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2014 Bright Horizon China Trip
Date: June 11th 23th Location: Beijing & Lijiang Yunnan province (Shangri-La), China Age:13 and older Cost: Attendees responsible for airfare and tickets to attractions. Total is around $2500. Sponsorship: BNVS sponsors lodging, meal and ground transportation in China, worth of $1000/person. Apply: Fill out application form on the third page. Host: Bright Horizon Cultural Exchange Club. President: Albert Zhu. Spots Available: 15 Establishedin2005,BNVocationalSchool(BNVS)is China'sfirsttuitionfree,nonprofitcharitable vocationalschoolattheseniorsecondarylevel. BNVSralliedasignificantnumberofsocially responsibleandvolunteermindedpeoplelikeyou andme. ThestudentsatBNVSarefromthepoorestfamilies inChina.Someofthemareorphans.Theycan barelyaffordtheireducation.Manyofthemhad neverwalkedoutthebigmountainbeforethey enteredBNVS. Theyarethesameageasusandtheyhavedreams aswell.Theirdreamcantbecometruewithout BNVS,withoutyouandme. Theywanttoknowtheworldaswell.Letsbring theworldtothembysharingourknowledgeand love. Weallliveonandsharethesameplanet Weare family.Andtogether,wecanspreadeducation. Yes,WeCan! MoreinformationpleasecontactAlbertat orleavequestionson

Bright Horizon Cultural Exchange Club

2014 - 2015 Trip Highlights:

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This trip is specially designed for American high school students with a mission to promote cultural exchange, charity and tourism. During their ten day visit, the students will gain an overall understanding of China in contrasted perspectives: historical and modern, luxurious and modest. Participants bond with BNVS students in classrooms and dorm rooms, through group interactions, travel and classroom curriculum. Excursions include not only world-famous historical sites: the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City; but also the top-notch Chinese modern art palace: Beijing 798 Art Zone. In addition to the modern cosmopolitan Beijing, visitors will also experience the traditional Beijing through Hutong and Courtyard (Siheyuan) and local Beijing folks. To top it off, this trip will provide participants with rare opportunities to get direct exposure to the culture and lifestyle of Chinese minorities. Need one parent chaperon for the group. Chaperons trip cost will be provided by the organizer. There will be volunteer translators.

6/11-12(There is a time difference), Day 1Fly to Beijing, arrive at BNVS Beijing campus, check-in. 6/13Day 210:00 AM 12:30 PM, Visit BNVS Beijing Campus, watch

introduction videos and meet with BNVS students. 1:30 PM 6:00 PM, attend vocational classes: Paper Cutting, Chinese Cooking and ATM Machine Maintenance. Dinner time: Enjoy the cuisine (noodles or dumplings) from the Chinese Cooking class.
6/14Day 3Visit Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall, Houhai, NanLuoguxiang, etc. historical districts, weather permitting. 6/15Day 4Fly to Lijiang in Yunnan Province, visit BNVS Lijiang

campus and meet with students.

6/16Day 5Bond with BNVS students in classrooms and dorm rooms,

experience a BNVS typical school day, from morning wakeup call, cleaning, flag raising, attending classes, etc. until lights out.
6/17Day 6Visit Lijiang with BNVS Lijiang students. |

Bright Horizon Cultural Exchange Club

2014 - 2015

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6/18Day 7Local natural and cultural sightseeing with BNVS Lijiang students; Variety show by both American and BNVS students in the

6/19Day 8Return to Beijingvisit Beijing 798 Art Zone. 6/20Day 9Visit the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and Wangfujing Street, weather permitting. Enjoy Peking Duck dinner at Quanjude Restaurant. 6/21, Day 10Option 1: visit the Great Wall Mutianyu (Mrs. Michelle Obama and her family visited there in March), weather permitting. Option 2: team up with BNVS students to participate in 8-Hour Hiking

Charity Campaign organized by China Youth Development Foundation. Students could be contestants or event staff. The location is a historical village preserved from Qing Dynasty. More information please visit
6/22, Day 11Joint English class with topics of China in My

Eyes by American students and U.S. in My Eyes by BNVS students. Class expected to help students gain better mutual understanding between U.S. and China.
6/23, Day 12Return to the United States. |

Bright Horizon Cultural Exchange Club

2014 - 2015

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*Applicationdeadline:April30th, FirstName DateofBirth: SchoolName: SchoolAddress: MiddleName: Gender LastName: Age:

CountryofCitizenship: HomeAddress: Tel.No.: Email: Donotspeakatall Beginner Intermediate Advanced Fluent Relationship: Tel.No.: Relationship: Tel.No.: DoyouhaveavalidPassport? DoyouhaveavalidvisaforChina?

Anyknownmedicalconditions? Anyknownfoodallergies? EmergencyContact1: Address: EmergencyContact2: Address: YourChineseproficiencylevel: (Pleasecheckone) Personalexpertiseandinterests

Whydoyouwanttoparticipatein2014BrightHorizonChinaTrip? |

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