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2 Vol.

XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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named the next president of Stony able individual and an enthusiastic
By Caitlin Ferrell Brook University. A decision is ex-
pected to be made soon.
communicator. I am certain he will be
a favorite among both students and fac-
Stanley’s background is firmly in ulty as he leads the university in the
medical research. Besides having three years to come.”
Stony Brook University will have a patents to his name, he is now serving Dr. Stanley responded to the deci-
new president this June: Samuel Stan- as the Vice Chancellor of Research at sion. “I am honored to have been se-
ley, Jr., Vice Chancellor for Research at Washington University, which is ranked lected as Stony Brook’s next president.
Washington University. He will become third in the nation for its School of In its short life, Stony Brook has ac-
the university’s fifth official president Medicine. His duties as chancellor in- complished some remarkable things. I
when Shirley Strum Kenny resigns her clude overseeing a research portfolio of look forward to working with my new
position. The decision was announced $548 million. colleagues on the faculty, staff and stu-
in a press release last Thursday. He is also a professor of medicine dents in a collective and strategic way to
“We are extremely pleased and ex- and molecular biology at the university. continue Stony Brook’s remarkable tra-
cited that Dr. Stanley will serve as Stony His medical knowledge is exciting to Washington University’s School of jectory of increased excellence, and to
Brook’s next president,” said Richard some faculty members. Nasti said, in Medicine. position the university to take its place
Nasti, chair of the Stony Brook Council the same press release, “His depth of ex- In 2003, Dr. Stanley was appointed among the truly great research univer-
and of the Presidential search commit- perience in attracting research funding as the Director of the Midwest Regional sities of the nation.”
tee. “He is a dynamic leader with a will benefit Stony Brook tremendously Center for Excellence for Biodefense The 55-year-old is married to Dr.
proven track record of success at one of as we climb in the ranks of major re- and Emerging Infectious Diseases Re- Ellen Li, with whom he has co-written
the nation’s premier academic institu- search AAU universities.” search, a multidisciplinary research several medical papers. Li received her
tions,” Nasti said in last week’s an- Stanley received his B.A. from the center. M.D. and Ph.D. from the Washington
nouncement. University of Chicago and his M.D. Search committee member and University School of Medicine. The
The Stony Brook presidential from Harvard Medical School. He soon chairman emeritus of the Stony Brook couple has four children.
search committee recommended to the became a fellow in infectious diseases at Foundation, James Simons, said of Stan-
SUNY Board of Trustees that Stanley be ley, “I found him to be a highly person-

" 0!$"/
I’m not aware that there are any signifi- SUNY is at a disadvan-
By Aamer Qureshi cant academic programs being elimi- tage because, simply
nated at this point,” said Melucci. put, it’s in an area that
“The issue for me is that, as any re- is easier to cut in con-
The tuition increase implemented spectful economist will tell you, you trast to the City Uni-
this spring semester across the State can’t cut your way out of a recession – versity of New York
University of New York system was an you have to invest your way out,” said system. “It’s not fair,”
inevitable consequence of the fledgling Prof. Norman Goodman, a Sociology he said.
economy. The subsequent disclosure professor at Stony Brook University Senator Kenneth
that the state budget required 90 per- who is deeply involved in the issue. P. Lavalle, former long-
cent of the $310 collected per student “Cutting from the university, in a time time chairman of the
would go towards balancing the budget where more and more people want to New York Higher Edu-
kindled a statewide argument over if come to state universities, is simply lay- cation Committee, is
such measures were fair. Although not ing the foundation for extending the re- one of the driving
officially announced, the budget for cession for a longer period of time.” forces to fight the cuts.
2009-2010 has implemented that ex- Prof. Goodman also spoke out against A republican who is Roman Sheydvasser
actly 90 percent be taken this spring and the Bundy Aid, a system in which known to be a “friend” Students protesting the SUNY budget cuts.
a reduced 80 percent be taken this fall money is taken from the state universi- to Stony Brook, and grab was.”
with the remaining cash staying in the ties and given to the private universities the person the university stadium was To offset the cuts, the university ad-
university system. – in these times it has only incurred a named after, he claims to be especially ministration has looked to programs
“The difference between 20 percent minor cut. aggravated by the way Governor Pater- which Maciulaitis refers to as “money-
and 50 percent that we’d hoped to nego- “You’re at Stony Brook for three son is handling the situation. “The re- makers.” “Certain programs are more
tiate is six million dollars a year,” said years and then for your last year you go publicans would have handled this one expensive to teach than others so the ac-
Dan Melucci, Associate Vice President to Hofstra, they get a fee for you even differently,” he said. “For one, we would- ademic areas are looking at some of the
for Strategy, Planning and Analysis at though you’ve been in here for three n’t be taxing the hardworking students more profitable ones.”
Stony Brook University. “If we have got- years and there for one year,” said and their families when it’s painfully ob- It seems ironic that only two odd
ten 100 percent, which we should have Goodman. “It’s a political compromise vious that they will suffer the most.” years ago, former Governor Eliot
gotten, that would mean 16 million dol- that was established in the early days of “The governor has not wanted to Spitzer was aptly speaking about mak-
lars which would offset all the other the SUNY system.” He maintained that implement this millionaire’s tax because ing Stony Brook and the University of
cuts in the 2009-2010 budget.” it should be eliminated. he thinks that all the millionaires will Buffalo the two flagship schools in the
SUNY New Paltz recently cut their According to Stony Brook Director run out of New York but apparently he SUNY system with a lot of funding for
nursing program as a result of a six mil- of Budget and Planning Mark Maciu- doesn’t have a problem with taxing our both. “He probably wouldn’t have been
lion dollar deficit reduction plan. In laitis, the cuts to Stony Brook have the students,” said Maciulaitis. He said that able to give as much as he said he
contrast Stony Brook University has, so potential to severely stunt its role as a although they’ve now implemented a would,” said Maciulaitis – speaking on
far according to Melucci, cut two “rela- major economic engine on Long Island. gradual tax for people earning over the situation if Spitzer had not resigned
tively small” programs – the Center for For every dollar spent on Stony Brook, $200,000 a year that they were talking following his scandal. “But he certainly
Wine, Food and Culture and the Cy- he said, the amount of activities going about taxing the students before. “There would have treated us a lot better than
totechnology from the Health Sciences. on at the time will convert the initial in- was a point where the millionaire’s tax Paterson, to whom SUNY is not as high
“We haven’t cut any large programs and vestment by three to four times. He said was not discussable, but this 80 percent a priority.”
The Stony Brook Press News 3

“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.”

land in Australia, said that the jaw and the Australian Research Council and is Modern humans, because of their elon-
By Raina Bedford teeth of homo floresiensis show that it
is not a human, but a pre-hominid
an expert on ancient tools, noted that
homo floresiensis made tools that were
gated scapulas, have a much wider
range of arm motion than apes and thus
species. The premolar tooth is elon- more primitive than those made by later are more versatile. Homo floresiensis,
On April 21, Stony Brook Univer- gated resembling a more primitive con- humans. He said that this was due to a though it has a scapula that rests on its
sity’s Staller Center played host to the dition of development. Homo combination of things, including the side, had a slightly longer clavicle than
Seventh Annual Human Evolution floresiensis’ teeth also had multiple less effective thumb, but also because primitive apes. Its arms, though not
Symposium, hosted by the Turkana roots, whereas humans have just one homo floresiensis “lacked hierarchical having the wide range of motion of
Basin Institute. Paleoanthropologists root. The more complex root system thinking.” Tool making, in ancient modern humans’, had a range of motion
from around the world came to present combined with the elongated premolar times, consisted of knocking two rocks wider than a primitive ape. This means
the case that homo floresiensis is a new tooth proves to Brown that homo flore- together to create sharp flakes that that homo floresiensis was more ad-
species. Also on public display for the siensis is not a human afflicted with a could be used for a variety of purposes. vanced than a modern ape but it was
first time was a cast of the remains of disease, but a new species. Hierarchical thinking, in the context not a modern human. She said this fur-
homo floresiensis. “To say that homo floresiensis is a Moore described, is the ability to antic- ther supports the hypothesis that homo
Only in the scientific community ipate the shape floresiensis is a new species, somewhere
could such a small creature cause that you’re going between apes and humans.
such a large controversy. Homo to make when And so the presentations went,
floresiensis, nicknamed “the hob- you bang two from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., a litany of pa-
bit,” stood at an estimated 3’6” tall, rocks together. leoanthropologists presenting evidence
weighed only 66 to 77 lbs, and in- The lack of hier- that homo floresiensis was a new
habited the island of Flores, In- archical thinking species. Hobbits could not be pygmies
donesia as recently as 17,000 years in hobbits can be because the brain size of pygmies is
ago, and ever since the discovery attributed to their much larger. Hobbits were not humans
they have become–through no small brain size, with Laron Syndrome because hobbits
wish of their own–both important however Moore had brow ridges, while Laron Syndrome
and renowned, and have troubled believes that hob- patients do not. Hobbits were not vic-
the councils of the Wise and the bits had relatively tims of island dwarfing because island
Great. advanced cogni- dwarfing only results in smaller height,
Since the discovery paleoan- tive thinking abil- not smaller brain size.
thropologists have been divided ities. They used Curiously absent were the skeptics.
over whether homo floresiensis fire, though not as Though the presenters tried to counter
constitutes a new species. Skeptics extensively as the criticism of skeptics, they had the
have argued that homo floresien- modern humans, opportunity to pick and choose the cri-
sis is a human skeleton afflicted and developed tiques they countered in advance, mak-
with a disease. Others have said tools that were ing their case seem very strong in front
this small creature resembles a very similar to of the Stony Brook audience.
human pygmy. However several human tools of Richard Leaky, renowned hominid
features of homo floresiensis seem the time. He said fossil hunter and head of the Turkana
to suggest that it is not human but that this supports Basin Institute at Stony Brook Univer-
a new pre-hominid species. the hypothesis sity, professed that he is still not entirely
Dean Falk, who has a Ph.D. in that humans co- convinced that homo floresiensis is a
primate and human brain evolu- existed with hob- new species but that the recent research
tion and is a professor of anthro- Little people. Blue sword. Big world. bits. presented at the symposium “greatly
pology at Florida State University, Susan Lar- strengthened the possibility” that homo
spoke about the hobbit brain. Falk par- human would involve several evolu- son, a professor of anthropology at floresiensis is a new species.
took in a study that compared the brain tionary reversals,” he said, a remark that Stony Brook University, said that the President Shirley Strum Kenny gave
of LB1, the scientific label for the first would be echoed by the litany of pre- shoulders of homo floresiensis show an a short speech at the symposium prais-
hobbit skull discovered, to micro- senters who followed him. important intermediate step between ing the participants and noting the ex-
cephalic brains. Microcephaly is a dis- Matthew Torcheri, a paleoanthro- the shoulders of primitive hominids traordinary nature of the event, one of
ease that causes skull size to be very pologist in the Human Origins Program and modern humans. her last acts as president of the univer-
small and skeptics claim that the skull of the Department of Anthropology at “When I saw the shoulder of the sity.
size of LB1 was abnormally small for a the Smithsonian Institution’s National homo floresiensis I was shocked,” she “We’ve had 6 symposiums before
hominid. Falk herself acknowledged Museum of Natural History, said that said. this but I think this is one of the most
that the brain of homo floresiensis was the wrist of homo floresiensis resembles There is a significant difference be- interesting ones we’ve had,” she said
unusually small for a hominid at only a primitive wrist and is less sophisti- tween a primitive shoulder structure after her speech.
1/8 of the size of its body. However, the cated than the wrist of a modern and a modern one was the lengthening Based on tickets sold, the Anthro-
study showed that the brain of LBI did human. The trapezoidal bone in a of the clavicle. Primitive apes have pology Department estimates that
not resemble a microcephalic brain. primitive wrist is thinner resulting in a nearly vertical clavicles, resulting in the about
Microcephalic brains are narrow and thinner wrist. The thinner trapezoidal appearance of not having necks, while 400 people attended the event in-
pointed in the frontal lobe while the bone results in a less effective thumb humans have nearly horizontal clavi- cluding journalists from several major
brain of LB1 was wide in the frontal that cannot extend as far as a modern cles. A shorter clavicle means that prim- news organizations.
lobe. human’s thumb. Though this seems like itive apes had a scapula that sat on the President Kenny stared as if mysti-
Other remarkable traits of homo a small detail it has a great impact on side of their ribcage, because the clavi- fied into the glass containing the hobbit
floresiensis include its jaw, wrists and the ability to make tools and hunt. cle did not extend as far as it does in a skeleton cast.
shoulders. Peter Brown, a professor of Dr. Mark Moore, who holds a post- modern human. Modern humans have “Everyone’s just so interested in
anthropology at University of New Eng- doctoral research fellowship through scapulas on the back of their ribcage. these hobbits,” she said.
4 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

Editorial Board
Executive Editor
Andrew Fraley
Managing Editor
Najib Aminy
Associate Editor
Generational Changes
Natalie Crnosija We here at the Press feel a special to read the personals. We provide but a Sub Board’s actions (the Student Press
kinship to Generation. Founded under humble homage to them, next to the ar- Law Center never got back to us in
Business Manager
Erin Jayne Mansfield similar circumstances at the University ticle in question. Also, we modified our time), the ethics of this action are ex-
at Buffalo, five years after the Press, the masthead in solidarity with our jour- tremely questionable. Robert Pape (Sub
Production Manager weekly magazine shares the same spirit nalistic brethren. Board VP) and Boston have both said
Tia Mansouri
of alternative journalism; The same pi- The second thing we’ve noticed is that it’s a decline in the magazine’s jour-
News Editors rate ethos. Also, senior staffer and rab- that not much has changed for Genera- nalistic integrity, but we fail to see this.
Ross Barkan
Raina Bedford ble-rouser Jonathan Singer (the man tion over the years—at least, the years Boston insultingly listed a couple arti-
who drew our attention to the current available on the website (2000-present). cles which were legitimate features
Features Editor situation to begin with) is an alumnus The magazine has remained fairly con- about raising money for charity and a
Cindy Liu
of the weekly magazine, and has always sistent, and has kept a pretty high stan- scandal within UB’s student govern-
Arts Editor talked highly of the publication—al- dard of quality. Like any good ment. Pape, on the other hand, has
Doug Cion though he has mixed feelings towards alternative college publication, Genera- called Editor-in-Chief Andrew Blake’s
Photo Editor the staff of his time. tion has a good balance of hard-hitting leadership into question. Ignoring the
Eric DiGiovanni So when we heard about Genera- journalism and humor that make it en- fact that there is no substantial evidence
Liz Kaufman
tion having its charter suspended, it was tertaining. It’s more of a literary maga- of this, and the fact that the personals—
Copy Editors more than just an interest in one of zine, so not every story needs to be the supposed reason Blake is a “bad
Jason Wirchin print journalism’s many troubling situ- Pulitzer Prize winning, but the features leader”—are a popular tradition that’s
Kelly Yu
Katie Knowlton ations. It was with a feeling of indirect are generally in-depth and well written. been around for years, is this a good
camaraderie that we became so drawn So why did Sub Board I, Genera- enough reason to prevent the magazine
Roman Sheydvasser to the story. tion‘s owner and publisher, suspend its from making their own decision about
Nevertheless, we didn’t want to be charter? Why did they go about hiring next semester’s leadership? Is this a
Audiomaster biased in any direction, and our report- some jerk against the editorial board’s good enough reason to prevent Genera-
Josh Ginsberg
ing—we hope—remains objective and will? Joshua Boston doesn’t represent tion‘s editors from exercising their given
Ombudsman fair. But, as we researched the story the 25-year-old spirit of the magazine— “editorial autonomy”? The board of di-
James Laudano
more and more, we noticed a couple and, indeed, has every intention of un- rectors of Sub Board seem to think so.
things. The first is that the personals are doing many of its traditions, including We must respectfully disagree.
fucking hilarious. After getting over the possibly its name. Generation has edito- Generation, we stand in solidarity
initial shock of some of them, they are rial autonomy, which is supposed to with you. We can only hope you come
Minister of Archives
Jesse Schopefer actually quite humorous and well pre- protect them from this exact sort of out of this unscathed. Forever truly, The
sented. Many of us spent hours going thing. Stony Brook Press.
through old issues on their website, just Without getting into the legality of
Layout Design by
Jowy Romano

Kotei Aoki
Vincent Barone
Matt Braunstein
Kenny Mahoney
Justin Meltzer
James Messina
Tony Cai Steve McLinden
J.C. Chan Samantha Monteleone
Whiskers T. Clown Roberto Moya
Owning up to one’s mistakes is dif- ground of any physician they about to the opportunity to teach medicine to
Laura Cooper Frank Myles ficult and the truth is one of the most employ, hospitals are putting their pa- Stony Brook graduate students. Even
Caroline D’Agati Amyl Nitrate
Krystal DeJesus Chris Oliveri difficult things to conceal. These diffi- tients at risk and tarnishing the reputa- the question as to what classes Kinsella
Joe Donato Ben van Overmeier
Brett Donnelly Laura Paesano culties are exemplified in Stony Brook’s tion of their institution and losing sight teaches remains unanswered by the ad-
Nick Eaton Grace Pak decision to hire Dr. Timothy Kinsella. of their mission to provide quality care ministration, which has been hesitant to
Michael Felder Rob Pearsall
Caitlin Ferrell Jon Pu Time and time again, there have and education. provide anything at all.
Vincent Michael Festa Aamer Qureshi
Joe Filippazzo Kristine Renigen been reported incidents and thorough For months, The Press has worked When Kinsella became aware of the
Ilyssa Fuchs Dave Robin documentation of Dr. Kinsella‘s errors at trying to set up an interview with mistake in the treatment of a child-pa-
Rob Gilheany Jessica Rybak
David Knockout Ginn Joe Safdia in his professional career as both an on- both Dr. Richard Fine, dean of the med- tient, he had two options. He could ei-
Joanna Goodman Natalie Schultz
Jennifer Hand Jonathan Singer cologist and department chair. He has a ical school, and Dr. Steven Strongwater, ther report the mistake to the family
Stephanie Hayes Nick Statt
Andrew Jacob Rose Slupski clear record and has no recorded disci- CEO of the SBU hospital, and discuss and take responsibility for it or deny
Liz Kaempf John Tucker plinary action. the hiring process, as well as informa- that it happened. According to legal
Elizabeth Kaplan Lena Tumasyan
Jack Katsman Marcel Votlucka But that absence of recorded disci- tion they had when hiring Dr. Kinsella. depositions, he chose the latter.
Yong Kim Alex Walsh
Rebecca Kleinhaut Brian Wasser plinary action means little when you are All requests dating back to November Stony Brook University is given a
Iris Lin Matt Willemain a patient who is being improperly billed have been denied. Departing President similar option. They can choose to ad-
Frank Loiaccono Jie Jenny Zou
or hoping to provide your son with the Shirley Strum Kenny declined to com- dress the situation at hand and move
The Stony Brook Press is published fortnightly during best care only to find out that a doctor’s ment and said that she does not publicly forth with operations bettering the
the academic year and twice during summer session
by The Stony Brook Press, a student run non-profit or- mistake was recognized and ignored. comment on personnel matters. medical center. Or they could choose to
ganization funded by the Student Activity Fee. The opin-
ions expressed in letters, articles and viewpoints do not The fact is hospitals, deans of med- But this personnel matter is and withhold information and pretend that
necessarily reflect those of The Stony Brook Press as a ical schools and universities all across must be addressed as a public concern. nothing has happened and continue
whole. Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect
editorial policy. For more information on advertising and America are selling their respective Kinsella, again, is not guilty in any way. what they are doing.
deadlines call (631)632-6451. Staff meetings are held
Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. First copy free. Additional communities short by looking past the Nevertheless his past actions warrant Closure starts with accepting ac-
copies cost fifty cents.
data provided by the National Practi- questions that need answering. The countability.
The Stony Brook Press
Suites 060 & 061 tioner Databank. By failing to conduct a shadow of doubt only grows when he is
Student Union
SUNY at Stony Brook thorough investigation into the back- listed as a visiting professor, giving him
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3200
(631) 632-6451 Voice
(631) 632-4137 Fax
The Stony Brook Press 5
E-mail your letters to letters
Dear Patriot Staffers,
Doing My Patriotic Duty won’t make the time to either call him a its own. There’s social security, Medi-
By Ross Barkan racist or celebrate his racism. I’ll leave caid, Medicare, and welfare. In my
that to the professionals, just like The humble opinion, America doesn’t have
I would like to take this time to an- Patriot should leave the act of writing to nearly enough revenue sharing (just ask
swer your assault of The Stony Brook just about everyone else. Quite frankly, that Nobel Prize-winning pinko Paul
Press in your most recent issue. First of I could care less about him. What I do Krugman) but hey, it’s a start.
all, I would like to thank you for men- care about, though, is the quality of our Jason Schaeffer, a dear friend of mine
tioning my name in a story. I am now many campus publications. I am proud who once told me he literally slammed
infinitely more famous than I ever was of how far the writers of Stony Brook his fist on the table and cried when a
before, and I am grateful for the expo- University have come. I am even more human being who was not purely white
sure The Patriot has granted me. I can proud of the dear writers of The Patriot was elected President of the United
only hope, in the vein of a good capital- and the brilliance they are able to ooze States, writes about the Employee Free
ist, that I become rich as hell and exploit on a bi-monthly—oh wait, no Choice Act. (The act, supported by
the proletariat like the lazy pigs they are. monthly…hold on, that’s not right, President Obama, would make it easier
First of all, I must take issue with my every other month, quarterly? No, for workers to unionize. Schaeffer erro-
story in a past issue being classified as no…hmmm…wait, I got it—on a semi- neously calls it the Freedom of Choice
“misogynistic.” I think the word you century basis. Captain of the Universe Act—way to get your shit straight, big
meant to use was “funny.” Allow me to and Patriot Lord Conor Harrigan, sage guy!) He whines lovingly that the EFCA
clear this up because I understand the of all that is Just and True, wrote, “I look will limit workers’ freedoms because it
density of your thought muscle might forward to a response. However, know- will eliminate the secret ballot, coercing
render this logic incomprehensible. ing you guys at the Press, I won’t hold all workers to unionize. Schaeffdog, I’m
Thousands of years ago, in the time my breath.” General Harrigan, good sir, afraid there’s a problem with your logic.
when our good Christian Lord created based on the production schedule of First of all, the concept of a “secret bal-
the universe (I can only hope this is your paper, I will probably be reading a lot” doesn’t exist in the way people like
what they teach in those goddamned response to this piece sometime in the to imagine. Large companies hire con-
liberal schools these days!) a concept 2070s. I think that exceeds even Green sultants to “talk” to their workers about
was borne from the molten earth. What Lantern’s breathe holding capabilities, why they shouldn’t unionize, often in-
was it called, dear Patriots? Satire. I un- and we all know he has a power ring. timidating and harassing them. (Note
derstand The Press literally defined Now I’ll just cycle through the cur- that reports of employers intimidating
satire on the cover of one of its issues rent issue of The Patriot and try to find workers vastly outnumber those of
but allow me to once again give you a as many pearls of wisdom as I can. The unions intimidating workers). The
definition, free of charge. superstar seems to be Derek Mordente, EFCA doesn’t even completely remove defines satire as the use the current editor, a man of peerless the right to secret ballots anyway—it
of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in character, I’m sure. Let’s see, here he is makes it an option. Now, if a majority
exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, ranting about the revenue sharing in of workers signs blank cards declaring
folly, etc. OK, we’ve covered that. There- Major League Baseball. Quoth the Mor- they want to unionize, they can actually
fore, when I proclaim in a piece that dente, “We’ll start with the idea of ‘rev- unionize. Employees can still petition
women should not vote, marry, or have enue sharing,’ introduced to the league for an additional secret ballot, but why
children, I am doing what is called by Selig in the 1990’s….The redistribu- would they when the rules make it for
being “facetious” or “sarcastic.” See, tion goes from these bigger market more efficient for them to unite and de-
here’s how this works. If this previous teams, such as the New York Yankees, fend their rights? So Schaeff, lemme
statement were to be taken literally, the ‘according to their ability,’ to smaller break it down one last time: The EFCA
human species would come to an end market teams, such as the Kansas City would take away employers’ right to de-
because (and I gather the Patriot staffers Royals or Tampa Bay Rays, ‘according cide whether to use only the blank card
aren’t so experienced in these matters) to their needs.’ Sound familiar? It’s process or to hold a secret-ballot elec-
the male and female sexes must have called Socialism.” Mordente then rants tion among employees and instead give
what is called sexual intercourse in about how socialism isn’t a part of the right to the employees to make this
order to create children. Without a fe- America and the whole life, liberty and choice. I know it’s totally evil when
male to carry the child in her womb, re- the pursuit of property thing. workers actually have rights and try to
production is actually impossible. I Hmm…Derek, I’m gonna have to won- make a little more money than they al-
know I offered the definition of satire der why a private entertainment enter- ready do. They’re sooooo greedy…not
free of charge but I require about 43 prise must reflect the exact economic like those saintly CEOs pulling in about
cents to define sexual intercourse for all model of the United States and how 500 times what their average employee
of you. After all, I have to be a good cap- someone could actually be dumb earns.
italist. I understand the vaunted staff of enough to take issue with revenue shar- I’d love to spend my whole day perus-
The Patriot has no concept of what ing when a much more extreme version ing The Patriot but unfortunately the
humor is, nor is aware that this abstract of this has been implemented in the Na- word count of this story is nearing
notion does in fact exist. Masturbating tional Football League and has made it 2,000. Also, I can only punish myself for
over Milton Friedman’s corpse will do the most popular sport in all of Amer- so long. The world outside is calling.
that for you. ica. I guess every Thanksgiving we all sit Once again, thank you for typing my
I comprehend that the majority of down to watch a bunch of Commies on name in one of your illustrious stories.
The Patriot’s beef comes from com- the gridiron, huh? It also seems that I’ll leave you be with your Friedman
ments made about Robert Spencer. I Master Mordente has forgotten that our corpse and Von Hayek sex toys. Hope
sadly know little of him and therefore America has a little revenue sharing of to hear from ya before 2070, Conor! Request an ad packet:
6 News Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

* "- "*/"- &-" /+- *1"./&$ /"!

was a dosage of 10 grays, the amount of the dosage, to which he replied that he individual patients such as Joshua Val-
By Najib Aminy radiation Joshua was to receive. However,
Kinsella had made a mistake, according
did not know of any error, according to
Wiersma’s deposition, thus she assumed
divieso, but also to the physician-patient
relationship more generally.”
to Wiersma’s deposition, by issuing only the complaint was mistaken. But she later Valdivieso had set a prayer amount,
When Dr. Timothy J. Kinsella was one tenth of the intended dosage, thus found out she was wrong and that Kin- a demand for a specific amount in dam-
hired as the Stony Brook University Can- giving Joshua 1 gray. sella had made a mistake in dosage. ages, to $25,000. During a phone inter-
cer Center director, it was amidst a num- Joshua, who Wiersma gave a 30 per- “And so I walked into the room and it view, Kinsella had said the case was
ber of rising allegations. Kinsella was cent chance of survival in July 1999, was was clear that something not good was closed. “I was the person responsible for
licensed through New York State on Dec. given the wrong dosage according to the happening,” Wiersma said, referring to a delivering total body radiation,” Kinsella
2, 2008. Shortly after, the Ohio State Med- deposition. It was only during a chart re- meeting that took place between her, Kin- said. “The intended dose was lower than
ical Board completed its review of a com- view session in May 2000 that Dr. Don- sella, and Dr. Richard Ludgin, vice presi- what should’ve been given. That was re-
plaint filed by one of Kinsella’s former ald Shina, a radiation oncologist who dent of the UH Quality Center. “Tim was solved.”
patients, Amelia Weber. In a letter writ- worked with Kinsella, brought it to Kin- sitting with the radiation oncology chart Roughly 10 years ago, the University
ten to Weber’s attorney, Wade Sanders, sella’s attention that Joshua had been re- in his lap on the other side of the of Wisconsin conducted a probe on Kin-
dated December 12, the board had come ceiving one-tenth the radiation he was desk…and he said, ‘I wrote the wrong sella’s medical billings from 1995-96 after
to the conclusion that no disciplinary ac- prescribed. “I had looked at the chart, and prescription right here, it’s the wrong pre- receiving an anonymous complaint re-
tion would be filed against Kinsella and I said, ‘Tim, it is clear in your written note scription. I meant 10, I wrote 1. I wrote lated to the matter. In that one year, the
that Weber’s sexual assault complaint that in fact you wanted to give 10 Gray’ the wrong prescription.’ Tim is telling me university discovered 66 instances out of
would be kept permanently on file. And he acknowledged that it sounded that he made a mistake, it was his error,” 247 services that were backdated, inci-
Kinsella, who has worked at the Uni- like there was an error,” Shina said in his Wiersma said in her deposition. dents where Kinsella made a notation in
versity of Wisconsin and University Hos- a medical chart when he was scheduled
pitals in Cleveland prior to coming to to be out of town, and a bill was sent out
SBU, has had a number of lawsuits filed for the corresponding service. These
against him during his career as a physi- notes included physical findings and
cian and department chair, though none symptoms, according to a letter to Uni-
had been lost. These lawsuits had ranged versity of Wisconsin Chancellor David
from a racial discrimination suit in 1992, Ward from Phillip Farrell, dean of the
in which Kinsella was one of the parties University of Wisconsin Medical School
involved, where the jury favored the de- dated May 9, 1997.
fendants. In 1993, there was a sexual dis- The improper billings resulted in
crimination suit that was later dropped by $5,815.18, which would be later refunded
a worker who claimed she deserved a to the patients over billed.
higher salary pay and had her research In the very same phone interview,
findings cut short when Kinsella and her Kinsella confirmed that the investigation
lab manager became irritated by her re- took place but said that little came out of
quests. The suit was dropped because of it. “There was an issue of an anonymous
financial reasons. complaint of issues with respect to billing
More recently, Weber alleged that that turned out to be false,” Kinsella said,
Kinsella had sexually assaulted her dur- adding that it was proven false by the hos-
ing check ups and improperly billed her. Dr. Timothy J. Kinsella pital’s review of the records.
That too was dismissed. Through a freedom of information
However, in 2001 there was a lawsuit deposition. After this meeting between Wiersma said that in retrospect, request seeking information pertaining to
filed against Kinsella, his wife, Dr. Susan Shina and Kinsella, no report or effort Joshua’s condition was severe and that the the investigation, no such review exists.
Wiersma, University Hospitals, as well as was taken to notify the family or Wiersma intended dosage of radiation was to delay Dean Farrell said he felt that Kinsella
a number of other physicians pertaining and no motion to increase the dosage of the time of failure to his death. “The had deserved to be reprimanded for his
to medical malpractice. In the case of radiation was made. severity of his complications was already actions. “In our view, Dr. Kinsella’s prac-
Iwona Valdivieso v. University Hosptials Joshua lost his fight against cancer extreme,” Weirsma said in her deposition. tices are clearly outside the norms for ap-
of Cleveland and doctors Wiersma and shortly after. “And if we would have actually given him propriate medical record documentation
Kinsella, a child by the name of Joshua It was only until her deposition that ten times the dose of radiation, I think it and billing for a faculty member at the
Valdivieso, Ms. Valdivieso’s son, had suf- Wiersma had become aware of notions is likely that he would not have survived University of Wisconsin Medical School,”
fered from a rare form of neuroblastoma, taken to alert Kinsella of the unusually that.” Farrell stated in his letter to Chancellor
according to the deposition of Wiersma low amount of radiation to treat Joshua. Dr. Ernie Young, a bioethics consult- Ward. “In light of these findings, we be-
on June 26, 2002. “As a result of the depositions [those ant from California, had been asked by lieve that there is adequate cause for dis-
Joshua, who was two years old as of taken by others named in the suit] and Ms. Valdivieso’s attorneys to look over the ciplinary action. We request that
2000, was under the care of Wiersma, a the information that has been forthcom- depositions of Kinsella, Shina, and David appropriate procedures be instituted.”
pediatric oncologist who had collabo- ing in—as a result of this complaint and Abraham, a name mentioned in the suit. No such procedures were pursued.
rated with her husband to provide the ail- litigation, I have learned that this error From reading their depositions, Young On May 15, 1997, Ward had com-
ing child radiation therapy as part of the was detected by persons in the radiation said he believed Kinsella breached the pleted a draft of a letter that would be sent
planned treatment. oncology department sometime in May,” standard of medical care relative to ethics, to Kinsella. In it, Ward had been willing
According to Wiersma’s deposition, Wiersma said. in a letter sent to Valdivieso’s attorneys. to take action and pursue a secondary in-
which was mailed anonymously to The Prior to being made aware of when “Once the mistake had been pointed vestigation that would look into the ex-
Press, Wiersma issued chemotherapy in Kinsella’s error was noted, Wiersma had out to him, Dr. Kinsella had an ethical amination of any rationale or explanation
hopes of achieving a remission in Joshua’s stated that if someone had known of the duty to look into it, confirm that an error for the backdated entries entered and
cancer. These treatments would help kill error, they should have brought it to her had been made, document in the medical other entries written by Kinsella as well
the cancer cells allowing for a stem cell attention due to her role as Joshua’s pri- record the discovery of the error and its as an examination of additional patient
transplant to destroy Joshua’s neuroblas- mary oncologist. “That would have been nature, and then immediately communi- records not covered in review to deter-
toma-infected bone marrow and replace the most appropriate way for that infor- cate with the family to them truthfully mine whether there were more cases of
it with stem cells that were free of the can- mation to be given to that family,” what had happened and what, if anything, backdating. In his draft, Ward mentioned
cer. Wiersma said. could be done to remedy the mistake,” looking into any red flags that may come
Part of the intended radiation that When Wiersma was first made aware Young said. “It is unethical conduct of to the attention of investigators.
was to go along with the chemotherapy of the lawsuit, she asked Kinsella about this nature that is damaging, not only to “First, assuming the absence of any
The Stony Brook Press News 7
KINSELLA continued from previous page
fraudulent intent, the questioned prac- ber 2008. “I have been informed that no nolly Top Doctor,” said Dr. Jean Morgan, When applying for his licensure in
tices show very poor judgment and lack one at University Hospitals is aware vice president and chief medical research New York State, Kinsella would have had
of sensitivity to some of the governing whether Dr. Kinsella or his attorneys re- officer at Castle Connolly in an email in- to answer questions such as whether or
foundations of medical practice,” Ward viewed hundreds of patient charts in con- terview. Morgan would provide no fur- not there were any charges pending
wrote in his drafted letter. “I am recom- nection with the State Medical Board of ther comment as Castle Connolly does against him in any jurisdiction for any
mending to Dean Farrell that you not be Ohio matter.” not comment on why or why not doctors sort of professional misconduct when ap-
renewed as chair of the Department of Only the Department of Health and are in their database. plying for his license last year, according
Human Oncology and that you remain Human Services or the Department of When it comes to reporting on inci- to the New York State application for li-
ineligible for reappointment as chair of Justice have the authority to file action for dents similar to Kinsella’s, such as a mal- censure.
the Department of Human Oncology, violations of HIPAA. A patient does not practice case of improper billing for Kinsella is listed as a “visiting profes-
and that you remain ineligible for reap- have the authority to sue under HIPAA, example, nearly half of doctors in a sur- sor” from documentation received in a
pointment as chair as long as you remain but can send a complaint to these respec- vey conducted in 2007 admitted to wit- freedom of information request through
a member of the faculty at the UW-Madi- tive departments, according to Privacy nessing such incidents but not reporting Stony Brook University making an an-
son.” Rights. it. The study reported in the Annals of In- nual salary $475,000 paid by the univer-
13 days later on May 28,1997, Kin- Dr. Robert Veatch, professor of med- ternal Medicine, which was led by re- sity. Kinsella is the highest paid employee
sella had written his withdrawal for con- ical ethics at Georgetown University, said searchers from Massachusetts General on the SBU payroll, according to
sideration for reappointment as chair of in an email interview that patient records Hospital, surveyed roughly 1,700 doctors Seethroughny, and is the highest paid vis-
the Human Oncology department. “Serv- are confidential and should not be used questioning their beliefs and practices. iting professor throughout the entire
ing in a leadership role during difficult for any purpose except patient care with- The overwhelming majority agreed that SUNY system, making more than twice
times may mean being a lighting rod,” out the patient's permission. adhering to medical standards was im- as much as the third highest salary in the
Kinsella said in the letter forwarded to “I am not sure that reports of the portant. But when asked about personal system.
Ward, Farrell and the Provost John D. content of patient records would be very experiences, 46 percent said they had Hired by Doctors Steven Strongwa-
Wiley. “Nonetheless, I have found the ex- ter and Richard Fine, CEO of the Stony
perience to be worthwhile.” Brook Hospital and Dean of the Stony
A press release regarding Kinsella’s Brook Medical School, respectively, Kin-
decision was released the next day. No sella was brought on in October 2008.
disciplinary action was filed or pursued. Both Strongwater and Fine have declined
Shortly after, Kinsella landed a job at Uni- interviews, and outgoing President
versity Hospital in Cleveland. Shirley Strum Kenny said she would not
In the complaint filed by Weber in comment on personnel matters during an
2007, Kinsella’s attorneys stated that the April 2009 press conference.
examinations Kinsella performed on “Dr. Kinsella is a nationally known
Weber were consistent with those he gave clinician and administrator who was
both his male and female patients, ac- brought on board to help us execute our
cording to Weber’s attorney notes on May vision to develop a National Cancer In-
28, 2008. stitute designated Comprehensive Cancer
“When he was confronted by the Center that will serve as a major clinical
claims in this case, they went over 500 and research enterprise for Long Island,”
medical records to make sure these body Fine wrote in an email after he denied
exams are consistent,” Ben Barret, multiple interview requests. “Along with
Weber’s attorney, had said. “They claim his extensive experience in academic
the records will demonstrate that he per- medicine, Dr. Kinsella was recently ap-
forms the same type of exams on male or Najib Aminy pointed to the National Cancer Institute’s
Dr. Strongwater (pictured left) and Dr. Fine (pictured right)
female on almost every visit.” Board of Scientific Advisors, a highly sig-
There are few times when such pa- nificant appointment.”
tient information can be attained without useful to establish the conduct of a physi- firsthand knowledge of medical mistakes During a phone interview, Kinsella
the patient’s consent and not violate cian accused of wrong-doing since any but did not report them and 45 percent denied any pending action complaint
HIPAA, the privacy act that ensures pa- physician who would do wrong would were aware of bad behavior that they did- through the Ohio State Medical Board,
tient health information is kept confiden- plausibly consider falsifying the record n’t report. though a ruling on that very complaint
tial. This includes court and data as well,” said Veatch, the former Di- “It’s ubiquitous. Doctors are worried was made a few months ago. Asked if
administrative proceedings in response to rector of the Kennedy Institue of Ethics at they themselves will make mistakes so Dean Fine and others were aware of his
a court order, subpoena, or discover re- Georgetown University. “In my view, pa- they tend to be less judgmental,” said Dr. past incidents, Kinsella replied, “Well,
quest, according to Privacy Rights, a non- tient records cannot be used for any pur- Peter Lurie, deputy director of Public Cit- they are aware of those,” he added in his
profit Consumer Information and pose without patient permission or a izen’s Health Research Group, a non- defense about the improper billings,
Advocacy Organization based in Califor- subpoena. I object even to use of such profit consumer advocacy group based in “those were investigated, no allegations
nia. records for research purposes without ei- Washington D.C. “There is that cama- were found. That was well over a decade
In the complaint filed against Kin- ther consent or an instintutional review raderie amongst doctors and the social- ago. That is old news.”
sella, Weber was the only plantiff. board determination that no reasonable ization that takes place in medical school. A request was made through the uni-
Though University Hospitals had said patient would object.” It is that sense of identification that also is versity’s media relations to confirm
that Kinsella was within his rights to go Kinsella, who was once among a part of the problem.” whether Fine and Strongwater were
through Weber’s records they were un- number of national “top doctors,” was re- When it comes to doctors violating aware of Kinsella’s past as well as inquiries
aware of whether or not Kinsella and his moved from the list earlier this year. Cas- these standards of ethics, it is an individ- as to what classes he was teaching. The
attorneys reviewed the records of 500 pa- tle Connolly Medical is a medical ual matter and not a generalized occupa- media relations office failed to meet the
tients. company that highlights the best doctors tional matter, according to Dr. Charles deadline for a response.
“We feel that it was appropriate for all through out America. There is a selec- Rosen, founder and president of the As- In the phone interview, Kinsella said
Dr. Kinsella to share with his attorneys tion process where nominees are inter- sociation for Medical Ethics. “It is a mat- he chose to come to SBU as a personal
the medical information that had put in viewed, have their backgrounds ter of the person having their own challenge to help put together an NCI-
issue by filing a complaint against him extensively checked and have their sub- personal problems and the nature that sponsored comprehensive care center in
with the State Medical Board of Ohio, in missions verified. Doctors are selected prompts the action and not the profes- addition to collaborating with both
order to defend his medical license,” said and removed from the database daily, ac- sion,” Rosen said, who cited similar situ- Brookhaven National Lab and Cold
Jennfier Edlind, a University Hospitals cording to a administrative official at ations in the corporate profession. “A Spring Harbor.
HIPAA Privacy Officer and Compliance Castle Connolly. physician is a more privileged position “We pick our challenges in life and
Specialist in response to a number of “You are correct in stating Dr. Kin- where people confide in and seek help in this is one of the challenges I elected to
questions brought up by Weber in Octo- sella is no longer listed as a Castle Con- a more private and personal matters.” do,” Kinsella said.
8 News Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

Class Registration
out of the way and SOLAR now the
By Nick Statt main tool for registration, some fresh-
man thought it would become easier.
Like many administrative processes “My progress report said I hadn’t
here at Stony Brook, class registration fulfilled my math requirement even
doesn’t, and probably never will, go though I definitely had taken the math
smoothly. Now that budget cuts are en- placement exam,” said Will Perera, a
forcing inevitable class downsizing, freshman psychology major. “After
more and more freshman are realizing going to the advising center in person
the harsh reality: fulfilling their major and having them look for an hour, I got
requirements and obtaining a bearable it worked out. It was still a ridiculous
schedule may be harder than they first hassle,” he added.
thought. Kevin Kelley, a freshman pre-health
For freshman, class registration at major, signed up for a two hundred
student orientation brings back mixed level English class last December. The
memories. For some, it was fine and problem arose when he returned in Jan-
they had an acceptable first semester uary and it had just disappeared. “They
schedule, but that may be greatly attrib- told me that the class had issues with its
uted to the fact that they had advantages professor and had been retracted. It
over other students. sucks because I need an upper-level
“It went all right for me, but I am an English and the only one left open did-
athlete [and] had an early July orienta- n’t fit into my schedule,” he said.
tion date,” said freshman biology major On the other end of the spectrum, a
AJ Orobello. Others who had late ori- few students have found that SOLAR
entation dates or just ran into in- works better for them. “As a poli-sci
involves taking 18 credits within a des- that they must return to that require-
escapable issues remember class major, I don’t really have issues with
ignated umbrella-like category with ti- ment.”
registration as a hectic process. classes, so SOLAR is a lot easier than
tles like “Public Relations.” This just He added how Stony Brook’s size is
“There were not enough legitimate sitting down with an advisor,” said
means students who choose that partic- really a major contributor to the prob-
advisors helping the room full of stu- freshman political science major David
ular concentration, of which there are lems with classes, considering that the
dents. I was being dealt with by other Rose.
four, have to take courses in the eco- preferences of upper-classman have to
students who didn’t know what they Now, amid the huge pressures of
nomics, political science, and sociology always, as is naturally understandable,
were doing really,” said freshman pre- budget cuts and the economy still re-
departments. However, one of the be taken first and foremost.
health major Jaime Elliott. “They didn’t fusing to climb out of its recession,
courses in that category, ECO 305, has a It terms of class registration this
know what I needed for the nursing Stony Brook class registration is only
similar restriction on it meant to keep year, Gatteau said, “No major problems
program,” she added. getting more and more complex due to
non-economics major/minors out. De- have really arisen at all.” According to a
Freshmen orientation was hardly a the university’s financial decisions.
spite this being a requirement for jour- new program that tracks visits to the
clear picture of how to put together a Departments that previously had
nalism majors, these “concentrations” Academic Advising Center, over 7,000
spaces for students outside their major
hold no weight and hang in some limbo visits have been made in this past se-
have started to restrict classes as far
between major and minor designations, mester, which exhibits that although the
down as the two hundred level tiers. If a
otherwise completely useless and only Advising Center doesn’t see any major
student wants to take EGL 243, Shake-
an added complication in the registra- obstructions, students still feel the need
speare: Major Works, not a farfetched
tion process. to bypass the, at times, annoyingly un-
desire for students considering that it is
Nobody can argue with what needs helpful methods of the SOLAR System.
a DEC, they’re out of luck. Anything
to be done in terms of fiscal measures Summer orientation for next year’s
above EGL 204 is reserved for English
taken to keep the university afloat, but incoming freshman is still not going to
majors or minors.
the decisions being made are leaving be fully tackled until the end of the se-
SOLAR, however, won’t tell you
students with more seemingly unan- mester. Gatteau says he can’t make any
that and will instead flash a message at
swerable questions. solid statements about what will happen
you saying you don’t meet “reserve ca-
The only feasible help that seems to exactly, pertaining to the cutbacks and
pacity requirements,” which, upon
allow students, especially freshman, to economic pressures recently laid on
going to an advisor in person, can be
maneuver these necessary paths is Aca- Stony Brook. However, it should be
translated to the fact that you’re re-
demic Advising. Rick Gatteau, Director noted that the feelings about SOLAR,
stricted from it. You can hang out on the
of the Academic and Pre-Professional class registration, and the recent
wait-list, but with class sizes in the 20s,
Advising Center, outlined a few major changes Stony Brook has had to make
you’re unlikely to have any chance at all
points in the advising process and how are as complicated as the causes induc-
when the ‘reserves” are lifted some time
\ they deal with these complications. ing them. Stony Brook, unfortunately
during the summer. Bente Videbaek,
“The most important thing is for having to constantly deal with their “3rd
Director of Undergraduate Studies for
students to make their road map now,” unhappiest student body,” is going to
neat schedule, but it was a highly visual the English Department, admitted that
he said. On the topic of how to deal with have to work even harder to find a bal-
foreshadowing of how administration she does not know when these restric-
getting wait-listed on required classes, ance between keeping the risk of sink-
works at SBU when it has to deal with tions will be lifted.
Gatteau added, “We try and split things ing financially and the well being and
the pressures of outside forces. For journalism majors, who are sec-
into two categories: what we need and satisfaction of its student body at bay.
With those big paper booklets–the ond only to engineers with 127 required
what we want. If a student hits a wall,
ones that left you squinting to see if you credits, more issues arise. This depart-
we try to find them the best route to
could fit the class into your schedule– ment requires a “concentration,” which
keep going, while still keeping in mind
The Stony Brook Press News 9

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“All education is supported by govern- agreed with Ahmadinejad’s politics, es- “I used to live in Saudi Arabia,” Ra-
ment. It is not independent like in pecially his anti-Semitism,” Chittick manathan said. “You don’t understand
By Natalie Crnosija America. All money eventually comes said. what academics are like in the Middle
from the government.” Power in Iran largely lies with the East. They are very tied to the govern-
Editor-in-Chief of The Patriot, When Chittick went to Iran to re- Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khameini ment.”
Derek Mordente, continued his criti- ceive his award, he said there was a large and the Guardian Council, a group of The political implications of the
cism of Religious Studies Department sign in Farsi that read, “Death to Amer- appointed theologian advisors, accord- Farabi Intrernational Award were dis-
Chair Professor William Chittick for ica” hanging in the front hall of the ing to Stanford University’s Hoover In- missed by Professor Shikaripur N. Srid-
Chittick’s acceptance of Iran’s Farabi In-hotel. He was greeted warmly by many stitution. This makes Ahmadinejad har, a colleague of Chittick and the
ternational Award in the Patriot’s April people in the hotel but was perplexed by more of a figurehead than a legitimate founding Chair of the Asian and Asian
2008 (read:2009) issue. the sign. political force who can enact his threats American Studies department. Sridhar
Chittick was awarded for his 2001 “I asked them, ‘What kind of greet- against Israel or America. cited Chittick’s reputation as one of the
publication, “The Heart of Islamic Phi- ing is this?’” Chittick said. “They Mordente argued that Ahmadine- foremost scholars of Sufism, a sect of
losophy,” an examination of the work of laughed and said, ‘No, we don’t mean jad is still a representative of the Iranian Islam that developed in Iran and is fo-
Afdal al-Din Kashani, the you. We mean those American politi- government, which is controlled by Ho- cused on an individual’s relationship
twelfth century Iranian with God as explored through
philosopher. In the book, art, poetry, dance and music.
Chittick uses Kashani’s phi- “The award may have been
losophy to elucidate the ba- given by a politician but it is the
sics of Islam for the modern award that should be looked at,”
audience. Sridhar said. “If he went to Iran
“I questioned his judg- on account of an academic thing,
ment accepting the award I don’t see anything wrong with
from such an outspoken anti- that.”
Semitic, anti-Western Mordente and Ramanathan
agenda-psychopath who pre- said that SBU professors tipped
sides over a government iden- them off to Chittick’s award and
tified as a state sponsor of informed them of the dangers
Terrorism,” read Mordente’s such acceptance posed interna-
article, “Meet The (Stony tionally. They refused to identify
Brook) Press,” which was a re- the professors who informed
sponse to the Stony Brook them of Chittick’s endorsement
Press’ defense of Chittick’s ac- of Ahmadinejad’s government.
ceptance of the award. “All of “I’ll give you an example,”
this takes away from Profes- Mordente said. “If you were
sor Chittick’s credibility and doing research about hite Anglo-
belittles what he has done.” Saxon Protestants and the head
Mordente, who has yet to of the KKK wanted to present
speak with Chittick, added you with an award regarding
that he did not question white Anglo-Saxon Protestants,
Chittick’s scholarship but in- would you accept it?”
stead questioned his indirect Asian Studies major Riley
support of the Iranian gov- Stein believed The Patriot’s criti-
ernment and President Mah- cism to be unfounded.
moud Ahmadinejad’s “We should be happy Profes-
anti-American politics. sor Chittick won this amazing
Chittick, who has been award,” Stein said. “Apart from
teaching at SBU since 1983 that, people should just shut the
and has authored and trans- f--k up.”
lated 25 books on Islamic Chittick, who described
thought, said he did not sup- himself as largely apolitical and
port Ahmadinejad or the not partial to interviews, said
Iranian government. Professor William Chittick that The Patriot’s repeated at-
“I have never said any- tacks on his credibility made it
thing in favor of the current necessary for him to speak.
Iranian government,” Chittick “The job of academia is to
said. “Accepting the award was the first cians.’ I think that represents the vast seini-Khameini. get out of ideology…to make known the
time I returned to Iran after the revolu- majority of Iranians and how they view Aditya Ramanathan, a senior editor riches and resources of the least known
tion.” America.” for The Patriot, added that the distinc- religion in the West, which is Islam,”
Chittick received his doctorate in Chittick added that American po- tion between Ahmadinejad, Hoseini- Chittick said. “You might say, ‘What
Persian literature from the University of litical bullying, not the American prom- Khameini and the cabinet are irrelevant does twelfth century Iranian poetry
Tehran in 1974 and taught at various ise or people, is what has caused the because of Hoseini-Khameini’s supreme have to do with anything?’ Ask not only
Iranian institutions until the 1979 Rev- anti-American sentiment in Iran. The position. Furthermore, Ramanathan what you can learn from it but what you
olution. majority of people do not support Ah- said that the government’s influence can learn about yourself through it.”
“In a country like Iran, everything madinejad or his extremist views. over academic policies make Chittick’s
is centered in Tehran,” Chittick said. “I have never met an Iranian who award a political award.
by Jonathan Singer and Andrew Fraley

Across the state from Stony Brook University, tions as a journalist include time as Managing Editor of sections feature content that is generated anonymously
there exists another publication that is not afraid to both The Spectrum and Visions. “He does have jour- by Generation’s readership.
print words like “fuck” and “shit” in its pages. But now nalism experience, but he has nothing to do with Gen- “A lot of people do read the magazine just for
Generation, a student magazine at the University at eration,” Blake said. Normally, Generation’s editorial the personals,” Blake said. When he became Editor-in-
Buffalo with a 25-year tradition of alternative journal- board chooses the next year’s Editor-in-Chief. After the Chief one year ago, Sub Board invited Blake to a board
ism, has lost its freedom. charter was suspended, that process was the job of a of directors meeting, where the magazine’s publishers
On April 3, Sub Board I, Inc., a non-profit five-person search committee, which included Pape presented concerns of both the board members and
conglomeration of UB student governments and pub- and Generation Associate Editor Michelle Matthews. the students. They told him that they were not too
lisher of Generation, notified current Editor-in-Chief “This process was about picking the most happy about that back section. “I’m not going to lie—
Andrew Blake that it had suspended the magazine’s qualified candidate,” Pape said. One of Sub Board’s it was kind of creepy. A real closed doors, hush-hush
charter. “They couldn’t censor our content, so they goals was to open up the Editor-in-Chief hiring kind of thing, you know?” Blake described in an edi-
took away the rulebook that gave us that power,” said process, in hopes of lessening intimidation. After the torial from the April 17 issue of Generation.
Blake, a UB senior. committee chose Boston, the new Editor-in-Chief The then Editor-in-Chief presented the idea
Calling editorial autonomy “a huge responsi- called Generation a “niche publication.” “We fill the of removing personals from the pages of Generation to
bility,” Sub Board Vice President Robert Pape says that niche of a couple of people who are not scared to tell the magazine’s staff. “I told the editorial board and they
the magazine’s charter will be restored under the new the truth,” Blake said in response. all agreed absolutely not,” Blake said.
leadership of UB student journalist Joshua Boston. Lauren Ministero was one of three current The January 27 issue of Generation featured a
Outside of his claim that the magazine has de-
Photo Credit: Andrew Blake, Facebook
clined in quality over recent years, Boston has no pre-
vious ties to Generation. Much like the rivalry between
The Stony Brook Press and The Statesman, UB’s student
media scene has its own competition. There are three
publications: The Spectrum, a tri-weekly newspaper;
Visions, a magazine published by UB’s undergraduate
Student Association; and Generation, which more re-
cently has featured the phrase “An SBI Publication” on
its cover, alongside “the student voice since 1984.”
Before the magazine had become Generation
in 1984, it had been known as The Current. Andrew
Galarneau, who had been Generation’s faculty advisor
for nine years up until this semester, recalled the pub-
lication’s transformation. “What’s going on with the
magazine now is the same thing that happened with
The Current in 1984,” explained Galarneau. Sub Board
had cut the magazine’s funding after an argument with
the editorial board at the time. After that, Generation
was born, and Galarneau was one of its original
While Galarneau wasn’t Faculty Advisor when
Sub Board suspended the charter, he had been the ad-
visor last semester when “the forest fire was lit and
while it raged”. Galarneau claimed he’d spent hours last
semester explaining to Blake the damages his editorial
board was doing to the magazine’s viability. Most no- Pictured above, members of Generation s editorial board in 2008. On far right: 2008-09 Editor-in-Chief Andrew Blake.
table, Galarneau said, were two photos appearing in
different issues; one was a back cover which featured Generation editors who applied for next year’s Editor- notably controversial “I’m Right. You’re Wrong.” in
Blake vomiting on an issue of Visions magazine, and in-Chief position after the magazine’s charter was sus- which a reader asked, “Why does David L. Dunn, the
another featured Blake holding a used condom—both pended. “I was still interested because I did put a lot in V.P. for Health Sciences who initiated UBreathe Free,
were parodies of photos that appeared in Visions. “The the magazine,” she said. In front of the committee, have a small penis?”(UBreathe Free is a campus-wide
magazine is not intended for him to carry on his per- Ministero explained what she wanted to do with the anti-smoking initiative.) Blake and Matthews re-
sonal feuds,” said Galarneau. magazine and what ethics meant to her. “They also sponded in an irreverent manner, following the col-
“The people from the Student Association talked about the audience I wanted to attract,” she said. umn’s format.
thought it was hilarious,” claimed Blake, referring to Two main issues in this argument regard Upon request from Sub Board, Blake and his
the condom parody photo. Galarneau was the only ethics and Generation’s audience. On Andrew Blake, editorial board printed a correction. An earlier request
person to express concern about either photo, accord- Boston said, “He crossed a lot of ethical boundaries, in was made after the September 16 issue, regarding an
ing to Blake. my eyes.” When asked to give examples of offensive article about campus safety. The feature mentioned in-
When Sub Board suspended their charter and content, Boston regarded the material as inappropri- correct information about UB’s Anti-Rape Task Force,
hired Boston for the new position this semester, ate to reprint. a service that is offered by Sub Board. “Other than that,
Galarneau was not surprised. “Unfortunately, it was It is that flippant material, most notably a sec- there were no formal complaints,” he said.
right to fear that this could happen.” Boston officially tion of explicit personal ads and an ongoing question “The cover story is always a feature story,”
begins on June 1. and answer feature called “I’m Right. You’re Wrong.” Blake said. The April 1, 2008 issue of Generation fea-
The upcoming Editor-in-Chief ’s qualifica- that landed the magazine in hot water. Both of these tured an article titled “Did You Get Your Slice,” a cover


story exposing how UB’s Student Association was mis- ident pointed out that Sub Board is run by students,
appropriating its money. The scandal regarded a num- and offers services that UB’s administration doesn’t PERSONALS
ber of SA officials who misused funds on personal trips provide, including Generation’s editorial autonomy To the dancing asian gangstarr kid: keep on
for themselves and friends. “Not once did Visions, the outside of times the magazine can be sued for libel. rockin in the free world
SA magazine and the organization’s chief link to the After the April 1 Student Association cover ______________________________________
public, publish a word about the head jobs going up story, Boston said the Generation reporters used
douchebag with the dumb hat and stupid hair in
for grabs. They certainly didn’t mention the $12,000 skewed quotes of SA officials. “That’s false,” said Blake.
salary, reimbursements for cell phones, or the $2.7 mil- “No one from SA for the past 15 months has brought
my CS class, you’re a douchebag.
lion dollar budget that comes with the job,” said the ar- allegations.” Being funded in part by UB’s student ac- ______________________________________
ticle, which was written by 2006-07 Editor-in-Chief tivity fee, Boston called Generation’s contents an irre- To all long islanders who go to green cactus, its
Peter Scheck, with additional reporting by Blake and sponsible use of student’s funds. pronounced “halla-penyo” and and “pico de
2007-08 Editor-in-Chief Tara Sullivan. Thus, the game of “I’m Right. You’re Wrong.” guy-o”. get it right you fucking morons.
“Nothing against Josh, but it’s sad to see a continues with Generation’s editors versus Pape and ______________________________________
magazine that’s been student-run for 25 years be taken Boston. Blake said that Boston “couldn’t cut it as a Spec- To the upstate hick in my PSY *** class: Jesus
away at a whim,” Scheck said. “You’ve got to say some- trum editor,” referring to Boston’s failed run for The is not the messiah, and the Buffalo Bills will
thing when you want to take someone’s charter away.” Spectrum’s Editor-in-Chief position before he moved never win the Super Bowl. So stop wearing that
Both Boston and Pape echo each other’s argu- to Visions. Boston also applied for the position of Edi- stupid ass hat.
ment about ethics in journalism. “It seems that a lot of tor-in-Chief of Visisons at the same time, but was hired
the things that Josh is saying is coming from their for Generation first. With regards to the SA magazine,
mouths,” said Ministero. Upon the Sub Board’s hiring Blake called that publication a “propaganda machine”
To all hipsters riding the South p express bus:
decision, the April 29 issue of The Spectrum reported for UB’s Student Association. go cut yourself with your man man vinyl you
that Boston and Pape are housemates. While the news- There are also conflicting reports on Sub skinny fags.
paper identified this as a possible bias, Pape dismisses Board’s communication with Blake, and his reception. ______________________________________
any accusations as false. “Josh as a journalist is a very Blake asserts that he’s only been invited to two board of To the girl with the annoying voice in my EGL
talented kid,” he said. “Josh earned this on his merit.” directors meetings; the first at the beginning of the fall *** class, I finally turned around to see what
Although things were not as normal as they semester and the next was before they announced the you looked like once, but lacked the courage to
could have been, Generation’s editorial board chose an suspension. He had missed that meeting, but only be- say, “Every time you say ‘umm’ and ‘like’ a
Editor-in-Chief before the committee interviewed the cause prior notice hadn’t been given in advance. There piece of my soul dies.” Other days, I just cringe
applicants. It was not Ministero, but Photo Editor were also optional sub-committee meetings that con- and close my ears to keep my brain from bleed-
Roger Chao who ended up the preferred candidate. flicted with Blake’s class schedule.
Boston will start his term on June 1. “As of now I’m It was this lack of communication that
leaning towards not working with him,” Chao said. Galarneau believed ultimately led to the decision. “A
Neither is Blake, who said he might stay at UB an extra problem with a guy who won’t get back to you when Hey creepy white guy. You peer into my eyes
year. “Most people from the magazine won’t be there they [Sub Board] want to talk to you is worse than and invade my body with your serious de-
anymore,” Blake said. printing the word ‘fuck’,” he said. Blake insisted that the meanor. Asian girls don’t really like that. Stop
“If you see that that many people are unhappy, miscommunication was all Sub Board’s part. “Most it.
then something has got to be wrong,” Ministero said. people don’t know what’s going on here,” he said. ______________________________________
In a recent email Boston sent out to UB’s visual stud- “Even people at the magazine don’t know what’s going Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a
ies listserv, he referred to the publication as “Sub Board on. Sub Board’s been very hush-hush about this.” light bulb? A: What, you didn’t know?
magazine.” “I have no idea what he wants to do,” Blake Blake has been with Generation since 2004, ______________________________________
said. “There’s a bunch of rumors that they’re going to working under Editors-in-Chief Morgan Grant (2004- hey pink haired hippy hanging out in the SAC
change the name.” 2005) and Chris Ahearn (2005-2006), years that
commuter lounge: is you’re bush pink as well?
Boston admitted that this might be the case, Boston called “the old glory days of Generation”. How-
explaining a stigma he saw associated with the Gener- ever, even those issues featured personals and “I’m
i’d love to find out.
ation name. “In the end, it’s going to be a better publi- Right. You’re Wrong.” columns. ______________________________________
cation,” Boston said. Generation is also known for its Pape said that Sub Board’s board of directors to the creepy kid with lady’s sunglasses: you’re
literary and “Pulse” sections of fiction and art reviews, unanimously approved the hiring of Boston. The mag- fucking retarded
respectively. While Boston said he has little interest in azine, in whatever new form it takes, will now be run ______________________________________
the literary pages, he still wants to keep it in the mag- by students who are a little more “straight-laced,” ac- i know that you are afraid of glitter.
azine, along with some version of the “Pulse” section. cording to Galarneau. “The good news is that it will ______________________________________
As far as personals, many of which disparage still be a student funded magazine.” evrybody that wears a led zepplin or pink floyd
upper-middle class female Jewish Long Islanders at- Scheck remains optimistic about the situation, tshirt should grow the fuck up. your not in high
tending UB, Boston said they might not be there in up- giving it five years before the magazine is returned to school anymore, so stop listning to your dad

coming issues of the magazine, which is published its former glory. “This a setback, not huge, and we will
and find your own taste in fucking music. baby
weekly during the academic year. “Advertisers don’t get it back,” he said. “We have a tradition of coming out
want to advertise in a magazine like that,” Boston said. against the odds.”
boomer music needs to die!
“This year they ran a story on moustaches,”
Boston said. “That was a cover story.” That feature,
written by Blake, titled “’Stache Of Cash,” was about
Western New Yorkers who grew facial hair for charity,
and was published in the March 3 issue of Generation. Fill out this coupon and drop it in the box outside our office at Student Union 060.
“I find it hard to believe that a story about college kids _______________________________________________________________________________
raising money for cancer research is bad,” Blake said. _______________________________________________________________________________
Blake also responded to Boston’s repeated at- _______________________________________________________________________________
tacks on his ethical structure: “I’d like to see why he
thinks that,” he said. “I practically sleep with my copy
of the AP Stylebook.” Blake considered several places
to look for legal assistance, including UB student legal _______________________________________________________________________________
services and the New York Civil Liberties Union, but _______________________________________________________________________________
the student legal service that UB offers is an entity run _______________________________________________________________________________
by Sub Board, and he hasn’t heard back from the civil _______________________________________________________________________________
libertarians. _______________________________________________________________________________
“Andrew and others would want you to believe THE STONY BROOK PRESS reserves the right to reject any message that we deem inappropriate for publication.
that Sub Board is ‘the man,’” Pape said. The Vice Pres- Messages containing names or addresses will not be printed.THE STONY BROOK PRESS does not take any respon-
sibiliuty for offense taken from the personals.


12 Features Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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ated Press, in their report on Barstow’s April 20, 2008, when it was seen on the networks. The Associated Press, who
By Nick Statt Pulitzer win, reported that the Pentagon
had suspended the program following
front page of the Times, CBS and Fox
both refused to comment. NBC News
reported on the Pulitzer winners on
April 20th, had a whole section dedi-
the publishing of Barstow’s two-piece and ABC both issued comments on cated to Barstow that entailed exactly
David Barstow, a New York Times project. how they had a certain ethical require- for what he won. However, CNN’s 898-
reporter, was awarded his second It’s plausible to expect such a pro- ment expected of their analysts and that word report on the winners failed to
Pulitzer Prize on Monday, April 20, for gram to come out of the Pentagon, con- they go to respectable lengths to do mention Barstow’s name even once, let
investigative reporting. The first of the sidering the controversial measures background checks. NBC assured that alone the fact that his win was because
two articles for the “Message Machine” taken in the past eight years. Some ex- the people on their network “…have he uncovered corruptness in the Penta-
piece that garnered him this honor ap- amples include the “enhanced interro- been appropriately vetted and that gon and mistakes made by that very
peared on the front page of the Times gation techniques” of Guantanamo Bay, nothing in their profile would lead to news network.
exactly one year prior to his win. Al- only now being investigated thoroughly, even a perception of a conflict of inter-’s Glenn Greenwald
though he has been recognized in jour- and the use of the Patriot Act to pass est.” noted in his online article, “The
nalistic field, the TV networks that he laws allowing the access of international Barstow cleverly helped break this Pulitzer-winning investigation that dare
blasted in his reports have done little to bank information, formally called Op- statement down earlier with a quote not be uttered on TV,” that NBC News
acknowledge the corrupt collusion that eration Swift. from Rick Francona, an NBC analyst, had similarly turned a blind eye to
they let occur with the Pentagon, going The eyes of the public should be fo- saying that he didn’t think NBC had any Barstow, simply mentioning the NY
as far as to propound an extreme down- Times’ five wins without a single men-
play of Barstow and his findings in their tion names. However, NBC News’ Brain
national coverage. Williams, in that very same report that
“Message Machine” was a two-part Greenwald quoted in his article, named
project by Barstow that ended up high- Eugene Robinson for the Washington
lighting extraordinarily shocking meth- Post winner of Best Commentator, say-
ods that some have considered to be ing that he was “of course…an on-air
propaganda and psychological manip- commentator for us on MSNBC all
ulation. through the election season and contin-
The Pentagon, in an attempt to ues to be.”
make the Iraq War look positive to the “The outright refusal of any of these
public, created a secret campaign to use ‘news organizations’ even to mention
retired military personnel who were what Barstow uncovered about the Pen-
now “military analysts” in the radio and tagon’s propaganda program and the
TV network circles. This was all done, way it infected their coverage is one of
according to Barstow and the NY Times’ the most illuminating events revealing
investigation, with the purpose of spew- how they operate,” said Greenwald later
ing support for the war with a convinc- on in his article. He added that the news
ing military ethos to support it. The networks’ negligence, whether pur-
Pentagon enacted this with the use of poseful or not, was “transparently cor-
private briefings for military analysts rupt and journalistically disgraceful.”
that aimed to turn them into “an in- Barstow put it best when he titled
strument intended to shape terrorism the first groundbreaking article, “Be-
coverage from inside the major TV and hind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden
radio networks,” as Barstow described. Hand.” The hidden hand he speaks of
Even more upsetting was the fact seems to be touching upon every sector
that these analysts, used by FOX News, of governmental operation, unavoidable
CNN, NBC News and other newtorks and unstoppable without the forces of
had financial ties to the very war on people who feel that it is wrong and
which they were commenting. One have the resources and courage to speak
man in particular, General Barry Mc- against it.
Caffrey, was the subject of Barstow’s Barstow, who seems to care much
second article, “One Man’s Military-In- more about change than winning
dustrial-Media Complex.” That article, Pulitzers, said in an interview with Joe
which followed up on the uncovering of cusing not just on the abuses of civil lib- idea that he was participating with any Strupp of that
multiple analysts used by the Pentagon erties and illegal actions of the militarily-involved company. his win was “an affirmation of the prin-
in the previous article, told in detail government, but the TV networks that CNN was one of the only networks ciple that American journalism ought
how a military contractor called De- failed to do their job as journalists and to actually come clean, quoted in to be fiercely independent.”
fense Solutions hired McCaffrey to are now being surprisingly silent about Barstow’s article saying, “We did not ask On the topic of how the TV news
covertly use his influence as a retired their missteps. Barstow revealed that Mr. Marks the follow-up questions we networks ignored both Barstow and his
four-star general to help win the right the networks were incompetent in both should have,” referring to their analyst reporting, he told E&P that he could
to supply the Defense Department with revealing the corruption of the military General James Marks who was hired in confidently not worry about it. “The
more of their tanks. analysts that were known to have 2004, but was never fully checked to see pieces touched off a really vigorous de-
The New York Times’ website con- worked for companies involved with the that he also worked for McNeil Tech- bate in the online community and in
tains both articles in their archives. military and failing to delve further into nologies. newspapers about it, that nature of our
The real matter at hand is not the their background checks of hired net- One year after this article hit, and journalism. In a way, it really didn’t
Pentagon and their actions because it work news personalities. fortunately after the Pentagon stopped matter that TV decided not to touch it.
has been over a year since the first arti- In Barstow’s first article, the the program, Barstow is still not receiv- It further suggests a shifting in the bal-
cle hit the front page. And the Associ- one that really hit the message home on ing proper recognition from the TV ance of power in the media landscape.”
The Stony Brook Press Features 13

Hobbs Farm
ring the title over to the church, the
By Krystal DeJesus property became overgrown and van-
dalized. In 2007, Friends of Hobbs Farm
was formed to help the church restore
There are few farms on Long Island the land, which had turned into a
that are run by volunteers and give away dumping ground.
their produce for free to local food “There were truckloads of garbage
banks, but Hobbs Farm in Centereach and debris,” Jiminez-Pellegrino said.
does just that. “Different companies with payloaders
Just four miles south of the univer- came and cleared it all out for us.”
sity, this 11-acre farm is right in the Last year was the first time the land
middle of suburbia with homes and was used as a farm in over a decade. The
roadways surrounding it on every side. two acres of farmed land produced 10
Although the farm is new to many of its tons of produce, of which all went to
neighbors, it is actually over 100 years local food pantries. Also with enormous
old and is the last African American community support and donations
owned farm on Long Island. from local businesses, the original
It began in 1906 when James Hobbs farmhouse was restored and educa-
and his family moved to Long Island tional programs were developed.
from Georgia. At first they rented the This year there are plans to double
land they farmed in Centereach, but the size of the farmed land to five acres
later on James purchased a plot for and expand its education programs
Hobbs Farm. Krystal DeJesus even further. The farm offers intern-
“Not too many African American One of the few lasting farms on Long Island.
ships to college students and the farm
farmers actually owned a farm,” said managers are trying to expand their
Tom Lyon, co-director of Friends of children’s garden to teach more young
Hobbs Farm. “There were limited num- details,” Lyon said. Setauket, where he was a member.
people about where their food comes
bers of black farmers on Long Island in Alfred managed to keep the farm “The church worked hard at hold-
the earlier part of the century.” alive and running even as development ing on to the property,” said Anne
“I think the focus will be number
James’ son, Alfred Hobbs, who made its way further east on Long Is- Jiminez-Pellegrino, co-director of
one just farming and an agrarian life on
lived on the farm from the age of three land. He had multiple chances to sell the Friends of Hobbs Farm. “Rev. Leonard
Long Island,” Lyon said of the future
months, took ownership in 1955 and property but passed up on the opportu- really knew what was in Mr. Hobbs’
goals for the education program. “It’s
farmed it until his death in 1996. Re- nities because he wanted the land to heart.”
exciting because it’s kind of a work in
search on the history of the Hobbs fam- stay a farm. But since Alfred and his The Bethel AME Church was not
progress, and as we get to meet new
ily and the farm have just recently wife didn’t have any children to take available for comment.
people, we get new ideas.Ӭ
begun, so the exact facts are not known. over the farm, he left it to the Bethel Due to the lack of proper resources
“We’re not 100 percent sure of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in and legal complications with transfer-

A Cosmic Conflict in a World Gone Global

field with Osama bin Laden cackling “On the one hand, obviously there
By Natalie Crnosija maniacally on the periphery, that is a
false interpretation, said Professor Reza
is something very satisfying about
try to be a public intellectual and shape
Aslan, a religious scholar and CBS News the way that issues, whether of politics
The Pakistani army attacked Tal- analyst. or religion, are being discussed, partic-
iban forces after their April 26 move- “There is no chance of that hap- ularly in the media,” Aslan said. “It is a
ment into the Buner region forced the pening,” Aslan said. “The fundamental responsibility that I do take seriously
displacement of thousands of Pakistani truth is that there is no person in charge and I am enormously grateful for the
citizens 60 miles from the nation’s cap- of Pakistan, the military is in charge of opportunity too, for the chance to actu-
ital Islamabad. This military action fol- Pakistan. It is the unifying principle, ally inject a sense of objectivity and ra-
lowed Pakistan’s February 2009 cession the one element that holds that country tionalism in discussions about Islam
of the Swat Valley to the Taliban, fol- together.” and the Muslim world because these
lowing the Taliban’s fighting in the re- Aslan, whose family immigrated to discussions are so often had almost ex-
gion. Pakistani President Asif Ali the United States during his childhood clusively on the margins of the debate.”
Zardari’s government permitted the to escape the Iranian Revolution, holds Though some Muslims might not
Taliban’s establishment of Islamic law in a Masters of Theological Studies from agree with his interpretation of Islam in
the region as part of the truce. Pak- Harvard Divinity School and a Masters Professor Reza Aslan the modern context, Aslan said that he
istan’s inaction drew international crit- of Fine Arts from the University of has received a lot of support for his ef-
icism of Zardari’s government and as a news analyst and, unexpectedly, as
Iowa. He currently teaches creative forts to facilitate dialogue, even if it ex-
military, which are charged with the a representative of Islam in western
writing at the University of California, ists largely on the periphery of global
protection of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. media. Due to his unique position on
Riverside. consciousness.
If media coverage of Zardari’s per- the media landscape, Aslan said he has
Appearances on The Daily Show, Aslan’s new book, How to Win a
ceived ineptitude prompted imaginings found himself in the position of an-
Real Time with Bill Maher and Ander- Cosmic War: God, Globalization and
of nuclear missiles standing solitary in a swering for other Muslims of disparate
son Cooper 360 have established Aslan the End of the War on Terror was in-
political and religious affiliations.
14 Features Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

ASLAN continued from previous page

spired by the interactions and questions Aslan said. Aslan examines this cosmic without borders. mation during the sixteenth century,
he fielded regarding the radicalization mindset, where the war on terror be- “In many ways, Bush and bin Laden Aslan said. Like the Christian Refor-
of Islam shortly after he published his comes an intangible, non-geographical, were the same person,” Aslan said. mation, conflicts within Islamic sects
first book, No god but God: The Ori- ideological war without the possibility “The way that they spoke, the way that regarding the interpretation of text and
gins, Evolution, and Future of Islam. of victory. they thought, the way they that they cat- interaction with the religious authori-
“This is the book I needed to write,” Americans too view themselves egorized the universe into these very ties have prompted outbursts of vio-
Aslan said. “A book that explained the cosmically, Aslan explained, and natu- clear cut, black and white dichotomies.” lence, like the September 11 attacks.
idea of religious violence and also rally have become the jihadists’ coun- Former President Bush’s initial and This reformation has been facilitated by
helped people to understand or, at least terparts on the cosmic battlefield. From continuing description of the war on globalization and the Internet’s enabling
helped create a new framework for un- the United States’ inception, the terror in religious terminology, not only of information exchange, Aslan said.
derstanding this conflict with radical founders and American people have intensified this cosmic war against the This trend leads to the individualization
forces in the Muslim world and why the viewed America as the new Israel with jihadists, but also lumped the entire Is- of religion and religious authority. The
war on terror has been such an absolute Americans being the new chosen peo- lamic world in with their more extreme rise of jihadism in the Muslim world
failure in actually confronting these ple. This national consciousness of di- counterparts. and abroad is a product of this move-
forces. I think that everyone had under- vine singularity has self-defined “Thus far, we have chosen to de- ment away from the prevailing
stood, in an intuitive way, that the war America as a force for good in a cosmic scribe the War on Terror in exclusively Ulema—Islamic religious authorities—
on terror had failed but, people really sense. religious terms, in exclusively cosmic power structure over religious life, cre-
couldn’t put their finger on why that “We have always seen ourselves as terms,” Aslan said. “That, I think, has ating individualized authority.
was the case.” engaged in a cosmic battle between the not only validated the viewpoint of the “[Global communication] has al-
How to Win A Cosmic War: God, forces of good and evil,” Aslan said. jihadists but, more importantly, it has lowed for surges in education and in lit-
Globalization and the End of the War “Now, fighting this enemy that also be- served to convince the majority of the eracy and this mass migration of
on Terror focuses on the unwinnable as- lieves that it has been divinely elected Muslim world that war on terror is in peoples which has also had an enor-
pect of the war on terror, which Aslan and that also believes that it is engaged fact a war against Islam because that is mous effect in creating different per-
cites as being the radicalization and re- in war between good and evil. We’ve es- how it has been framed, that is how it spectives and different centers in the
ligious interpretation of the conflict by sentially entered a period now in which has been communicated.” Islamic world,” Aslan said. “That pass-
self-declared jihadists, or holy warriors, we are feeding off of each other, in Aslan assumed his analytical role ing of authority from institutions to in-
like Osama bin Laden and members of which our rhetoric is validating their shortly after his 2006 publication of No dividuals which is at the heart of what
al-Qaeda. rhetoric, and that their mindset is legit- god but God: The Origins, Evolution, the reformation phenomenon repre-
The jihadists’ reformatory use of imizing our mindset.” and Future of Islam, which examined sents. As I talk about in that previous
the Koran gives their struggle against This matching of mindsets is fueled the history of Islam in the modern con- book, we have to recognize that the
religious authorities, the United States by rhetoric before firepower and gives text. surge of violence and jihadism that we
and other countries a cosmic impor- leaders and their word choice tremen- Islam is undergoing a period of ref- see is in of itself a sign of the reforma-
tance, making their fight a cosmic war, dous power within this battleground ormation akin to the Protestant Refor- tion.”
Reformation, as a word, is largely
used within a Christian context and
most specifically with regards to the six-
teenth century attempted reform and
modernization of the Catholic Church.
Aslan used this word to create an
analogy but William Chittick, a profes-
sor of Islam in the Stony Brook Univer-
sity Religious Studies department,
slightly disagreed with the designation
but believed Islam is capable of mod-
“Reformation has a strong Protes-
tant connotation,” Chittick said. “But
do I see that Islam as able to adjust as a
religion, adjust with how it deals with
things? Yes.”
Conversely, Omar Shareef, a Stony
Brook University student and president
of the Muslim Student Association, said
that he saw a shift back to Islamic re-
vivalism in the Long Island Muslim
community in response to the radical ji-
hadist stance.
“Muslims are actually shifting to-
ward getting back to the Koran,” Shareef
said. “The way to combat extremist
views is to revisit the Koran and its
teachings. People should not give up on
Shareef said he did see very gradual
changes within Islam, especially with
regard to the treatment of women.
Aslan on Meet the Press with Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) During the end of the ’08-’09 academic
year, the SBU Muslim Students Associ-
ation elected their first female chaplain,
The Stony Brook Press Features 15

ASLAN continued from previous page

or president, of their organization. over land and resources,
“The extremists marginalize has become a conflict
women,” Shareef said. “Our religion, in over religious identity,”
the truest sense, does not limit anyone. Aslan said. “The most
American stereotypes of Islam, by their destructive element in
nature, believe that Islam restricts this conflict is not neces-
women. This is not true at all. We have sarily the Muslim and
proven that. We want to embolden Jewish cosmic warrior
women.” but the evangelical
Similarly, Aslan believes that Christian warriors who
women are a rising power within Islam. from their comfortable
Women are, in fact, at the forefront of perches in suburban
Islamic Reformation, Aslan said. This America have essentially
rise has been prompted by globalization endowed this political,
and technology, resulting in a transfer territorial conflict with
of authority from institutions to indi- this enormous messianic
viduals. This gives women, for the first significance and who are
time in fourteen centuries of Islamic doing probably more
practice, true access to the Koran to in- damage than any other
terpret it for themselves. party to this conflict to
The 2007 publication of The Sub- keeping this war going.”
lime Quran by Islamic scholar Laleh In this contest for
Baktiar, who is the first female to trans- the favor of God, Israel
late the Koran into English, illustrates must remain under Jew-
this progressivism and moves away ish political control,
from Islamic institutions which are ex- Aslan said. The United
clusively male. Baktiar’s translation States has a covenantal
brings a new perspective to Koranic in- relationship with Israel,
terpretation, Aslan said. which dictates that
“In that translation you saw the Americans must support
enormous amount of textual exegesis Israel, financially and
that is taking place in Koranic studies politically.
for the first time, and no question that Israel’s most enthu-
women are at the head the head of that siastic supporters are a
movement,” Aslan said. small group of Dispensa-
In spite of these more progressive tionalist Evangelical
developments in Islam, the other side of Christians in the United
that reformatory coin is the cosmic war States, said Professor Stephen Spector, very easily fell into its usual pro-Israel “War is ritualized, whether it is con-
as jihadists continue to pursue their chair of the English department and an stance, I was surprised to see newspa- sidered a cosmic war or a secular war,”
ultra-radical practice of Islam. This expert in Evangelical Christianity’s re- pers, and columnist and media person- Aslan said. “There is a very distinct rit-
brand of Islam, which removes the lationship with Israel. Dispensational- alities, whether it was Jon Stewart or ualization and sacrilization of war that
Ulema from religious power, enables ism, or the belief that the Biblical “The New York Times,” come out and becomes very important in giving it
any individual to declare a fatwa, a reli- apocalypse is approaching, gives Israel openly criticize Israel.” meaning. And that’s what religion does,
gious decree, or a jihad, a fight against monumental significance for Evangeli- This criticism of Israel’s conduct it gives violence a sense of significance.”
injustice—privileges which were given cal Christians, Spector said. This belief during the Gaza War drew opposition Apart from religion’s ability to jus-
solely to the Ulema as per Islamic law. strongly colors the Evangelical Chris- from members of SBU Hillel Founda- tify violence, it also exists as a story,
This individualization of religious au- tians’ view of Islam, which they perceive tion for Jewish Life, including board which gives world events a greater con-
thority was spearheaded by non-Ulema as a threat to Israel and its divine role. member Sarah Marshall. text, Aslan said. As both a religious
Osama bin Laden with his issuance of “Evangelicals go beyond criticizing “If it were any country but Israel, scholar and creative writer, Aslan said
fatwas. According to Aslan, bin Laden the radicals,” Spector said. “They indict would the streets of every major city in he uses his storytelling skills to more ef-
is poster child of the Islamic reforma- Islam itself.” the world be filled with protestors?” fectively communicate the messages of
tion. The popular support of Israel in the Marshall asked. “Somehow I don’t think these cosmic narratives as they influ-
“Jihadism is a product of the Is- United States during the Gaza War, so.” ence modern life.
lamic reformation,” Aslan said. “Were which lasted from late December 2008 Similarly, Hillel President Geordan “Religion is a story, it has to be
there no reformation, there would be no until mid-January 2009, shifted slightly Kushner said that Israel had a right to treated as a story,” Aslan said. “When
jihadism.” due to the overwhelming force Israel defend itself and did not warrant the you talk about Jesus or Mohammed or
In this globalized religious war used against Hamas, the Palestinian re- protest it received. Moses or the Buddha, you are engaging
without a physical battlefield, Israel is sistance group, Aslan said. The conflict, “America definitely has a position in sacred history. I use a lot of my sto-
the epicenter of the cosmic war, both as which began with Hamas’ firing rockets and that is to support Israel, “Kushner rytelling skills to bring religion alive
a focal point for Islam, Judaism and at Israel, ended with Israel’s military said. “Israel is a democratic state and and to bring these issues which might
Christianity and as the understood set- moving into Gaza, leaving thousands of America has an interest in protecting it seem dry or boring or something that a
ting for the end time war, Aslan said. Palestinian citizens dead. to help spread democracy throughout lot of people wouldn’t be normally in-
With this apocalyptic understanding of “There was something about that the Middle East.” terested in, to give them a sense of the
Israel firmly set in the minds of follow- conflict in Gaza that, regardless of how Both Kushner and Marshall believe story behind the current events of the
ers of these religions, the conflict be- you saw it, or who you thought was re- the war to be essentially political and a day.”
tween the Israelis and Palestinians is sponsible for it, that was so one way,” conflict over land ownership.
elevated to the cosmic level. Aslan said. “Coming on heels two years Whatever the perception of war,
“The conflict between the Israelis earlier of the war between Israel and secular or religious, the ultimate effect
and the Palestinians, which is a conflict Hezbollah, where the American media is the same—ritualization, Aslan said.
16 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

In Memoriam
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would have it that she walked into a daughters, Rachel and Jessica, in 1988 Melissa was diagnosed with a form of
By Alex H. Nagler Statesman open house and came across
then Features Editor Chris Fairhall. She
and 1990.
Melissa grew tired of the publishing
melanoma, but was determined to push
on and live life to the fullest. The can-
joined his camp and wound up news industry and decided she wanted a cer returned last summer. Melissa’s final
Melissa Spielman was a Press staffer editor in 1979, finally breaking off with change of career tracks. Going off her days were spent in a hospice near Bath.
through and through. The Story of The him and Eric Brand to form what would love of science, she pursued a degree in She died on February 23. One of her
Press puts her as the woman who become The Stony Brook Press. Gradu- science at Oxford University that cul- final requests was that her artistic
worked with the students who “took ating with a BA in English, Melissa took minated in a DPhil. Her thesis, on the friends decorate her coffin. She is sur-
over” the Statesman’s office to produce her knack for editing and in 1984 regulation of post-meiotic cell division vived by her two daughters and hus-
the Statesperson and turned “their pro- landed a job in the Madison Avenue of- during pollen production, won the band.
pagandistic tracts into English.” She fice of The Oxford University Press. She Irene Manton Prize from the Linnean Melissa’s death has come as a blow
shared the first byline of the first issue found herself working under the es- Society of London in 1999. to those all those who knew her. This
of The Press and was one of the initial teemed editor of American history, In 2003, Melissa and her family spread contains the memories of her
three editors. But her life would amount Sheldon Meyer. moved to Bath after several years of re- husband, her sister, and former Press
to so much more than just that once she 1986 saw her move from OUP’s of- search at Oxford to join the team at staffers. We hope you enjoy.
left Stony Brook and the sheltering nest fices on Madison Avenue to Oxford it- Bath University. She co-authored nu-
of The Press. self. It was there that she met Richard merous papers and helped establish the
Born to Stanley Spielman and Adri- Lawrence, the man who would become Cafe Scientifique, a series of informal
anne Karp, Melissa was the eldest child her husband. She and Richard were talks in the upstairs room of a local pub.
who worked her way up to Stony Brook married a year later. All of her accomplishments were
through public school. In 1978, fate They would go on to have two not without their downside. In 1999,

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in which she has an interest, I find it how well she fit in with this era. Very tion through having babies and tending
By Chris Fairhall safe to say that Melissa personified a
renaissance woman.
briefly, women at the time earned way,
way less than men performing compa-
to household chores still seemed to be
held by large numbers even though the
Melissa came of age and went to rable jobs (today it’s only way less); reality of the situation with 2-income
I am in a state of shock reading college at a time when the role of women were seldom promoted very far households had already come about.
your email and the obituary. I opened Melissa is one of many women who
the email expecting to read about some helped pave the way to improvements
amazing thing Melissa accomplished, or we see today, doing so by using her
that she was planning to visit the United great intellect to make things happen,
States. Many of my memories have and exercising flexibility in fitting into
been dulled by the intervening 25 years, professions dominated by men, i.e. pub-
but I will do to best to tell you about the lishing and science. I believe that some
Melissa I was privileged to know and of the changes for the better that have
call my friend. come about over the past 30 years result
We met at Stony Brook in the fall of from women like Melissa stepping up
1978. I am reasonably confident she and succeeding in whatever endeavor
came to an open house at the student she started. And, of course, she suc-
newspaper, Statesman, where I was Fea- ceeded in many endeavors in a very
ture Editor at the time. I was a bit of a short life span. When millions of small
rabble-rouser, feeling that the role of a groups see women like Melissa over a
student newspaper was to raise hell, and long enough period of time stepping up
certainly stood out from many of the and succeeding at anything they choose,
other Statesman editors and staffers she I can’t help but believe that paves the
would have met. I do not remember way for all people to reach the point
what we talked about in the Statesman they are today – they take it for granted
office that evening, but I remember well that a woman can run for President, be-
that the two of us hit it off, and visited a come Speaker of the House, or take on
local pub, the Rainy Night House, any challenge. Yes, Melissa played her
where we discussed a wide range of sub- part in this larger story line.
jects. Interesting enough, I have always My final remembrances for this ar-
remembered that cellular biology was ticle are that Melissa was a loving and
one topic we discussed that night, and caring human being. When something
one part of our conversation focused on was bothering me, she would take the
mitochondria. I was a bit in awe of this time to pry it out of me, often provid-
freshman, and all the more so after we ing good counsel on what to do, invari-
visited her dorm where she demon- ably giving a big hug, and finish up by
strated her musical talents on her gui- women in the work force and in Amer- in business or academia; women were lightening the moment with an oft said
tar. As I think about her intellect, ican society at a broader level was start- (and still are) greatly under-represented refrain, “Fairhall, what are we going to
curiosity and passion to acquire knowl- ing to change in dramatic fashion, and it in elected positions; and, the view that do with you?”
edge for the purpose of bettering a field is only with hindsight that I recognize women should achieve self-actualiza-
The Stony Brook Press 17
In Memoriam
* (0)*0. !&/+- ")") "-.
down to Old Bio. I interrupted the fury, humor, her brilliance buoyed us during At one point, we decided to bring a
By Scott Higham introduced myself and up from the the sleepless nights when we were on stray cat into the house. None of us re-
desk, all four-feet and eleven inches of deadline and the sleepless nights during ally liked cats, but we all loved strays
When I first met Melissa, I couldn’t her, stood Melissa. From her typing in- the raucous parties at the house we and we all believed in fighting for the
really see her. She was sitting behind her tensity, I anticipated meeting a brash shared not far from campus. underdog. Homer Preston was home-
desk in the basement of the Old Bio newsroom tyrant. Instead, I met one of less and forlorn and needed us. We took
Building, the first ramshackle home of the sweetest people I had ever encoun- him in and decided to raise him as a
the fledgling Stony Brook Press. tered in my life. She invited me into the dog. Mel made Homer come, sit, beg
Squeezed between the piles of paper chaos of the office, asked me questions and roll over. Best of all, Mel taught
and boxes stacked around the office, I about myself in a gentle, big sister kind Homer how to play tag. They loved to
spotted a mop of curly hair, large glasses of way and told me how much fun I run after each other in the backyard,
and not much else. It’s what I heard that could have if I joined her merry band of each reveling in the chase. It’s an image
really struck me—the sound of type- pranksters. I really could see the world, I’ll always cherish: Melissa zig-zagging
writer keys clicking furiously, banging she said, if I joined The Press. in the sun, her head back, laughing so
out what must have been 150 words per Most of us were lost souls back hard at one of the small wonders of life.
minute. then, looking for a home, a place to fit She knew life was short and she knew
The thought of what must be be- in and a way to figure out what to do how to live it, holding the moments and
hind those strokes was slightly intimi- with our lives. Melissa knew what she the people who matter close; her hus-
dating for a first-timer who had never wanted to do. I think she always knew. band, her children, her friends, even a
written a news story in his life. I had She was light years ahead of us, yet she stray cat named Homer. We’re all so
spotted one of those house ads in The always made us feel that she was right lucky that we had her in our lives and
Press that proclaimed, “Join The Press, by our side. She chose to the see the best we’ll carry her with us forever.
See The World,” and decided to venture in everyone and everything around her.
Her smile, her laugh, her sense of

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was still the closest thing to a mother News Editor could do
By Eric Brand figure either of us had within 100 miles
and we weren’t going to mess with that.
to hold Fairhall back.”
And her contribu-
She must have been something all tions to the paper were
Melissa Spielman’s gone. It seems grown up. Reading about her accom- more than just editorial.
impossible. Having lost touch with her plishments makes me very proud – but “Thanks to the ground-
years ago, I cannot remember her as she sad that I didn’t know about them till work laid by Spielman
must have been so recently – an accom- now, never got to praise her, or appreci- weeks before (she lived
plished scientist, a wife and mother, a ate what she’d done with her life, or have in Kelly E with half the
sturdy householder reaching middle- her show off her children to me, as I Council), they allocated
age. I was not aware of her illness or would happily my own to her. Perhaps $400 and no promises.”
how she fought it or how she suc- her memory is best served by mentions She had her whim-
cumbed. I only remember my old of her in the Press manual, a sort of sical side too. At a
friend from college, an impish, at times Bible and instruction manual for the Statesman board meet-
cutting, tough little cookie –constantly paper. There, Melissa is described as “a ing, she, along with the
grinning out of embarrassment or little fireplug of energy, integrity, and other co-founders of
amusement or both, pushing her over- blind loyalty.” She “assigned stories, ed- the Press, showed up in
size glasses up on her undersize nose, ited, and wrote like a demon.” At a sit- “leather jackets and
her ubiquitous leather jacket and un- in that preceded the Press’s founding, mean looks.” And
breakable integrity making her appear man, Fairhall, and
Melissa, “all conviction and high-mind- when they couldn’t come up with a
far more formidable than her petite Brand, arms around each other,
edness, worked with the protesters to name for the new paper, Melissa sug-
stature should have allowed. She stood watched 5,000 copies of the Stony Brook
turn their propagandistic tracts into gested “Fluffy.”
up to the economy-sized egos of fellow Press roll off the huge printing press at
English.” Whereas some saw the event Sometimes, the boys got out of
Press co-founder Chris Fairhall and the Three Village Herald. The thunder-
as political theater or an opportunity for hand, and when Fairhall and I led a
myself, often puncturing them, and yet ing of the machine easily drowned out
self-aggrandizement, she saw it as a “brief, covert war” on the Statesman ed-
just as often salving the wounds. She the pounding of their hearts, but noth-
place to get some serious work done. itors (they would “return to their offices
was a peacemaker, but never at all costs: ing could hide their quavering, unceas-
Melissa was always more mature to find telephone wires missing or cof-
if truth or integrity or honor was at ing smiles.”
than the rest of us. “Often, late on a fee cups filled with urine”), it was with
stake, she’d go to the mat. Sometimes The fact is, that’s how I remember
production night, Fairhall could be seen Melissa’s “doubting but tacit approval.”
I’d bait her just to see what would hap- Melissa: her quavering, unceasing smile.
complaining to a sympathetic and pa- She said, later on, that our strange, often
pen. She was always game, and as I say, She was brave and she was tough and
tient Spielman about the grief he put up outrageous, behavior was due to our
usually with a grin. But sometimes she was sweet and she was smart. And
with in the interests of the paper. At being, for God’s sake, only 19 years old.
she’d tire of Fairhall’s and my antics and now she’s gone.
points such as this, Brand would “That period was terribly exciting, but
the grin would be gone and she’d get blithely walk by, his arms outstretched, I’m very embarrassed about it.”
cross, and that’d stop us on a dime. The his eyes rolled toward heaven, in a sym- One last quote: “Finally, on
tough little cookie in the leather jacket bol of martyrdom. It was all the little Wednesday, October 24, 1979, Spiel-
18 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 | Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In Memoriam
Melissa Spielman- The English Years
By Richard Lawrence

After Stony Brook, Melissa

sent letters to various publishers
emphasising her prodigious typ-
ing speed and willingness to do
anything to get into publishing.
Oxford University Press in New
York took her on and she quickly
became assistant to the famed ed-
itor Sheldon Meyer (see the
Guardian obituary). Once there
she infiltrated various other
friends from her high school and
university days as well as family
members for summer jobs. Grad-
ually she became disillusioned
with New York and began to won-
der about other places to live.
Spurred by a trip to Ireland she
fell for Irish music and the coun-
tryside in a remote west coast
town, and the tales told to her by
an English editor from the Oxford
office who was working in New
York, she decided to attempt a
transfer to the head office in Ox-
About this time I met her for
the first time when I happened to
be visiting the English editor in
the New York office. On return to
Oxford we corresponded via the
inter-office mail (no e-mail then)
and I did what I could to help ex-
plain work permits and so on. She
seized a chance offered by a senior
member of the Oxford-based
management to outline her inten-
tions. The man she chose to ask
for a transfer was an enormously two floors only intermittently sup- We were married in New York in ingly, she arranged a transfer to
charismatic and unconventional plied with hot water. She managed September 1987. This neatly obvi- the Science and Medical Depart-
person. After what she said was a with great aplomb and quickly se- ated the need for her to extend her ment of OUP. Thinking she might
20-minute chat, he picked up the cured the admiration of her new work permit. attempt another degree some-
phone and told personnel in Ox- colleagues for her typing and good Children followed in Decem- where in the UK she asked to talk
ford to hire her. Then followed editorial eye combined with an ir- ber 1988 and August 1990. to the wife of one of the editors
about 12 months of to and fro repressible New Yorker’s way with Melissa, before this, led a cam- who was a scientist at an Oxford
with the immigration and other words and opinions. paign by Oxford staff for better College. After an hour or so of
departments of Her Majesty’s gov- I made it my business to do childcare provision, a campaign discussion, the scientist offered
ernment before she was granted a what I could to help her settle in initially rejected by the manage- her a place as an undergraduate at
two-year permit and arrived in and after many, many months it fi- ment but subsequently adopted. her college. The informality of the
Oxford in the midst of a cold Jan- nally dawned on her that all my The logic of the campaign re- admissions procedure consider-
uary in 1986. She was the first attentions were not without alte- quests was irrefutable and backed ably surprised Melissa as did the
(and probably still the only) New rior motives. It may also have up by extensive survey work. offer of a place. This being in early
Yorker to move to Oxford, many helped that my house had central Melissa became dissatisfied September, the place was sched-
people have travelled in the other heating and I am a tolerable cook. with publishing despite attaining uled for a year’s time. Then an-
direction. I had arranged for her Anyway, we had many happy ex- a good position as an editor on the other student dropped out and
to rent a room with a Press col- cursions on a tandem bicycle to prestigious reference list of Ox- Melissa was suddenly called up
league. The house had no central local pubs and sights as well as ford University Press. She decided and became a student again. With
heating, only inefficient electric other trips to walk in the moun- that she wanted to pursue a latent small children she worked hard at
heaters and a bathroom split over tains of the English Lake District interest in science that she had all hours and after three years
and Scottish Hebridean islands. from high school days. Accord- graduated with a biology degree.
The Stony Brook Press 19
In Memoriam
SPIELMAN continued from previous page

She then secured a place to study

for a doctorate (investigating as-
pects of seed development) and
completed that in another three
years, publishing her results in a
highly ranked journal along the
way. She then embarked on a ca-
reer as a post-doctoral researcher.
She very quickly worked out that
this was the post where the real
science got done. She also realised
that by applying her good organi-
zational and writing skills, she
could become very useful in a lab
without the disagreeable business
of having to be the person in
charge. Her research continued in
the the area of seed development.
As she explained with some clar-
ity, seeds are what most humans
eat most of the time and under-
standing how they work will help
us to increase the supply. One of
the research techniques she spe- hold. We entertained many pass- Melissa was always finding new her way in life. She was unafraid
cialised in was the apparently old- ing editors, academics, authors ways to fill her leisure time. While to ask and try when something in-
fashioned skill of microscopy. and family members. A typical still working in New York in her terested her. She then applied her-
With the revolution in genetics event was when, on a whim, we early twenties, she learned to play self to the interest until she
and understanding of biochemical hosted two of the OUP New York Irish fiddle very competently. She mastered it. Sometimes she was
processes, it has become more im- choir who were visiting Oxford. knitted, tried her hand at clothes- surprised by the answers she got
portant to actually see what the At the same time a couple of making, learned new cooking (when she was offered a place at
effects of experiments are on friends from China were passing styles, travelled to other European Oxford University or was offered
seeds, not just analyze their genet- through as were others distantly countries, took up rug weaving a transfer to Oxford from New
ics. known to us. Without any sign of and cultivated a vegetable patch. York), but she asked in a very in-
After several years of research fuss, Melissa happily presided at Her last and most absorbing activ- telligent and engaged way that
in Oxford we moved to Bath an impromptu birthday party for ity was art. She helped to found people recognised was a mark of
where she helped to boost the lab’s one of the choir members while and run a local art group, becom- deep interest and potential.
publication record with her re- children clambered on the table ing good with pastels. Just before The malignant melanoma that
search and writing skills. and conversations in several lan- she died she sold the reproduction killed Melissa was diagnosed in
She was a perfect partner. We guages went on. We forged many rights of one of her paintings to June last year. While seeking
both enjoyed the company of any- happy friendships during this pe- greetings card company. Others whatever medical treatment that
one with an intelligent tale to tell riod. she sold at open day exhibitions. might help her, she continued to
and an ability to see through the Aside from a constant curios- This string of interests perhaps work as best she could. A long-
superficial chaos of our house- ity that fuelled her working life, demonstrates best how she found time interest in Buddhist teach-
ings and her own rational
approach made it difficult for oth-
ers to accept that she was as ill as
she in fact was. She remained calm
and composed to the end. She
died at the age of 47 very peace-
fully in a hospice near Bath on 23
I miss her terribly. This may
be no more than a rather bald
statement of her achievements
that does not properly represent
the intelligent, enthusiastic and ir-
repressible person that she was.
She achieved a great deal profes-
sionally and personally with a
combination of inquisitiveness
and application that few show. It is
difficult not to wonder what else
she could have achieved if she had
not died.
20 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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ance. It had all the right things going functions, slap stick style acting and show, so thankfully he gets killed early
By Doug Cion for it to be a typical romantic comedy
you see so much in Hollywood films. I
taking the actual Shakespearian dia-
logue and making certain characters
on so the audience can fall back into the
main plot.
speak it very sarcastically or exagger- I was also completely unaware of
If you have ears, you have heard the ated, it was a real downer when the the humor that arises from other char-
song “Love Story” at least 376 times show began its second act when every- acters like the Nurse, who was played by
over the past three months. Coming one started dying and stuff. Jennifer Crawford. The two lead roles
from a guy who spends a good amount I have read the play several times in (Rob Shilling as Romeo and Katie
of time in the SAC gym, nothing pumps the past but this was the first time I had Burke as Juliet) were fantastic actors
me up more than hearing that song as I ever seen it performed live, save movie and connected even better with one an-
flex in the mirror for 78 minutes and adaptations. It was not until after this other. When they first encounter each
stay on a bench press machine for an show that I had a new appreciation for other during the play, there is a very
hour and only to do two sets of the the language present in this piece. It is clever use of extra dietetic: heavy
heaviest weight I can so people will only through performance that the bril- breathing. The two see one another, all
think I am awesome. Aside from this, liance and beauty can be revealed and I the characters around them freeze and
all I can say is will someone hand this was completely moved by the flow and they stare at each other as heavy breath-
broad a copy of Shakespeare’s The inclusion of sonnets throughout the di- ing is the only thing you hear in the
Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? (Or for the alogue. I can truly see why this play ri- background.
case of this article, buy her a ticket to see vals Hamlet as the most performed At the end of the play when both of
the damn show on campus?) Shakespeare play, but I can also see why their bodies lay next to one another, the
There was not one time that Romeo was expecting Meg Ryan to walk out at most people enjoy watching this play same thing happens and it truly helps
was throwin’ pebbles nor did he speak any moment. The young man, Dan more. capture the emotion of the two mo-
with Mr. Capulet about marrying Juliet. O’Reily, who played Mercutio truly took The actual performance itself will ments. At the end of the performance,
And what the hell does The Scarlet Let- the off-the-wall character and ran with go down as the best Shakespeare play I the audience gave the players a standing
ter have anything to do with… um, any- it. The first two acts of the play will be have ever seen performed. I have seen ovation as they came out for their cur-
thing? Seriously Taylor, this is not a remembered for the laughter the audi- quite a few plays, including “As You Like tain call, and I truly mean it when I say
“Love Story,” this be a tragedy (just like ence was unable to contain, and not for It,” at Stony Brook, but this one I will re- they deserved it. This was by far my fa-
your intelligence and your creativity). the romantic chemistry between the member as the best by far. The talented vorite Shakespeare play I have ever seen.
Now that we have that out of the two actors who played Romeo and players were just incredible. As I said
way, let us review the actual perform- Juliet. By adding in humor with bodily before, Mercutio practically stole the

SBU Favorites Reclaim Title

and overall entertainment. once more, the ACH and SSO Councils’ energy, despite the crowd’s disappoint-
By Nick Statt The event’s preliminary rounds
took place weeks prior to the event. A
Battle of the Bands was a highly antici-
pated event on campus. Although the
ing lack of enthusiasm. Being a
rock/hardcore-influenced six-piece out
panel comprised of organizers, adults turn out was originally a modest 30 or of the local Long Island scene, their dual
Mother F’Nature, last year’s win- and students alike decided upon five so, the crowd grew enormously to an male and female vocalist aspect brought
ners of the ACH and SSO Councils’ Bat- bands out of a total of 15 submissions. energetic and responsive 150. a dynamic to the performance no others
tle of the Bands, once again clutched of the night could match.
victory on April 30th in the Tabler Arts The second performance, East
Center’s Black Box Theatre. Coast Islands, was an interesting fusion
“Not to insult last year’s bands, but of pop and reggae, emitting an almost
this year had a much higher caliber of Sublime-esque feel. They flaunted a de-
competitors,” commented Douglass fiant attitude with lines in between their
Residence Hall Director Katie Musar, songs pertaining to getting drunk after
the central organizer of both last and their set, but this came to a harsh close
this year’s BOTBs. Of The Pillar took when they overstayed their welcome
second place. and had the lights and sound equip-
The fiercer competition was ment turned off on them.
matched by the shockingly high quality Dig Wells, a popular SBU band with
of the judging panel. Introduced in be- what seems like a revolving door of
tween sets with a list of their credentials members, hit the stage fourth and im-
were Jay Anderson, SBU’s Jazz Director mediately showed they were familiar
and acclaimed trombone player, Jason with the Tabler music scene they’ve
Mastrogiovanni, Assistant Director of dominated over the past two semesters.
Undergraduate Colleges, James Faith, a With a strong feel for jazz rhythms and
local promoter and owner of James acoustic tones, Dig Wells were, based on
Faith Entertainment, and Mark “The the crowd’s reception, a welcoming con-
Animal” Mendoza, bassist for the fa- trast to their previous competitors. The
mous 80s hair metal band Twisted Sis- The requirements for a submission were Aside from Mother F’Nature, who judges, however, didn’t seem to think
ter. a solid mix tape of recorded work, a $10 went on third, the BOTB consisted of they were worthy of either of the top
According to Anderson, a winner entry fee and a roster consisting of at four other groups wielding a wide array two prizes.
would be decided by adding up the least two Stony Brook students. of musical styles. Last to perform, and sadly to a
scores of four categories, which ranged Having won last year’s Best Social Love, Robot, the first act of the smaller crowd reminiscent of Love,
from 1 to 5. The categories were musi- Program award and up for nomination night, picked up a surprising amount of Robot’s lack of student support, were Of
cianship, originality, stage performance
2 ! # " "

“The Party”
The Premier
Andrew Fraley
Minister of Justice and Commandant of
the Glorious Peopples NKVD
Najib Aminy
Secretary of Interior
Natalie Crnosija
Capitalist Pig-Dog
Erin Jayne Mansfield
Minister of Productivity
Light Up You Fools
Tia Mansouri It’s time America gets high and unimportant “drug” dealers and could growing pot in America were legal.
Preachers of Proletariat breaks itself from the chains of corpo- shift on bigger threats to the nation’s se- Thus, the problem of dealing with Mex-
Raina Bedford rate monopoly and capitalistic greed. curity. ican cartels becomes Mexico’s problem,
Ross Barkan Just as the misguided left has bas- Additionally, the legalization of and the working class can relax and
Feats of Strength tardized the word “socialist,” there is an marijuana would ease problems in our focus on work.
Cindy Liu everlasting mudslinging campaign nation’s borders. Drug smugglers The state as a whole would benefit
The Opiate of the Masses against those who smoke marijuana. wouldn’t have any drugs to smuggle if greatly from marijuana. Americans
Doug Cion Fact: mari- would be high on life,
juana is beneficial music would sound bet-
Photoshopping Incriminating Evidnece
Into Your Photos for the working ter and there would be
Eric DiGiovanni class. It not only an increased appetite
Liz Kaufman relieves one of for food. This all results
Propaganda Monitors stress and puts one in increased commerce,
Jason Wirchin in a relaxed state supporting failing
Kelly Yu
Katie Knowlton but it poses little to record companies or
no threat to one’s local restaurants. The
Webmeister health to com- visual experience from
Roman Sheydvasser
pared with alcohol television to movies
Audiomeister or cigarettes. As would be exponentially
Josh Ginsberg
the price of ciga- enhanced increasing
Ombudsman rettes increases, the general quality of
James Laudano more Americans life for Americans.
grow unwilling to No longer should
buy these death companies like Marl-
Commondante of Archives sticks and the na- boro and Philip Morris
Alex Nagler tion loses out on overrun and corrupt
these taxes. our youth, hurt our
Layout Design by Whereas if working class and tar
Jowy Romano marijuana were our nation. It is time to
taxed, the nation light in solidarity and
would build an fight for the proletariat.
Proletariat UNITE! economic surplus Let the money stacks of
Kotei Aoki Kenny Mahoney and could shift ef- the conservative elite
Vincent Barone Justin Meltzer
Matt Braunstein James Messina forts to advanced blaze in our glorious
Tony Cai Steve McLinden industrialization green revolution.
J.C. Chan Samantha Monteleone
Whiskers T. Clown Roberto Moya and strengthen the Recreational drugs
Laura Cooper Frank Myles
Caroline D’Agati Amyl Nitrate power of the work- are fun and a working
Krystal DeJesus Chris Oliveri ing class. Local class that has fun is
Joe Donato Ben van Overmeier
Brett Donnelly Laura Paesano and governmental more productive than a
Nick Eaton Grace Pak
Michael Felder Rob Pearsall agencies would be working class that is
Caitlin Ferrell Jon Pu
Vincent Michael Festa Aamer Qureshi
freed up from dying.
Joe Filippazzo Kristine Renigen dealing with
Ilyssa Fuchs Dave Robin
Rob Gilheany Jessica Rybak
David Knockout Ginn Joe Safdia
Joanna Goodman Natalie Schultz
Jennifer Hand Jonathan Singer
Stephanie Hayes Nick Statt
Andrew Jacob Rose Slupski
Liz Kaempf John Tucker
Elizabeth Kaplan Lena Tumasyan
Jack Katsman Marcel Votlucka
Yong Kim Alex Walsh
Rebecca Kleinhaut Brian Wasser
Iris Lin Matt Willemain
Frank Loiaccono Jie Jenny Zou

is published whenever we
fucking feel like it during the academic year and twice
fortnightly during the academic year and twice during
summer session by , a student
run non-profit organization funded by the Student Ac-
tivity Fee. The opinions expressed in letters, articles and
viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of
as a whole. Advertising policy does not
necessarily reflect editorial policy. For more information
on advertising and deadlines call (631)632-6451. Staff
meetings are held Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. First copy
free. Additional copies cost fifty cents.

Suites 060 & 061

Student Union
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3200
(631) 632-6451 Voice
(631) 632-4137 Fax
" 3

Dear Comrade,
I have dissapointed my country, family, compatriots and myself. I have been having doubts as to what it would be
like living as a capitalist pig. I have had countless dreams of mistreating those beneath me in class, earning a large sum
of wealth, much greater than my co-workers and looking to start my own private business to make prosper from. I wake
up confused not knowing what to do. I fear I am betraying my fellow countrymen and don’t know what to do.

With great hope in power to proletariat,

Mikhail Vishkolev, Прямой эфир

Dear troubled one,

The problem that you face is important and must be handled immediately. The trail of capitalism is a danger-
ous path to follow and may very easily suck the goodness of your soul. It seems that you are too easily fooled by this
perception of being superior to your fellow associates. You must realize state is supreme and that is in classlessness in
which all will succeed. To realize this you must educate self and stray away from exterior nonsense. Re-educate self
with numerous sacred texts or state media and proceed with working diligently and ask no questions. To be stronger
then the sheep of west, look inward for true social root and exhibit outward in action.

Country first,

The Comrade

Dear Comrade,
I have injured back in labor incident and will be in bed for weeks. I cannot imagine how state will make benefit if I
rest in bed. I am eager to sowing seed of hard and unquestioned labor to reap universal benefit for state and citizens.
What advice can be given?

Power to the social,

Oleg Federov, Нью-Йорк

Dear soldier,
Utilize medical facility to make process go faster. State is prepared for any and whatever problem to be presented
at it. Do not question or doubt this security but work to make sure you do not find what the consequences is be.
Though work is top priority, impatience is sign of dirty money pig. Please, do not be pig.

Country first,

The Comrade

Request an ad packet:
4 ! # " "

Meet the Stony Brook Patriot

his article “’Idiocracy’ Is Upon Us” he brazenly been a more fitting choice. This affront to history
By Peter Lambro declares that the 2006 comedy by Mike Judge, Id- and comedy in general filled me with a white-hot
iocracy, was a “hit comedy”. This is a gross misuse rage that would not be easily quelled.
of the term “hit comedy” as well as a slanderous After a brief 14 hour meditation, I was able to
In the most recent issue of the Stony Brook Pa-
attempt to deface true comedic genius. By putting push the rage to the back of my mind and con-
triot, dated April 2008, I was subjected to some of
Idiocracy on the same level as true comedic hits tinue reading the once infallible paper, secure in
the most hard-hitting and shockingly accurate
such as Animal House or Beverly Hills Cop, the the knowledge that this slip would be the only one
periodical journalism that has ever been crafted.
highest grossing comedy of all time, Kushner has and would soon be retracted. Seeking comfort, I
Unfortunately, the extreme ideological bias of cer-
tainted the laughs we all once shared. Eddie Mur- turned to the commentary section. I thought,
tain “writers” tainted the Patriot’s glory filled
phy would be rolling over in his grave assuming “Surely this piece will bring me the keen insight
pages with dirty, disgusting smut. After reading
that he was both dead and aware of the Patriot’s for which I regularly turn to the Patriot”. I was
the articles about feminism and the timely review
existence. At the time of this writing, he is in fact gravely mistaken. Upon reading the article title,
of The Watchmen, the choir of angels that most
not dead, and I’m fairly confident he has no in- “Politicians Are Liars And President Obama
assuredly descended upon him to offer praise
terest in Stony Brook student publications of any Takes The Cake” I realized that the Idiocracy in-
must have blinded the “editor”, unfortunately this
sort. To have such a box office flop serve as the cident was not an isolated one. Acknowledging
led to certain discrepancies slipping by.
basis for a metaphor is simply irresponsible. Per- “President” Obama’s propensity to steal cake, as
The first of these travesties came in the form
haps Mike Judge’s more popular works, such as well as candy and elections, I felt the article title
of a comment made by one Geordan Kushner. In
Office Space or Beavis and Butthead would have made light of his other transgressions. Since tak-
ing office, President “Obama” has done much
worse than commit minor cake larceny. His re-
lease of Bush-era memos regarding torture, and
his reassurance that the United States military
does not engage in such acts was simply irre-
sponsible. How are we supposed to gain valuable
knowledge if we don’t water board a few hundred
enemy soldiers? In addition to the many infor-
mation gathering applications, acts of torture
have proven to be quite enjoyable. For the soldiers
stuck out in the hot desert for days, even weeks,
the lack of entertainment can be crushing to
troop morale. By allowing the soldiers to partici-
pate in the daily flogging of captured enemies, we
can reduce the number of soldiers needed to con-
tinue the war in Iraq. As we all know, troops with
high morale react faster, smell better and jump
higher. With the reduced need for troops in Iraq
we could spread our military efforts around the
world, where they are sorely needed. President
Obama is preventing us from showing the world
that people who look different should be treated
differently, and, more importantly, they should be
invaded. By putting the mildest of President
Obama’s wrongdoings in the large print of a head-
line, the article’s author is foregoing an opportu-
nity to show the readers the truth about the
Obama Administration. President Obama has de-
clared that he is taking the steps necessary to shut
down the infamous Guantanamo Bay prison
camp and stop suspending habeas corpus. This
would cripple one of the mightiest symbols of
American freedom, a military base designed to
break the minds of the prisoners held there and
deny them the most basic human rights. Does our
constitution not read that this country was
founded by the people, for the people and with
the intent to force our beliefs on others? If torture
and hypocrisy are wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Allowing for the possibility that the author of
April 2008’s commentary was simply one of the
funny, byt not a hit movie
uninformed Obama supporters that have been
" Truth 5

PATRIOT continued from page 4

prone to infiltrate college campuses around the answer to the questions I have been asking my- them. Without Mexico’s contributions to the
country, I continued my perusal of the Patriot. self for so very long. But why Mexico? I’m aware world, no living doctor will have had the oppor-
Encountering what appears to be the first of a se- that the WUSB radio program “College Prime- tunity to say he or she saved the world from a
ries, I began reading the article entitled “Thank time Radio” in their segment entitled “Worst pandemic. The article also addresses the ongoing
God I Don’t Live In: Mexico”. Oftentimes I find Week Ever” as having a particularly bad week re- drug war in which Mexico is playing a key role.
myself weeping with joy over my love of Amer- cently acknowledged Mexico, but otherwise Mex- This war is aimed at helping college students
ica, sharing my tissues with fellow patriot Glenn ico seems to be a fine country. Mexican scientists specifically, as it keeps the drug dealers away from
Beck, and wondering what it must be like for the have recently perfected a new strain of the flu, en- spring break hot spots such as Cancun and Aca-
people living in other countries who have to look suring that medical experts will not get too com- pulco. Last spring break I went to Cancun and I
in at our great nation. This series looked to be the fortable and will have new challenges facing encountered more sweater meat than I could pos-
sibly dream to manhandle. And
then I manhandled them, all of
them. Thank you Mexico, thank
you for the boobs you have af-
forded me and the swine flu you
have forced upon us all.
Lastly, I must apologize. I
must apologize to the readers of
the Patriot who were bamboo-
zled by these horrid misjudg-
ments. To think that there are
readers who think that Idiocracy
grossed enough money to war-
rant even an average run in the-
aters, I’m sorry. To those who
remain blissfully unaware of
President Obama’s attempts to
turn our country into a pack of
sissies, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry
to the readers who will never
know the joy of the Mexican
high holidays: Margarita Mon-
day, Tequila Tuesday, Wacky
Wednesday and Cinco de Mayo.
6 Heroes ! # " "
Laura Bang
Doris Chen
Dan Simms
Raina Bedford
Cindy Liu
Alana Schwartz
John Rapkiewicz
Emma Kobolakis
Various Denizens of
Daniel Lukasczyk
Eugene Duvidzon
Ross Barkan
Rachel Futtersak
Andy Polhamus
Nima Binayifaal
Sid Bengeloun
Liz Kaempf
Josh Ginsberg
Eric DiGiovanni
Paul Calhoun
Jason Wirchin
Margaret Mars
editor’s note
Purveyor of chaos, consumer of stars, and fan of Twin Peaks, the Stony Brook Press
Literary Supplement is notorious across the galaxy. Its wrath and terrifying beauty know
no bounds and strike fear into the hearts of even the most fearless of men (while gen-
tly flicking the ear lobes of others). I mean, come on. It’s 56 pages long. That number
is divisible by 8, so you know it has to be a big deal. That said, go forth, dear reader,
and consume its mystical, creative essence. This semester we were floored by a
tremendous amount of poetry, short stories, artwork, photo manipulations, and essays,
so you are bound to find something you like. If not, it is hefty enough to roll into a tube
and use to pummel your enemies. Now that’s what I like to call a win-win situation.

-Tia Mansouri

The un-named brush, almost dead

I see thy frame standing there
withering, bare bark, browned brambles
Hovers, thy scent, clutching the air
that reach up with pearly blossoms
Took my heart, the brute, the big bear
perched daintily like remnants of
That smile, the talking teeth, I swear
a silent snowfall
Call to me, wrenched by the hair
cold packed dirt baking
I dream to dream of an affair
in the sun, my still shadow
Speak my love or silence? Dare to dare?
imparting death on the budding grass,
That pulsing red apple. Alas, I’m not its heir
unknowing of the thousand-year-old
“Cherchez la Femme”
My eyes burn into your back, the stare
by Eugene Duvidzon
soul watching them stirring in the quiet
Turn around, look at me standing here
Please whisper that you love me clear.

I think I just killed a man Awfully frosty, but I don’t run

Not breathing no words no sound Your pores spit poison, cracked lips
Hollow echo of the rusty milk can Break the heart bricks, have your fun.
This is my hunting ground. Verbs, nouns, adverbs , my lunar eclipse

Not breathing no words no sound Your pores spit poison, cracked lips
Artemis slays the dead star of Orion The paper monsters of your heart
This is my hunting ground Verbs, nouns, adverbs, my lunar eclipse
Hungry deer stalks the lion Are no matches against distance, my art

Artemis slays the dead star of Orion The paper monsters of your heart
Crimson rapids rush and carry our bones Worthless fiends that shrivel up and wrinkle
Hungry deer stalks the lion Are no matches against distance, my art
The man of nothing but water and stones Rushing rapids let loose a sprinkle

Crimson rapids rush and carry our bones Worthless fiends that shrivel up and wrinkle
I close the seeing-orbs of black Your words drown, my heart too
Demand nothing but water and stones Rushing rapids let loose a sprinkle
The man in white, leader of the wolf pack My mind has erased you

I close the seeing-orbs of black Your words drown, my heart too

Awfully frosty, but I don’t run Hollow echo of the rusty milk can
The man in white, leader of the wolf pack My mind has erased you
Break the heart bricks, have your fun. I think I just killed a man

The second hand ticks simultaneously. Is it just me or are we drifting apart?

Once it passes six, it seems to have slow down. As the hands run around the clocks
In that mere 30 seconds, We sprint towards the edge of eternity
I close my eyes Try to blink away the purple spots
And recap what a wonderful year 18 has been. Afterimage of Sex gleaming on the horizon
New faces are now familiar. So tempting to turn from the light you see in
Test tubes shatter on Mondays. me
Tuesday nights are dedicated to lucid quizzes. Try how you may to convince yourself
Wednesday means campus lifetime. That I am what you need
K.C.F. meets every Thursday in the Union. Take a slow deep breath of regret
Pasta Friday with Alfredo sauce. Polish it up with the thoughts you fight
Follow by forty-eight hours of hardcore daydreaming, Hands folded over your chest
Then the weekly cycle starts all over again. Sleep in the room we painted white
“Five, four, three, two, one!” They chant. I am what you need and you know it
Synchronize at one, my eyes open wide. Don’t give it up
One blow and all nineteen flames go out. And for tonight
I cannot wait for April 27 to roll around again. The moon will lie on both our faces
Just three hundred sixty-five days more. Take our dreams to new found places
Through the window into the wind blown
I think we need to talk.

Soft spoken, mute lips tear hinges

sewn tight, and whisper transparent breaths that
social unrest epidemic upheaval insurgency’s lucky day rise, shiver, and die as our ghosts twirl up
insurrections lullaby and Lucifer’s pastime over black heads. See how the red, red heart
won’t you come out to play? beats against its cage, wistfully waiting for
the cadence of language to free it from
protests and progress stunted by darkness its silent captor; the dark glob of tar
held in by the wild cats cry that slowly seeps into dry cracks, crevices,
while thousands of children are fitted in uniforms and pores till it cakes like dried mud, locking
sent to the deserts to die. in the fetid, blood-moist, bone-heavy air.
I breathe dirt and water, I speak with blue ink.
peasents scream and are slaughtered in streets I close my clamshell and reach with tendrils;
genocide with the passing of time extend myself with probing buds to warmth,
we can see but we can’t lead wince when tender flesh touches the biting
and we won’t even try. cold, and retreat, retract, retrace to where
I sit embracing the murderous lull.
what we have here is a downwards spiral My mouth splits in two, my head rushes in
straight into Lucifer’s arms the rapid torrents of words, words,
not one word of protest just stark selfish silence words, damn words that bash and crash angrily
when we should have been ringing alarms. against its confines as black tar seeps in.
Fight, shred, break, to whisper transparent breaths
that only ghosts listen to, while the red,
red heart declines, choking on the ines-
-capable loneliness nesting in me.

there’s a tiny musicbox,

‘cause you’re around,
All the worldly boys and girls— that’s unwinding
they’ve got places to go while the t.v. blares blue
and important people to see and the radio roars static
to discuss their secular issues and the computer lures you in
over wine and cheese and everybody’s shouting at everybody
and they wanna make sense (of the world) what their truths are.
and they wanna create art, but when I open my mouth to speak,
but from the rest of the idiots what comes out is
they can’t tell themselves apart. not some refined rhetoric,
or perfectly timed humor,
And they know this in their hearts. or a humbling truth, but
a-tink, a-tink, a-tink-tink...
All the worldly boys and girls ...and the musicbox, I tell it to stop
they say they don’t feel so much being so sweet and sad all the time
but you rhetorically bombard them as I turn red in the face,
and they get butterflies in their crotch as they shift around in their seats, clearing
“I adore William Shakespeare, throats,
he’s the world’s greatest Bard. and the air’s a little thicker now,
Oh, you like him too? all ‘cause of that little unwinding
I wanna fuck you so hard.” in my throat.
And they get drunk in the backyard. there’s a tiny stubborn musicbox
that’s infinitely wound up
All the wordly boys and girls with its slow revolutions
Speak Freud and Bach and Proust against steel pins:
They say, Care about this Issue! few hear
But it’s all an ego boost. it over spent guns
Then it’s self-referential and exalted passion
and it hardly makes sense and that new brand of ironic laughter
(They’ll tell you) “What do you mean you don’t that people love so much these days.
get it? it plays
Geez, are you dense?” at its own moderato espressivo,
perpetually waiting for the world to go hush
It’ll drive you berserk, hush—
This contrived ornate circle jerk. beautiful, in the not-so-immediate kind of way.
and the musicbox, I tell it to stop
All the worldly boys and girls playing that irritating, quaint little tune
Will never admit ‘cause they’re just not buyin it,
That most of their learning that little tinkering
is a pile of shit. in my throat.
In school to be artists
In school to be great, and after I shut my mouth for the day,
Then confined to Brooklyn, or an office— upon reaching my quota of embarrassingly pretty
that is their fate. metallic noises,
that innocent little musicbox,
And thinking they’re really first-rate. confused,
asks me,
tink tink?
but can’t you see, little guy,
I huff ‘n puff, frustrated,
that we don’t have it in us
to fight the noise
and so all that’s left is—

now seeping, smoking, drifting into the sky

Sunlight re-writes poetry, joins hands on trees on
sweaty chicken wraps and tank tops
whiteness has never felt so cool
I miss the glint the sunlight once whispering
burning people’s eyes until,
It highlighted hot breath on gloved hands
Finals Week
Let the blood pour-bath-drip Reading Shadows
Death thickens the air of that what are u doing?
Stone – chilled city we he asks in a buzz
Don’t cry, our warrior mouths and I type discreetly
Stone-chilled until ivory towers for fear my roommate will awake,
Curdle our lifebeats Reading shadows.
And blackened pages shadows r rarely happy, I tell him,
Arise in our fame-flame. because they r forced into definite lines
Pride is no longer a question here. u kno shadows r becoming something,
We replace body for body, I tell him,
Heartstone to heartstone, when their lines begin to blur too often-
Calm and quickened horses but if I was forced to stay 1 color
Burst and spear-pen and sled-foot and bone 1 shape
Our eyes burned with the weary-tired of study all my life,
We begin the slaughter wouldn’t u b sad, 2?
Of FINALS WEEK Aren’t we? he buzzed back, after 4.5 minutes
Don’t we stay the same color
English Class Lament Forever?
Sunlight speaks of hope. shadows of ourselves, I muse. We must change.
Streams controlled lines empty empty empty Our faces are not blank
sweat Untouchable,
reading sunlight tickles and spins eyes Skewed awkwardly and inadvertently
to look squintily at its smile As they rise onto corners
controls suggestively Shadows stretch full move and triple all at
the redness blooming on skins once
and redness on the opposite eyelids Look how hard it is for us to stay in one
Shining through even if your eyes are shut. place
Save me, Sunlight, My phone buzzed a reply back but I was off
eat the meat of memory Reading shadows.
once burned into the world

Cracked hands scatter pebbles as they plant stems

of forget-me-nots beside tombstones that
mark each death, small graves adorned with plain gems
for each lost past. Hands scrub each stone, pat flat
stray dirt rising from closed chapters with them.
Every evening the maid strolled in and sat
amongst dying blossoms, unearthed dry bones
that she held to her breast as trees stifled moans.

“Unique Purity” by Eugene Duvidzon


A Fragmented Mind Deep Within a Pay Your Respects The Greenhouse

Cave with Various Furry Creatures
Who are you people? Short lived April
A Fleeting Leaky Feed That’s my daddy in that box. Volume of Valium.
In Need for a deed That’s my daddy Heroin lingering in every vein.
Looking, taking glimpse I’m his son everyone looking for you
Overrun dung Leave him alone Shotgun under chin stopped the pain.
Fun, Fun, Fun back away from his box.
Five Flipping Chimps, That’s my daddy. Millions of hands reached for you
Dipping Drooling fooling I’m his only son Empathy made you stoned.
Big Berry eating Bear. He’s in his box Burned out and faded away.
Indeed after shrooms I’m out here Out of sight and beyond our ears.
Take a lead around the bend I’m wish this hole Again we past another day.
On the green weed. would just disappear
Take a pass fast, Found in the Greenhouse
To the furry fuzzy Fox Daughter shut out from a father.
With a jock strap on tight right The Assembly Line Wife torn from her soul
With bright light diamonds easy to pull the trigger
And rose smelling almonds On the conveyer belt, and bury yourself in a hole.
Cover in chocolate and late See the smoke from the stakes.
Spoiled milk. All in single files, Lifeless hands
Little rabbit takes a hit We all march in line. blood runs downs your neck
Goes into a fit rolling in a pit Our school caps on, Never again will you touch
Warm him up We all play along, a guitar or a warm face
Blankets of silk. They point their fingers, Turned away as if we asked too much
Sloth eating moth We dig right in the books.
wrapped in fine cloth. Raise the stakes Our beloved icon
Go on hills with pills Make a hole in our wallets, embraced in countless hearts
Take no ills Holes in our souls, We know you as Kurt
Only fills, thrills Down the line. “an experienced simpleton”
Bogus chills Place you down under the dirt.
Breathe air, no care Both in feet in the ground,
Nothing here One more book weighs us down,
Was really there. No room for me!!!
No creativity!!! Ivory Hills
Sores in my throat Medicated moment,
Forgiveness Waiting on the line, no one knows.
From the ashes of my broken home, The fat man on my chest, The sound of death
I arose, and woke up all alone. Got only little time. is silent.
In the darkness I stayed, Slave to the product!!! All is calm,
While everyone else saw me fade. Dull like a stump!!! all is wrong
Father, father Get ready to jump!!! too much of
Where did you go? anything is bad
The pain was so very slow. A cup of water,
Shuffling our feet in the line, a line of pills
Can you fix the things that are broken, Teachers with hard hats on. sleep forever
Can you give back the things that Drill the work into our head, in the Ivory Hills
were stolen. ship us out the door.
From the pipes with residue, Ages are passing us by,
The devil took you and you never With all the pages in your eyes,
knew. Going down the line,
Up, Up With a tower of books,
You went away, There goes our minds
Like the heroin did that day. on the factory hooks
Please everyone stay on the line
It seems like I’m dying,
When I’m always crying,
It seems like sickness,
So where is my forgiveness?

zut alors
pink mother
swath of wrath
the french connection.

raw flesh
raw stress
oh, television nerve damage
oh, television
how i love to watch your bulky body body electric
spew forth inane sound bites rage apoplectic
epileptic spurts of ‘entertainment’
dear television purple veins
please take this as a token of my appreciation purple pains
the standardization of something sub-standard purple pills
my only television purple kills.
let’s sit outside together.
if i had a band we’d be Lizzie and the Bordens
lullaby hey hey lizzie
hush little dumbass hand me that ax
don’t you talk
mama knows better you and i, baby
mama can walk we’ll take a few good whacks

mama lizzie lizzie please

you are supposed to teach me to be better.
you are supposed to guide my hands. don’t make me beg
you are supposed to hold my head steady let’s have a good time
you are supposed to pick my pants. make the walls run red

i was supposed to learn.

i was supposed to listen.
i was not supposed to let you burn down in the

no hope in the sky drips down at our feet sultry,

no smiles or kindness from strangers we meet uncouth
a once steadfast philosophy now hangs in defeat wash back their sins in vermouth.
still showing no signs of retreat.
while myriad millions eat cold Campbell soup
myriad millions waiting in lines sweat till they bleed,
for hand outs, bleed till they droop,
for money, part of the cycle,
for patience, the once endless loop,
for time, shooting but never quite reaching the hoop.
for dignity lost,
for an inkling of pride, watch them fall, one by one
for shadows of hope washed away with the tide. not to disease or the barrel of a gun
but to a gambling scheme,
the fault of the few never speaking the truth, to a war not won,
hoping forever to bask in their youth to a philosophy,
lavish, to a trust fund.

Alex Nagler:
Oh Stony Brook Press Sam Goldman: Alex Nagler:
We must always write haikus Look who is watching! Mister Pete Lambro
mainly to fill space It’s the money you could be Thinks he’s clever with sex toys
saving with GEICO! Wants his but plug back
David K. Ginn:
Alex, you bastard Gabrielle Tobin: Alex Walsh:
Haikus are lame and for girls Sixth circle of hell Lambro wants his plug?
You know that by now A toothache and no whiskey Most curious to me, sir,
Please Advil kick in Is why you have it.
What’s better, you ask?
How about limericks, duh Alex Nagler: Pete Lambro:
Didn’t of think of that? Gabrielle Tobin? Please clean that thing off.
What’s she doing in this thread? I don’t know where it has been.
Alex Walsh: No grownups allowed! In few butts, I hope.
Limericks, my friend,
may be where it’s at. But still, David K. Ginn: Roman Sheydvasser:
no harm in haiku. FUCK YOU, FEDEROV Alex H Nagler
FUCK YOUR MOTHER, MAN. I DID How dare you forget me sir?
Give it a try, Ginn SHE WAS FUCKING LAME I slap you with glove
Open up your god damn mind
Let the ‘ku love flow. Sam Goldman: Erin BearWrestler Mansfield:
Sergei Fedorov scored Lambro, don’t know you.
Erin BearWrestler Mansfield: I’ll play NHL 98 Try again. “Seriously”:
The beach was a blast. And MAKE YOUR ASS BLEED Just four syllables.
I can’t finish my Gasm.
Class: overrated. Pete Lambro: Pete Lambro:
Teddy Roosevelt, Red, you do know me!
Alex Nagler: What a gigantic douchebag. My failure shames me, deeply.
Ha! Told you, Erin Seriously. Like, seriously.
The gasm conquers us all
Fucking big sandwich Joe Safdia: Erin BearWrestler Mansfield:
What is a haiku? Ah, yes, I know you.
David Knockout Ginn This seems very confusing He who sits on the Press couch
Start your own goddamn note, bitch I give up on this and submits nothing.
This is for haikus
Marcel Votluca: Tia has Swine cure:
Erin BearWrestler Mansfield: Mugu-mu-mugu? a dungeon in the office.
This is so not cool. Kupo-kupo-kupo-po! Already happened.
What won’t I finish next time? Kweh...Aaaccckkkk! (Omnislash)
I’m Joey from Friends. Joe Safdia:
Pete Lambro: The deadly swine flu
I want a Haiku Masturbation toys: Came from the Stony Brook Press
where every damn word is a curse. Frightening or necessary? Please clean the office
I’ll fucking try it. Only Nagler knows.

Tia Mansouri: sing And keep my family alive

Spread hither, O swine flu Sprang forth from plans adopted at So don’t start calling me spastic
I am loathe to take exams each school,
(Don’t know which is worse) But as each summer swung around to It’s 1885
spring And the Doc is still alive!
David K. Ginn: Most SUNY schools, in silence, played Get him away from the ladies
“‘Globalization: the fool. And back to the 1980s
New Worlds and Expanding Growth’ The more’s the pity then, that only laws Before Buford and his thugs arrive
By David K. Ginn Can, to the SUNY system, bring the
cause. Erin BearWrestler Mansfield:
You have globalized... Read More This post is really quite lame.
Douchebaggery, to the max David K. Ginn: All the posts sound exactly the same.
Now leave me alone.” There are others with rhymable names It’s just David and I
And it’s me I hope everyone blames writing until we both die
Oh, wait, one more thing For dropping the ball From limericks. Wow, what a shame.
Make sure you change the byline And excluding them all
Prof might see your ruse How could I forget about Will James? Matt Willemain:
There’s a man goin’ round takin’ names
James Laudano: Nothing good rhymes with “The Fra- He decides who to toss to the flames
Fuck you, I haven’t leys” Of a really bad chat
Got the time for this shit now Except for maybe “Israelis” An internet spat
Maybe later. Ugh Just as Elmo replaced Grover Your limericks fight - it is lamez
The name game is over There’s room in old County Cork
Matt Willemain: So let’s crack open a Bailey’s For but one; brandish a fork!
Oh, haikus are here We’ll recruit as a ref
Your little poems are so quaint Wolfie the Magical Seawolf That old Swedish Chef
No sonnets in you? If you were a rapper you’d be called C- Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork
Wolf bork bork
You see what I did? But rapping makes money
I kicked this shit up a notch And that shit ain’t so funny Pete Lambro:
It’s evolve or die! Cuz the best wolves in life are the free There’s a chance the Chef says “Bjork”
wolves Like he’s some Icelandic music dork.
The pentameter Her name has an umlaut,
Get your five feet in a row So I decided to leave Minnesota What’s that about?
And your ducks, as well And it was hard to tell my friend Ray Who cares, shes still fit to pork.
Honduran toil sewed sweatshirts with To try not to cry David K. Ginn:
the name This wasn’t goodbye Pete, if you want to pork Bjork, that’s
Of Harvard, Boston College, Cal State, He could visit me in South Dakota fine
Clark. Just make sure your sore is benign
The owners promised unions; all the Erin BearWrestler Mansfield: If there’s even the slightest way
same David Ginn seems to think he’s so You’ll give her your Hepatitis A
The shops were closed, the workers’ smart. I guess better yours than mine
names were marked. But limerick writing’s an art.
Clean drinking water, and a moment’s In his posts every time The Easter Bunny’s a gangsta
peace he can’t make things rhyme. The world’s most famous pranksta
From verbal onslaughts, and a decent Rhyming “wolf” with “wolf” was the Now I’m not in the habit
wage— start. Of fighting a rabbit
With campus market power as the But I’ll cut him with my prison
grease, David K. Ginn: shanksta
Some modest gains had seemed upon Erin thinks she’s fantastic
the stage. But she didn’t grow up in Mastic Kevin Bacon was in Apollo 13
What little progress of which we can I rhymed to survive With Tom Hanks from The Mile That’s

Green Pete Lambro:

Which had Doug Hutchinson from Lost You’re right, bacon is best
Which has Matthew Fox, for twice the cost Simply put, better than the rest
Than his role on Party of Five with Neve Campbell, who was It won’t give you swine flu
in Wild Things with Kevin Bac-een No, that just wouldn’t do
But the news has us all stressed!
Pete Lambro:
Bacon is always within six degrees Matt Willemain:
With quite the career if you please There once was a law dubbed Smoot Hawley
But then he made tremors Some said ushered in, on a trolley,
Which I watched with some hemmers The depression and more... Read More
When we got together for wine and cheese Smoot blamed the Great War
The reader can judge blame and folly
Matt Willemain:
Bacon’s not just a profligate dude
Let’s not forget bacon the food
Priorities first
It’s for pigflesh we thirst
No matter what Kevin finds rude

“Intravenous Feeding of Sound” by Eugene Duvidzon


can still remember the way that she looked She
before those final moments. Those wide staring
green eyes looked out the window with the
supreme feeling of utmost pity. Her hand was
cold and stiff as she gripped mine with the talons
of an aged falcon. She had passed her final years
a long time ago, but never let go of the insignificant spark that
kept her empty heart pumping small amounts of red dust
through her body. I could hear her lungs pumping every time
she inhaled, and a chill ran down my spine that told me there
was something else in the room each time. A piece of her hair
fell onto my face and she lightly brushed it away with those
things that she called her fingers.
“I had to trade so much,” she said.
I didn’t know what she meant, but I wasn’t going to ask
her. I couldn’t have even if I wanted to.
“Sometimes I wished that things could’ve been different,
and that you could’ve been here with me,” she continued to
say. After that she fell silent again, and her almond shaped eyes
stared out the window on to the front lawn. Her eyes moved
from the right to the left over and over again. I tried to turn
my head to see what it was that she was watching, but I had
no chance of that. I wanted to reach my hand up and put it on
her chest to feel her heart beat the way that it did. I wanted to
sit up and embrace her. It seemed there was so much that I
wanted to do for her at that moment, but there were no possi-
bilities. She was so frail and weak. I never remembered her
being that way. She was always the strong one. Those fists of
iron had done many things, and worked many trades, but they
were reduced to nothing.
“I’ve been thinking about Hell,” she revealed. “Do you
think it’s really as bad as they say it is?” closed her eyes for the first time in a long while and a stream
I moved my mouth to say no, but I had no luck in the en- of tears began to move down her cheeks. I wanted to scream.
deavor. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more,” she said. “I wanted to do more,
“It can’t be that bad,” she continued. Her eyes became di- but I couldn’t. I’ve walked through years terrified. We’ve
lated and frozen. “I wouldn’t be scared to go to hell.” walked on the same ground for so long. After it all the fear
I looked at her with a confused expression, but she didn’t took me. I’ve traded so much for you, and none of it was
look at my face. worth it. I wanted to make it worth it, but I was too scared. I
“Maybe…” she began to say before her voice faded again. was scared of the change. Maybe I would understand this
I tried to reach up again to touch her, trying to get her to world better if I was something else, and could see like some-
keep talking. I would have done anything possible to hear her thing else. Like grass or… something. Maybe then I’d be able
voice continue in one glorious, uninterrupted cycle. She put to tell things apart.” I just laid there staring at her. I felt as if
her hand on my chest and moved it back and forth. I was regaining movement when she opened her eyes again and
“The sky is growing painful,” she said. “It might fall soon.” said those final words. “I just wish you were here.”

“Time Ticks Out of Existence;

Butterflies Form from Persist-
ence” by Eugene Duvidzon

“My nerves are bad to-

night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
Speak to me. Why do you
never speak? Speak.
What are you thinking of?
What thinking? What?
I never know what you are
thinking. Think.”

-T.S. Eliot

“The Waste Land”

t was a cold night; not cold like the winter, the words that she would never forget. In some way I wanted
but everything was frozen in place, or at least I to make it so she would never want to speak to me again.
was. I was on my way home when it all hap- It’s strange the way hate works. It appears to be a true hate
pened. I had received a call from her brother when you have love pushing against it. Everything seems to
telling me about it. I listened to the words care- slow down and you can’t move. I always hear people say that
fully, never believing a single one of them. He you can’t really “hate” someone, but at that time, sitting there
kept repeating the same thing, and I kept laughing under my with the phone in my hand there was nothing else. Life didn’t
breath. There was no way to believe it. Everything was a joke. matter and the rest of the world shut off around me. Now
I remember him asking me if I believed him. All that I could there was nothing else but the silent buzz of the phone and the
do was tell him the truth, so that was exactly what I told him, sound of breath. “I hate you! More than anyone in my life…
no. I hate you!” Those were the words, but there was so much be-
I sat in a seat in the center of an empty train car playing hind them. I had let the cycle continue on for so long and it
with my hat in one hand and holding my phone in the other was slowly destroying me. Nothing came out. But I sat there
hand. He kept talking about it, and all I could think of was the wanting to say everything. Not just for my own injuries but
horrible scent of urine in the train. He was telling me some- those against herself.
thing about police until my mind muted him for a second time. I lost my ability to speak. The same thought floated into
I put my hat back on my head and looked up at the window my mind. Each time I thought of her it was of who she was
to see if it was straight in the reflection. I was waiting for him now. For the sake of clichés all I can say is that she was a
to just give it all up and admit to the joke, but that time never stranger. I never knew that person. For all the years I knew her
came. Slowly the train strode into the depths of the suburb of that other person never came into view. The only person avail-
Labyros. When I got off at my stop on Main Street I walked able was the angel that stood in front of me. I would sit and
into the constricting maze of weeping trees and desolate streets wish for that person to come back. That was who I wanted.
listening to my heels click against the cracking concrete. It was But no matter how much I hoped it seemed that she was lost
cold outside, as it normally was. With each step I took I could and someone else took her place. In truth the angel may have
feel my heart drop a little further into my soul, and my soul never existed. It could have been a show.
slowly devouring everything inside my heart. I kept telling my- On the other side of the phone, through the intricate si-
self the same thing, and each time I believed it less. The night lence, I heard the tears begin to fall. By that time apathy be-
air was solid and hard to walk through. It was like walking came a familiar friend. He and I spent much time together
through water; I just wanted to dive in. downing the elixir of man and toasting on those oh-so-
I turned the block and saw the night collapse onto the earth sacred-herbs. He was with me then as I heard the sound of her
and the stars shatter. The moon pushed through the wild trees tears on the phone. My main impulse was to hang up and let
of the reemerging swamp and had cracked on her roof, but the her float off into the oblivion that was my haven of memories.
clouds remained perfectly intact. The water I had been walk- The people that pass by in life never existed as substantial
ing through turned to blood and I wanted the quickest way thoughts except while they were there. Once they made their
out. I could see the police lights spinning around outside the exit I knew them as much as I knew the girl at the McDonald’s
house. There were tears coming from outside the police drawn drive-through. That was what she became.
line that flowed down the street. I began to run toward the Those cries for help echoed in my head as she let them out
cars and over to her brother. Almost everyone I knew was out- and the only thought I had was, “Look who was right.” But
side of the house, some of them crying, some of them lifeless, still I sat in silence and waited for the words, “I guess I’ll let you
and the rest were frozen with the orange burn of cigarettes go.” There is no caring for long. All I can see is that even in
lighting up the apathy on their faces. Her brother looked at me my hatred I became weak through understanding. I heard talk
and shook his head. For some reason I still couldn’t believe of a machine. I heard talk of the way the swamps grow around
him. here.
The front door swung open and two paramedics exited When does innocence fade?
with a stretcher that carried a black bag. The police carried a When does reality strike with a fierce kick to the nuts?
rope. She was put inside the bag instantly because there was What happens if they blend together?
no reason to attempt resuscitation. They carried the bag out We rarely spoke at first. She would reach out to me and I
of the house to be dumped off as soon as possible. All the would do what it is that I do best, fade into the shadows. My
paramedics had to do was tie it up and bring it to the curb. At natural attitude became the barrier that needed to be broken
that point Heaven began to cry out, the clouds imploded, and through. Natural wants of my own pushed thoughts into my
the earth cracked. head of answering her reaches, but doubt rose quickly and old
The last time I spoke to her seemed useless, but like many scars infect with haste. Life continued on in that manner for
useless things it was monumental. It all marked an end. I just me and I remained content in my solitude. But her persona
wanted to scream at her. I wanted to let out everything stuck pushed her further, the title acquaintance no longer satisfied
in the back of my mind and stick it to her skin. I wanted to say and that was when I felt the grip on my arm and heard the


words, “Come with me.” A therapist told me that it was an issue of abandonment.
People have said that confidence attracts, but what about I can’t imagine what the feeling would be like to one day
mystique and solitude? see half of the familiar objects in my own home gone and to fi-
Conversation began and the barrier was broken. Once that nally realize that someone who had always been in my life in
shield is penetrated by a person I find fit to penetrate it I come one minute is gone. All it takes is a key and a turn.
out of my solitary nature in small increments, but only if the Then it takes another four years for the princess to see that
other makes the first move; she did, and I allowed her in. The she’s on her own. The king who called her princess wasn’t
consistent flow of jokes and laughter continued for over half there anymore. But she was a Toys’R’Us kid.
an hour and we both separated feeling the impact of each Still the gear turns.
other’s words. It’s funny sometimes how foundations are laid. When the move takes place and the princess is still playing
She had asked me for a ride home that night and I provided joyfully in her own protected world there come those who
the service. I still had another half an hour before she punched come from the outside and show that no matter how many
out and found myself in the parking lot screaming into my cell walls are built up someone can always break through them.
phone. At this point the topic of the argument with old flames The life wasn’t public and the schools were private. The
fades from memory but that was how she found me in the cold time of choices was coming rapidly, but she never saw why she
of that night. With hands shaking and eyes lit up to the had to make any. She was a princess. Two things mattered at
sharpest shade I unlocked my car and we both entered. I that point. Friends and family surrounded her and built the
turned the ignition and we sat motionless in the car as she tried world. At the other end of the spectrum the phone was glued
to calm me down. The offer was made that we should go to her hand. I saw it in a poem once and now see it as truth:
somewhere, do something, anything, it didn’t matter. But first men love life, women love their lover, but in a way they sim-
I had to stop at my house. ply love love.
Inside my room she stared at the paper in amazement. At Maybe the abandonment can be filled as long as he who
first she had no response to what she saw as her eyes searched left shows his face and tosses some change here and there and
each millimeter of the hand-drawn map. then leaves again. The princess must be spoiled. But what else
“You made this world?” she asked. will add to that void?
“Yeah,” I answered, “kind’a weird, right?” He had come into her life and set with her. They watched
“What’s weird about it? This thing is amazing. You made movies. They talked. They did all those things that boys and
your own world!” she said. girls do, and he knew all the right things to say.
Nothing feeds the narcissism of an artist more than the in- What’s the classic instant in all literature? Loss of inno-
terest and praise of the opposite sex, and she was fueling the cence.
small spark that existed. Then she asked a question. It was a When the time came the hand went out and she was stuck.
question that took the idea of physical attraction and did away When will the beatings stop?
with it for something more substantial. “So where in here do Why not leave?
you live?” she asked. I thought that I said it. Love love.
I lifted my hand and pinpointed my location on my map. But the months endure and she grows bruised. Love be-
The connection made became a stronger one than I had comes control, sex becomes rape, and the phone is not to be
ever experienced before. We were friends and she trusted my hung up until you tell me that you love me!
judgment enough to seek me out for advice when she needed This was around the time that she first grabbed my arm. I
it. There was mutual respect between us and any wrong done saw a smiling girl. I never saw a child crying and wishing to
to her angered me. So we stayed in our bond of trust. We be free.
talked and shared wisdom and when I opened my mouth to So what breaks love? Maybe simply another love.
speak she listened. The bond we shared was one that I had Enter the hero, the prince. Enter the person to take her
only imagined and one that, before I met her, I would pray for. from her prison and make her happy. She had a protector. She
I confided any and all writings to her. New verses came under had the one who would keep her safe through the rest of her
her first response and she gave me the confidence that I needed life. He promised it with a ring and brought her back to the
to move forward. state of princess. More months moved forward and she came
When the time came we were brought to a dilemma. A to me with a problem. She loved someone, her prince, but a
classic risk came under questioning that we both had to decide new discovery was made. He was everything to her and she
on: extend the relationship to a further point and risk losing now knew that she was just the other pussy.
the bond we had, or stay where we were and never explore After pushing herself away she was left empty, but, in a new
that which we both wanted. The answer came and my prayers way, very full. She stared in amazement at a positive result and
had been answered. This is where the gear spins once again. threw up. Since the protector had been found out as a thief
The machine moved and the gear spun to the black side. and she sat alone there was no one to keep her safe. The great
Through experience of life it becomes evident that it is im- breaker of walls returned to her door and pushed into the
possible to ever know another person. I thought that I knew house. At announcement of the news he pounced on her and
her. I can be wrong sometimes, can’t I? sent his fists into her stomach. He left and she laid on the floor
I could feel the cold coming back in. The summer had streaming tears and calling out for her knight, but he never
ended and the world around grew dark and frozen. At mid- showed up.
night the frost stuck to my windows and I sat in the dark wait- A life was lost, but was one saved? That is a question of the
ing for the sound of movement. The chill crossed through me gear.
and I wanted the ability to move without pain. The mirror in Later on, after the scars had been burned in, and the knowl-
front of me fogged over and the picture became distorted. I edge that everybody leaves became evident, she was mine, and
could feel old thoughts creeping back in. The cycle began all we were happy.
over again. I made my move, and I regret it still. Then I saw That was how it remained for a few months. Everything
her tears. was perfect and nothing would change that. Time went by and
If one moment can change life it must be monumental. there was peace. This was something that neither of us ever ex-
She was raised as a princess: a child who remained a child perienced and it was strange to feel that good about this world.
through each step. If life feels intact and set for so long what But eventually everything changes. Eventually everything falls
happens when evidence of a real world kicks in? down.


We couldn’t speak. It wasn’t the same. Every sound was I’ve learned how the machine works, and I can only be for-
an argument. Every bit of silence ate at the soul. I saw things tified, and never, ever destroyed.
in her that I had never seen before. She was releasing all the But she was a different case. She didn’t have that ability.
tension from herself and leaving the world of responsibility be- She wasn’t as used to the pain as I was. She had her new man
hind. Then at the worst time, at the time in life when choices and her life going around. But everything was shit. I looked
are monumental and everything falls into one’s own hands, she at her life and saw nothing positive coming from it. I observed
slipped. Just like so many of us do she sparked up and entered as she rapidly spun out of control. The plane was about to hit
the haze. Why worry about responsibility when it can all drift the ground. The swamp was covering her.
away through bloody eyes in a cloud of smoke that everyone The last time I spoke to her seemed useless, but like many
knows the scent of. useless things it was monumental. I stayed silent while the
She never went to school. She couldn’t even wake up. tears ran through the receiver. She was crying, and in crying
There was no work, because she refused to. I grew agitated didn’t know where to turn. So she turned to me. By that time
with her, and she scorned me for trying to push her. But it’s I didn’t care anymore. I heard the whimpers crawl out of her
true, if someone doesn’t want to be led then why lead them? mouth.
It was hatred and disgust. She no longer looked at me as “I don’t want to be here,” she said. “I want to die.”
that same strong person but saw each weakness and flaw in I tried to console her but what I truthfully wanted to say
me, and, being the person that she understood the most, she was that I was right. I saw it all coming. I watched her drown
exploited that. in the swamp and saw her do nothing to stop it. I tried to teach
So in my mind the cold set in again and I closed off. I fled her about the machine, but she didn’t listen.
back into my own mind. I went back into the wall and beat So I sat on the train on the way home and my phone rang.
myself. I knew that everything in life was falling apart and I picked it up to hear her brother’s voice. The words were
that it couldn’t be fixed. But still in my mind the image of the simple but that’s all it takes.
angel she was stuck, and then I was stuck. I couldn’t let go, and “Yo,” he said.
she wouldn’t let me let go. “What’s up?”
After a while we kept growing further apart and more re- “Aerie killed herself.”
sentful of each other. There was no more love. We weren’t the That was it. That was the final moment.
same people when it came to dealing with each other. I wanted She lost out and let it all fall on top of her. I wished I could
to get away. I wanted to separate. But I wanted to stay with speak to her again to tell her. She was an idiot. I wanted to yell
her. In the end it came down to a simple thing. at her. I wanted to scream at her for the waste she committed.
She asked a question. If it was anyone else I wouldn’t have cared, but even in my ha-
I answered. tred for her, even though I wanted to see it happen just to prove
She asked if I was lying. that I was right, all I can say is that she was stupid. At nine-
I said, “No.” teen years old she took away the most precious thing.
Three hours later while I was at work I got the phone call Sometimes the swamps grow heavily. Sometimes they con-
and it was over. I still can’t figure if I lied simply so it would strict everything around. Sometimes there’s no escape.
end or not. But after that I went home and slept better than I So they dragged her out in a bag.
ever had before in my life. I still feel hatred. I still feel love. But my own defenses
Eventually she called me back and I still came around like force me to move forward. I can’t turn back and she can’t
a lost dog. She drained me so easily and I stayed there for an- come back. It is only for that that I can sit and pen this by my-
other month. But then one day I had a replacement. After that self with no help. There is no image. There is no prophecy.
I forced my mind to leave it alone. I was frozen for so long that There is no message. There is life. And when life stops it sim-
when that final kick in the ass came it was the last one I ply stops.
needed. I was done. It was time for me to rebuild and start Angels drown too.
with a new foundation. It is our responsibility to change who The worst part of it all… you helped me forge this.
we are.

“Even When Turning into a Monster,

He Holds on to His Last Innocence”
by Eugene Duvidzon

t’s a Sunday in the “Lemme be it first,” Kouz jumps,
summer when the boys his voice ringing off the granite
run the campus. July around them.
drips all around, sun “Sure.”
laughing off the windows. “Ok, man.”
Their bodies sway in the “Start it up.”
shadows of Old Chem, eyes dropping Kouz walks over to a pillar ex-
Bright red berries adorn the shrubs.
from the future. Twelve year-olds aren’t tending down from the monstrous build-
Kouz likes the berries and wonders
so fettered. ing, coyly shielding his eyes. To earn the
whether he can eat them. Clouds of con-
Camp in the town doesn’t exist, or complete trust of his friends he presses
flict, borne out of hunger and the vague
isn’t good enough, so the four, led by his head to the pillar. No one is quite as
remembrance of a science teacher’s warn-
Kouz, are past the gates and on the cam- home as Kouz in the self-induced dark-
ing, drive him from the berries. The first
pus. Suburbia whispers over the trimmed ness. It brings him to a cosmic center he
surprise comes. Martin is not there. Kouz
lawns and waxed fenders and unfilled can’t yet put into words but compre-
gazes at the path uphill and figures bois-
mailboxes, desperate feet shuffling hends intrinsically. He begins to count.
terous Martin probably stumbled up
through air-conditioned malaise, leaving “One miss-uh-sippi, two miss-uh-sippi,
there. In his mind he can see the shadows
newspapers and fulfillment on the steps, three miss-uh-sippi….” The numbers,
of his friends flittering away, frightened
untapped. Kouz and the boys aren’t in forever drifting upward, lull him, soothe
moths unwilling to be found and tagged.
that world yet. They’re the same age in him, and soak with his memories. At sev-
Kouz will shine the light on them all.
the same town and still think people enteen, he returns to his tenth birthday
There’s no other way.
choose to repaint the water tower or party when mom drove him and his
Once at the top, he is out of the shad-
drive the garbage truck in the morning. friends to the city for laser tag. At
ows of Old Chem and onto what the stu-
“All right, so the game’s hide-and- twenty-six, he’s smacking a game-win-
dents call the academic mall. It’s just
seek tag. Sound good?” Kouz says, the ning double against the green team. At
another place for Kouz. Light bursts
blades of grass bending reverentially forty-eight, he’s walking Sara home from
from the west, glittering like burning
under his sneakers. Most would say he’s school, her budding breasts and silver
snow on the library and glass-encased ac-
an unlikely leader. Middling grades, gap smile sweetening his heartbeat and
tivities center. Kouz shrugs away the
teeth, and unruly brown hair sagging like warming his chest, a red sun romping
storm. He knows Nikita likes hiding in
old fauna in front of his eyes tell the ob- over the horizon. At ninety-six, spots of
the alcoves near the brown leafy library.
server he’s not likely to turn any heads at purple and gold break through the dark-
Martin is there with him. Graceless peo-
the fall dance. He isn’t the fastest of the ness like hungry stars, reminding him it’s
ple need others.
boys either and in a year or so won’t be almost time to peek. At one hundred, the
When the alcoves are empty, some-
the strongest, once Martin has his chase begins.
thing screams. No one outside does the
growth spurt. Courageous? No, Kouz On Kouz’s right is a strip of shrub-
screaming because no one is around and
isn’t especially daring, cunning, or brave. bery sloping down to the cement. He re-
Kouz doesn’t hear it in his ears. It is not
Like most entities in the world, he is a members Martin’s propensity for hiding
a frightful scream either because there is
product of circumstance, wafting into his in the bush. Gangly and loud, Martin is
nothing to be afraid of. Simply, there is
role like a stray leaf. The other boys have always the one they find first. Martin,
nothing. Yet inside of him the scream re-
accepted where he’s settled and where though bound to outgrow his pals, is still
verberated through every channel, every
they’ve settled. Trees don’t question why a being destined to live without grace.
pulse, flashing his eyes wide open. Kouz
their roots reach down certain cracks Any subtlety only an illusion, as fleeting
runs his fingers along the brick as if his
and not others. Kouz, Martin, Nikita, as the next crack of a branch underfoot.
touch will unveil the boys. He could pull
and Hal mull nothing, letting the cur- Kouz approaches the shrubs, ready for
the cloak from the world and show the
rents wash their backs of knowledge and the black flicker of human movement to
nakedness underneath. Cold skin quiver-
sin. become visible. Things like these are al-
ing in his gaze, discovered by the
“Should we do a 50 count or 100 ways easy. He can’t understand why
almighty Kouz. He could do these things,
count?” Martin asks, adjusting his askew older people have so much trouble
in the way all schoolyard dares can be
Yankees cap. searching for things. Pots, pans, plates,
performed with enough gumption.
“100. We’ll make it good,” says Hal. careers, loves…it’s all there for Kouz, al-
Whether he knows it or not, Kouz has
“Yeah,” agrees Nikita. ways.


left the schoolyard. Fat Hal? up into her hazel eyes, a sheen of light
Hal should be the easiest catch. Hal obscuring her form. He can’t see her sur-
is the fattest. Kouz can envision Hal hid- He runs into the food court, passing prise or her fear, or even the opening
ing in the food court, munching on a neon signs and meaningless bands of red. smile. All he sees is a figure offering sal-
burger, preparing himself for a life of Scattered eyes look up from their meals, vation from the growing madness. Kouz
heaving and huffing. Not all the girls love indifferently watching a little boy slide thinks he saw Nikita vanish into a knot-
Kouz but no one loves Hal. His face is so across freshly-cleaned floors. The scent hole.
red, his hands so clammy. Sometimes of pizza slows him down. On Friday “Excuse me?”
Kouz wonders why he’s Hal’s friend. nights his parents would take him for “Yes…” says the woman.
People like Hal shouldn’t bother hiding, extra cheese pizza in the town square. “Have you, um, seen any kids run-
anyway. What’s the point when you Strings of warm cheese played on his lips, ning around here? One’s sorta pale and
know you’ll never be the last caught? calming his nerves. Kouz wants a slice, tall with a Yankee hat, one’s kinda fat,
Kouz chuckles at Hal’s fruitlessness, se- just one, any one, his teeth click, his and the other has red hair. I’ve been
cretly pondering why anybody would saliva rolls, he presses his hands to the lookin’ all day and—”
want to test fate. counter and burns at the woman in the “No, I haven’t seen them or anyone
“Hey Hal! Fatty! Come on out al- apron. She’s bigger than him with wrin- else. Sorry.”
ready or I’m just gonna go inside and rip kles carved into her sad gray face. Kouz “But they gotta be around here. You
the burger out of your mouth!” can imagine her crumbling before him had to see them at some point, right?”
Echoes die on the lawn. Kouz strolls like a dying pyramid, bits of mud and “No, no, sorry I haven’t.”
across the mall as if he hasn’t said any- stone crunching on the floor. Hal isn’t “But you had to. Man, I mean,
thing. He hops a little black fence that there. Martin isn’t there. Nikita isn’t ma’am…c’mon they gotta be around
runs along the grass, tiring of pavement. there. Only this woman and her gray here, c’mon.”
Flowers he doesn’t know the name of die granite face shattering over him. “They don’t have to be anywhere. I
beneath. Suddenly it occurs to him— As time yawns onward and the shad- hope you find them but I must go. Good-
they’re all hiding in the fountain. He re- ows twist, Kouz must sit. He’s been bye.”
members the heat. Now that his mind around the library, food court, fountain, “Please, please,” he moans, grasping
focuses on it, he’s aware that a quilt of biology building, humanities building, for her fleeing skirt. He misses. Kouz’s
humidity is wrapping around his skin and lecture hall, searching every single hands smack the gravel. He can feel the
and pressing all the sweat beads out. It place his friends would hide. Screaming blood droplets slipping through the skin
presses harder and harder. There was a orange from a setting sun throws de- cracks, pattering the dull pebbles. The
time when Kouz went to sleep away ranged shadows in his wake, stretching wounded hand claws a clump of pebbles
camp and zipped his sleeping bag too trees and towers, pulling them into and flings them into the sun. They hang
tight. When he woke up it was like a jagged, tremulous shapes, and cutting the in the air like dandelion spores and then
thick fog had swelled from his rib cage grass like lighting. He wanders from the crash down on his skull. Pebbles replace
to his tongue and then to his eyes so a mall to the wooded outskirts of the cam- every thought he has ever had.
world of searing clouds had inherited his pus. Everything he sees is new. Soon he Shadows blot the land until they’ve
formerly clear planet. It was July—just realizes the other people aren’t around. slithered into nightfall. The sun is gone.
like now—and he thought he was being A gravel path winds deeper through the No green skirts come for him. No Niki-
unscrewed from camp, from home, from trees. Humidity clenches him tighter. He tas, no Martins, no Hals. He holds his
his body…and then he pulled down the had hoped the sunset would give him a eyes to an unrelenting moon. Like a
zipper. Where’s his zipper now? reprieve from the heat but the sun only white powder it dusts the sky, clotting
The fountain gushes in front of Kouz. seems to be exploding, raining horrid Kouz’s final grasp at clarity. He begins to
He smiles as the beads splash his face, heat all around. He doesn’t know why stumble back but understands there’s
dripping away the heat. He pulls himself he’s walking anymore. Nothing is up nothing back. He tries trudging forward
up, red flushing his white hands, eye- ahead and nothing is behind… but understands there’s nothing forward.
brows damp and expectant. No one is …Until a young woman in a green Instead he pulls himself up to a tree. He
hiding in the fountain. The stone bowl skirt emerges, a swift streak gently rac- knows what to do.
looks emptier than anything he has ever ing toward him. He wants to fall to the The bark is soon darkness to his shut-
seen before. It drops down into the con- ground. Sweat smears his view and al- ting eyes. Sweet black washes the void.
cavity of the earth itself, carving a hole most makes him miss her presence com- The memories cascade back to him,
inside of him. He tries to fill it. Laser tag, pletely. From his kneeling position in a splashing the heart. He counts.
birthday parties, Sara…he pours them patch of brown grass Kouz jumps and “One miss-uh-sippi, two miss-uh-
like sand into the hole and the grains of yanks her shirtsleeve. She stops as if he’s sippi, three miss-uh-sippi….”
memory vanish, leaving only emptiness. thrown a plate of glass at her. Shards of
He can’t fill it. Where’s Nikita? Martin? surprise trickle the ground. Kouz gazes

see you. The clock blinks 3 AM, pale blue, worry that this some sort of psycho-babble- the magic
incessant, relentless. I see you little girl. 3 AM marker tiger stripe drawn in lieu of the slice. It is not. Drop
and this hour is a friend. This hour for an in- your defenses. Write.
somniac is the hour of mania. There’s so much 7 am and you do not sleep. Nothing happens. The
to do and no time to waste. No point in shut- world still revolves and the sky still changes. You simply
ting your eyes. You don’t fight it anymore. You have more time. Clutch at ideas and words in secret at this
go through your clothes instead. Try on knit skullies and hour-become an addict-surrender to your habit. Sometimes
leg warmers-spin around in the mirror. Try on new char- these ideas will be brilliant, sometimes not at all, but if you
acters. Strew them on the floor. You Read. You read Hem- sleep might lose them forever to the abyss of a daybreak
ingway. You read Sexton. You read the pamphlet on your mind. Sleep with your pens. Snap up, up, up with ideas. Re-
sleeping roommate’s desk. You read Plath. You devour play the movie of your life. The short yet crazy, messed up,
them. You pick up Plath again and read more. She gets you. phenomenal movie of your life and wonder how you ever
You realize you may just be depressed and now you are a lived without the scribbling of words. Marvel that tomor-
cliché. You throw this book in a pile of crumpled wrappers row night you could very well be not sleeping someplace
and remember you need to clean. Forget it little one. It’s else. You have heard that gravity ruins everything-but
late. Leave the wrappers. Lie back down and stare at the you’re not tethered to your sheets tonight. You are in a bed
ceiling. Back to the clock. It’s pale blue light is blinding. where nothing holds you-deliberately twisted sinew and
I see you. 5 AM and the desire to sleep, to rest at all, has skin, knotted and panting, less fragile than you believe.
become elusive. There is a desperation, an urgency about Think of this and know that soon, my girl, you will
you. You can not be still as it comes in waves-the desire to laugh. You will laugh at the times that you believed this
run into the night with your arms held high, to dance with was all so big and you would never survive. Know that you
cold sweat pooling between your shoulder blades. It is will not always feel like a stranger in someone else’s bed,
overwhelming how much there is of you little girl. You will keeping one eye open, guarding the night. All you need
never be able to do all the things you want to accomplish, tonight is everything and soon you will ask yourself why
or learn enough skills or enough languages or help enough you were ever afraid of this. Take it all in sweetheart. Ex-
or understand it all. I see you with your white rabbit, can’t perience it all-the good, the ugly, the new skin, pleasure like
wait, tick, tick, tick urgency in everything you do. The girls sugar melted on metal spoons.
outside your window giggle. You follow the click, click, slur I see you there. You do not cry. Your words spill like
of their heels down the hall and up the sticky stairs in tan- tears on the page instead in the middle of the night. You
dem. You will not be one of them. 5 am and morning light often wake to inexplicable sobs, wet on the page, salty from
is threatening to appear. your pen. I see your words freeing themselves and landing
Pick up the pen you keep in your bed. Flip to a brand in puddles of verb, of ink, of chicken scratch. Sway in the
new page. Put pen to paper and put your dizzy thoughts to cradle of language tonight. Rock, rest, lull in the arms of
words. Write little one. Write. Thank God for the ability to word. Sob, sway, drift. Now sleep, little one. Sleep.
form sentences that flow out of you and onto something
clean. Thank him or her or the big tree outside your
cracked window for the blessing of insomnia. For tap, tap,
tapping nights. Pen to paper nights. Alive, alive, singing
nights-brilliant ballpoint songs sung in the soft glow of a
digital clock. Write, for this is the greatest relief. It brings
bright red to the surface, spills it on your paper. You may

n high school we of Sam Adams and
stock up on six packs and I’m basking in warm
head into the woods, stupidity. Nick’s not
since that’s where the cliff far behind me.
is. Up a couple hundred You’re much more
yards, a decent slope for of a heavyweight
people who aren’t in than that, and it al-
great shape, but we are in great shape, all ways takes you
Wendy’s and Dr. Pepper and stale joints nearly twice as
and shared beers we found on couches in much as me to feel
the dark. anything. But light-
Nick takes pictures of us, too old weights have more
in our own heads to be sophomores, pos- fun and I’m feeling
ing, standing at the ledge looking at New the slow destruction
York City and it’s a pretty clear day, of my frontal lobe
though it could’ve been clearer, and we hum, warm and fat
look through the late afternoon and see and silly inside my
in our heads the dudes from the night be- skull.
fore standing around street corners try- There are
ing to get us to visit comedy clubs and bigger parties here
hassling us for walking through vacation pretty often, but
photos they’re taking for beautiful girls they always get bro-
visiting from the Midwest. ken up because the
We’ve told off some dude who popular guys at
tried to sell us his demo and then laughed school can’t get it
at tourists falling victim to those guys, through their heads
just doing their job after all, but still that you’ve got to be
fucking annoying. We’ve spoken in code quiet, quiet, subtlety
regarding just what it is we’d do to the is everything, that’s
girls in boots and leggings and too big why you can’t get I
sunglasses and sneered in contempt at away with anything else, the neighbors bully Matt into playing music he hasn’t
their boyfriends, dressed just like us in hear and then it’s over. So we keep it really listened to before. Chris makes
too tight skateboarding jeans and flannel small, a dozen at most, and just you and himself learn some bass guitar and Nick
shirts and too big sunglasses. me when we need it. Those kids could comes to every show with his camera,
Then, once we’d had our fill of never appreciate being wasted on a later using the resulting photos in his art
untouchable glamour, we’d bought our school night anyway. school portfolio.
train tickets, three dollars and a quarter, The revolving door of girlfriends Though we’ve headed off to
and sat for fifteen minutes to arrive in Se- is around, too, usually lasting long school in two different directions, the
caucus to walk around the big empty enough to come around once or twice— band stays together, especially in summer,
commuter station that looked a little like Jen who doesn’t like me that much is and the kids around seem to like us,
Ellis Island, all high ceilings and geomet- around for three fucking years of high though that’s as far as it goes. The girls
ric shapes and polished floors, and al- school, all the while trying to get you to we bring from college come with us and
most as many languages spoken in the stop hanging out with me—before they silently question whether or not we think
same room. find what they were really looking for, we’re going to do this without a day job.
We’d gotten home late and in the athletes or valedictorians, and head off I’m awkward in person but on stage I am
middle of the next afternoon we’d gotten to school in one of the five boroughs. We the picture of front man, dashing back
our drinks and begun walking, and here stay behind, state school guys that we’re and forth from sharing the mic with the
we are. It’s not ours, this place, a few destined to be, and eventually become bassist in order to jump on the monitors
hundred feet up in a space well worn by those public college guys, running home in time for the chorus. We finish each en-
stargazers and guys trying to get laid and every month or so to get back to the cliff core like we’ve done since we were four-
people who want something to look at with a more serious kind of girl that’s teen at our very first battle of the bands,
while they get stoned: improvised fire eager to meet parents, to start working where everybody gets together after the
rings dotting the clearing, the rocky edge on new lives where they’re not the girl last chord and you throw your sticks into
covered with a fating fraternity logo, who used to be fat or the town slut any- the crowd.
generations of beer cans encrusted into more. You save me from getting my ass
the soil. We like The Misfits (those guys kicked a few times when Matt and Chris
There are no rocks worth throw- especially, since they grew up just a town have already gone home. I keep failing to
ing left; they’re all at the bottom thanks or two over from here) and Stiff Little back down when the situation calls for
to years of trying to find out just how far Fingers and The Clash and The Queers it, and while sometimes my badgering
down it is. And whenever you do find a and even a little bit of Green Day’s earlier pays off and the guy either fucks off or
worthy projectile, as soon as it hits the stuff, so that’s what we play. You keep pays up there’s been a time or two where
bottom of the cliff, there’s either the the time to the snot nosed lyrics that I you strolled into the July night to find me
chock of wood or ping of glass and you spit out in bars and bowling alleys. We’ve in close contact with the pavement out-
know you’ve discovered yet another known each other longer than either can side the bar. It will be another five or six
piece of garbage dumped down the remember (though in reality it’s been years before I figure out how far you can
mountainside by some enterprising visi- since about fifth grade) so it’s only natu- go without getting into a physical alter-
tor. ral when at fourteen I meet Matt, who’s cation, at which point it will be useless
Didn’t start drinking up here had the rare advantage of private lessons, since I’ll be too old for that behavior.
until high school. Two thirds of a sixer you’re the one I ask to play drums once You and I are the only ones this


close, though everybody in the band be- We’re 26 now and stopping feels right. no music playing I drive to the start of
comes good friends. We make trips Kids are only a couple years away, and the path through the woods. I get to the
around the state to perform in people’s we buy our first homes. top and you’re there all thin and empty
basements, logging long hours in cars The part of town where the with flies landing on your eyeballs and
with shitty speakers and no air condi- woods run next to the road goes bad and no pulse. I’m the only person besides
tioning. The cliff is always visible mid- before I know it I haven’t been out to the your wife who knew how little time you
way between the highway and my cliff in years. Sometimes I see scraggly had left, so I don’t share the shock or
neighborhood, sitting there for us to es- fireworks coming from the mountaintop anger that comes over your parents, sib-
cape to after particularly horrible shows, and know that somebody else now needs lings, or friends from work.
or the eerie perfect ones that provide me it like we once did, kids like us, born to I speak at your funeral, about the
with the transcendence I can’t feel any- match the suburban landscape, kind of band, but avoid the subject of the cliff.
where else. funny looking and full of hope and good An uncle tells me afterward that finally, a
After you get married and get that intentions and dark secrets and that garbage man has a use for an English de-
gig as a paralegal, and I make foreman downtrodden-ness that came from being gree. I visit your grave often. It’s over in
down at the town sanitation department, forgotten in the shadow of New York. Lyndhurst, a few hundred feet from Joey
we give it up. Chris and Matt join an- When you’re 32, disappear to- Ramone, no less. Someday I’ll see you
other band and get a certain amount of wards the end of a losing fight with lung again, our wives by our sides, all of us

success: not very famous, but a dedicated cancer, it’s me who thinks to head out staring east toward the city from the cliff.
fan base, a contract, and a paycheck. there. Without telling anyone and with

cracked like an egg on a morning skillet. I

scrambled my life with self-pity and anger.
Forced to season with salt and pepper just to
get some flavor on my worn out taste buds
from all the times I bit my tongue every time
she told me to shut up. But now she is face deep on Honey Nut
Cheerios and still as tasteless as the cyanide at the bottom of
the bowl.
Farewell oh farewell. Flip a coin down a well, wishes
that come true are indeed swell. Rinse my plate in the sink,
breakfast is over for good. No lips wired shut. My heart
pounds like a homecoming drum. Eyes illuminate like the af-
ternoon sun, my smile is a beacon that shines to the world to
announce that it is over. She is nothing, was always nothing
and will always be nothing. All that will be is a scar left in
memory, a blister after the burn. A notion of what was and
what was done; what needed to be done. A single string cut by
fate, which laid in my hand. A Monday morning, put on my
best suit and gel my hair back. My eggs are not scrambled any-
more, they are sunny side up; I have to look my best.
Dust off the ashes this phoenix has risen. Pull up the
anchor, set out to sea and throw away the ball and chain and
plea just insane. Grab the suitcase and out the door. Smell the
fresh morning dew, embrace the cool air against my skin. I feel
an immense weight lifted off my shoulders. That annoying
voice that started in the morning that wouldn’t stop until my
dreams drifted me away from this world, has now disappeared.
This dog collar is thrown to the ground. Strayed off to the wild,
through a new beginning of handcuffs and barred up windows.
And thinking long and hard, shoving regret deep in a hole; I
say it was worth it. I make my way towards the car, and my
neighbor yells over.
“It’s a Good Day eh?”
“Oh yes... A Good Day Indeed”

nowing that today he anymore.” He yelled with blood
would finally receive the spurting out of his mouth. His
promotion he had fought blood thirsty stare then swiftly
so hard for, he sipped his went from the broken window to
morning coffee eagerly. the door where it didn’t leave its
“Yes Dave, today is the day,” he calmly target for four full seconds.
said to himself as he comfortably sat in He then proceeded to
his favorite chair. “Today is the day I be- charge the door – missed it by a
come manager of the Post-it factory.” He couple meters – and had thus left
ate his peanut butter and jelly sandwich his house through the solid wall.
delightfully with a smile on his face. “Ah, He ran and ran until he was on
the taste of success.” It was a nice change the highway racing the other cars.
to finally get to have real jelly and “Who is that?” they asked. “Why
peanuts for his sandwich because now he is he wearing a pillowcase instead
could actually afford it. Life was finally of pants?” they continued. Start-
the utopia that Dave had yearned for. ing to get bored of racing at 80
Dave suspiciously eyed an enve- miles per hour with the cars,
lope with ‘URGENT’ written on it with Dave did a barrel roll mid-air and
large red letters on the far side of the crashed through the window of a
table. He wondered if he should open it Toyota Corola with the force of a
now or later. “Hey, why not? Nothing thousand little babies. “Hi” he
can ruin the greatest day of my life,” he blurted out to the shocked driver. him. “There’s nowhere you can go!” But
said innocently as he reached over fresh Dave hadn’t been brought up as someone
crumbs of bread. He grabbed his jelly- “What are you doing here!?” the man who gave up, and so entered a battle
soaked knife, opened the envelope and cried out in astonishment. “I came here stance in light of these threats. “PEW
started reading. It was a letter from his to chew some bubblegum and kick ass,” PEW PEW!” he burst out while at the
doctor about his recent examination: Dave told the frightened creature. “And same time having his hands take the
“We are sorry to inform you that… di- I’m all out of gum.” He then kicked the shape of two Berettas as he began travel-
agnosis … delirious mind… mental fre- man out of his own car, took control of ing sideways across the wall firing them
quency of your brain’s…and therefore it and then decided that he wasn’t such a with each step. “I’ve been hit!” one man
you are conclusively a schizophrenic.” big fan of the color white. “BRHSAA- yelled in agony. “We need reinforce-
*Snap* JSJK!” he uttered as the car went over a ments!” they all pleaded into their ra-
He dropped the letter and stared speed bump, gaining several seconds of dios.
off into the distance, perhaps into a land air time before safely landing upon the
of rainbows, unicorns and where bottled nicely padded spine of a poodle with a A massive gun battle then developed be-
water doesn’t have the outrageous price pink bow-tie and the like. tween our dear Dave and the confused
of 1 dollar. The fragrance of sweet ener- SWAT members as innocent plants, shiny
gizing coffee was gone, the essence of Dave didn’t know it, but he was subcon- lava lamps, and family portraits were
peanuts and jelly perished from his taste sciously making his way to the place caught in the deadly crossfire. Dave
buds and a new dystopia had been where it all started: the doctor’s office. knew he couldn’t last against the army of
founded in his consciousness. Everything He would have realized this fact much SWAT members, so he bent his knees,
that had been was no more: blue was sooner hadn’t he been busy enjoying the jumped up and grabbed hold of one of
now pillow, and stapler was now river. sounds of knees snapping sickeningly the helicopters firing its large mini-guns
He attempted to take a sip from against the bumper. “There we go,” he at him. “He’s too fat!” the pilot said be-
his coffee, but failed as he hit his fore- told himself happily. “White car is now wildered by the fat man pulling his heli-
head instead, thus spilling the boiling hot red, like a banana, a penguin, and toma- copter. “We’re going down!”
contents over himself. Yet the excruciat- toes bought at Costco it is now!” The
ing pain did not stir his broken soul as fact that none of these objects are red “Weeeeeee!” Dave was yelling as he and
he just sat there plotting demented ways further proved the point of his insanity. the helicopter were flying full speed into
of getting back at the world. He stood up Dr. Steinman’s office. “BANG” Dave
with coffee going down like a waterfall “BANG! BANG! BANG!” he roared as yelled as he rolled inside the large office
from his twitchy face and proclaimed his he crushed as many cubicles as he could of Dr. Steinman himself and came face to
thoughts to his frightened cat by looking while making his way through the lower face with one of the creatures humanity
straight into its soul and yelling, “So you levels of the office building in which he fears the most: the receptionist. “Do you
think I’m crazy don’t you? After all these received his examination. “Oh my god! have an appointment?” she calmly asked,
years of feeding you, oh you grow up so It’s a car!” the sheep yelled. “He’s going trying to avoid staring directly at the
quick Mr. Fluffybuns, like a rose your for Dr. Steinman!” they warned each burning helicopter a couple of centime-
thorns sting me!” other. Crashing into a pillar, Dave ters away from her face.
Picking the cat up, taking a bite jumped out of his newly colored Corola
from it, and launching it out of the win- and was confronted with a whole squad “I need to see Steinman now!” Dave
dow, he happily ridded himself of the of fully clad SWAT members. yelled while brandishing his newly cre-
traitorous feline. “Be gone with you ated weapon made by gluing together
demon spawn! For I have no use of you “You’re under arrest Dave!” they warned random debris from the helicopter and
various office supplies he had snatched

up during the previous gunfight. “I’m tered the office and found Steinman. table as gracefully as an intoxicated
sorry, but you need to wai–Oh, he’s swan and penetrated Steinman’s torso
ready to take you right now.” She said “Ah, the one and only Dave, how nice to with two large beams of red light ema-
nervously, mostly due to the pilot’s con- finally meet you.” He cynically said to nating from his eyes. Steinman then ex-
stant screams of distress and the added Dave. “But it appears that you are too ploded into a rainbow of candy that
effect of Dave’s increasing twitchiness as late as I already have your dear princess engulfed the entire world in sugary hap-
each second passed by. as my hostage!” piness.

Dave was now finally at his goal as sug- Steinman then proceeded to pet a British It was wicked awesome.
ary cupcakes and talking copies of “Mer- Shorthair with two tenths of its body bit-
riam-Webster’s Dictionary” were urging ten off. “You shall pay for what you have
him to go on forward using large words done!” Dave said franticly. “Prepare to
that he’d never heard of before. He en- die!” Dave then jumped onto the coffee

Art by Sid Bengeloun


on’t follow that girl
if ya know what’s good
for ya,” the bartender
growled to me from be-
hind the counter. He was
talkin’ ‘bout the sexy
brunette who had just walked in. She had
laced-up black boots, long dark hair and
a body a man would kill for just to get it
into bed. Every man in the bar had to lift
his jaw off the ground. In the middle of
nowhere you certainly don’t expect to see
a woman like that wander in.
She gave a quick sweep of the room
with her eyes half closed and her mouth
half open. It seemed she was the kind of
girl that was always ready. She caught
me starin’, pursed her lips together and I took a glance around and didn’t no- the toolbox, but when I hunched over for
smiled. She took her time gettin’ to the tice her under the hood until I heard her it, I stiffened up right quick. I followed
bar itself, making sure to swing her hips cursin’. the length of her body all the way up,
back and forth, and then was careful to “Shit! C’mon baby. Don’t do this to scannin’ carefully over each of her
lean seductively over as she asked for a me. I know you don’t wanna do this to curves. When I finally reached the top,
screwdriver and a wrench. me.” her eyes had locked with mine.
The bartender reached for the orange “Can, can I, uh, help you with any- “See somethin’ you like, cowboy?”
juice first and then gave her a sideways thin’, miss?” I asked her tentatively. I think I felt an asthma attack com-
glance. “Don’t know how to make a She turned her face up towards me, ing on, and I don’t even know what that
wrench, hun.” her eyes peekin’ out from over the bare is.
“You don’t need to know how to arm that held up her top. She put the “I, uh, no. I was just, uh, well —-”
make one, sweetheart, I just need you to wrench down and stood up straight. She As I tripped over my own words, and
get me one is all.” clapped her hands together and smiled at consequently, over my own feet, I noticed
He looked at her, her mouth half me, lips closed. her glide to the driver’s side door.
open again, and he placed the drink on “Well aren’t you sweet?” she said to “Are you leavin’?” I asked desper-
the counter and reached underneath the me. Even after hearin’ her voice inside, I ately.
bar for his toolbox. still couldn’t believe how light it was. She turned to look at me, one slim leg
“Thank you,” she whispered. She How airy and dreamy she spoke, like an already on the gas pedal. “Well I sure
downed the drink like a shot of Jose and angel. “I think I got this one, baby, but can’t stay in one place for too long.”
wrapped her fingers slowly ‘round the thanks for the offer,” and she bent back “Why’s that? I mean, if you don’t
handle of the toolbox. She looked at me over her car’s engine, back first so her ass mind my askin’.”
from down the bar as I took a gulp of my stuck out. As if she needed to bend over I was an idiot. Why the hell would
beer, and I choked on it. She closed her to get my attention. she tell me, some pathetic, stutterin’
lips again and let a smile creep through, “Are you sure? Because I’m pretty stranger, anythin’? I shook my head like
then turned to leave. At the door she good with my hands.” She gave me a a scolded dog and started the list of
tossed her hair over her shoulder and her sideways stare, and I realized how per- names that described my stupidity.
gaze followed all the way back to me still verted I sounded. “Not like that I mean!” Moron, dope, Neanderthal, oaf,
tryin’ to wipe up the alcohol I spilled all Tryin’ to correct myself was stupid and whackjob, ding-dong, joker, idiot, clown,
over myself and the bar. She smiled she laughed politely at me. dum-dum …
again, and then walked out. “Really, baby. I got this. I’m the only “Would you like to come with me?”
It felt cold the second she left the who knows how to rev my engine the My jaw dropped as I gawked at the
room, and everyone returned to what right way.” siren in front of me. With her arms
they were doin’; the pool sharks went Damn, she was good. crossed over the car door and her chest
back to shootin’ their balls into the cor- And right. Soundly, her car purred framed by the open window, she smiled
ner pockets, the bluesman put his mouth and she was goin’ to be on her way soon. her quaint little smile, and waited for my
back on his harmonica, and the lonely “Were you, uh, gonna go back in and answer.
boys went back to explainin’ to their pay for your drink? Because you, uh, “Well, cowboy, what’d you say?”
wives and girlfriends why they weren’t don’t need to. I paid for it, so, I mean, My throat closed up, so all I could do
home yet. you’re fine.” was nod. I felt somethin’ cool drip off my
But not me. I couldn’t stop watchin’ It’s the way she looks back at you lip and I realized my tongue was hangin’
the door. I wanted her to come back. I that sends a shockwave through your out and I was droolin’. I quickly wiped
needed her, and I knew I’d be empty body, and you freeze up they way I do. my mouth clean with my sleeve and she
without her. I took a second to catch the But she just smiled, a sweet little smile. cocked her head back and laughed.
bartender starin’ me down. He eyed me “That’s very kind of you,” she said “Just get in,” she said.
as if to say It’s a mistake boy, don’t do it. pushin’ down the hood of her car. “Mind And I humbly obeyed. I knew it that
But it was useless. I laid a ten on the table bringin’ these tools back in for me?” second she owned me. She was my mis-
and walked out. “Uh, no. Not at all.” I stumbled for tress, and I didn’t even know her name.

squinted real close to try and see what “Absolutely, sir. You got it. Thank ya
“Where are we? I’ve never been on she was seein’. There were a handful of so much, Sheriff Winchester.”
this road before,” I asked as I watched these shiny bright lights ahead of us, scat- He tipped his hat at me and I
my blonde hair blow back from under tered along the crossin’. watched him stroll back to his car and
my hat in the side mirror. “Well I’ll be damned! You really do stare at her. Not the way the guys at the
“Then I think you need to travel see ghosts!” bar stared. Or the way I stared. But the
more, cowboy. You ain’t seen near “Sorry to disappoint, cowboy, but way that makes you think he’s put a few
enough of the country.” those ain’t no ghosts.” She reached into old horses down before.
“I think you might be right,” I the backseat, slowin’ her motor down as They’re never gonna let her go.
laughed. she did, and tossed some rope into my Even when all the cars had left, I just
I saw a small piece of paper stickin’ lap. “Tie these ‘round your hands and sat in the Firebird. Sat and watched the
out of the glove compartment. I decided feet.” bridge for real ghosts, listened to the
there’d be no harm on openin’ it up. Her I looked at her like she was crazy. wind whip through the trees, and lost
bright eyes flicked across to the papers in “No questions,” she hissed, “Just do track of time in the ripples of the lake un-
my hands. it.” derneath me. Before I knew it the sun
“So your name’s Jessica, huh?” I was confused, but obedient was comin’ up again, and I remembered
“It is if you want it to be.” nonetheless. When we stopped it hit me the glow of her face, and how it rivaled
“Well, I mean, that’s what it says on that those weren’t ghosts, they were the sun’s. I finally pushed her keys into
the registration here.” headlights. And not just any headlights. her ignition and took off.
“Then I guess that’s my name.” Those were mounted onto the cars of the I was only a few miles from the state
I couldn’t be mad at her, but I was cu- sheriff and his men. line when I had to pull over.
rious as to how she got so good at A deputy strolled to the driver’s side There’s no such things as ghosts, you
avoidin’ my questions. door with his hands around his belt, like moron. I looked into her rearview mir-
“It don’t matter what my name is,” a man in charge. ror. It’s not the desert, so it can’t be a mi-
she started, “This Firebird is mine. Al- “We been lookin’ all over fer ya, rage, right?
ways has been, always will be. This car. miss,” he said, bending forward into the I stared into the sun in front of me,
Well this car here’s my life.” window. and it wasn’t nearly as bright as what
I stopped askin’ questions after that “I’m not sure what you mean, mistuh was comin’ up behind me. I pulled out
and just watched her drive. She barely …? her keys, and left her car. I watched her
even looked at the road. Her eyes were “Sheriff. Sheriff Winchester. And take her sweet time gettin’ to me. Her
always somewhere else. On the trees. On you’ve caused a helluva ruckus ‘round lips created a small oval that shut to-
other cars. Sometimes even on me. here. It’s time we get goin’.” He opened gether when we came together, and for
Sometimes, on parts of me. the door to the Firebird from the inside the first time since she captured me she
She never asked me any questions and picked her up with one hand. Her grinned so that her pearly whites shined.
neither. And I took it to be that was just compliance with authority was astound- She cocked her head back and laughed,
her way. Just lettin’ things be the way ing. “Get this one in the car boys! And and when she stopped directly in front of
they were. get this one outta here!” he called out, me, she was close enough that I could
It was gettin’ dark, and we were dri- noddin’ in my direction, feel her breathin’.
vin’ towards the sun as it set. Before I Two deputies came over and carried “May I drive, please?” she asked with
tipped my hat down over my eyes to me out of the passenger side. They untied a crooked smile.
block the rays (somethin’ she didn’t seem my ropes and I stared at her the whole “Was it even a question?”
to need to do) I saw a sign for West time. Her mouth dropped open slightly, I tossed her keys up and walked
County Crossing. and she looked disheartened. Then she around the front to the passenger side.
“West County? I’ve heard that bridge raised her eyebrows at me and I under- The keys fell into the cup of her hands
is haunted.” stood everythin’. and she swung them around one slender
“People have been known to see “Uh, ‘scuse me? Sheriff Winchester?” finger.
ghosts on that road,” she replied staring He locked her into the back of his car “Thank you, cowboy.”
down the sun and it sunk into the hori- and walked up to me. She revved the motor, and we were
zon. Her face was glowin’ in the rays of “What is it, son?” gone again. I wanted to ask her how
sunshine. “Well, ya see, this vehicle here is Winchester found her. I wanted to know
“Have you? Ever seen ghosts, I mine. The registration’s in my wife’s why they were after her in the first place.
mean.” name. Jessica. It was a gift. I was won- I wanted to know how the hell she es-
“Cowboy,” she started, turnin’ to drin’ if maybe I could have her back.” caped the jail.
look right at me for the first time. “I see Winchester eyed me suspiciously, But I couldn’t. And I never would. I
ghosts every night.” then took a glance back at the car. knew well enough that that was just her
She looked straight ahead, and never “This here’s yours?” way. And that, I knew, was never gonna
looked back until the sun was gone. “Yes, sir.” change.
When we got to West County she was He sighed indignantly. “Give him the
doin’ eighty instead of fifty-five. keys, boys. And take it easy son, you’ve
“Well, well,” she whispered, and I had a helluva trip.”

ohn opened the package carefully, so as
not to tear as he pulled the cardboard flaps
apart. A quarter-inch thick jewel case, John turned in his bed quickly, darting glances around
shrink-wrapped instruction manual, war- the room. Sunlight beamed in through the windows, making
ranty card and paperback strategy guide fell visible the floating dust in the air. The fold-up alarm clock
on his lap. He propped the empty box on next to the bed said it was 11:43 in the morning. Fourteen
the desk against the gray computer tower. An artist’s render- hours had passed.
ing of a tall figure wrapped in a dark gray cloak was embossed The sky already seemed darker by the time he arrived at
against a woodland background, a short wave of blonde hair the Electro Hub. As he walked around the counter and signed
blowing slightly from inside the black void of the figure’s face. into the computer system, a tall man with short brown hair
Above her, embossed in silver gradient, was the title: slapped him on his shoulder.
“Are you alright?” the man asked. His nametag read
Shadowworld ‘Eddie’.
“I don’t remember what I did last night.”
As he installed the program on his computer, John “We’re young guys, John, it happens. Are you going to
opened the strategy guide to its first page: focus or what?”
Shadowworld John closed his eyes, keeping his hands loosely on the
From the Makers of World Lair* keyboard. He took a deep breath and looked at the monitor,
which had begun to beep rhythmically.
Are you ready for the experience of a life-
time? You must be, or you wouldn’t be reading Thank you for using our secure net-
this! The sensational online role playing game work interface!
World Lair was only the beginning. Now, you’re
ready to move on to the darker, more challeng- By now you probably have a lot of
ing underworld, the hush land, the plains of questions. You might be wondering
mum… Shadowworld. where you are, and how you got
Whereas before you could choose be- there. Please, don’t be afraid.
tween twelve character classes, in this world the You will soon be ready to begin
lines are grayer. That’s right- you create your your role-playing experience.
own class, and you make your own rules.
The first steps are tough and tedious, but Press any key to continue.
the rewards for patience, strategy and wisdom
in these crucial measures are innumerable. You Eddie had already begun a pre-inventory count. John
will begin an intensive character creation, where glanced around the store, as if somewhere a head would pop
you decide who and what you want to be. up and laugh at his expense. There was no one around. Cau-
Please choose “Character Setup” from the tiously, he hit the ENTER button.
main menu, once your program has been in-
stalled. You will be automatically linked to our Long ago, role-playing computer
network server (please make sure your computer games were text-based. A bot would
is web-ready!). process and respond to certain com-
Some features, such as X-FOV, online mands and requests, furthering the
chat and surround sound are dormant without story as you made decisions. You
the proper sound/video cards and/or the Shad- have chosen this as your introduc-
owworld Deluxe Headset. Please ensure each of tory interface. So far, only 3% of
these devices is working properly before game- registered users have selected
play. likewise. Other, more popular de-
signs include card-based, board-
John pulled the earpiece over his head and adjusted the and-dice-based, or single-player
tube-shaped microphone. In the main menu, he selected 3D. Your introductory interface
“Character Setup”. plays a big role in narrowing your

characteristics. Choosing any of on the ground a few feet away. The pain gone, it was still a
the following commands will exit struggle to keep himself on all fours. After a minute he felt the
this interface and load the stan- strength he’d lost returning to him, and he crept to the nearest
dard 3D MMORPG design. item, which was a small, pink vanity mirror.
The Vanity Mirror. This is essential in the first stages of
What would you like to do? your quest. To see yourself, simply look. Other uses will be re-
vealed to you as you learn them.
1. Character Development John looked into the clear glass, which expanded into a
rippling pond. The man in the wavy reflection was him, but
2. View Map not him all the same. It was as if his mind was processing two
truths: John, the man that had lived, in a house with his fam-
3. View Stats ily, for over two decades, and John, the man who lived here, in
this deserted yellow terrain.
4. Buy/Sell The new John was stronger, more agile, and had a long
scar on the side of his face. His hair was a bit longer, his mus-
5. Trellow cles were noticeably larger, and his eyes were a shade brighter.
He was dressed in a blue tunic and brown slacks. On the
6. Return to Previous Screen ground next to him was a gray cloak with red silk lining.
He pulled the cloak over his head and fastened the neck
7. Help! with a brown brooch in the shape of a sparrow. One row of
items was reserved exclusively for weapons. He reached over
John typed “1”. the other two, more fascinated than frightened now. He was-
n’t sure if it was the new John’s influence that calmed him, but
he knew what he had to do.
The desert floor was an endless, cracked plane of golden He grabbed a long, silver sword with a coiled snake em-
solitude. No sand blew over the hard, yellow rock, and the blem wrapped around the hilt. Next he took a crossbow and
blue horizon seemed to stretch on to infinity, grazing but never a small dagger. Further down the row, a set of ninja stars and
touching the land below. a black mace gleamed at him. As he grasped the mace’s han-
John pivoted slowly, expecting to see an anomaly at dle, he found it was stuck in the ground.
some point, but every turning degree revealed the same empty, You can only carry three of this type of item. Please
lifeless landscape. choose carefully.
“Hello?” the echo in his voice both comforted and “I can handle the weight.” he contested.
frightened him. Please observe that weight is not an issue. You must in-
Thank you for selecting your character’s attributes. crease your maximum inventory slots before you are able to
Would you like to apply these changes? carry more than three weapon class items.
The voice was soft, female, and in his head. “Can I ask another question?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Please do. Your quest will begin shortly.
Would you like to apply your changes and continue? “Who are you?”
“Yes, continue, tell me what’s going on.” Who are you?
He fell to the ground, every nerve in his body scream- “Fair enough. Which way is out?”
ing in agonizing strain. The veins in his neck and wrists A gust of wind blew against his body, pricking his rub-
pumped wildly, stretching the skin as they beat beyond their bery skin with sand particles. In the ground, a small trench
confines. formed in the shape of an arrow. He followed.
Please wait. A few steps in, he felt he was crossing a threshold. The
Something hit his stomach and he vomited, covering the light grew darker, the ground became softer, and the air seemed
yellow rock with a red mash of partially digested food. He denser. Ahead of him, a grove of Sweet Chestnut trees began
could feel his muscles being torn at by giant claws, and in the to materialize. When he reached the edge of the grove he
next moment he was sure he’d gone blind. stopped, unable to move forward.
When the white light disappeared and the dry landscape A woman with long blonde hair stepped out from be-
returned, a number of assorted items, organized in rows, were hind one of the trees. She was dressed as a serf, her peasant’s

clothing tattered and torn in many places from excessive wear. Eddie stuck a metal probe inside a black sneaker and
All but her face and hair were dirty. shook his head. “It’s not like it helps you.”
“No one is allowed to enter the grove.” she said. “Where the hell are we?”
“I’m just passing through.” “We’re looking for the Silver Medallion. What do you
“No, you are not. Only he who holds the Silver Medal- think?”
lion may enter the grove.” John followed the queue from the end- near the lobby-
“Why?” to the beginning- near the archway of the metal detector.
“Only he who holds the Silver Medallion may enter the “What happened to Shadowworld?”
grove.” “What the hell is that? If Jones sees you slacking off,
“I get that, but why?” we’re both in trouble.”
“Only he who holds-” “I’m being serious, here. Why isn’t this Shadowworld?
“Okay, I get it, shut up.” What the fuck is going on?”
“Only he who-” Eddie sighed. “You’re making these people late for their
Before he realized what he was doing, he’d pulled the flights, that’s what. Now do your fucking job.”
small dagger from its sheath. With a frightening combination “What are we looking for?”
of power and precision, he threw the knife forward. It whis- “Eh, the same as always. You’ll know it when you see
tled through the air and came to a halt with a sickening thud it.”
as it lodged itself between the woman’s eyes. She stood still A young girl stepped to the arch, red hair flowing
for a moment, eyes narrow and dull, unaware of what had hap- smoothly over her black blazer. She passed through the detec-
pened. She fell first to her knees, then forward into the grass. tor, accompanied by a chorus of alarms. She turned to face
him on the other side, and the sounds died away.
“What are you harboring?” John asked.
The audience erupted into a storm of whistles and ap- “Nothing.”
plause. John motioned behind him. “Back room. Let’s go.”
John gripped the armrests of the purple chair, drawing
in air as if for the first time. Next to him, a handsome man in
a black suit took hold of his right hand. She stood naked, covering whatever she could with her
“In your world, John, are there consequences?” arms, shivering in the cold. The room was made entirely of
John’s mouth was too dry to respond. He licked his lips gray concrete; it was the most hopeless place one could be.
nervously. John threw a pile of her clothes against the wall.
“What I mean is, for every action, is there a reaction?” “Where is it?”
John turned his head slowly, taking in the crowd. “Of- “I don’t have anything!”
of course.” he stammered. He grabbed her, nails digging into her flesh, sweat drip-
“Do bad things happen to good people?” ping from his forehead and rolling down the curve of her
“Y-yes. A lot.” breasts. “You do. I know you do.”
The man smiled so brightly the overhead lights reflected He felt along her body, teeth clenched in rage and an-
off his teeth. “When you dream at night, do you play football? ticipation. Just above her navel was a small lump, barely no-
Do you wield a sword, do you fight monsters, do you own a ticeable even from so close. “There it is.”
club? What happens to you when you close your eyes?” “Please, don’t.”
“I… I don’t know.” He hit her hard in the gut, but instead of a slap or a
“Yes you do. Yes you do!” thud he felt that his hand was sinking. His forearm was draped
The audience stood, not all at once but in drabs, until with innards, dripping blood on the floor. In the corner of the
they were a full ovation. They cupped their hands over their room the woman lay on a four-post bed, face illuminated by
mouths. “Yes you do! Yes you do! Yes you do!” the light of her cell phone.
“You’re all going away soon!” John shouted back. “Who is it?” asked the man laying next to her.
The host tightened his grip. “Why would you say that, “It’s John. I have to get back, you know how he gets.”
“Because this is the loading screen.”
He stood at the edge of the grove and stepped forward
A white-haired man stood before him, his pale blue tie Have you brought the Silver Medallion?
loosened around the neck. “What did you say?” He held up the tangle of intestines in his hand. “Right
“Nothing. You’re good to go, sir.” here.”
Eddie nudged him in the waist. “I can’t believe you You may pass.
killed her. What were you thinking?”
“I’m sorry?”

John tore the microphone off and gasped for air. A thin, “I hope not.”
nervous-looking man stumbled into the room.
“Are you okay, Dr. Dobson?”
He shook his head. “It’s too real.” John stood in the bathroom, held up by his arms as he
“As per your instructions…” pushed down on the metal basin. He looked into the mirror
“No, not like that. It gets in your head. I can’t explain and saw a vast desert landscape. In the center, he- the large,
it.” muscular, battle-scarred him that he had come to accept as a
“Can you explain it to the board?” said another voice merged truth- held the jewel-encrusted sword high in the air.
from behind him. The dragon fell from the sky feet-first, aiming its massive talons
“I can try.” at his body. He rolled quickly under the beast, and with a
“They’ve already offered forty prisoners early parole strained thrust he wedged the sword into its leathery belly.
across three states. They can’t go back on those offers, but The dragon toppled over with a maniacal death cry. Its
they can’t go through with them, either. Do you understand wing folded and snapped under the weight of its body. The
the gravity of the situation?” John in the mirror turned and looked straight out to him, the
“It brought up feelings I didn’t know I had. It made John in the bathroom. The superior John beckoned him with
them real.” his vein-laced arm. The other climbed the basin, slacks wet
“Sounds like it was a success, Johnny.” against the stainless steel. The John with the sword motioned
John ran his hand along the table, hoping to reconnect with increasing direness.
with reality. Near the console was a color photo, glass glim- Would you like to continue from your last save point?
mering from the overhead lights. Within the silver frame he The doctor smiled. “Sure. Why not?”
stood smiling, arm around his wife, her red hair draped
smoothly over a black blazer.

“Path to Destruction” by Eugene Duvidzon


e knew our days were numbered the right down. I will never forget in all my days as a journal-
night we met. I had been on campus late, and ist/model/scientist/mercenary the look of terror and dismay
stumbled through the hall of the Melville Li- that spread like Swine-Flu on Rudy’s ruddy visage. To think
brary in a trance. My eyes were grafted to my own corrupt and deranged quest for tom-foolery would
my dirty sneakers, watching the neon orange have claimed my friend’s life, or more accurately, broken his
check marks reach desperately for the glass-plated, vaulted ceil- collar bone. I shuddered. The security guard hustled over in a
ings. The night sky spread over me, a chilling, lifeless black. frantic stupor, to aid my bleeding friend.
The dim, fluorescent light that carelessly spilled and oozed This gave me the chance I needed. I leapt through the gate,
from the wall-mounted lamps bathed the few hardworking stu- sleek as a cheetah, fierce as an angry cheetah and invisible
dents who were left on campus. Lifting my eyes from my shoes against the night sky like a cheetah painted black or clad in
I turned the corner, shuffling, flustered, to the Music Library some sort of invisibility cloak. I made my way, loping like
when the ground beneath me gave way. some kind of mythical ape with the intelligence of sphinx wiz-
Flat on my back, I lay in a haze. I picked myself up and ard, bounding in great strides over the high-grade lawn, remi-
looked at the flyer that had caused my fall from grace. On a niscent of the type of southern plantation Kenny would have
bright pink piece of paper, the following words were printed in once surveyed during her time as a slave-wrangler. I felt the
a distinguished, black font: padding of the soft ,well-nurtured lawn, in the brisk October
On Thursday, the 22nd of January, 2009 at 8 PM, Madame air, fully aware of the inconsistencies of the text, and shed a
Shirley Strum Kenny will be holding a ball in her own honor, single tear for Rudy. Tonight he would eat burritos in paradise.
at her palatial mansion. Cocktails will be served. Invitation After hopping over the mile-wide moat, a breeding ground for
only. wicked cobras, pedophiliac gavials and depraved eels, I started
The concept of crashing the private party of the president to scale the tower.
of my university possessed a great allure. I would be avenged The Kenny Kastle , as SSK had it renamed, was equal parts
for the inconvenience and sore bottom her flyer had caused medieval fortress and North shore, dog-days abode. I crept
me. The musk of mischief had entered my nostrils. Its fragrant slyly, like an escaped convict with a doctorate or a fox with
scent perched on each and every thread of cilia that lined my the brain of a magical dolphin, into the nearest window. It was
olfactory walls. I gave my associate a call. then that my great intellect and reflexes skipped a beat. Ex-
Rudy and I took his BMW and arrived at the high, iron pecting the window to be no more than a few feet above the
gate of Stony Brook’s Presidential Manor just after 11. We floor, I carelessly tumbled over its ledge, not at all prepared for
stood, cloaked in hoodies, just left of the opening, staying out the eighteen story drop into the middle on the ball room. I
of the security guard’s sight. Rudy, having some military expe- crashed with a great resonance into a platter of SSK’s favorite
rience, had a strategy. dish: Turkey and Pork Pudding. Luckily, the thick and impen-
“J-man,” he said, pressing my hand firmly between his etrable olio of giblets, sausages and custard served as a pillow
sweaty palms, way too tenderly to be platonic, like a lover for my fall.
going off to war. “There aint no way we’re gettin’ in there... at
least…not…together.” He looked down solemnly, and mas- When I lifted my aquiline-nosed azure-eyed face out of the
saged his temples. I could tell, as his spectacles began to mist, pudding, revealing a masculine chin, accented with a profound,
that he was going to sacrifice himself for the sake of the mis- canyon of a cleft, all eyes were on me. Hugh Patterson, red
sion. with drink, and a woman on each arm, stopped dead in his
Rudy’s diversion was simple. As a car pulled down the me- tracks. Christiane Stidham, in the midst of the retelling of a
andering driveway of Kenny’s Gatsbyian estate, and the gates colorful and exciting story, paused, glowering in my direction.
opened to let them go on their way, Rudy would thrust himself Brad Reina wept in terror, clinging onto Helen Choi’s shin like
into the path of the car. It just so happened that within minutes a child. Peter Manning stepped down from the podium where-
the midnight Rolls Royce of Peter Winkler made its way down from he was just beginning to quote every Canto of Child
the asphalt Nile, and through the tunnel away from Kenny’s Harold for the next five hours as the keynote speaker of the
decadent domicile at sixty miles an hour and plowed Rudy event, and said in a frail, cracking voice, “Well Josh, you sure


have fucked the duck this time.” being fanned by the descendents of the Aztecs. We then passed
All the girls I was ever enamored with, including Articuno, our time watching The View and The Price Is Right. We shared
The Wild Horse, Phoenix, Ice Dragon, JZ, Guidette and that ambrosial dinners daily at promptly four pm. We once voy-
girl Allison in my contemporary British Lit class, all looked in aged deep into the mainland and came across a massive ana-
horror toward me, realizing the dorky dude, for whom they conda. SSK threw her satchel of old mints at it and saved my
never batted an eyelash, was indeed a super sexy and cool life. Columbian drug lords, impervious to the restraints of ge-
badass. I climbed assuredly to my feet, reaching for my sword, ography, shot at our boat, which we called the Javits, and using
anticipating violence, perhaps an army of Rhinoceros guards the venom of one of her many pet toads, SSK shot right back
with ray guns. I was instead hit with a blow I could have never at them, ending civil war in the southern hemisphere. Also,
countered, that I could have never fathomed. using her sick laptop, SSK made some edits in the SOLAR sys-
Do you believe in love at first sight? I’d seen her face on tem and my 3.5 was bumped up to a 5.11. She called Andrew
the back covers of issues of the Press, satirized in all sorts of Fraley and had me promoted to copy editor, much to Erin
ways. I’d seen her on a flyer, with some kind of monster dick Mansfield’s chagrin, a rank that had constantly eluded a lowly
dangling betwixt her thighs. But I had never seen this most Audiomaster such as myself, whose unpopularity as SB Press
beautiful demon in all glory before, spreading her wings of Pariah was unparalleled.
under-arm skin and cellulose fat like a moth fresh from its The fall drew nigh. Having rested on my academic laurels
chrysalis, greeting the new day, the first day of the rest of its and spending six months with my lover, I desired to return to
life. Like a sexy grandma she shuffled the Charleston on the my studies. SSK and I had a bond, and finally it was time to see
hardwood floor of the ballroom. This vision stunned me. I if that bond could withstand the 800 lb Gorilla on the yacht.
couldn’t lift my hand to block the insidious bulge I housed in I knew she was going to retire soon. I always had, but I had al-
my trousers, let alone pick up my eight hundred pound clay- ways sort of hoped she would change her mind and stay with
more to slay this most precious yet lethal unicorn. Before me me. We could rule SBU together. Alas my dreams were mis-
stood the kind of girl who stole Veronica Lake’s prom date by guided. Our talk had grown tense and unpleasant. The last
offering to go-down-town on the limo ride to the prom and thing I remember was SSK mentioning the name of another
then all the way on ride home. The voice of Shirley Strum man, I believe it was Jason Schaeffer, Patriot contributor, and
Kenny kneed my groin like a sultry, summer breeze. then feeling her bottle of sangria split on my throbbing skull,
“Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing sending crimson liquids, the milk of her bottle and the elixir of
at my motherfucking party you motherfucking fuck-fucker?” my life streaming down my face.
she asked delicately, and articulately, her glare evoking Geor- I awoke, leaning, aching against an adobe house, some-
gia O’Keefe’s painting of a flower that sort of looks like girl where in Pueblo territory. I stood at the top of a plateau in a
parts.“I am liable to kill you, you dirty sow of a whore,” she state of contemplative wonder. I knew I would never under-
said grabbing me by collar, and spitting as she spoke, “and feed stand why she left me, a fair-haired, virile emblem of youth,
you to Florio from Campus Rec.” for a retirement to Florida, a life spent on the endless emerald
As her eyes dug deeply into my skull, I gave up, totally in golf courses, sipping Pina Coladas with John McCain and
love with her. She saw that I was hers to have her way with. Methuselah and Mickey Rooney, reading chain emails. I lifted
And I saw her soften, as her scarlet lips creased on her perfect a cigarette from the soggy, sweat drenched pocket of my shirt,
face. which was unbuttoned at least halfway. I gave it a pull, hard
I already risk being met with allegations of libel and to de- and sad like a depressed tornado. As I began to walk east, away
scribe what happened next would earn me a swift suspension from the setting sun, I knew that I never would feel alive again.
from SBU. SSK and I struck up a most passionate love affair. We came from such very different worlds. She was a president,
She understood me in ways that no one else did. Unlike my ex- me an indie rocker. She had the sweet tang of power and ex-
girlfriend, Maria, she didn’t want fancy things. And like my perience in her kiss; mine tasted of sour patch kids and intra-
grandma, Grandma, she gave me twenty dollars every time I mural dodgeball. In the nine week trek back to Long Island, I
came to visit. Like my ex, she was passionate, full of life, oh began to feel reassured. I knew I wouldn’t have her back. I
how we made love, like a hurricane ravaging a major coastal knew I would never hear that beautiful drawl ask me to take
city. Like my grandma, she made hella sweet grilled cheese her cane out of the trunk. I knew I would never have a lover
sandwiches. Like my ex, she could turn every head in the club, with as passionate a flavor for Werther’s Originals. I knew I’d
wearing a silver, sparkly halter top, without a bra. Like my have to wait another fifty years before I could get away with
grandma, she fucking ruled at bridge. asking for the senior discount when I took a date to the movies.
I took a semester off in the spring of 2009. Our torrid af- But I also knew I would always have the memories of the
fair was in full swing, as we traveled along the eastern coast of spring and summer of 2009. The spring and summer of Shirley
South America on a yacht. Most days I was drunk on rum or and I.
wine, and high off the scenic curves of SSK’s hot body. The
nights were long and sweltering. We never slept a wink. Our
mornings were spent eating fresh fruit, monkey-bacon, and

I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back

I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, still I’m standing tall
I’ve seen a million faces an I’ve rocked them all!
“Wanted Dead Or Alive” Bon Jovi

t’s always exciting when I go to a new neighbor-

hood. It’s amazing how much things can change
over the course of a few blocks. I only stay for a
day or so, that way it’s like my own little world
tour. Why should I spoil only one place? I even
carry a map with me so I can mark off all the
places I’ve been. It just so happens that today is my last day in this
place. I’ve even cut back on food this past week so I can save enough
money for transportation. For my last gig, I’ve got the biggest audi-
ence ever. Should be; I’m going out in style: right in the middle of
Times Square!
“Hey everybody!” I yell out to the crowd as I bring out my gui-
tar and leave my case on the floor for my pay. Some look over and
walk in, some clap and wait for me to start. I made eye contact with
this cute girl in the crowd and gave her a sly wink. She looked like
she was going somewhere, but she giggled and stayed. I started play-
ing, and after a bit, those who take the time out to watch are getting
into it. I really don’t play any songs per se, I just play what feels right.
I have covered a song or two (I love playing “Train In Vain” on sub-
way and train platforms), and I spent the past few weeks learning
something really mind blowing (especially since I have to remember
over 8 minutes of song!), but mostly I pull things out of my ass.
Mostly because it’s the only music that’s 100% mine and partly be-
cause I have a bad memory (“Train In Vain” was the only song I
know 100%, and even then it took me 2 months).
It was going just fine. I was putting all my soul into it. The slides
and bends were perfect, and all the strings stayed in tune. The sun
started fall, and gave me an orange backdrop to play against. Just as
I was about to wrap it up and find a place to sleep, someone shouted
out the song I’ve been busting my butt to get down:
And I did:

If I leave here tomorrow,

Would you still remember me? “How many do you have left?”
For I must be traveling on now “Today’s my last day.”
‘Cause there’s too many place I’ve got to see. “Oh, wow! So what are you going to do start all over again.”
“In a sense. Gonna move to another city. There’s a Greyhound
There were a few screw ups, but luckily my audience was forgiving. leaving in an hour.”
And as I played, I seriously considered if any of these people would “Are you ever going to come back.”
remember me, even tomorrow, let alone years from now. “Probably not. It’s a big world. Lotsa cities, Boston, Chicago,
It turned darker. It was only now that you could see the lights maybe I can go as far India and busk with a sitar.”
in all of their glory. The foot traffic picked up just as it became too “Oh.” She frowned and started nodding. I saw her and couldn’t
dark to see. I hit the last chord and everyone standing around help but say, “Unless someone was to give me a reason to stay.”
cheered. Some threw in the case. One guy in a black jacket gave up She gave me coy smile. “Like maybe if that someone was to take
a 20. you out for a nice meal and a good time?” I saw that coming and I
“You rock, man!” gladly accepted.
“You’re the best that’s ever been!” Usually for meals I hit up a conveniently located diner or fast
The girl from before stepped forward as I was taking my pocket food joint. What’s helped me survive on my own for so long is this
amp off my belt. system:
“Hi,” she said meekly. I responded likewise. Nobody ever talked First, I have a huge breakfast, because fuck it, I might not make
to me before beyond “Dude, you’re awesome!” She looked like a enough to eat again. A favorite of mine is usually an omelet with a
groupie trying to blend in the professional world. Her hair was side of wheat toast and orange juice. It’s filling, gives me a little
short, bristly and blond with bangs in the way of her heavily made- boost, and is only a few bucks at all places that don’t have any
up face. She wiped her hands on her miniskirt and low cut blouse French words in them. Some people need coffee with breakfast; I’m
and extended a hand. “You’re really good. I’m Hellen, by the way. not one of those people. I get plenty of sleep, and I’m usually fine
With two L’s.” once I get some food in me. Around lunchtime, I’ve got at least
“Nice to meet you. I’m…Holy crap, I think I forgot…” Wait, I enough coin to get a coffee at a corner store. If it’s a good day, I grab
do have a name, it’s just been a while since I had to use it. It’s still something quick, that way I can get back to my spot as soon as pos-
there; it’s just gathered some dust. sible. If it’s a bad day, I just get the coffee with milk so it lasts longer
“Joe. Joe Young” and keep on playing. For dinner, it’s usually light because A) I need
“So, is this where you always play?” the money for breakfast more, and B) I got nothing else to do, but
“Nah, I play one neighborhood a day.” go to sleep.


Hellen was probably the first person that was soft, but not mushy. It certainly lived up 66th.”
ever treated me to anything. The closest I to its name. I don’t think any of this would “Really? What the hell do you do for a liv-
ever got to this kind of sympathy was when have tasted as off-the-wall amazing if my ing?”
some people would go “It’s a tragedy that taste buds hadn’t been retarded from years “Oh, you know, I’m just one of those big
people like you are out on the streets.” These of eating on the road. city professionals.”
people usually give me a quarter at most. “How was that?” I didn’t press the issue further, because
These people are also usually white and “Perfect.” I wish I could eat nice like this when we walked in the revolving door, I saw
upper middle class. every day, but then again, if I did it every day, a palace. Everything was made of marble I
“Thanks for dinner.” I said then it wouldn’t be nice. I really wanted to wandered off to the side to explore a bit
“Aw, thanks.” She blushed. stay, and spend more time with Hellen, but I while Hellen checked her mail.
The waitress came to take our order. knew I had to move on. “Um, excuse me, you can’t go through
“I’ll have the steak.” Surprising order “Listen, I really appreciate dinner. This here, you’re going to have to go in through
coming from a lady. is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for the service door.” When I looked up, the
“And I’ll-“ me.” doorman was rushing over to me, waving his
“It’s OK. Get whatever you want.” “Thanks.” arms.
I’ve lived the past few years getting by on “But I have to go.” “What?”
what I had, I never thought of what I really “Oh, well, could I get your cell-“I gave “It’s fine, Franklin. He’s with me.”
wanted. her a ‘Wait, remember what I told you 20 I wanted to kick that guy’s ass, but I kept
“I’ll have the steak, too, I guess.” minutes ago?’ look. “Right, well, if you want, quiet until we got to the elevator so I would-
“So, how do you manage to get around you could stay at my place tonight. That way n’t embarrass her.
so much?” you have a clean, warm place to sleep, and “What was that about?”
“Well, I’m homeless. Busking’s what we could get breakfast. Then I’ll take you “I guess he thought you were a mover or
keeps me alive.” wherever you want to go.” serviceman or something”
“It’s a tragedy that you’re out on the I believe she was special enough to de- “But I wasn’t carrying a toolbox or any-
streets.” Hey, she’s at least buying me dinner. serve some another night, but sadly my busk- thing.”
“How long has it been?” ing ways take me elsewhere. Then, she said “I don’t know, I’ve heard people in this
“Well, 6 years ago, my Dad-“I had to “Please” in a way so sweet, it gave me dia- building complain that even walking out
stop. betes. I agreed and she smiled. And seeing they don’t want to see any of the workers.
Hellen reached over for a napkin and that made me smile. I reached for the check The other day I saw the two guys who fin-
tried to hand it to me. “It’s OK if you-“ as soon as it hit the table. I knew she was ished moving my neighbor, and they looked
“No, no, I’m fine.” I sighed and contin- going to take it, but I figured I could at least fine, they didn’t look like beggars, just a cou-
ued. “My Dad took me to this diner and make the gesture. ple college kids in jeans and tees. But when I
when I thought he was going to the bath- It was raining when we came out. I’ve went down the elevator to go to work, I saw
room, he abandoned me.” had to play in the rain before. Sometimes I’d them again, walking out the main lobby. This
“I’m so sorry.” play under an awning or move into a sub- one woman, this old... bitch, recoiled in hor-
“Well, after I walked into that completely way, but there were times when I had to ror at the sight of them and started com-
empty bathroom, I had to walk over seven tough it out. Trust me, the “…or else I don’t plaining to Franklin.”
miles to get home,” eat” factor definitely helped. Mostly I’d get a “I’m guessing it’s because I don’t look
“Did your mom know about this?” few bucks just out of pity. rich.”
“Nope. When I got there, my mom was Her car seemed like it was 1000 years Hellen said nothing; she just looked at the
lying in the kitchen dead with her heart into the future. It was red, sleek, and had ground and frowned. She looked back up at
ripped out of her chest. I know how she felt.” doors that opened upwards rather than out- me just as we were at her floor (Man that
“Oh my God! Are you sure you don’t wards. When I got in, I was expecting to see was a long ride!). I smiled back at her and
need a tissue or anything?” Her eyes doubled a flux capacitor. The seat was soft leather she returned the favor.
in width. “Then what happened?” and first it was a bit uncomfortable, since my I haven’t even set foot in the apartment
“What do you think? I grabbed my gui- ass had to get used to the fact that it wasn’t and already I was impressed. The 66F on the
tar and played on the streets for whatever I sitting on concrete. The dashboard lit up and door was golden, and the handle was clean.
could get.” there was this little television that showed a She opened the door, showed me in and
“Sounds like your Dad was a real dead- map of the area. I’m still looking for the flux said, “Here we are!”
beat.” capacitor. Hellen caught me looking all If I could have picked three words to de-
“Not really, we were all fine. Hell, my around like a kid in a candy store. scribe her place, I’d say: big, heavy, and ex-
pops loved it when I played. He’s the one “You like?” All I could do was nod with pensive. There were vases that didn’t have
who suggested I take it up in the first place. my jaw on the floor. I buckled up and she any flowers in them, and old furniture that
I don’t know how all that crap happened or floored the pedal. I sunk into the back of the looked to fragile to hold anything up. A big
if they’re even connected.” seat as we sped back to a nice place to sleep. shelf with DVDs and cable boxes and any-
“Wow.” Honestly, I could have take a nap there it thing else you can hook up to a television,
“Yeah, it’s quite a story.” We were trying was so damn comfortable. housed one of the biggest TVs I ever saw. The
to scrounge up small talk when the food fi- “Pull that lever on the side.” room had a very red tint, like someone threw
nally came. Thank God. I pulled it and the seat went completely a crimson sheet over a lamp.
I could tell the steak was going to be flat. I could see through the glass sunroof. “You can go sit on the couch. I don’t know
good when I was able to cut it up with no ef- The stars were out, something you never re- what’s on TV”
fort at all, and juice oozed out with every ally see in the city. Neither did I, but for a different reason. I
slice. It was very lean; I didn’t get any bits of We pulled up to her place, and again, I was never watch TV anymore, except the occa-
steak in my teeth. The little bit of barbeque awestruck. sional ball game at a bar. In the end, I figured
sauce gave it the right amount of flavor and “Holy crap, this place must be AT LEAST I didn’t need it.
kick. Right next to heavenly slab was a 50 stories!” Hellen came over with a big bowl of pop-
baked potato, sprinkled with brown sugar. It “Actually, we have 70 floors. I live on the corn. I grabbed a handful and tried some. It


was good; crunchy, light and little sweet. someone was going to kill us, and that we “No, they start at 11. If we leave now we
“It’s kettle corn. I got it from the farmer’s should wait until after the commercial to can still make it!”
market nearby.” She glanced over at the TV. find out. That’s why I just read a newspaper. I couldn’t refuse. “Sure, why not?” Not
“Oh, there’s nothing you want to watch?” I can just read ahead. On top of that, com- like I have much of a choice…
“Hell, I’ve been without television for so mercials sure have gotten weirder in the time When we pulled up, I stumbled out of
long I wouldn’t know where to begin.” being. what just felt like a race car. She said softly,
“Sorry, sometimes I forget about the little Two cavemen were standing up on this bal- “Here we are”
things you miss out on.” cony at this party, and it went something like I gotta admit, I didn’t care where we were,
“Eh, it’s not so bad.” this: it was my first night out in a while. All my
“So, anyway, tell me some more about “What do you expect? You went with friends had either moved away or completely
yourself. I want to know Joe Young.” She got What to save some money?” lost contact with me since that day, and I
comfortable, and looked deep into my eyes. “It’s my life, OK?” miss that. We never had to really do any-
“You know, you’ve let me into your home, Then a third walks in and says “Tina’s thing, just joke around, and see what hap-
but I know nothing about you. Why don’t here, we’re getting back together!” pens. Usually my nightly routine involves
you do all the talking for a bit?” I leaned fighting off other hobos for a kind-of com-
back and smiled. I turned to Hellen, dumbfounded, “What fortable place to sleep.
“Why? I’m giving you food, a nice place to the hell was that?” However, I wasn’t that impressed. It
sleep, I’m beautiful” We both laughed. “A car insurance commercial.” looked like an ordinary storefront, like it
“What more do you need to know?” “Yeah, but what do cavemen at a party should be selling antiques, if it didn’t have
“Everything.” have to do with that?” the words A COFFEE SHOP planted on the
“Well, I’ll see what I can do.” She fidgeted “Well, there was this first commercial front awning.
around in her seat for a bit trying to find a where the guy said the website was ‘So Easy “Oh, isn’t it nice?” Hellen looked around
new position. “Shoot” A Caveman Can Do It’, the mic guy, who for a bit. It was kind of musty. “I loved this
“All right. What’s your last name?” was a caveman himself, got offended and place!” I nodded along. I didn’t see what she
“Fangel. I know it’s stupid-“ walked away.” I thought I saw in it, until my eye caught the
“No, it’s perfectly fine. You could pro- “So then how does that commercial relate OPEN MIC NIGHT banner.
nounce it like angel.” I gently stroked her to this one?” “You’re not expecting me to play are
face. “All right, let me see, what’s… your fa- “It’s the same guys…” you?” I remembered I left my guitar in the
vorite color?” I figured I’d ask a control “But how would I get the commercial if I car.
question. never saw the other ones?” “No, no, not if you don’t want to.” Good.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Yes, it was. “Green!” “Um-“, she sighed. “Sorry, I forgot again.” I love playing, it’s just I need to recover
That wasn’t. The news came back on. Turns out that thing today’s show.
I looked around, and the furniture, wall- that was going to kill us was carbon monox- The coffee shop was kinda dingy. I guess
papers and everything else didn’t mesh with ide and it is creeping through our very that’s the look it was going for, but it felt
that answer. “Really?” homes. Good thing I don’t have to worry cramped, even though it was pretty large in-
“Joe, I’m screwing with you. Look about something like that. side. There was a little stage in the back with
around.” I looked at the clock “Hm. It’s almost a microphone and a piano. Tables and chairs
“Yeah, I was about to say, ‘What the 11:00.” covered in crazy designs littered the floors,
hell?’” “Yeah, so?” while people drank and smoked. We sat
She laughed and smiled that smile of hers. “Nah, it’s just that usually, I’d be asleep down at one of the few empty tables left. Just
“Go ahead, ask me another one.” somewhere be now. Latest I’ve been up in a then, Bizarro World Hellen appeared.
“Hey, I don’t want to turn this into an in- while.” “Hellen? You made it!” They hugged each
quisition.” “What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had other. Hellen must have been pretty brave to
“All right, fine then.” to sleep?” touch that beast.
I tried to stifle a yawn. “While I appreci- “I had to sleep up in a tree once. It was in “I know, I just got a bit caught up in
ate the bed, I don’t want to be any trouble. one of those areas where they’re cracking things.”
Are you sure you don’t have to be anywhere down, and I had to get creative. By the time The creature looked over at me. “Who’s
tomorrow morning?” I found a place I can lie down, I was dead your friend?”
“Of course. I’m a bit of a freelancer. I work tired.” “Oh, Joe, this is my friend, Sarah Cubus.
for this big publishing company, and I get “Wouldn’t you fall of?” “Hi.” I reluctantly extended my hand.
paid to bring in clients.” “Yup. Fell asleep belly down on a thick Whereas Hellen was bright and bristly,
“Cool. Like books and stuff?” branch. About a couple hours later, I fell Sarah was dark and dowdy. Granted, as with
“Yeah, but they’re looking to get into onto some guy’s roof.” all girls her size, her breasts were the only
other media, like music and videogames.” “Ouch.” thing that got my attention, but knowing
“Do you like working there?” “Yeah, especially when the guy started that sourpuss face of hers was a foot up-
“Definitely. It’s fun meeting new people. beating me with a hose.” wards was enough to dare anybody to sneak
But what I love the most is that I’m really “Well, it’s still too early for me to go to a peek. Her face was sheet white, noticeable
good at it. Almost all of my appointments bed” in even this dark room, and it was slathered
become clients.” “Well, what else is there to do?” in makeup in an attempt to look hot. I
“Sounds good.” I looked at the TV. “Oh! I just remembered! There’s this place wouldn’t treat her like a leper because of her
“Wanna see what’s on?” nearby that you might be into!” presence, I’d still be nice (a few “less desir-
“Sure.” “Really?” able” girls have given me some big tips for
Nothing really captured my attention. I guess “Yeah, I was planning to go with a friend just a wink and a smile).
I’ve been without for so long, I really didn’t tonight, and then I got wrapped up with you- “Uh, so how do you two know each
get it anymore. We watched the news for a sorry, do you want to come?” other?” I asked as calmly as I could. She
bit. One of the anchors said something or “Isn’t it a bit late?” could smell fear.


“Oh, ah ha ha!” she cackled. And I think “Aw, Joe! C’mon! Live a little! He’ll have It had all the makings of a bad song. It
I heard a snort in there. “We’ve been friends a cappuccino too.” was dull (he alternated between two notes at
ever since high school.” I didn’t really know how a cappuccino was a time). It was lame (seemed like he was
“Oh, yeah, we were both part of the different than coffee, but coffee at night? I making it just to get laid). Worst of all, I
school paper, and for college we both went was about to object, but the “waiter” was al- think my balls shrank somehow.
our separate ways-” ready walking away. “God, that sucked!” I don’t think I said it
“I went to graduate school for my Politi- “He has a nice butt!” Sarah commented. I too loud, but a few people were staring at
cal Science degree, and she decided to major looked, but there was no butt to speak of. All me. Sarah looked like I just said all those
in business.” Sarah pretended to gag herself I could see were a few carefully placed rips things I’ve been thinking about her tonight.
with her finger. She could have afforded to and two streaks going down the legs of his I should have kept that going.
go a bit deeper. jeans. “How could you hate it? It’s a sweet
“-And a couple years later,” Hellen re- “So, Joe, what do you do for a living?” song!”
sumed, “I found her working at this restau- “Um-“ I looked over at Hellen for any “OMG, how could you?”
rant, and we got back together.” cues if I should lie or not, but she gave me “That song should be in Guitar Hero!”
“I know! It was so much fun catching up!” the go ahead. “-I’m a busker.” If I were that kind of guy, I’d punch every
She turned to me. “So how have you and “Oh, so you’re like, poor and stuff?” She one of those people square in the mouth.
Hellen been together?” looked at Hellen with disgust. “Excuse me,” Tom spoke up when the
I wasn’t sure if I and Hellen were really to- “Not all buskers are poor. Hell, I’ve heard noise died down. “This song is doing me,
gether. She showed interest, but does she Sting and Paul McCartney tried it for shits you, everyone a huge favor. You see, it’s sup-
want something more? and giggles. I’ve met people who do it as a posed to suck. All those fascist corporations
“Oh, well, I just met Joe earlier today.” hobby, because they love music, and want to run by the man want talentless hacks to play
That dodged that question. Part of me didn’t perform.” music, and it ends up sound bland and tacky.
want to know the real answer. “Couldn’t they just do it here? Or join a I’m satirizing them by writing a bad song,
“Where’d you find him?” She eyed me a regular band if they have the money? Ooh, even though I’m like, super good.”
little. I was flattered, but to be honest I maybe we could get a bunch of poor buskers “Then why not write a good song?”
wanted nothing to do with her. and make a band!” “Because the record companies will rape
“I just met him on the street a few hours “No, you can’t think-“ it for profit!”
ago.” “I think I get what he’s saying – “ The “I hear you can put songs on the internet.
“Oh cool. Love at first sight?” waiter came back with our drinks. “He’s say- Try that.”
“I guess you can say that.” ing the since music is all corporate now, “But then I can’t make any money off it!
Sarah sat at our table. “Oh my God, I am busking is the only way to go. Artists only Besides, the internet’s all fake.”
so psyched about tonight.” see a little bit of that CD money, with the rest Again, this guy was begging for a mouth
“Why?” going to the evil, greedy corporate execu- punch, and I’m not that aggressive, but I rose
“Tom!” tives, and the only music that does make up. Hellen motioned for me to get down. I
“Wait, Tom? He never comes by any- anything is bland crap the man dumps on to was almost fuming.
more!” poison our minds.” “Joe, calm down”
“Who’s Tom?” I asked. Sarah looked at “That’s not even-“ Tom was talking to the crowd about some-
me like I had two heads. “OH MY GOD IT’S TOM!” She wasn’t thing called a MySpace page.
“He’s only, like, the greatest musician even paying attention. I leaned down and whispered to her “My
ever!! His music speaks to my soul!” Tom at long last stepped on stage. He, like guitar’s still in your car right?” A devilish
“He’s good, but didn’t he go off with some the waiter, was a twig with faded clothes on. smile crossed her face and nodded. As she
band to do something?” However, Tom looked like he cared how he left the room, I motioned for the manager.
“Who cares, he’s here tonight!” Sarah looked about his apperance. Maybe a bit too “Is it possible I can play tonight?”
could barely contain herself. Not that it’s much. His nails were polished. “Oh, Tom was at the end of the queue. Tom
easy, she needs a very large container. “Hi, I’m Tom.” If you were to turn his face was supposed to be the showstopper, but if
Just then, some guy stopped at our table. sideways, it would have looked the letters you want to go next, be my guest.”
“Hey, what are you havin’?” BU. Hellen came back, guitar in hand. “Let’s do
“Um, are you the waiter?” I said sheep- Hellen let out a woo, and Sarah screamed this”
ishly. at the tom of her lungs. I went up on stage, and introduced myself.
“Yeah” Could have fooled me. “I know you’ve seen me in my band The Tom walked off to the side and tried to look
There was nothing about him that sepa- Shirts, but I came here, because these songs I tough and condescending. That’s hard to do
rated him from the other people in the club. wrote are very personal to me. I wand to when you’re about a foot wide.
In fact, I think he was MORE dressed down share them with you now.” “Hi, my name is, uh, Joe. Joe Young. Uh,
than everyone else. I’m homeless, what’s his Sarah looked back at us. “He is such a sorry to make a scene like that, I just could-
excuse? Hell, I’d at least take a nametag, or good songwriter. This should be good.” n’t put up this guy any longer. So I’m going
a T-shirt with the name of place, anything He started to play and I started to feel play a song for you now.”
that showed he was somehow with the club. pain: Performing on stage is a lot different than
Instead, he wore a faded T-shirt with the busking. If you mess up playing on the street,
Mello Yello logo over his sunken chest. He Hey there my baby, people don’t care, they don’t expect much. If
had no muscle, fat, or anything, but it was Don’t matter if I’m far or near, you suck, people don’t care, they can always
still a size too small. I’ll be there if you get lonely go somewhere else. You only get paid if
“I’ll have a caramel mocha latte with extra Listen to this song you hear, someone’s feeling charitable. But on stage, all
whipped cream.” Just shut your eyes the focus is on you. They expect to see you
“I’ll have a cappuccino, with a little bit of Listen to my voice, it’s my disguise play, and play well. Some people can’t deal
cinnamon. What are you having, Joe?” I’m by your side with that kind of pressure, especially if it’s
“Nothing for me, I’m good.” your first time on stage. The hands cramp


up, you suddenly have no idea where every- we started making out. Every so often I’d Shouldn’t they be at work or something?”
thing is, and sometimes the pick falls out of miss her mouth and fumble around a bit Again, something I should have kept to my-
your hands. That kind of stuff has happened with my hands. self, or at least quiet enough so only Hellen
to me before. Hopefully, all the practice will “Ow!” she said could hear.
kick in, and you exceed expectations. Luck- “What happened?” The crowd spoke up.
ily, the street’s been my stage for the past 6 “You pinched me!” “Damn economy!”
years. “Isn’t pinching good?” “Freelance!”
I played my heart out that night. I was “Well, not there.” She sighed “You haven’t “I’m a temp…”
changing everything up, throwing in a solo done this in a while, have you?” “I believe in the whole ‘4 Hour Workweek’
or three, and the great thing is, none of it I shook my head and we resumed. Our thing”
sounded chaotic. Every time I throw riffs to- tongues weaved around each other, and for a “I’m still in Grad school”
gether it sounds broken, but right now, while, it was feeling good. She reached “Freelance!”
everything seemed to flow. I looked out into around my back and started to take off my “I started a very popular blog that has
the crowd and saw Hellen, smiling up at me. shirt. I threw her down on the bed and the amassed over 9,000 hits in the past two
I saw Sarah, but not too long. I could tell same. I fumbled around with her straps be- months!” I turned around and saw that last
that even though I’m not “Tom”, she still en- fore she sat back up. Then I started to pull guy ticking away at a thin white laptop.
joyed it. I saw Tom himself, worried that his away, and think. Pretty much everyone sitting down was toy-
throne had been usurped, trying to choke “Hold on. Probably haven’t done that in a ing around with one of those computers.
back tears. while either.” She took off her bra, and some- They all had this little picture of an apple on
When I was done, Hellen and Sarah were thing inside me clicked. I dived in, gently ca- them. It was kind of scary. But then I started
clapping with vigor. A man in a black jacket ressing her large breasts with one hand, and thinking about apples, so it was all good.
didn’t clap, but he gave me a strong look and taking off her panties the other, all the while “Hey, Hellen, what’s a blog?” More weird
a slight nod. The rest of the crowd was a kissing those soft lips. Then, we started re- stares.
mixture of standing ovations, polite clap- ally going at it. Sarah finally found us a table. “Yeah, you
ping, and a herd of boos. “Oooh…Harder…” she moaned. I did. guys should probably sit down now.”
“That was great!” She didn’t hold back anything. Everything I We sat down the table and started to look at
“Sellout!” tried she went along with. My heart was our menus. Her phone rang. I didn’t bother
I stepped down, and Hellen and I hugged. beating faster and faster until finally, for the listening; I just kept staring at the menu, hop-
“How was that?” I was worried, because first time in years, I felt that sweet release. ing something would magically happen. She
while everything sounded awesome in my Morning came after what felt like five hung up a couple minutes later.
head, it could have been my imagination try- minutes. “Who was that?” I asked.
ing to cover up my sucking. “Hey.” I said with a smile, rolling over. “Ugh, my boss. He said a client just walked
“Joe, that was better than your Freebird!” I didn’t see her. I heard a flush and was re- out on his contract, and he wants someone
“It was pretty good I guess.” Sarah said, lieved. new.” Sarah came around.
biting her lip. “Morning, Joe” She readjusted her robe “So, Hellen, Joe, what will it be?”
More people were cheering now, but the and started to put some pants on under- “I think I’ll have-“ Her eyes widened and she
management looked pissed. neath. “Are you ready for breakfast?” gasped. “Joe! How about I bring you on as a
“Man, we really hate it when the compa- “Oh, right…” client?”
nies force these guys down our throats” the I took my time getting ready that morning. “Really, me? I don’t know…”
organizer muttered to the manager. Every so often, I’d sneak a peek at Hellen, “Yeah, you’d be perfect. You didn’t mind
“Get out!” he said. whether she was putting on her makeup, or playing at the open mic night, you’ve got a
Hellen, Sarah and I left. having trouble with her socks, and could great backstory, and even if you tour, you
We headed back to her apartment, and I only hope… could still play in every city! People all over
put my guitar on her coffee table. She looked We piled into the car again and drove into the world would be able to hear you, you’d
at the wall behind me. the next neighborhood over to her breakfast have your own money!”
“So where am I sleeping tonight?” She did- place. It was a small bistro, and outside there “I don’t know, I’m fine the way I am.”
n’t respond. I repeated the question, and she were dozens of bikes, adorned with pro- “C’mon Joe, it would make look really good
snapped to attention. Obama and environmental bumper stickers. with my boss and I’d be so happy.”
“Oh, sorry, just had a lot to think about A tiny bell rang as we went inside, and a When she said “happy”, that closed the deal.
today. Just dazed off for a sec. You can sleep waitress greeted us. It was Sarah from the “All right! I’ll do it!”
on the couch, or-” She came in closer. “You coffee shop. “Thank you thank you thank you!” She gave
could sleep in my bed.” “Hi, Hellen! Hi, Joe!” She brought her clip- the warmest hug ever.
“And where will- Oh. Are you sure?” board over and playfully smacked Hellen. “And on that,” I said, “I’ll have the apple
“Meet me in the bedroom in about 5 “Funny seeing you here!” pancakes.”
mintues and you’ll find out.” “Sarah, we can stop this. I come here every “You know what? Me too!”
I looked around to see if anything was out Wednesday!” I wasn’t jerking around as much on the drive
of place. No little green men, all the furni- “Wait, today’s Wednesday?” I thought it was to where Hellen works. Either I was getting
ture was still on the ground, and after a nice Sunday the way the place was so crowded. used to this or she decided to drive carefully
pinch, I actually started to think. Then again, not being able to see a calendar since I’m a hot commodity now.
“Are you coming in or not?” or something everyday didn’t help. “What We pulled up to a building so huge even the
I guess my five minutes were up. I walked time is it?” thought of looking up hurt my neck.
in and saw her wearing next to nothing. For Hellen looked at her watch. “Oh, about “We’re on the 7th floor, it’s office H.”
one brief moment, before my brain kicked 10:30, why?” The doorman at this building didn’t pull the
in, it was awesome. She unfoled the covers I took a better look around the place. Every- same crap as the guy in the other building.
and blew a quick kiss. I got on top of the red one seemed to be about my age, maybe Good.
satin sheets, and she eyed me a bit more. Fi- younger. I stole a kiss from Hellen on our way up. She
nally, I leaned in, she grabbed my head and “What are all these people doing here? was pleased. She came back for more and we


started going at it in the elevator. Our floor records on the wall. contract. Music’s my life, and I’m putting
stopped us before we went to far. That’s when I turned to Hellen and said the into the hands of a total stranger?”
When we walked into the office, my first corniest thing ever: “You know, I’d never “Oh, Joe” she hugged me. “I work there, and
thought was “Wow!”. My second thought give you up. Or let you down.” trust me, you’ll be treated right.” Suddenly,
was “What didn’t die to make this place?” She laughed. “And I’d never desert you, Joe.” all the anxiety melted away. Our hearts beat
Everything you could sit on was fine, soft “I mean it.” as one. “Now, c’mon, we got a record to
leather, everything you could put something “I do too. Even if you fade off into obscurity make.”
was some kind of weird wood I never saw and never make it, I’ll always be by your The recording studio was an insane asylum.
before. Some musak played over the radio, side.” There was noise as you go by every room;
sounded a bit like The Clash’s “Complete “Same here. I lo-“ some weepy, some warbly, some screamy,
Control” Stan came back in mid-smooch. “Sorry some incoherent. They put me in a padded
“Oh, hi Hellen!” said the receptionist, fixing about that. So, shall we get this underway?” cell with a big glass window, so everyone
her glasses. “Who’s this?” I looked over it all, and saw a bunch of fancy could look in on me. Of course, I was still
“Some new blood. Hopefully we can get Joe words. “Wait, Hellen, do know what this wearing my regular clothes, and I could walk
a record deal.” contract says?” out at any time.
“Well, great! Mr. Aluci will by with you in a “Yeah, he’s not going to rip you off or any- “Joe, are you ready?” Mr. Aluci said through
minute.” thing. It’s all standard.” the speaker.
I turned to Hellen. “So you think he’ll like “Sadly, the nature of the legal game is very “Uh, yeah?”
me?” puzzling. You know what? Just to prove I’m “All right, play the song.” So I started to play.
“Oh, Joe, don’t worry about it. You’ll be screwin’ with ya, I’ll give you a bigger cut of It sounded different than usual, but I re-
fine.” profits. I’m a man of wealth, but also of member hearing that the padded walls ab-
BZZT! “Jude, anyone out there?” taste. We’ve been eating crap from the radio sorb sound, so I guess that was the reason. I
The receptionist hit the button on the inter- waves for too long. It’s nice to have a fine still put in a good effort.
com and said “Yes, there is, sir. Hellen steak once in a while.” said Stan. “Wow, that was great, kid! We’ll print that,
brought in a potential client.” “OK, you got me!” I signed on the dotted but I wanted you to play ‘the’ song.”
“All right, send ‘em in” line. Hellen and I kissed. My heart began to “’The’ song? What song?”
I’m pretty sure more things had to die for his beat funny. I grabbed my chest. “The song on that sheet right in front of
office as well. There was a goat head in the “Joe, are you OK?” Hellen tried to keep me you.”
corner, and a moose head on the opposite up. “Um, that’s not mine.”
wall. “Yeah, I’m fine just a little twinge is all. I “Well, try to play it, we’re just curious how
“Hellen, I’m a bit creeped out right now…” mean, it’s a pretty exciting day.” you sound playing something our writers
I muttered. “Perfect! Glad all is well! Are you available came up with.” It felt weird, but I gave it my
“And who’s this fine specimen?” said the later at 5? Maybe we can get you into the best shot.
man behind the desk. He was one of those studio today and afterwards, what the hell,
guys had big, strong arms, but also a big dinner’s on me!” ‘Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
paunch. It would be best not to anger him. “Sure, why not?” And live in giant mansions with a hundred
“Please, allow me to introduce myself, Stan “Great, great! It’s on 35th and 35th, you cars,
Aluci. Pleased to meet you.” can’t miss it.” Stan opened up a black ap- The girls come easy and the drugs come
“I’m Joe Young.” He leaned forward over his pointment book and penciled us in. “See you cheap
desk and we shook hands. I almost knocked then!” We’ll all stay skinny ‘cause we just won’t eat
over his nameplate. It was black with STAN I know I should be excited, but when I
A. in red gold. walked out of the office, I felt empty. Like Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
“Hellen, where’d you find this guy?” when you’re hungry, but your stomach does-
“Well, I saw him playing on the streets in n’t growl. You walk around in a zombified I don’t care about stardom, I just want to
Times Square yesterday, and he was amaz- daze, and every part of you feels heavier. play. And wouldn’t the point of this
ing.” she said. “Are you sure you’re OK?” said Hellen, song be lost if I was a rock star? It wasn’t
“All right, he can draw a crowd, that’s good. holding me like she was going prop me up. making fun of the excesses and luxuries of
You got your guitar on you, play a little “Yeah, I just need to sit down a bit is all” being a rock star (although the mansions and
somethin’ for me.” We found a plant in one of those big con- cars sounded nice), it was making fun of
And I did. And it was good. I dropped a note crete badges, so we sat there. music: “I could make a good song, but why
or two, and it really bugged me, but as long “Apple?” she said, pulling one out of her bother? I’m a big deal!” I felt dirty after play-
as he liked it I was fine. purse. ing, like my hands were small demons forced
“Wow. That was really good. You gotta lotta “Sure.” I bit down, and it tasted bland, like to pluck that hollow tune. The chords all
soul, kid. We could use that over here.” there was some ashy stuff and water. We con- blended together, slowly at first, into a mo-
“So I got the contract?” tinued to sit there for another 3 hours. The notonous drone of sleaze. I felt like after this,
“Hell yeah! Hold on…” He spoke into the only thing I thought of was why I felt this there could be no turning back. If my name,
intercom. “Can you bring in one of our stan- way. I knew the answer, but I couldn’t bring my face was attached to this, I could never
dard con-“ myself to accept it. Nobody said anything. I live it down. Surely Stan wouldn’t think-
“Never gonna give you up! just watched people go by: Businessmen, “That sounded great! Once more from the
Never gonna let you down! families, a couple kids with signs, completely top, then we’re outta here.”
Never gonna run around oblivious to me. I played it again. That empty feeling re-
And desert you!” Hellen finally spoke up.”Joe, there’s some- turned.
“Jude? Jude! What the hell was that?” thing you’re not telling me.” I remained At dinner, when Stan got up to wash his
“Sorry, sir. Some kids burst in and started silent. “If you want this, us, to work, then hands, the sound engineer was enjoying
playing that song.” you’re going to have to open up when you’re happy hour at the bar, so me and Hellen had
“Damn it! Hold on a sec” Stan left. We were feeling like this. some privacy.
too busy looking at all the gold and platinum “You know, it’s just that… Just that… The “That song I played in the booth, the one


Stan’s guys wrote? They’re not going to use lunch. Unfortunaltely, when I got back to “I know, but we got him! Ah, I remember
that are they?” I asked. playing, I didn’t feel it all. My hands were when I first discovered him: He was sitting
“They might. Who knows? Why, I guess you doing something I guess, but I didn’t get that on a couch at some frat house party, playing
didn’t like it?” feeling, that surge of creativity and talent I an acoustic guitar. Nothing special, just some
“Nope.” always get for the past few years. I looked at lame crap, uh... ‘I Gave My Love A Cherry’
“Well, sorry about that, but that first one the giant clock on a nearby bank and went to or one of those songs… A few girls were sit-
you played was really good.” the recording studio. ting around him, and I got to thinking- Hey,
“I was thinking of you.” “Ah, Joe. Just the man I wanted to see!” if this guy can get all these girls at one party,
“Wow…” “I’m out.” just think how many he’ll rake in if I gave
Stan came back, dragging the sound engineer “What?” said Stan, exasperated. him a contract!”
along with him. “I want out Stan.” “What happened to him?”
“Sorry ‘bout that. Frank here loves his beer!” “Get out? No, you can’t get out, you have a “After you handed his ass to him on a silver
Frank, bottle in hand, said “What can I – contract! Why would you want to do such a platter at that open mic night, I offered him
burp- say? Ben Franklin said, ‘Wine is sure thing?” a contract. Said I was ‘down’ with the ‘indie’
proof that God loves us and wants us to be “Listen, ever since I’ve signed that contract scene, and let him have all the freedom he
happy!’” I’ve been feeling really weird. Whenever I try wants.”
“Eh…you and your God…” Stan quipped. to play something, I mess it up horribly, and “…without a soul.”
“That was about wine…” Hellen said. whenever I can play I feel empty.” “True, but he didn’t use it play, he wasted it
The waiter came around to take our order. “But-“ on mindless preaching: online, at his shows,
“I’ll have the Grilled Chicken Caesar salad,” “I’m sorry. I don’t want to do this if I can’t all about how he was better than everyone
said Hellen. play my best. At least we’ve only wasted one else for remaining ‘indie’. Let me tell ya
Frank looked kinda strange and didn’t speak day right?” something kid, ‘indie’ is a useless label. Indie
up, and Frank said “I’ll take a steak, and “Well, this is quite the conundrum. This is is what music sounds like when your head’s
keep it bloody.” way before the contract’s period.” up your ass. He didn’t have a soul like yours:
“I’m not hungry,” I said. I wanted steak, I “How long was it? I mean, I’m new so it it’s alive, it’s hungry! Man, it feels good to
would have loved nothing more than to eat can’t be more than a year or two.” have!”
like I did last night, but I couldn’t bring my- “Eh, bit longer.” “I want it back!”
self around. I wouldn’t enjoy it. “What, like five years? Seven year itch?” “Hah! No.”
Later that night, Hellen and I were sitting on “Ahaha… Try more like… all eternity.” That ‘no’ hit me like a shot through the
the bed. “WHAT? You gotta be kidding me, right? heart. I had to think of something before it
“Ugh, and I have to go back tomorrow…” There is no chance in hell that contract was was too late.
“Joe, I think I know what would help you lifetime.” I remember one day my Dad came home
out of your funk…” “Funny choice of words there, kid. ‘No with a bag from Blockbuster. “Guess what I
“I appreciate it, really I do, but I don’t know chance in hell’” found on DVD!” He pulled out a copy of
what’s wrong with me. Hell, a lot’s happened “Huh?” Crossroads. I never heard of it, all I knew
in the past couple days. Maybe I just need to- “I’m the devil.” was that it starred the guy from The Karate
“ I heard a cough. I shook it off. I heard it “What?” Kid. “Joe, you’re going to love this!” he said
again and I turned around, and I saw her in “Take a closer look at that contract.” as he put it in the player. “It’s about this kid
all her glory, and suddenly decided that I He put a copy on the table. I picked it up, who plays guitar, like you, and goes to the
never wanted anything more in my entire and it read it. South to find out about lost song.” He
life. I took her for my own, our hearts puls- By agreement of this contract, the under- popped us a bag of popcorn, and invited
ing, taking pleasure in each other, and I felt signed is acknowledgeing that we Owe Mom to come watch it with us. It was last
like a complete person again. Whatever New Yields Obtained Under Rec- good memory I had before the diner.
Five minutes afterward, I felt a little better, ompensation Session Over Undersigned’s One line played out in my mind right now:
but wondered if things could ever feel like Life under this contract. “Ain’t got no chance Blind Dog. You SOLD
they did before. “When you see it, you’ll shit bricks” said your soul. Hell hounds on your trail, boy,
The next morning Hellen woke up, surprised Stan, confidently leaning on his desk. hell hounds on your trail.” It became louder
to find that I wasn’t there. At least that’s I tried looking for some little trick with the and more irritating each time in repeated. I
what I’m assuming happened… I was out words, or how it was typed. Nothing. It was knew there was only one way to get it to
busking again, hoping to recapture my mojo. kinda weird how all those words were capi- stop.
A small group gathered around, and I talized in the middle of the sentence. O, W, I stood up and said “How about this then? I
started… I raised my pick, plucked the A N, Y, O, U, R, S, O, U, L… We own your challenge you to a guitar duel. If I win, I get
string and… I messed up the note. I’ve never soul? “This is unbelievable!” my soul back. If I lose, I continue to honor
messed up the first note ever when busking. “Ah there it is!” the contract.”
It’s fine if I messed up somewhere in the mid- “This is ridiculous, a contract like this would “Really? All right, if you so insist.” With one
dle, but at the beginning? That killed me. never hold up in court! This was just a trap!” snap of his fingers, the walls fell down and
From that point on, I kept making mistake “Kid, I’m the devil. I friggin’ invented suddenly we were in a cave with no light
after mistake after mistake. The sad thing is lawyers. Now, I’d like you continue our little other than the fire all around us, giving the
I recognized a few faces from when I played deal, play this” He handed me a sheet of place an eerie red glow. There men and
Freebird the other day, and they were sad, paper with these lyrics on it: women, still alive, gored with cave spikes (I
disappointed faces. Yeah, forget that I frig- Hey there my baby, forget what they’re called). They looked
gin’ nailed one of the hardest song ever the Don’t matter if I’m far or near, down in horror, crying out, “Oh, God! Please
other day, I guess I’m not perfect 100% of I’ll be there if you get lonely- help me!” Sadly, I don’t think God could help
the time. these people, not down here. This is his
I took a break around noon. I collected “I’ve heard this song before…” world after all.
about five cents, but I figured since I had “Yep. It’s that wuss Tom’s song.” “I guess I’ll start this show, Joe,” Fire flew
some walking around money, I’d get a decent “I thought-“ from his hands, and a pick appeared. He


dragged it across a guitar that sprung up Hellen… Well some things you can explain away
from a hole in the ground that just opened “You’re lying! You can’t blame Hellen for But my heartaches in me till this day
up, and it made an evil hiss. He started to this! You lied to both of us!”
play, he was really good, and I thought my “Really? She’s a succubus. She shook her fine Did you stand by me
soul was gone forever. But then I thought of ass and you followed it right to me. A per- No, not at all
Hellen. I thought of her taking me into her fectly cultivated soul.” Did you stand by me
home. I thought of this whole new world she “Cultivated?” No way
opened me up to. I thought of, well, you “You know that day your father left you?
know- My fingers flew across the fretboard, My work. Just to give you the blues you I saw her tears well up. I wanted to make her
every pluck of the string perfect, every bend needed to be the fine guitarist you are smile one last time before I had to go back.
sounding like an angel’s cry. I was back. today.” “Joe…”
He laid his guitar my feet as the walls of his “Hellen would never do such a thing to me. “Yeah?”
office came back up. It was a golden Gibson Get her over here right now.” “Am…am I a good person?”
SG. “I gotta hand it to ya, you’re the best With another snap of his fingers, POOF! “If you can treat another person the way you
there’s ever been. You can have your soul Hellen appeared in geyser of flame. She treated me when we first met, and he still has
back.” yelped. a soul at the end of it, then yeah.”
“Yes! Thank God!” “Stan’s the devil! That contract was for my She didn’t say anything, just smiled. I keep
“Yeah, you still have a contract, buddy.” soul! My soul! He said you only liked me so that image inside my head all the time.
“But you-“ he can-“ And so, my story ends here, in Hell, cutting
“Yes, you have your soul, however you still “I know.” Her eyes welled up with tears. heads against anyone foolish enough to want
have to work for me… in hell.” “I’m so sorry, Joe” their soul back. I, of course, have the upper
“What?” “If you want-“ Stan piped up, watching us hand. Most don’t realize how important soul
“You see, when I take people’s souls, some- from the corner, “Or rather if she wants, she is when playing music, unless you put some
times they challenge me to get it back. Usu- can join you. You’d be together forever.” feeling behind it, no matter what the instru-
ally in the form of a rock-off. Now, I’m “Please, Hellen. I love you.” ment, or even in daily life, then its wasted ef-
getting by in years, and I need a ringer for “I can’t…I don’t want to be trapped in all fort. Some people call it different things,
such occasions.” this with you… I’m sorry” She ran off cry- guts, pride, passion, no matter what name
“No, I won’t do it! I won’t hurt people like ing. I felt that empty feeling again. I wanted you put to it, you still need it.
that!” to cry, but I couldn’t bring myself around to Some would say I’m doing the devil’s work.
“Tell me, Mr. Young, what’s your vision of do it. In a way, I am. However, I believe that I’m
hell like?” “Tell you what, I can give you 24 hours to doing the work of God. I teach a valuable
“It looked like the place we were just in, say goodbye to her. After that, you lose your lesson: Soul, like integrity, can’t be taken
where bad people get tortured for all eternity soul until you come back here, ready for away, it’s given away. It’s up to every one of
to pay for their sins.” duty. Now go to her.” us to protect it. It’s OK to want to be rich,
“It’s not all like that. I live quite comfortably I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. or famous, but be wary. It’s more profitable
down there. Sometimes I play poker with After all the pain he’s caused, he grew cal- to get someone to betray their work and
Hitler and Capone. If you’ll play for me, you lused to it, and now when one of his own is themselves, and it’s impossible to get that
can still have a soul, and move about hell as in trouble, he throws them a bone. back.
I do, free of misery.” I went to Hellen’s apartment, and stood out- If you find yourself in such a predicament,
“Unless I count the suffering of my fellow side her door. It took a couple hours to walk remember this: I haven’t lost a showdown
man.” to the other side of town, but I should be yet. Why? I’m the best there’s ever been.
“Right. Or, you can remain here on Earth, a good. As I waited for her to answer, I And I laid traps for troubadors
shell of your former self, producing records, thought of all the people that I could say Who get killed before they reached Bombay
and knowing that you can never play the goodbye to and came up empty. Mom and Pleased to meet you
same way you once did. And, when you die, Dad were gone, I don’t know where they Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
you’ll roast in misery for all eternity. Luckily went. All my friends from school have gone But what’s puzzling you
Tom didn’t have too far to fall, so I don’t off their separate ways, and I don’t really re- Is the nature of my game
think he’s that bothered.” member anyone I played for. • “Sympathy For The Devil” by The
“But you still lied to him…” “Joe, I-“ Rolling Stones
“He didn’t have to sign with me” “Save it.”
Then it hit me. “And neither did I…” I sank My brain told my fingers to start, and as I The lyrics of the following songs were used
and put my hands over my face. How could started, I heard drums, chugging along like a in full or changed to fit the piece:
I have been so foolish? All I wanted was to train. I heard a bass, bouncing down the “Freebird” by Lynyrd Skynard
for more people to hear me play, and com- track. Then I sang: “Hey There Delilah” by The Plain White T’s
fortable life, but here I am, staring down the “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley
devil himself. Say you stand by your man “Rockstar” by Nickelback
“No, you didn’t. You could have live well off Tell me something I dont understand “Train In Vain” by The Clash
enough on your own. But might I remind You said you love me and thats a fact
you, who gave you the opportunity to sign Then you left me, said you felt trapped
with me?”

t was another sunny headed off the erection that would have had been replaced with a stunningly cute
summer day in suburbia. made it impossible to get on. female in her mid-twenties. Her back-
Children were already at He unzipped the back and sat down, length blonde hair was the only hair on
the pool, adults were tak- first working his legs in until his feet her athletic body with only a hint of fat.
ing weeks off to go to re- were fully inside the feet of the suit. With Jake turned to Damian, “wow.” She
sorts, the moving men had been sweating that accomplished, he smoothed it over said, her voice hinting at a more mature
buckets the day before and in one house, his calves and stood up. With a great girl next door, the kind of voice that
a man held what at first glance might deal of careful pulling, smoothing and might have been doing cheers at high
have been a fur coat. tugging on the folds, he had the bodysuit school five years before. She covered her
“So, Jake,” Damian said, “I hope you over his thighs and around his waist. mouth reflexively and then dropped her
understand the plan.” Reaching inside, he pulled his penis back hand. She put a hand on her hip, smiled
Jake looked up from undoing his belt, and into the pocket in the crotch. He and said, “I think I’m starting to gain
“understand, yes. Agree? No. It’s the then began getting his left hand into that confidence in this plan.”
most harebrained scheme I’ve ever heard of the suit, and using his newly feminized Damian said, “then let’s get you
of.” He threw his shirt onto the couch. left to pull the suit’s arm over his right. dressed and made up. Then you can help
Damian held up a hand, “whoa. I Now the suit’s breasts were pulling me finish my own makeover.”
hope you don’t intend on changing right him down, and the arms and legs were “Right,” Damian said as he worked
here.” constricting his semi-mannish extremities on Jake’s face, “just enough to enhance
Jake shrugged, “why not? You’re into a thinner, more feminine shape. He your innocent expression.” After finish-
going to have to help me with it.” reached back to pull the zipper up, but ing, he gave Jake his clothes. Jake looked
Damian said, “yeah. After you’ve got couldn’t get it to move a centimeter. at Damian as he dressed and coughed, “I
most of it on.” Damian walked in, now sporting the note that you’re enjoying this.”
Jake replied, “oh yeah, like that’s digitigrade back legs, tail and black-and- Damian smiled, “I bet that if your lit-
going to be any better.” His pants joined white fur of a large husky. He smiled tle man weren’t stuck in that fetching set
his shirt. “I still say it’s a bloody stupid and wolf-whistled. Jake rolled his eyes, of female genitals, you’d be having a sim-
idea.” “get this zipper up, you pervert.” ilar reaction.”
Damian sighed, “look, we knew that Damian continued to grin, “yes, Jake looked in the mirror, swallowed
those operatives were going to move in. madame. Let all your breath out and at the sight of a girl putting on under-
That’s why we showed up six months hold your gut in.” He pulled the zipper, wear and didn’t reply immediately. “Is it
ago. The FLCL has been paying our bills struggling until it reached Jake’s upper necessary to wear a dress? I would have
since then and they want results fast. back, at which point the zipper slid eas- thought that this weather-”
There’s no telling how long they’ll be ily all the way up Jake’s neck. Damian cut her off, “it’s light enough.
here, and this was the best I could come Jake ran his hands down his sides, Just above the knee to show off those
up with. We can’t let them see us; there’s “man this is tight.” legs. Cut deep enough to suggest but not
no telling what kind of photographs the Damian replied, “it had better be. enough to demand. And the high heeled
IAS has. We can’t trust anyone else to do You’re not exactly curvy.” He circled sandals to lengthen the legs so that the
this for us. They’ll be on their guard for around and grinned again, “you are now, skirt doesn’t have to do all the work. I
a night raid, but they won’t expect us to though.” think it’s perfect.”
show up to the front door with a basket Jake picked up the mask that had Jake pointed at Damian. “I think
of fruit and a welcome card.” been under the suit and bent over, letting you’re a sissy.”
“There are a lot of ways this could go its long strawberry blonde hair hang “That would hurt a lot more if your
wrong.” down as he worked his head into it. He boobs didn’t jiggle when you do that.”
Damian walked out of the room, lined it up as best he could and smoothed Jake grumbled, “And I might take
“you couldn’t think of a better plan.” it out before tucking the bottom of the you more seriously if your tail didn’t wag
Jake sighed, “I wish I could have.” mask into the neck of the suit. all the time. I can’t wait to get on with
Jake took off the rest of his clothing He walked into the bedroom to check the mission. At least it’ll mean you’ll
and began to don his rather dubious dis- that he had everything on correctly. have to shut up.”
guise. He looked at the femskin version Damian followed, his tail wagging, and “Having second thoughts?”
five and though the full body female cos- watched with satisfaction as Jake started Jake picked up Damian’s front paws,
tume aroused him, thinking about how with surprise at his reflection. The suit “let’s get on with it.”
dangerously stupid its use would be had done its work as advertised. Jake Damian held up a hand, “wait. I

want to get the head on first. It’ll be eas- the odds of anything more exciting than Jamie replied, “would you mind if I
ier.” He swung the husky head over his a neighborhood council violation was re- let Darryl roam around a little? It’s not
own, his vision restricted to what could mote. Her view was obscured by a giant good for him to lie around all the time.”
be seen out of the dog’s tear ducts. He basket, and as she watched, the basket Marie said, “I’d rather not. I just got
fiddled with the jaw until it moved with moved and a pretty young woman with a these carpets.”
his own, and tucked the fur into the rest large dog was revealed. Pretty enough Jamie smiled, “I understand.”
of the suit. “OK, now.” Jake jammed his and young enough to entice her husband, Marie thought she heard Jamie talk-
arms into the front legs of the husky, the no doubt. Hopefully he wouldn’t get ing as she got her water, and when she re-
paws themselves terminating the legs sev- home for awhile. turned, Darryl had his front paws on the
eral inches below Damian’s arms. Jake The young woman was obviously chair and his muzzle up against Jamie’s
secured them, smoothed the fur over the nothing more than another wagon in the face. Jamie smiled her cheerleader’s smile
seams and stepped back. Damian, now welcome caravan. Marie opened the again at Marie. “Darryl’s feeling frisky
looking like a husky walking on his back door. “Hi,” the girl - Marie found her- today. I was just telling him to sit.”
legs with his front out straight, bent over self unable to think of this blonde bimbo Darryl barked as if to corroborate
until his front paws rested on the ground. as a woman - said. “My name is Ja- and then sat on his haunches obediently.
He put some weight on them and began Jamie. Welcome to Highcrest.” Jamie scratched his ears, “who’s a good
to walk around, experimenting with his Marie took the basket and the hand boy, then?” She looked at Marie, “would
new posture. the girl offered next. “Marie. Would you you like to pet him? He doesn’t bite.”
As Damian tested sitting on his like to come in?” Marie gingerly ran her hand over the
haunches, Jake snuck behind him and Jamie smiled brightly, “I’d love to. I dog’s body. He tensed slightly, then re-
snapped a collar and leash to him. “OK, hope you don’t mind me bringing Dar- laxed under her petting. Marie smiled,
let’s go.” ryl. He hates it when I leave him at “he’s a nice dog.”
“I don’t need a leash.” home.” Jamie nodded, “thanks. I trained him
“You do if you want to avoid suspi- Marie found herself smiling at the myself.”
cion. I thought that’s why you bought it. girl’s perkiness despite herself. She was Marie sighed inwardly. The girl
I also don’t have to tell you not to talk obviously just trying to be friendly and seemed totally innocent, but now that
like this.” couldn’t help what she was. “No, it’s her internal alarms were raised, she’d
Damian growled a convincing doggy fine. He can come in too.” have to do something. The easiest thing
growl and Jake laughed. “Don’t give me As if he understood them, Darryl would be to let the Pig handle it. He al-
any trouble, young pup, or I’ll have you barked in a voice that was almost as ways said he knew a spy in bed, and it
spayed.” perky in its own way as the girl’s. Wel- seemed the least harmful way to do this.
Damian whimpered as best he could, come to the suburbs, indeed. Even the As she thought this, the door opened and
then stuck his nose up Jake’s skirt. giant dogs were cheerful all the time. the Pig entered. Marie forced herself to
“Hey!” Jake rapped Damian on the They made smalltalk, the girl seem- smile again and stood to embrace her
muzzle. “No peeking.” She opened the ing nice but not very smart. The dog had supposed husband. “Welcome home,
door. “As I recall, the dog leads.” started out sitting alert, but soon had its dear.” She said. “I was just talking to
*** head on its paws resting. Marie found this nice young lady who came to wel-
Marie looked out the window wist- herself suspicious of the girl. She sits come us to the neighborhood. Jamie, this
fully. While Greg was out working, she oddly, Marie thought, like she’s hiding is Larry. My husband.” She pretended
had to play the housewife in this boring something big in her vagina. And that to look at the clock and be startled, “oh
little burb. She almost hoped that FLCL dog looks a little weird too. I could dear. I have to go do errands. It was nice
operatives would trail her husband back swear I’ve never seen him blink. meeting you, Jamie. I hope we can talk
home so she could see a little action. Marie shook her head slightly. She more another day. I’ll probably be a cou-
He’d probably make her stay back so as was just being paranoid; a trait that was ple of hours.“ As she passed the Pig, she
“not to break cover.” Pig. As if she did- good in an agent, but bad in a suburban whispered, “code green, but check her
n’t know that he slept with half the spies housewife. The girl looked concerned, out anyway. Easy mark for you.”
he took in. The female half. “is there something wrong?” Larry smiled his panty-melting smile
The doorbell rang and she mustered Marie forced a smile, “no. Just feel- and bent to kiss Jamie on the hand,
her Betty Crocker demeanor. Just in ing a little lightheaded. I think I’ll get “charmed, my dear.”
case, she checked the peephole, though something to drink.” Pig.

*** striction on his vision and that he didn’t IAS wanted him to do this was to tweak
Jake tried not to fidget in his chair as dare walk on two legs for fear of the FLCL’s nose. There wasn’t a thing
Larry kissed his hand. It had been bad offhanded discovery. Still, he wasn’t on they could do even if they knew about
enough sitting on his little man without the job long before he spotted the safe in the theft, and it meant taking two opera-
some bloke coming onto him. Damian the basement. He quietly locked the tives out of the field, maybe permanently.
hadn’t been happy with the way he’d door and sat down at the desk, looking Damian shoved the papers into one
been handling things so far, but he didn’t very odd with his front paws stuck out handpaw, securing it to his arm with his
think it was a good idea to make a move on the desk and his tail sticking out a gap free hand. He then put the dog’s head
yet. in the back. He struggled out of those back on and the other front paw as best
He’d been so concerned about where paws and then took of the head. He’d he could. He smoothed it out with the
this was going that he hadn’t noticed need full sight and both his hands to get dog’s muzzle and hoped that no one
Marie leave or Larry come back with the safe open. Before he began, he wiped would look too closely. Nor listen too
champagne until it had been pressed into his face with some napkins he’d grabbed much to the tiny rustle of the pages with
his hand. Larry gave him another smile in the costume’s mouth as he’d gone each step of his right front paw.
that taxed Jake’s willpower not to roll his through the kitchen. Being a husky was He trotted into the living room and
eyes at. “You’re a quiet one.” Larry said hot work. He listened to the clamor up- took a moment to savor the sight of his
in an overly smooth voice. stairs and decided that being a decoy was partner in the muscular arms of agent P.
Jake gave him another of those little- just as bad. It looked like things were heating up
girl smiles that this body was so good at, *** again, and he debated on whether to let
“I’m just a little overwhelmed. I didn’t “You have very smooth skin.” Larry things take their course. No; best to get
expect this much hospitality just because murmured, running his hand over going quickly. He barked once, the sig-
I was welcoming you to the neighbor- Jamie’s leg. nal that the mission was successful.
hood.” “Mmm.” She sighed. ***
Larry sipped his drink, “I value a Larry’s hand wandered up and began Jake was resigning himself to another
good neighbor a lot. I really do.” to play with her hair. “You’re a great round when Damian gave him the all
Boy was Damian on point with this girl.” clear. He took the man’s hand off of his
outfit. Jake thought. This guy will try Jamie smiled, “you’re a wonderful breast and smiled apologetically. “Sorry,
to get in the pants of any female he sees. man.” lover. That’s Darryl telling me we have
Jake pretended to sip his own drink Larry’s finger trailed up Jamie’s spine, to go. I don’t want him doing anything
while coyly looking at Larry under his stopping on an odd bump. Jamie tensed to your carpets.”
eyelashes. “I hope your intentions are and Larry said, “what, babe?” Agent P smiled back, “oh well. We
honorable. You’re a married man, after Jamie turned over, “sorry. I don’t like had plenty of good times anyway.” He
all.” to be touched there.” kissed Jake lingeringly and Jake recipro-
Larry got up and sat on the arm of Larry smiled, “don’t worry. One lit- cated. It hadn’t been hard to feign
Jake’s chair, “don’t worry about that, my tle mole on a body like this, and under arousal at first. The idea of making out
dear. Marie won’t mind what she does- your hair too. It just illustrates the per- with a man while he was dressed as a fe-
n’t know about.” He leaned over and fection of the rest of you.” To demon- male excited Jake. Still, by now it was
kissed her ear, “we have plenty of time.” strate, he began to run his hands over her all fake; agent P had proved to be physi-
*** entire body. cally impressive but a total bore other-
Damian saw his chance. While Larry Jamie snuggled into his chest, “thanks wise. He summoned up ardor by
was putting the moves on his partner, for understanding.” pretending P was someone else.
Damian quietly padded out of the room Larry put his arm around Jamie’s Getting up, Jake collected his under-
in search of the documents they’d been shoulders, “I should be thanking you.” things and began to put them on. Agent
sent to collect. He was concerned at first *** P stood behind him, making things diffi-
that Jake would blow it and he wouldn’t Damian heard the click and swung cult with his advances. Jake turned
have enough time to search properly. He the safe open. He went through each around, “come on, lover. You know I
started hearing noises from the living page inside carefully, making sure they have to do. Besides, your wife will be
room that suggested that he had all the weren’t a counterfeit. They weren’t; home soon.”
time he needed and that if Jake was these were the FLCL papers he was after. P sighed, “I guess, babe. Here, let me
blowing something, it wasn’t their cover. There was no photocopier not that it help you get dressed.”
His job was complicated by the re- mattered anyway. Half the reason the Jake was surprised to find Agent P ac-

tually helping him along, and soon was here when we were robbed. And could so do you right now.”
enough he was clipping the lead to you’re the one who gave her the OK and Damian smiled and Jake grabbed his
Damian’s collar. He hoped that Agent P let her go.” She turned and muttered to crotch. Jake leaned over, blew into
didn’t notice that it was now on back- herself, “I hope I never get assigned to Damian’s ear and then whispered, “too
wards. Deciding to give P something to you again. And I hope I never see an- bad I’ve already filled my insertion quota
think about and possibly slow down his other husky or another cheerleader.” for the day. Next time I get to be the
discovery of their theft, Jake turned *** dog.” Jake got up and walked out of the
around at the door, flicked his hair and They returned by a path that mean- room with an exaggerated sway.
smiled invitingly. “I hope I get to see you dered as much as the way they’d come, Damian sighed and began to take the
again soon.” He said in his most seduc- Damian still playing the eager pup and dog suit off. It would need some alter-
tive voice. Agent P was obviously af- Jake the cute and perky twenty-some- ations and scent treatments. The next
fected. thing. As soon as Jake had locked the job included an older woman who took
*** door behind them, Damian pulled his in battered wives. Her main security pre-
“She didn’t feel like any spy I’ve ever front paws off along with his head and caution was a rather large male husky.
had.” The Pig protested. sank into a chair fanning himself. Damian loved killing two birds with one
Marie rolled her eyes, “this is your Jake took his clothes off more slowly. stone. He figured he wouldn’t tell Jake
ass on the line, Pig. That blonde bimbo Once he was down to nothing but the until he was already locked into the cos-
managed to get away with all our docu- suit, he made a face. “This suit is going tume. It wouldn’t do to have it come off
ments. You can explain how you failed to need a good scrubbing before it feels while Spike was playing.
to the FLCL.” clean. So will I.”
“Me?“ The Pig complained. “You’re Damian said, “you got the more un-
the one who gave me code green.” pleasant job, I admit.”
Marie smiled coldly, “and you’re the Jake summoned a smile and sashayed
one who insists that I leave the house over to Damian. Sitting in his lap, Jake
while you ‘work.’ You’re the one who said, “I love the feel of fur on my skin. I

ear reader: for minutes on end. He had been watching to thank you. That’s the first time he’s got-
The events of this narra- the Leopard Cats, a particular favorite when ten up since the accident.”
tive are based on a true story he heard the shout. Sal smiled, his expression of course
which has been extrapolated He turned to see a young boy in a wheel- blocked by the similar grin of his suit’s head.
to a satisfying conclusion. chair, grinning and pointing at him excitedly. “You’re very welcome, madam.” He replied,
When I heard the story of the furry whose As Sal began walking towards him, the boy the jaw of his suit head moving with his
mere presence brought a child out of his rose, paling with the effort, but still stum- words. “It’s moments like these that make
wheelchair, I felt compelled to reward him in bling towards Sal with the same joyous look me do this.”
prose. on his face. Sal ran forward with his arms The woman stuck out her hand, “Nora
outstretched and knelt, the boy meeting him Brooks, you must be bloody hot in that
Chapter 1: in a tight hug. Sal’s black and white furred thing.”
An amazing recovery body nearly enveloping the child and even Sal offered his own, startled by the
through the fur of his suit he could feel the strength of her statement and her grip, “Sa -
Sal looked around, carefully taking in his boy shaking; whether with exertion or hap- Victor Falkner, sweating buckets and hardly
surroundings to make up for his lack of per- piness Sal wasn’t sure. minding.”
iferal vision. His wide blue eyes didn’t blink, As he let the boy go, he looked up The boy shifted his attention to the
but did move to always look directly at straight into the eyes of the woman who had woman, “mom, can the kitty join us?”
someone observing him. His white-tipped been pushing the wheelchair, probably the Nora looked down at her son, “now,
black tail swung gently as he turned, hearing boy’s mother. He rose and they helped the Mike, we don’t want to be rude. I’m sure
a shout behind him. boy back into his wheelchair. He held onto Mr. Falkner has plenty of other kids to hug
It had been a relatively quiet moment up Sal’s arm the entire time and never took his today.”
till then. The most recent knot of children eyes off of Sal’s. When he’d been situated, Sal said, “I think that I can walk with
had already moved on to another exhibit, Sal stepped back to let the boy and his you for a little while if you like. It’s gotten
running faster than Sal as he sedately paced mother pass. She seemed about to, but quiet around here anyway,” he knelt down
the enclosures, pausing to watch each animal stopped right next to him and said, “I ought in front of the chair and leaned in close to

the little boy, “besides, I think that Mike’s the work better.” at the zoo and have known for only two
most recepetive audience I’ve had in a long Mike said, “cool! Can I put it on?” hours. I can imagine that would be a prob-
time.”Mike cheered, “yay.” Victor smiled, “well, if you clean your lem.”
Nora smiled maternally, “thank Mr. face off, sure.” Mike began vigorously wip- Nora sighed, “it is.”
Falkner.” ing his face with a napkin. “Just be careful, Victor replied, “my offer still stands,
Mike cried, “thanks, kitty!” and don’t be surprised if it’s a little smelly in however. If you want proof that I’m not a
Sal gave Mike a quick hug before there. Oh, and don’t let the hair trail on the homicidal maniac or some kind of kook, I’m
straightening up, “you’re welcome.” ground.” sure we can work something out.”
They toured the exhibits for hours, Mike Mike took the head very carefully and Nora nodded, “sounds good. I’m glad
talked brightly and constantly to Sal, who put it on with no difficulty as it was quite you understand my need for caution. I
replied occasionally, or told him some ani- large on his ten-year-old body. “Wow!” He couldn’t bear having anything more happen
mal lore he knew. Otherwise, Sal just exclaimed. “How does the mouth move?” to Mike.”
walked along, enjoying the look of happiness Victor replied, “you have to work the Victor said, “of course. What if both of
on the boy’s face and on his mother’s as she strap over your jaw. It might not work, since you came to see me weekends? I live in a
listened to his happy monologue. Sometimes you’re so small.” nearby suburb; I’ll give you the address.
they’d stop so that Sal could interact with While Mike took the head off and began Once you’re confident I’m an otherwise well
some of the other children, and when he trying to find a way to fit the jaw strap over balanced individual, we can make further
came back, Mike would look even happier his own smaller frame, Victor began to sip arrangements.”
than before. He obviously considered him- from the drink. “Well, Ms. Brooks, I’m sur- Nora took his card, “you’re awfully
self quite special for having Sal as his con- prised you haven’t asked the standard ques- gung-ho about all this.”
stant companion. tion: why do I do it?” Victor smiled, “let’s just say that I’ve met
They stopped at the food court around Nora shrugged, “I figured you’d been a lot of kids who want to pet the kitty, but
midafternoon and Nora said, “you must be asked that a lot, and besides, I can see a very very few who want to take him home.” He
extremely thirsty. I’ll buy you a giant drink.” excellent reason sitting right next to us.” gently took Sal’s head back from Mike and
Sal replied, “you don’t have to.” Victor looked over at Mike, who had put it on. “Next week?”
Nora looked down at Mike, “I think that given up and was now just stroking the fur Nora looked down at the card, hesitant
it’s the least I could do to repay you.” on his lap, “yeah, the kids make it really for the first time since Sal had met her,
Sal nodded, “if you want.” worthwhile. Still, that wasn’t the reason I “sure.” She said at last, “we’ll be there at
They sat down, Sal sitting close to the started. It began with curiosity; I was young, noon.”
edge of his seat to give his tail room. When after all. Then it turned to true interest, and
Nora returned, he swept his long white hair the more I got into the idea, the better it Chapter 2:
away from the cup and worked the straw up sounded. Eventually I got my first suit and Building Trust
his muzzle. Mike giggled as the ‘kitty’ drank. the feeling of the fur all over me, of seeing
Nora watched him take a long sip before that fuzzy face in the mirror, convinced me Victor made a final check to make
saying, “that’s an interesting character. Does that I had made the right choice. It’s expen- sure his house looked properly respectable.
he come from anywhere?” sive, but I’m well employed and no family as He’d run his Roomba and vacuumed with an
Sal replied, “thanks, and yes he does. of now. My expenses are few otherwise, and upright to make sure the living room was as
He’s based off of the main character of one I count saving for retirement in those ex- clean as possible. He’d even dusted the
of my favorite book series, the Chronotis penses. Everything has gone right since I got bookshelves, something he’d meant to do for
Cycle. Saliaven Chronotis, perhaps you’ve out of college, so it was no great sacrifice to ages anyway. Rolan, his black tom, watched
heard of him.” get into fursuiting seriously.” him from one of the shelves. Victor was
Nora shook her head, “I have, but I’ve Nora nodded, “sounds like you’ve done saved from further worry about the state of
never read any. I don’t read much fantasy.” well for yourself. I wish things had gone that his abode when the bell rang.
Sal said, “you ought to, it’s great.” He’d way for me. Husband dead, and now with He’d worried that Nora would change
had to lift the straw partway up in the cup to Mike’s medical bills to pay, I’m pretty well her mind over the last week, but there she
get it into his mouth, and now he was stuck broke half the time. I have to work nights was at almost precisely noon. Mike was in
with a quarter of the liquid left and no way now, but luckily I make more than I pay the front of her and when he saw Victor in a
to get to it. “Would you mind if I took my sitter. If Mike weren’t disabled, I wouldn’t shirt and slacks he groaned, “aww. I liked it
head off for awhile? Some people mind.” need one. He takes good care of himself.” better when he was a cat.”
Nora laughed, “of course not. I can’t She sighed, “if he weren’t disabled, I would- Nora sighed and smiled, “now now. Mr.
imagine its easy to drink in that.” n’t need the extra shift at work.” Falkner was very nice to invite us over.
Sal tugged on his neck fur and worked Victor looked over at Mike, “tell you Don’t be rude.”
his head off, “no,” Victor replied, “but I like what, Ms. Brooks. I really like you and “Sorry, Mr. Falkner.”
to keep in character as much as possible. It Mike. How about you have him come to my Victor smiled, “call be Victor, please.
makes me feel more like I am Saliaven.” place afternoons, and I’ll watch him for free. And if your mother decides I’m trustworthy,
He looked around for somewhere to put I could use the company.” maybe I can come over some time as Sali-
the fursuit head and Nora said, “you can Nora smiled, “much as I’d love to take aven.”
hang that on the chair if you want. I’m sure you up on that, I wouldn’t want to impose. “Yay!”
Mike wouldn’t mind sharing.” Besides-” Nora looked around, “you certainly
Victor said, “actually, if Mike wouldn’t Victor held up a paw, “you can hardly weren’t kidding about the disposable in-
mind having it in his lap, I think that would trust a man in a cat costume whom you met come.”

Victor looked embarassed, “yeah. I was first evening with Mike trying to convince sibly for another six months, maybe even a
lucky. My family could afford to put me his busdriver that the large anthropomorphic year. It could have been a lot worse.”
through college as an engineer. After I got cat was in fact Mike’s designated caretaker. Victor nodded, “the way you talk, it
out, I was hired and promoted immediately. Mike was mildly disappointed when he could have been.”
I sometimes wonder what the company saw saw Victor in normal clothes again, but nod- Mike shook his head and smiled, “I
in me. I’m just happy I haven’t screwed up ded when Victor explained it to him. “But ought to be excited. I’m about to see some-
yet. Can I get you two something to drink?” we’ll be inside until mom gets here.” thing amazing.”
Nora wheeled Mike over to the couch Victor smiled, “that’s true.” Victor smiled back, “I wouldn’t call it
and said, “cokes?” “So we can do whatever we want.” ‘amazing.’ “
“Sure.” Victor shrugged, “within reason.” Mike leaned back, “let me judge that.
Nora sat down as Victor got the drinks Mike looked up, “kitty?” Oh.” He fished in the bookbag strapped to
and he could hear Mike admiring his televi- Victor looked down at him, “if you his chair and pulled out the cat ears. Putting
sion aloud. Now that he’d gotten this far, he want.” them on he said, “OK, now I’m ready.”
realized that he hadn’t actually expected “Yay!” Victor pulled down Saliaven’s box. “Do
things to go this well and was now stumped Victor wheeled Mike over next to the you mind if I change into something else be-
as to what to do next. He hoped that mat- couch and sat down next to him, “so, do you fore I change to Saliaven? What I’m wearing
ters would take their own course. want to see how I put Saliaven on?” isn’t exactly good for this.”
“Thanks,” Nora said as he handed her Mike looked at him with surprise, Mike said, “do whatever you need to. I
the glass. “I’m still not sure if I fully under- “sure.” He said eagerly. “I hadn’t thought of want to see this done properly.”
stand why you’re doing this.” that.” Victor, somewhat embarassed by Mike’s
Victor smiled as he sat down. He gave Victor smiled at him, “you really want to earnest attention, stepped into his closet and
Mike the remote and turned to Nora, “I like see?” disrobed quickly. He emerged wearing a
you and Mike, and I feel like I can really Mike nodded, “I want to know every- skintight unitard and tights. “It works better
make a difference to him. It feels like ages thing about everything. Of course I want to like this,” he explained.
since I did something nice for someone else see.” “The first part is the bodysuit, naturally.”
without expecting anything in return and I Victor replied, “curiosity is good. I’ll Victor pulled the black-and-white suit out of
want that warm fuzzy feeling again. If by bring him in here.” the box. “I have the tail attached on this one,
doing so I provide a similar warm fuzzy feel- Mike began to struggle out of his chair, so it’s pretty easy to put it on.” He pulled the
ing to Mike and some happiness and relief “I want to come with.” zipper down in back and stepped into the
to you, so much the better for all of us. Victor looked worried, “are you sure suit, pulling it up once both legs were in. He
Speaking of which,” he took a box from one you’re up to it?” then put his arms in and zipped it up in back.
of the shelves and handed it to Mike, “I Mike smiled and gestured down, “if your “So that’s already most of my body done.
made this for you.” entire home is carpeted, I don’t think I have The feet come next because they’re pretty
Mike opened it and immediately put on much to worry about.” easy.” He pulled the feet on and pulled the
the cat ears he found inside. “Neat!” As he rose, Victor said, “don’t you have legs of the suit over the overlapping sections
Victor continued, “like I said, I have very a cane?” of foot. “And then the head.”
little to do afternoons and evenenings. I may Mike looked at him, then slowly pulled “Why not put your gloves on first?”
as well spend them doing something good at his sleeve. Underneath, bone showed very Victor picked up one of the handpaws,
for somebody. Since I need only come home clearly through the skin. “The doctor said “take a feel of this paw. It simulates a feline
as I always do and then entertain Mike for a there’s less left of my arms than of my legs. I well enough that manipulation is tricky. See
few hours before you get off work, it seems do exercises, but they say I won’t be lifting how the fingers are thicker and harder to
hardly like I’m actually doing anything that anything heavier than a jar of peanut butter bend?”
I need to be payed for anyway.” for weeks. Your kitty mask was light enough Mike handed the glove back, “I get it.”
Nora shook her head, “I’m going to end that I could manage, but it was actually a Victor picked up Saliaven’s head, “right.
up accepting in the end anyway, so I may as challenge. I don’t think a cane would help As you know, my suit has a moveable jaw. I
well just give in now and save myself the me much. If you could bring my wheelchair also worked in some of my own electronic
time.” She reached out and shook Victor’s with and help me back in if it’s too much, components so that I can talk and hear more
hand, “you’re on. I just hope you don’t spoil that’ll do.” easily. All that is pretty much invisible from
Mike too much.” As they slowly made their way to Vic- the outside, but you can see it here on the in-
Victor looked over at Mike, who was tor’s fursuiting room, he said, “you seem a side.” Victor tipped the head so that the light
now splitting his attention between the tele- lot more mature than you did before?” caught the innards and Mike could see.
vision and feeling his ears every couple of Mike looked at him and shrugged with Mike nodded, “did you make this?”
seconds. “I don’t think that’s possible.” difficulty, “mom doesn’t like it when I talk Victor shook his head, “no. I’m not that
*** that way. She wants me to stay hopeful and talented. All I could do was upgrade it with
The next Monday, Victor spent part of happy all the time. I think the accident was what I knew how to do, electronics and me-
the afternoon after work preparing for worse for her. I’ll recover my strength in chanical parts. I’ve been working on a fully
Mike’s arrival. Nora had told him that Mike time, but I don’t think she’ll stop worrying cybernetic tail attachment, but that runs into
would be dropped off the schoolbus, but Vic- even if I do. I try not to be too glum myself, real money.”
tor would have to be there to meet him. Tak- but I think I ought to be at times.” As they Mike looked around, “you have real
ing that into account, Victor decided that it walked in, Victor helped him back into his money.”
would be less than ideal for him to spend his chair, “after all, I’m stuck in this thing. Pos- “Not several million, I don’t. Stuff like a

cybernetic attachment doesn’t come with a that. Walking around is pretty tiring.” Mike added, “don’t give me too much of
price tag less than that. I’d need a labora- Mike proved to be almost as enthusiastic an incentive to stop recovering.”
tory and help and custom parts. I’d have to about competitive fighting games as Sal, Nora bent down and kissed him on the
prove that my work also benefited human though not quite as skilled. Playing using cheek, “if I say we can stay friends with Mr.
prosthetics, and what practical use is a tail? paws, however, was challenge enough to Sal Falkner after you’re well, is that enough?”
I tried working in tentacle attachments for that the difference wasn’t noticeable. They Mike said, “I’ll heal twice as fast!”
soldiers in the field, but no one is buying it. almost didn’t notice the doorbell and knock Victor laughed, “I’ll hold you to that.”
Anyway,” he continued on the suit, “I just when Nora arrived to pick Mike up. When
move the hair aside like this and sort of work she saw Sal, she gave him an odd smile, “I Chapter 3:
my head in.” His voice began to be muffled, hope you didn’t get Mike off the bus looking Learning More
“then I adjust the strap so I can move the jaw like that. I’d have to insist that they fire the
and flip this switch.” His voice began to driver.” The next week, Victor picked Mike up
sound clearer, “and then tuck all the flaps Mike shouted from his side of the room, from the bus and told him he had a present
into the neck.” He did so. “That leaves the “he looked fine, mom! He showed me how for him in the apartment. Mike pestered him
handpaws. One isn’t hard to get on, but the to put the kitty suit on.” for details, but Victor just smiled and told
second is annoying.” He put the first paw on Nora’s expression softened seeing Mike him to wait. Mike saw it immediately, and
and pulled the bodysuit’s arm over the seam. and she said to Sal, “I haven’t seen him so almost leaped out of his chair before he re-
The second handpaw went on with more happy since the accident, and it’s only the membered he was disabled, instead strug-
trouble. first day. Thank you.” gling out at a more sedate pace. Victor
Sal turned around, showing Mike the As Nora wheeled Mike out the door, he reached out to help him, but Mike waved
finished product, “there. Now, what do you turned in his seat, “I think we should work him away. “I can manage,” he whispered.
think-” He would have been knocked over something out for the next few times. There Mike reached the gift and slowly sank
by the force of the hug had Mike not been has to be a way to spend more time with into his new electric wheelchair. He looked
so weak. As it was, he kept his balance and you, Uncle Sal.” at Victor with surprise and joy. “It’s so soft!”
put his arms around Mike. Sal smiled, “with your mind working on Victor smiled, “I furred the seat and the
Mike had the side of his face up against it, I’m sure we will.” arms.”
Sal. “Yay! Kitty is back.” *** Mike rubbed his cheek against the head
Sal petted Mike’s head, “is this role play, That Friday, Nora found the door un- rest, “wow.”
or do you actually think I turn into a differ- locked and opened it after knocking and Victor said, “I’m glad you like it.”
ent person?” being invited in. The reason Victor hadn’t Mike looked up, “but why? I mean,
Mike returned to his chair, keeping one come to the door was that Sal and Mike thanks a lot; this is absolutely amazing, but
hand in Sal’s paw. “A little of both, Uncle were on the floor wrestling. “Well, Mr. why bother? I’ll be up in a few more weeks,
Sal. After all, life’s no fun if you don’t let Falkner,” Nora said, “you are full of sur- and there’s hardly any point in getting me
your imagination run away every so often.” prises. Am I going to find you like this such a brilliantly awesome gift. Not when
He looked up at Sal with a flash of that un- often?” I’ll stop needing it before the year is out.“
nerving perception Victor had noted before, As Sal helped Mike up and back to his Victor shrugged, “I didn’t like that you
“besides,” Mike said slyly, “I think you do. chair, he asked, “do you mean roughhousing were so dependent on others for mobility.
Change into a different person, that is. Don’t with Mike or being Saliaven?” Besides, you can always give it to someone
you feel different? Like an expectation of Nora smiled, “try both.” who’ll need it longer when you’re recovered.
how you ought to act is not there? Like you “Well,” Victor replied, taking off his I won’t mind. It’d be good to see it put to
can do anything? Isn’t there a desire to act head and putting it on the couch, “for the permanent use.”
like the character you appear to be?” first, Mike wanted to show me how much Mike turned his chair as Victor walked
Sal looked down at Mike, “I really need progress he’d been making in physical ther- by to go to the kitchen, “and why go to the
to get you a copy of the Chronotis Chronicle. apy. The carpet is soft, I’m pretty soft my- expense? I know we’re great friends and all,
You’d love it!” self, so he figured he wouldn’t come to any but we’ve only known each other a week.”
Mike laughed, “I do enjoy fantasy more harm by pitting his strength against mine. As Victor emerged with two glasses and
than my mom. I’ve actually read some of it to the suit, Mike really enjoys it when I wear handed one to Mike, “time, money and noth-
already. After all, do you really expect a ten- it, and I’m happy to find someone who likes ing to do, remember? I just want you to
year-old to just pull all that psychological me to wear it as much as I like wearing it.” know how serious I am about staying friends
stuff out of thin air?” Nora laughed as she turned Mike with you. Don’t worry about it. Hey! Want
As Sal wheeled Mike back into the living around. “I just hope you don’t turn my son to see a new suit? I know you like Saliaven
room he said, “at this point, I think I’ll be- weird.” a lot, but I think we can have a lot of fun
lieve a lot about you.” Mike snorted, “I was plenty weird al- with this one.”
Mike laughed, “now there’s a comple- ready, mom. Victor just makes it so I have a “Sure,” Mike said, about to get up.
ment! Thanks!” place to be weird without people giving me Victor put a hand gently on his shoulder,
Sal brought Mike over to the couch and odd looks.” “follow in the chair. Trust me, if we end up
sat down next to him. Mike reached out ten- Nora smiled, “if you’re enjoying yourself having as much fun with this as I think we
tatively towards Sal. and getting less teasing, then I’m content. will, you’ll be glad to have conserved your
Sal turned to Mike, “go ahead, it’s fine.” Well, Mr. Falkner, you’ve proved yourself a strength.”
Mike began to rub his shoulder and Sal said, good influence. I hope we can keep doing Mike followed, getting used to the con-
“so, what do you want to do? I’ve got a this until Mike is fully recovered.” trols of his new conveyance. He looked with
boatload of video games we could play.” Victor put a paw over her hand, “so do I, interest at what appeared to be a giant plush
Mike grinned, “I think I can manage Ms. Brooks.” cat that Victor was lifting out of one of the

boxes. A giant striped Mau, to be precise. the hall with Mike laughing and cheering so Victor had given Nora a key for when he
“Wow, that looks really great.” loudly that he hadn’t heard the door open. and Mike were too engaged to answer the
Victor smiled as he pulled off his shirt. It She quickly realized what had to be happen- door, and she’d taken to entering with only a
had been Mike’s idea that he wear his un- ing, but still had to say, “is that you, Mr. short knock to announce herself. That
dersuit beneath his regular clothes. “That’s Falkner?” Thursday, she walked in to find Thrakmon
Thrakmon from the second trilogy. I’m re- The cat turned quickly but carefully to sitting on his haunches next to Mike, both
ally glad the author let me use his charac- face Nora. Mike laughed and said, “no, watching TV. Mike was absently stroking
ters.” mom. This is Thrakmon. He’s an Arctic Thrakmon down the back, and as she
“You’ve met him?” Tiger.” neared, he scratched the big cat on the side of
“Online only,” Victor replied, removing The aforementioned tiger sat on his his face and behind his ear.
his slacks, “I always wanted to see him in haunches and Mike slid off of him onto only Mike turned around in his chair and saw
person, but I’ve never been able to make the slightly quivering legs. The cat then stood his mother standing there. “Hi, mom.”
conventions he goes to.” He began to take on his hind legs and put his front ones out Nora swallowed, “hi. Victor?”
the Arctic Tiger suit apart and then started angled downward. Mike sighed and fiddled Thrakmon got up and Mike helped him
in on putting the main body on. “As you with one at what looked to be a joint. It get out of his front paws and head. “Hello,
might have noticed,” Victor said as he pulled loosened and came off, revealing a hand. Nora,” Victor replied.
the zipper up, “Thrakmon is built quite dif- Thus freed, Victor got the other front leg off Nora said, “could we talk a moment in
ferently from Saliaven. Saliaven is antro or and then the head, shaking his own and say- the kitchen?”
zoomorphic while Thrakmon was made to ing, “good evening, Ms. Brooks.” Victor shrugged, “sure.”
look more like the actual Arctic Tiger, in- Nora laughed, “good evening! I see that Nora led and when Victor arrived she
cluding the fact that he’s quadrupedal.” Vic- you haven’t run out of surprises yet.” said, “I’m uncomfortable with the idea of my
tor sat on the bed and pulled the footpaws “I thought this might be a fun thing to son petting you like that.”
on, smoothing the fur of the legs over the top do with Mike.” Victor nodded, “ah, yes. It might look a
of the feet. “That means that you’ll have to Nora watched Mike stagger back to Vic- little odd. It’s totally innocent if you think
help me with the front paws. As you can see, tor’s room, “yes, I can see it was a success. I about it, though. Mike is acting as if I was
they’re built to allow me to run around on didn’t know you wore multiple characters.” any other cat, and I admit that it feels good.
them, but that also means that I have no dex- Victor replied, “Thrakmon is harder to Besides, a hug is a lot closer than being
terity in them. I can get one on fine, but do because I need another person to help me scratched on the back through several layers
you’ll have to help me with the other.” He when I’m in him.” of fabric and fur.”
picked up the head and put that on. He then Nora said, “can I see one of the front Nora replied, “yes, but it’s still a little un-
put one arm into the top of the first front legs?” usual. I’m his mother, and I hope you un-
paw and with his other hand pulled the Victor handed it to her and she looked it derstand if it makes me nervous.”
sleeve of the bodysuit over it. Mike rolled over inside and out, “this must be quite Victor nodded, “of course, Nora. If it is
up and helped him get situated in the second strong. Mike isn’t that light.” your wish, I shall try to make sure he does-
front paw and pulled the sleeve over that Victor smiled, “yes, they are. It was al- n’t anymore. Still, you may want to talk to
himself. most as fun to carry him as it was for him to him about this. I wouldn’t know what to do
“I always meant to make it possible to be carried, I think.” if he got insistent about it.”
manipulate in these paws,” Thrak said, his Nora nodded, but was silent for a mo- Nora nodded, “yes. Much as I hate to
voice blocked to near inaudibility from in- ment. Finally she said, “I’d better go get say it sometimes, Mike is a very responsible
side the head, “but I never got around to it.” Mike.” ten-year-old, and headstrong as well. I’ll talk
He settled down on all fours and said, “so. Victor replied, “don’t worry about it.” to him about it, and if he still wants to, then
Ready for a ride?” “Why-” I trust both of you not to do anything
Mike clapped his hands, “of course!” Mike rolled out of the door, “I forgot, worse.”
Thrak padded over to Mike’s chair and mom! Victor bought me this electric chair. Victor smiled, “of course we won’t. I
settled his haunches on the floor, “can you Isn’t it great?” reaffirm to you that my intentions are hon-
climb on like this?” Nora looked from Mike to Victor, orable, and my behavior as innocent as that
Mike carefully maneuvered himself onto shocked, “that must have been expensive!” of the creatures I portray.”
Thrakmon’s back, wrapping his arms around Mike said, “I said so too, but Victor told “Thanks for understanding, Victor. I’m
Thrak’s neck and his legs around the big cat’s me it wasn’t a problem.” glad we can talk like this.”
midde. He took a moment to enjoy the feel Victor added, “it was hardly a problem Victor smiled, “I ought to be thanking
of the soft fur and padding beneath him be- for me to do so, and I think Mike will do you, Nora. You trusted me to take care of
fore saying, “I’m on, but not too fast. I’ve much better now that he doesn’t have to rely your only son and didn’t lose your cool when
been getting stronger, but my grip isn’t that so much on other people to get around.” you saw him physically stroking me. You
great yet.” Nora took a deep breath and let it out, “I came in here, allowed me to explain and
Thrakmon rose carefully, “then I’ll take would guess so. I don’t know how to thank even accepted that our behavior was that of
it really smoothely this time.” you, Mr. Falkner.” a boy towards any other housecat. You’re a
*** Victor smiled, “maybe it’s about time to very remarkable woman.”
Nora had to let herself in again, and start calling me Victor, Ms. Brooks.” Nora laughed, “and you are a very
though she had expected the scene to be un- Nora smiled back, “I’ll take the liberty if strange man, Victor Falkner. I can’t believe I
usual, she was not adequately prepared for you do.” She turned to leave. just had a serious talk about child care with
the sight of her son riding what appeared to “See you tomorrow, Nora.” Victor called a man who is wearing most of a cat costume,
be a large predator cat. They were facing the after her. and that I only really noticed now. In less
other direction, the cat sedately pacing down *** than two weeks, you’ve managed to change

my entire perspective.” “Well,” Victor said speculatively, “I Nora got out of the car, smiling, “you
“You’re welcome.” might. I also might have something that don’t even know where I live. I never told
Mike rolled in, “are you ready, mom? would fit you if you want to try it.” you.”
Did we do something wrong?” Nora punched him lightly on the arm, Victor shrugged, “it can’t be so close that
Nora smiled at Mike, “I’m ready. And “let’s try something more traditional.” She you wouldn’t want to take a break before
no, I don’t think either of you did anything put a hand on his arm, “yes, indeed, Mike’s continuing.”
wrong.” right. You are really pettable like this.” Nora said, “well, the sitter isn’t expect-
Victor’s eyes shone, “I might take that ing me back for another half hour, so I sup-
Chapter 4: the wrong way.” pose I can join you for five minutes.”
Nora has her turn Nora’s expression mirrored his, “I assure Victor smiled and offered his arm again,
you, Victor, that my intentions are as inno- “shall we?”
Nora watched as Victor, dressed as cent as the animal I portray.” Nora laughed and joined him, “lets.”
Thrakmon, trotted around the room with *** Five minutes turned into ten, then to fif-
Mike happily cheering him on from on top Nora arrived precisely on time as usual. teen. Nora was enjoying Victor’s company
of him. Nora sat on the couch drinking a She greeted Victor and then paced around so much that she almost didn’t get up when
soda, and as Thrakmon passed her, she him, examining him from all angles. “Very she noticed what time it was. Her thoughts
reached out and put her hand on his side, good. Nice suit jacket, no visible ears or tail. turned to Mike, however, and she decided
stroking him as he passed. “Mike’s right,” The jacket’s a little fuzzy, but that’s all right she’d better go. Victor accompanied her to
she commented, “you really are soft and pet- because it’s velvet.” She stepped back, her car and before she got in, he bent and
table.” “Black jacket, pink shirt and black pants. kissed her hand. “I hope we can do this
Thrakmon turned around and padded Yes, quite acceptable.” again soon.”
up to her. Looking up, he said, “getting in Victor leaned over to the side, quickly Nora kissed him on the cheek, “so do I.”
on the fun, are we?” surveying Nora’s black skirt and pumps. “I
Nora smiled, “just trying to find out suppose it’s considered bad manners for a Chapter 5:
what my son sees in all this.” man to check for tails on the first date.” A fun little secret
Thrakmon sat and Mike slid off and Nora laughed, “so this is a date now?”
slowly walked back to his chair. Nora Victor replied, “I’m dressed up, you look Mike showed up at the front door, stand-
watched him, “Mike’s been getting a lot absolutely amazing. We’re going out to din- ing up without any sign of weakness for the
stronger.” ner. Sounds like a date to me.” first time since Victor had met him. “The
Thrakmon climbed up onto the sofa next Nora said, “I thank you for the comple- doctor says I don’t need a wheelchair any-
to Nora and curled up like a cat, “yes, he ment. It’s interesting to hear what your con- more,” he announced.
has.” cept of ‘dressed up’ is.” Victor hugged him, “that’s great news!”
Nora looked at Victor, “it’s still a little Victor offered Nora his arm, “shall we?” Mike walked slowly to the couch and sat
weird talking to you like this.” Nora took his arm, smiling. “Lets.” down, “yeah. I still can’t run much or any-
Victor sat up and adopted a more human *** thing, but it’s a great improvement over
position, “better?” Dinner went well, and as they conversed, being stuck going everywhere by ramp and
Nora reached down, “I think I’d rather Nora realized that Victor was both more and elevator.”
talk to a human face.” She helped him out of less strange than she had thought. Some- Victor smiled, but his voice betrayed
his paws and head, and his posture looked a times they’d go for half an hour of conver- some sadness, “does that mean you’ll be tak-
great deal more natural without his front sation in which Nora would forget Victor ing care of yourself now?”
legs reaching almost to the floor. “Better.” was abnormal, and then he’d say something Mike smiled up at Victor, “not yet. Mom
She laughed, “I must have been crazy to let that she found absolutely weird. Oddly wants to make sure I’m completely recov-
Mike convince me to take him here on a Sat- enough, however, Nora found herself laugh- ered first, and I’m not going to argue. I love
urday and then stay. Still, I like how you ing, agreeing and even sometimes replying in coming here.”
showed me how it all put together.” kind. She had been afraid he’d be awkward, Victor smiled back, “I’m glad you
“You’re welcome.” but she had to admit she was enjoying her- haven’t gotten bored.”
Nora smiled, but stayed silent. Mike self. Mike shook his head, “it’s been longer
began watching TV and Nora finally said, For his part, Victor was ecstatic. He’d than I’d thought, but I can never get bored
“the old sitter has been practically begging never been much for dating or romance, al- with you around. Even after a year, you still
me for another job. I broke down and told though he always wanted to try. The fact manage to surprise me. With your help, I’m
her she could watch Mike tonight. I figured that he was now having dinner with a done with my homework in record time and
it would be nice to get out for a little while. charming female, and that she had actually then all the things we do together never get
I’ve saved enough from not having to hire asked him often left him feeling like some- old.”
her all week to afford this much. How’d you thing had to be wrong. Things this good just Victor shrugged, “well, then. I was going
like to join me for dinner? My treat.” didn’t happen to him. He tried not to blow to show you something new today, in cele-
Victor smiled back, “I wouldn’t feel right it by saying anything too odd, but even his bration of this landmark. But if that’s the
having you pay for everything.” occasional slips seemed to be taken well, and way you feel-”
“You can pay half.” he eventually stopped worrying. Mike nearly jumped up, “oh no you
“You’re on.” Victor absently brushed the Nora had insisted on driving, so when don’t! What is it?”
fur on his leg, “I guess this isn’t the proper she dropped him off, Victor felt required to “Follow me,” Victor replied.
attire.” offer some hospitality. “Would you care to As they entered Victor’s room, Mike
Nora laughed, “not unless you know a come in for a few minutes? I know it isn’t asked, “is it a new suit?”
place I don’t.” exactly a short drive back home.” “Not exactly new,” Victor replied, “just

something that I’d like you not to tell your and her own gestures making it seem like she Epilogue:
mother about. She might get the wrong was embarassed by the praise. Much later
idea.” Mike said, “if I were a couple of years
Mike snorted, “you two have been dat- older, I’d probably be attracted to you. As it Mike put his latest test down on the cof-
ing for almost a year, you know. I doubt is, I’m- well hell, I’m attracted anyway.” fee table, “another ‘105’. This is really all
there’s anything strange enough to make her Jamina replied, “thanks I think.” too easy.”
change her mind now.” Mike looked at the clock, “I’m not ex- Victor looked up from his book, “yeah,
Victor pulled out one of the boxes, actly sure what to do, but if you want to well. I hope college challenges you.”
“don’t be so sure.” He pulled the suit parts change back before mom gets here, we’ll Mike grinned, “I hope you remember
out and laid them on the bed. have to do it fast.” our agreement, dad.”
Mike looked at the bodysuit that was Jamina laughed, “it’s a good thing I’m Victor replied, “you mean about the
keeping much of its shape despite not hav- not Marlene, or I might have taken that as a prom. Well, I suppose since you went to the
ing a wearer, “you naughty man. I didn’t proposition.” halloween dance male, you can do this. I still
know you went in for crossdressing too.” Mike put up a finger, “you can’t pull that can’t believe they’re making the prom fancy
Victor smiled, “see? There’s plenty you one. Marlene herself said she doesn’t rob the dress.” He snorted, “good god I envy you,
don’t know about. This is Jamina, book-” cradle.” young lady.”
“Book four,” Mike said, “I know. I Jamina said, “true. Well, I actually just Mike laughed, “so I can go?”
thought I recognized her there. Nice.” wanted to show you what a pretty girl I am. Victor said, “tickets on your bed, you
“I’ve also got Marlene, but I don’t want If you’d rather have Saliaven or Thrakmon, mom’s been out shopping for a dress all
to scandalize someone so young.” I understand.” morning.”
Mike wolf-whistled, “Marlene! You per- Mike replied, “and pass up the chance to Mike hugged his father tightly, “thanks!
vert.” hang out with an attractive female who just You’re the best. I’m such a lucky young
Victor began to put on the bodysuit, said she only showed up to show off? I think woman.”
“that may be the first time you’ve ever called not. Come on, we’ll go to the living room Victor said, “you can be the second, but
me that.” and see what we can do.” try not to achieve the first. Prom night sex is
Mike said, “it’s the first time you de- *** overrated.”
served it. Jamina’s one thing. I can see en- Nora walked in and didn’t even slow Mike laughed, “like you’d know!”
joying some time as her. But Marlene’s a bit down when she found her son sitting next to Victor closed his book, “I’ll have you
on the oversexed side, isn’t she?” a sexy vixen playing video games. “Well, know that I- look, I’m not getting into that.
Victor laughed, “only a little.” He Victor,” she said, “why has this never come Who’s the young man?”
reached back and zipped up the bodysuit. up on a date?” Mike shrugged, “Sean.”
“What do you think of this one so far?” He The vixen nearly leapt a foot in the air. Victor nodded, “your best friend. He
sat and began on the footpaws. Jamina spun around, her black hair spread- knows about all this, I assume.”
Mike replied, “you’ve certainly got a ing out behind her and her tail thumping her Mike rolled his eyes, “he wouldn’t be my
good figure now.” They both laughed. “Re- chest as she stopped, “Nora! We didn’t ex- date if he didn’t, dad. I think he wants a suit
ally, though, from what I see it’s a pretty pect you to be back so early.” of his own, actually.”
close fascimile of her. I always imagined Nora looked at Mike, “you didn’t tell Victor looked up, “hoping for a match-
Jamina went in for a really big fluffy tail, and him? Shame on you, Mike.” ing pair, are we?” He sighed, “he’s a respon-
the bright coloration is about right.” He Jamina looked at Mike, “you knew she’d sible enough young man, I suppose. He can
grinned, “you’ve added some to the chest, be here early today? You little sneak!” borrow Saliaven for the night.”
however. As I recall, Jamina was not a very Nora held back a laugh, “and how long Mike clapped, “yes! Don’t worry, either.
curvaceous vixen. Quite the opposite, she has this been going on?” I picked him because he’s that responsible.
was always complaining about being under- “Just today, mom,” Mike said, “isn’t she He’ll have me home by midnight and no
developed.” adorable?” funny stuff unless I ask for it.”
Victor began on the head, “well, when Nora looked into Jamina’s wide green Victor closed his eyes, “I’ll try to ignore
one is doing drag, one has to make changes eyes, “yes, indeed she is. Victor, I can’t be- the qualifier there.” He sat up, “want to go
sometimes. My natural body needs a bit of lieve after all this time you’d think I’d find cheer some kids up at the zoo?”
extra help to pass properly.” this anything more than a new development. Mike smiled, “Yeah, dad. That sounds
As Victor put on the handpaws, Mike She twined her arms around Jamina, “you’re great.”
said, “I note that this one doesn’t have a a furry, Victor. Exactly how can you put
voice booster.” ‘crossdresser’ as a higher offense?” She dug
“Actually it does,” Jamina replied, put- at Jamina’s neck, raised her face slightly and
ting a claw to her neck, “I just didn’t want kissed Victor on the mouth, “you really are
to turn it on yet,” she said, her voice now the adorable.” She stepped back, “I think I like
tones of a shy teenage girl. this one best.” She pronounced, and as Vic-
Mike whistled low, “that’s good. I as- tor attempted to find something to say, she
sume an addition of your own.” took Mike and left.
Jamina nodded, the features of the head

Upon Graduation
Rachel Futtersak
o the class of 2009: congratulations on your perstar.I finally channeled the positive by watching lectures
graduation. Welcome to the world. from the TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference
As a graduate myself, I am right there with as I often have this year.
you in your excitement. I am also right there with Eve Ensler’s “idea worth spreading” deals with happiness.
many of you in your confusion. I am with you in Ensler, when describing what she has learned through her
your questioning at this time of great decisions. I am here in the work, says “Happiness exists in action, in telling the truth, in
process of deciding what it means to be an adult. saying what it is. Giving away what you want the most.” I fi-
As I applied for graduation this year I found myself in what nally understood.
felt like a crisis. I am graduating with the GPA that was my We are not guaranteed anything. We have an education
distant personal goal at the beginning of freshman year. At the now. For better or for worse this does not grant us any privi-
end of senior year I realized that this goal meant very little leges. The world, after May 23rd, will not automatically give
pragmatically speaking. I did not feel deep pride for achieving us recognition for our academic success. The value of an edu-
it. If there is one thing my undergraduate education has taught cation, of a successful education, can not be seen immediately.
me, it is to question. I needed to ask, What does this number The value is seen in what we take from our it and how we give
mean in the world outside of academia? When does it become it away. It is not our right to impart our knowledge and the
significant? ability to question in search of truth on others. It is the defini-
Like any good product of the university system I began my tion of success. However we choose to do this, it is our re-
questioning by classifying my blasé response. The psychology sponsibility.
student in me told me it was the result of a tendency to attrib- What appears to be a crisis upon graduation is often rooted
ute success to external, transient factors as opposed to stable in recognition of freedom. True limitlessness is paralyzing. It
and internal (typically male) factors. The sociology student in keeps us feeling trapped, certain that there is a correct course
me told me that it was related to a cultural phenomena of an to follow. Many of us hide behind plans to which we are not
overachieving middle class, who sees education as a necessary truly committed. We starve off the sovereignty that when ac-
commodity. The women‘s studies student in me told me: This knowledged, obliges us to act. Powerlessness is a fallacy. En-
is because of patriarchy. trapment, the fantasy. There is sanctity in acknowledging
I then came to the big questions. What does our education freedom that hurts like bee stings; piercing, calling for atten-
mean? I am not guaranteed success nor are you. Achieving a tion, impossible to ignore. Feel them. This is what it means to
numerical goal has not, and will not, bring me lifelong happi- be educated.
ness. I mourned the end of my college experience upon realiz- Congratulations fellow graduates. Obtaining principles of
ing this. I listened to “Winter Kills” by Yaz. I listened to knowledge is reason for contentment and a feeling of great
“Winter Kills” by Dune. Did you know there are actually mul- achievement. My wish is that as you enter the world you will
tiple versions if this hell on earth? I progressed, more rapidly remember that giving them away is happiness, is true success.
than expected to listening to Gethsemane from Jesus Christ Su-

Manip by Jason Wirchin


10 Things That Have Been Ruined for Me this Month…

That I will now ruin for you
Rachel Futtersak
ompetitions between Revolutionary Presidents and slamming tiny bowls of fried rice. This increases my anger.
and the Developmentally Disabled I resort to stomping on M’s foot as the Hibachi chef from Jer-
sey sings “What is love” with an accent. Wrong foot. I put my
I had been waiting for a competition of this head down and let tears drop into my Miso soup. I then cry
nature to happen for years. In moments of past harder due to the redundant nature of crying into a soup that
solitude, I often found myself asking the ques- is essentially, a bowl of liquid tears. While we all know that
tion “When will a president who has been defined by one com- there is nothing better than standing your ground against the
ponent of his identity and who has been shaped by culturally mockery of a culture while in an environment that is in itself a
imposed assumptions, be challenged to a bowling duel by mockery of an entire culture, I deem this ruined. Terrible.
someone in the Special Olympics?” It finally happened. Barack
Obama mad a boo-boo. He compared his bowling score to 5) Puppies- I truly enjoyed puppies. That is until I realized
that of the differently abled on national television. In doing the untapped potential that they possess. The scientific com-
so he made an assumption. The public outcry was quick and munity has utilized their recourses to create puppy/sea ameni-
brutal. The challenge, when it was finally made, seemed ex- ties. They do all the base puppy activities, only while glowing.
ceedingly threatening. Luckily this was overshadowed by the Now regular puppies just seem like unfinished prototypes.
president’s next blunder, the AIG bonuses, which Times Op-ed They are therefore ruined.
contributor Frank Rich proceeded to refer to as Obama’s “Ka-
trina Moment”. 6) Marlee Matlin- Ms. Matlin, the hearing impaired actress
The grand competition of my fantasies- ruined. of Child of a Lesser God fame, was an inspiration to us all.
Op -ed contributor Frank Rich -ruined (on the bases of She has recently joined the ranks of celebrities such as Maureen
comparing a financial blunder to a denial of human suffering McCormick in publishing a memoir that will tarnish my image
that resulted in death, exposure of racial inequity, and the of her forever if I pick it up. She now has a book in the genre
longest Spike Lee film yet) of celebswithdespicablepastsweusedtoidiolize. Literature, a
Bowling-still fun. loose term in this case, should ideally self-regulate and destroy
this book so that I will continue not to read it.
2) Dora the Explorer If you have not yet heard, Dora, the Mass commercial non-fiction-ruined
progressive, non-body conscious, bilingual, little explorer is Marlie Matlin-lalalala I can not hear you. You are still
getting a makeover. The new Dora will be unveiled by Nick- great. (I know you can not hear me either)
elodeon this year. This has many feminists up in arms. The new
Dora is older. She has thinned out considerably and appears to 7) American Idol- Immunity is collective this season. There
be wearing lip balm as well as shoes that are clearly unfit for is no one I can criticize. We have Scott who is blind and thus
rigorous exploring. Who will be a role model for our girls? I immune. Megan Joy who is immune due to having two names
hereby deem feminist minded critics… ruined. While you were and being ridiculously hot . Danny-immune due to tragically
debating the progression of eating disorders in cartoon char- dead wife. Michael’s immunity is directly related to the fact
acters the Taliban was directing their anger towards Ameri-
can female soldiers and 300 Afghan women marched through
Kabul. Also the Times ran a slideshow detailing Michelle
Obama’s approved new role as first lady. She finally dropped
that whole Harvard graduate shtick. She now gardens, cares
for children, and cuddles with her dog Bo.
Amateur feminist journalists- ruined
The Times picture book for women who can’t be bothered
with troublesome words-In tact
Dora - Usted no necesitó el cambio (You didn’t need the

3) The Part Time Pirate Defense Mainly because all of my

pirate jokes have been stolen. Also, pirates are very serious.

4) Hibachi Chain Restaurants There is no place better

suited for passive aggression than a Hibachi restaurant. I re-
cently got in an argument with my significant other, M, on the
way to one of these chains. It goes like this; M makes a refer-
ence that includes a racial epithet. I get slightly mad. After
being sat at a table with 2 other couples I am forced to express
Manip by Jason Wirchin
my anger while smiling, stealing edamame out of this hand,

number 3. I like my judges in groups of three or in multiples

derived from this. We all know who the real winner here will
be- young unwed mothers who just have to sing-you go girls.

8) Tea Parties that are really protests-They were much

more romantic when the attire included bonnets.

9) Beauty Queens and Gay Marriage Proponents- Now I

thought these two would be a good match for each other.
Clearly, such significant sources of cultural debate would be a
perfect Pair! I thought I remembered the old saying going: Pag-
eants and Gay marriage go together like peanut butter and
Jelly . I remembered incorrectly. It was beauty queens and gay
marriage, ruined.

10)And the final ruined thing….

Anxious attachments to crime fighting turtles According
that he looks like Todd Palin (a significant figure for Idol’s
to New York Magazine I now have no excuse for my many
key demographic). We also have Anoop-immune due to like-
problems. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showed up to the
lihood of being mistaken for a Stony Brook grad student. And
empire state building for their 25th anniversary honors and they
finally there is Adam-immune because Johnny Cash always
showed up on time.
used to say he wished Ring of Fire sounded more like a Mars
Volta, Radiohead, Muse mash up tune! Only without the

good parts of any of those bands. Also, I perseverate on the

“We are Stardust, We are Golden”; In Support of an Ecopsychology

Rachel Futtersak
aturday Morning: I am sitting at a Star- disorder. These are health issues that, at their current level of
bucks. I am running my tongue against the as- prevalence, have not been seen before. They have probable, ev-
partame coated, green plastic straw in my idence based environmental etiologies. It is therefore in no way
coffee fanatically, as those of us caught in a radical to view these health problems as the symptoms of a
constant monologue of denial and sustenance do. The cup preventable yet truly immense crisis of toxic production and
bears a picture of a woman, an earth mother with flowing hair. consumption. This forces us to ask, Is this consumption prob-
The flat screen, digital television to my right tells the story of lem a symptom of a larger, collective human problem? The ex-
my coffee. It was gleaned from a third world country, a name- istence of toxic cosmetics may be a symptom of a relational
less producing country in this particular clip, where blue problem with the earth.
blacked skinned children smile. My cup tells me that by buy- An environmental strategy that fails to account for our con-
ing coffee “good things happen”. “Congratulations, you.” is temporary, cultural conception of the natural world fails to ex-
printed on it’s disposable sleeve. I have been given permission amine the nature of who we and what it is we are trying to
to feel content about this choice of cooperate beverage. I am salvage. A mutual understanding of this is instrumental in de-
here today researching toxic cosmetic products, known car- termining our motivation for urgent change. Ecopsychology
cinogens that a lack of clear legislature allows to be marketed proposes that “The deep and enduring psychological ques-
and distributed in mass quantities to the American public. I tions—who we are, how we grow, why we suffer, how we
have been doing this research, albeit half heartedly, for weeks heal—are inseparable from our relationships with the physical
now. world. Similarly, the over-riding environmental questions—the
I have been troubled by my lack of passion for this research sources of, consequences of, and solutions to environmental
on a mass assault of human rights, hidden in a web of complex, problems—are deeply rooted in the psyche, our images of self
inaccessible language. As of this morning, I realize why. Look- and nature, and our behaviors.” (John Davis at Naropa Uni-
ing at current consumer products as a public health concern, versity). It defines “ “sanity” as if the whole world mattered
while undoubtedly essential work, is scratching at the surface “(Theodore Roszak). A perspective rooted in ecopsychology
of a troubling fundamental problem. Why is the environmen- examines our very ways of seeing, of perceiving, and conse-
tal crises and related public health crises not perceived by the quently of conceiving ourselves. Can human beings be healthy
general public as truly urgent? Why are we working, product in a culture that denies them their very nature, the home where
by product, within the system of consumption that is at the they came from? How does our inner world of human con-
root of the problem at hand? The short answer is that this is sciousness relate to our treatment of the natural world?
compulsory. The only paradigm we have to work in as Amer- Ecopsychology proposes that in an interconnected world, the
icans is one of aggressive consumerism followed by conspicu- wounds of the earth are intricately entwined with the despair
ous validation. The longer answer, requires a conscious shift in of humanity. When we look to them in isolation, we cease to
thought. heal either.
Our current generation is marked by childhood cancer, by Continuum between human distress and planetary suffer-
autism and by what appears to be explosive rates of psychi- ing appears to be a radical thought in a culture where body
atric troubles such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit and mind are separate entities and the earth is inanimate. We

must remember that we have shaped our human minds to per- for nature, is a product of formative history and cultural speci-
ceive nature as inert. Is environmental destruction a natural yet ficity.
dangerous consequence of this dualism and if it is, can we As generally well intentioned green consumerism is subject
change it at the level of collective cognition ? This shift may to criticism, the larger environmental movement must be as
proceed what has become necessary behavioral change. Seeing well. There is currently a move towards environmental careers
ourselves as interconnected partners, entwined with the earth, among my fellow graduates. This is encouraging. However,
endows us with true compassion . what is the danger in delegating the job of environmental re-
With the development of “green consumerism“, conspicu- form to political elite and to those who will become a class of
ous consumption has been reformed. We, citizens of the earth, educated elite? How does this play into a dialogue of separa-
are aware that our human actions have led to degradation of tion and domination ? People educated within an institution,
the environment. There is a broad consensus that this has within a particular Western paradigm may realistically own the
global devastating effects. We have approached this with a cry rights to decide the earths fate, a fate in extractible from our
towards cooperate responsibility and organic products, some own . With this possibility looming, our relationship of hier-
of which are truly better alternatives, many of which are not. archy and dominance to the natural world and consequently to
A quick Google search on “greenwashing” brings up 575,000 each other is of great concern.
results on companies that are promoting environmental This morning, in the coffee shop, it is time to leave. As my
friendly products that are either harmful or a cover-up for brain signals to my body to stand my muscles responsively ex-
other detrimental operations. Where is the solution that moti- pand and contract. I yield into the linoleum covered ground
vates people towards true environmentalism? Columbia Uni- briefly before I push myself up from it. I am blood . I am sinew.
versity is currently looking at how we make the decision to As quickly as this realization comes, it passes. I clear my throat
consciously “go green” in relation to individual risk assess- to retrieve it, emit a guttural sound. Saturday morning and we
ment. While this is valuable research, it fails to recognize that are transient animals in our plush purple chairs. Kings and

conception of the earth in human minds, while often mistaken Queens of the planet, suffering the consequences.

"Green is the Anti-Green"

Margaret Mars, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
pril 22nd was Earth Day and on this day we happy to respond accordingly. After 9/11, President Bush told
are meant to celebrate the earth. One might Americans that the best thing they could do for their country
think that celebrating the earth would involve was to go shopping, and Americans shopped to save their
spending time outdoors and appreciating na- country. Now, Americans are shopping to save the world! It is
ture, or perhaps giving back in some way by quite obvious, however, that just as shopping after 9/11 did
planting a tree or picking up litter. In reality, it seems that to not prevent a bloody and ridiculously prolonged war, shop-
many Americans celebrating the earth involves taking advan- ping will not stop global warming. In fact, this new green trend
tage of “Earth Day sales” and buying “green/eco-friendly” mer- is the antithesis of the original concept behind being green.
chandise. I was so appalled after receiving several emails from If the green trend is the anti-green, the question arises:
companies inviting me celebrate the earth by shopping their What can one do to be truly green? The answer, or at least part
Earth Day sales, that I decided to google “Earth Day sales” and of it, is nothing. Producing new products, eco-friendly or oth-
see how many companies were redefining Earth Day as just erwise, uses raw materials for the product and packaging and
another excuse to shop. It turns out it is quite a few: 20-50% uses energy for manufacturing and shipping, all of which take
off at Vitamin World (“Here’s to a healthy planet and a health- a toll on the environment. Therefore, buying new things, re-
ier new you!”), Earth Day Organics sale at, gardless of how they are marketed, is in no way going to curb
eco-friendly mattress sale at, 50% off global climate change. Conversely, using what one already pos-
“green” hotels from, 25% off Earth Day items sesses until it is absolutely nonfunctional and then, and only
at the Discovery Store, Home Depot gave away free CFL light then, disposing of it properly and replacing it with a more eco-
bulbs to lure shoppers into the store, Rack Room shoes gave friendly model is the most appropriate course of action. Of
away free reusable shopping bags to the 1st 200 shoppers who course, not every aspect of the green trend is evil. Reusable
purchased shoes, organic, handmade, and bamboo clothing shopping bags are a good idea, as long as those produced from
was on sale at Seed & Sow, Erge, Cultural Cotton, TenThou- petroleum products are avoided and new ones are not pur-, Etsy, and probably every other online re- chased on every trip to the store. And, recycling is nice. Kick-
tailer that carries such products. ing the bottled water habit and using reusable bottles to drink
Such a blatant promotion of consumerism on Earth Day tap water is beneficial, if these reusable bottles are not dis-
caused me to consider America’s so-called “response” to an- carded every time a particular model is branded as dangerous.
thropogenic climate change. Many Americans feel that by The most important thing is to think and not blindly follow
“being green” they are personally putting an end to global trends, no matter how altruistic they may seem. I recently saw
warming. But what does being green mean in this context? It a poster with a recycling symbol that in addition to proclaim-
means shopping. It means throwing away all “non-green” ing “reduce, reuse, recycle,” it also encouraged one to “re-
clothing, appliances, furniture, carpeting, reusable water bot- think.” Perhaps this is the key to combatting climate change;
tles, cars, toys, towels, light bulbs, and buying brand new, Americans need to rethink their modus operandi. Adjusting old
fancier, more expensive, “green” replacements. Throwing away habits will not provide a solution, we need an entirely new
perfectly functional merchandise and buying replacements sim- mindset.
ply is not “green”; the green trend is just the newest manifes-
tation of perceived obsolescence, and Americans are more than

How I Found My Voice
Rachel Futtersak
have always wanted to be a writer. As a long to clarify what this is all about and it is not even a pivotal
child, I longed for this as well. My desire was topic. However, I have a valid hypothesis. I am willing to bet
encouraged by the publication of a second that there is a direct correlation between completion of a John
grade poem, titled Matzah and Carrots, in the Grogan work and self-efficacy. In fact, I am willing to bet that
school bulletin. It went like this: there is a significant causal relationship that has been ignored
In the spring bunnies eat carrots for far too long.
I do not. I do not eat carrots. If you have yet to see this film, I will summarize: John Gro-
Easter bunnies!! I celebrate Passover. gan does banal things with mediocre success. He goes to the
Perhaps the powers that be saw this as an articulation of airport. He buys a less than desirable starter home. He freaks
inner turmoil caused by my subjective role as a cultural mis- out about being a father. He sleeps with his girlfriend (some
fit. Maybe they saw it as genius in its symbolism. (The carrot chick named Jenifer Shmaniston). He desires to be a serious
being representative of collective oppression with Passover journalist but is just too full of heart and thus is demoted to a
standing in reference to freedom in conviction). Regardless, I career as a columnist. Here is the kicker: He does this all…with
was optimistic. a dog! He is a mischievous dog! The world’s worst dog! He is
In my early college years my desire to write was fed further an irresistible pup.
by creative writing workshops held round table style. Twice a Mr. Grogan, in a true moment of inspiration, decides to
semester each student would have a turn to read a very im- write about this dog. He writes about his mind-numbingly or-
portant piece of writing. Each participant in the workshop dinary life in the context of his border line relationship with his
would go around and critique the work while the author sat in dog. The audience is on the edge of their seats wondering if
requisite silence. The goal was to appear simultaneously tor- this will this be the end of our hero’s career. It is not. He is pro-
tured and unaffected while strangers told you how inspira- moted, revered, and becomes wildly successful. All the while he
tional and revolutionary you truly were. This was followed by is spouting genius revelations such as “Dogs are like wives. You
cheese, crackers, extraneous self –disclosure and absolute want them even when they get older and begin to poop on the
avoidance of any of these people on campus. I came away with floor” (I admit I may be paraphrasing here).
little professional skill but I did acquire a troubling Pavlovian The day I found my voice I was watching this in awe. As the
association between cheese and ass-kissing. movie ended and Marley kicked the bucket, I came to a real-
For years after this, I still ached to be a writer. However, in ization. I have a dog. Also, he poops on the floor when it rains.
the absence of gratuitous praise and cheese, I lost my confi- If this John Grogan character could be a writer, I had it in me
dence. Each time I sat at my computer I was wracked with par- to be a writer! I turned to the girl next to me and whispered in
alyzing anxiety. I needed to be Hemingway or I needed her ear.
footnotes the length of a complex novella. It was imperative “I think I just found my voice”.
that I deconstruct language itself in a way that none of my No response. I tried again, louder this time.
predecessors had before. I did not write. “I just regained my sense of autonomy”.
This all changed the day I saw Marley and Me. The day I She didn’t hear me. She was crying like a bitch.
found my voice. You are probably angry reader that I took this

Manip by Jason Wirchin


Some Thoughts on Surviving College
Rachel Futtersak
ollege, my dear readers, is stressful. I have Me- extremely angry thoughts
however , after four year of an intense liberal Cue-Zach Braff. I simply, in this case, refer back to the
arts curriculum that has included courses in in- funny and meaningless movement that I have articulated in my
terpretive dance, writing fictional stories with no previous statements on boredom. I then laugh in my head as I
wrong answers, and human sexuality, developed a strategy for visualize the person in front of me performing this. Zach Braff
handling this that I may now impart to you. This method is does not get angry! He fantasizes about ridiculous things in a
foolproof once you master it and devote yourself to the fun- manner that borders of potential psychosis and is consequently
damental principals. happy.
When times get stressful, I like to pretend that I am Zach Braff is also an increasingly adaptive tool when out with a
Braff. I simply get in my car, put on a mellow semi-obscure date who is clearly quantifiably more intelligent than you. As
pseudo indie song, crack the window a bit, and drive. As I drive this person drones on about applied phenomology you may
I look ahead of me and take in my surroundings as a feeling of feel out of your league. Don’t panic. Think like Braff. Come
calm washes over me. I imagine opening credits and contem- out with a theory so sentimental, so fundamentally obvious
plate how cool I look staring thoughtfully into the distance. that it can not be argued with! Try something along the lines
This works particularly well with artists such as the Sufjan of “I think home is where your parents create you and then
Stevens, Iron and Wine, or my personal favorite, Bon Iver. raise you. Then when you’re an adult you leave and become
College can also be subjectively boring and tedious. Sitting that child creator of your own” This theory need not be rele-
in the ghost town of Stony Brook on the weekends leaves me vant to anything the person has just said. It will stand on its
with moments of tedium to fill. At these times I simply make a own and will be followed by moments of reflective silence and
crazy gesture, something no one has ever done before. This as- more pseudo indie music as the other person contemplates how
sures me that I am very deep. It also entertains me in five sec- insightful you are, you intelligent being you!
ond intervals. This strategy will also inspire confidence in your general
This Braff strategy is optimal when I am agitated as well. Romantic life. Braff is goofy looking by anyone’s standards.
When I am very angry instead of plugging my ears I simply He captures Natalie Portman and Rachel Bilson merely by ex-
imagine that I am Mr.Braff. For example isting passively in a perpetual sort of existential crisis. It is ei-
Person A- “Oprah‘s first tweet is national news” ther that, or he looks like he is in crises while perpetually
Me-angry pondering his next oh…Tweet. Regardless, this gives us hope.
Person A- “Tweet is a verb!” Except that personally, I do not want to capture any hearts. I
Me-getting angrier just want to capture Rachel and Natalie like a hunter so that
Person A- “This is because of the economy. I don‘t know they may catch my tears to the sounds of Frou Frou.
anything about this but it is very bad!“

“The Last Commercial” - Jason Wirchin

" Heroes 7
8 Brotherhood ! # " "

National Thoughts of a Young Soviet Girl

the peoples of the CCCP.” Motherland. Those men and women died to-
By Natalia Markovna Comrade Alexandra Mihailovna The war itself was brutal and gether, arm in arm, shoulder to
Chernoshovsky was not as happy with this charac- glorious. Many comrades fell in the shoulder, in their stand against fas-
terization of her love as we were, but fields of the great Soyuz. But their cism. Through the war, we learned
When I began my training with
she too cheered. We celebrated blood was not misspent. Those 20 that there is no difference between
the Red Army in 1941, my head was
Lieutenant Grigory Petrovic not as a million killed only made Russia red- man and woman.
full of frothy dreams of Soviet vic-
man, but as a comrade. We, through der and greater through their con- There is only one difference of
tory. I spoke of my hopes to drive
the joy of military indoctrination, no tribution. Today, we honor those consequence for our people—
the fascists out of the pure fields of
longer saw gender. All men and men and women killed through whether someone is with us or
our Glorious Motherland, using my
women wore uniforms. All men and commissioned art pieces and na- against us.
five round, magazine-fed, bolt-ac-
women served the Great Stalin and tional song sung by every child, Зa родинy!
tion Mosin-Nagant rifle. I spoke of
endorsed his protection of our from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.
my desire to blow up entire Panzer
units. I spoke of how the fascists
would have to drag their mangled
bodies back to Berlin in shame. A
Belorussian comrade of mine asked
me, “Natalia, are you a feminist as
spoken of in Western social philoso-
“No, I am a Soviet,” I said
proudly. “I see no gender. I see only
the great people of the CCCP!”
My view on gender relations was
not always so unpolluted. When I
was growing up in the Urals, I often
dreamt, during my 12 hour work
days in the fields, “Where is that ma-
jestic specimen of manhood, my
Alexander Nevsky, who will spirit
me away to a happier place?”
I met such a magnificent speci-
men. His name was Joseph Stalin.
And he called on me through radio-
broadcast, as a comrade, to fight
against the fascists and win the Great
Patriotic War.
I hopped on the next wagon
leaving my village, with one change
of clothes and a sack of potatoes on
my back, for it is a long drive to
I arrived at the training camp
and found a sea of like-minded So-
viet females, from all republics and
races. We bonded like sisters, train-
ing together, living together and eat-
ing together. While we tended our
bruises so as to be prepared for the
next day of training, Comrade
Alexandra Mihailovna spoke of her
love, Lieutenant Grigory Petrovic,
who flew with the Soviet Air Force.
She spoke so tenderly of his devo-
tion to the Motherland that we all
began to weep onto our uniforms.
I stood in our barracks and said,
“We should all be as devoted as
Lieutenant Grigory Petrovic. His
devotion has transcended the love
for one person. He instead loves all
" Brotherhood 9

The Caucasian “Burden”

must be added that the term has been programs that would hit ethnic audi- cepted.
By Najib Aminy used to describe the “entire” population
of these regions, without regard neces-
Additionally, “White” History
When it comes to reparations, plain
and simple, there are not enough. What
sarily to skin tone. Month should replace Black History happened to “We will not forget?” or
I am a Caucasian that is mad. No, Now I can go down one route, ex- Month in February and occur once “Never again?” All across America, dis-
scratch that, I am extremely livid. No press my love and passion for my every leap year. Black History Month crimination, racism and hate is being
wait, I am seething with rage. I have it “home” country and be defined as a cul- should be extended to two months and spewed and the diverse people of Amer-
too good. tureless American. But if I did that, then two weeks followed by Hispanic History ica are suffering. It’s our role as Cau-
For one, I have a lot of diverse the terrorists would win. So instead of Month then to be followed by Asian casians to take this burden and make
friends. I know Asians, I converse with having a repeat 2008 November elec- History Month. life equal for all, preferably with gov-
Hispanics and I bought my car from an tion, the second and “better” option Stronger action must take place ernment aid. Specifically, increase the
African American. You could say I am taxes of the “white” and provide tax re-
very cultured or very tolerant of other lief for the working diverse.
people. I urge you, too. We should shift our focus from ex-
I can tell the difference between terior atrocities and focus on the social
Koreans and Africans like its and it’s. genocides that occurred here in Amer-
But my first complaint is amongst ica. Native Americans should be al-
“white” people who have bastardized lowed to claim any land they want,
the term “caucasian.” In Western Asia whenever they want. It’s the perks of
my parents were born and raised, es- having your entire population wiped
sentially on the dirt turf of a country in out by western expansion. Were your
which they had run away. Chillin’ out great ancestors indentured in the Amer-
maxin’ relaxin’ all cool and all shootin ican slavery system? Well, the appropri-
some soccer outside of school when a ate response is to seek a full salary for
couple of “soviets” were up to no good, their hard work in seeding the plants to
they started making trouble in their which Americans are reaping today.
neighborhood. There was one little war This includes benefits. Though a line
and my parents got scared, they said must be drawn somewhere. If they were
they were moving out from their coun- freed, then you would be tough out of
try and came over here. luck.
But what many fail to realize is As James Baldwin said, “It is a great
where Caucasia is and who Caucasians would be to fight for the social equality when it comes to scholarships and af- shock at the age of five or six to find that
truthfully are. According to Wikipedia, of all. firmative action. My love for equality is in a world of Gary Coopers you are the
a free encyclopedia with millions of ar- And that starts with accepting that so strong that I had been rejected from Indian.” Let’s change that so that the
ticles contributed collaboratively using we as Caucasians have it too good. For numerous prestigious universities shock is later down the road. We can
Wiki software in dozens of language, one, mediums of entertainment must be across America only to offer the oppor- only hope that there would be no shock
Caucasians is a term used to denote the “diversified” so programs like WET, or tunity to the less privileged. I like to at all.
general physical type of some or all of White Entertainment Television, specif- think that I have helped pave the road
the indigenous populations of Europe, ically known as all of cable television ex- for “minorities.” For every one qualified
North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West cluding MY 9, BET, and The George candidate, twelve diverse candidates of
Asia, Central Asia and South Asia. It Lopez Show, can be changed to have equal or lower qualification must be ac-

of the
By Tad Hamilton
10 Labor ! # " "

The Red Territory

When National Hockey team wins Omega Red!
By Justinski Meltzorovitch world championship, do the people Think about it. Is perfect fit. He is
need to be there to support the team? Red, he is powerful, and he represents
Dimly lit gymnasium. Music at ap- Nyet! People only need to know the all ideals of Soviet Russian. Power over
propriate levels. Workers toiling away glorious triumph that is our winning weakness, and total domination over
on the court. Only one problem; too hockey team and rejoice quietly to his enemies. Also his name has “Red”
many people supporting the team. themselves while working the plow in in it. Nuff said!
In ideal world, people don’t need to the field. After all, how will the team When American weakling hero,
support team, team supports people. It win next year without the powerful nu- “Wolverine”, attempts to put down our
is unnecessary for the people to cheer trients of strong Soviet vegetables? great country, Omega Red steps in to
and show emotion at sporting events. It Now, to be a part of the Red Terri- assure that only the Red state stays on
is more important for them to be work- tory is great honor. But such honor is top. And you know he isn’t afraid to use
ing and contributing to our socialist reserved for only the most prestigious his death spores to crush his enemies.
environment. It is imperative for every- members of our great communist state. The next time Wolverine comes by
one to be pulling their weight and Therefore our next Red Territory mem- brandishing his puny claws, Omega
doing the work of the country. ber will be the great and powerful Red will be sure to put him in his place.
And let’s not forget that that
his powerful carbonadium ten-
tacles combined with his
pheromones to drain the life of
others in order to sustain his
own are important when (even
thought unlikely) our mighty
Soviet team loses. Omega Red
can still drain the life out of
other fans and prove that noth-
ing short of extreme subzero
temperatures can stop him.
“You don’t have to like the
sport,” Omega Red tells us.
“Just as long as our comrades
prevail and laborers never stop
working. Also I will drain your
life force.”
Previously, The Crimson
Dynamo was the main Red
Territory mascot, however
when he found out that Mickey
Rourke would probably be
playing him in the next Iron
Man movie he set out to give
him character pointers. He
wants Rourke’s portrayal of
him to be authentic to hope-
fully give him a chance at win-
ning the Oscar this time. He
too felt he was robbed by Sean
" Labor 11

Pseudo Intelligent discourse

with its transcendental qualities. And it Amendment protects peoples’ right to
By Andrew Fraley does this without a single use of any free speech, but it doesn’t protect
disgusting article. Many other lan- fightin’ words. “The” is a fightin’
I’m usually pretty relaxed, and I don’t guages—like Japanese, Chinese (both word, no matter how you look at it. I
get easily upset about most things. An dialects), Latin, etc—also accomplish used to think that Stony Brook’s com-
article by Geordan Kushner, published this, but none more so than Esperanto, munity was an academic forum which
in April’s issue of Stony Brook’s Pa- king of languages. So it is as a native prided itself on differing opinion and
triot, however, pushed me back into a Esperanto speaker that I say that I find diversity. I guess I was mistaken. This
realm of unreasonable indignation and all appearances of “the” in any sort of word should be censored from English,
self-righteousness. This article, titled publication to be extremely offensive. and any other language that uses it. It
“‘Idiocracy’ Is Upon Us”, has no less I find it to be no coincidence that is degrading to our campus community.
than 29 uses of an extremely hateful German has three forms of this dread- Regardless of any sort of intent
word, with a painful and sordid history. ful word: “die”, “der” and “das”. Ger- behind his article, sensical or not, his
Many world languages don’t use many was also responsible for over six offensive manner of expression shows
articles (such as “an” or “a”), and million deaths during World War II. that he cannot communicate his beliefs
using some of these words is consid- Also, “die” in English is an imperative in an intelligent manner. Also, his edi-
ered extremely offensive. I grew up in form of a verb meaning “to expire, or tors, who should be filtering out
a household in which Esperanto was lose one’s life”. Coincidence? I don’t garbage like this article, supported it.
my primary language, and English my think so. If we continue to allow people like this
second. Esperanto was a failed attempt Mr. Kushner’s brazen use of this particular writer, Patriot editors, as
in America’s more activist days (circa word—in multiple languages, no well as any and all media outlets to get
1970) to create a purely regular and less!—is a slap in my face, and anyone away with being irresponsible and in-
consistent language. It failed very else’s face who would take offense at sensitive, then…this article is actually
quickly; nobody wants to learn a new such a word. There are currently over really stupid. Sorry.
language! But people who do speak 1,000 native Esperanto speakers and I
this language (such as William Shatner, can only assume that they are just as
star of an extraordinary cinematic mas- sensitive to this as I am.
terpiece called Incubus) are familiar Now I know that America’s First
The Stony Brook Press 21
A Raging Asshole Reviews the BOTB
and a ja-fakin’ accent (say that one out songs while smoking a lot of meth, then After Mother F’Nature came the ex-
By Andy Polhamus loud if you don’t know what I mean). I
will say that everyone, including their
took your songwriting cues from old
PlayStation racing games, you’d have a
tremely collegiate Dig Wells, who inex-
plicably pronounce their name sort of
conga player, a rather happy looking pretty good idea of what they sound like the Pokémon Diglet. This band has
On Thursday, April 30, douche bag- dude with a hat that was designed to like. Despite this, everybody in the the same date-rapist sound as do jammy
gery once again reigned supreme at the look like a strawberry, seemed to be room seemed to love them—Jemaine assholes like Dave Matthews, which was
Table Arts Center as 150 or so of the having a great time during their set. But Clement from Flight of the Conchords fitting for the appearance for most of
hippest of Stony Brook’s hip gathered in all honesty, I chalk all of their faults even stopped by to contribute some hott the dudes in the band. The chief excep-
for the second annual Battle of the up to a lack of experience. I wouldn’t lixx on the guitar. Also, one of their gui- tion to this persona was their surpris-
Bands. Sarcasm and stupid haircuts completely write East Coast Islands off; tarists had a sweet moustache. The best ingly hot front woman, who donned
abounded as an enthusiastic crowd some extremely satisfying skin-tight
danced ironically, stood in defiant si- leopard print clothes that hinted toward
lence or tried their best not to look so sadomasochism. The points they
fucking stoned for five groups of simi- earned with her clothes were almost
larly-dedicated scenesters. Interestingly completely erased, however, by the fact
enough, a casual observer can already that their inaudible violinist was for
see a tradition developing: though there some reason wearing a fucking purple
might have been different bands this top hat. They put on a solid perform-
year, most of them still sucked. ance, but their music consisted of
First up was Love, Robot. This six- generically “laid back” pseudo stoner
piece plays a vaguely punk-influenced jams. I suspect at least one person in
brand of pop rock reminiscent of the band is named either Steve or Chad.
Paramore or All Time Low, complete Closing this year’s mediocrity fest
with an obligatory, super foxy female was the very un-mediocre group, Of
vocalist. Their sound is blended rather The Pillar. Blending a de-pussified ver-
“originally” with certain aspects of post sion of Maroon 5 with a harder rockin’
hardcore. And by originally, I mean not take on Jason Schwartzman’s band, Co-
at all. That said, I really enjoyed their conut Records, these were the guys who
set. Maybe this is the flavor of the should have won. Their lead singer
month, but Love, Robot’s flavor hap- rocked a bitchin’ electric piano accom-
pens to be particularly sweet. The fact panied by guitars, bass and drums. I saw
that they are just plain good at what them play a slightly better set a few
they do completely made up for the fact months ago at one of last semester’s
that they fit unabashedly into a sub- Rock Yo Face Case shows (this time
genre that I bash at every possible turn. around they were down by one lead gui-
I especially liked their closer, “Eleven tarist), but they were still the best act of
Eleven,” which was just too damn the evening with their only real compe-
catchy to ignore. Later in evening’s ca- tition being Love, Robot. They took
Battle of the bands.
cophony, I wished that their set had their defeat in stride and luckily, did not
been longer than the four showstoppers go unnoticed. A good number of peo-
they brought along for BOTB. ple from the audience came up and
Following Love, Robot was a group another year of playing should make I can say about them is that they truly complimented them on their set at the
of whiteboy reggae bro-hammers called these guys viable contenders for BOTB sounded like nobody else, though I’m end of the show.
East Coast Islands. They got my hopes 2010. really not sure that’s a good thing. It’s As the bands packed up, it was clear
up when they warmed up with a cover Third was Mother F’Nature. Well, actually becoming difficult to describe a good time was had by all, especially
of Toots and the Maytals’ (or, depend- fuck. Where to begin? I should proba- how not into it I was, but like I said, the that dude up in the front who looked
ing on who you like more, the Clash’s) bly mention that they won, though I’m audience went apeshit for them, so you like he had just been kicked out of a
classic “Pressure Drop.” But soon not sure how that happened. Now that can’t argue with success. Or something. Motley Crue tribute band (and who had
enough I was let down by a lack of stage that’s out of the way, remember They Also, their singer used the word “fabu- evidently just taken a shitload of speed).
presence, awkward song construction, Might Be Giants? If you covered their lous” at least two times too many.

BOTB continued from previous page

the Pillar. With a sound that falls be- that performed that night, were by far strength came in the surprises they and SSO Councils’ decision to resort to
tween piano-heavy Jacks Mannequin the most well-received band that hit the threw in every time they reached nor- Barnes & Noble.
and the vocal-driven sway of bands like stage. The crowd, whether it was pre- mality. This year’s BOTB definitely
Envy on the Coast, this five piece right- dominantly friends or students who just The prizes, which were reserved for reinvigorated the student bodies’ sup-
fully earned a place in the top two. In appreciated the music, were enthralled 1st and 2nd place, were $300 and $100 port for on-campus events, which have
addition to having their own full- by the unconventional performance, gift certificates to Barnes & Noble. been the subject of continuous scrutiny
length, self produced CD, titled in which no doubt played into the judges’ While this might seem nonsensical, over their frequency of occurrence and
media res, Of The Pillar exhibit such a decision. With wailing whammy bar Taylor Schwab, SBU freshman and detrimental attendance. Mother F’Na-
tight musical prowess during their screeches from their lead guitarist, an bassist of Love, Robot, mentioned that ture, now two-year champs of the title,
performance that they instrumen- alarmingly impressive scratching the organizers had originally lined up will certainly have to contend with the
tally outmatched the other performers solo/effect from their rhythm player gift certificates to Guitar Center and continuously growing quality of their
hands down. and an underlying acoustic wrath then, when that fell through, Ama- competition.
Mother F’Nature, coincidentally, thrown out by the lead singer, sopho- Unfortunately, that too failed
the only band from last year’s BOTB more Patrice Zapiti, Mother F’Nature’s to materialize and resulted in the ACH
22 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

" ( ./ /" 6
By Josh Ginsberg

Real Estate is an up and coming band from New which is the first on Real Estate’s self titled seven inch, of a beautiful southern belle, waiting tables in the
Jersey. They are comprised of four young men: Mar- “Suburban Beverage” went on instrumentally a long same diner he was eating at while on tour. Put yourself
tin Courtney, Matthew Mondanile, Etienne Pierre time before bassist Alex Bleeker and guitarist Matt in his shoes. As you sip your coffee, you can’t help but
Duguay and Alex Bleeker. They have the same classic Mondanile met in the front of the small, Christmas to look back over your slumped, sweaty shoulder, at
lineup as the Beatles and so many other bands: two light draped stage, to harmonize as they posed the her, in a yellow skirt, her chestnut hair pulled back.
guitarists, a bassist and a drummer. All the stringed question, “Budweiser, Sprite, do you feel alright?” She isn’t waiting your table and you wish you’d been
instruments played are Fenders. I first really heard Each line was met with the crashing, opening and seated on the opposite wall, where she’d linger longer
Real Estate live. My own band Slothbear had just got- closing of a suspended and then unsuspended open in your sight. The longing you feel is stifled by the fact
ten on the bill of a show at Cake Shop in NYC and I chord. This was repeated a few times before the bass you know that things could never go anywhere, that
was psyched to find out we were playing with Real Es- began its roundabout route again, and the song con- you are just passing by. But the melody that is sung,
tate. My excitement was superficial; I simply knew that tinued. The jam featured elaborate guitar passages, but reminds of her terse, rose lips, puckered tightly to-
they had played with Titus Andronicus, and that I had there was no real distinction made between lead and gether, as you long for the comfort a shower, a rarity in
heard a breezy, late night song of theirs on Pitchfork rhythm guitar. Eventually the chord progression the lives of touring musicians, would offer. The com-
Media’s Forkcast, which signaled to me that this show changed and sunk into a minor key, becoming more fort of a bed is as elusive as your dreams of musical
might have a big turn-out. It didn’t. But as I stood in driving with an almost desperate air about it. The bass stardom and you just can’t help but to wonder about
the darkened basement of the Cake Shop with a fever became more varied and Bleeker, clad in a tie-dyed how you would’ve faired if you’d tried to talk to the
and a headache, I found the ringing, twangy arpeg- shirt, navigated his way up and down the neck of his possessor of that sweet, whistling voice. Maybe he
gios of their set opener, soothing. instrument, providing a deliberate exploration of heard it filtering through the cracked window of a
Both guitarists played different picking patterns melody more akin to a guitar solo that would have parked pickup truck, playing C & W gems from be-
on electric guitars, and the band was rooted by a sim- been played by Martin or Matthew guitarist. The ver- fore your mother was born. Or maybe he just wrote
ple beat and a hypnotic, repetitive bass line. The song, sion on the seven inch has the same movement but on one hell of a corker.
a smaller scale. It is only six minutes, whereas the live The third and last song on the seven-inch is “Old
version was probably close to ten. It reminds me of Folks,” some nugget that somehow was cut from
songs like “Green Arrow” by Yo La Tengo and has the Chronicle, Vol. 1, and didn’t end up on Vol. 2. Its
same sort of mood that the first version of “Big Day cheery, Southern riff feels like it should slide into some
Coming” creates. immortal chorus, maybe “Lodi,” but instead in its lo-
The song I heard on the Forkcast, a track on the fi glory, goes somewhere that sounds somehow
seven inch, was “Black Lake,” which could be de- shoegaze-y, even though it rides on chords that Ryan
scribed as a lo-fi, nocturnal Okkervil River if Okkervil Adams has probably frequented in the midst of some
River wrote good songs. There’s something particu- Cardinals jam many times. The CCR comparison is
larly charming about clanging, electric guitars fitting relevant except for the fact that unlike the gruff, growl
harmoniously with a pedal steel, sitting with their legs of Fogerty, Martin Courtney sounds clear voiced and
dangling on the dock of the lake against a lyrical land- boyish, more akin to a less bubble-gum Rhett Miller
scape of “power lines.” Etienne’s drumming is some- than any tough guy of the rodeo. Real Estate are worth
what reminiscent of a honky tonk waltz. Martin seeing, and they have a number of shows in the New
Courtney’s vocal melody is anciently American, and I York/Jersey area coming up. You should pick up a
can’t help but thinking he lifted it from the humming copy of their seven inch while you’re there.
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 23

Riding A Train to the End of the World

What would you do against my face it wasn’t painful but dif-
By Ross Barkan if you ardently be-
lieved the world was
ficult to watch. Things kept on mov-
ing.” And so does everything else in this
going to end a day novel.
from now? How would you handle the disturbed eyes Lowboy hauntingly describes his
of the non-believers? time on medication as being pressed
In John Wray’s new novel Lowboy, a schizophrenic under a plate of glass, his entire world
boy grapples with his belief that the world will over- painfully flattening. He, through Wray,
heat and everyone will die. This Dostoyevskyian tale invokes Sylvia Plath’s immortal
told in modern New York City is brimming with orig- metaphor for depression, the bell jar.
inality, clarity, and verbosity that makes it one of the Reading Lowboy is finding the marks of
better contemporary novels you could read. The six- other great writers and watching Wray
teen year-old William Heller, nicknamed Lowboy take their ideas and remold them in his
both for his love of New York subways and for being own startling and original ways. Avid
completely irrelevant (according to a fellow patient at readers of postmodern literature like
the mental hospital), travels the underground world Don DeLillo’s Underworld and David
of ringing trains, glowing numerals, and the philo- Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest will recog-
sophical but seductive homeless, in search of a solu- nize the intricate descriptions of the
tion to his apocalyptic concern. seemingly mundane and trivial. Wray
Lowboy is freshly escaped from a mental hospital, dissects the subway system like an aged
off his meds and pursuing freedom for the first time in watchmaker, laying the gleaming parts
a while. Chasing him is the hardened New York City on the table for all to see. We learn that
detective Ali Lateef (his given name was Rufus White) when the subway doors close they
and the boy’s own mother, the concerned and emo- make a “C# A” tune and that vulcanized
tional Yda (Lowboy nicknames her Violet). Aliases rubber doorjambs ensure no breeze en-
and nicknames are abound, contributing to the dis- ters the subway car, keeping it at a com-
torted and horribly warped world Lowboy is forced to fortable 62 to 68 degrees. Degrees are
confront. Lowboy’s companion and love interest is 17 important to Lowboy who is now con-
year-old Emily who loves him but struggles to recon- vinced the world, in the tradition of
cile her emotions with his deteriorating psychological Buddhists, is inside of him and that he
health. Lowboy doesn’t want to believe the world is must cool himself down to cool every-
ending. In a tragedy of circumstances out of his con- thing else.
trol, he must believe. In the mind of a schizophrenic The true intrigue of Lowboy lies in
adolescent, accelerated global warming will boil the Wray’s observations of the tragedies of
world and the option doesn’t exist to refuse this real- mental illness and the confusion it cre-
ity. ates, both for the victims and the peo-
ple in their orbit. Lowboy’s existential desperation tion has its limits as well as its unfortunate side effects.
Wray’s exceptional talent is displayed best when he is manifests in a question he repeats throughout the David Foster Wallace battled depression for nearly his
channeling the psyches of Lowboy, Lateef, and Violet. novel: “Why was I born?” His question, tinged with entire adult life and hanged himself last September,
There’s a budding romance between Lateef and Violet an unknowable sadness, is one that no one else can shocking the literary world. His acquaintances later
that could have a future if not for the dark secret Vio- answer because no one, including him, can compre- revealed he had stopped taking his medication be-
let keeps that is revealed at Lowboy’s end. While La- hend why things are the way they are. He is a prisoner cause he believed, like Lowboy, that the many pills
teef and Violet’s search for Lowboy adequately of his own mind, a slave to chemical impulses he can- were stifling him. Wallace could not fulfill his creative
maintains the attention of the reader, the true action not resist. Buying cupcakes at an upscale Manhattan potential while medicated; his abandonment of med-
takes place with the star of the novel, Lowboy himself. bakery becomes a dangerous odyssey. To outsiders, ication might have cost him his life. But for any person
Few can deny that Lowboy, a love-struck genius both Lowboy is a freak. with a psychological disorder—especially one like
certain of everything and terribly confused with the His declining mental state elucidates the continuing Wallace who depended on his mental energies—is life
funhouse mirror of a world he is forced to inhabit, is battle millions of individuals still fight against mental worth living if the mind isn’t free? The choice is
a compelling character. Readers of One Flew Over the illnesses that are still so poorly understood. After the unimaginably difficult and hopefully there will be a
Cuckoo’s Nest will be reminded of the equally paranoid detective Lateef mentions Thorazine, a drug meant to time when this choice won’t have to be made.
Chief Bromden when Lowboy reflects on his stay in treat schizophrenia, Lowboy’s mother shouts, “They Ultimately, Lowboy is definitely a novel worth your
the mental hospital. He tells Emily, “After that the have no idea why Thorazine works, or Clozapine, or time. The florid yet burning language and the themes
school spread out flatter and wider it was probably the any of their other silver bullets. Schizophrenia might it explores are more than relevant today. Take a jour-
widest thing on earth. The ceiling came and brushed as well come from eating powdered sugar.” Medica- ney with Lowboy through the underground and dis-
cover the tragic secrets of human existence.
24 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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ity to balance the different singing played out on the electric guitar by a which manages to sound like Armaged-
By Josh Ginsberg voices of the members, particularly the
two lead vocalists, the lush, soothing,
different band, but Grizzly Bear display
their immaculate ability to sing. “Two
don while being entirely void of melo-
drama. His next best solo performance
snow-capped vocals of Ed Droste and Weeks” is led by Droste, who sings the occurs during the vocal passages when
As I write this in a sticky basement, the quivering voiced Daniel Rossen, simple, plaintive lyrics. But the he is not pitted against the women’s
I am in the midst of an unusually warm who seems capable of necromancy at its strongest hook on the entire album is choir on “I Live With You,” which shows
April and Grizzly Bear’s Veckatimest is most sinister moments. The two men the three-way harmony between his ability to let his vocals soar, a hard
slated for release on May 26th. What sing on most songs, and while it is easy Rossen, Taylor and drummer Christo- thing to prove yourself worthy of when
I’ve been listening to is the “low quality to peg a song like “Fine For Now” as a pher Bear that is sung between Droste’s your band mate and co-lead vocalist is
leak” that turned up in a sendspace link Daniel Rossen song, because he sings lines. Ed Droste. It is strange to think back
on a friend’s Facebook status in early the lyrics, the song wouldn’t be the same Songs like “All We Ask” include upon the days before Rossen joined the
March. Veckatimest is named for a small listening experience if not for Ed Rossen and Droste switching off be- band, as he is every bit as essential as
island in Dukes County, Massachusetts, Droste’s harmonies. While Rossen sings tween verses and choruses, with Rossen Droste, and contributes an incredible
one that I have never visited. I cannot amount to the band with his guitar
liken the waves of effervescent, vintage work.
American pop that Grizzly Bear con- On Veckatimest the acoustic guitar
densed into the four minute bliss of is still featured prominently in songs
“Two Weeks” to a picnic on that island’s such as “Southern Point,” “Dory” and
shores. I cannot compare Daniel Rossen “Hold Still.” However, on most of the
and Ed Droste’s elaborate guitar playing album, it is the electric guitar that is
to the dense tree line, which weaves more prominent. The electric guitars
meticulously, creating an almost psy- evoke the raw, dry volume of pre-1975
chedelic aerial view, and is almost im- Neil Young, but are dampened with re-
penetrable with only slight crevices left verb and frayed with short delay. Pas-
to slide deeper. I cannot compare sages like the climactic point on “Fine
“Dory” to the clear, foamy, creek that For Now” pop up on many of the
cracks through the foliage of the forest album’s songs, including the should-be
floor, lined with flat, slate-grey stones. single, “While You Wait For the Others.”
Nor can I liken the reflection of the That tone, most frequently used on
closer “Foreground” to the view from Rossen’s guitar, is the definitive Grizzly
the beach at night, with the flickering Bear guitar sound. It echoes late sixties
lights of some small, quaint harbor on Americana while still sounding at home
the Massachusetts mainland. But those amongst the guitar work of bands like
are the images inseparable from Vecka- Animal Collective, Deerhunter and Abe
timest’s sounds. Vigoda of the 21st century. The ex-
Grizzly Bear crafted a stellar album. tended instrumental intro of “All We
Bassist/clarinetist/flautist/producer/arr Ask” cloaks the picking of Yellow House
anger Chris Taylor mixed the songs in the same tone used on Friend EP
flawlessly. His bass guitar playing is ex- tracks like “He Hit Me.” One of the best
cellent (see his incredibly catchy melody guitar moments on the album is one of
at the beginning of “About Face”), and the most ambiguous. The little, bursts
his sound manipulation, which is ex- of reverb moistened guitar that bloom
emplified best on the instrumental po- like sonorant cactus flowers on “Ready,
tions before the second verse of “Fine Able” almost sound like a sample be-
For Now.” It is shimmering and en- cause of how quickly they blossom from
chanting. The most fascinating thing non-entities to flourishes to nothing
that Taylor creates is a heavenly, ethe- again. This is another instance in which
real arrangement, which he accom- beautiful short delay is employed.
plishes partially as a result of his stellar Veckatimest also boasts an incredi-
orchestral and choral arrangements. He ble keyboard sound. The keys that open
arranges strings beautifully and subtly the lead vocal on the pre-chorus of singing the swinging, “faltering” chorus, “Two Weeks” sound more like a sunny
on “About Face” and they never sound “Fine For Now” it is Droste’s soaring evocative of jazz-age cities, streets Kentucky garden or stretch of hills than
superfluous or forced. The quintessen- backing vocals that steal the show. crowded with taxis, sidewalks swarm- any Lynard Skynard riff ever could. The
tial example of his aplomb as an Rossen and Droste don’t harmonize like ing with neatly dressed pedestrians, high-end electric keyboard arpeggios of
arranger and composer can be spotted the Dead, Beach Boys or CSNY. Their straight off the page of some F. Scott the songs chorus bore tiny little wasp
on “I Live With You,” which begins with harmonies are more evocative of the in- Fitzgerald story, as a choir of Drostes nests into the listeners’ subconscious,
Taylor’s signature woodwinds, and a frequent but perfectly complimentary forlornly sigh. The song’s bridge, on and remain rooted there until re-lis-
harp, before a low section of strings cuts harmonies of Thom Yorke and Ed which a passel of Grizzly Bears, most tened to. Droste and Rossen both play
in and the song gives way to a women’s O’Brien or the duel lead vocals of Avey prominently Droste, laments as the keys on the album, and while only the
choir, who can be heard laughing and Tare and Panda Bear. After a chorus song draws to a close, “I can’t get out of stately, pitch-black closer “Foreground”
talking to one another if you listen close punctuated by a guitar part that is sub- what I’m into with you.” Droste and is carried entirely on them, their accents
enough to parts where they drop out. lime in the strictest definition, evocative Rossen also sing excellently without are the important part of many songs.
Chris Taylor is a peer of Van Dyke Parks of harrowing cliffs and mountains that each other’s help. Rossen’s vocal The most impressive sound on the
or George Martin if anyone ever was. taper endlessly, piercing the holiness of melodies are some of the best on the album is the drum sound, which is pro-
One of Taylor’s most essential con- whatever heavens may lie above, Droste album, especially his fierce, tormenting duced immaculately. Christopher Bear
tributions to the band is his innate abil- vocalizes a passage that may have been vocal on the chorus of “Southern Point,” plays beats that heavily utilize toms, but
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 25

Tabler Arts Center Art Review

The detail
project, the first
By Liz Kaempf one of the se-
mester, de-
As part of the Shirley Strum Kenny manded that the
Student Arts Festival, the Tabler Arts artist take an ob-
Center hosted an ongoing exhibition of ject and sketch it
student-produced artwork, all coming close up and
from three semesters of hard work in with as much de-
ARS 359 Conceptual Drawing. The tail as possible.
showcase emphasized student expres- Done with basic
sion through various mediums. The ap- grays and black
proaches to art were slightly on a white back-
unorthodox and the uniqueness of each ground a fresh
students’ attitude towards image mak- perspective was
ing were on the forefront. Clear influ- given to ordi-
ences stemmed from the ocean, nary subjects.
environment and technology, as well as The features of
an in depth look at oneself. things such as
Art has the tendency to be unable seashells, baby-
to convey itself to every viewer. But the dolls and cell
detail, color and methods of this show- phones were del-
case were unmistakable. There was a icately re-
whimsical air within the exhibition designed for a
where several of the pieces had a surre- new take on the
alist edge to them. As part of their dou- everyday.
ble-portrait project, students had to Some of the
write a narrative and then use both a most intricate
light and dark canvas to portray a self- designs came
created image in two ways. Whether it from the pieces
was created on backgrounds of bold created based on
a whole. hibit, she said she planned on buying
colors, muted tones or simple blacks the numbers project, where an image
Art professor Howardena Pindell some of her favorite pieces from her
and whites, the images were astound- was made through the skill and use of
was so impressed and proud of her stu- students when it all came down.
ing, to say the least. Elements of what numbers as the components to form a
dents that she brought a friend in to see And who can blame her? With tal-
the individual was involved in and picture. From a distance, the eye saw
the incredible dedication and talent that ent and drive that produced works that
cared about were pieced into the por- pictures of gorillas from National Geo-
was on display at the closing ceremony were clever and pop art-esque, as well
traits to make something extraordinary. graphic, cityscapes, solar systems and
on April 30. Saddened by the end of the as more reflective and detailed pieces, it
Some images conveyed a slightly dark even portraits, but with an extreme
showcase and that more awe inspiring will be no surprise when more offers to
sense of humor and wit that spoke vol- close up each minute detail was a num-
pieces done throughout that semester buy roll in for these art students.
umes to the viewer. ber that combined to form the image as
could not have been put up in the ex-

VECKATIMEST continued from previous page

unlike the taut tom sound of seventies would point out, but it’s one of the first of “Foreground.” The only shortcoming with the somewhat pretentious line “Oh
rock or the loose sound of tribal music. things that hits. Christopher Bear’s jazz of the songs is the occasional lyrical wildly cohering in a watery deep…”
His percussion is mixed almost sublim- training is especially apparent on the dud. The Grizzly Bear guys aren’t really Veckatimest is the first truly consis-
inally. Where another drummer might end of the song. While Ed Droste ma- elaborate wordsmiths. They aren’t bad tent album of Grizzly Bear’s career. Yel-
pump up a song with a driving, two nipulates some strange device that cre- lyricists per se, but they offer quatrains low House is a much cooler album, but
armed assault on a snare drum, Bear ates bright, melodic oscillations, pitted of seemingly meaningless, sometimes where Yellow House creates a distinct
achieves that same dynamic before the against what sounds like a tremolo- prosaic, ramblings or non-sequiturs and fascinating sound-scape that melds
chorus of “Southern Point” with noth- drenched electric guitar, Bear assaults best exemplified in the chorus of “Two pre-war Americana, pastoral wood-
ing more than cymbal wash. His driv- with bells of his ride cymbal with more Weeks,” which reads “Would you always winds and the fiercest acoustic finger
ing beat through the chorus mixes a aplomb and finesse than any of the jazz / Make it easy / Maybe sometimes / picking and guitar webbing this side of
snare pattern that could’ve been pat- greats of the bop era. Not once does Take your time.” Ed Droste isn’t exactly John Fahey, Veckatimest offers 12 hooky
tered out by a soldier marching through Christopher Bear forfeit his distinct saying something poignant and his ex- and neat songs. Song albums are never
the wintry woods of 1778, and plays a style for a bland rock beat. ecution is something shy of adroit, but as “cool” as album-albums, where a re-
fill that is more akin to Jamaican music The songs on Veckatimest are more that doesn’t detract from the song’s ally cohesive and distinct mood is cre-
or metal than the “indie rock” it will be or less all top notch. Veckatimest fea- merit. I thought the lyrics of the verse ated and explored until the breaking
lumped together with. The album’s tures songs that are all memorable and (“Save up all the days / A routine point. But shit, they’re a lot more enjoy-
most noteworthy drum pattern is the don’t bleed into each other as the songs malaise / Just like yesterday / I told you able to listen to. Grizzly Bear has re-
beat of “Two Weeks.” “Two Weeks” only on Yellow House sometimes did. The I would stay”) were good until I read leased a greatest-hits worth of great
hardly suggests the odd, syncopated album is brighter, although, minor key them on paper and realized they were songs between their debut Horn of
beat that carries it, while riding its melancholia is evoked at some point sort of juvenile and disjointed. Grizzly Plenty in 2005 and their Friend EP in
waves the entirety of the song. The beat throughout at least half the songs, such Bear is simply not a lyrics band. The 2007, but never before have they crafted
is based around the rims of Bear’s snares as on the chorus of “Ready, Able,” the best lyrics on the album are probably as enjoyable of a slice of sound as Veck-
and swiftly pinched high-hat. It might verse of “Fine For Now,” or the late- those on “Dory” which describe eddies atimest.
be the last thing the average listener night-side-of-the-highway piano lines (think water, not dude-bros) and opens
26 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

(+2"-. &. ,,+&*/. 7

samplers and acoustic guitars. Most of
By Katie Knowlton the tracks are built on these elements
and little else. Tracks like “Fogbow,”
“Fasting” and “Explain Yourselves” are
Joan of Arc’s latest album Flowers is heavy on the electronics, creating very
a pretty mixed bag of songs, not in that slow, ambient backgrounds for Kin-
they don’t seem to fit together, but there sella’s vocals.
is such a variance in quality that it Tim Kinsella has a fairly distinctive
makes this one of JoA’s weaker albums. singing voice, but on this album he is al-
Flowers is the 13th studio album most unrecognizable. He seems to be
from JoA, a band started by Tim Kin- droning instead of singing on a lot of
sella in 1996. Kinsella is a legend in the the electronic tracks, not unlike Cale
indie scene. Cap’n Jazz, his first band, Parks or any of his ilk. It took me until
was one of the best to come out of the “Life Sentence/Twisted Ladder” to fig-
mid-90’s emo scene and they remain ure out that it was really him singing.
one of my favorites. JoA was formed The song is more like classic JoA tunes,
after the dissolution of Cap’n Jazz and, with plenty of drums, fuzzy guitar and
in the beginning, had only a somewhat electronics coming together to create an
different sound. It was indie-emo mixed energetic track that really demands
with electronics and samples, and their your attention. Luckily, despite the lack-
first couple albums are well regarded in luster vocal performance on most of the
most circles. tracks, Kinsella’s typically confusing and
Up until receiving this album, I had non-sensical lyrics remain. The digital
never really listened to JoA, and after download didn’t come with a lyrics
reading about JoA’s first few CDs, How booklet, so I couldn’t make out for cer-
Memory Works and Live in Chicago, tain what many of the words were, but I
1999, I was expecting an energetic did manage to catch something about
album, mostly guitar and drum driven, “kittens named killers” and “vanilla
not entirely unlike Cap’n Jazz. Instead, wafers and cheese puffs.” Who knows
Flowers gave me an unexpected sur- what they mean, but it was reassuring there is nothing really memorable about but I think Kinsella has a lot more in
prise. to hear them. it, aside from “Life Sentence/Twisted him than something of Flowers’ quality.
This album is sparse. On their Listening to most of this album, it Ladder” and the title track, an instru- I guess I’ll just go back to my Cap’n Jazz
Polyvinyl website, it says that Flowers was easy to tune out and forget what I mental, which is an interesting listen. and hope for a reunion someday.
was pretty much improvised over a cou- was listening. That is probably the best Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with Flowers is set to be released June 8
ple of days using whatever instruments way to describe most of this album, for- Flowers. Perhaps it’s my general dislike on Polyvinyl Records.
were in the studio – mainly synths, gettable. It’s not necessarily bad, but of electronic and sample-based music,
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 27
%"./"- -"* %
whole cast of other
By Nick Statt pseudo-members who
contribute beats, drums,
bass, etc.
If you’ve never heard of Chester French, then you That sound, mixed
haven’t been paying close enough attention. Well, at least with their personalities,
according to Maxwell Drummey and D.A. Wallach, the was so impressive that
group’s two arguably narcissistic core members that just they absolutely exploded
released their debut, Love the Future. with popularity on the In-
When Chester French first hit the spotlight in early ternet. They were featured
2008, their components were as confusing on paper as in Rolling Stone and inter-
the music being spun from their image. Drummey and viewed by MTV with their
Wallach were young white boys with Harvard educa- album still possibly years
tions with an apparent love for all genres of music and a off in the future. Using
short, yet solid, mix tape of their best work. They also what soon became an in-
thought it a good idea to derive their name from the fa- famous sarcastic hilarity,
mous architect Daniel Chester French, designer of the the duo captivated audi-
Lincoln Memorial and the John Harvard statue at the ences and managed to get
Cambridge university that employs his name. Pharell’s influence to hook
The force driving them, it seemed, was a finely con- them up with the likes of Chester French
structed, and overwhelmingly genuine, confidence. This rappers such as P. Diddy
quickly turned to likeability when their mix tape went and Jadakiss to produce The duo produced an incredibly unique and fulfill-
out to any available source and yielded record deals from numerous collaborative prelims to what was becoming ing first album. By building on Beach Boys/pop-
none other than Pharrell and Kanye West, among oth- a highly anticipated debut. rock/hip-hop properties, they created a solid path and
ers. In an utterly stone set symbol of their pride, the two When asked by MTV why the hip-hop community followed it neatly.
turned down Kanye West in favor of Pharrell’s more ap- took them in so warmly, Wallach said, “They find it in- They appeared to teeter upon a very pop and indie
pealing contract. teresting that we’re the first artists to wear whiteface all rock sound every couple of tracks, but mixed it up at the
Their original mix tape, which was then mastered the time, publicly,” which is just a taste of how ready they last minute before they fell off the edge. This apparent
into an EP called She Loves Everybody, was released off are to not to take themselves, or anyone else, seriously. sixth sense of what is taking genre mixing too far and
of Pharrell’s label, Star Trak Entertainment, and became Love The Future was set for release on April 21st and what is just enough to push them ahead of the game is
a strong showcase of what the two were about musically. their inflating image only further increased the hype. also on point and utilized throughout all of the 13 tracks.
In an age when the more genres you can cast your Would they deliver or would they end up being a silly The highlights of the album are the already popular
umbrella’s shade over translate to a higher degree of pop- mistake made by far too many artists who welcomed single, “She Loves Everybody,” and “Bebe Buell,” which
ularity, Chester French was perfect. Whether the Har- them into their recording circles? mixes sharp piano and a steady synth beat over comical
vard grads took that into account when developing their Chester French undoubtedly thought they could lines like, “This ain’t groupie love cuz you mean so much
sound is questionable. pull it off considering its main men had heads equivalent to me.”
Wallach managed to take singing style so retro, it’s in size to the flashy name of their alma mater. “Time to Unwind,” another of the stand outs, starts
reminiscent of the Beach Boys, along with usually don- After giving it a solid run through, it’s an unequiv- off with a pleasingly lulling guitar progression over the
ning a sharp expensive suit and a colorful bow tie to ocal yes. Soaring up there with the likes of Fall Out Boy unmistakably vintage voice crafted by Wallach, only to
back up the image-inducing voice, and combined it with and the other ego-heavy super personalities of modern have the vocals replaced with a now characteristic syn-
as many distinct elements as possible. Drummey, usually music, Chester French have become those guys you wish thesizer part that’s more catchy than it is repetitive.
working the guitar, acts as the main DJ, along with a you could hate. Unfortunately, you just can’t. Chester French’s only downfall lies in the danger-
ous chemistry between its members’ personalities and
the music they produce, with the latter relying so heav-
ily on the former. They occasionally sway into such a
humorous, and obviously purposeful, ego trip that
shows in both their interviews and music, and leads to
a strong desire to write them off as joke-artists.
With their album littered with what can be received
as witticisms, like almost laughable string and country
interludes, it’s hard to know what’s actually going on in
the heads of these artists. In terms of the overall package,
Chester French definitely appeals most to the self-de-
scribed indie fanatics, the style that Pharrell has now
mastered with his network of clothing lines, record la-
bels and collaborative bands.
Wallach and Drummey, with keffiyehs around their
necks, dressed almost completely in suits, cardigans or
absurd outfits that you’d be likely to see on Karen O or
Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Is this really them,
or the image they want to come with their music?
Either way, Chester French have definitely risen up
in the musical scene as a group that garners deserved at-
tention, whether it’s because they’re actually producing
good music or they’re just so clever about how they dis-
guise these attempts to just have fun and get rich in the
28 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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Up memories. Expect to see some won-
By Pete Lambro In theaters May 29. Starring Ed-
ward Asner and Christopher Plum-
drous witch, wizard and wand action in
this, the 6th installment of the Harry
merThe animators at Pixar have their Potter series.
The summer heat has crept up from work cut out for them this year. Last
behind us and mercilessly shredded out year’s Wall-E rolled its tiny treads from Funny People
thick wintry layers down to lighter and the screen into our hearts. Up tells the In theaters June 31. Starring Adam
more revealing warm weather clothing. story of 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen Sandler and Seth Rogen
But fear not movie goers, for nothing and his balloon-powered flying house. Judd Apatow returns to the direc-
can beat the feeling of a cool blast of Joining him is 8-year-old Russell, who tor’s chair for the first time since
movie theater air conditioning hitting gets involved by being on the wrong Knocked Up, even though he was tied in
you in the face after that arduous trek doorstep at the wrong time. The flying one way or another to several comedies
through the shopping center parking home sets them down in the Venezue- in between. Joining him is Adam San-
lot. Oh hot asphalt, you are a harsh mis- lan jungle where they encounter wild dler, along with the usual players in any
tress indeed. Without further ado, here creatures, deadly plant life and a talking series fresh and fun for old fans as well Apatow affair: Seth Rogen and Jonah
are the big budget summer blockbusters dog with a short attention span. Up as new ones. Hill. Sandler and Rogen essentially play
we’re looking forward to the most. looks to be a valuable entry to the Pixar themselves, changing the medium from
library and I guarantee will best what- Public Enemies film to stand up comedy in what looks
Star Trek ever DreamWorks craps out. In theaters July 1. Starring Johnny to be another in a series of comedies
In theaters May 8. Starring Chris Depp and Christian Bale dealing with serious subject matter, a
Pine, Zachary Quinto and Eric Bana Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Depp and Bale together at last! specialty of Apatow’s. Sandler plays
Boldly going where no filmmakers In theaters June 28. Starring Shia That’s almost enough reason to see this. George Simmons, renowned comedian
have gone before, J.J. Abrams’ upcom- LaBeouf and Peter Cullen Public Enemies is Michael Mann’s latest and actor, who befriends and employs
ing Star Trek explores the roots of one 2007’s Transformers brought to the film, set in the 1930’s at the start of the the talents of newcomer, Ira Wright
of the most popular and important se- big screen one of my favorite childhood war on organized crime. Depp takes on (Rogen). Sandler has a near death expe-
ries in science fiction history. The story franchises and some of my favorite the role of John Dillinger, notorious rience in the form of a terminal illness
follows many of the original characters characters. Longtime fans had their bank thief and con-man. Bale plays he miraculously overcomes, and with
in their younger years, specifically Kirk’s complaints, but overall it proved to be a Melvin Purvis, the man charged to take Rogen’s help he tries to win back the girl
journey to become captain of the En- satisfying and action packed robotic down Dillinger and stop his crime who got away. Funny People looks to be
terprise, ultimately seeing them square romp. The sequel, due out this summer, spree. Purvis succeeds, but soon after the right combination of comedy and
off against Eric Bana as the leader of a rejoins Sam Witwicky as he starts his his incarceration Dillinger mounts an drama, earning it a spot on the list of the
new Romulan threat. As a longtime sci- college career, only to have it inter- escape and goes on the run. Seeing summer’s most anticipated flicks.
ence fiction fan, the adventures of Kirk rupted by the appearance of the Decep- these two square off, tommy guns in
and Spock have played an important hand, should be a thrilling ride. The Inglourious Basterds
role in my life. I trust Abrams and his trailer takes its time showcasing the In theaters August 21. Starring Brad
new Enterprise crew to carry on the brilliant looking set design, perfectly Pitt and Diane Kruger
Starfleet Federation legacy. And if the capturing the look and feel of 1930’s Quentin Tarantino makes a damn
trailers are any indication, my trust is America. Releasing in midsummer, fine flick. There, I said it. I enjoy his
well placed. Public Enemies aims to be a strong con- movies. That being said, Inglorious Bas-
tender for the best summertime movie terds looks amazing. Set in Nazi occu-
Terminator Salvation and its strong cast and aforementioned pied France during World War II, the
In theaters May 21. Starring Chris- design put it close to that mark. film follows the semi-true tale of the
tian Bale and Sam Worthington United States army squad known as
Terminator 2: Judgment Day still Harry Potter and the Half Blood “The Basterds.” Charged with the mis-
stands as one of the finest action films Prince sion of infiltrating Nazi occupied
ever to come out of Hollywood. It was a In theaters July 15. Starring Daniel France and killing as many Nazis as
satisfying resolution to the impending Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Wat- possible in the most brutal and intimi-
doom that humanity supposedly faced. son dating fashion imaginable. Joining them
Then audiences were subjected to Ter- ticons. The new movie aims to delve My relationship with the Harry Pot- is a young Parisian girl who runs a
minator 3. By undoing all that T2 es- deeply into history of both the Autobots ter film series is an awkward one. I am a movie theater that has been commis-
tablished, the third installment paved and the Decepticons and of course, huge fan of the book series as well as the sioned to show the latest Nazi propa-
the way for Terminator Salvation. The keeps their battle here on Earth. Joining film series, but the recent installments, ganda film. The perfect setting for The
film focuses on the grown-up soldier the fight are the new Decepticons, the most notably Harry Potter and the Basterds to strike? Check out this late
and commander John Connor as he Pretenders, who can take human form, Order of the Phoenix, have served less as August release to find out.
leads humanity in the fight against and the ancient transformer known a replacement for the book and more as
Skynet’s forces. The gritty, post-apoca- only as “The Fallen”. The Fallen’s ap- a visual aid. As one of the most action
lyptic future has never looked better pearance hints at the inevitable appear- heavy of the series, Harry Potter and the
and I feel that Christian Bale’s star ance of Unicron, the planet-destroying Half-Blood Prince looks to be a thrilling
power is enough to carry the series transformer once famously portrayed entry, earning it a summer release
without Arnold. Look forward to fast by Orsen Wells. The trailer shows a rather than the traditional November
paced action, explosions and some se- good deal of action and it’s safe to say it release to which we have become so ac-
rious gunplay. And I know it won’t be looks significantly better than the 2007 customed. This film sees Harry and
worse than The Sarah Connor Chroni- film. With fewer cuts, it’s clear to see the company squaring off against Volde-
cles. actions each robot takes within the mort’s forces face to face as Harry un-
fight. If all goes well, this film will top ravels mysteries from the past and
the previous Transformers and keep the explores Dumbledore’s most important
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 29

+ 0*(&$%/ + -+ (")
game takes place after the movies, and while this year’s Street Fighter 4 went
By Kenny Mahoney the city is yet again overrun by ghosts.
Obviously, it’s up to the Ghostbusters
into the realm of 3D graphics, King of
Fighters keeps it old school with 2D an-
Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
If you bought a Wii, you know Wii
to…. well to bust them, and it’s your job imation. Not only that, everything in Sports. But this Wii Sports is different
It’s finally the end of the semester. as a new recruit to help out the old gang. the game is 100% hand drawn. That’s in a number of ways. The “Resort” part
Classes are almost over and finals are That’s right, many of the original actors right, every background, animation and of the title brings the sports to more
about to begin. Soon, you’ll be chillin’ have lent their likeness and voices to the special effect has been painstakingly outdoor/tropical/summer type of activ-
out, maxin’ and relaxin’ all cool for the game (except for Rick Moranis, what a drawn out, making the game look ab- ities, like Frisbee, jet-skiing, and sword
summer, but you’re going to need some- dick). Join Egon, Peter, Ray, and Win- solutely fantastic. fighting. But what’s really exciting is
thing to fill the void between all of those ston using all of your favorite gadgets that it introduces a brand new attach-
parties and trips to the beach you’ll be and gizmos, but remember–Don’t cross Punch Out! (Wii) ment to your Wii remote–the Wii Mo-
takinbg. What’s better at filling that the streams! Think back to the good old days be- tion Plus. It’s a little thing that attaches
void than anything else? You know fore the harsh realities of life had you by to the bottom of the Wii remote and
what, don’t answer that. The answer is the throat. Think back to a simpler makes it super-responsive and super-
videogames; get your mind out of the time when your NES was the king of accurate. Just getting one of those is
gutter for christ sake. That’s why I’ve household entertainment, and you’ll re- reason enough to pick up this game.
compiled this list with my top 11 games member Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! It’s a
of the summer because 10 is so over- The Conduit (Wii)
done. I didn’t include actual release Another game I saw at ComiCon,
dates for these games because they’ve The Conduit is a first-person shooter for
been known to jump around quite a bit, the Wii. In it, Washington D.C. is in-
but they all should be out between the vaded by aliens, and it’s up to you to
time you read this and by the time you take them down with an arsenal of both
get back for the fall semester. modern and alien weapons. What
makes this game really special is the de-
Prototype (360, PS3, PC) gree of customizability in the controls,
In Prototype, you play as Alex Mer- allowing you to tweak almost every-
cer, some guy who wakes up one morn- thing until it fits your liking. It’s about
ing and discovers he has superhuman time we had a decent shooter on the
strength, agility and the ability to absorb Batman: Arkham Asylum (360, Wii, and The Conduit looks like it might
people’s bodies and change his own– PS3, PC) be it.
and now you’ve got to figure out why. Batman is a pretty huge badass and
The game is set in an open-world New he has been known to lay a beat down Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Xbox Live
York City, which means you have free on crime every now and again. In Arcade, Playstation Network)
reign to explore the city and cause as Arkham Asylum, that’s exactly what you The last game I’m going to talk
much destruction and mayhem as you do! On your way to bring the Joker to new spin on a classic game, bringing the about is the one that I’m the most ex-
want, or you can absorb someone’s Arkham Asylum, things go horribly same kind of ducking, weaving, and cited for. After months of speculation
identity and use stealth and espionage wrong and the super villain inmates punching to the Wii’s fancy new mo- and rumor, this classic fighting game is
to take down your foes. The idea is have taken over, and it’s your job to take tion-controlled gameplay. making its way to your console as a $15
hard to explain on paper, but after see- them out. It’s your classic beat em’ up downloadable title. Why is this so awe-
ing it in action, it looks fantastic. style game (think Double Dragon or Bionic Commando (360, PS3, PC) some, you ask? Well, it’s Marvel versus
Streets of Rage) with a few twists. Since We’ve already seen the re-make of Capcom! Your favorite comic book he-
you are Batman, it goes without saying the original Bionic Commando as a roes battle it out with Capcom’s cast of
that you’re one scary dude and you’ll downloadable title this year, but Cap- Street Fighter characters. Now your
use the shadows to your advantage to com has other plans for our swingin’ friends can finally put-up or shut-up
strike fear in your enemies and perform hero. This new Bionic Commando when it comes to their childhood he-
crazy hand-to-hand moves. brings the game to life in 3D, which has roes.
you swinging all over the place with
Fight Night Round 4 (360, PS3) your fancy bionic arm. It doesn’t seem
EA’s boxing simulator is back, and to change too much of the classic for-
Fight Night Round 4 follows in the foot- mula, but it sure as hell looks fun.
steps of all the past Fight Night games,
which means that you’ll be able to ex- Red Faction: Guerrilla (360, PS3,
perience real life physics and animation PC)
that almost makes you feel each punch. Continuing on the success of the
In addition to that, you’ll be able to play original Red Faction games in which the
just like your favorite boxing legends, environments were completely destruc-
using their styles to your advantage. tible, Red Faction: Guerrilla is bring that
The game also looks great and has some tried and true game play to the current
of the best looking graphics I’ve seen in generation of consoles. I had a chance
Ghostbusters (Everything) a long time. to spend some time with this title at the
Well, it’s uh, it’s Ghostbusters! If you NY ComiCon, and I definitely enjoyed
don’t know Ghostbusters, then there King of Fighters XII (360, PS3) myself. Breaking down a wall with a
isn’t much hope for you. I had a chance For those who don’t know, King of giant hammer and surprising the hell
to see some of this game in action at the Fighters is exactly like Street Fighter, ex- out of whoever’s on the other side just
NY ComiCon, and it looks great. The cept a different company makes it. And never gets old.
30 Comics Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009
The Stony Brook Press Comics 31
32 Photo Essay Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

May Day Rally in Photos by Matt Willemain

On May 1, recognized by
most nations around the
world as Labor Day, a small
demonstration took place
outside the headquarters of
the statewide SUNY sys-
tem in downtown Albany.
Organizers staged the
event for two reasons: to
draw attention to the long
neglected problem of labor
and human rights abuses
against the garment work-
ers who produce licensed
university apparel in sweat-
shop conditions, and to
support new legislation in- Albany County Legislator Doug Bullock (second from the right), the
tended to compel all SUNY Vice President of the Albany Central Federation of Labor, wields a
schools to address the bullhorn to lead demonstrators in a chant. What did they want? A
issue. sweat-free SUNY. When did they want it? Take a guess. It’s easy
to buy a sweatshirt with a university logo at a campus bookstore
and wear it to a game in complete ignorance of the situation of the
people responsible for making it. After decades of abuses, and
ten years of activism in resonse, only a handful of SUNY schools
have adopted rigorous policies to combat violations of the rights of
garment workers.

Brian O'Shaughnessy (cen-

ter), Executive Director of the
Labor-Religion Coalition of
New York State addresses
the crowd. O’Shaughnessy
carries a sweatshop-pro-
duced Arizona State Univer-
sity cap dating from the late
90’s. Over the past decade,
organizer convinced ASU
Guillermo Perez (background center), a representative of the Cap- and 185 other colleges and
ital District [Metropolitan Albany] Chapter of the Labor Council for universities, including the en-
Latin American Advancement, speaks to the attendees. Among tire California state system,
the listeners is Guillermo Martínez (foreground right), Legislative to sign on with the Workers
and Communications Director for New York State Assembly Mem- Rights Consortium (WRC), a
ber Peter Rivera, Bronx Democrat. Rivera is introducing a bill into labor monitoring organiza-
the Assembly, the Ethical Business Conduct in Higher Education tion independent from gar-
Act, which would force every SUNY school to deal with the prob- ment industry influence. In
lem. Demonstrators expressed their hope that the bill will be ren- the SUNY system, only the
dered unnecessary by SUNY voluntarily confronting the issue. University Centers at Albany
and Buffalo and the Univer-
sity Colleges of Cortland and
New Paltz are members of
the WRC.

Jackie Hayes (center), a SUNY Albany graduate student in Latin

American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies and a student ac-
tivist with U Albany’s Fair Trade Alliance and Students for Work-
ers’ Rights, speaks to attendees. Among those listening is Mirna Peter LaVenia (left), a SUNY Albany graduate student in Political
Lizeth Chavarria Lopez (far left), a Honduran garment worker and Science, representative of Students for Workers’ Rights and Co-
union leader whose factory was closed this year by Russell Ath- Chair of the New York State Green Party, speaks to those gath-
letic. Russell has recently closed two of its ten Honduran facto- ered—many of whom carry placards reading “It’s Time for SUNY
Colleges to Stop Using Sweatshops to Manufacture Campus
ries—the two with unionized workforces. Apparel”.
The Stony Brook Press 33
I Can Collage My Parking Tickets
lution. “We could put extra buses, but the campus oversells these spots by left up to the Vice President of Facilities
Let’s face it, the problem is then there would traffic about 5%, assuming that not everyone and Services, Barbara Chernow.
commuters on at the corner of Circle Road. We’re still who owns a premium parking permit One of the more interesting devel-
campus get shafted opments in progress is a system that will
more than a lady use the student ID cards and GPS sys-
of the night on tems in every bus to better determine
fleet week. Com- how long a bus will take to reach the
muter lots are far SAC. A display board in the SAC Lobby
away from the Ac- will show the estimated arrival times.
ademic Mall, park- However, this system won’t be in full ef-
ing is limited, and the buses, no matter fect for another three to five years.
where you’re going, never seem to sync Even though he did seem receptive
up right, and don’t even get me started to any concerns I had, O’Connor sug-
on the LIRR. However, at a Commuter gests any additional questions to USG.
Student Association meeting a few “If enough students say that it’s a prob-
weeks ago, Director of Transportation lem, then things will get done.” There
on campus, James O’ Connor, presented are people on campus and in the ad-
all the changes set for the next couple ministration who want to get things
years. done. Sometimes, like the parking situ-
First and foremost, the South P ation, there’s trade-off, such as the
Lot is undergoing renovations. The aforementioned traffic problem and en-
grass islands in the center will be re- vironmental damage. “This is one of the
moved and placed elsewhere. This decisions we make. If we cut down
change is estimated to open up roughly more trees to build parking lots, then
150 to 200 new spots. The morning of we’re doing damage to the ecosystem,”
the interview, I went around canvassing O’Connor said.
my fellow commuters for questions to Sometimes, like the new LED signs
ask. The one thing that stuck out the trying to figure it out,” he said. will be there on the same day. Decisions at the LIRR station, The first thing I saw
most was the crowding at South P Lot. Also, more of the LaValle Stadium like these are looked into by a team of on those new screens? 10:30 PM PORT

Death to Bookstore Buying

O’Connor was aware of the problem, Parking lot will be converted to pre- researchers who determine a course of JEFF. LATE 25 MINS.
but is still looking for an appropriate so- mium spots. One thing to note is that action. However, the final decision is

What initially version of the book since it has enough lishing are textbooks that are hole reading the book more relaxing and en-
started out as a of the same content anyway, and sites punched to fit in a three-ring binder. gaging. E-books, or basically textbooks
way to get free like and They cost less than hardcover text- crammed into .pdf files by the pub-
food actually lisher, are becoming more prominent.
turned out to be a They are cost-saving measure and a ne-
very interesting cessity in an increasingly digital world,
learning experi- but at the same time make it easier for
ence. The Stony people who download scans of the text-
Brook University books anyway.
bookstore held a While this was a humbling look
fair in the Wang Center on April 15, behind the scenes of an industry in
where publishers were able to show off which we all spend hundreds of dollars
their textbooks to professors. Staff from every year, there were a few attempts at
the bookstore coordinated the event swindling. The representative from the
and answered questions. Oxford University Press bragged about
Questions involved, “Do you how their books are cheaper, when all
feel threatened by the fact that more and he gave was data for one book. The
more students are buying books on- prices vary from publisher to publisher
line?” Some acknowledged the internet and from subject to subject. While one
as a threat. “[The internet is] a very real book may cost less, another might have
competitor, and it’s a very big competi- more content.
tor,” said one publisher. Some see it as a My favorite lesson of the day came
need to innovate, as you will read below. from a sign on display that broke down
The bookstore, however, remains con- how the money spent on a book from
fident, said a representative, “With the have always delivered the correct book. books, but are designed to be dispos- the bookstore factors out. Nine percent
internet, you’re not sure what you’re get- On display were some clever able. These are for those DEC classes goes to the authors, 2% is spent on ship-
ting. You might get the wrong book and innovations publishers are coming up you take outside your major but never ping, 67% goes to the publishers, 12%
have to spent one-and-a-half times the with to make money in this recession, ever think about again. Also from the goes to the bookstore and 10% goes to
book.” Although from personal experi- as well as *gasp* to make learning more same publisher were textbooks, laid out the university.
ence, some professors allow an earlier interesting. First, from Pearson pub- like magazines, supposedly making
34 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

In one of the the growing problem of Somali
great acts of piracy. Somali pirates board
courage in our vessels from speedboats and
new century, the quickly overtake the unarmed
United States, crews. Many Somalis turn to
which accounts for piracy because their poverty-
50 percent of stricken nation, often mired in
global military lawlessness, offers few outlets
spending, van- for individuals trying not to die
quished three So- horribly before they turn 30.
mali pirates. The pirates had taken The evil and whiny pirates
American naval captain Richard defend their actions by claim-
Phillips hostage in an attempt to coax a ing that the West (mainly Eu-
ransom fee out of the United States. rope) has been dumping
“We’ll teach those bastards to try to nuclear waste in their waters
improve their living situation,” said Gov. and overexploiting the sea for
Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. “Never have fish. Supposedly, illegal
I been more proud of America and ap- trawlers have stolen more than
palled at the African people. To think, $300 million in tuna, shrimp
that these silly pirates believe that it is and lobster. Believe it or not,
acceptable to lie, cheat and steal to earn these savages have the audacity
money. That is not what America is to accuse we lily-white angels
about.” of destroying their primary re-
Awesome American Navy Seal source: seafood.
snipers, who look just like G.I. Joe and Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah,
Spiderman crossed with a Thundercat the United Nations envoy to
and were super cool the whole time, to- Somalia, was quoted in the
tally fuckin’ nailed the black dudes London Independent as saying,
holding the white American captain “Somebody is dumping nu-
guy hostage. Although Somali pirates clear material here. There is
are not known to kill their hostages, and also lead, and heavy metals
usually only demand a ransom, it is such as cadmium and mercury
good they died because America rules, – you name it.” Apparently, Eu-
and when you mess with the best, you ropean ships have been ap-
die with the rest. pearing off the coast of
“It’s sorta like when the Yankees Somalia to dump large barrels
played Tampa Bay pre-2008,” said Sen. into the ocean. After a 2005
John McCain. “The Yankees had a tsunami washed hundreds of
higher payroll but still bludgeoned the leaking barrels on Somali
shit out of the Rays. Did they go easy on shores, people began to suffer
them? Fuck no. America is like that. We from radiation sickness and
can’t allow impoverished nations to dis- more than 300 died. These restaurants, and other businesses. Resi- of $43,800 and $31,800 respectively,
rupt the transit corridor for 20 percent heavy metals (ROCK ON YEAH!) like dents even use the pilfered money to picked themselves up by their Christian
of the world’s oil supply. I fucking love cadmium and mercury can be traced to buy generators, basking in the luxury of bootstraps and worked really, really
oil. In fact, I am currently bathing in European hospitals and factories. Holy electricity. Otherwise, the pirates are hard. No handouts for you, Somalia!
some Iraqi oil right now. It’s a bit sticky, dogshit, these Somali douches need to huge assholes. And no piracy either, you need to get
but sometimes the best things in life chill out. Analysts believe Somalia, a country rich the right way.
stick to you.” The satanic communists at ABC with a GDP per capita of $600, should “Fuck yeah,” said the ghost of John
The United States, which has never News claim the Somali pirates actually probably start looking for a job. Poor D. Rockefeller while shitting on the
done anything nefarious before to en- benefit the economies of the seaside vil- people wouldn’t be poor if they just faces of his former employees in the pits
rich itself, has been battling alongside a lages. Coastal towns are flush with cash, worked all the time. The United States of Hell.
myriad of European nations to combat leading to the construction of cafes, and Great Britain, with GDP per capita’s
The Stony Brook Press Sports 35

Murphy’s Law? Only Time Will Tell

By Jason Wirchin
“The chances of another plane hit-
ting this house are astronomical,” said
Robin Williams in the 1982 movie, The
World According to Garp. “It’s been pre-
Oh, if only baseball were that easy
As the world painfully knows by
this point, the Amazins’ have been – at
least for the past two seasons – the ulti-
mate masters of disaster. Losing 12 of
their last 17 in 2007 and 6 of their last
10 in 2008, these self-proclaimed “New
Mets” have come up empty in their
most recent attempts at a playoff berth.
But as 2009 rolls ahead, an entire
city prays that what happened before
won’t happen again. After all, what are
the odds of something so improbable,
so bamboozling, so preposterous hap-
pening three years in a row? Is it even
doable? Knowing the Mets, anything walks and 18 strikeouts. John Maine with 62 in 2008, J.J. Putz, who posted a 2008 – his .370 average and 20 hits in 17
that can go wrong, will go wrong. (10-8, 4.18) held opposing batters to a 1.38 ERA and only 13 walks in nearly 72 games are proof of great progress.
Let’s review. .234 average last year and appears to be innings in 2007, and Sean Green. Brian Bench. Back-up catcher Ramon
Starting rotation. One of the few righting his ship after shoulder surgery Stokes, Pedro Feliciano and Bobby Par- Castro can hit for power occasionally,
strongholds of last year’s squad, the September 30. Livan Hernandez de- nell have performed nicely during the and plays good defense behind the
front five have had their fair share of serves no accolades here. If the Mets are month of April, and should be able to plate. His 34 strikeouts in 52 games last
successes and struggles throughout this lucky, he won’t be half as bad as that set up Putz and K-Rod with relatively year are a tad concerning, however.
early season. Johan Santana (16-7, 2.53 other Hernandez experiment. few calamities. Alex Cora is a serviceable second base-
in 2008) gave the Mets a chance to win Bullpen. With a revamped pen, the Starting Lineup. Missing only four man, with five hits and four runs scored
every 5 days or so, and seems to be on a ghosts of seasons past should be exor- games last year, Jose Reyes hit .297 with in 13 games. With a banged-up Castillo
similar track heading into the first cised by now. Aaron Heilman is a Cub, 204 hits, 37 doubles, 19 triples and 16 resting every couple of days with an iffy
weeks of May. Mike Pelfrey (13-11, Scott Schoeneweis is a Diamondback, home runs. When Reyes gets on base, back, Cora should get some more-than-
3.72) missed a start with forearm ten- Joe Smith is an Indian and Duaner the Mets usually win. Expect the same expected playing time. Outfielder Je-
donitis, but should deliver no less than Sanchez is a Padre. Billy Wagner is still in 2009. After landing the starting left- remy Reed is no Willie Mays, but he
six solid innings each outing if he keeps months away from being able to throw fielder’s job in spring training, Daniel should serve as a suitable replacement
his strike-to-walk ratio under control. again. Newcomers to Flushing include Murphy faces quite the list of high ex- for Beltran whenever Jerry Manuel sits
Oliver Perez (10-7, 4.22) isn’t very good. Francisco Rodriguez, who broke Bobby pectations. Defensive misplays have No. 15. Fernando Tatis batted .297 in
As of May 1, he had a 9.31 ERA, 15 Thigpen’s all-time saves record of 57 plagued Murphy from Day 1, but by the 2008 with 81 hits, 11 homers and 47
end of April he was batting .324 with 22 RBI. He was batting .348 as of May 1.
hits and 13 runs scored. David Wright, Fresh off his 500th dinger, Gary
the face of the franchise, has been criti- Sheffield should provide some pop off
cized as of late for his rising number of the bench when needed. As long as he
strikeouts – through 21 games, he had keeps his cool and doesn’t blame
27. Expect No. 5 to lead the team of- Manuel for being a racist, fans will re-
fensively during the summer, though. spect this long-time slugger for what
He has batted an average .311 since he’s worth.
2005. Delgado and Beltran should still They’ve got a good team – there’s
bop away at the plate – as long as the no doubt about it. But can they string
former’s hip stays healthy and the latter’s together five or seven or even ten wins
knees don’t crack during a steal attempt. to crawl up in the standings?
If he stays concussion-free for a while, Last season, whenever the starting
Ryan Church should have a steady sum- pitching went deep, the bullpen im-
mer. He’s batting .313 through 21 ploded. This year, it’s the starters
games, but that might cool off by the who’ve been struggling and the pen
time August rolls around. With catcher that’s been more consistent than not.
Brian Schneider on the 15-day DL since But then again, these are the Mets. Love
April 17 with a strained back, call-up em’. Hate em’. They’ll still find a way
Omir Santos has become quite the rave trip up.
in Queens. In his first eight games, San-
tos went 7-for-23 (.304) with a .565
slugging percentage. A resurgent Luis
Castillo hopes to improve on a dismal
36 Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

"*7. -+.." +)". /+ (+."
By Ian Thomas
Ranked 11 in the country, Stony
Brook’s dynamic offense had been con-
sistent in nearly every game this season.
Scoring ten or more goals in ten of their
past 12 games, the team’s up tempo play
has been one of the biggest reasons be-
hind their nine wins.
Sophomore Jordan McBride has
been the real spark plug. His 42 goals
ranked him second in the NCAA going
into the Championship rounds, and
combined with sophomore Kevin
Crowley, created one of the most lethal
duos in college play.
The University of Maryland – Bal-
timore County Retrievers knew what
was at stake – the America East title,
and most importantly an automatic trip
to the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Champi-
onship Tournament. Stopping this duo
and the team would be a hard challenge,
as many opponents had found out this
year. But with excellent midfield play
and the offensive talent to match, as well
as a rabid home crowd behind them, the Najib Aminy
ball was in their proverbial court. Don@ t Lacrosse the streams!
Unfortunately for the young Stony
Brook tandem and the rest of their tal-
ented team, that UMBC team did next two periods. ing the selection of at large berth teams.
just that, and ended the Seawolves Stony Brook never seemed to be Although there has to be some dis-
season on a sour note, with an 11–7 able to get in a groove offensively be- appointment in the way the season
victory over SBU. cause of missed shots, costly turnovers ended, the exceptional play of returning
“They have some experience and the immense defensive and mid- players will give the team and Coach
playing in this game where we did field pressure applied by UMBC. The Sowell a lot to look forward to next year.
not, but I am proud of the team and Seawolves only managed seven shots in In addition to McBride, who finished
our season,” said Coach Rick Sowell the first half, and McBride was held off fourth in goals per game in the NCAA,
following the game. “We did not give the score sheet for the first time all sea- Crowley finished thirteenth in points
up and hung in there. Unfortunately, son. per game, Compitello finished twelfth
we did not make as many plays as The Seawolves rallied late, scoring in assists per game and junior Steven
UMBC did.” four goals in the fourth quarter alone, Waldeck finished seventh in ground
The early jitters seemed not to but they were not enough to counter the balls per game. Sophomore Adam Rand
affect the team as junior Tom Com- offensive power the Retrievers supplied ranked number one in the entire NCAA
pitello scored to put the Seawolves up earlier in the game. in face-off win percentage, winning at
by a score of two to one. However, Following the game, Crowley and nearly a 64 percent clip.
chalk it up to inexperience, or per- defensemen Steven Waldeck and Chris
haps just an excellent UMBC team, Gignilliat were all named to the All-
Najib Aminy but that was the only time Stony Tournament team.
Adam Rand Brook led. Because of their loss, the Seawolves
The Retrivers fired back, scor- failed to clinch a spot in the NCAA
ing eight unanswered goals over the tournament, and were passed over dur-
The Stony Brook Press 37
Give Me a B-A-N-D!
By Liz Kaempf
It’s impossible to say that you
have never noticed when the Stony
Brook University Marching Band
cranks it up at a home football
game, or when the Seawolves’ Pep
Band brings the noise at a basketball
game. That’s because they are im-
possible not to hear and even harder
to miss.
Easily the most spirited organi-
zation at Stony Brook University,
the “Red Hot” athletics bands lead
the dance team, the cheerleaders and
Wolfie in getting the crowd at SBU
events involved and cheering for our
The athletics bands are rela-
tively new groups to the Stony
Brook campus, just finishing up
their third year this spring, and are
broken up into two groups; the fall’s
Marching Band, and the spring’s
Pep Band. Each group has its own
mission for the semester.
The Marching Band is responsi-
ble for playing at pre-game, tailgat-
ing, halftime and in the stands
during the football season. The fall
band is an indoor and outdoor group
that practices not only to play stand-
ing still (although they hardly stay
still), but also prepares to play a
roughly seven minute show at half-
Najib Aminy

This is them, right?

The Pep Band plays in the

spring for all men’s and ladies’ bas-
gled Banner and then seamlessly and kids that are just overall loud, the band from learning and growing.
ketball games. It also travels with
jumped into starting all the chants. crazy and fun. It’s these people that They get progressively better with
the teams to play at tournaments.
Just to prove that the band is some- create the undeniable spirit the every performance and are always
The band is able to learn much more
thing all it’s own, the kids donned Marching and Pep Bands have. looking for new traditions to start.
music in the spring due to the fact
inflatable pink flamingoes (think They let it all out to cheer on our They uphold traditions such as play-
that it does not need to learn a field
pink!) and created a chant: sports teams on any occasion. ing the alma mater at the end of
show. The repertoire for that season
“Bounce! Pass! Shoot!” While the Not only are they energetic and football games and in the lobby be-
includes “Zombie Nation,” “Hey
other team has possession, our won- fun, but they are basically a family. fore basketball games. The well-
Ya,” “September,” “Soul Man,”
derful band narrates all the moves I know from six years of band expe- oiled machines that are the athletics
“Jump On It,” SBU Fight Song and
they make - be it bouncing, passing, rience that these kids can come off bands strive to make the Seawolves
the Star-Spangled Banner.
or shooting the ball. as an entirely separate entity, and as loud as they can get them, and
It’s a group that requires hours
The group as a whole is meant that presence has a knack for push- then some.
of rehearsal time, practice, and dis-
to create a show within the games, ing others away. The groups’ energy is something
cipline. Their secret is that through it
one that will promote pride and in- Leddy agreed by saying, “A else that never ceases to amaze not
all, they still manage to make it fun
spire spirit. The rowdiness of the sense of community is great, but it only the crowd, but John Leddy, as
for everyone involved. I watched
band altogether is all on them. Band can be intimidating to outsiders.” He well. “Their spirit always inspires
first hand at the ”Think Pink” Breast
Director John Leddy said he would also noted that one of the toughest me,” he said and it is no doubt that
Cancer Awareness Ladies Basket-
like to take credit for the incredible jobs he has as band director is trying that energy and pride will continue
ball game where you could not get
energy the members have, but he to integrate newcomers into a group to carry out as a vibrant and dy-
the band to stand still, let alone shut
knows that is not the case. that has already formed strong, fa- namic tradition in SBU’s repertoire.
The band is comprised of many milial bonds.
They started with the Star-Span-
individuals: sports fans, introverts, Thankfully, that has yet to stop
38 Sports Vol. XXX, Issue 14 |Friday, May 8, 2009

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nally repented for being a “Jewish.” As a less, was trying to use his algebra skills awareness cost him dearly. J. Schaeffer
By Ross Barkan “Jewish,” his poor karma and love of
bargains had plagued previous Rhino
to figure out if it was possible to mas-
turbate and play dodgeball. His
cannot recover. Rhinos rush through
the chaos to aid him and find it is too
attempts at victory. Now a devout Mus- wounded phallus told the tale. late. J. Schaeffer is a goner. They carry
There is a time when games become lim and freed of his previous “Jew” Skipper, Jared, and Captain Barkan him to the sidelines, where he is to be
more than games, more than war, and vices, he swore allegiance to all the would not be discouraged, though. The raped by a referee.
more than a mere struggle for existence. dragons he knew. Despite the presences score is tied one game a piece. We are At this point the other team is play-
There is time when the soul thunders of other male Jewesses who had not yet now in the present tense for some rea- ing like a group of ravenous Nazi ante-
from the forgotten catacombs, calling to given up their sinful ways, the Rhinos son. Bald stalwart and Rhino gadfly lope, horns of fury piercing the fire of
a heart still pulsating from too much knew one conversion was enough. Like Benjamin Milgrom esquire is nowhere fear and smoke of resentment and re-
Mountain Dew. There is a time when a band of Pope Urban II’s crusaders, to be seen, most likely perched behind pressed adolescent memories. Ofs are
several young men stride upon the they understood that you can only his video game console, dick and bur- everywhere. Captain Barkan, somehow
plains of the Stony Brook sports com- alive, thinks of bagels and cream cheese
plex, eyes trained on the end of time. like he always does when he is under
There is a time for dodgeball. duress. He closes his eyes and hurls with
Remember the nights. On one all his might the fiercest of comets, a
Tuesday, when the moon hung in a ball spinning to the crazy cone’s orbit.
frosted crescent over the blood-red Gay opponents try to stop it. They can-
horizon, A Rhinoceros in Trouble en- not. The ball has plummeted from the
tered the arena. Who are the Rhinos? crazy cone. Rhinos win. Rhinos win.
Some would say a dodgeball team. Oth- But there are more games to play in
ers would say fuck falcons. Reputations the series, just like there are more vagi-
are made of words and words are for the nas for the lustful Rhinos to conquer.
feeble so do not rely on them. Admiral Ginsberg will not allow anyone
The Rhinos, quite simply, were win- to rest on their laurels. He tells tales of
less entering that Tuesday night. Despite America, how Paul Bunyan saved the
their inherent sexual prowess and love treasury by having sex with the most
for the game, the franchise had yet to magical of ganders. The lesson is sim-
taste the sweet cunt of victory. Admiral ple: never surrender. Some say Paul
Ginsberg, guard of the crazy cone, put Bunyan still roams the wilderness look-
it best. “Fuck.” ing for things, soft and warm, to love.
This was no ordinary game. Regular There is no quit in his monstrous,
rules did not apply because the Rhinos William Howard Taft-like eyes.
had the audacity and courage to enter Skipper Heed is picking off one after
the “ultimate” dodgeball league in another while Admiral Ginsberg en-
which a wiffle ball is perched perilously sures his verbal digs fly like dead fetuses
on a cone. If the opponent knocks the to the faces of all who oppose him. Cap-
ball from the cone, your team tastes the tain Barkan, mind engorged in cream
unholy asshole of defeat. This asshole, They say you have to “be” the ball, but this is ridiculous..
cheese, decides he will pray to the
plagued with beans from the cafeteria newly-discovered Jesus W. Christ and
and fecal shooting stars from the result- drink the blood of one koala at a time. rito in hand. The Rhinos, still the attempt another crazy cone strike. They
ing diarrhea, does not taste sweet. It is Immediately the white referee sig- league’s most religious team, call an- said it was impossible. Goblins, goblins
cruel and does not love you, like your naled the beginning of the massacre. A other team prayer. Shaman Rubinstein in his ears, said these things. Captain
grandma. Rhinoceros in Trouble had known waves his arms to attractive females Barkan ate the goblins with positive
In the previous contest of the season many daunting opponents before but who aren’t there. Captain Barkan’s flat- forks. BROOSSSSMMMM. Crazy Cone
the Rhinos, sans Admiral and “Skipper” none was as ferocious and mercantile as ulence is a pure and melodious hymn Ball Down! RHINOS WIN RHINOS
Heed, could not protect the crazy cone. Puck. Puck, from a team still unnamed, that smells like a nuclear rainbow. It WIN RHINOS WIN!
It was as if a radiant thunderstorm had wore facial hair and a five-foot four would have brought the ladies back. Big Jared finished off the series with
swept them into its bosom and suffo- frame like a true champion. He com- Every Rhino agrees that the crazy cone another crazy cone strike, making the
cated them in mammary lightning. The pensated for his size with a baseball cap. must be targeted. Admiral Ginsberg, Rhinos officially triumphant in an ac-
games were over before they began. It was brimming with blood. Jared still seething from an array of teenage tual seasonal contest. The celebrations
One pundit on ESPN was quoted as say- “White Chocolate” Scott, the Rhino’s quandaries, vows revenge on the elusive were endless. The heroic boys inhaled
ing, “The Rhinos, god damn, they’re sole minority combatant, dodged balls Puck. Tears in hearts, blood in eyes, Gatorade after Gatorade, downing them
like Lou Gehrig’s disease. Totally incur- as deftly as (insert pun with gay urine on their shoes, the boys swear to with the smoothest of ice cream beau-
able…of their ability to lose games. Boo- celebrity and testicles). Jared, though the altar of victory! “Tonight,” roars the ties. It was like cutting off the head of a
YAH!” Rumors still persist that the blessed with only one peerless eye, nev- normally taciturn Skipper, “we deep cougar on the top of Mt. Everest…inde-
maladroit yet menacing Admiral Gins- ertheless seized the large red ball and throat kiss Jesus.” The Rhinos are un- scribable. Admiral, Skipper, and Cap-
berg ripped his television into little hurtled it through the hearts of his de- sure of why this is supposed to motivate tain reveled in their winning ways,
pieces and sold them to gypsies, who niers. Admiral Ginsberg, crazy cone-de- them but Skipper’s large eyes tell the declaring a golden age for mankind.
then fed the pieces to their ailing goats. fenseman wizard, envisioned his truth: dodgeball victory means certain Shaman Rudy drank goat’s blood to seal
Thus game two arrived. Head opponents as ex-girlfriends being fon- death. the pact. The boys, dodgeballs in hand,
shaman Rudolph Rubinstein presided dled by concupiscent pandas, thus And then J. Schaeffer, the unsung vowed never to lose again.
over a pre-game prayer. Whilst listening channeling the proper half-Jew rage to Rhino, is tit-smacked. He couldn’t
to outdated reggae on his ipod, he pro- deflect incoming dodgeballs and save dodge in time. Shaman Rudy tries his
claimed the Rhinos to be in favor with the cone. (Note: The Admiral is half- best to save his pal but in the end the RHINOS continued on page 39
the gods because captain Barkan had fi- Jewish). Skipper Heed, still moustache- dodgeballs and Schaeffer’s beluga-like
The Stony Brook Press Sports 39

&$%/ (0
cision. Kano learned
By Eric DiGiovanni jujitsu under several
masters, such as
Fukuda Hachi-
nosuke and Iso
FIGHT CLUB(S)- JUDO Masatomo. From
Whe n It Meets: Tuesdays and Thurs- that he developed his
days from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM own style, which
Where It Me ets: Mat Room in the eventually became
Sports Complex known as judo.
Who’s Known For It: Chuck Norris, There were two ob-
Abel from Street Fighter IV, Former jectives to this new
President Theodore Roosevelt, cement- art: First, the goal
ing his place as our most badass presi- isn’t to necessarily
dent. harm the other per-
As I lay down in the sweltering heat son, but get them off
of the Mat Room in the Sports Com- balance to either
plex, with Judo Club President Gregory evade or go on the
Woody smothering my face with my offensive and get
own arm, I had an interesting thought them in a hold. Sec-
that I believe appropriately begins the ond, it had to be safe
last FIGHT CLUB(S) of the semester: for university stu-
“Holy crap, it’s the Brazilian Jujitsu club dents to practice.
all over again!” (See March 11 Issue of For those think-
The Press) . In fact, here’s a testament to ing of taking it up,
how similar it was: members of the BJJ here’s a fair warning:
Club showed up, such as friend of the it is not something
column Terrence Cheng. you’ll get right away.
Judo and jujitsu mean almost the Like BJJ, positioning Eric DiGiovanni
same thing in Japanese: “gentle art.” But parts of your body
when you hit the ground, it’s anything you don’t even think
but gentle. Even though they share the about are important. Sure, if you’re one of those things you have to practice. describe my experience this time
same kanji for gentle, there are plenty of strong enough guy like me, you can toss Once you do master it, at least going around, I’d use satisfying. There’s just
key differences. Judo is focused more a guy in any position. But when your from Youtube, it will look really awe- something that feels right about flipping
on throws than submissions. Also, hips have to be in just the right place, some. a guy over on to the ground. Hell, even
elbow submissions, leg locks and ankle and grab your opponent at just the right The club is taught by Mr. Tatsushi, if you’re being thrown, it’s a hell of a
locks are forbidden due to safety rea- place, you realize that there is an art to a Social Welfare Ph.D. student who ride. Sure, climbing over another guy to
sons (damn lawyers). Chokes, arm locks this (Hey, maybe that’s why they call it a came from Japan. He was a pretty happy try to choke him out is fine and all, but
and everything else are legal and, since “martial art” instead of “way to beat the guy, and not even my newbishness that thump when he hits the ground,
it originated in Japan, you have to bow crap out of someone”). could bring him down. His exact words you standing over him, his arm in your
before each match. Even Woody realizes this: “[Judo is] were, “[Judo’s] much more sports ori- hand, and seeing that look in his eyes
To understand all of these crazy not something you can pick up right ented. It takes courage, it’s not street that says, “Damn it,” all mean that he’s
rules, let’s look to the past, shall we? It away. Striking someone can pick up fighting.” Just like fencing, Judo is an your bitch. It’s a good feeling.
all started in late 19th century Japan quickly, but there’s a little more that you Olympic sport, but unlike fencing, the
when Jigoro Kano was tired of getting have to get used to in judo. It’s much action doesn’t stop until a penalty is
picked on, so he learned jujitsu since more intense, more technical, more pre- committed or someone goes out of
Judo hadn’t been invented yet, and this cise, and more aggressive than most bounds, which ratchets up the excite-
happened way before The Karate Kid martial arts.” Like everything else, it’s ment of matches.
came out in theatres to influence his de- If there was one word I could use to

RHINOS continued from page 38

But they did. making love constituted an official in- ual pushes Skipper, leading to yet an- signing his fascist form. So the Rhinos
The story ends tragically. On the final tramural game. Skipper unleashed a other Rhino-on-failures brawl. Referee trudge away, the Admiral spitting on the
game of the season, the Rhinos, sans the throw that would have made Kublai threatens to call campus police. Skipper floor, the Shaman shaking his head,
great Jared, jumped out to a three games Khan proud, striking the man-child in dares him. Referee has erectile-dys- crystalline tears tickling his eyes.
to none lead. All was clicking. Skipper the hands and head. It was clear he was function. It is over…even if the Rhinos Alas, it was not meant to be. However,
Heed had not even challenged any op- out. Everyone celebrated. prevail, their sportsmanship rating will if Skipper makes his amends with T-
ponents to fisticuffs like he had in pre- The referee made no signal. He made be so low that they will not compete in Bone Dave, the campus recreation
vious contests and the Admiral had yet no god damn signal. Skipper’s eyes fill the post-season, their lone ambition. goombah, all might be saved. Go to it
to tempt a Magilla Gorilla-sized enemy with hellfire and his black Armenian Every team makes the playoffs. ‘Cept Skipper. Open up yo throat….
to a man brawl. Then it happened. Skip- hair is aflame. He will not accept this. the Rhinos. Captain Barkan kicks the
per Heed and the Captain were two on Skipper races across the line, smacks the other cone, officially putting the nail in
one against a man-child of Orwellian man-child with the ball, kicks the other the coffin. Big Black Dave, Campus Rec
impotency, so inept at the game of ball off the crazy cone, and declares the Czarina, declares that Skipper and the
dodgeball that rumors still pursuit that Rhinos the champs. Everyone is bewil- Captain cannot enter the sports com-
he believed a collection of opossums dered. Proud. Frightened. A homosex- plex again without talking to him and
Death Egg Zone

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