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21 Dumb Internet Communities You Probably Dont Want To Be Associated With

The second in my 21 series stolen directly from Jake Bense, this list will enlighten you on some of the craziness of the internet that probably isnt worth your time. In no particular order. Helpful links: Internet Aristocrat: J.T. Sexkik: Also, if you want to know what Tumblr-language is, which I reference a few times, some research into Social Justice blogs might be necessary.

1. The Tulpa Community

A Tulpa, to the best of my understanding, is a thoughtform created by your brain-powers that is its own separate consciousness within your mind. An imaginary friend for bored, lonely teenagers. You spend at least a half an hour a day meditating and imagining a wonderland within your mind, and you create your friend, who can be a human, an animal, a rock, an anime character, a box, or a pony. The MLP community has taken a liking to this idea for whatever reason, as there are a rather high amount of Twilight Sparklez tulpas. You can even have multiple tulpas to share your brainspace, or even switch places with your tulpa where they control your body and you reside in your wonderland (which makes for some amusing youtube videos). Is is schizophrenia? Is it just imaginary friends? Is it a groundbreaking rediscovery of a technique of contacting the spiritual? Fuck if I know.

2. The Headmates Community

Im not quite sure if this is just a rebranding of the tulpa community, or if there is a decent amount of overlap. It seems that tulpas are artificial and headmates are natural, but thats as far as Ive been able to get. Headmates is a complete and utter moc kery of schizophrenics and similar disorders. The same lonely, bored teenagers as before tell themselves that there are things inside their head, because theyre bored and lonely. They insist that this needs to be completely socially acceptable and normal, and that its a real thing that is in fact NOT schizophrenia. Steer clear of them at all costs. Covered well in a video by InternetAristocrat.

3. The Demi-Sexual Community

Demi-sexuals have created a new sexuality where you need a certain level of emotional attachment before you can be sexually attracted, which sounds very appealing to teenagers who are confused about their sexuality. In reality, this definition applies to pretty much everyone and doesnt make sense as its own sexuality. Despite this, the demi-sexual community just loves throwing around Tumblr-language and riding off of the coattails of the LGBT community. J.T. Sexkik has an excellent video, Sex Hole: An Educational Film, which covers this topic quite well.

4. The Sapio-Sexual Community

Same thing as before, except these people find intelligence as the most sexually attractive feature. Gets a brief mention in Sex Hole, and much of what was said about demi-sexuals applies here as well.

5. Freedomain Radio
An angry middle-aged man, Stephan Molyneux indoctrinates teenagers and college kids with anarchism and yells about statism. Between his extremist viewpoint, his absolute refusal to be wrong, and the virtual cult he has built around himself, youll probably find something to hate about the guy.

6. FDR Liberated
These are the people that broke away from Stephan and started a hate community. Its dumb because theyre wasting their time still getting angry about him (when theyre only creating more controversy), and you dont want to be a part of it because that mea ns you used to be part of Freedomain Radio.

7. The [Conservative Pundit] GETS OWNED VideoMaking Subculture

This is less of a community, and more of a YouTube trend, but Ill cover it regardless. Teenagers who want to find an identity that places them on a higher pedestal than

everyone else discover politics, and for whatever reason many turn out to be liberals, if only temporarily. They figure out that Bill OReilly and Fox News are stupid conservatives that make a complete mockery of the right end of the political spectrum, and that they like cutting people off, which makes it all the funnier when they get proven wrong by their guests. Next, an entire subculture is built around making fun of Bill OReilly and Fox News, and all of the videos titles end in GETS OWNED in order to enforce the newfound superiority complex in these newfound enlightened 12 year old liberals. Nonetheless, these videos can still be funny even for other people, but they just get boring and repetitive much faster.

8. The Mens Rights Community

I you know what? These people arent even worth my time talking about. Regardless, steer clear of them.

9. /r/spacedicks
This subreddit is often used as a punchline to jokes on reddit, and too many times will you see the next comment be why is this link purple? Anyone with a decent amount of experience as a redditor will have inevitably come into contact with this monstrosity. The scary part is that there are still people posting every single day. There are people that still support /r/spacedicks and contribute. Think about that.

10. /r/birdswitharms
No description necessary.

11. The Alex Panetta Fanpage


12. /r/counting
So there are these Redditors, and they count. Yeah. Theyre on the 192k thread now.

13. The Waifu Community

What used to be an innocent 4chan joke became a community of weaboo trash making rules and othersuch nonsense about their imaginary internet anime wives. Covered in J.T. Sexkiks Waifuism and You.

14. The Christian Weston Chandler Wiki

Creds to Jake Bense: A wiki dedicated to chronicling the life of a thirty-year-old autistic manchild and the people who troll him.

15. Tumblr Social Justice

Both of the Youtubers listed above have covered this extensively. I could list 21 different Social Justice sub-sub-cultures if I wanted to, or I could point you to J.T.s Whats Wrong With Tumblr and InternetAristocrats entire channel. Check your privilege, you ableist, racist, sexist, cis scum.

16. The Anime Community

A bunch of weird people from 4chan that jack off to tentacle porn watch these Chinese cartoons with the girls with the big breasts and the multi-colored hair and the robots. They all buy figurines and pillows with the anime girls on them and they argue about their waifus or something. All of them fat neckbeards.

17. The MLP Community

Basically the anime community but even worse and with a show for 5 year old girls about ponies.

18. The 21 List Community

A subculture under the Alex Panetta Fanpage where 2 bored people make lists of 21 things.

19. The Evangelion Community

A subculture of the anime community, the Evangelion Community is full of elitist bastards who call this Korean cartoon from the 90s the greatest anime of all time. Despite having consistently decreasing animation quality, a pussy as a main character,

an ending that creates more questions than answers, and a movie to make up for that shitty ending which is only more confusing and crazy, they still claim it to be the greatest thing in existence.

20. /a/ Sings

A subculture of /a/, a subculture of the anime community, /a/ sings is a group of anonymous neckbeards singing anime songs because they have nothing better to do with their lives.

21. The Fanfiction Community

Oh, who am I kidding? Everyone loves themselves some good fanfiction every once in a while:

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