bus. It took him 20 minutes every day to go to work he was taking the bus at a certain hour to avoid having to much people in bus because he did not like being surrounded by a lot of people it was making him stress and feel uncomfortable. Once at the police station he goes to the locker room open his locker put his bag inside, took his uniform put it on they put his civilian clothe into the locker closed it. After a few minute he was patrolling in a police car to see if drivers were not following the drivers code. He was the street when he saw a car going really fast in his direction so he made sign to the car to park on the side of the road, Mr. Tanaka went toward the drivers window asked him to lower the window. The person driving was a tall man, large and muscular, with blue eyes and brown hair his name was Renato. On the passenger sit there was a woman with really long orange hair, she was looking outside her window Mr. Tanaka could not see her face but he saw bruises on her wrists also he noticed red marks around her neck. When the driver asked what you want Mr. Tanaka stopped looking at the woman and told the driver about his conduit also his paper and name. The man answered my name is Renato Botticelli and here are the paper of the car. Mr. Tanaka looked through the papers took the information he needed then gave back the papers of the car and the fine the man smiled then closed his window, Mr. Kanata went back on the street when he saw a white Mercedes going fast with five teenagers inside but stopped watching the car and went on the side of the passenger sit and saw the face of the girl. The girl inside the car was looking at herself from the reflection on the window under both of her eyes there was a hematoma which was blue and her fin lips were bleeding from the cuts. She was wondering what have I done what have I done, when she noticed the cop was looking at her she covered her face with her hair. The car started brutally shaking her, Renato was feeling angry, mad out of control he was driving really fast he was yelling at her then she says slower or you will make an

Cheik-Siramakan Keita



accident. Then he slaps her five time on the cheek punched her then he went even faster and said continue and you will see, at this moment she was scared for her life like she had never been before, she was shaking and scared for her life. 5 minutes ago Mr. Kanata was looking at the car going away until he could not see it, he was wondering if what he saw was real or if it was because of the window that her face was like that. He thought this was his imagination because a man good looking like that and a pretty girl in a nice and beautiful car could not have issues. After a few hours Mr. Kanata went back at his apartment he changed clothes ate and played video games until midnight finally he fall asleep. He was driving fast, really fast, the microphone was saying something he could not hear but he knew where to go once he arrived in front of the building he red Acadmie de la Capital. So he broke the window of the entrance and open the door, he took his gun in his hands, he went upstairs nearly hit a frame on the wall. Once upstairs he looked through the glass saw nobody so he opened the door slowly, enter look into the door at his right which was the girls room then the boy. He went upstairs and saw five teenagers in front of the door, then he asked where the man is? The pointed the door in front of them. When he opened the door the man head was on fire then the man turned his head toward Mr. Kanata and spit fire in Mr. Kanata face which woke up in sweat and was breathing heavily He thought to himself this was just a dream. After a few days on Wednesday 27th November 2013 he was rounding when he called to go to the hospital, so he went there and he had to protect the room where there was a girl on the bed with cuts everywhere on her body, bruises like someone tried to stab her and was punching her. He was in front of the door which was half opened and heard a little voice Mr. Officer Mr. Officer so Mr. Kanata turn his head toward the inside of the room when he saw the girl applying with the head. Mr. Kanata entered the room went near the womans bed and try to talk to her but he was not a good conversationalist specially with woman whatever they look like if he like them or not. He asked her what her name is she said Aliyah, he asked what do you want she said A man is going toward a certain school but I dont know the name, he is going there to kidnap my little brother. Mr. Kanata said first tell me what happened to you because you really are not in good shape. Claire: Okay I will tell you everything. A few hours ago Renato was gone but his friend was look after her and Renato told his friend he could do anything to her but if she tried anything to go away he had to lock her in the special room in the basement. It was 07:00 time to go she told herself but when she thought about it she lost all the courage she build up in her mind but she finally took her brother went for the entrance took the bag hidden near the door. When she thought she did it she felt an intense pain in her right leg she look at the right and saw Renatos friend he screamed you thought you made it huh he was holding a baseball bat. Then he kicked her in the same leg her little brother was crying while the man was beating her leaving her nearly dead he took the kid and before going out he said I will comeback. When he was gone she regain consciousness the door was near her she took all the strength she had opened the door, she crawl outside when a car stopped. A man and a woman went out the car and went to her they called the ambulance but the lost consciousness, when she woke up she was in the hospital. Mr. Kanata: I am going to get your brother, Aliyah: Thank you so he got out the room went for his car and thought about his dream and everything was going the same way. When he got to the school upstairs, inside he saw the five teenagers told them to go behind shelves. Mr. Kanata kicked the door then tazed him directly once he saw him before the man had the chance to shoot him like in the dream than he put cuffs. Mr. Kanata did not notice him but there was a kid in the corner of the room.

Cheik-Siramakan Keita



He carry him outside the room. Later other cops came to the school took care of the witness and the brother of Aliyah, the cop asked for the name of the witnesses they answered Madam Lucie, Madam H, Saif Alzaabi, Eric Chislet, Cheik-Siramakan Keita, Daniella Jacques, Emma Khazam, Matheo Mcbane. A few hours after Renato Botticelli was arrested when he tried to get to his home, every week Mr. Kanata was going to see Izolda he felt guilty to not have seen it coming when he saw her in the car. And he was also taking care of Aliyahs brother until she could. A few years after Claire became a soldier, years after she met Mr. Kanata again and years after they got married and got a daughter Izolda which was going to Acadmie de la Capital. Their daughter was the most important thing in the world and worth more than every material thing they had when they had to give her a name and because they had to choose they decided do give her a different name Izolda Crossfire.

The End

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