Chapter 25 Drinking Water 2010

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Drinking Water Treatment Chapter 25 Class Objectives

Be able to define the possible components of a water treatment train and their functions Be able to differentiate between rapid and slow filtration

Identify the components of a water treatment train that are best for a virus. A protozoa.
List the possible detrimental effects of microbial biofilms in water distribution systems

Where does drinking water come from? Rivers Streams Lakes Aquifers

Drinking water treatment processes Water treatment processes provide barriers between the consumer and waterborne disease One or more of these treatment processes is called a treatment process train

Typical Water Treatment Process Trains

Chlorination Filtration (sand or coal) In-Line Filtration
involves a coagulation step

Direct Filtration
involves a flocculation step

Conventional Treatment
involves a sedimentation step

Filtration Processes Used

Rapid filtration used in United States fast filtration rates through media (sand or anthracite) backwashing needed Slow sand filtration common in United Kingdom and Europe slow filtration rates through media (sand and gravel) removal of biological layer needed higher removal rates for all microorganisms

Coagulation, Sedimentation, Filtration: Typical Microbial Removal Efficiencies and Effluent Quality
Coagulation and sedimentation Rapid filtration (% removal) (% removal) 7497 5098 Slow sand filtration (% removal) >99.999

Organisms Total coliforms

Fecal coliforms
Enteric viruses Giardia Cryptosporidium

8895 5899 90

1099 9799.9 9999.9

>99.999 >99 99

Removal efficiency is dependent on microbial type:

Giardia and Cryptosporidium filtration is best large size resistant cyst and oocyst Enteric viruses disinfection is ultimate barrier filtration and coagulation also help via adsorption to particles dependent on surface charge of virus

Water Distribution Systems

Treated drinking water may go through miles of pipe to reach a consumer. The quality of the water is impacted by several things: Dissolved organic compounds in finished drinking water is responsible for: enhanced chlorine demand trihalomethane production bacterial colonization of water distribution systems
Increases resistance to disinfection, e.g., E. coli is 2400 X more resistant to chlorine when attached to surfaces Increases frictional resistance of fluids Increases taste and odor problems, e.g., H2S production Can result in colored water (iron and manganese oxidizing bacteria) Can cause regrowth of coliform bacteria Can cause growth of pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Legionella

Bacterial growth in distribution systems is influenced by: Concentration of biodegradable organic matter

Water temperature
Nature of the pipes Disinfectant residual Detention time within distribution system

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