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Courtesy Notice

Respondent (private details): Alleged Name Surname c/o Street address City State Zip Proponent (private details): Maria Mamrol 741 Cedar Lane Perkasie, PA [1 !44"

Date: Re: &ervice:

Click to type #onday $$ o% #ont&, '$1( Unlimited personal liability arising from foreclosure of all banks all corporate governments and all ot!er corporations by UCC filings of t!e "ne People#s Public $rust% ("PP$) )mail / *a+ / ,and -eli.ery / /egistered #ail Num0er 1111111111111111111

DU'( )*R+,+*D D*C'-R-$+"N ", ,-C$&: 2it& regard to perpetuation o% any and all SLA3)/4 S4S5)#S 0y /espondents name 6it& address o% /espondents address &erea%ter 7/espondent89 : am t&e sole la6%ul and legal /);:S5)/)- o6ner, custodian, and trustee o% my <)=ing, any and all creations t&ere%rom, and property t&ereo%, >CC -oc9 *ile No9=s '$1'1'7 1$, '$1'1'7 ?4, '$1'1'7!$7, '$1'1'7!14, restated and incorporated

&ere 0y re%erence as i% set %ort& in %ull, original notice o% -)CLA/A5:@N @* *AC5S 0y pu0lic registration made and gi.en 0y t&e @ne People=s Pu0lic 5rust, &erea%ter 7@PP589 : &a.e and do kno6ingly, 6illingly, and intentionally adopt, recon%irm, and rati%y said -)CLA/A5:@N @* *AC5S as my o6n duly .eri%ied due -)CLA/A5:@N @* *AC5S, nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea, unre0utted as a matter o% la6, as matter o% %act, and as a matter o% pu0lic policy, &erea%ter 7Proponent89
DU'( )*R+,+*D N"$+C*: Proponent duly and makes notice to /espondent t&at Proponent -@)S N@5 C@NS)N5 to any unla6%ul and illegal de.aluing, diminis&ing, a0rogating, su0Augating, su0ordinating, usurping, in.ading, .iolating or t&e%t o% Proponent=s duly secured <)=ing, any and all creations t&ere%rom, and property t&ereo%9 /espondent is duly ordered to C)AS) AN- -)S:S5 any and all said unla6%ul and illegal actions against Proponent e%%ecti.e immediately9 Proponent duly makes and you due notice t&at /espondent is la6%ully and legally responsi0le and lia0le, in principal and triple damages under common la6, %or any and all unla6%ul and illegal actions against Proponent 0y /espondent causing and resulting in any and all damage to Proponent, inclusi.e o% p&ysical &arm, p&ysical detention, property seiBure, property damage, %inancial damage, or any ot&er damage o% Proponent=s measura0le energy9 /espondentCs attention is directed to t&e -)CLA/A5:@N @* *AC5S, speci%ically t&e %oreclosure in late '$1', o% t&e 6orldCs corporations operating under t&e guise o% t&e people=s go.ernments, 0anks and all ot&er corporations %or cause o% treason against and t&e damage o% t&e one people o% t&is planet 6it&out t&eir kno6ing, 6illing and intentional consent, speci%icallyD .overnment C!arters Cancelled: (Refer: D*C'-R-$+"N ", ,-C$&: UCC Doc / 0120203425 Nov 06 0120)

79995&at any and all C,A/5)/S, inclusi.e o% 5&e >nited States *ederal ;o.ernment, >N:5)- S5A5)S, 7S5A5) o% 999E, :nclusi.e o% any and all a00re.iations, idem sonans, or ot&er legal, %inancial or managerial %orms, any and all international e7uivalents, inclusi.e o% any and all @**:C)S, inclusi.e o% any and all @**:C)/S, P><L:C S)/3AN5S, )F)C>5:3) @/-)/S, 5/)A5:)S, C@NS5:5>5:@NS, #)#<)/S,:P, AC5S, and any and all ot&er contracts and agreements made t&ereunder and t&ere0y, are no6, .oid, worthless, or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted; .998 8ank C!arters Cancelled: (Refer: $RU* 8+'': 9- DC UCC Doc/ 012022533: "ct 05 0120)

7Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled; any and all c&arters %or <ank o% :nternational Settlements G<:SH mem0ers t&ereto and t&ereo% including all 0ene%iciaries, including all certain states o% 0ody o6ning, operating, aiding and a0etting pri.ate money systems, issuing, collection, legal en%orcement systems, operating SLA3)/4 S4S5)#S I commandeering la6%ul .alue 0y unla6%ul representation9998 &aid D*C'-R-$+"N ", ,-C$& identified !erein restated !ere remains unrebutted and stands as -bsolute $rut! in la; commerce and 8*<ing registered in public record universal la; ordinance for all of t!e ;orld to rely upon% &ee !ttps:==gov%propertyinfo%com=DC>9as!ington= (registration re7uired) or ;;;%peoplestrust233:%org%

All rig&ts reser.ed

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Accordingly, /espondent is ad.ised t&at t&ey no6 act in t&e capacity o% an indi.idual entity, 6it&out a corporate sa%ety net and 6it& %ull personal lia0ility %or )3)/4 AC5:@N 5,)4 5AK) under common la6 protected and preser.ed 0y pu0lic policy >CC 1L1$(, and >ni.ersal la6, t&e go.erning la6 laid out in t&e @PP5 >CC %ilings9 G/e%erD 9- DC UCC Ref Doc / 012022?@4?H S&ould /espondent c&oose to act on 0e&al% o% a %oreclosed entity, causing Proponent any damage as &erein stated, /espondent, in t&eir indi.idual and unlimited capacity, 6ill 0e &eld a0solutely lia0le9 Suc& actions may result in la6%ul remedy 0eing 0roug&t against /espondent, pursuant to pu0lic policy >CC 1L($?, including 0ut not limited to >CC Commercial <ill GLienH, against /espondentCs assets9 *urt&er, /espondentCs attention is dra6n to D*C'-R-$+"N -ND "RD*R: UCC Doc / 012014:135 &ept% $! '$1', duly recon%irmed and rati%ied 0y C@##)/C:AL <:LL >CC -oc9 No9 '$1'114? J and 5/>) <:LL >CC -oc9 No9'$1' 11477J 6&ic& statesD 3olunteers 6it&in t&e military 999 7to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states o% 0ody, t&eir agents, o%%icers, and ot&er actors, regardless o% domicil 0y c&oice, o;ning operating aiding and abetting pri.ate money systems, issuing, collection, legal en%orcement systems, operating SLA3)/4 S4S5)#S against t&e se.eral states citiBens, 9998, and 7/epossess all pri.ate money systems, tracking, trans%erring, issuing, collection, legal en%orcement systems operating SLA3)/4 S4S5)#S9998 7999all 0eings o% t&e creator s&all %ort&6it& assist all Pu0lic Ser.ants identi%ied &erein, to implement protect preserve and complete t!is "RD*R 0y all means o% t&e creator and created as stated &erein, 0y, 6it&, and under your %ull personal lia0ility9998 S&ould /espondent cease and desist in any and all damaging actions against Proponent, actions 0roug&t against /espondentCs assets s&all 0e a.erted9 /espondent is cautioned o% its compounding and accumulating lia0ility t&roug& instructing, directing, or conspiring 6it& colleagues in pursuing damaging actions against Proponent9 S&ould colleagues so instructed detrimentally damage Proponent, t&ey 6ill 0e made Aointly and se.erally lia0le, t&roug& Principal Agent -octrine, preser.ed 0y pu0lic policy >CC 1L 1$(, and it is no6 your commercial and moral responsi0ility to in%orm t&em9 :t is your responsi0ility to in.estigate your lia0ility and any potential %uture lia0ility t&at is created 0y your kno6ing, 6illing and intentional %ree 6ill c&oice to damage Proponent9 Proponent &as duly made and gi.en an additional courtesy notice to /espondent, original notice is a matter o% record made and gi.en 0y @PP59 S&ould /espondent c&oose to interact 6it& Proponent pri.ately and indi.idually 0eyond t&is date, ProponentCs terms and conditions No #-#LFFFFF are o%%ered %or /espondentCs acceptance, 6&erein t&e met&od o% acceptance is clearly de%ined9 /espondentCs attention is also dra6n to positi.e 0ene%its t&at t&e @PP5 %ilings o%%er e.ery person9 *oreclosed 0anks cancels de0t9 Cancelled Ego.ernmentE c&arters eliminates unla6%ul ta+es, statutory la6, all courts etc9 Ne6 go.ernance is &ere9 See page ? %or more in%ormation9 5ake due notice and 0e go.erned accordingly9

ProponentD 11111111111111111111112itnessD 111111111111111111111111 2itness NameD Name Surname -ateD 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

All rig&ts reser.ed

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Terms & Conditions Reference No: MDM-XXXXX

$erms A Conditions
Respondent (private details): Alleged Name Surname c/o Street address City State Zip Proponent (private details): 4our nameD 4our address %or response

5&ese 5erms M Conditions are applica0le to t&e a0o.e named parties, also including 0ut not limited to colleagues acting %or or on 0e&al% o% t&e named partiesD

2&ereas all <anks and 7;o.ernment8 &a.e 0een duly %oreclosed upon Gre%D >CC -oc N '$1'1'7!14 &ttpsD//go.9propertyin%o9com/-CL2as&ington/H, /espondent t&ere%ore acts in t&e capacity o% a private individual9 :n t&e a0sence o% go.ernment statutes and 0ank or ot&er corporate contracts, t&e only instrument t&at 6ill compel per%ormance 0et6een pri.ate indi.iduals is a la6%ully 0inding contract9

Respondent#s Responsibilities
:t is /espondentCs onus and responsi0ility to pro.ide proo% o% claim in t&e %orm o% a Su%%icient 3eri%ied /esponse o% a la6%ully 0inding contract, presumed or claimed to e+ist 0et6een t&e parties9 Additionally any claimed contract must possess all elements o% a la6%ully 0inding contract including 0ut not limited toO o%%er, acceptance, true reliant statements o% %act, intent and consideration, and t&at t&ese elements &a.e 0een kno6ingly, 6illing and intentionally disclosed to Proponent9 A0sent a la6%ully 0inding contract, t&is document notices a contractual good %ait& o%%er o% terms and conditions 0et6een t&e parties 6&ic& upon acceptance 6ill %orm a la6%ully 0inding contract 0et6een t&e parties9 :t is /espondents responsi0ility to in%orm and ad.ise any colleagues acting %or or on 0e&al% o% /espondent o% t&ese terms and conditions9 See Sc&edule A %or contractual o0ligations arising %rom acceptance o% t&ese terms9

&ufficient )erified Response

@6ing to t&e seriousness o% t&e matter, only a response t&at meets t&e %ollo6ing criteria Puali%ies as a Su%%icient 3eri%ied /esponse9 /esponse mustD

0e duly registered .eri%ied and s6orn documentation o% standing, aut&ority, .alue, and re0uttal o% e.ery point 6it& speci%icity and particularityO e+&i0it 6ritten delegation o% aut&ority signed 0y t&e /espondent i% response is 0y anot&erO use 6ords de%ined 6it&in common dictionaries Ge9g9 2e0ster=s or @+%ordH9
No correspondence 6ill 0e entered into 0y telep&one9

Met!od of ReBection
No contract s&all 0e considered entered 6&ere /espondent does not do or per%orm any o% t&e actions listed in Sc&edule A9 No action, no contract.

Met!od of -cceptance
A la6%ully 0inding contract is kno6ingly entered into 0y /espondent or any o% t&eir agents doing or per%orming any o% t&e actions listed in Sc&edule A9 Action is acceptance.

$erms of -cceptance
Acceptance is with Respondents consent to the following:

19 Agreement 6it& all terms and conditions stipulated &ereinO >nreser.ed acceptance o% c&arges paya0le stipulated in Sc&edule AO /espondent irre.oca0ly and unconditionally any and all rig&ts o% o0Aection, immunities or de%ences9

All rig&ts reser.ed

Page ( o% J

&c!edule Currency: Q5roy ounces o% !!9!R pure sil.er9 &as 0een selected 0ecause t&e %ormer corporations t&at issued currencies &a.e 0een %oreclosed9 Collection fees: Collection %ees %or any unpaid in.oices are additional9

Item 1 2 3 4 5 Description Any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties Enforcing or attempting to enforce any prior issued instrument from a foreclosed entity Enforcing or attempting to enforce a judgement from a Court Engaging any 3rd Party service absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties Breach of privacy including but not limited to each or any form, notice or letter addressed to anyone other than the Proponent at the reply address noted on each presentment Unlawful physical or non-physical threat including but not limited to a threat of prosecution, restraint, bodily harm or legal action Unlawful physical harm including but not limited to restraining Proponent or inflicting bodily harm. Unlawful repairable Damage to the Proponents private property or goods instigated by or caused by the Respondent Unlawful destruction of Proponents private property or goods including but not limited to irreparable damage Unlawful claim of ownership of Proponents private property or goods including but not limited to sale or auction Action against anot&er, not party to t&ese terms and conditions, a0sent a la6%ully 0inding contract 0et6een t&e parties, causing &arm to Proponent, including 0ut not limited to damage o% Proponent=s measura0le energy )ac& telep&one call made 0y /espondent in t&e pursuit o% any claim a0sent a la6%ully 0inding contract 0et6een t&e parties Seizing Proponents private property or goods as surety for payment of any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties *Rate (in ounces of Silver) 2,000 oz 2,000 oz 5,000 oz 10,000 oz 500* oz

4,000* oz

10,000* oz

5,000* oz

10,000* oz


5,000* oz


1,000* oz

12 13

1,000* oz 1,000* oz per calendar day


Each day claim is made against Proponent's private property or goods, including but not limited 500* oz to registering a lien, absent a lawfully binding contract. per calendar day Unlawful arrest or detainment per calendar day or part thereof. Operating or perpetuating any and all private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS of and against the One People*. *The One People as defined in UCC 2012079290 1,000 oz per calendar day 1,000* oz per calendar day

15 16

Note: 2it&out a la6%ully 0inding contract in place, any %ee, c&arge or in.oice le.ied on an incremental 0asis including 0ut not limited to containing any interest component, 6ill 0e treated as t&oug& a separate incidence9 >nits o% increment 6ill determine num0er o% incidences in.oiced9

C!anges to $erms and Conditions

5erms and conditions may c&ange at any time9 /espondent 6ill 0e o%%ered ne6 terms t&at 6ill supersede and cancel any pre.iously issued terms and conditions9

All rig&ts reser.ed

Page 4 o% J

$!e "ne People#s Public $rust ("PP$)

5&e @PP5 documents t&at 6ere disclosed on -ecem0er '?t& &a.e s6ept across t&e land like 6ild%ire9 :t &as 0ecome a grassroots mo.ement taken on 0y &undreds o% t&ousands o% people across t&e 6orld Gsoon to 0e millionsH 6&o all 6ant t&e same t&ingO 5&ey 6ant %reedom %rom t&e old ensla.ement system and a c&oice to li.e t&eir according to t&eir o6n %ree 6ill and to e+ercise t&eir o6n %ree 6ill c&oices9 5&e current systems &a.e %ailed and t&ey are 0eing &eld up only 0y arti%icial means and t&e last 0it o% energy t&at 6as already 7in t&e pipes8 0e%ore t&e %oreclosure9 5&e @PP5 documents open t&e door to t&e possi0ility o% allo6ing t&e people to %ree t& %rom t&ese %ailed systems and coLcreate a ne6 system, according to t&e desires and %ree 6ill c&oice o% eac& acting in t&e &ig&est good o% all 6&ere 6e can all t&ri.e9

9!at is t!e "ne People#s Public $rustC

5&e @ne PeopleCs Pu0lic 5rust itsel% consists o% e.ery person on t&e planet, t&e planet itsel% and t&e Creator9 5&e @ne PeopleCs 5rust trustees are a group o% .ery skilled indi.iduals including legal pro%essionals 6&o, in conAunction 6it& a positi.e group inside t&e %inancial system, carried out e+tensi.e in.estigations into t&e massi.e %raud and t&e%t taking place at t&e time9 A%ter e+ercising e+treme prudence, t&e @PP5 concluded t&at t&e corporations operating under t&e guise o% t&e people=s go.ernment and %inancial systems 6ere committing treason against t&e people o% t&is planet 6it&out t&e people=s kno6ing, 6illing and intentional consent9 5&roug& a series o% /);:S5/A5:@NS o% t&e <)=ing o% t&e one people o% t&is planet, t&e land, airs, seas and e.ery creation t&ereo% and t&ere%rom, all unla6%ul and illegal claims o% o6ners&ip and actions o% management and control 0y t&e principals, agents and 0ene%iciaries 6ere la6%ully and legally duly cancelled and %oreclosed upon 0y t&eir o6n %ree 6ill c&oice not to remedy t&e damage t&ey &ad caused9 5&e %inal report %rom t&e in.estigation is to 0e %ound &ere &ttpD//6669scri0d9com/doc/11 $J7!''/PA/A-:;#L-@C>#)N5L*/@#L5,)L5/)AS>/4L*:NANC)LA;L:N->S5/:)S5/ASS)L '1LC,LJ$??ALPNAC,L-@/*LS2:5Z)/LAN@PP5 guards, protects and all <)=ing, inclusi.e o% gold and pre.iously misused and a0used 0y t&e 0anking system9 5&e one people o% t&is planet, and all <)=ings guarded, preser.ed and protected in 5rust, indi.idually and ePually, are t&e only la6%ul and legal issuers o% any legitimate /)P/)S)N5A5:@N o% .alue, especially currency9 5&e alleged main stream 0anking system no longer &as asset 0acking9 5&e trustees &a.e returned and allocated a signi%icant amount .alue to eac& &uman, a .alue t&at could pay t&e de0t o% t&e a.erage person many, many times o.er9 5&is is unnecessary o% course9 All de0t &as 0een eliminated 0y t&e .ery %act t&at t&e 0anks c&ose not to pro.ide .eri%ied documentation t&at a loan &ad 0een made, as a matter o% la6, as a matter o% %act, and as a matter o% pu0lic policy, and t&e 0anks t&ere%ore c&ose 0y t&eir %ree 6ill c&oice to %oreclose on t&emsel.es9 #any signi%icant c&anges &a.e come a0out including t&at 6e no6 li.e in a 6orld o% unlimited responsi0ility and lia0ility t&at may 0ot&er you, 0ut 6&en you &a.e a &uge asset to call upon in need, t&at %act is mitigated9 At t&e same time, t&e trustees in.oked a replacement system o% go.ernance called Creators 3alue Asset Centres or C3ACCs9 5&e C3AC system is t&e antit&esis o% t&e corrupt, e+ternally controlled looting de.ices t&at 6ere termed ;o.ernments9 5&ey are in %act, in commerce, in la6, preser.ed 0y pu0lic policy, /);:S5)/)- as 6&olly o6ned, 6it& %ull title, .alue and rig&ts, coLAointly and ePually 0y eac& o% t&e one people on t&is planet, e+pressly 6arranted to 0e entirely transparent entities t&at e+ist only to ser.e t&e people o% t&is planet 0y pro.iding any systems o% assistance t&e people o% t&is planet deem necessary or desired, and t&ese systems are pre.ented %rom impinging on any aspect o% t&e %ree 6ill o% any &uman9 5&e C3AC system is presented as a planet 6ide, completely interconnected net6ork structure run only 0y 0onded pu0lic ser.ants 6&o act 6it& %ull responsi0ility and in %ull lia0ility at all times9 ).ery &uman on t&e planet is ser.ed 0y C3AC and its </ANC,)S9 )ac& %ormer nation on t&e planet &as one C3AC </ANC, reser.ed %or it9 5&is incredi0le paradigm s&i%t is Aust 0eginning to un%old rig&t no69 2&y is day to day li%e still t&e sameS 5&e old system is currently in denial and alt&oug& t&ere are negotiations going on continuously at t&e &ig&est le.el, t&e ne6s o% t&e e+istence o% t&e 5rust is deli0erately 0eing kept out o% t&e main stream media 0y t&e alleged corporate system to decei.e t&e one people o% t&is planet as it al6ays &as done9 5&e impending implementation o% %unded C3ACs 6ill correct t&is situation9 4et t&is document is in %ront o% you and 4@> no6 kno6 6&at is really &appening9 4ou are no6 part o% t&e paradigm s&i%t9 5&is document is a la6%ul and legal c&allenge to approac&es 0y indi.iduals acting in ignorance o% t&e ne6 system or kno6ingly, 6illingly, and intentionally attempting to usurp, .iolate, in.ade, a0rogate, su0Augate, or insu0ordinate any <)=ing on t&is planet9 :t is also an in.itation to participate transparently, 6it& integrity, in t&e greatest period o% c&ange seen on t&is planet9 :n t&e mont&s to come our 6orld is going to c&ange 0eyond recognition9 @ur true &istory 6ill 0e re.ealed along 6it& t&e trut& o% t&e system 6e &a.e 0een under9 #uc& tec&nology t&at &as 0een 6it&&eld %rom us 6ill 0e released including po6er production, &ealt& and transport9 2ar, disease and pollution 6ill 0e a t&ing o% t&e past9 )ac& o% us needs to do our o6n researc&9 Patience is rePuired 6&ile 6e de.elop our o6n understanding o% 6&at is occurring and c&oose 6&at 6e do 6it& t&is in%ormation only as it resonates 6it&in eac& o% us9 5&ere are many groups around t&e 6orld t&at &a.e %ormed to de.elop strategies on &o6 0est to use t&e @PP5 %ilings to &elp %ree t&e people and many 6&o are 6orking to pus& t&e in%ormation out to t&e people as t&e C3AC system is prepared %or rollout9

Tust ;oogle @ne PeopleCs Pu0lic 5rust, @PP5 or go to 6669peoplestrust177J9org9

5&ank you9

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