Assignment One

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Assignment One Observation of The Vampire Diaries

Description of Location The Vampire Diaries takes place in many different places, but the main setting is in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Mystic Falls is a small historic town that has been around since the Civil War times. In this town, the main hang-out spot is The Grille. It is a restaurant and bar where everyone hangs out with their friends. Many of the actors also come here to find out important information. They do this because being in public provides extra safety if they are consulting an enemy. Another important location is the Salvatore home. In season 5, this home is inhabited by Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, and also Katherine. Because of this, the house is the focal point of a lot of action.

Rules and Behaviors Accepted Since this is a show with vampires, killing is expected to happen. It is acceptable to kill vampires, werewolves, witches, or supernatural beings that pose a threat to the lives of the main characters and humans. The murder of innocent humans, however, is not accepted. It is only expected because some of the vampires feed off of humans. When it comes to communication, any present day technology is acceptable because the show is set in present day. This includes cell phones, emails, and social media. Face to face communication is also utilized during the show. The concept of sharing a lover is also accepted in this figured world. In the series, Stefan and Damon both have a relationship with Katherine and Elena. In reality, this behavior is not accepted at all because it is disrespectful. However, it is the main conflict during the series.

Actors: People who play significant roles within a figured world Elena Gilbert: A teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire, and eventually becomes a vampire herself. Jeremy Gilbert: Elenas brother, vampire hunter, boyfriend of Elenas best friend Bonnie Stefan Salvatore: Vampire, ex-boyfriend of Elena, ex-lover of Katherine, Damons brother Damon Salvatore: Current boyfriend of Elena, Stefans brother, ex-lover of Katherine Katherine Petrova: ex-lover of Damon and Stefan, Elenas doppelganger Caroline Forbes: best friend of Elena, vampire, sheriffs daughter

Bonnie Bennett: Elenas best friend, Jeremys girlfriend, witch Aaron Whitmore: Elenas college friend, owner of Whitmore University, nephew of a vampire hunter Wes: uncle of Aaron, vampire hunter/torturer, college professor Enzo: friend of Damon, vampire who was tortured along with Damon, was left to die in a fire in the 1900s

Artifacts: Physical items or feelings that are important to the actors in this figured world. Vervain: the most prominent artifact in the show, used as a tranquilizer for vampires and can burn their skin to the touch. Safe: Stefan was locked in this safe by his doppelganger and drowned at the bottom of the quarry for 3 months, its the source of his PTSD. Enzo: Damons source of sanity while they were imprisoned, he is also the reason for Damons guilt since he left Enzo to die.

Discourse Communities: Groups that share common interests and common ways of communicating in the figured world. Elena and Aaron: This discourse community works because both of them have had familial losses. This commonality makes it easy for them to talk to one another. Stefan and Katherine: Stefan and Katherine used to be lovers, so there is a strong connection between them. Enzo and Damon: Damon met Enzo in the 1950s when he was captured and put in a torture facility. They were a part of the Augustine experiments, where vampires are tortured and experimented on in order to gain more information on how their bodies work. Their cells were next to each other and they became really good friends. Literacy Practices: Different ways of communication while in the figured world. This includes written and spoken communication, as well and verbal and nonverbal communication. Cell phones: Since the show is set in present day Virginia, cell phones are the major tools used for communication. Face-to-Face: For the actors that do not have cell phones, they communicate by meeting in person. These meetings can either be arranged through other actors, or they can happen by chance.

Observation One: The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 9 Thursday, February 13, 2014 Time: 8:00pm 8:42pm *This observation was re-done*

8:00- Flashback: Damon appears at the Salvatore home looking for a man named Joseph Salvatore. 8:01- Joseph injects Damon with vervain and then Damon jams his glass into Josephs ne ck, which kills him. A man in a suit appears and injects Damon with more vervain. 8:02- Damon wakes up in a cell with Wes standing above him, and injecting him with more vervain. 8:02- Katherine is writing in a journal about her feelings because Stefan told her to. Stefan has her on suicide watch because she tries to kill herself in the previous episode. 8:03- Stefan is still having trouble dealing with his PTSD, caused by drowning in a safe for three months. Caroline shows up at his house with the safe he drowned in because Katherine called her to help Stefan. 8:04- Elena shows up at Aarons dorm room door and he tells her that his friend Jesse died. Jesse and Caroline had a big crush on each other. 8:05- Elena tells Aaron that Damon went to talk to Wes, Aarons uncle, and neither of them have been heard from since. Aaron agrees to help Elena find them. 8:06- Flashback: Damon is on a stretcher getting examined after he is first taken into captivity by Dr. Whitmore. Damon gets stabbed in the eye because he was talking too much. Present day: Wes tells Damon that he turned Jesse into a vampire and conditioned him to crave vampire blood instead of human blood. 8:08- Elena tries to convince Aaron that Wes is responsible for his friend Meghans death because she knows that Wes forged Meghans death certificate. 8:09- Aaron tells Elena that he actually owns Whitmore College because he inherited it when his parents died. Elena sees a picture of Whitmore faculty and sees her father, Grayson Gilbert, in the picture. Wes appears and injects her with vervain. 8:10- Caroline tells Stefan that she is going to help cure him of his PTSD. 8:11- Aaron begins to question Wes and finds out that he studies vampires for a living and that Elena is a vampire.

8:12- Elena wakes up in a cell next to Damon. He tells Elena that hes been a part of the Augustine Experiments, a series of studies dome on vampires. 8:13- Flashback: Damon is taken back to his cell after being experimented on and meets Enzo, a vampire in the cell next to his. Enzo tells Damon to think about how he will get revenge on Dr. Whitmore and his family when they escape. 8:15- Elena tells Damon that Wes knew her dad and that he was a part of Augustine. Shes having a really hard time processing that because her father was respected and loved by everyone. Damon promises Elena that he will find a way to get her out. 8:16- Stefan is locked inside the safe while Katherine and Caroline are outside the safe. Stefan starts to have a panic attack and Katherine starts to argue with Caroline. Stefan passes out and Katherine tells Caroline that she thinks she knows how to cure Stefan of his PTSD. 8:17- Damon has another flashback of the time when he was tortured and talking with Enzo about cars and pretty girls. 8:19- Enzo tells Damon that he fell in love with a girl named Maggie who worked for Dr. Whitmore. She didnt know about the torturing that was being done, and when she found out, she left. Dr. Whitmore then comes and takes Enzo away for more testing. His screams echo throughout the building. 8:21- Still Flashback: Enzo is brought back to his cell and Damon asks why they are being tortured. Dr. Whitmore tells him that he wants to study them on a cellular level so that he can put them to use. 8:22- Flashback over: Elena is hopeful that Stefan will come and rescue them. Damon tells her that he never told Stefan what happened to him, so Stefan has no idea where they are. Elena asks how he escaped. 8:23- Flashback: Damon and Enzo are taken out of their cells on New Years Eve to be showcased during a party. The party is supposed to showcase the healing powers of vampire blood. After the party is over, Enzo reveals a plan that he has come up with. If one of them were to drink two daily rations of blood, that vampire would be strong enough to fight off everyone and escape. They play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who will fight and Damon is chosen. 8:26- Wes gives Aaron a vervain watch to protect him from compulsion. While reading through files that Wes gave him, Aaron discovers that his parents were killed by vampires. Aaron realizes that Wes lied to him and punches him on the face. He grabs a gin and wooden bullets and heads to the basement where Elena and Damon are. 8:27- Stefan wakes up in the safe with Katherine next to him. Stefan begs Caroline to let him out because he is afraid that he will hurt her.

8:28- Damon doesnt want to tell Elena how he got out but she convinces him to tell her anyway. Flashback: The next New Years Eve party came in 1958. Damon and Enzo are taken from their cells and put in a cage in front of the Augustine Society. Damon is taken out of the cage and he slips his hand out of his handcuffs when Dr. Whitmore isnt looking. He starts to attack everyone there and a fire is started when candles are knocked over. Damon tries to get Enzo out of the cage but it is laced with vervain. Damon then turns off his humanity and leaves Enzo to die in the fire. 8:32- While in the safe, Katherine tells Stefan that she thinks his main issue is that Elena left him for Damon. Stefan gets upset and almost kills Katherine but she convinces him to fight the urge. They almost kiss each other nut Caroline opens the safe before they do. 8:34- Aaron goes to the basement and starts to question Elena. He asks her if she was the one who killed Meghan and his parents. Damon tells Aaron that it was him who killed his parents, not Elena. 8:36- Flashback: Damon tells Enzo that his revenge will be killing every member of the Whitmore family except for one person. That person will continue the family name and then hell kill the next several generations, and so on. Damon also tells Aaron that he was the one who killed his Aunt Sarah. That happened at the beginning of the summer, before Damon and Elena started dating. Aaron then shoots Damon in the head. 8:37- Stefan is burning a chair that he broke when Katherine walks onto the room. They talk for a little bit and then they start kissing. 8:40- Caroline is leaving Elena a voicemail and she hears Stefan and Katherine kissing. Aaron calls Wes and asks him what to do. Wes tells him to just go on living his normal life. Damon then wakes up after being shot and finds that Elena is gone. 8:41- Elena wakes up on a dark room, strapped to a stretcher next to a man humming. The man introduces himself as Enzo.

Observation #2 of The Vampire Diaries

Actors Elena Gilbert: A teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire, and eventually becomes a vampire herself. Jeremy Gilbert: Elenas brother, vampire hunter, boyfriend of Elenas best friend Bonnie Stefan Salvatore: Vampire, ex-boyfriend of Elena, ex-lover of Katherine, Damons brother Damon Salvatore: Current boyfriend of Elena, Stefans brother, ex-lover of Katherine Katherine Petrova: ex-lover of Damon and Stefan, Elenas doppelganger Nadia Petrova: Katherines daughter, Traveler Caroline Forbes: best friend of Elena, vampire, sheriffs daughter Bonnie Bennett: Elenas best friend, Jeremys girlfriend, witch Aaron Whitmore: Elenas college friend, owner of Whitmore University, nephew of a vampire hunter Wes: uncle of Aaron, vampire hunter/torturer, college professor Enzo: friend of Damon, vampire who was tortured along with Damon, was left to die in a fire in the 1900s Matt Donovan: ex-boyfriend of Elena, Best friend of Tyler (Carolines ex-boyfriend) Artifacts Enzo: Damons source of sanity while they were imprisoned, he is also the reason for Damons guilt since he left Enzo to die. Nadia: When Nadia was taken away from Katherine after she was born, that loss became Katherines motivation for fighting for what she wanted. Now that Nadia has returned, she is Katherines motivation for staying alive. The Gilbert Medical Clinic: Elenas dad owned this clinic and as a little girl she used to wander into the basement. Her father secretly experimented in this basement.

Discourse Communities Stefan and Damon: Stefan tends to feel guilty for all of the bad things that happen to his friends and family. Because of this, Damon hid the fact that he was tortured for 5 years.

Katherine and Nadia: Nadia is one of the few people in Katherines life that can convince her to do the right thing. This is because Katherine is trying to learn how to be a good mother. Elena and Damon: Elena always tries to see the good in everything. Even though she knows that Damon killed almost every person in the Whitmore family, she disregards that because he was tortured. Damon feels that she constantly defends all of his actions and this upsets him. Doppelganger: A doppelganger is defined as a ghostly double of a living person. In this show, the doppelganger looks like a person who has already lived. Elena is the doppelganger of Katherine and Stefan is the doppelganger of a powerful witch named Silas, who isnt that important right now. Doppelgangers are considered supernatural and their blood can be used for important spells. There is also a prophecy that says that the doppelganger are meant to be together. This creates a bond between them.

Literacy Practices Cell phones: Since the show is set in present day Virginia, cell phones are the major tools used for communication. Face-to-Face: For the actors that do not have cell phones, they communicate by meeting in person. These meetings can either be arranged through other actors, or they can happen by chance. Compulsion: This is a form of mind control. Vampires can use it on humans to get information from them, send messages, or make them do certain tasks for them.

Observation #2: The Vampire Diaries Season 1 Episode 10 Monday, February 3, 2014 Time: 1:45pm- 2:30pm

1:45- Damon is in his cell, which is in a torture chamber underneath Whitmore House ant Whitmore College. He punches the wall until he breaks off a piece of stone. He then reaches for a wooden bullet that Aaron dropped while threatening Damon and Elena. He puts the bullet in the lock and bashes it in, breaking open the door to the cell.

1:49- Katherine wakes up in Stefans bed after having slept with him the night before. She sees a piece of hair that has fallen out of her head and leaves the room, waking Stefan up in the process. 1:51- Damon comes home after escaping his cell and sees Katherine leaving. He asks her if she has seen Elena, who was taken from her cell. She says no and proceeds to tell Damon that she and Stefan slept together. Then she leaves the house. 1:52- Elena wakes up on a stretcher in a basement that seems to be familiar to her. She has small flashbacks of her as a little girl playing in the basement. Wes notices that she is awake and administers anesthesia to her, putting her back to sleep, before running more tests on her. 1:53- Damon and Stefan go out to find someone to help them look for Elena and they find Aaron. Damon threatens to kill him if he doesnt tell Damon what he wants to know and A aron tries to run away, but Stefan stops him and tells him to have a seat. 1:54- Wes has Elena plugged up to a machine that is draining her blood. While this is happening, Wes tries to make Elena believe that Damon is a horrible person for killing almost all of the Whitmore family. He also shows her a journal written by her father and tells her that he learned everything he knows from her dad. 1:56- Stefan and Damon are still trying to get information from Aaron. 1:57- Elena realizes that she is in the basement of her fathers medical clinic after having several flashbacks. Damon and Stefan make Aaron call Wes to tell him that hes being held captive and will die if Damon and Stefan dont get Elena back. Wes then proceeds to wake up Enzo, the cell mate that Damon left for dead back in the 50s, so that he can find Damon and get revenge. 1:59- Katherine and Matt are in the woods. Matt is helping Katherine train so that she can regain her strength. 2:00- Nadia shows up in the woods, a result of Matt calling her, and slaps Katherine across the face because she tried to kill herself without saying goodbye. 2:01- Damon finally tells Stefan that he was tortured for 5 years as a part of the Augustine experiments. 2:03- Katherine tells Nadia that she wants the chance to be forgiven for all of the bad things that she has done before she dies. Nadia then tells her that she knows a way to help her live longer. 2:06- Elena has a flashback of her as a little girl going to find her ball that she let roll into the basement. 2:07- Wes tells Elena that he sent Enzo to find Damon with the intent to kill him.

2:08- Stefan, Damon, and Aaron arrive at Wes classroom to look for him, but instead they find Enzo waiting for them. He introduces himself to Stefan and Aaron. 2:10- Enzo starts to tell the story of his time in his cell and meeting Damon. 2:11- Elena finds out that her father knew her deceased former roommate Meghan and her family. 2:13- Aaron has just finished talking to Wes. Wes wont set Elena free and this take s the attention away from Enzo and his story. So, he picks up a chair and throws it across a room to focus the attention back on him. 2:15- Enzo leaves the room to find something to drink and Damon tries to kill Aaron again. However, Aaron says that he has some information that may help them find Elena. Enzo comes back and lets Stefan and Aaron leave, but makes Damon stay. 2:16- Nadia suggests that Katherine use spirit possession as a way to live longer. Katherine also reveals that her goal is to gain Stefans forgiveness. 2:17- Damon tries to convince Enzo to work together to stop Wes from torturing other vampires, but he refuses. Then, he throws Damon out of a window. They get into a small fight and Enzo desiccates in Damons arms. 2:18- Aaron and Stefan arrive at Aarons dorm room and he pulls out a gun to try to shoot Stefan. Stefan stops him and threatens to kill him. Aaron then tells Stefan to go ahead and kill him because its what Damon wants, since he was killing almost every member of the Whitmore family. Stefan lets him go and he gives him all of the information he has on the Augustine experiments. 2:19- Elena has the same flashback of when she was little and then she wakes up. Wes then tells her that he has made a compound that will make vampires feed on their own kind and that she will be the first test subject. 2:20- Stefan finds Elena before Wes injects her with the compound and Elena head-butts Wes and knocks him out. 2:21- Enzo wakes up in a room with Damon. He gave Enzo the antidote to cure his desiccation. Enzo then tries to attack Damon shoves his hand into Enzos chest and grabs his heart, but he doesnt pull it out. He lets Enzo go after explaining that he had to turn off his humanity in order to save himself. 2:25- Elena is safe at home and reading her dads journal when Damon walks in. She explains to Damon that she thinks her father used vampire blood to help the sick. They get into an argument when Damon accuses Elena of constantly defending him for his bad behavior. He then breaks up with her.

2:28- Stefan walks into his room and sees Katherine looking at herself in the mirror and noticing her wrinkles. She wanted to talk about the night before, when they slept together, and how she wants forgiveness. Stefan tells her that he cant just forgive her for all the things that shes done in the 147 years that hes known her. 2:30- Aaron finds Wes still passed out in the basement of the medical clinic. He tells Wes that he doesnt want to be involved with him anymore. Elena takes her dads journal and throws it into the fire. Katherine calls Nadia to tell her that she wants to do the spell to transfer her spirit into another person, but she has a heart attack while on the phone and passes out.

Observation #3 of The Vampire Diaries Actors Elena Gilbert: A teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire, and eventually becomes a vampire herself. Jeremy Gilbert: Elenas brother, vampire hunter, boyfriend of Elenas best friend Bonnie Stefan Salvatore: Vampire, ex-boyfriend of Elena, ex-lover of Katherine, Damons brother Damon Salvatore: Current boyfriend of Elena, Stefans brother, ex-lover of Katherine Katherine Petrova: ex-lover of Damon and Stefan, Elenas doppelganger Nadia Petrova: Katherines daughter, Traveler Caroline Forbes: best friend of Elena, vampire, sheriffs daughter Bonnie Bennett: Elenas best friend, Jeremys girlfriend, witch Aaron Whitmore: Elenas college friend, owner of Whitmore University, nephew of a vampire hunter Wes: uncle of Aaron, vampire hunter/torturer, college professor Enzo: friend of Damon, vampire who was tortured along with Damon, was left to die in a fire in the 1900s Matt Donovan: ex-boyfriend of Elena, Best friend of Tyler (Carolines ex-boyfriend) Sheriff Forbes: Carolines mom, the sheriff of Mystic Falls Klaus Michelson: One of the original vampires, hybrid of werewolf and vampire, hunted Katherine for centuries. Although he is an enemy, sometimes he works together with the good people.

Rebekah Michelson: Sister to Klaus, had a short fling with Matt. She is an enemy but also works together with the good people. Elijah Michelson: Klaus and Rebekahs brother, former lover of Katherine.

Artifacts The Syringes of medicine: These syringes make it easier for Katherine to die in peace, even though she doesnt die. Katherines memories: They show Katherine as an innocent 17 year old girl who had her child taken away from her and her entire family killed. These memories have haunted her, but Stefan uses them to bring her peace. Safe: The same safe that Stefan was trapped in for 3 months is the same one used to trap Matt.

Discourse Communities Stefan and Damon: Stefan tends to feel guilty for all of the bad things that happen to his friends and family. Because of this, Damon hid the fact that he was tortured for 5 years. Katherine and Nadia: Nadia is one of the few people in Katherines life that can convince her to do the right thing. This is because Katherine is trying to learn how to be a good mother.

Literacy Practices Cell phones: Since the show is set in present day Virginia, cell phones are the major tools used for communication. Face-to-Face: For the actors that do not have cell phones, they communicate by meeting in person. These meetings can either be arranged through other actors, or they can happen by chance.

Observation #3: The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 11 Monday, February 3, 2014 Time: 3:20pm- 4:02pm

3:21- Theres a flashback to the day that Katherine gave birth to her baby. This is in Bulgaria in the 1400s. In present day, Katherine is in the hospital being revived by doctors because she had a heart attack. 3:24- Damon is found at the bar drunk after his break up with Elena. Jeremy and Matt find him and they leave the bar. Elena is lying in the bed in her dorm room. Caroline and Bonnie bring Elena a break up breakfast. 3:26- Damon, Jeremy, and Matt start a drinking game where they toast to every bad thing that Katherine has done to them and her impending death. Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie show up a minute later and they join in on the game. 3:27- Katherine is in the bed, weak from the medicine that the doctors gave her. Stefan is sitting on the bed and talking with her. He is trying to show her a lot of compassion because she is dying. 3:28- Matt is sent to go and find more bourbon. Nadia somehow sneaks into the house and knocks Matt out. 3:30- Nadia walks into the room with everyone else and asks them to help her save her mother. In order to persuade them, she says that she buried Matt in a safe underground without the ring that can bring him back to life if he dies. 3:32- Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy start their search for Matt. While they are looking, Caroline finds out that Jeremy and Bonnie slept together. 3:33- Flashback: In 1492, Katherine finds her entire family slaughtered by Klaus. Damon then appears in the memory and tortures her by making her feel as if her familys death is entirely her fault. 3:35- Damon is shown holding a pillow over Katherines head because he was going to suffocate her, but Sheriff Forbes walks in and stops him. Klaus appears in the woods to talk to Caroline.

3:37- Nadia lures Stefan and Elena to a house in the woods so that they can talk to the Traveler thats supposed to help Katherine. The Traveler puts a curse on Stefan and Elena so that they can get a bucket of doppelganger blood. 3:38- Klaus informs Caroline that he has come back to torture Katherine before she dies, since he had been hunting her for a long time. Caroline tells him to leave her alone and go back to New Orleans. 3:40- Another flashback of Katherines first appearance in Mystic Falls. This is where she sees Stefan for the first time. His carriage has broken down and a gentleman is helping him as Katherines carriage passes by. 3:42- Klaus sister Rebekah saves Matt from the safe. Damon continues to torture Katherine by making her see some of the people that she hurt, including Elenas aunt Jenna, her uncle John, and Elijah, Klaus brother and Katherines former lover. 3:44- While Damon is torturing Katherine, Nadia shows up and breaks Damons neck in order to talk to Katherine. Katherine tells her that she doesnt want to do the spell to put her spirit in someone elses body. Nadia gets angry and storms off just as Damon wakes up. 3:46- After Stefan and Elena have given the Travelers all of the blood that they want, they leave the house and go back home. 3:48- Klaus tells Caroline that he wants her to tell him the truth about her feelings for him. He knows that there is a connection between them and he wants to talk about it. 3:51- Klaus and Caroline have sex in the woods. 3:54- Stefan walks into Katherines room just as Damon is leaving. Katherines mind drifts back to the memory of seeing her family slaughtered. Stefan appears in the memory and tries to give her peace before she dies. He makes all of the bodies disappear, and he allows her to see her newborn baby. 3:56- Stefan and Damon are sitting on the roof while they are waiting on Katherine to die. Stefan convinces Damon to try and win Elena back because he knows that she makes Damon a better person. 3:58- Tyler, Carolines ex-boyfriend and Matts best friend, shows up at the Salvatore house as a parting gift to Matt. 4:00- Katherine dies, and since Bonnie is the anchor to the other side for supernatural beings and Katherine is a doppelganger, she sees Katherines ghost. However, Katherine is not ready to die and she wills herself to come back to life. When she does, she finds Elena in her room. Elena was going to give a goodbye speech. She then proceeds to give Katherine her forgiveness.

4:02- Katherine asks Elena to give her one last syringe with her medicine. As Elena puts the syringe in Katherines arm, Katherine does the Traveler spell and puts her spirit in Elenas body. Nadia calls Elena and does a spell to bring Katherines spirit forth. Katherine mow has full control of Elenas body. Interview with Meric Peters: Fellow Vampire Diaries Fan 1. Which character do you share the most in common with? How so? I identify most with Caroline because we are both outspoken when it comes to our opinions, we both fight for what we want, and we are loyal to our friends. 2. How do you feel about Katherine Pierce? Will she ever change her ways? At first, after the episode where she realized her age was catching up with her, it seems she was starting to change her ways. This episode featured her saying sorry to multiple people and gave flashbacks of her life and why she was so horrible. However, the end of the episode provided a reason for all of the above: she wanted to possess Elena, effectively killing her. She is a terrible person who always has another motive and is full of schemes and lies. 3. Which characters would you say have the best relationship? The worst relationship? I feel that Stefan and Damon have the best relationship. Over the centuries of their existence, there have been many fights and arguments, but even while these took place they were always ready to do anything for each other. As for the worst relationship, I feel that Katherine has the worst relationship with everyone else. She has done so many horrible things to people and ruined their lives. She isnt fully trusted by anyone. 4. In your opinion, which item/ideal holds the most importance/power: vervain (poisonous substance to vampires), love, or fear? I would consider fear as the thing that holds the most power over the characters. All of their actions (questionable or not) have pretty much been motivated by fear. For example, Damon breaking up with Elena over fear of corrupting her, and Katherine murdering thousands of people over fear of dying. 5. Predict what will happen between Elena and Damon. Upon finding out that Katherine is in Elenas body, Damon will realize that Elena never broke up with him and will do everything in his power to reverse the situation. This will, if Elenas soul is restored, strengthen their relationship for the future.

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