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Carthage Dermech
Preparatory School

School Year:2009 /

End of Term Test N2
Teachers:Mrs Abbess/Mrs
Arbi /Mrs Bouraoui/Mrs
kabbadou/Mrs Sallem

Level: 7

The text
1. Im Alice. This is my house. Its very big and comfortable. In my house,
there are two floors. Downstairs, there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen
and a hall. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms, my parents bedroom with a
private bathroom, my brothers bedroom and my bedroom. There is another
bathroom on the left. Outside the house, there is a garage where my father
parks his car and where I keep my bicycle. There is a small garden in front of
the house, too.
2. My bedroom is beautiful but there is one small problem: I must share it with
my sister, Karen. Shes fifteen years old and she makes a lot of noise when her
friends come. I also like the kitchen. Its always full of delicious food and when
Im hungry, I always go there.
I/ Reading Comprehension (5 marks)
1/ Tick the best title (0,5 mark)
a/ My bedroom []
b/ My house [..]
c/ My sister Karen [..]
2/ Read and say whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE . Tick the
right box. (2 marks)
Statements True False
a/ Alice lives in a small house.
b/ Alice hasnt got a bicycle.
c/ Karen has got a private room.
d/ Alice likes the kitchen because its very comfortable.

Name:..Number: Class:

3/ Tick the right alternative (1 mark)
A/ In the family, there are
a/ no children []
b/ three children []
c/ four children []
B/ Karen is noisy when
a/ she does her homework []
b/ she tidies up her room []
c/ she invites her friends []

4/ Pick out from the text a synonym (=) for the following word (0,5 mark)
* very nice (2) =.
5/ What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1 mark)
a/ it =.
b/ there =
II/ Language ( 10 marks)
1/ Fill in the blanks with words from the list below (3 marks)
between usually an small- a is has - garden

My house is near the sea. Its (1*.) old house. There are two
bedrooms, a (2*..) living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. We
(3*) eat in the kitchen because we havent a dining room. My bedroom
is very nice. Its (4*.) my parents bedroom and the living room. It
(5*.) got two windows. The view from my bedroom is very beautiful:
Theres a lovely (6*..) with many flowers and trees. Im proud of my
2/ Circle the right option ( 3 marks)
Jane is thirteen years old. She lives with her family (1*on / at / in) a farm.
She and her family have many animals. They keep the cows for (2*there
/their/theyre) milk; the hens for their eggs, the goats and the turkeys for
their meat. Jane (3*help/ is helping/ helps) her parents. She feeds the hens
every day. She always feeds (4*them / they / their) before she goes to school.
In her free time, she helps her parents to grow vegetables. On market day,
(5*Janes parents/ parents Jane / Jane parents) sell their vegetables.

They put them on a stall and stand in the middle of the market square. Many
people buy their tomatoes, potatoes and green peppers (6*because / and /but)
they are always fresh.

3/ Match the underlined statements with their corresponding functions. Be
careful! There is an extra function (2 marks)
Statements Functions Answers
Helen : Good evening Sarah!
Sarah: Good evening ! Please come
Helen: Mmm! [1]It smells delicious!
Sarah: Mum is preparing dinner.
Shes making fish and chips. [2]Would
you like to have dinner with us?
Helen: Yes, of course.[3] I like fish
and chips.
Sarah: Have a seat then.
Helen: Thank you.[4] Can I have some
ketchup, please?
Sarah: Here you are.
a/ Expressing likes

b/ Greeting

c/ Expressing appreciation

d/ Polite request

e/ Inviting

1 +

2 + ..

3 +

4 +

4/ Put the words between brackets in the right tense or form ( 2 marks)

This is a picture of little Suzan. Shes
five years old. She enjoys (to ride)
... her bicycle. She never (to go)
. to school on foot.
Today, she (to wear) . a blue
shirt and white trousers. ( She)
socks are blue.

III/ Writing ( 5 marks)
You are celebrating your birthday today. Use the following pictures to
describe your birthday party. Dont forget to use (and / then / after / )

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