Marco Island Real Estate Prices Rise As Inventory Falls According To The McCarty Group

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Marco Island Real Estate Prices Rise As Inventory Falls According To The McCarty Group

Marco Island real estate prices rose over 9% since this time last year while inventories fell significantly, according to The McCarty Group, a leading Marco Island and aples real estate !ro"erage#

M$%C& I'($ ), *la# + McCarty Group, a leading real estate !ro"erage serving the Marco Island and aples mar"ets, says Marco Island home prices have risen over 9% in the first ,uarter, while inventories have fallen over --% since this time last year# $ccording to recently released statistics, The McCarty Group says trends on Marco Island are similar to those seen nationally, as rising interest rates incentivi.e !uyers to act now rather than later# Mi"e McCarty says he is pleased to see sta!ility and growth in the Marco Island real estate mar"et as well as homes for sale in aples# /0rice growth is a positive thing for any region, of course, !ecause it means !uyers can e1pect to !uild e,uity in their home or condo faster,/ he says# /It is also a positive thing for sellers, who prefer to sell into a rising mar"et than a falling one#/ 2owever, 3endy McCarty says that falling inventories also means that !uyers don4t have as many listings to choose from# This means there is more competition from availa!le !uyers for fewer homes on the mar"et# /'upply and demand tend to a5ect home prices dramatically, so for !uyers who want a condo in Marco Island, for instance, they4re going to have to compete with other !uyers for the homes that are currently on the mar"et/ she says#

$nother good indicator, however, is that total sales volume has increased !y 67% over the past year# 3endy McCarty !elieves this says something very positive a!out the fundamentals !ehind the price increases# /If we saw 9% price increases on lower sales volume, I4d see that as a potentially wea" indicator# The fact that sales volume rose from 8-69 million to 8-::#;; million ,uarter on ,uarter gives me a lot of confidence in the resilience and strength of the mar"et here in 'outh *lorida,/ she says# $ccording to Mi"e McCarty, what ma"es the mar"et such a strong one is not <ust economic factors, !ut geographic ones# /0eople all over the world come to Marco Island and want to move here or invest in our real estate mar"et# 3e get snow !irds from the northeast and Canada wanting to spend time here seasonally, as well as international visitors from =urope who <ust want a good place to par" their money that o5ers growth and sta!ility,/ he says# $s the local 'outh *lorida home !uying season is heating up, the McCartys say that they4re e1cited to provide the latest home !uying technology for their !uyers# /3e encourage serious !uyers to chec" out our we!site at h>p?@@www#mccartyAorida#com# It4s an easy+ to+use resource, and Marco Island and aples home !uyers will want to ta"e advantage of itB/ About McCarty Group The McCartys !egan their careers in the midwest, where Mi"e was the owner@!ro"er of the area4s highest+performing real estate !ro"erage, and 3endy was employed !y a *ortune C77 company# /3e discovered Marco Island and aples in the mid+-997s, fell in love with !oth of the communities, with the !eautiful real estate, sugar+sand !eaches and the warmest tropical climate in the continental D#'# and we moved forward with our first property purchase immediately# $Eer vacationing here for a few years and <ust aEer the tragedy of 9@-- occurred, we chose to improve our lifestyle and ma"e sunny *lorida our full+time home# 'ome may !elieve this area is primarily "nown as a tourist and retiree destination, however it4s actually a wonderful place to raise a family as wellB/ Mi"e has over FC years e1perience in the real estate !usiness, holding the top sales position in each mar"et he4s wor"ed in from the very !eginning of his career# 3endy <oined the McCarty Group when their family relocated to *lorida# Gear aEer year, the McCarty Group has !een in the top -% of sales accomplishments in the Marco Island and aples areas# For more informa on! Mi"e H 3endy McCarty The McCarty Group Ieller 3illiams %ealty :-6 Jald =agle )r Marco Island, *( 6K-KC F69#9:7#6FC7

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