Checklists and Rating Scales Kohlmann

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Checklist-Physical Development

CHILD: ________________DEREK______________________ AGE: _________2_______________________________ OBSERVER: Angelica Kohlmann_______E50______ DATE COMPLETED: ___10/21/2013______
FINE MOTOR Milestone
Picks up and inserts objects with dexterity Cuts with scissors demonstrating control Fastens, unfastens zippers and buttons Turns knobs/lids Pours without spilling Molds clay and play dough with dexterity Strings beads Writes, draws with an implement Traces objects with a marker

Observation DATE


Emerging X

Not Yet

Not Observed


Runs with control over speed and direction Throws ball Catches ball Kicks ball Pumps on swings Rides Trike Walks across balance bean Push, Pulls objects Jumps, hops Walks up and down stairs alternating feet


COMMENTS: Derek is a young two year old, born in August. He has limited balance and frequently runs and trips over himself. While walking he is able to push or pull toys to play with them, and he is beginning to kick and throw a ball, while he cannot yet catch unless it is rolled in front of him on the floor. His fine motor skills are very limited, he isnt interested in drawing/scribbling yet, and still uses whole-hand grasping for his food rather than the pincher grasp. To help further Dereks development I would suggest working on balance activities and encouraging him to control his speed while walking/running by alternating between the two. It may also help to start encouraging hopping (two feet) with him to help build muscle control and balance as well. Derek would greatly benefit from fine motor activities, as he isnt yet displaying any interest and he isnt using his pincher-grasp yet. Working on even simple things like handing him small items and seeing how he grabs/holds them can give you an idea of where his fine motor skills are. It would also be beneficial to introduce him to art and encourage him to experiment with paint and crayons, etc.

CHD 165-Checklist Assignment Grading Rubric:

Assignment is worth 100 points Exceeds (90-100 points) Checklist Checklist complete in both fine and gross motor SLO 3 skills. All areas observed. NAEYC Standard-3a, 3b Checklist is included with 1a the assignment. 30 points Description of physical development NAEYC Standard-1a, 3a, 3b 40 points Support of Physical Development NAEYC Standard-1a,1c, 3a, 3c Written analysis accurately describes childs fine and gross motor development with references to the checklist. At least three suggestions or strategies provided for supporting the childs physical development. Suggestions for both fine and gross motor skills covered. Suggestions related to checklist observation. 30 points Mechanics Meets (75-89 points) Checklist complete in both fine and gross motor skills. Skills not observed noted. Checklist is included with the assignment Written analysis describes childs fine and gross motor skills. The analysis can be traced to the checklist. At least three strategies or suggestions provided for supporting the childs physical development. Suggestions related to the checklist observation. Suggestions are age appropriate. Needs Improvement (less than 75) Several areas not observed which creates incomplete developmental description. Or the checklist is not included with assignment. Written analysis does not fully describe the childs physical development or description covers items not observed on the checklist. Less than three strategies or suggestions provided to support the childs physical development or The suggestions are not related to the observation instrument Suggestions for physical development are not age appropriate.

Suggestions are age appropriate. Points are not given for grammar, spelling or format. It is expected your paper will be organized and written in Standard English. Points will be deducted if there are pervasive problems which interfere with the ability to understand your submission.

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