Geo LP PP Presentation1

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Time for Landfunmations!

Second Grade Lesson Plan

By Allison Geerlings and Maggie McCartney

Objective: Develop and build on students

understanding of the landforms. Introduce vocabulary that relates and identifies each landforms unique characteristics.

Process Standards: S.IP.02.11 Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses. S.IA.02.13 Communicate and present findings of observations. S.RS.02.11 Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities. Content Standards: E.SE.02.21 Describe the major landforms of the surface of the Earth (mountains, plains, plateaus, valleys, hills).

Trade Book: Mountain Dance by Thomas Locker

Picture Handout

PowerPoint Presentation Edible Landforms Play-Doh landscape

are natural formations of rock and dirt, found on Earth.

What words did you circle?

Mountains are the tallest landform, they come to pointed peak high in the sky.

What words did you circle?

Plains are low flat land

What words did you circle?

Hills are raised usually rounded landforms

What words did you circle?

Valleys are low landforms between mountains or hills

What words did you circle?

Plateaus are large flat areas of land that are higher than the land around it

Edible Landforms!
Dump out the candy As a group chose with pieces of candy looks like a mountainWhy? Looks like a hillWhy? Looks like a plainWhy?

Looks like a plateauWhy?

Looks like a valleyWhy?

Play-Doh Landscape
Each child receives a color of PlayDoh

They will be instructed to create the landform that corresponds to the color they were given
Each student will add their landform to a provided placemat creating the groups own landscape

The teacher will go around to every group asking each member to identify and explain their landform.

Looking for students to use key descriptive words relating to their landform.
The teacher will also note that the valley landform was placed in a proper location.

Dramatic activity Students are put into new groups based on the color of play-dough they used. Students will be instructed to come up with a tableau, a still scene where they represent their secretly assigned landform. The class will have a chance to guess each groups landform.

Formative assessment Students reflect on the activity and their understanding by completing a handout individually and then turning it in. Directions will be read aloud to the class.

Sources: secondgrade/landforms/Landformpage1.html

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