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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

About Wacky Witch Trading Co Company Profile

Wacky Witch Trading Co is an individual company involved in the manufacture and sale of party and novelty items. The company commenced operations in 1976 as a small family concern and has grown to employ in excess of twenty-five personnel. It operates totally within the state of N ! and its annual payroll is in excess of "69#$%%%. The company reports on a &uarterly 'asis to the (T) using a *usiness (ctivity tatement.

(ll products are either manufactured 'y the Wacky Witch Trading Co or sourced from other local companies who guarantee (ustralian-made products. The product range includes 'alloons festive items 'anners ta'le decorations seasonal decorations streamers ta'lecloths place cards invitations

The full product range is shown on the following page.

Mission Statement
Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to 'ecoming the leading supplier of party and novelty items 'y providing our customers with a uni&ue selection of &uality products at competitive prices.

Key Strategies
+aintain excellent customer and community relations ,nsure staff are trained to provide a first class service +aintain uni&ue in-store presentation -rovide expert mar.eting for the promotion of stores Increase the range and depth of products offered

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co -roduct /isting

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co Store Locations

Head Office
161 ydney 2oad +(N/3 N ! 0%9# Tel 5ax ,mail (*N %0 997 7##4 %0 997 7##1 en&uire6!ac.y !itch Trading 10 111 %%0 441

Role of Head Office

The 8ead )ffice of Wacky Witch Trading Co has a dual role 1 (s the franchisor$ Wacky Witch Trading Co relies heavily on its franchises for success. To this end the franchise system is actively promoted through 'oth print and electronic media in order to gain new franchisees. 0 9uality and consistency within the stores is one of Wacky Witch Trading Co ma:or strengths. (s part of the franchising system$ stores are provided with the following comprehensive initial training in the 'usiness system a 'usiness plan for operations mar.eting and management support strategies for advertising campaigns printed advertising material ongoing training to ensure customer service standards are maintained stoc. for sale

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co

Head Office Organisational Chart


Accounts Department

Administration Department

Human Resources Department Human Resources Manager

L'" S$"(H

Sales & Marketing Department Sales & Marketing Manager

&'L$ A)AMS



Accounts Manager

Administration Manager
%A" T PAR& R

urc!asing O##icer
MAR& %O" S

"are!ouse Manager

(ccounts -aya'le 7ler. (ccounts 2eceiva'le 7ler. (ccounts (ssistant 1 (ccounts (ssistant 0

2eceptionist enior (dmin (ssistant (dmin (ssistant 1

82 (ssistant 1 82 (ssistant 0 82 (ssistant 1 82 (ssistant 4

; + (ssistant 1 ; + (ssistant 0 ; + (ssistant 1 ; + (ssistant 4 ; + (ssistant #

-urchasing (ssistant MAR' A") RSO"

!arehouse (sst 1 P T R H$LL !arehouse (sst 0 RO" L$M !arehouse (sst 1 MAR& MCALL$ST R

(dmin (ssistant 0 82 (ssistant # (dmin (ssistant 1

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Role of Head Office )e*art+ents
( summary of the role played 'y each department is shown 'elow.

Accounts )e*art+ent
The (ccounts <epartment is responsi'le for the financial management of the company = this includes pricing$ planning$ 'usiness analysis$ financial and management accounting$ processing of accounts paya'le$ accounts receiva'le and petty cash.

Ad+inistration )e*art+ent
The (dministration <epartment is responsi'le for providing reception and administrative support to all departments. The 2eception area provides the first point of contact for visitors$ clients and suppliers and staff in this area are expected to create a positive image for the company. (dministrative support duties include = handling company mail$ and receiving telephone calls$ sending fax messages$ assisting with customer en&uiries$ photocopying$ creating and maintaining standard document system$ creating documents using word processing software$ creating simple spreadsheets and charts$ ordering and distri'uting stationery supplies$ maintaining 'oth paper and electronic filing systems.

Hu+an Resources ,HR- )e*art+ent

The 82 <epartment is responsi'le for recruitment of 8ead )ffice staff$ payroll$ occupational health and safety programs$ as well as training programs that will enhance employee performance and development. 82 is also responsi'le for all franchisee training programs.

Sales and Marketing )e*art+ent

The ales and +ar.eting <epartment is responsi'le for developing mar.eting campaigns aimed at attracting new franchisees as well as managing the mar.eting needs of all franchise stores. (dvertising material and 'rochures for Wacky Witch Trading Cos stores are prepared 'y the ales and +ar.eting <epartment and forwarded to commercial printers for printing. The ales and +ar.eting <epartment continually sources new product suppliers as well as maintaining regular contact with the existing supplier 'ase.

Purchasing )e*art+ent
The -urchasing <epartment orders the products supplied in Wacky Witch Trading Co stores together with all other goods or services re&uired 'y the company

The !arehouse is responsi'le for receiving delivery of products$ storage of products and other items$ stoc. management and rotation$ and shipment of products to Wacky Witch Trading Co stores.
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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Staff and Stores )irectory Head Office
!ac.y !itch Trading 7o -ty /td 161 +anly 2oad +(N/3 N ! 0%9#
(*N 10 111 %%0 441

Telephone >2eception? 997 7##4 5ax 997 7##1 ,mail..........................en& !e'

Head Office Staff )irectory

Name (dams$ @ylie (nderson$ +ary 8ill$ -eter Bones$ +ar. /im$ 2on /ittle$ Bohn +arconi$ 2o'ert +c(llister$ +ar.$ Banet -arsons$ teve ingh$ /yn Job Title ales ; +ar.eting +anager -urchasing (ssistant !arehouse (ssistant 1 -urchasing )fficer !arehouse (ssistant 0 !arehouse +anager (ccounts +anager !arehouse (ssistant 1 (dministration +anager +anaging <irector 8uman 2esources +anager (ccounts -aya'le 7ler. (ccounts 2eceiva'le 7ler. (ccounts (ssistant 1 (ccounts (ssistant 0 2eceptionist enior (dministration (ssistant (dministration (ssistant 1 (dministration (ssistant 0 (dministration (ssistant 1 8uman 2esources (ssistant 1 8uman 2esources (ssistant 0 8uman 2esources (ssistant 1 8uman 2esources (ssistant 4 8uman 2esources (ssistant # ales ; +ar.eting (ssistant 1 ales ; +ar.eting (ssistant 0 ales ; +ar.eting (ssistant 1 ales ; +ar.eting (ssistant 4 ales ; +ar.eting (ssistant # Work .tension #7A #A# #A7 #A4 #A7 #A6 #61 #A7 #66 #6% #70 #60 #61 #64 #6# #67 #6A #69 #7% #71 #71 #74 #7# #76 #77 #79 #A% #A1 #A0 #A1 Email

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Stores )irectory

#yron #ay
!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >*yron *ay? -ty /td 01 +ain treet *32)N *(3 N ! 04A1
(*N 77 111 444 %A%

Telephone >%0? 6A# 141# 5ax >%0? 6A% %A%A , tore +anager..................................Crant cully ales (ssistant Bulie Tanner

!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >+anly? -ty /td #9# The 7orso +(N/3 N ! 0%9#
(*N 14 AAA 416 %1%

Telephone >%0? 977 1014 5ax >%0? 977 10%% , tore +anager..............................+ic. 8olloway ales (ssistant +aria Nguyen

!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >+erim'ula? -ty /td 1%A !ater treet +,2I+*D/( N ! 0#4A
(*N 60 7A7 %%% 141

Telephone >%0? 649 #000 5ax >%0? 649 #111 , tore +anager..............................<avid <enman ales (ssistant Bacinta /ie'ermann

!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >Newcastle? -ty /td 049 @ing treet N,!7( T/, N ! 01%%
(*N 99 1A1 1A1 %%%

Telephone >%0? 490 9999 5ax >%0? 490 9%%1 , tore +anager..................................Banet Bones ales (ssistant ophie +cNamara

!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >)range? -ty /td AA (l'ert 2oad )2(NC, N ! 0A%%
(*N 14 A94 111 9#4

Telephone >%0? 619 1191 5ax >%0? 619 1190 , tore +anager..............................<uncan -eters ales (ssistant ylvia +orton

!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >Tamworth? -ty /td 44 Banison +all T(+!)2T8 N ! 014%
(*N 11 9A9 146 #61

Telephone................................>%0? 676 A99A 5ax...........................................>%0? 676 A997 , tore +anager........................(shley !inters ales (ssistant.................................*ill @ir'y

Wagga Wagga
!ac.y !itch Trading 7o >!agga !agga? -ty /td 1%# +acleay treet !(CC( !(CC( N ! 06#%
(*N 01 176 %01 %41

Telephone................................>%0? 691 A0%0 5ax...........................................>%0? 691 A0%1 ,mail..................a'' tore +anager.............................../illy (''ot ales (ssistant............................/u.e -eters

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Professional conduct

(ll Wacky Witch Trading Cos employees are expected to perform their duties in accordance with the 7ompanyEs standards relating to punctuality$ attendance$ safe wor. practices$ honesty and courtesy in their interaction with co-wor.ers$ customers and suppliers.

(ll staff willF o 7onduct all 'usiness with honesty and integrity o (ct in a manner which is fair and reasona'le with due s.ill$ care and diligence o 7omply with all industry rules and regulations that are applica'le to their position o -erform duties in a safe manner in accordance with :o' descriptions and comply with the 7ompanyEs 8ealth and afety policies including the safe use of e&uipment provided and report any faulty e&uipment or unsafe wor. practices to their immediate superior o +aintain confidentiality of all Wacky Witch Trading Cos 'usiness$ employee and customer information. o 2eport to wor. on time o Notify their immediate superior of their a'sence within one-half hour of their usual starting time o ('stain from the use of alcohol or non-prescri'ed drugs during hours o 7omply with the 7ompanyEs policy regarding ! 8arassment and <iscrimination o (ct to promote co-operation and mutual respect among all employees of the 7ompany o +a.e suggestions that will increase the efficiency of the wor. they do or the overall effectiveness and profita'ility of the company as a whole.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual 0ual +*loy+ent O**ortunity
Wacky Witch Trading Co is an e&ual employment opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring that :o' opportunities are availa'le to all staff and advancement is 'ased on merit. The policy of the 7ompany prohi'its discrimination in the due to gender$ race$ marital status$ sexual preference$ pregnancy$ disa'ility$ race$ place of origin$ religion or political conviction.

In the event that an employee perceives there to 'e an e&ual employment opportunity issue$ they willF o Try to resolve the matter with their +anager first$ .eeping dated and signed documentation of the discussion o If within five days the pro'lem is not resolved to their satisfaction$ they will then put the complaint in writing and discuss the matter with the 8uman 2esources +anager who will refer it to senior management if deemed necessary.

Work*lace Harass+ent
Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to providing a wor. environment that is free from harassment and where the dignity and self-esteem of all employees are respected. The 7ompany defines harassment as Go':ectiona'le conduct which creates an intimidating or hostile wor. environment and interferes with an individualEs wor. performanceH. uch harassment may include 'ut is not limited to$ comments$$ unwanted actions and the display of demeaning or derogatory materials. The 7ompany defines sexual harassment as Hany conduct or contact of a sexual nature that is li.ely to cause offence or humiliation. uch harassment may 'e ver'al or physical and aimed at someone of the same or opposite sexH. uch harassment may include 'ut is not limited to$ suggestive remar.s$ sexual invitations$ o'scene telephone calls$ unsolicited letters$ faxes or email messages$ offensive and the use of language not suita'le in the

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

o (ny employee who 'elieves that heIshe is 'eing harassed 'y another person will immediately advise the harasser that hisIher 'ehaviour is unaccepta'le and unwelcome. ( written record of dates$ times$ nature of the 'ehaviour and witnesses will 'e .ept o If the 'ehaviour persists$ the incident will 'e reported to the immediate superior or the 8uman 2esources +anager who will then meet with the employee within two days of receiving the formal complaint. The complaint will then 'e investigated and 'rought to the attention of senior management if not resolved immediately.

)ress Code
The wearing of a 'usiness suit or e&uivalent for female staff is always accepta'le. 8owever$ staff may wear less formal corporate attire as long as they present a smart 'usiness appearance at all times. Beans are not considered at 'e suita'le for our 'usiness.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Working Conditions Policy
It is the policy at Wacky Witch Trading Co to a'ide 'y the employment conditions as descri'ed in the relevant legislation$ industrial awards and$ where applica'le$ enterprise agreements. )n commencement of employment all staff are issued with a statement of duties outlining the responsi'ilities and tas.s related to their position. It is the -olicy to include a pro'ationary period for each new appointment. The pro'ationary period is for three months from the date of starting. (t the end of this period there will 'e a performance appraisal and if successful the status of the pro'ationer will 'e formalised. It is the policy to pay employees receiving wor.ers compensation payments the over award payment they would normally 'e entitled to under their conditions of employment. This payment will 'e classified as Workers Compensation Over Award in all payroll documentation.

(ll staff willF o -erform the tas.s set out in their statement of duties to the 'est of their a'ility o ('ide 'y the 7ompanyEs 7ode of 7onduct o *e at for wor. for 1A.% hours each wee. 'etween the hours of 7.%%am and 6.%% pm and ta.e a lunch 'rea. of at an hour. The latter is not part of the standard 1A.% hours of wor. o 7omplete the Time Sheet provided to each employee >refer page J? o ee. permission from your +anager to use flexi-time

o Inform your +anager and the 2eceptionist if you need to leave the 'usiness premises o Inform your +anager 'y 9.1% am or within thirty minutes of your usual starting time if you are li.ely to 'e a'sent from wor. on a particular day. o -roduce a doctorEs certificate for sic. leave if you are away from wor. for more than two consecutive days o +a.e arrangements with your +anager 'efore /eave >recreational$ maternity$ long service or other?. This must 'e done in writing at least one month 'efore leave is planned using the (pplication for /eave form >refer page J.?.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

o The firm has an annual shutdown for three wee.s commencing the +onday nearest to the 1A <ecem'er. Novem'erI<ecem'er is an extremely 'usy time for the firm as every attempt is made to fill all orders prior to annual shutdown. (pplications from employees for leave during this period are normally not approved for this reason. o (nnual leave may 'e ta.en in advance if agreed 'y 'oth parties. only 'e ta.en when due. ic. leave can

o The annual industry picnic day is held each year on the Tuesday following ,aster. (ll employees are paid for this day$ regardless of employment status. o Cive at least four wee.sE notice if you intend to resign from the 7ompany.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co

MPLO' !ee. ,nding <epartment ,mployeeKs Name

T$M CAR) 7lassification -ayroll No. O3erti+e Hours Worked

)ay !ednesday Thursday 5riday aturday unday +onday Tuesday

Ti+e "or+al Hours Co++enced Ti+e 1inished Worked2

Total Hours L,xcluding lunch 'rea.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co

A**lication for Lea3e

Surname ................................................... First Name ....................................................

%ob Title 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444

Extension .................................................

)e*art+ent 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444

1irst )ay of Lea3e 444444444444444444444444

Last )ay of Lea3e 44444444444444444444444444444

Type of Leave

Recreation Sick ,/ith )octor5s CertificateSick ,/ithout )octor5s CertificateOther *lease s*ecify

........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................

Employee Signature ............................................................ Manager Signature .............................................................

1or HR use only Leave recommended Employee Record updated Yes Yes No No

Date ................................... Date ...................................

Recorded by ............................................................................... (HR Assistant)

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

)uties of the Rece*tionist
The 2eceptionist receives visitors and attends to phone en&uiries in a friendly and helpful manner in order to promote the products and services of Wacky Witch Trading Co

&ey res*onsibilities
o !elcome and attend to visitors o 2eceive and screen incoming calls o 8andle general en&uiries o Transfer incoming calls to appropriate staff o Ta.e and pass on messages o chedule appointments for managers

o 2ecord and sort incoming mail and place in departmental pigeon holes 'y 9.1# am. )pen any undesignated mail and place in appropriate pigeon holes o 2ecord outgoing mail o (ssist the (dministration <epartment with the word processing of letters and documents o 2eceive and send documents or parcels 'y courier service o @eep the reception area tidy o Dpdate staff movement 'oard o Ta.e 'oo.ings for the +eeting 2oom and ensure that any e&uipment re&uired for the meeting is delivered to the +eeting 2oom o (ssist the (dministration <epartment team as re&uired.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Ad+inistration Assistant
The (dministration (ssistant is involved in generating documents for the (dministration <epartment and providing general clerical support

&ey res*onsibilities
o 7ollect the departmentEs mail from the reception area and sort and distri'ute 'y 9.4# am o ort and dispatch the departmentEs outgoing mail

o )perate a computer to produce documents o )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements o )rder and process the stationery supplies for all departments o 5ile company and customer documents in accordance with the 7ompanyEs record management procedures o (ssist with the copying and collating of all material within the department o (nswer telephone en&uiries and relieve the 2eceptionist when re&uired o 7arry out routine maintenance on office e&uipment within the department o (ssist the (dministration <epartment team as re&uired.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

)uties of Senior Ad+inistration Assistant

The enior (dministration (ssistant is involved in generating master documents for the standard document system and ensuring integrity of this system.

&ey res*onsibilities
o <evelop and maintain standards for &uality document design and production o ,nsure compliance with relevant legislative re&uirements and organisationEs goals and o':ectives o ,sta'lish ongoing &uality assurance programme to monitor standard document system o ,valuate staff training re&uirements in relation to standard document system and liaise with 8uman 2esources (ssistant to effect suita'le training programme o -rovide ade&uate documentation to ensure all authorised staff can effectively access and use the standard document system

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Hu+an Resources Assistant
This position re&uires the 8uman 2esources (ssistant to provide administration support to the 8uman 2esources +anager and )8; )fficer.

&ey res*onsibilities
o 7ollect the departmentEs mail from the reception area and sort and distri'ute 'y 9.4# am o (dvertise vacant positions o (ssist with the preparation of :o' descriptions for advertised positions o 2eceive and register letters of application and resumes o chedule interview times

o (nswer telephone en&uiries o <raft routine 'usiness correspondence o )perate a computer to produce documents o )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements o 5ile correspondence and other records on accordance with the companyEs record management procedures o +aintain the appointment diary for the 8uman 2esources +anager and the )8; )fficer o 7ollect time sheets from all departments and chec. for completeness o (ssist with staff training programs o )rganise meetings and prepare and distri'ute meetings documentation o (ssist with the copying and collating of all material within the department o )rder and manage the departmentEs stationery supplies. ( completed M2e&uest for tationery and upplies 5ormE must 'e forwarded to the (dministration <epartment o (ssist with staff induction programs o )rganise travel arrangements for staff o (ssist staff with )8; documentation o (ssist the 8uman 2esources team as re&uired o -rocess leave and resignation forms.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Accounts Assistant
The (ccounts (ssistantEs role is to perform general accounting tas.s within the (ccounts <epartment.

&ey res*onsibilities
o 7ollect the departmentEs mail from the reception area and sort and distri'ute 'y 9.4# am o 5ile tax invoices and records in accordance with the companyEs record management procedures o -repare che&ues for the managerEs signature o 2ecord che&ue details on che&ue 'utts o ,nter payments into accounting system o *an. all che&ues and cash received o -repare monthly profit and loss reports o -repare &uarterly *( statements o (nswer telephone en&uiries o +aintain the petty cash o <raft routine 'usiness correspondence o )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements o 5ile correspondence and other records on accordance with the companyEs record management procedures o )rder and manage the departmentEs stationery supplies. ( completed M2e&uest for tationery and upplies 5ormE must 'e forwarded to the (dministration <epartment o -rovide assistance to customers.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Accounts Payable Clerk
The (ccounts -aya'le 7ler.Es role is to perform data entry and general accounting tas.s within the (ccounts <epartment.

&ey res*onsibilities
o o o o o o o o o o o o o ,nter invoices into the accounting system -rocess invoices and chec. for accuracy -rocess purchase orders 2eceive ad:ustment notes and enter into the accounting system (nswer accounts paya'le &ueries !rite che&ues for payment of invoices ,nter che&ues into accounting system 7hec. C T entries on invoices$ creditIad:ustment notes received -rocess ,lectronic 5unds Transfer payments (ssist with monthly reporting )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements 5ile correspondence and other records on accordance with the companyEs record management procedures (ssist the (ccounts <epartment team as re&uired

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Accounts Recei3able Clerk
The (ccounts 2eceiva'le 7ler.Es role is to perform data entry and general accounting tas.s within the (ccounts <epartment.

&ey res*onsibilities
o o o o o o o o o o o o o -rocess invoices$ ad:ustment notes and statements 2econcile ad:ustment notes to invoices -rocess payments received 7ontact customers regarding payment of accounts -rocess purchase orders -rocess deposits into 7ompany account )versee de'torsE accounts (nswer accounts receiva'le &ueries -rovide assistance to customers. -repare 'an. reconciliations )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements 5ile correspondence and other records on accordance with the companyEs record management procedures (ssist the (ccounts <epartment team as re&uired

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual )uties of the Sales and Marketing Assistant
The ales and +ar.eting (ssistant assists with the promotion and selling of Wacky Witch Trading Cos products and services.

&ey res*onsibilities
o 7ollect the departmentEs mail from the reception area and sort and distri'ute 'y 9.4# am o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (ssist with the preparation of monthly sales reports -repare sales .its (ssist with ales and +ar.eting presentations 5ollow up customer en&uiries <raft copy for advertising campaigns /iaise with suppliers (ssist with the creation and development of mar.eting materials -rovide advice to franchisees 8andle customer and franchisee complaints -repare documentation for sales meetings -repare mail-outs for advertising campaigns )perate a range of office e&uipment in accordance with )8; re&uirements 5ile correspondence and other records on accordance with the companyEs record management procedures )rder and manage the departmentEs stationery supplies. ( completed M2e&uest for tationery 5ormE must 'e forwarded to the (dministration <epartment (nswer telephone en&uiries <raft feed'ac. sheets for various mar.eting campaigns 5ollow up on feed'ac. sheets after each campaign. (ssist the ales and +ar.eting team as re&uired

o o o o

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Occu*ational Health and Safety

Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to the protection of all staff and visitors from in:ury and occupational disease and is committed to following all relevant state and federal legislation. The 7ompanyEs commitment to )8; includesF o -reventing in:ury or illness to all staff mem'ers and visitors 'y providing a safe and healthy wor. environment o ,nsuring the wor. environment as well as wor. practices are safe and haNard free o -roviding staff with all necessary training and access to information to achieve a safe and healthy o -roviding wor.erEs compensation insurance as re&uired 'y law o -roviding a reha'ilitation program to assist staff returning to wor. after a wor. in:ury o ,nsuring that all wor.stations are e&uipped with high-&uality ergonomically designed furniture to minimise health ris.s to staff.

(ll staff willF o Ta.e reasona'le care of the health and safety of themselves and others o 7o-operate with the 7ompany in its efforts to comply with occupational health and safety re&uirements o +a.e every reasona'le effort to reduce the ris. of in:ury 'y reporting faulty e&uipment and any unsafe wor. practices or potential health ris.s o 7omplete an Accident Injury Report Form as soon as possi'le after an incident occurs >see page J.? o (ttend training sessions in emergency procedures and familiarise themselves with the 7ompanyEs guidelines concerning manual lifting and handling$ occupational overuse syndrome and stress management o Dse all e&uipment correctly and comply strictly with the manufacturerEs instructions.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

+ergency Procedures
Wacky Witch Trading Co has esta'lished a list of 5ire and ,mergency procedures to ensure the safety of all employees and visitors.

In case of fire staff are directed to do the followingF o (lert everyone in the immediate area 'y shouting the word G5ireH o -hone security who will activate the alarm system if necessary o /eave the fire area immediately$ closing doors and windows if it is safe to do so o 5ight the fire only if you are confident it may 'e controlled with the fire fighting e&uipment availa'le in your department or near'y corridor o If you have to evacuate the area$ use the nearest means of escape leading to the exterior of the 'uilding. Dse the stairway and avoid using the lifts.

+ergency 3acuation Procedures

In the case of all other emergencies staff willF o (ssist anyone at ris. of in:ury o -hone security who will sound the alarm o <ial %%% and alert emergency services of the danger to the 'uilding$ giving details of the location and nature of the emergency o ,vacuate the area when instructed and proceed & to the nearest exit 'ut do not run o Dse the stairways not the lifts o +eet with your area leader in the main lot o <o not re-enter the 'uilding until authorised to do so.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co

Accident/Injury Report Form

Personal Details
Name Address Telephone DO !ale/Female ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................ State ............ Postcode ................ ( ) ................................................................ ............................................................................. .............................................................................


Details o$ Accident/Injury
Date o$ Incident ................................................................................................................ Time o$ Incident ................................................................................................................ %o& Incident Occurred ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... Description o$ Accident/Injury......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... Name(s) o$ 'itness(es)...................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... Action Ta(en ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................


............................................................. Position ................................................ ............................................................. <ate ................................................



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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co 'elieves that good communication is the .ey to creating a successful 7ompany. (ll written and ver'al communication must 'e of the highest standard to pro:ect an image of friendliness$ efficiency$ accuracy and total professionalism. (t Wacky Witch Trading Cos staff will 'e re&uired to deal with 'oth internal and external clients 'y telephone$ mail$ email or face to face. (ll staff will need to communicate effectively with a range of people includingF o )ffice and !arehouse personnel o 5ranchisees and staff o 7ustomers o 7orporate clients o -roduct suppliers o Ceneral suppliers

Wacky Witch Trading Co depends on satisfying customers and .eeping them satisfied. Cood communication will 'e achieved 'yF o -ro:ecting a positive attitude of the 7ompany at all times through ver'al and nonver'al communication. o Dsing the customerEs name. This helps to personalise the relationship with the customer. 8owever$ address customers correctly. Dse +r or ir when addressing a male and +iss or +rs when addressing a female. Dse first names only when given permission to do so. o 8andling all incoming and outgoing telephone calls 'y competently using the features of the telephone system$ for example$ placing a call on hold$ transferring a call and retrieving voicemail. 2emem'er to refer to the operating manual if in dou't$ or see. help from a more experienced colleague. o -ractising active listening s.ills and good &uestioning techni&ues. (ll staff should 'e familiar with the use of open and closed &uestions$ paraphrasing$ summarising and using attentive 'ody language. o -romptly documenting customer complaints and referring to relevant manager for action >refer Customer Comp aint Form$ page J? o !riting down important information and it for accuracy. o 7larifying that all instructions given are understood.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co

)ustomer )omplaint Form

To be de eloped

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

!erbal Co++unication The Tele*hone

The telephone is a means of promoting a positive image of Wacky Witch Trading Co. It may 'e the first impression the customer forms of the 7ompany so the service the customer receives must 'e of the highest standard. (ll staff are to 'e trained in correct telephone eti&uette.

(nswering the phone o *e familiar with the functions of the telephone system. o (nswer the telephone in as few rings as possi'le. ( maximum of three rings is Wacky Witch Trading Cos standard. o 8old the mouthpiece of the telephone directly in front of the mouth so that speech can 'e clearly understood. o Dse the three answering courtesiesF Creet the caller = G!elcome to Wacky Witch Trading CoH Introduce yourself = GThis is Oyour namePH )ffer assistance = G8ow may I help youQH o Cive full attention to the and avoid side conversations while on the telephone. o Never eat or drin. while on the telephone. o If a caller needs to 'e placed on hold$ first as. permission to do so. ay$ G!ould you mind holding pleaseQH o <o not leave a caller holding on a line for an extended period of time. 7hec. 'ac. to see if they still wish to hold = offer to ta.e a message or ta.e details for the person they are calling. o (lways spea. courteously with a warm and enthusiastic tone. o -ersonal information concerning any employees of Wacky Witch Trading Co is confidential and must not 'e disclosed to callers. o Information regarding the 'usiness affairs of the 7ompany is confidential and must not 'e disclosed to any one outside of the )rganisation. o 8ave pen and paper ready so that messages can 'e written down. o Cet permission from your +anager 'efore interstate or overseas calls. o *e aware of the time differences 'efore placing interstate or international calls. o @eep in mind that the telephone is there for the use of the 'usiness. -lease .eep all private calls to a minimum and as short as possi'le.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Taking *hone +essages

(ll telephone messages should 'e written down as soon as a caller leaves a message. +essage lips can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder. !hen a message record the following informationF o The name of the caller o 7ompany name of caller o -hone num'er o The name of the staff mem'er to receive the message o <ate and time o ( 'rief message o 7onfirm all details of the message 'efore hanging up.

Aggressi3e Callers
<ifficult callers can 'e a good test of customer service s.ills. Dse the following techni&ues when dealing with aggressive callersF o 2emain calm and donEt argue with them o Dse active listening s.ills o )ffer understanding and sympathy o <o not ta.e hostile comments personally o Involve the caller with suggested solutions o -romise to ta.e action if appropriate o 2emain courteous and provide assurance

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Making outgoing calls
*efore placing an external call ma.e sure that the following details have 'een chec.edF o The name and num'er of the )rganisation o The name of the person you are calling o The content of the call so that all information is clear and accurate o (ll files and documents re&uired are at hand so that you can access them easily.

!oice +ail
!hen leaving a message spea. clearly and 'riefly giving the following informationF o 3our name$ the companyEs name and your telephone num'er. It helps to repeat your telephone num'er o The date and time of message o ( concise message

Dse voice mail to maintain communication with customers 'yF o 2eturning all voicemail messages as soon as possi'le o (lways answering the phone when it rings rather than letting messages 'e recorded. Roice mail should only 'e used when you are not at your des..

-age 11

Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Written Corres*ondence

(ll written correspondence should reflect the attitude of excellence that Wacky Witch Trading Co wishes to convey to all its customers. The 7ompany wishes all staff to adopt plain ,nglish principles$ use correct spelling$ grammar and punctuation in all documents and refer to the 7ompanyEs tyle Cuidelines with regard to format.

o ,nsure that all written correspondence reflects the #7Es of 'usiness eti&uetteF Clear - the message is understanda'le to the reader. The ideas are presented logically and the language is appropriate Concise - use short paragraphs$ get & to the point and convey a positive attitude Correct = ma.e sure that all information is confirmed$ spelling and punctuation chec.ed and any errors are corrected Courteous = Dse a polite tone throughout Co+*lete = Cive the document a final chec. prior to signing o *oth an electronic and hard copy are re&uired for all outgoing correspondence and filed according to departmental procedures o -rint all drafts on recycled paper whenever possi'le o Dse email and fax facilities where appropriate o Dse email for internal correspondence where possi'le to conserve paper and to achieve rapid delivery o Dse the correct form of address for all correspondence. (ll staff have access to the client lists$ names of suppliers and franchisees which lists the preferred titles and correct spelling of names. o 2efer to the section$ Sty e !uide ines$ for producing the following 'usiness documentsF *usiness letters +emos 5acsimiles hort 2eports Notice of +eeting +eeting (genda +inutes of +eeting

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual Style (uidelines

Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to producing professional &uality 'usiness documents. In order to maintain a professional and consistent image$ staff must ensure Wacky Witch Trading Cos tyle Cuidelines are applied to all correspondence and promotional material.

(ll staff willF o Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos letterhead on all outgoing 'usiness letters and faxes o Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos memorandum forms for all internal memos o Dse the standard format where appropriate. > ee sample layouts provided? o Dse the closing notation of M3ours sincerelyE in all letters o pell-chec. each document 'efore printing

o ,nsure that all documents are electronically saved in the appropriate folder o -rint all draft copies on recycled paper o 2eturn draft copies to writer for o ,dit the chec.ed documents$ save and print o 2eturn final draft to writer for and signing o ,nsure that longer reports are 'ound o Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos "otice o# $eeting% Agenda and $inutes o# $eeting forms for all meetings

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

#usiness letters
o Wacky Witch Trading CoEs letterhead to 'e used for all 'usiness correspondence o 5ully-'loc.$ open punctation o 5ont = (rial o 5ont siNe = 1%$ 11 or 10 pt o 5ooter = filename$ A pts$ at left margin o +ulti-page letters to contain a footer - page num'er A pts$ at right margin$ on all pages except the first page o /ayout = refer to example on page J.

o Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos fax form o /ayout = refer to example on page JJ

o Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos memo form for all internal correspondence

Short Re*orts
o (4 paper o Title page = vertically centred o +ain 8eading = 5ont = (rial 14 pt$ 'old$ Title 7ase o u'heading>s? = 5ont = (rial 10 pt$ 'old$ entence case o /ine pacing = single$ 1S$ dou'le spacing = depending on siNe of report o 5ooter = filename$ A pts$ at left margin

Pro+otional Material
o Wacky Witch Trading Cos logo must 'e incorporated into all promotional material o Wacky Witch Trading Cos full contact details must 'e included in all promotional material No more than two >0? font types should 'e applied within one document (ll promotional material must 'e visually appealing with appropriate formatting features applied <ocuments should 'e vertically and horiNontally centred where appropriate

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

+eeting 5orms Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos "otice o# $eeting form to advise staff of forthcoming meeting Dse Wacky Witch Trading Cos Agenda form to record agenda items Dse Wacky Witch Trading Co s $inutes o# $eeting form to record the minutes of the meeting. -lease also refer to the section M+eetingsE in this manual.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

)ffice ,&uipment -olicy It is the policy at Wacky Witch Trading Co to produce wor. documents of the highest possi'le standard. To achieve this the 7ompany has invested in high &uality office e&uipment including photocopiers$ facsimile machines$ telephones$ 'inders and laminators. The 7ompany is also committed to maintaining the confidentiality of its customers and employees. (ll documents relating to Wacky Witch Trading Cos customers$ staff$ suppliers and franchisees will 'e shredded 'efore removing to recycling 'ins. -rocedures (ll staff will to use the following procedures in the use of office e&uipment. -hotocopiers (ll staff willF (ttend a training session in the correct use and 'asic maintenance of the photocopier )perate the photocopier in accordance with the manufacturerEs guidelines and the operating manual availa'le in each department 7omply with all copyright legislation 7hec. that the machine is properly and clear any paper :ams 7hec. that there is ade&uate toner and paper availa'le and inform the authorised staff mem'er if stoc.s are low Note that authorised staff will complete a Re&uest #or Stationery and Supp ies form if stoc.s are low and forward this to the (dministration (ssistant >refer page 4%? 2eport any faults that are not easily rectified to your manager and if directed complete a Re&uest #or Servicing form and forward to the (dministration <epartment >refer page J? Note that high volume printing will 'e referred to the 7ompanyEs preferred printing supplier 'er#ect 'rints Implement the 7ompanyEs policy on paper conservation wherever possi'le.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

5ax +achine (ll staff willF )perate the fax machine in accordance with the manufacturerEs guidelines and the operating manual availa'le in each department 7omplete a fax transmittal sheet >refer page 14? for all fax transmissions and attach to all documents sent. ,nsure that there is an ade&uate supply of fax transmittal sheets for all outgoing faxes and plain paper availa'le for all incoming faxes 7hec. the fax machine for incoming faxes and distri'ute these immediately /oad the fax machine with paper and leave on at night to receive any incoming out of hours transmissions @eep the area around the fax machine uncluttered 2eport any faults that are not easily rectified to your manager and if directed complete a Re&uest #or Servicing form and forward to the (dministration <epartment >refer page 1A? *inders and /aminators (ll staff willF (ttend a training session in the correct use of the 'inding and laminating machine Dse the 'inding and laminating machines only for the formal presentation of Wacky Witch Trading Cos documents or as directed 'y your manager 7hec. that the contents of documents are in the correct order and meet professional standards 'efore 'inding )perate the 'inder and laminator in accordance with the manufacturerEs guidelines and the operating manual availa'le in each department ,nsure 'inding and laminating machines are turned off after use 2eport any faults that are not easily rectified to your manager and if directed complete a Re&uest #or Servicing form and forward to the (dministration <epartment >refer page JJ?

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

hredders (ll staff willF Dse the shredder for the destruction of confidential documents only. )perate the shredder in accordance with the manufacturerEs guidelines and the operating manual availa'le in each department ,nsure the confidentiality of all documents relating to the 7ompanyEs customers$ employees$ suppliers and franchisees ,nsure that confidential documents approved for shredding are shredded 'efore removing to recycling 'ins 2emove all paper clips and staples 'efore shredding documents ,mpty shredded material into recycling 'ins as necessary 2eport any faults that are not easily rectified to your manager and if directed complete a Re&uest #or Servicing form and forward to the (dministration <epartment >refer page J.? Turn the shredder off after use. Telephones (ll staff willF (ttend a training session in the correct use and functions of the telephone system 5ollow the protocol for Rer'al 7ommunication Dse the options provided 'y the system efficiently 2efer to the Dser Cuide +anual supplied 'y the ervice -rovider

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co Re*uest $or Ser+icin, )AT 6PR$OR$T'6 To644444444444444Ad+inistration Manager -lease re&uest service for the following item of e&uipment




ignature of +anager ervice No

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

tationery upplies -olicy )nly staff who have 'een approved 'y the departmental manager may order stationery supplies. -rocedures ( nominated person in each department will chec. paper supplies and other general stationery$ to ensure stoc. levels are ade&uate (uthorised staff must use the Stationery and Supp ies Re&uest Form to re&uest stationery >refer page 4%?. This form is to 'e forwarded to the (dministration (ssistant in the (dministration <epartment (ll staff are to implement the 7ompanyEs policy on conservation and use paper efficiently.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co



-lease order the following items of stationery and supplies for the <epartment CAT "O)

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

+ail -olicy (ll incoming mail must 'e sorted$ processed and delivered promptly. +ail is to 'e collected from departmental pigeon holes in the 2eception (rea and delivered to each department. taff should respond to incoming correspondence within five >#? days. The preferred courier service used 'y Wacky Witch Trading Co is Comp ete Couriers. -rocedures Incoming +ail 7ollect +ail from the 2eception area 'y 9.4# am daily 2ecord mail in the departmentEs Inwards +ail 2egister. This form can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder. Cive priority to the distri'ution of any mail mar.ed Gurgent$ certified post or express postH ort and distri'ute mail to departmental in-trays 7hec. fax machine regularly and distri'ute incoming faxes to staff mem'ers 2eport any suspicious mail to your manager. -rocedures )utgoing mail 2ecord mail in the )utwards +ail 2egister. This form can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder. Dse only 7ompany envelopes and chec. that all envelopes are correctly addressed *undle all ,xpress and 7ertified +ail together -lace all outgoing mail in the G)utwards +ail G pigeon hole in the 2eception area Notify the 2eceptionist when the courier service is re&uired 7omplete the ' sheet for Comp ete Couriers held at 2eception. >This ' sheet can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder.? ,nsure that all couriered delivery items are correctly addressed and placed in the G7ourier erviceH pigeon hole ort items for 'ul. items according to Austra ia 'ost re&uirements

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

,mail -rocedures (ll staff are re&uested toF Dse email for most internal communication 2eply to emails as soon as possi'le *e precise when addressing email and verify the details 'efore mailing the message Include the topic of your message in the su':ect area and .eep messages concise Dse normal text case and chec. your spelling Dse proper salutations and maintain a polite tone 7learly identify if your message is urgent /imit the siNe of attachments as pro'lems may arise with large files *e alert to the pro'lems of importing viruses and ta.e all possi'le precautions including updating the virus scan on your computer regularly <elete messages no longer re&uired or file in an appropriate folder 2emem'er that email is admissi'le in a court of law

<onEts <onEt 'roadcast :un. messages <onEt send messages >or li.ely to promote feelings of sexual$ racial or other harassment in the mind of the recipient <onEt assume your message is private. It may 'e held on the system for some time or re-transmitted <onEt send an email message if a face-to- face discussion would 'e more efficient

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

-etty 7ash -olicy mall purchases of less than "#%.%% can 'e claimed through -etty 7ash. Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to ensuring accounta'ility and security in all cash transactions and to minimise any ris. of theft or fraud. (ll re&uests for petty cash are to 'e referred to the (ccounts <epartment. It is Wacky Witch Trading Cos policy to reim'urse all legitimate expenses incurred 'y staff on 'ehalf of the 7ompany. -rocedures (ll staff willF +a.e arrangements with the departmental manager 'efore incurring expenses 7omplete a petty cash voucher$ giving all details of the expense including the amount and have this signed 'y the manager. -etty cash vouchers can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder. (ttach any invoices or receipts to the petty cash voucher and su'mit to the (ccounts (ssistant for reim'ursement.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

7onservation and 2ecycling -olicy Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to the conservation of the environment. taff are re&uested to recycle materials especially paper and to avoid any unnecessary wastage. -rocedures (ll staff willF Dse the 'lue recycling 'ins provided for white paper only 2emove paper clips and staples from paper 'efore placing in the recycling 'in ort waste materials into the appropriate 'ins provided Dse shredded paper for pac.aging material

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

)ffice 2ecords -olicy Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to maintaining an accurate records management system for the easy retrieval of essential information. (ll financial records are to 'e .ept in accordance with the (ustralian Taxation )ffice regulations. (ll staff are re&uired to .eep accurate and up to date records and to 'e aware of the importance of security and confidentiality. taff should follow their departmental guidelines for storing inactive or archived files and for records disposal. -rocedures Wacky Witch Trading Co will .eep a centralised data'ase with details of all products$ suppliers$ customers and franchisees which is availa'le to all staff ,ach department will .eep specialised electronic files which are availa'le only to departmental staff (ll staff records will 'e .ept strictly confidential ,ach department will manage its own paper 'ased filing systems *ac. up copies of all electronic files will 'e made twice and tapes will 'e couriered to the <isaster 2ecovery ite in North ydney. ( ' sheet for the courier service will 'e completed and left at 2eception with any items to 'e couriered. (ll departments will recycle 'ac.-up tapes (ll staff will implement the 7ompanyEs policy of paper conservation and recycling wherever possi'le. 2ecords 2etention and <isposal of -aper *ased 5iles 2ecords that are no longer active must 'e removed from the current filing system and either stored as inactive files$ archived$ or destroyed 2ecords will 'e destroyed 'y shredding only after strict adherence to the retention schedule (ll records concerning the esta'lishment and ownership of Wacky Witch Trading Co must 'e archived indefinitely to satisfy legal re&uirements taff records .ept in the 8uman 2esources <epartment will 'e .ept as active files for seven years and then archived indefinitely 5inancial records .ept in the (ccounts <epartment will 'e placed in inactive files after two years and destroyed after a further three years 2ecords .ept in the ales and +ar.eting <epartment will 'e placed in inactive files after two years and destroyed after a further three years 2ecords .ept in the (dministration <epartment will 'e placed in inactive files after two years and destroyed after a further three years 2ecords .ept in the -urchasing <epartment will 'e placed in inactive files after two years and destroyed after a further three years.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Time +anagement -olicy ,ach department at Wacky Witch Trading Co is responsi'le for the implementation of time management procedures to ensure that department goals are met. taff mem'ers are expected to organise their own wor. schedule and to 'e productive mem'ers of the wor. team. -rocedures (ll staff willF <evelop s.ills in the efficient use of time @eep a daily action plan MTo <o /istE to .eep them focused on prioritised tas.s. This form can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder. 7larify instructions so that all tas.s are understood Dse the -olicy and -rocedures +anual as the preferred reference )rganise materials and resources re&uired for the efficient completion of tas.s (dopt a proactive approach to wor. schedules in order to minimise reactive responses -articipate as an effective mem'er of the wor. team.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

+eetings -olicy taff are re&uired to attend all meetings organised 'y the +anagement. ( "otice o# $eeting and Agenda will 'e distri'uted to staff at least three days 'efore the meeting is scheduled. ( mem'er of staff nominated 'y the 7hairperson will ta.e the +inutes of the +eeting and circulate the $inutes to all staff who attended the meeting within five days. Team leaders need to inform their department managers of the purpose of any proposed meetings and the num'er of staff that will 'e attending. -rocedures (ll staff willF Inform their +anager of any meeting arrangements *oo. the meeting room and any e&uipment re&uired with the 2eceptionist (rrange catering with 2eception if the meeting will ta.e half a day or a full day ,nsure that a "otice o# $eeting and Agenda are distri'uted to staff +a.e certain that the minutes of the meeting are recorded on the $inutes o# $eeting form. ,nsure that the meeting .eeps within the time allocated Tidy the meeting room at the conclusion of the meeting

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co Notice o$ !eetin,

A,enda Wacky Witch Trading Co

Wacky Witch Trading Co

!inutes o$ !eetin,

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

7omputer )perations 'o icy Wacky Witch Trading Co is committed to ensuring staff use computer technology in a way which promotes a safe wor. environment. Individual wor.spaces$ furniture and e&uipment must 'e ad:usted to suit the ergonomic re&uirements of the user. (ll staff are expected to 'e a'le to use a variety of software programs in the course of their daily duties$ manage computer data proficiently$ and maintain computer e&uipment in good order and condition. 'rocedures So#tware programs )nly registered software programs may 'e used. No staff mem'er is permitted to load or upgrade any software program unless authorised 'y management 2egistered programs installed are )perating system = $icroso#t Windows (nti-virus software = ()T Anti(irus )ffice suite = $icroso#t O##ice 'ro#essiona $*O+ Accounting Internet 'rowser = $icroso#t Internet ),p orer Internet email = $icroso#t Out ook ),press Win-ip = to Nip and unNip compressed files Ado.e Reader = to read .pdf format documents (lthough provision exists on the +3)* (ccounting software for the payroll to 'e computerised$ at present it is prepared manually 2emem'er to access the softwareEs online 8elp files if you re&uire assistance with the program 2eport any software pro'lems immediately to the (dministration +anager Rirus -rotection The (dministration <epartment is responsi'le for ensuring that the anti-virus program installed on the networ. is updated at least twice per wee.. 8owever$ this does not guarantee that all wor.stations will 'e virus-free$ and staff are re&uested to exercise caution at all times !irus Protection >contEd?
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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

<o not open email attachments that are from an un.nown source <o not copyIopen files from another source until they have 'een scanned with the anti-virus software @eep up to date with information a'out viruses and their prevention = search the Internet for appropriate sites$ read computer magaNinesItext'oo.s 2eport any suspected virus immediately to the (dministration +anager 8ardware <o not eat or drin. at your computer <evelop a routine to maintain your computer e&uipment. The .ey'oard$ monitor and mouse should 'e cleaned regularly. *efore cleaning$ ma.e sure the computer is turned off and disconnected from the wall plug tore the Dser +anuals for your computer system in a place where they can easily 'e accessed for reference 5or shared computer e&uipment$ eg printers and scanners$ .eep Dser +anuals next to the e&uipment so that they can 'e & referred to if re&uired. 2eport any suspected hardware pro'lems to your +anager 7omplete a Re&uest #or Servicing form if a service call has to 'e placed - refer page J.. 7omplete a Stationery and Supp ies Re&uest Form when consuma'les have to 'e ordered or replaced - refer page J.. 5ile +anagement 7reate a personal su'folder >using your na+e as the su'folder name? to hold your day-to-day files M+oveE completed files to the appropriate folder in your department.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

1ile Manage+ent >contEd? 5ile /og heets = 2ecord all files on a Fi e /og Sheet form = refer page J.. This form can 'e accessed from the (eneral Stationery folder and can 'e maintained online or 'y hand. 5ile a MhardE copy of all completed Fi e /og Sheets. 5ilenames 5or ease of operator identification$ add your initials to the end of each filename. 5or example$ %ulyConf9+04doc >document a'out 0u y Con#erence-.eyed in 'y $ary 1uin an? * *ac.up copies of all electronic files are made twice 2efer to the O##ice Records section on page J. pea. to your +anager regarding the 'ac.up procedures carried out within your <epartment (t the end of each day$ ma.e a 'ac.up of the files in your personal folder and store in a safe place.

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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

Wacky Witch Trading Co ...................File /o,

"mployee NameDepartment


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Wacky Witch Trading Co Policy and Procedures Manual

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