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12th Grade Contemporary Literature and Composition

Spring Semester 2011 Kathleen P. Whitley Room F123

log! """ an# click on link for $eacher logs to the right for an %lpha&etical list. $e'ts! Literature Across Cultures, 4th Edition ( )*+ , -o.els! Maus, The Things They Carried, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest ( )1+/)20 each,

Course Description
$his one semester course is a stu#y of mo#ern literary topics an# themes of the "orl#0 as "ell as the #ifferent forms of me#ia through "hich these may &e presente#. Stu#ents "ill continue to #e.elop .oca&ulary an# apply effecti.e rea#ing strategies to a "i#e .ariety of literary an# informational te'ts1 to learn a&out uni.ersal themes an# sym&ols common to literary "orks inclu#ing the no.el0 short story0 poetry0 #rama0 non/fiction an# film1 to esta&lish effecti.e "riting an# research ha&its1 an# to refine language skills as they apply to "riting0 listening0 speaking0 an# .ie"ing. We "ill &asic film techni2ue an# consi#er ho" #irectors use them to influence .ie"er perception. Stu#ents "ill un#erstan# an# e'plain the "ays in "hich #ifferent forms of me#ia shape "hat "e kno" a&out particular e.ents. $hey "ill also in.estigate #ifferent ne"s .ehicles an# #ifferent propagan#a techni2ues. $hroughout the unit "e "ill &e consi#ering ho" communication influences contemporary glo&al culture. What is the relationship &et"een 3literature4me#ia5 an# 3truth65 $he stu#ents may "ork in small groups to present a culminating 7e#ia/%nalysis Presentation. We "ill rea# a num&er of fiction an# non/ficton "orks as part of this unit0 an# the stu#ents may rea# an# "ork together to launch a fictional pro8ect0 incorporating "hat "e ha.e learne# a&out film an# me#ia techni2ues. 9n a##ition to rea#ing logs an#4or 8ournals0 the stu#ents may &e aske# to turn in a reflecti.e paper on their "riting progress throughout the semester. :ur grammar focus for the semester "ill &e effecti.e e#iting an# preparation of the final pro#ucts.

Course Requirements and Expectations

% 8ournal pro8ect/9n a##ition to ma8or compositions ( inclu#ing a literary analysis or character analysis essay0 an in/class essay0 short assigne# "ritings0 a non/fiction piece0 etc., there "ill &e a 8ournal assignments that reflect the assigne# rea#ing. $hese may &e collecte# throughout the

semester at assigne# #ates0 an# "ill &e turne# in for a final gra#ing at the en# of the semester. Preparation an# Participation! %ll assigne# rea#ing is to &e complete# in time to effecti.ely participate in class #iscussions. ;ui<<es may &e gi.en0 announce# or unannounce#. See Preparation an# Participation. =nit tests "ill &e gi.en at the en# of each unit. $here "ill &e gra#e# home"ork an# class assignments. % comprehensi.e final e'amination

Notebook Requirements: Each student is required to keep an organi ed notebook speci!ica""y !or this c"ass# $his notebook shou"d contain the !o""o%ing: Course sy""abus C"ass notes and handouts &ny home%ork' c"ass %ork (upp"ies needed to %rite a"most e)ery day %tten#ance an# 7ake/up Work 9t is the stu#ent>s responsi&ility to complete all "ork "ithin the prescri&e# time. Stu#ents ha.e the num&er of #ays a&sent to make/up "ork0 other than ma8or pro8ects. $herefore0 if a stu#ent is a&sent for one #ay0 he or she has only one #ay to complete make/up "ork or arrange for a make/up test. Failure to complete an assignment "ithin this timeframe "ill result in a <ero for the assignment. 9f a stu#ent is a&sent on a test #ay0 the test "ill &e a#ministere# in class on the ne't #ay he or she is present. Work co.ere# in class is liste# on the "hite &oar# in F1230 an# on the calen#ar &y the #oor. %ll ma8or pro8ects0 tests0 an# 2ui<<es ( e'cept surprise 2ui<lets , "ill &e inclu#e# on the &log. ?ate Work! %ssignments are #ue at the &eginning of class on the sche#ule# #ue #ate. 7a8or compositions4 pro8ects are the :-?@ assignments that "ill &e accepte# late0 an# these assignments "ill &e #ocke# up to 20 points per #ay for up to three #ays0 an# then the assignment "ill recei.e a <ero. 9F % S$=AB-$ 9S 9- SCD::? F:R %-@ %7:=-$ :F $97B :- $DB A%@ %- %SS9E-7B-$ 9S A=B0 DB :R SDB 7=S$ $=R- 9- $DB %SS9E-7B-$ :- $D%$ A%@ :R RBCB9FB % ?%$B ER%AB.

Grading (ca"e:

$he gra#ing scale for the class is as follo"s! %GH0/100 GI0/IH CGJ0/JH FG&elo" J0 7a8or compositions! 2+K $ests an# ma8or pro8ects! 2+K ;ui<<es! 1+K Dome"ork4 class"ork! 10K Class participation! 10K % cumulati.e final e'am gi.en at the en# of the semester "ill comprise the remaining 1+K of the stu#ent>s gra#e.

Chattahoochee *igh (choo" +o"icies

$he reco.ery an# plagiarism policies are a.aila&le in the stu#ent han#&ook "hich is also on/line at """ Click Stu#ent Resources on the main page an# then access the Stu#ent Dan#&ook. =pon teacher re2uest0 stu#ents may &e re2uire# to e/mail essays0 research papers0 or other "ritten "ork to $he "e&site checks the su&mission for plagiarism0 pro.i#es a receipt for the stu#ent to gi.e to the teacher0 an# reports to the teacher that the stu#ent>s "ork "as not copie# from any source. Stu#ents may &e traine# on the use of in the first "eeks of school. Stu#ents "ho #o not ha.e e/mail access at home may use the computers in the me#ia center.

Georgia +er!ormance (tandards

$he course "ill also conform to all of the Eeorgia Performance Stan#ar#s outline# for Bnglish ?anguage %rts at the 12 th gra#e le.el. 9n Bnglish ?anguage %rts0 performance stan#ar#s are concerne# "ith t"o ma8or areas of focus! rea#ing an# "riting con.entions an# listening0 speaking0 an# .ie"ing. $he stan#ar#s for .ie"ing are ne" for Eeorgia0 an# they a##ress the nee# for stu#ents to &ecome #iscerning .ie"ers of te't. $hese stan#ar#s are primarily concerne# "ith me#ia literacy. $he complete list of all the Performance Stan#ar#s for the course are a.aila&le on/line at http!44""".georgiastan#ar#s.org4lanart.asp un#er Worl# ?iterature an# Composition.

,i"m- $e"e)ision and .usic the course of the semester0 some film clips0 entire mo.ies0 tele.ision0 an#4or music may &e incorporate# into the curriculum. With the e'ception of the 3

three ma8or films sho"n as part of the rea#ing of one no.el an# as part of the film unit0 "e "ill .ery rarely "atch an entire film Clips from PE/13 an# R rate# films are sho"n only "ith the of the a#ministration an# permission from parents. Films 9 plan to sho" support the lesson plans an# are liste# &elo". Permission for .ie"ing must &e gi.en on the Parent Signature form. 9f stu#ent permission is not gi.en0 an alternate assignment "ill &e gi.en an# the stu#ent may "ork in the 7e#ia Center #uring class time. 7o.ies inclu#e# ! A ocaly se Now! o ening scene only" Rate# R for #istur&ing .iolent images0 language0 se'ual content an# some #rug use. #ood Morning $ietna%& Rate# R for language0 some .iolence0 an# &rief nu#ity ( small &oys &riefly, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest& Rate# R for language0 .iolence O 'rother, (here Art Thou), Rate# PE/13 for language $he use of these films support the follo"ing instructional o&! $he stu#ent "ill un#erstan# an# appreciate the #e.elopment of themes time an# across genres $he stu#ent "ill e'ten# un#erstan#ing of tra#itional literary concepts to ne" me#iums. $he stu#ent "ill analy<e ho" films &oth shape an# reflect the society of "hich they are a pro#uct.

/ndependent Reading +ro0ects

$he Eeorgia Performance Stan#ar#s for language arts inclu#es a stan#ar# that spans all gra#es in high school! Rea#ing %cross the Curriculum. %s the language of the stan#ar#s points out0 3%fter the elementary an# mi##le gra#es years0 the stu#ent seriously engages in rea#ing for learningL%s the stu#ent rea#s0 he or she #e.elops &oth content an# conte'tual .oca&ulary an# &uil#s goo# ha&its for rea#ing0 researching0 an# learning.5 $o help stu#ents achie.e the stan#ar# of rea#ing 3 a minimum of 2+ gra#e/le.el appropriate &ooks or &ook e2ui.alents ( appro'imately 100000000 "or#s, per year from a .ariety of su&8ect #isciplines05 the Bnglish #epartment "ill &e a#opting in#epen#ent rea#ing pro8ects for each gra#e le.el. $"ice a semester0 stu#ents "ill &e gi.en an opportunity to ha.e some choice in their rea#ing selections0 rea# in#epen#ently0 an# then engage in a .ariety of #ifferent acti.ities to help impro.e comprehension. Since "e "ant to offer choice0 stu#ents "ill &e aske# to get a copy of each of the &ooks they choose to rea#. $hey "ill not &e aske# to "rite in the &ooks0 so they can &orro" them from frien#s or the li&rary. 9f the stu#ent cannot get a &ook from one of these means0 the teacher "ill make sure your stu#ent is pro.i#e# "ith a &ook to complete the assignment. -o stu#ent "ill &e re2uire# to &uy a &ook. 4

%##itionally0 some of the &ooks a.aila&le for stu#ents to select may contain a#ult themes0 situations or language. @our stu#ent "ill &e pro.i#e# "ith lists of &ooks or gui#elines to use in choosing a &ook0 an# "e recommen# you" the selections "ith your stu#ent so you are comforta&le "ith the &ooks he or she chooses.

*tudents will receive an a++reviated co y o, this sylla+us and a arental er%ission ,or% ,or the reading o, the novels and the viewing o, the selected ,il%s-

12th Era#e Contemporary ?iterature an# Composition

Kathleen P. Whitley Room! F123 Spring Semester 2011

$eacher &log! """ B/mail a##ress! "

The%e& (hat is true) (hat is real) .ow do we know)

Dere is the short an# s"eet .ersion of the Contemporary ?iterature an# Composition sylla&us for Spring Semester0 2011. Please rea# the entire sylla&us on my &log. % printe# .ersion "ill &e pro.i#e# if re2uire#. $e't! Literature Across Cultures- ( )*+ replacement, Selecte# essays "ill &e pro.i#e# as part of the curriculum. Stu#ents "ill &e responsi&le for thorough rea#ing an# note/taking for each essay. -o.els! Maus, ( graphic no.el , %rt Spiegelman The Things They Carried, $im :> rien One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Ken Kesey $"o in#epen#ent rea#ing choices. 7o.ies as part an# supplement to the curriculum! #ood Morning $ietna%, Rate# R0 language0 some .iolence an# &rief nu#ity O 'rother Where %rt $hou6 0 Rate# PE/13 for situations an# language One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Rate# R for strong language0 #istur&ing situations an# an implie# se'ual situation %tten#ance an# 7ake/up "ork! $hese policies are thoroughly a##resse# on the entire sylla&us0 as "ell as the Chattahoochee Digh School han#&ook. 9t is the stu#ent>s responsi&ility to complete all "ork "ithin the prescri&e# time. Preparation an# Participation! 9t is e'pecte# that stu#ents "ill come to class prepare# to take part in class #iscussions. Stu#ents are0 ho"e.er0 remin#e# that this is a .ery large class0 an# %?? stu#ents #eser.e the opportunity to 2uestion0 offer opinions or facts in class. Stu#ents 7=S$ &e respectful of this. Further0 talking is appropriate "hen it contri&utes to the class #iscussion or acti.ity.

12 Grade Contemporary Literature and Composition Parent Form Spring Semester 2011
Mrs. Whitley Room: F12

!es"#########################has my permission to $ie% all o& the &ilms and read all no$els. 'o" #########################does not ha$e my permission to $ie% the 6

&ollo%ing &ilms or read the &ollo%ing no$els:

(dditionally" signing )elo% indi*ates that + ha$e read and understood the *lassroom poli*ies listed in the sylla)us. Please )e *ertain all signatures may )e *learly read. Student 'ame:################################################## Student signature:################################################ Parent 'ame:#################################################### Parent Signature:################################################# ,ome phone:######################################### Wor-.Cell phone:##################################### Parent e/mail address: ########################################## ######!es" + %ould li-e to re*ei$e a paper *opy o& the sylla)us.

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