D and P List of Art Styles and Movements

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List of Art Styles and Movements

Please choose one of the following Art Movements in Blue! ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS 3000 BC - 33 BC Egyptian Art 3200 - 10 0 B! Amarna Art 13 0 - 13"0 B! Mesopotamian Art 3#00 - 331 B! $umerian%A&&a'ian 3#00 - 1 #0 B! Assyrian%(eo-Ba)ylonian 1000 - #3* B! Persian #3* - 331 B! Aegean Art 3000 - 1100 B! Minoan +!rete, 3000 - 1" # B! Mycenean +-reece, 1.#0 - 1100 B! -ree& Art /00 - 323 B! CLASSIC CIVILIZATIONS !00 BC - 33" A# 0ellenistic Art 323-1#0 B! Etruscan Art .th - #th century B! 1oman Art #0* B! - 33 A2 MI##LE A$ES 3"3 - %&3 A# !eltic3 $a4on3 5 0i)erno 200 - 32 A2 By6antine Art "00 - 1"#3 A2 7ustinian #2 - #.# A2 8slamic Art .22 - *00 A2 !arolingian Art 32 - *00 A2 9ttonian Art *00 - 10#0 A2 1omanes:ue $tyle 1000 - 11"0 A2 -othic $tyle 11"0 - 1#00 A2 ('E-MO#E'N !00 - !!0 A# (eo-!lassicism 1 #0 - 1//0 A2 +<$A; =e'eral%-ree& 1evival, +!ana'a; -eorgian $tyle, 1omanticism 1/00 - 1//0 A2 +!ana'a; >ictorian, 1ealism 1/30?s - 1/#0?s A2 8mpressionism 1/ 0?s - 1/*0?s A2 MO#E'NISM !!0 - )%& A# Post 8mpressionism 1//0 - 1*00 A2 E4pressionism 1*00 - 1*20 A2 =auvism 1*00 - 1*20 A2 !u)ism 1*0 - 1*1" A2 2a'a 1*1. - 1*22 A2 Bauhaus 1*20s - 1*"0?s A2 0arlem 1enaissance 1*20s - 1*"0?s A2 $urrealism 1*2" 1*20s - 1*"0?s A2 8nternational $tyle 1*20s - 1*"0?s A2

MO#E'N * (OST-MO#E'N )%& A# - (resent A)stract E4pressionism 1*"# - 1*.0 A2 9p Art 1*.0s A2 Pop Art 1*.0s A2 Minimal Art 1*.0s A2 (ew 1ealism 1* 0s - 1*/0s A2 'ENAISSANCE !onceptual Art 1* 0s - 1*/0s A2 %00 - !00 A# Performance Art 1* 0s - 1*/0s A2 1enaissance; 8taly 1"00 - 1.00 A2 (eo-E4pressionism 1*/0s - 1**0s A2 1enaissance; Europe 1#00 - 1.00 A2 1e:uirements !omputer Art 1*/0s - 1**0s A2 Baro:ue 1.00 - 1 00 the A2 similarities or techni:ues Post-Mo'ern !lassicism 1*/0s E4plain fre:uently use' in the - 1**0s 1ococo 1 00 - 1 #0 A2 movement@

(ame an' show artwor& from three or more 'ifferent artists from that time@ E4plain (resentation how the movement relate' the time it was starte' on Art Style to and Movement in @ an' Painting /th -ra'e 2rawing

!hoose a Program to present the information! PowerPoint Pre6ie My Pu)lisher $omething ElseD

Ahis ProBect is worth 100 Points 2#ptsC$imilarities 2#ptsC1elationship to Aime 20ptsCPresentation an' !olla)oration 30ptsC3 Artists an' Artwor&

BE CREATIVE!! ! $ood Lin+s, -tt./00f1r2ly03"t www@artmovements@co@u&%home@htm www@artchive@com% www@artcyclope'ia@com% http;%%wwar@com% www@artres@com%c%htm%0ome@asp4 http;%%smarthistory@&hanaca'emy@org% http;%%www@chart@ac@u&%vli)%a-6-lin&s@html http;%%www@artinthepicture@com%styles% http;%%www@art)a))le@org%

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