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Lesson Framework Getting Ready to Learn Scholar Cultivation Focus (Frames the lesson) Objective (Lesson Target)

Incorporates Connected Curriculum, WHERE TO (UbD), and Scholar Cultivation One Point Perspective Cityscape. SWBAT create a one point perspective cityscape that contains the illusion of distance.

! Modified Objective

Motivate (Scholar Focus + Objective

Lesson 1 Power point presentation and guided notes on the life and art work of M.C. Ester

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Lesson 2 Optical illusion slide presentation and class discussion. Lesson 3 One point perspective 3d cube drawing. Lesson 4 Time lapsed video of a local artist creating a cityscape . Lesson 5 Positive student critique

Alternative Means of Representation http:// aboutudl/ udlguidelines/ principle1 Alternative Means of Action and Expression http:// aboutudl/ udlguidelines/ principle2 Alternative Means of Engagement http:// aboutudl/ udlguidelines/ principle3

Activate Prior Knowledge

Lesson 1 Do now: Define horizon line and vanishing point.

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Lesson 2 Do now: What is a cityscape and how is it different from a landscape? Lesson 3 Do now: Name a the two directions your rules can point when perspective drawing. Lesson 4 Do now: What is an optical illusion? Lesson 5 Do now: What is value? How is value important to three dimensional drawing?

Acquire and Learning Activities (Use Integrate teaching model that Knowledge matches learning target)

! ! OR ! Extend and
Refine Knowledge

Lesson 1 Power point presentation and guided notes on the life and art work of M.C. Ester

Lesson 1

Connect to content Connect to practitioner Connect across disciplines Connect to self

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Students written critique of famous Ester drawings paintings. Step by step demonstration perspective cubes drawing. Students will work independently drawing cubes while I monitor. Lesson 2

I will provide an example of a finished project and highlight the elements within the project that meet the criteria of the rubric.

Optical illusion slide presentation and class discussion. Step by step demonstration use line, value, and points to create optical illusions Students will work independently practicing 3d drawing techniques on guided worksheets while I monitor. Lesson 3 Brief explanation of the project rubric. Students will be presented with a sample project created by me and will be asked to grade the project based of the rubric. One point perspective 3d cube drawing guided lesson. Students will draw with me step by step 3d cubes that create with added value a birds eye view of a cityscape. Students will work independently on their cityscape project while I monitor and provide individual feedback. Lesson 4 Time lapsed video of a local artist creating a cityscape . Short demonstration of value and shading.

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Lesson 3 Hand over hand guided instruction of the slip and score technique

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Lesson 3 Step by step pictorial handout of water color painting techniques.


Review and Reflect on Learning

Lesson 1

Exit Ticket: What is a vanishing point?

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Lesson 2

Exit Ticket: M.C Ester created what types of illusions

in his art work? Lesson 3

Exit Ticket: In a one point perspective drawing all lines should point where?
Lesson 4

Exit Ticket: What is one thing you like about your project and why?
Lesson 5

Exit Ticket: How did you use value in your drawing?

Lesson 6

Exit Ticket: M.C Ester used what type of math in his works of art? Assess Learning

!One point perspective drawing

Assessment perspective drawing and M.C .Ester art work and history

Reinforce Learning

Home Extension

Additional Notes: (e.g. Material needed, student grouping, etc.)

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