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Reflective Practice Guidance Logs

Part 1 Objective Observation

(Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem.! Date of Observation:: February 26th 2013 " #al$ed over to the highchair area #here "hahara and Eli%abeth (staff! #ere standing. & observed " lay her stomach on the adult'si%ed chair. "he held on to both sides of the seat #ith her t#o hands and pulled herself up( still lying on her stomach #ith her feet up in the air

Part 2 Decision
(Clearly identify the guidance strategy chosen and why the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child ) situation.! *he guidance strategy & #ill choose to use in this situation is positive #ording( &'messages and redirection. *he reason & feel & need to use these three strategies in combination( is because the child first needs to understand #hat has happened( then a clear message stating #hat is appropriate( and finally a ne# activity to divert her attention to( in order to maintain the safety of the child.

Part 3 Action
(Clearly discuss your actions( the child+s response and the results of the guidance strategy.!

Positive ,ording &'.essages

& got do#n to her level and & responded by saying feet do#n please. & did this #hile placing my hand on her bac$ /nd guiding her feet do#n to the floor. 0ext & decided to stand bac$ and observe her. Close Enough to supervise but far bac$ enough that her behavior #ouldn+t be affected by my presence. *his #ay & #ould be able to see if she #ould *ry again( not as a test( but to observe her 2ehavior to $no# ho# effective my guidance "trategy #as( as #ell as for future reference. & sa# loo$ up at Eli%abeth( #ho+s eyes #ere *urned a#ay( and then she grabbed the t#o sides 4f the seat and pulled herself up on the chair. & stepped in saying 5eet do#n no than$ you & *hen put my hands under her arms and lifted her off( placing her feet on the floor. & too$ her hand and as #e #al$ed a#ay & said 4ur feet belong on the floor & too$ her over to a child'si%ed chair( and said you can sit here on you bum. & too$ a seat next to her and say spontaneously. *he song #ent sit on your bum'bum( sit on your bum'bum and & bounced up and do#n in my seat s#aying( and smiling. "he did the same and laughed.


Redirection comes into play #hen & too$ her hand and directed her to a chair that #as safer for her. /fter & used the &'.essages and positive #ording( & found her trying to do it again( and so & #al$ed up to her( and too$ her hand and said come sit #ith me. ,e #al$ed a#ay from the situation and & said #ould you li$e to read a boo$1 she let go of my hand as #e #ere #al$ing over to the 3uiet area( and too$ a boo$ off the shelf. "he brought it bac$ to me( and so & sat her on my lap( and read to her. 4nce our boo$ had finished( she #ent off to play and forgot about the chair. & didn+t see do it again for the day.

Part 4 ef!ection
(Clearly discuss your strengths and needs related to this particular log entry( along #ith the changes that you #ould ma$e if needed.!

6oing this assignment & found strengths to be getting do#n to the child+s level so #hatever & say has a greater impact( and so & sho# respect for the child. & also li$e my use of #ording. &t #as appropriate for the situation( as #ell as the child+s development and understanding. *he song #or$ed for a little #hile. & got her attention7 in addition( to the fact that & remembered children learn best through song and music. &t #as a clear message stating #hat & #anted from her( and by putting it in a song( and demonstrating & #as able to get her to sit.

0ext time( maybe & shouldn+t #ait so long to use redirection. & #aited to observe her behavior( in order to get to $no# her %one of proximal development( #hen referring to communication and language. .aybe she 8ust needed the instruction once or maybe she #ould need help. "he could have gotten hurt( and & #ould have felt bad for not tal$ing her out of the situation right a#ay. & thin$ & need to be more assertive. & find myself very timid sometimes #hen tal$ing to a child because & don+t #ant to hurt their feelings. 2ut & have come to notice( #hen & am more assertive( but still positive and respectful( & get better and faster results. 2etter supervision. *he second time she attempted to climb the chair & caught it instantly and removed her from that area( but the third time( & had my eyes off of her. & feel the closer supervised the children are the better( because even though they are young( they are very smart( and & have observed them #atch for a moment #hen #e turn a#ay( and then ma$e that attempt. *hey are fast( but #e need to be faster.

Discuss the chan#es that you wou!% &a'e an% why you wou!% &a'e the&(

$e)t ti&e * &i#ht use an activity for re%irection that a++!ies to the situation, an% the resu!t that * want fro& the chi!%( An e)a&+!e in this case wou!% be &aybe co!ourin#( * want her to sit so by #ivin# her an activity that re-uires sittin#, but a!so #ets her &in% off the ina++ro+riate action, * can +raise her for her .#oo% sittin#/ an% +raise her art, the new activity(

"u+ervisin# 010 "i#natures:

Dear 010 "u+ervisin# 2eacher: P!ease rea% an% review the #ui%ance !o#, an% se!ect the a++ro+riate circ!e be!ow to assist us in #ra%in# this assi#n&ent( 2han' you3
o o o *his log is accurate based on observations. *his log is some#hat accurate. Please explain9 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *his log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain9 ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 010 "i#nature: 44444444444444444444444444444444444 A#ency $a&e: 444444444444444444444444444 A#ency Phone $u&ber:4444444444444444444444444444

ef!ective Practice 5ui%ance 6o#s Assi#n&ent ubric 5ra%in# 5ui%e 72 +a#es8

1riteria Part 1: Observations 0 ' &ncomplete '*oo many 9e!ow 0)+ectations 718 ' 4bservations are #ea$ and "atisfactory 728 ' 4bservations need #or$ 1o&+etent 738 ' 4bservations are mostly "tron# 748 ' 4bservations effectively #ritten

:9ase% on 3 6o#s


vague 'Lac$s details( unclear '.any errors made

'"ome details provided 'Children are labeled at times '"ome errors

effectively #ritten 'Good details provided '4b8ective most times '.inimal errors 'Children are respected 'Good variety of guidance strategies used from class 'Good details provided 'Good decisions made 'Good amount of details and clear '6emonstrates a good understanding of class content '6etailed and reflective '"trengths and 0eeds are identified 'Good ability to recogni%e changes #hen needed

'Rich in detail '4b8ective '5ree from errors 'Children are respected

Part 2: Decisions : 9ase% on 3 6o#s

'&ncomplete '.a8or errors made

'0o variety of guidance strategies used from class ';ague( lac$ing details 'Poor decisions made 'Lac$ing details( vague '&neffective guidance strategies used 'Lac$ing 6etails and vague '"truggles identifying "trengths and 0eeds 'Little ability to recogni%e changes #hen needed

'"ome variety of guidance strategies used from class '.ore details needed '"ome good decisions made '"ome details '"ome understanding of class content

';ariety of guidance strategies used from class '"trong details provided '/ppropriate decisions made '6etailed and clear '6emonstrates a solid understanding of class content

Part 3: Actions : 9ase% on 3 6o#s

'&ncomplete '.a8or errors made

Part 4:


'&ncomplete '.a8or errors made

: 9ase% on 3 6o#s

'"ome details provided '"trengths and 0eeds are some#hat identified '"ome ability to recogni%e changes

'6etailed( reflective and analytical '"trengths and 0eeds are #ell identified '4utstanding ability to recogni%e changes #hen needed

2i&e ;ana#e&ent

'0o 6ates or ECE signatures

'Logs completed and shared #ith the ECE #ith no variety of dates

'Logs completed and shared #ith the ECE #ith little variety of dates

'Logs completed and shared #ith the ECE in a variety of dates

'Logs completed and shared #ith the ECE in a variety of dates throughout the semester


'0ot presented in a professionally manner '*oo .any errors in spelling and grammar

'Poor organi%ational s$ills 'Concerns #ith presentation '.any errors in English standards ("pelling and

'"ome concerns #ith overall presentation '"ome errors in English standards (spelling and grammar!

'Professional presentation '.inimal errors in English standards ("pelling and grammar!

'Professional presentation 'Conforms to English standards

'6oes not meet English "tandard


:P!ease note that without 0<A6=A2*O$ > "*5$A2= 0" fro& an 010, a ?0@ #ra%e wi!! be #iven for this assi#n&ent( "e!fA0va!uation:
& thought .y use of guidance strategies #as good. & am getting much better at it( compared to my first fe# days. & still need practice( but #ith time( & #ill get better. & have learned from my mista$es( and hope to fulfill the needs & have listed before in other situations

*nstructor/s 1o&&ents:

5inal Grade9 :::::::::::: ) <=>

Reflective Practice Guidance Logs

Guidance ? &ndividual Child ECEP'@<A Patrice Lander &d9 <==B@=CC= Centennial College /shtonbee Campus Prof9 "heila "ullivan Room9 a'A@D 6ue 6ate9 ,ee$ E (5eb AEth @<! FEG*E0"&40 G&;E0F

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