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Kingdom Archaebacteria

M= Methanogens H=Halophiles T= Thermophiles A= Acidophiles (T) Found in mineral springs and thermal volcanic vents on the ocean floor (H) Found in waters of extreme salinity (15 to 20 %) (M) Some are important symbionts in termites & other herbivores (M) Some are important decomposers in marshes and swamps (T) Habitat is hot (60 C to 80 C) (A) Habitat is acidic (pH 2 to 4)

2) How common are prokaryotes on earth? Prokaryotes are extremely common, most bacteria are prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are found in nearly all environments on earth. Archaebacteria in particular seem to thrive in harsh conditions, such as high temperatures, thermophiles, or salinity, halophiles. Many prokaryotes live in or on the bodies of other organisms, including humans. Prokaryotes. biominewiki. N.d. 14 May 2008. 3) How do bacterial cell walls differ from plant cell walls? They are different in structure and function, plant cell walls are made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin. Plant cells have both a primary and a secondary cell wall. The cell walls in plant cells serve many functions like, they determine and maintain cell shape, provide structural support control direction and speed of growth, store carbohydrates, and protect the cell against outside elements. Bacteria cell walls are made up of peptidoglycan; they do not contain cellulose like plant cell walls. While the bacteria cell wall is rigid. The cell wall is crucial to cell survival, as it plays a vital role in the interaction of the bacterial cell and the environment. It has several functions like

maintaining the shape of the cell; serving as an anchor for flagella; and providing protection. Difference between bacterial &plan cell wall eHow. molly Smith.n.d. 4) How does the cell wall aid in classifying the bacteria? The cell wall aid in classifying the bacteria by the gram stain. There are two types of stain, the gram-positive stain and the grain-negative stain. The gram-positive have a thick layer, and the gram-negative stain has a thin layer. How does the cell wall aid in classifying the Quizlet. Charlie bean.n.d. n.p. 5) How has molecular systematics (using genome sequences to study organisms evolutionary relationships) lead to classifying prokaryotes into two domains? Using small subunit ribosomal RNA as a marker for evolutionary relationships, Scientists concluded that many prokaryotes once classified as bacteria are actually more closely related to eukaryotes and belong in a domain of their own. The domain Archaea was developed for these special prokaryotes. Chapter 27- Prokaryotes. 6) Bacteria are important in the chemical cycling that occurs on earth. Describe the role bacteria plays in recycling nutrients. The role bacteria play in recycling nutrients is to break down biodegrade, compost organics such a leaves, grass, wood, etc., which allows the nutrients to be "less bound up," and thus more available to newly growing vegetation. 7) Humans exploit prokaryotes for scientific and commercial purposes. List and describe 5 of those uses. Cultured bacteria to make vitamins and antibiotics Used as simple models of life to learn about metabolism and molecular biology Methanogens digest organic waste at sewage plants Decompose pesticides and other synthetic compounds Make products like acetone and butanol Convert milk into yogurts and cheeses for consumption Prokaryotes. genocites.n.d.n.p.

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