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Chapter 8: Training and Developing Employees Continuing Case: Al Nazafa cleaning company 1.

What specifically should Ziad and Thouraya cover in their new employee orientation program and how should they convey this information! "nswer: Orientation should cover : - Information on employee benefits and HR policies - Company structure processes and operations - !afety measures and regulations - "acilities tour A successful orientation should accomplish number of things for ne# employees such as: $% &a'e them feel #elcome and help them begin the process of becoming socialized into the firm(s #ays of acting and doing things% )% Help them understand the organization and it*s culture% +% Clarify #hat is e,pected from them in terms of performance and behavior% #. Which specific training techni$ues should Ziad use to train his pressers cleaner% spotters managers and counter staff and why ! "nswer: $% "or the pressers and cleaner%spotters should be trained using On- the- -ob training : Coaching . /nderstudy Approach to provide them #ith the learning and practical s'ills needed for the -ob % )% &anagers should first receive Off- the 0 -ob training : -lectures: about the products used and e1uipments And then #ith: -&anagement 2ames : to develop problem-solving s'ills planning leadership and cooperation% -3ehavior &odeling techni1ue : to 'no# ho# to deal #ith different situations% +%Counter staff should be trained using the follo#ing techni1ues : - lectures: to provide them #ith the 'no#ledge about type of customers and ho# to deal #ith them appropriately % -4ob instruction training : to provide step-by-step 'ey points and basic tas's training and soft s'ills% -3ehavior &odeling techni1ue : to provide the employees* #ith communication s'ills and 'no#ledge to be able to deal #ith different types of customers%

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