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What Happened?!

"I dare you".I said to him.(James)

"My love this going to kill us.Seriously it
would at least that's what I saw in t.v".
I walked to him.
"Are you afraid of losing to a girl.No actually
to your wife".
"No really.I'm afraid of losing the girl".He said
kissing him so earnest felt like the last kiss.
"I won't be lost.First one gets to the tree
wins.It's just a car race.Wear youe helment if
you want".
I said.
"No got another idea.I start from here an you
come from that side.Than whom ever gets to
where the other person started first is the
winner.Paline english?".
He asked.
"Oh yeah.Let's rock it.You go there an after
you get there singal me".
He said with supper speed I have that
too.Both in our car he drove to where the
tree was at an started hizes car.That's
It's quiet bit far away really fare but I could
see far away.I started mine an I was so fast
fast an I could see hizes car too.I was in
200 something miles.When I thought I made
it the next thing Iknow it I collided into
hizes car an the too cares were done.Both
car crashed into smoke ashes.I remember
nothing else.But ashing smoke.
The crashes were like a marching band

Head ups:
Well I'm just a girl who got in a car crash and lost my
momeory(That's what Sarah told me).Moved from
Las vegas to Chicago where I meet this
handsome,sexy guy,That turns out to be something
really diferent.
I Loved Vegas.But chicago got it all...Well I have
little British accent but I won't use it that
much...sometimes it just happens to be used when
not planned
.My nickname that I changed since I cam to American
is Ashley but My real name is Abigail Wiliam
Ray.People call me Ashley or Abigail it really doesn't
matter which one you call me as
long as I could hear you.My dad die.That's what my
freaky mother told me.I live with my mother
Sarah.Well that a heads up for now.Hope you like it
and wait for the second book,third book an fourth
pook, about this love Journey Between Me and Him
and so on.......

I moved to Chicago from Vegas.I loved
it their but I had no friends but
classmates.Yes friends hello.I'm was kind
like popie girl.
Today will be my first day of school.I will
go to Roosevelt high school as a
Junior.Knock knock" What mom? I already
got up"!
Mom said "Okay just checking don't wanna
miss your first day of school.Do ya?"
"No". I said almost shouted
Ate my breakfast."Love you mom"
"Love you to Ashley have a great day in
school"."Kay" I said and shuted the door
and got to my truck.It wasn't a long drive
but little slippery.Got to my classs and I
was 5 minutes late in my first day.I always
hated school but I want to go to college.So
yaaah.I walked in the classroom and
was looking at me and one boy head was
down didn't even look up.Well his head
was not down on the table it was just
hidden away from me.I bet he was
cute.The teacher name is Mrs.Baker.She
said "Miss Ray your late and it's you first
day of school what a coincidence"."I
I said and added.
"Because the roads were slippery I almost
got in car accident".Everybody was
laughting soft than I stopped and sat with
the guy who's head was down.That's
where the teacher sitted me
unfortunately!!His seat was far away from
mine.He was seating on the (e)xtreme
edge of his chair.Wondered if I smelled
bad?But I know I didn't.I took a shower
this morning and brushed my teeth.
He looked at me with wild eyes that
got me scared.I couldn't focus at the
teacher.He eyes were blue.He didn't
talk,didn't introduce himself.I wanted to
look at his face for longer time but I
turned around quickly.I wanted to peek
and look at
him but was afraid that he eyes might
caught mine.I wasn't going to talk to him
though.....maybe.He might think I'm a
crazy girl. The bell rang.I met a girl named
Jennifer and her boyfriend David.Got out
from the class.
I was walking in the hallway,when I
hard sounds calling my name Ashley.It
wasn't loud but....sweet.When I hard my
name from who ever was calling my-my
stomach felt good it almost exploded and I
even shiver for nothing.
I turned around and saw one of the
cutiest boy I have ever seen.The boy that
was in my class.I haven't well maybe a
little bit of his face.But know I saw his
whole body.He looked OMSG(ooh my sexy
god).He wasn't short are tall but in the
middle.Had and black short hair almost
touching his ears.He was wearing black
jeans and his eye were
blue,dazzling,shining bright blue.He said
"Your pen fell on the ground while you
were walking.So I thought I should give it
to you for your next class"."Ahh".
Was all I could say and added. "Thanks".I
loved his stronge British accent.It was
look you can use anyword that you want.I
too have a british accent but I don't use
it...or it doesn't happen to be used that
often.I'm used to the American accent
now-since I have been here for a while.A
while a while.His breath blowing cool on
my face.I shivered.Seconds later I said.
"I'm Ashley Wiliam Ray which you already
"My name is James Paul Adams".He said
slowly looking at me with some reaction
that I couldn't tell.And his voice calm an
quiet muted melody it looked.
"I could have introduce myself in class but
the teacher is nuts".If you smell and feel
the breeze of his breath it will on knock
you to the ground.My heart was beating
faster as he said those words."Great
I said.I didn't know how to talk to
boys,well I did but not since I lost the most
important person in my life in....a car
accident and I lost my memory since
than.But remember him but not his face.If
you show him to me right know I swear I
wouldn't know.It's been long time since
that accident.I can't even tell if he is
alive.....or dead.Still loves me or not?He
used to call me Ash.Or love.Abigai-Abi.So I
asked "James what lunch do you have"?
"Umm I have 4th lunch". James said.
He voice was deep kinda hard like his an
evil guy.It took me couple seconds to
answer him."Okay do you want to sit with
me cause I really have no friends here it's
my first.
But only Jennifer and David and they don't
eat school lunch.I just moved from
Vegas".He didn't answer right away than
said "Okay but I don't eat school lunch
too it it okay if we sit outside of
the cafeteria".
I wanted to ask him why but that would be
rude."Okay". I said."Thanks your.....easy to
be.........with"."I guess you could say that".
I said than this...."But can I get something
like a burger and a milk than go outside".
"Sure I'll just wait here".
Than I realize something was wrong with
him and it was his eye because when I
saw him first they were
dazzling,velvet,shining bright blue eyes
but know when we sat down on the little
table outside he's eyes they were redish
I asked him if he got new contacts but
said "No" and turned away from me and
shuted his eye for quite some long.James
turned aronud and asked me 'what classes
I have next'? With a angry face'. "I have
English"."What english"?
He asked. I said "11".His eye shuted
again. I thought I was doing something
wrong when ever he shuts his eye.Even
though we were not talking that much at
all.I asked "What classe do you have?
James said "The same English class as
you have".Still with a angry harsh face
that I truely didn't understand.
I was excited and said "That's great". He
almost shouted "NO"! Than automatically
like a robot but even more faster got up
from his chair. Their was something about
this guy and I was willing to find out.When
he left I felt tears driping from my eye I
though I felt a connection with him .I feel
in love with him already how dump of me
but I really felt for this james he might be
my future.......husband who knows.It felt
like I knew him all my life but like lost.
I didn't see him in English 11 and he
said that he has that class.I really was
confused with this guy and also fell in love
in one day?I just wonder if he felt that
too.I remember when he hand my the pen
I felt half of his skin and it was cold and
felt little electrical shut.
Maybe that was sign that he was the one. I
was the one for him it have to be.I wasn't
even concentrating in my english class
only thinking about him over and over
again untill. I was asked question and I
was amazed because I answered right.I
was happy or else student would laugh at
me.Class was over and
I came home and I remembered when I
was sobbing during lunch.I slept that night
dreaming about him.The first time I have
dreamed about boys since the accident.I
didn't want to leave that dream but than
my alram clock rang and got up.Took
shower and brushed my teeth.
School I looked around to see if James
was here.
"Hey ashley"
"Hi jenn". I said.
"What are you looking for". She asked?
"Umm no one just looking around. So what
are you up to today?
"Just waiting for David to come pick me up
for can come if u want"
"Ah no thanks I'll sit with that James dude
if I see him".
"Kay I'll see you later bye Ashley.But that
guy James never hangs out with girl.He is
weird.I never see him around the sun or if
he does he wears something leather.But
you might be a good match with him if he
shows up but I'll warn you he might not be
the kinda of boyfriends or friends you
want to have.He doesn't show up to school
that much skips many times.But have a
try I tried but didn't work.Okay I see David
car right over their".
I said and went to the cafeteria to get a
burger and came outside but their was no
body outside just wind blowing my hair
and my face.Sad and bored.I wondered
where he was.I should have left with
Jennifer to the Big Mac(Mcdonald) or
where ever they were going.I went
home.Tired,totally exhausted.She gave
me some thoughts: To go out with him if
he shows up.
He might be weird but he is sexy as sexy
like any movie star you could ever
see.Brad pitt sorry but even hotter as in
teenage point of view.Girl teenage point of
view.Girls I'm hell telling you right now if
you see him you'll just want to be with him
day and night.Just stare at him like an
idiot.Hot.Okay done about boys.I hate
when my moms says or asks me or
says'Lets talk about boyz'.She makes me
so weird.
An OMG the sex talk.That is so
lame.Talking about those things.It's just
sick.I'll never want to do that
anywazes.....unless somethings pops up
on the highway but now nothing at all that
I could possibly tell you.


I came home said hi to mom and straight

to my bedroom.It felt like I only slept for
10 mintues I was snoring well not really
than the freaking alarm clock rang."Crack
shit".I was at school.I looked around but
didn't see James.Than their was the
second day no show.It has been a weeks
since James Paul Adam was gone.My
sweet dreams were gone their was
nothing for me
to dream about if the boy that I fell in love
was gone because I was not probably
beautiful enough for him and went to find
another girl.Okay I'm way out of control
Me and James are not even going out and
I'm so crazy about him.That's hell.It's like
living in a love world where you love
someone but that person doesn't know
your feeling.Where the hell is he.In my
I have seen him married to me.But know I
don't understand can't remember
nothing.But I swear to myself if he doesn't
show up on Monday I would never go back
to school never....... unless my mom
makes me go but I'll try to expalin it to her
and maybe I'll go another school or just
drop High school.Nah that all false she
won't be able to understand.I can't even
tell her I'm sick for one day or she'll give
me those talk and I hate it.What would be
the use of staying home
when I get to hear the same talk over and
over again till I fall asleep.Seriouly that
happend one day.It was hell.HELL!!

Show Up

It was Monday alright and I was talking to

my friend Jennifer and her boyfriend
David.I was so jealous of her.I always see
her holding hands and kissing her
boyfriend that was making me even more
I don't know if he saw me or not but he
was walking down the hallway and didn't
even say 'hi' to me.I was so angry at
him.Does he know how much pain he had
put me threw this last week when he was
gone.I was so worried about him thinking
about him.Thinking that he... is my
boyfriend.That's how
I could explain it after how I was worrying
about him. And know he doesn't even
wave hi to me how stupid of him. But I
wasn't going to stay away from him just
like that no no!If that was the case than
my name is not Ashley
William.I rushed to catch up with him but
he was walking fast as usual I think. But
by the time I got there I was out of breath.
When I reached him I said:
"What kind of friend are you? Or are you
the one that just hangs out to break
someones heart and the next day you're
out of their lifes even though they think
they have felling for you from the bottom
of their heart"?
Than he said "The kind that just hangs out
with the person and leaves them
heartbroken even when it's from the
bottom of their heart....if they have feeling
for me.I don't really care that much about
feeling since I Lost someone really
improtant in my life.Gash I missed her so
much.I can smell her strawberry lipstick
on mine.....but she is gone,lost,I wouldn't
have lost if it was for that stupid......but if I
only knew where she was I would find no
matter what-"(He didn't finish the
sentence but I wanted him too)."Look it's
better if we are not friends...let's just
ended their".
He added after couple secs.When he said
that I felt a like a knife in my riped threw
my heart.I guess if you felt for the guy
that doesn't even love you or like that's
how you would feel no matter how try.
I didn't want to hear how he missed her
strawberry lipstick on his but okay to
hear.It was a shattering pain to my
heart.I wondered if he liked me or even
more....loved me?Was I the girl who he
Just the way he described her it really
sounded like me.Tears filled in my eyes
and driped to my cheeks.But he could care
less about me and continued.James said
"Trust me you don't know what I'm and
you don't wanna know anything about it
or be part of it.I just wish she was here
with me and I wouldn't be in this stupid
school.So it's better for you just to
leave me now or never.Look I don't even
know what I'm doing here.My mind is all
filled with confusion". I was just shocked
by everything that he said the person that
I though was the love of my.... life,the boy
that I felt connection with.
(That may be so fast...but I really thought
He felt for and I did for him..too early to
say the love of my life ha)I didn't know
what to say after all this words but crying
than he waited for me to recover and I
Than he pulled me almost like a hug and
wraped his arm around me and he put my
head on his chest and I hard nothing but
felt his cold chest that felt nice.I was
cold.The heart beats an stops for a long
time than beats.It was weird.It reminded
me of someone really important
just like he said but I didn't or couldn't see
the name in my mind.Than he pulled me
away softly and put his hand on both I on
my cheeks and he said softly"Do you know
who I'm .............. because I know who you
are just by doing it though not
exactly.Con't even read you".
I looked away for a few mintues and he
waited for me to meet his gaze
again.When I thought I had it. I said
" are"... Than he cut me off and
said "I told you I was something that you
didn't want to know.You can't
controll....but I could kill you so so
easily".Than I said "I wasn't finshind with
my sentence". I said to him.He chuckled
and said "Go ahead"."I was saying that
you are insane holding you breath and
your heart was not even beating at all and
you are really cold you are probably
sick".Jame said
"No!You have it all wrong-I knew you
wouldn't get it. You are just a dump
human.Can't you feel that my chest is
hard stone,and it's cold as an ice cold
hard ice.How do I expect you to know who
I'm by doing that". He said it with angry
that his face totally got red (I mean
"I should have just stayed at home I knew
I wouldn't find her but it feels like I
did....but at the same time I didn't".He
voice was dark and his eyes were black
red.He didn't blink when he was
speaking.He voice was like a fire inhaling
in your face.It wasn't like his cold
breeze flashing on your face that made
you shiver but like a fire flames blaze
being put on your face.He looked anxious.
These words will be in my head for a
When he said that I was sobbing.He
putted his finger tip on my cheek and
wiped my tears away I could swear that
he tasted my....tears.That was just
nasty,disgusting.James said "These tears
tast like the girl I'm looking.........for".
I couldn't believe he really did that.But
was I the girl or was he thinking of
someone else besides me?Either I was or
not I didn't like him today but maybe
tomorrow.I ran away from him I never
thought I would do that and he didn't even
follow me at all.Well I wanted him to follow
me and say I'm sorry I was just joking
something like that but he did't follow me.


It was Tuseday morning I didn't want to go

to school but I wanted to see James face
even though he said all those thinks to
me.How stupid of me.Uhg!They were not
that hatful but I just wasn't in the mode for
that yesterday.I waited in the hallway for
James and I saw him he actually was
waiting for me.Than he said "Didn't you
not get mad at me after what I said
yesterday, and I didn't follow you.I wanted
you to be mad at me".It was like he read
my mind.Than I said
"No because I can't stay away from you
James I'm really in love with you since
the first day I saw you when you
were giving me my pen....that may be
out of subject but ya. That's true.It feels
like I have seen you somewhere but don't
hell know where.I wish my damn memeory
would come just like I'm living in
someones mind.
I don't feel like me.I no longer know who I
really am.... I don't know.I don't know the
true me.Than when I finally meet someone
like you and you,you don't even care.You
don't seem like you even like
don't give a damn.Well maybe when we
were kids we used to play.Ha.Ha".I said
too much an weird
I teased after all these word.And I added
"Don't you get it james I'm".
But I didn't finish the sentence. He stood
still and said "I have to leave know today
sorry for what I have done to you. I should
have not came to this school.I knew this
was going to happend".
"Where are you going?". I asked.James
said a"Don't worry about me I'll see you in
English class....ahh later when.....I come
back when I'm full.Hm".I blinked my eyes
and James was gone.Just vanished out of
the way.I wanted him to kiss me before he
leaves but that didn't happen and it will
never happen in my opinion.I bet ya'll
think the same.It'll be a long way before
James comes along.Really long road.

Thought?Garlic Accident?Attack?

I came home said "hi "to my

mother.She loovveess to watch football.I
sometimes say to her pleeeese can we not
watch football.But she doesn't really care
that much.She was watching this
supperball.I didn't bother her and just
want to my room.Took shower,brushed
teeh,and checked my E-mail.I did my
I slept I had a dream about James again. I
was married to him and I was a
vampire.Their was one thing I wasn't sure
about my dream. Who made me a
vampire?I got up in the morning and
though and though.Wondering could
James really be a vampire?If he was why
he come to school,stay in the sun..well no
really.He only stays outside for small
amount of time and almost feels like he
glows like a diamond.I would find out what
James was. Whether his is an Angel
,ghost,werewolf,or....or.....or a
vampire.Than I thought again I know he
couldn't be Angel when he used those
words on Tuesday,and not ghost because I
can't see threw him. So I'm just left with
Two he's either a wolf or vampire.
I ate my breakfast.I called Mom..Mom
and she said "What do you want
Ashley"."Ummm I want a garlic". I
said."You are algeric to garilic what do you
want it for?You want to die and go to the
emergency room and I have to pay your
medical bill....if you know it going to
bother you don't even think about taking it
okay honey".
"I know that mom I just want to so
something about it for ....aaah school to
check something out for a friend a really
impotrant friend".I don't even think he
thinks that I'm hizes freaking friend
"Okay honey it's in the frige and don't get
sick and why do you even have to ask me
when you can just get it.Gash Ashley
sometimes you're just lazy I mean really
"Thanks mom and you don't have to tell
me that I'm lazy or crazy".I got the garlic
and put it in my black and red leather
striped purse.When to my red truck.I have
been stuck in traffic.So I had to get a late
pass for my English.I was happy to see
James in english class and he smiled at me
that almost made me melt in front of the
class.That would be a shame.It was the
end of the day the bell rang.
I said "Hi" James.James he just nodded.
"So what are you doing".
I asked.
"Nothing just going home and watch t.v
and play games"."Thats cool".
I wanted to cry just for seeing his face
made me feel good in many ways(Hizes so
goddamn sexy to be fucking real.Made my
head explode already).I wonder if we are
going out.If we were I would say'How can
this beautiful,handsome,adorable,guy be
mine and liked me and loved me'.
But now I'm not even sure if were friends
at all but classmates.James just stood still
and didn't even move and inch while I was
talking to him.Than he had an angryish
face.I didn't quite get it. I didn't care but
watch I notices that his skin color was
changing, and his arms were around his
stomach.His pale sexy skin was
going or turning's maybe my
fault.Or not.He was blinking his eyes more
than usual.He was blinking really
fast.When he blinks it felt like their were
red tear or water stuff was coming out
from his eyes.Each time he eye color
seemed different to me.Was he crying?I
wasn't sure....but I was scared
His jaws were tight.He clenched them and
unclenched them.My eyes got wide open.I
couldn't see clear.My head was leaning
toward him.His skin color was changing
into blueish,weirdish I almost screamed
for help but he put his free hand on my
mouth.While he did that he said "Now you
know that I'm ..a....vampire.But their......
also problems'll....have
to.....face.You have a choice Die or Live
your life normal.I warned you.You can
leave me right know if you want go an
run.If that was you want know is your
chance".The last couple word came out so
slow that tears were dripping from my
eyes."Hecks I'm not going to leave you
now.I have to know what's wrong with
you....your skin is changing.Y-your
changing.I have to get some help".
I felt and so sorry for him and
myself.What the hell did he mean by that
I would face problems?You might call me
stupid because I was the one who planed
this to find out what James was. James
said "Throw your purse please-
whatever is in it-It's making me sick and
changing my color.........I'm probably
dieing". I was shaking and....and said. "I
need to call the hospital.You need help.I'm
really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.I
swear I didn't.I need to call 911 or get the
school nurse. "DON'T". James wanted to
shouted but didn't have the strength and
just said. "You have to drive me to
my house.You wanted this didn't you?You
got it now".
"What!! But I don't know where your
house is James! What if you die on the
way.I'll be the one who goes to jail.Who's
going to help you when you get to you
house.If you thinking of me I'm not a
medical expert.You need to go to the
hospital.I really need to drive you to the
"It's okay I'll tell you where to go
but we...well you are going to be
ditching class...stop panicing like a pig.I
should but the one not you.I don't need
any doctor for changing color.....they
won't even know what's happening to me
in fact they are going to make it
worse.Just drive me to my house and
you'll see how I'll quickly recover Now
hurry let's go...before I die and you go the
I said.James "Don't let me die here you
have to hurry before you get hurt".We
were walking down the hallway and I saw
the principal.I gasphed
"What the hell are we going to do James"?I
asked James an he said.
"Don't worry I'll handle it.Don't talk when
I'm kay?"."Okay". I said.The principal
said."Where are you two headed to"?
"We are going home.My mother called
during last class. I really I have to go and
take this girl I mean Ashley with me she
has the car keys......she's my sister"."Well
okay I'll check with the office but I think I
can trust you guys". Principal Mark said.
"Okay we really have to go before I get in the way your tie and suit look
pretty great".Sister?I am not his sister
were nothing a like.He's vamp and I'm a
human.His is the undead and I'm not.
His much,much more adorable than
I'm.The other we not even related in any
way he could possibly sum up or
pretend.Thank god the pricinple didn't
speak to me.Peasure offf.Ugh
"Thanks".The principal said and we left.
While we were walking on the hallway
James almost triped.Not to be mean or
anything but he was walking funny.
Almost like his running but not at the
same time.Felt like his two legs crossing
eachother almost like a dance or
whatever.He the opened the door for me
in.Even though it's me car.How a gentle
man he is.
Did I mention how cute cute cute cute
cute like million times cute he is.
I could dream about him all day and I
wouldn't have enought of his sexy pale
red cute nose and black hair.Never.Dude
I'm not kidding his is hot.You know like
Edward Cullen.I have to say this.Edward
cullen and Bella Swan look amazing
together.Maybe me and James
would be just like them.On the end we
would get married just like Breaking
Dawn.The hapily ever after between
Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan...or
should I say Mrs cullen and Mr.Cullen.I
loved their wedding it was amazing.I loved
all of their book.It's one of my favorite
Vampires book that still I ador and read it
over and over again.And Vampire
kisses.Know let's get back to me and
James.I got little distracted.Okay maybe a
lot.I couldn't help it.Soreeey.Gash you
fans/readers are unforgivable.Okay know
lets' get back for real.Real real.Got it.Let's
go.Come on.
Got in my car turned on.Ready to go.I
turned on the air conditioner.Didn't know
if that really helped but I did it
anyways.He was sweating like a pig.He
was dehydrating.Making noises threw his
nose.And water driping from him.
His T'shirt even got wet really wet like he
swimed with it.His eyes were wild big.He
was leaning toward me opening his mouth
and looking away quickly.He was staring
at my neck. My blood was flowing
fast.Wish I could have stopped it flowing. I
was blushing.Wanted to hide
but how could I?I can't hide a blush.My
heart was beating like a drum.I was
getting scared.He said "Drive faster before
you get hurt please drive faster,faster.I
don't want to fed from you.Step on it if
you have to.You won't get a ticket.I
promise".When he was talking it felt like
he was screaming,shouting,
and like he was cold his teeths were
hitting eachother.His house was like in the
jungle in the forest.I loved the color of his
house.It was blue and black stripped.I
opend the door for him.He still was
holding his stomach.God I thought he was
dying.I got inside his house it was really
cold.You can freeze a bottles of water in
about 2-3 hours.No wonder his always
I looked around.His house it's so neat that
you wouldn't even know that someone
lives here.Just how neat it is.Heeu that I
didn't get hurt.After 15 minutes later he
was back to his sexy pale cold skin.No girl
will argue with that at all.James waited for
me to meet his gaze.I met his gaze.As he
said"Thank you for saving my life
I really mean it.You should be lucky that
you didn't ge hurt.Thristy I was.You should
thank yourself that you turned on air
I started talking about my half personal
life and my memory.Yaa I am glad I turned
on the air thing.Or else I would have been
died."I lost someone too. Someone that
was everything to me.I lost him in a
stupid, stupid accident that
I wanted to do it but you can't change the
past.It was all my fault".
All my fault I said it to my self with a
sobb.I wish I could change the past. I
really wish and get my memory back.I
missed him soo like million times so much
and maybe I might be seeing him right
know and I wouldn't remember him
because...I freaking lost my damn
"I think I saw you somewhere really,really
long time ago but just don't know
where".You may be the guy.But I don't
know."I know that it should be probably be
the other way around but I'm really in love
with you I...I love you".(I was thinking he
should be the one who would say I'm
really in love with you but he didn't)".I
was staring on the ground tracing his
house floor pattern when I said that.
"It like when ever I see you you just
remind me of,of someone really special
deep inside my me.The other reason is
that I have been having dreams this last a
few week since I met you,dreaming about
you..all the time.When ever I close my
eyes everynight I dream about you.When I
see you I get happy. If I had a bad
day,when you talk to me it's like my world
is full of light----love".Like out in the
darkness into the sun.A bright light that
just shined threw my window.I had a
dream last....night...and that's why I did
this.I have been having flashback about
me and him long time ago really long time
"I had a dream that I was a vampire and
was married I was just like human but you,you are like real
vampire the real vampire.You drink blood
and all those stuff".I stoped a little bet to
check on his expression,but got nothing
besides he smiled at me.Maybe I should
stop right now after this."I just wanted to
know who you really are.I wanted to know
the truth.I always wanted to be a vampire
since I was a girl.
Even once I felt like I was a vampire a
really long time ago.I loved vampires and I
still do.I don't care that you are a vampire
but what I care about is that is that"......I
had no words to say just stopped and my
voice thrilled off.And said "I'm not in love
with you because your a vampire.No that's
not the reason".
(I wanted to say turn me in to
vampire but it seemed to me every
step I take I thinked about my life
right know. The other step I take I
thought about school my new
behavior maybe even become a
murdered.One bite would change my
entire life. I would be with James for
eternity...but was I ready for that
change.What if he asks me if he can
bite me know what would my answer
be...know I don't really have a clue at
all.Does he love me before I even get
to conclusion)
When I told all these stuff James mouth
was dropped open and not blinking as
usual.Than he closed is mouth cleared his
throat and said "That was a lot for my
Ashley ha".(Now that..That made me
soooo mad I just wanted to kick him in the
guts maybe it wouldn't even hurt..but
worth a try.Normally I am not that violent
person but I wanted to punch him so badly
punch something so badly than ever than
ever.) But tears just dripped from my eyes
and I walked past him.He just doesn't
understand. I know him from somewhere
but don't know the place.
Maybe his the one
I lost.Or not it's Valentine anything could
be possible.I just wanted to get out of his
house and leave him.I even wanted to
know more about him and see if he was
really the boy.....the boy I have been
about.If I really was a......vampire long
time ago.I wouldn't have to worry about
anything but just live my life and let it rule
it self instead of managing it.I walked out
of his house.I slammed his door.Tears full
in my eyes I looked back and James wasn't
behind me.I looked for the second time no
James.I couldn't see clear because
tears filled in my eyes.Than I was about 3
second away from my truck and I could
feel that their was somebody behind me.I
looked around and it was him James.
James grabed my shoulder really tight I
couldn't break free.
I said "Let go of me! You have no heart for
another person but you and you lost
girl....she lost and she'll probably not be
back so just let go of me and let go of her
But he didn't let go of me.James said
something that I though he will never say
no matter how I tried.James finally came
along and said.
"I fell in ....l...-I felt little electrical shock
when I touched half of your warm skin I
bet you did to.(I knew he felt that
electrical shot that I felt I knew it)"I don't
know how many years I have waited for
you Ash...abby..gail.I have been looking
for you since the accident I'll never forgive
myself letting
you do that.( that ash is a name that
sound familiar to me someone used to call
me that name ...he was a sweat heart and
it was james...james adam I didn't quite
get my memory back but I totally
remember him but don't no the
relationship between "us")I didn't know
how much longer I could wait for you.Your
the only girl that felt for my heart and I
really know....that I'm really in love with
you.I lost some memory but I'm sure I'll
get them back soon but I know you.
I never though I would find you but just,
look around and around move place to
place.I can't stay away from you no more,I
missed you.The old times we have been
together for centuries.But you have to
know something if you became like me I
think as myself that I'm,but it
will be.....dangerous for you to
became vampire and you probably don't
remember what I did but you'll know
soon.Real soon".I cut him off.I one
hundred percent don't know all thes things
he just said beside the loving me
part. ."You mean you have been waiting
for me for years weren't their any girl
even though you still looking for me"?
James said yes with a soft laugh. "They
were but I could read their mind.I didn't
really like that,for the most part because
all they wanted to do is party, and I don't
eat,drink...unless they dare me to
do it and I die.Only smoke time to
time.When you drink as a human you get
out of control and kiss and go to bed.That
if I did would be dangerous.I would be out
of control unstopable kill them and suck
Everybody would know who I'm.I would
never forgive my self no matter how long I
live.I could live another 100 more years
but I'll always regret that day.You should
know that stuff but if you don't it's
okay.Don't worry I won't harm you even
though I have killed so many people
in....the year past.More than I thought I
would kill".Kill he said to himslef again.I
was depressed.Lonely gash.
"You don't even have a clue what I'm
talking about right now......but you'll figure
it out. The girls,they didn't fill my heart
like a girl used to do long time ago.I like
Abigail better.Change your name".
He said my real name.
I'm so amazed.No one has called me that
name since I changed it.Is he the lost boy?
I know this is a stupid question.You may
be saying 'Yes he is the real boy...can't
you see what he just said'.Or maybe not
but close I assume.
After he was done he said my name
so sweetly that their's is no other word
that you can think of how to describe it.I
picked my face from the ground and
James was inches away from my face even
closer.I asked him if he still loves me.Wait
wait wait.
'If he still loves me'.I'm getting creeped
on myself.Maybe I did know him asking if
he still loves me.That is still weird.His
answer was to wrap his arms around me
bring me to his shoulder my side to his
chest touching each other.I could feel his
hard cold body on mine.
He whispered on my left ear the made
me shiver and said'yes'.I wondered if he
was going to kiss me in the lips but,he
kissed my on the.....forhead. James
said."Thank you again.I'm still afraid that I
might hurt you in some cases.I haven't
hunted for while and that's my fault.I have
to be protective around you like old days.I
can't lose controll.I can hurt you badly if
you make and unexpected move." I was
spechless he waited for me to recover all I
could say was "Ummmm kay".
James said "You better get home before
it's too late.I can drive you if you'll like".
He offered. I said "Okay".Not looking at
him.James nodded at once and when left
his house.I gave him the keys to my weird
car.I asked him question about his family
while we were driving.Than I had a
flashback that was all blank black and I
was standing crying mom saying don't
leave me.I couldn't see my mother picture
but I knew it was Sarah.I asked him where
does his family live?
(I wanted to tell him about my flashback
but just ignored it)He said some in Canda
and the U.K. I haven't seen them for years
and years.Might come soon here.Their
helping me find some....He didn't finish
the sentence.
I was home already so fast I didn't want to
leave. I wanted him to finish the sentnece
but he didn't.I wanted to kiss him before I
get out of the car....but the may not
happen.Not quite yet.I than realized that
how is he
going to get to his house I asked him?He
was inches away from my face and
said."Good night".He winked at me and
said "Remember I'm....a vampire I have
my own ways". And smiled at me.A huge
smile came across my face. I even almost
laughted.I didn't want him to
leave but he can't stay with me....what
if.Ah just don't worry about it.I blinked and
he was vanished out of sight like a
cheetah or less like a cheetah maybe like
a.. ah sorry no clue so just like cheetah I
I got in my house and my mom was
watching the superball.
So I just went in my room straight to the
bathroom make sure that I wasn't
dreaming.I splashed water on my face and
sure wasn't a dream.Make sure I have
found my lost boy.I still had some
problems I didn't quite believe him as I
should....maybe he was just saying that to
make me feel better...not sob in front of
him and it's Valentine Day.I probably
really hated me.Didn't care if
I was.....his lost girl...but I think he
probably wasn't my lost boy...either.I
regret my life for not real
boyfriend the lost boy.I also had a feeling
that James boyfriend but I had
no clue!! What if James wasn't my
boyfriend and I was caught kissing him
and my realllll boyfriend showed up?Oh
hell I would't know
what to do.But for know I'll just chill if I
can.I did my nightly routine.Did my
homework from English from last time.I
went to my bed.I hard a sound in my room
and looked around and saw nobody but
suddenly somebody coverd me with
his/her hand.I couldn't speak or scream for
my mother.
She said
"The name is Debbie.Don't scream or I'll
kill you instantly and nobody will notice
it".She let go of me I couldn't say anything
but said..."Wah..what the hell are you
doing in my room when I don't even know
you from anywhere".She giggled a little
and said
"I hope you could have remembered me
but you don't just because of that accident
and you wouldn't even know if you are
seeing him right know but no worries
you'll be quite a bitch for a while".She
blew me a kiss.
Than she said "Give this note to your
vampire boyfriend James....if he even
loves you.Ha.Ha.Ha-You can read it if you
want". With a blink in my eyes she was
gone just like James did tonight.I wanted
to ask her a question-But who would I ask
a question whe the girl is gone totally
gone.Then letter was in
a Valentine card and it wasn't even
valentine,no it was but maybe
that's why James kissed me he must
have......felt sorry for me I bet he
did.Happy valentine!Or was it free
kiss,hug day something like that.Who care
at least he kissed me...on the
forehead.The valentine card was a
rainbow colored and the Card read!
Dear James I can't
believe that you are really
inlove with this Abigail
Ray.Why did you leave me
honey?I know we weren't
going out or anything but I
still think we
knew it too.When you said
come have dinner with
us.Well not you but your
mom.You didn't talk to me-
You were mad angry at me.I
need you to make that up
with me-I'm still mad.Send me
a valentine card.......please if
you'll like.It'll be sweeeeeet if
you do so.Ha.You can always
come back if you want.I'll
always be ready for you.Stay
away from har before she
brings problem to you,herself
also to your family.Take care.I
love you James.By the way I
think you still have lost some
memory but you'll know me!
You always did.....without a
dout.She's like, a...a dump
human which you don't
deserve and not even
attractive at all but I'm.Good
luck finding......
Love Debbie Theodore
I liked her hand writing for of all.
The card didn't finish when she said 'good
luck finding'.I knew james was a lier.How
could he leave this girl without kissing
her.Maybe he even grief....Oh my.God
knows what else they could have done(I-I-I
wanted to be the one who made love to
him or him making love to me not not this
fucking bitch here.UHG).Her stunning
beauty.You can't even describe how pretty
she is and know his going to tell me that 'I
was the first girl who felt his heart'.Oh
How dump does he think I'm?He didn't
really have to feel sorry for me(Even
though I thought it was nice)Tomorrow will
be the day I will never see him again if he
really went out with Debbie and still
is( What can I possibly do to James but
mouth talk and cry with pain for the rest
my life.For the rest.Sides I shouldn't be
thtat mad at all I don't even know much
about him.We are not maybe even going
out at the moment.Why an I so actractted
to this guy.Maybe because of his stunning
bluew eye and perfect face beauty.I
dunno)I know I'm not prettier than Debbie
but he should have not felt sorry for me.If I
was the lost girl that he had found and he
has been depresed why would Debbie
comes here and say 'I'll be waiting for you
And most of all 'I love you James'.
The I love you part hited me sooo hard
that was supposed to be me to say to
him(Kay that didn't even make sense to
me.Been only weeks that I have met him
but don't know about going out part I
mean we never had a date or
anything).It's like one mintues I'm in love
with him and the other minute
is like I have no clue what the hell......the
hell to do absolutely nothing. Not even a
tiny bit.
I sometimes fucking hate my stupid life it
just sucks.That night I didn't even dream
my sweet dreams at all.Not even
flashback.No damn hell thing.
I saw him during lunch as usual
outside.We normally are not close to each
other know we were really close to each
other(since we are dating for months now
at least that's how it feels to me).Our
elbow were like and inch away from each
other.He knew that their was something
wrong with me.
I said to him "Do you really"?
He was quite for while and said"I do
Ashley".When he said that I knew it was a
fake damn fucking lie but I didn't say that
to him.Course not.....that will be totally not
cool at all.I got up from my chair.I gave
him the note and left him at the lunch
table.I was sobbing(really stupid me.Well I
wasn't sobbing if you thought I was
thought I said that.Maybe I should erase
it.No let it say.Go on ashley!Yaaah)
fast so that he coudn't reach me but he
did anyways.I didn't stop until I got at my
car and stopped and said.
"Did you feel sorry for me James ha!?
Well you shouldn't have cause I'm used
not having boyfriend and know you came
along and filled me with lies and say you
have been waiting for me for
years,years.Oh c'mon.No girl would buy
that as for sales tag.If it was one of those
boy smooth move to get to wasn't
a great one.I'm not like that at all.I like
truth than lie.
You know what if I tell your secret to
everybody in this school-You'll never come
here ever again (even though I was going
miss him so much)
You filled me with damn,stupid fucking
lies.I finally felt like I was out of the
darkeness.Felt like their was someone who
I love who cares for me and I care for
him.But you are nothing.Nothing compare
to that.....if you are it doesn't look like that
to me at all.Do you know what's like
being the only one who dosen't have a
person to love a person to hate".
When I thought I got out from the
darkness and enter the sun it really didn't
happen.I'm am still in the darkness.I
will be in the darkness always.Never will
come out from darkness the dark side of
the world."If it'll be 100
years from now when I'm long lost
gone.Gone.Gone not in this world and
feeling no pain but dead and buried under
the ground whether I rest in paece or
hell.At least I'm not feeling
pain,sorrow,hopeless,unloved,but just rest
in peace or hell".
He wanted to touch my but I shouted.
"Don't even thing about touching me at
all!".James faces was not sad,angry
nothing just started laughing and said
"You know when you get angry or jealous
you look really....really pretty hot.
I really mean it Ashley like that girl that I
have lost...that I have lost".He said'That I
lost have' twice.She must have been really
important in his live,but why did he say
that 'I was the girl who made him feel
better' or was it just to make me feel
better because I was sobbing!Why did you
lie to me "I though you loved me
for just the way I'm".Than he cupped both
of his hand on my cheek I didn't say leave
me alone in a good. It felt really
great.OOozzy on the belly.I could feel he
breath so sweet like a rose.For once I
thought I couldn't breath.Than James said
"You are the only person who I ever
kissed....serious I guess.Rose and har
husband should be cuming to school but
they ditch everytime.
They travel around the world.When I
kissed you it felt like you were the lost girl
and...I think you are and maybe I may be
the guy that you have lost.But
are really important to me now and part of
my life believe me.Grasp that please.What
ever I told you is the whole truth".His
voice was serious.Serious as hell!
"I".He added after a little
pause."You sleep late at night.You said my
name about 15 ten 20 times.I love
you.From the beginning well not
exactly".He eyes green deep sincer green
and love.I couldn't believe what just
happen.Maybe all the talking helped
me .....maybe.
All these word all these day James Adam
said 'I love you' those were the word that
were swirling around my head.I didn't
know what to expect was just
amazing to hear him say that.It really
touched my heart.I was just stunned in a
good way.He really loved me....and I loved
him him too.Like Edward and Bella.How
sweat.Waaaayyy deep down my heart way
way way deep.Coutless deep.Just
You know us girl how we love when your
boyfriend says something nice about you
that makes your head spin.It makes you
do many things just start kissing him or
what ever comes to your mind.Sometimes
it's just teenage crush....not always.Not
always.I reached for him but he frozed for
a moment.Than he softened his face.I was
holding his hand and I thought he was
going to kiss me or was he.I wanted to
kiss him but...their was a 'but' in
their.Then he lightly leaned and kissed me
.....on the mouth soooo soft gentle
coldy.You couldn't even explain it. It'll
knock you down breathless.That was the
most gentle,amazing,rosing head spining
kiss I ever had.I could swear my head felt
like it exploded for like this kiss.I kissed
his soft lips and he kissed me.His hands so
strong it felt like our love would be strong
enough forever.The gentle hug he gave
me looking into his shining eyes.It was like
my first kiss.My first kiss.There was a
natural breeze.My heart was pounding
even faster.
Again I was not breathing clear or not
even breathing.My eyes closed.(He is a
great kisser I don't know about me though
it was our first kissed that how it felt like
to me and probabaly to him to)And
My......My real or My boyfriend didn't even
show up.Was James my boyfriend?
I don't know but I loved him for the
minutes he kissed me.When James was
kissing me I felt I have known him all
life....for centuries.I had flashback
to my childhood. I was smiling an running
with a ball that's all I saw.I didn't want to
stop but he did and smiled at me.I smiled
back at him
and asked had to to make me
breath"Who the hell is Debbie"?Again we
were skiping class but thank god the
principal didn't see us.Heeu presure off.
"Umm" James said."She is and old friend
we used to hang out when we were little
kids.Well hang out only more than friend it
were before. I really forgot about her but
she has special thing the she can
remember anything in her childhood
everything.Har birth she could see har
mother screamign in pain an thing really
disturbing in a man way.
Don't worry about her I'll take care of her".
My boyfriend well my vampire boyfriends
was going to battle to save my live or
what?Is he going to die? No no I have to
think positive and no talk about the future
but foces on the present.I don't even know
if he is going to fight har so just ignor
those questions please.
I asked him another question."James are
you going to change me to become a
vampire?(That was too fast to asked it felt
stupid to said that.SHOOOT MEEEE!Man
this boy if more than fiiiinnnnnneee )
He was quite for a really long time and
"I don't know it's really not easy well it's
easy but changing human into vampire...
We or I might get in trouble for blooding
them to become one us...beside you
should love your human life.We have an
agreement with someother creatures I
con't break that rule
or their will be war.A battle that will be
living hell nigtmare,never endless,curse.
Besides vampire life is boring nothing
much to do for example.If you ahh......
break up with me that will be a really bad
thing for me because you would know my
secret and tell it to you new boy....friend".
(But I wanted to be part of his
underworld....what you call the undead I
had not idea)I said "I will never leave you
never will.So don't worry about
that.....okay? "Cool".He said with grin.
His fangs glowed, shine brightly and
steadily, especially without a flame.His
fangs were not long.Nobody meant more
to me more than James.He like my own
world with no body but me and him.He
was the lost boy the important one.What
will I do if James leave me?Know that he
said that he loves me and I'm
important in his life.Than we were at my
house already and I got from the car and
James did too. And he said "I'll be gone for
hunting and for another trip....(he
probably read my facial expression and
added) It won't bo too long".He pulled me
close to him and kissed me.Starting from
cheeks to my lips that was sweeeet!I even
shivered!Then he whispered
in my ears again "I promise I'll be back
before you even know it".I already missed
him.James left I was alone again.I felt
weak lonely.I felt part of my heart was
gone.My vampire soul mate, was in a
battle for my safety or was it just me
imagining?I don't even know if souls
mates exist.If such thing is real.I used to
not belive in
love but but like I do in a way now I want
to break my virginity an you know but it's
going have to be with the right man the
right guy.You con't just have sex with any
body you know it has to be right.Why am I
talking about it.I don't even know who it
feels in any way at all
(if I had any I don't remember so it sucked
basically). Will he come back for me or die
for me?Was he my real lost
boy....boyfriend?That'll be a question that
will stay in my mind for really long time
until I really have a proooooof.
I was worried all week long but on
friday James should be coming back.And
sure indeed he was waiting for me in our
lunch table.He kissed me before English
class not on the mouth on the cheek.He
probably doesn't want people staring at
us.Though I would have loved the lips so I
could show off.I have a boyfriend.Yeah
me....I mean go me ha that was weird
need to listen in engligh class more an
grammer.Uhg.Shoot we have a pop
quiz.They still were but I never saw
Jennifer and her boy David. The final bell
rang and we were out of school for
Christmas break.More time with him whoo
party if I do.I was so happy I get to spend
more time with him.
I went to my car he was driving me
home.Before I got off he opened the door
for me.I asked him did you hurt Debbie.He
close his eyes and said "No but she won't
bother you I promise if she does
Opened his eyes and said "I want to meet
your mother and you'll meet my family
and it should be today-now if that's
possible for you and your mother".
Before I could answer his lips rushed to
mine.This time not much as gentleness
but his lips were soft as a velvet sky and
so soft and cold that make you shiver and
faint....You would faint and feel dizzy if
you probably kiss him
for long time(just a little inside joke if ya
know what I mean)You could try to push
him...but ahh his strong really strong.He
stoped before he could open the door for
me. I said
"Ummm do you mind waiting for just two
minutes ?He said "No problem".Then he
grabbed my arm and said "I have
a......problem".I asked confussed "What is
that?". James said come here and we sat
on my house porch.James "I can't read
your mind anymore and that makes me
something...something.... like weird and I
know that you are someone else,I used to
read your mind before you came here.It's
frustrating you know?".I was really
confused with the question cause I
remember him saying that he hates
reading girls whom he's dating mind and
said he used to read my mind but not
since I came to Chicago.I didn't even get it
at all.
That was weird but I didn't want to upset
those velvet blue,sparkly,shining steady
eye.I blurted."I guess my mind is private
from yours and yours is private from
mind".When I said that I had a flash back
of my childhood and saw a little kids
playing with me and
I was holding hands with a boy just like
James and that kid kissed me on the
mouth just like James.It felt like when ever
or sometimes when I talk to James I had
those flashback that I totally don't
understand."Great". James said "Now lets
go n met your mom".I got up and got
inside my house and saw my mom
watching supperball in her bedroom.I
wonder how long she would be watching
this game (it totally boring).I called mom!
She said "What"?
"Ummm I want you to meet someone
really important.His name is
James....James Adam". My mom was like
OMG. "Your first boyfriend I'm so happy
for you sweetie."Yaaaah thanks
mom"."Where is he now". "Actually he's
outside waitng for us"!
"Okay let go than". My mom said. With
excitement that made me feel good.(I
thought she was going to get made at me
and yell at me.But she didn't.)Indeed he
was waitng out for us,sitting on the couch
making himself
comfortable.He raised his hand and said
my name is "Hello.I'm James".
"I'm Sarah Lillian Garcia.I'm sure you
know it from long ago.Ha.I think I know
you from somewhere".My mother mouth
talked me saying becareful!. "I am sure
we did Sarah.I'm going to take Ashley
come hang out with me today we won't be
doing something dangerous just playing
game that all.It'll be little bit longer than it
probably does". OH lah lah.Hee-Hee
"No problem take your time.Ashley really
needs to go out.She comes from school
goes to her room and sleep.Doesn't even
use her truck for shopping she hardly goes
shopping.Thank god she found you....just
becarful with har.Well have fun".
"Ummmm mom you went a little bit far or
I shouted when I said that.That's was off
the line.She doesn't have to tell him
everything.I hate when parents do
that.They mostly don't like the boy or the
girl.Now it looked like my mom was
embarrassing me.
"Well I hope you enjoy you day with
James.An becareful.Remember to-".
"Dah".I cut her in but didn't know what
she would have said(like any mother who
is stupid in a way not to offend them but
some times they think their kids have sex
after party true but not true).James
chuckled when I said that.Left the house
to meet his lovely family.
I was nervous if they were going to like me
or hate me the moment I walked threw
their door! I thought what if they kill
but.....(suck my blood) but than remined
myself if James didn't do anything to harm
me than they wouldn't
hurt me too! I hope so!We got to his
house.I was trying not to be nervous but
still I was.He smiled and kissed me.Opend
the door for me.Their were four
people.They all beautiful-one looked like
my father.
(Sarah has picture of my father cause his
dead) Than I had a flashback,including
these four people that's james family,the
mother kissed in my flashbacks and said I
love you honey.That was in my flashback.
I wondered why I was having this.James
said "These are my step parents.Kate and
Jeff. This is my step brother and sister
they are married to each other". James
whispered to me. "This is Jacob and his
wife Rosa-Rose Whatever".
"Nice to meet you.Really nice home of
yours.A really big one too" .I said.It was
like fairytale.I was the princess. They all
huged me.Jacob looked like he was about
to laugh when I blushed.James eyed
him.James offered me a a drink.
I said."Cool aid if you have it please". I
love Cool Aid even when it's not
summer.Kate james step parents kate was
looking at me and it felt like tears were full
in her eye.(Than I had a flashback
again,that james mom was in it and
saying I'll be back don't worry and I'll
miss you more than anything else I
love you Abigail.Than she left me
standing in the rain with Sarah
smiling and covering me with her
umbrella.I was crying in my
Great James said for getting me the
juice.Kate said "You are a sweat dau"...but
didn't finish.I have no idea why they don't
finish the sentence when they have to say
something that's probably important.He
had a guitar he must be really good at it.I
asked him to play it for me and he did.It
sounded so natural I loved it.
When I turned around his family was far
in front of us watching football.I thought
only humans were the ones that loved
football but now vampires too! That was a
news to me.James grabbed my arm we
went upstairs showed me around.Last
time I only saw what was in the living
room when I drove him to his house.
(the accident of the garlic).The last one
was his room it was soooo fabulous you
won't even want to leave but lay down all
day long listen to music or whatever.It
had a a huge bed not that big.His walls
were covered with pictures,newspaper
from old times really old time that's what
it looked to me.He had a shelves of old
Had a big dreesseerr! I had another
flashback that I was standing in this very
room and laying on James bed and he was
laying with me too and I was wearing a
ring and the closet their was one of the
most prettiest wedding dress you could
ever I mean ever imagine.
Than James chuckled as I was looking
around and my flashback was gone.(I
didn't want to leave that flashback it was
amazing I loved it than than the other
ones).When we came downstair and I
looked around Rosa and Jacob were
their.... kissing each other and James
cleard his throat louldly.Jacob chuckled
and said "Sorry man well leave and let
ya'll have your sweety sweety time okay
bro.Ashley should come to our house
sometimes it's not that far.You make
perfect couple".Seriously I blushed baddly
when Rose said that
"Kay". James said with a smile on his
adorable face. I even giggled.They were
dancing while they were walking.Rosa said
"Bye Ashley it was nice meeting you".SO
small voice an cool looking friend I
guess .She leaned and kissed me on the
cheek I already liked her. "We will meet
again soon".I wanted to know more about
her because James didn't really tell me
much about her nor Jacob.An when she
left she gave him a look I didn't know why
but looked smug an warning of things.I
was alone with James.We watched movie
movies and played video games
guiter hero and more(the guy is freak in
racing like literally just freak an guitar
hero thing hizes a nerd since he know how
to play it -e I was good but not a nerd).It
was like ten O'clock I was tired but I didn't
want to leave.I yawed about 30
times.Laying next to him felt so great an I
wanted to kiss him all the time if I had my
wazes all these time I'd spent it kissing
him.James said "You look tired you should
go home now".
"No!(sorrie didn't want to yell or shout
something)". I said so quicky.Nothing in
this world would seprate us from each
other.It was like the greatiest day ever.My
mother said take your time.I don't even
know if she cares that I stay late.At least
I'm out of my room for a day.(Even though
I was going to die first because
I'm human.Which will hurt him so
bad.......I still had a question in my mind if
he really was the lost boy?What I know
right now it that his my current boyfriend)I
was thinking about if we get married am I
going to get children or were we already
married?Will we ever get married?I wasn't
even paying any attention to the movie.
"Can I ask you a question James"."It
"Well you said that Jacob and Rose are
married do you think you and me ever
getting married.I'm just asking you don't
have to answer if you don't want.I'm
"I don't really know.But it'll be hard if we
get married.................our physical
relations.You can easily be breaken by
accident or by meaning it.I can't bear
that.But I love you always"."
"Ohh.....but we could try you know
anything is worth a try".Totally.Sex is even
worth a try...though I might get easily
"You don't know what your saying"."Yes, I
do.I'm not a idiot"."Their". He
snapped."You are and idiot.You with a
Vampire and you not afraid scared nothing
and now you are saying anything it worth
a try.Are you crazy.
You don't seem to know yourself.You are
breakable.I can crash you within half
second.If we try I right
their and you wouldn't know how that will
torture me the rest of my life.You are
I can't lose you.I am not risking your life
again......cause you want it".We were in
his room as this time.So isn't in the zone I
guess I never did it virgin I am that
particular word.As I started that
conversation he moved from the bed
standing by the door.It wasn't like I
wanted to do it right their right
we could try some other time...or
now.Depends as he said.As I sat up
looking at him.
"I was just saying you didn't have to give a
lecture on that!".
"Well I did and it's already done so"! He
spoke threw his teeth but clear enough for
me to hear it.
I said their was something missing in the
sentence maybe I didn't want to know
about it.It might make me mad really mad
or cry.Like a baby as normal.I can't
sometimes controll my emotions even if
it's not something that to be mad
about.Sad about.I cry alot.Mostly on movie
or words.Yeah.Not kidding at all.Nah-ah
that's serious
(I want sex!MYGOD!I con't belive I'm
acting like this.Consceince help me say
anything'well havig sex is weird but great
if you love the person for me well I'm you
brain dumpe so we think the same you are
hearing urself.umm just keep taking an
he'd maybe said let's have
sex hize just little too mcuh weird tha
other guys but it's good that he isn't like
talking you into sex').
"So just don't ask me about sex and other
stupid stuff like that ever again.Don't be
lame.Be reasonable.You know I can't do
that........even though if I wanted to.I don't
want you to ask me anything like that ever
again......grasp that please don't ever ask
me that".
"I'm s-sorry I d-didn't mean to make you
mad".He sounded mad by the
words.Spoke through his teeth.
"Don't be...just try not to ask please.Are
you crying?Ha.ha.Ha.(SHUT the hell up
James!It wasn't even funny it sounded like
are you cryin for sex baby.I'd admit yes an
no at the same fucking freaking
time)"."No...I'm not.No".Sure I was crying
he could tell it from my talking.It made
him mad that I asked 'let's try it anything
it is worth a try'.Here comes the sex talk
Sarah alwazes gave me about.Now I was
the one asking for it..... not him....but even
if he wanted to he doesn't want to risk my
life.Great.Okay weird but fine.How dump
of me.That's bitch.
"Don't cry-I didn't mean to upset you".
"'s okay I understand.Don't have
sex that' what Sarah says alwazes.I'm a
virgin a weird one".
"Ha.Ha.Ha.Yeah aweird I guess".He wasn't
like into the humor laugh only white fangs.
He was sitting by me his hands tight
around my shoulder
"I can't.You know I wouldn't want to hurt
your feelings.If it was something I could
give I would but his is something I have to
do physically.I con't.I'm really sorry".
"If you wanted to than why don't you want
to do it?".Lame.I know!GASH WHY Am I
such a Bitch tonight!?? Ya'll have to tell
me when I fucking know!!??
"Please Abigail you don't know what you
asking or thinking of.Do you alway do this
to people or is't just me?".Ummm
dunno.Just seems that I think I found the
right boy to break my virginity to
"Yes just you.Never with anyone else only
you I have asked this question.I''s
just you that doesn't know what your
saying or thinking of.C'mon it's sex".I am
so stupid for doing this in my ahhhh
Consceince help me again.
'he doesn't want to have sex Abby so stop
buggin him'.
'but i want to i want to feel so alive i want
every single partof my body alive by hizes
touch conscience'.
'oh you are an idiot what part don't you
understand no sex abby'.
'consceince i'm in love with him.i want to
have sex yes i know sex with him please
do anything to make him change hizes
mind i'd like that'.
'jerk i'm you stupid listen to youself.don't
u hear what you asking whatif you get
pregnant!Ugh sarah is gonna kill you
baddly.hey wait for your time an maybe
that time would be special i mean like
whatif he asks you to lets do it now'.
'okay.but i'll still ask.sorrie i might fall
myself hardly'.
"Yes I do know what I'm talking
about.Please.Now let's not argue and not
have this conversation ever again
please.Just do that for me and for you to
save a lot of breath.You still don't don't
know what your asking for".He shaking his
head in disblief
"Yes I do but I'll quite know.I would argue
but I'm getting tired.Are you?".
"No I don't have to sleep now.Not ever if I
don't want to".
"When do you sleep than?".I'll die without
a sleep.
" When ever I prefer
anytime,anywhere.Well not exactly
anywhere.When I sleep I don't want to be
distracted.Not only me all vampires.If you
do distracted them in their
nap, are dead.We don't sleep
in bed.We either sleep in coffin or--".I cut
him off.
"I didn't see coffins in your house!".
"Or we sleep not fully though but good
enough.We can sleep in cold icy cold
bath.We rest their for a really long
time.That's why we have that big bath out
there-I'll show you sometimes.We need a
lot of ice cube lot and lots.The bath has to
be really cold.Human will freeze if they get
inside something like that.Like you".
"Wow that's fun".
"You call that fun when you can't dream
but think and hunt blood.Sleep in ice.Think
of something out of this world.I hate not
dreaming.Don't have a soul no light".
"Then what should you call it boring
sucking underworld,dreamless,no light".
"Yes sucking underworld that's
perfect"."Really you would like that?Ha.I
thought you were going to be mad at me".
"Why would I?You'ar the love of my
life...even though somethimes you think of
something unbearable,un
reasonable".Maybe he is right.We should
take it step by step and closir an closir.
"Are you saying that we'll try...........if we
get married.I'm just curious again.I tried
not to think of it but I had to say it before I
die.".I don't want to be stucked up with
something that I wished to do an had the
chance an didn't ask.
"I don't know what to say about your
"This is not a theory James.I am serious!".
"So am I!".Shoot!
"It's simple as this Yes or No.But if you say
No it means you love me but at the same
time you don't.You don't find me
attractive enough.Or you hate to see my
face.Don't want me anymore in your
life.Ever again...If you say Yes it means
that we'll try noe...later.... and you love
me forever.And I'm attiactive to you.Now
or never".
Wow I can't even believe I said that it's
going to be a long night.This is also stupid.
He said it's dangerous for him to have
physical relation with me.I'm
breakable.But I want to-I don't care
whether it's dangerours or not.Maybe I do
but I just want to try.Who doesn't it may
be teenage crush but a hard loving
crush.It's even embarrassing asking to do
it.Don't you think?Nothing else.Nothing
else but try only.
"So which one did you choose I'm waiting
for you James.Simple yes for good or no
for Bad.Your choice.If you don't want me
I'll leave right now and will never come
back.Maybe later.Maybe if I can".I gave
him a hard time.......I think.
'conscience help is it a good idea going
'how many tims do i say this you are me
we ar talking inside you brain we are in
the same.I'm you an you are me.same
brian hello.suck it up an listen might be
"You are one of the most prettiest
creature ever
isn't that enough?".Kissed me on the
"You still didn't answer my question
James.I am impatient to hear the
answer.Hopefully it's what I want to
hear.So hurry up please.Please
James.Please just say Yes and we'll try
after or before we get married if that
happens one day.Please James.I know
sound stupid to have sex I con't belive I'm
asking for it.anywazes just say yes.No
harm would be done I'm
goinf crazy.okay answer".Ahhhhhhh!!
shoooootttt me
I could see in his eyes their is nothing but
fear and anger.Maybe I should have not
said that or started this conversation at
all.As he said not to start it again.
It's making him mad and sorry, feared
something.But my mouth sometimes just
can't keep shut.It doesn't hold a lot of
information if I had to say it .When I
begged I hold his hand tight and looking
into his vevelt beautiful amazing dazzling
eyes.I couldn't look away.
"You are giving me a lot of choices but I
can't seem to find the right one".
"I know the right one" I said still looking at
his eyes."I know you do".
"Just pick it than if you know I do.I won't
be mad.....maybe a little.Or a lot.Even cr--
go ahead what's the answer".
"What would you do or say if I said
No.Answer the truth".
"I would leave and not ask that question
again and heart broken but I still would
love you. I would know that I'm not pretty
enough for you.But I'll still hang out with
you if you.....want".
Hmmm he said with a long deep
breath.Took his eye away from mine.I
blinked tear but he didn't see it.I hope.
"What if I said yes what would you do and
"I would love you and you are saying that
we'll get married and we'll try before or
after.And you find me attractive.
Really actractive.And kiss as always and
never leave you.It will also show that you
love me more than anything-mostly any
girl in this world.Your love and I'm part of
your life..........forever".
"Wow Abigail William Ray.You picked out
your words really fine an truth.What could
I say I con't say no to you, my life,the love
of my life.I don' want you to be unhappy
and bad emotions.Con't stand that.I have
made my choice do you want to hear it ".
"Finally,I get to hear the final answer.What
is it".My heart was beating fast whether it
was bad or god I didn't know which.
"Are you ready my love".
"Yes I'm really ready".
"Don't fainte,panic.Promise?".
"Promise"."I would say
hmmmmmmmm........this is gonna suck
ummmmmm wasn't I supposed to be
happy r something don't asnwer it ummm
yes".AHHHHHHHHHHH!I'm gonna have
sex.I'm so weirs stupid bitch virgin
"Really you mean it".I wanted to jump off
the bed."I really mean it.I will warn you it's
dangerours.It's a bad idea.REally
bad.Really really dangerours.Dangerours".
"Can you stop saying the 'D' word.
"Sure my love.What ever makes you
happy and what ever you want".I bent and
slowly kissed him.I was about to pull away
but he cupped both of his hands on my
face and pressed his cool lips against
mine.I wasn't expecting that.I kissed him
back.I was going for his colar of his shirt
than I stopped my self before I lose my
luck.We just kissed normal or little bit
longer than usual.Than he pulled my face
away from his.
"You need to go home it's really late.I
mean really late".
"I can stay if I you want me you
from the bad guys if their is any". I
teased.Closing my self closir to him.
"No I'm not having another argument with
you.You give people hard time.Well me
actually.You look tired.I have to get you
home really fast.Not with your truck
though"."What then?".
"Running.I'll carry you don't worry.It's
really fun just close you eye when I do
it.Hop on"."Don't fall or hit anything
please.I don't want to get a bruise or
"You think I would hit something and hurt
you?".He said it with a angry face.Bad idea
to say that."No I didn't mean it that
"Yes you did".He said flately.
"I'm sorry I did mean to offend you.I'm
really sorry".Tears filled in my eye.I'm
stupid.My big mouth gets me in trouble all
the time.
"You really have issue of crying.It's
okay.Now lets go".
"O-kay". We were going so fast.That's all I
could remember I didn't even know how I
got to my house.
I was dreaming that I was stuck in a black
square room.Their was a tall man wearing
a black mask covering his face.He had 3
long sword.One on his hand and the other
two on his little pocket.I couldn't escape.
Where ever I run his already there.The
way he walked was so funny.His feet
doesn't even look like human nor ghost.He
chased me around.I screamed but their
was nobody their to help me.I was crying
sweating like a pig.My shirt was wet you
can even get water out of it.My legs were
shaking.He said "Ready to die".I ran away
from him to the door but I couldn't open
the door.He gave me one of his sword and
"Let's fight till death and with honor and
I didn't take the sword but he threw it at
me and made me pick it.I got his shining
sword.I didn't know how to use it but once
he gave me and good deep cut in my left
I screamed.My sword fell on the ground.I
was rolling on the ground.He picked me up
and hand me the same sword again.My
hand was shaking.I don't know how to use
a sword.Never used it,only seen it in
movie.All I could do is scream.I got mad
and what I did in my dream I never
thought I would do that in a million years.
I never thought I had the strength.I
thought I was not a violent person...which
I'm not but sometimes I have problems
with my "Temper".I screamed in pain and
stuck the knife into the tall black masked
man.It came threw his back.
He got to his knees.I started crying and
the tall made said his last word"This was
the fight of my life and it with honor and
pride Thank you Ashley thank you".No I
cried I didn't mean to kill you please stay I
really didn't mean to.That was little to
late.The dream didn't end yet.
I was dreaming that James left me.I was
crying and crying.I didn't know what to do
to my life.He was going to leave me
for.......months and months.I could do
anything in my life.I screamed when I
woke up because I saw James sitting on
my computer chair.
"ahhhhhhhhh! How did.How did I get here
and you?".
"Relaxs I just came here not long time
ago and your mother left about an hour
ago.You slept right after I brought
you.Sarah wasn't here". "How long?".I
"Long enough to hear you dream".
"Was I talking during my....dream and you
hard it?".Embare(embarassed.Hey I'm
stupid look i just saw this word in
embaraased you know ass.Sorrie.Maybe
not be a-)."Yaaah you were even crying
when you killed the tall black masked
man".Said it with a soft peaceful
laugh."That's not funny".
"Yaah's just supernatural that
humans cry and tears drip
from their eyes.
When 'our kind' cries you don't see tears
but only deep dark black eyes that
sometimes you
could swear that it feels like you could
see throw them but no really.I gues it's
just your imagination.Or red or just bloody
hot tears". "Please James don't leave
please....My life would suck without you.I
think I would kill my self a day without
"It okay it's just a dream I promise I won't
leave....unless their is a big danger.......if
that's the case I would leave for your own
protection....but not to harm you".
I gave him a quick huge.
"Makes sense". I said with a smile when I
calmed down.No exactly I still didn't want
him to leave me,even if it's a big
danger.We could help eachother and die
together.But my help would be
useless....I'm just a fargile weak British
black haired human girl.What can I
possible do but scream like
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh help somebody help
meplease ahhh help.Before I could finish
my scream the monsters would kill me
anyways what's the use of it.I wanted to
kiss him right away but I had to brush my
teeth and take shower.
"You look confussed".He said.
"Yes a little you here my mom gone and I
just got up from sleep that is definitely a
confussion to me...and here when I was
"I can leave...if you want me to".
"No,I just need a little girl time.Could you
wait please?
"Sure.I'll just wait here don't be late".He
"Kay" I said.I did those and got dressed.I
half way ran to my room. I asked where
are we going today?
"My house again but we can go
somehwere else if you want".James said
with a grin that showed his fangs so bright
in the sun he was wearing leather
T-shirt stripped with white and black color
black jeans."You wouldn't mind?".He
asked taking his cigar out.
"No.As long as it could get out so Sarah
doesn't think I start smoking somewhat
again.She's sometime a slut bitch.Trust
me".I hate the smell of the smoked but it
didn't bother me much.That's teenage
these years.High school smoking even
girls.I nope only in once at a dare in a
party(Lie.I was an somewhat right now am
heavy smoker.Kidding not heavy but you
know close to that.It drives me nuts that's
why I cont have it anymore what my doc
said).Almost like pack I lost my whole
voice that weekend in party I did that.
"Wanna try?".Me smoking.
"No(yes yes I want to but con't)".I said
shaking my head putting the window done
so the smell could get out.I wanted to but I
cont.How badly I want to but I cont.Sarah
isn't here so I could do it no wait that's
just cheating on myself.I just bite my
bottom lips
Driving an smoking never liked it but he
seems to handle it okay.Never got tickted.
"Girl now do that.You never smoked in you
life.Not even at once?".Well yeah I did
many times just not anymore
"Is it important?".I mean it shouldn't be
that important.
"Just curious".He said smilling an the
smoke cuming from his noise.
Something about his voice mad me wanna
say it.
"Only about once in dare party like really
smoked close to the intire pack.Was fun-
got sick next day-not ever since well not
exactly like that but I don't smoke
anymore.Just like on dares party things
like that.Well maybe more than once but
not no more".
"That's what I thought".He said throwing it
out of the car.An car stopped.
"Don't your step parent hate you
smoking?".My curious.
"Nope.I only do it like month and month
later.Not like crazy.Sides calms vampire
down when they are really really thristy an
having a guest cuming.Sometimes get
little more crazy an start biting
them....though they won't die".
We got to his house went across his room
and I saw the most magnificent pool you
could ever imagine."We are going to
swim today I hope you like swimming.Is
not as cold as I said it would be.Bit warm
for human temp-.". I said "I used to but
not since I came in
4th place when I was in 5 grade.But I can
swim.But only one problem-I didn't bring
my swimming suit.Did Rose left any in her
room". I asked.He-"You can go check it
out for yourself.I don't want Rosa to see
me in her room looking for girl swimming
suit".Confussed-Jacob have their own
house but they mostly hang out here an
so she had little cloth here.Okay making
sure in the same page."Yaah that'll be
really bad.Thanks".
Gave him quick kiss.I got him in surprise
that his eyes almost got wide.It looked like
it was going to pop out.Got in to Rosa
rooms and got what I wanted-but before I
got out from her room. I hard a voice said
"Remember your mother you just have
seen her and your dad".
I wanted to screamahh.That scared the
shit outa me.Came to the pool and I was
swimming with James.
If you feel his chest Omsg.It cold and
warm at the same time and
feels..sooooooo million times sexy hot.I
shivered almost wanted to faint feel,dizzy
just how handsome he is.
I wanted to tell him that I have been
having these weird flashback but
didn't.The pool it about 30 second away
from James room.I could feel the his cold
shivering breath on my neck.
The cold of his lips on my cheek,the touch
of his fingers on my warmth skin and his
shivering fingers,and he could feel the
beat of my heart and find that I love him
forever more than anybody......maybe
even his family.Just joking.I loved his car it
was Lamborghini Murcielago IP640.I loved
that car.We swimed and kissed.Hope my
mom could buy me a car like that she
would freak out on me if I give it a singal
scratch.She would yell at me if I use it too
much.She'll give me a lot of lecture of how
much money she spent one it and how
much she needs to pay it.
I need to help her pay the car
payment.She would say that I need to get
a decent job.It's going to be crazy so I'm
just happy with my truck.Yaap!.I realized
something really important.I was spending
too much time with my vampire mate.I
forget spending time with my mother.It
seemed to me that I wasn't caring for my
mother as I used to before I met James.
It was time for me to go home.James
kissed me a sweet goodnight kiss but it
felt wrong somehow."Can I ask you a
question? He said."Ah sure".I knew their
was something wrong today with this
swimmming.He was laughing a lot but
eye-eyes didn't seem right at all.The kiss
he was giving me wasn't as hot as the
other one.His lips were really soft.So
gentle not the same as dazes ago,months
an weeks ago"Can I visit you sometimes
tonight.I don't know that time exactly.But
I'll be in your room"."In my room". I
"Ya I'll see you tonight then". He said.
"Goodbye". I said.
"And please don't say that so early cause
it may come true.Don't send the goodbyes
really fast.May coem true sooner than I
though.Not now at least".
"Oh...kay see you tonight then".
"Much better".He said and was gone.I
wondered what he meant by it may come
true ha.Well find out later tonight.It wasn't
like when he kisses me I get goose bumps
or shiver though I'm not cold.It was
different kiss that was fast but it seemed
long to me. He vanished away.
I came home almost at one but didn't.I
saw my mother watching you know.I tried
to tip- toe get in my room.But it didn't
work.When I saw my mother the table in
front of her their was 1-9 bottle of alcohol.I
was shocked.Why would my mother drink?
Why happen to her?I should know shes my
own mother but I didn't know why she was
doing this!I said hi mom.Whe she anwered
OMG it smelled like a ratten bubble
gum.It was nasty.My head spined like
crazy.My mom said.
"You haven't cared for me since you met
the ugly guy".I interruped her."I said you
don't dare say ugly to him. His the most
hottiest thing that ever happen to me.He
cares about me tells me how beatuiful I'm.
But never tried.I love him and he
loves me".She shouted at me
"Shut your mouth and let me fininsh you
dump bitch!
She started and said. "This a last a few
day I have been eating too much(like I
cared how much she ate) way more than I
should be.I eat and eat almost every hour
it's uncontrollable.I'm feeling depressed-I
lost my job. Their's noting that I can do
with life I hate myself.You don't ask me
How I feel?-How my day went?-
Nothing but just come from school and
make out with James(that was true I
haven't asked her how she was doing for
a really long time I totally agree with her
on that.)I didn't make out with James that
much well maybe a little but Not a lot as
Sarah is putting in to.Than she said "Now
I'm finished and get to bed".I felt a little
pity for her and asked her how are you
She said "I'm not myself, I'm different
from you ,I can hurt you, I'm dangerous to
you during the night,when the moon
comes or goes anytime,I'm not cool in that
case.I want you to become like me so we
can"...She didn't finish.Her voice was dead
serious.That I was scared.I just left to my
room.She called me and said "do you want
to know what I'm"?
I said "No".Rushed to my room and she
laughted that really freaked me out.The
little hallway to my room smelled
funny.....because of Sarah breath,smell.It
was like a dog smell.I hate dogs.Love
Jeez it's still in my nose.Damn her breath
has changed real bad.Maybe thats how
your mouth would smell if you drink toooo
much I really mean too much.Did what I
do at night.I sat on my bed and...I hard
someone else breathing...It was James I
shouted "ahhhhhh"!He said."Shhhh it me
James.I told you I'll come tonight
did you forget about it?This is the second
time you are screaming today". "I knew
that".I said with panic and "I didn't
forget".I thought I had a heart attack for a
moment.Thanks god I didn't I would die
and wouldn't spend the day or my life with
the love of my life James Adam.My heart
was beating like a drum even faster if you
can play the drums fast."What are you
doing here?".
It wasn't that long till I said bye.Not even
full 30 minutes.Must be real important.He
pulled me close to him-Kiss inches away
from my lips and whisphered "I have to
tell you something".He pulled me closir to
him I could feel his nose on my forhead.I
wanted to melt....if
I was an ice.He putted his hands up and
traced from my neck down my waist to my
knee and stopped their their and
wrapped it around his waist.For sec I
forgot how to inhale.When I looked him in
the eyes than I reminded me how to
breath.The way he touched me always
sending chils down my spine.
God I was glad he was mine.All mine no
one elses....but mine.No even 'you' only
me(Don't take it seriouly it's just s
joke.C'mon don't get mad or
anything.....please I even pleased).So
maybe he doesn't have to bent when he
kisses me.His bent over and his cold lips
pressed against my lip.I loved the way he
kissed me.His blue dazzling eyes so the dark that it can almost light
the room.
His lips soft and smooth.He kissed me the
longest kiss you could ever imagine.It was
not gentle....not gentle his lips were all
over my face hands holding my waist so
close to him.I feared
something....something really bad that
james was going to leave it felt like it.The
dream hit my head.This kiss frighten me
really bad.Bad as in bad news around the
corner.I was going to lose him like my old
Or was he my old mate?Not my mate but
my sweat heart.A different kiss really
different from any other kiss he gave
me.My heart was aching like when....when
you have the worst bad headach when
you break up with you beloved ones...your
beloved ones.The way he was kissing me
hungrily so sad but......happy.I thought he
changed his mind about that
conversation.But it wasn't the case.My
eyes were closed but
I could the pain that going threw my mind
and maybe his too.If he was leaving that I
don't know what to do but kill myself,die.I
could really but I would try
to understand that he found someone
else.I'll be maybe the one who has been
heartbroken.I kissed him back but feared
long lost 'N' found angle of vampire love
boyfriend was gone going to be gone
again.He stoped and when I saw his face
their was pain,sad at the same time it
showed no emotions nothing.
He kissed me one more time and said
ashley "Please don't take this anyother
way.We-I'm leaving today". I haven't cried
for a long time but today..... today I cried
tears driping like a rain from my eye.
I cried for a reason.I have just known him
for while but not long enough that we get
in a fight.Which will never happen.I cried
because it felt like he just played
me.Played me big time.I cried because it
felt like I was crying blood.
I feel my heart heart like a lighting
thunder has just striked it and smashed it
apart.Their was a space between him and
me that will maybe never be cupped.Being
away from him,is nothing I have felt
before.Every breath I take when
his gone meant nothing but waste of
air.For a sec my heart stopped beating it
seemed so.I didn't even know that my
knees,legs were shaking my teeth were
chanting together.It was true.My mind
wanted to scream.If I could ahev taken my
body somewhere an shreded I would
have.My body wanted o run to another so
many places but couldn't make it
happend.The horror shocked through my
stoamch.My heart beign ripped apartd
while I'm living it felt 4 him to do this.Why
should this be my ending why should I
keep I livign liket his lovelessa n alwazes
fucking pain???I con't belive he really
going to go an me here alone an jealous
all the time.FUck my FUcking like.Just
fuck!FUck!FUck!FuCk!."So my dream is
true". I said and maybe I would kill that
man.....James wipes them but keep on but
keeps on dripping like a hose. James said
"I have to leave I need to find out
something really
important that good for you please
ash...ley. It will be okay once I get back
and we'll probably be together
for.......ever.I would give the world to you
not to leave.It hurts me so bad seeing you
cry. I don't want you hurt.Do you think I'm
dangerous for you?".
"No I know that you are sweet,kind
gentle,and have a great sense of
humor".See I should ahev had sex now
hizes livign still a bitch virgin thanks
conscience wait thats me!Ugh kill me
"You are not afraid of me.Tell me the truth
please"."Why should I be afraid of you".
"Please just answer the".
"No.No I'm not afraid of you and I will
never be afraid of you.You are so
protective of me."Don't say never.I don't
want to leave you unprotrected...but I
have no choice.I seem so protective of you
becase your part of me now,that seems I
can't let go of.
It tears me apart when you don't see that
part that side of me.I'll try everything to
come back for you".I tried but couldn't
stop sobbing.I asked him "Why are you
leaving me
I though you loved me,do you know the
pain I'm feeling"?(in his eyes I could tell he
indeed was feeling the pain the he was
feeling even worser.Thee was the the pain
an shattering) James said nothing but sat
down on the chair and put me on his lap
and said
"I love you more than anything,anyone
in this world.I'll make sure I'll never show
up again in you life like......I have never
existed. Now I know your the angle girl I
have been looking for I'll come back.An if I
don't that mean I'm not cuming don't wait
any longer for me". I said with sobbing
"You were the only boy who I fell in love
with and now you......dump me?You were
going to break my heart.Like your".
"No baby I'm not dumping you....(I could
see the pain in James eyes)..."I'm not
dumping you is just well you don't
undertstand but it'll take time".
He took a long deep breath than went on.
"You'll find out by tomorrow or the day
after that or more. Now I have to go.It
could take months and months".
He kissed me one more timed it felt good
and said 'I love you'.It was as if love life
meaning,nothing,over,over and over."I
have to go before it's to late.Their saying
we might get some sun tomorrow.Promise
me something?"Sure anything". I said.
"You said you would kill youself please
don't.If I'm gone for a really long time you
can go on with your 'mortal' life and forget
about me.....if you can.Promise me that
you wouldn't kill youself"?
"I promise". I said and squeezed him with
all my might.I need him no matter what he
said...but I'll keep my promise for not
kiling myself.
I...........swear I............... would.I had the
saddest green eye like a kitty cat being
hunt down.But this was no hunt down it
was being heart broken. James was gone
out of my sight.I slowly said to myself
'nooo' don't leave me please something
bad might happen to me.But he wasn't
gone yet he came back again and said
"I made some arrangemant I'll stay with
you until almost until morning close to
morning but by the time your awake I'm
vanished,gone, away".
That felt like he was not coming back.He
was laying on the bed still not moving a
inch but moving his arms playing with my
hair.I justed wanted him to talk.To hear his
voice one last time.I open my eyes to see
if he was still there.When I was moving a
lot he putted his hand one my waist.And
his lips on my hair kissing me every once
in awhile.My head was on his chest.Just
than I thougt Sarah was going to knock my
Knock,knock it was sarah "No". I
said.James got up and said "I'll have to
"No". I said "Don't just.......hide
somewhere please.Don't leave now
please"!"Kay". He just "make it fast". He
got in the bathroom.I said "Come in
mom".She said "Good night and don't
sneak out cause I'll find out". I said with
panic "Why would I sneak out....unless you
want me too. "No that's fine good no dump bitch".I said "Why
are you calling me that name?
I did nothing wrong and don't deserve to
be called bitch(I call that myself when
I'm not myself get it not even freind
call me that if they do it's joke but
her it was mean mean as hell) when
I'm no"t."What ever". Was her reply.She
slamed my door.I started weeping
again.James came out and wrapped his
arm around my waist said "I'm sorry that
she called you you didn't
like.I wouldn't do that to you.I'm sorry that
I called you dump human on school last
time.I was angry at myself.Wasn't good to
take my anger out on you".
"It's okay".
I said."So your not going to sleep
tonight".James said with a laugh but didn't
match with his blue dazzling eyes."So
your going?".It hurted so bad so
horrible.The person who you loved is
going but you don't quite get the reason
why.It's sometimes hard to fell in love with
someone who's different from you.Like
James.He is s Vampire and I'm human girl.I
won't say I'm drop-dead gorgeous,but if
James a vampire guy dated me any body
could but I wasn't ready.I will always wait
James even if his gone for 2
least he'll maybe be back and I'll with him
for ever.That's my hope.Ooohmygosh I
wonder how life would be when James is
gone that would be a challenge.I could
feel his breeze on my neck and he kissed
me on the neck.I said
"I sometimes wonder if my mom doesn't
like she wants to kill me or to
harm me she makes me feel sad and sorry
for my life(an with ou gone James it's
gonna get started ohboycould jsut see
how life is going to look like road
ahead)".James just said "It's okay don't
worry".He picked me and put me on the
bed and he layed down with me.I still was
sobbing little but I didn't want him to
notice it.I put my head on his chest tears
dripping I probably made his T'shirt
wet.He didn't mind it.He kissed me and I
went to sleep.
"Will you always love me?"."Forever my
soul will always be yours and........maybe
yours will be mine forever and
ever"."Don't leave than"."I wish I couldn't
but I have to"."I'll miss you so much I'll do
anything not to hurt myself......I
promise.Just come back as soon as
your done!".
"Thanks for not trying to do something
stupid.I'll miss you much more.I love you.
"Me too"."I know". His said with a soft
laught the shock the bed.I struggled to
move from his break but finally did and
gave him a kiss.He kissed me back.That
was the last kiss before I fell on
sleeping.He was gone.Way far gone.That's
all I could remember.

Dead?Return?Change?little fight?Wife
Consciene hello!HElp me I said.Ugh stupid

When I woke in the morning he was

gone alright.My vampire soul mate was
gone,was vanished out of sight!Will he
ever come back?What did he mean by
'you'll understand what I mean by
tomorrow night or the next night or
the other'. That was mystery to find.I
have no friends I never talked to Jennifer
since I was dating James.But I see her at
school and we say hi to each other.If I did
she would ask me alot of question. I didn't
care about my mom that much.
She became alcoholic and depressed.I
though if I became like that I would kill
myself.But James will never forgive
himself neither should I.One day my mom
was wishing cursing and saying every
word she could ever think of.I no longer
cared about my life I just wanted to die.
James was gone and nothing happen
maybe it'll happen tonight.I think James
left me because I 'm not cute enough.He
probably didn't love me,not interested in
me,gone forever or gone for good.I
wouldn't know which one would be true
but I knew this James was gone.Not here
with me.I'm alone with my lazy mom.
He probaby left to find another girl over
me! That could be possible but him.He would not do that to
me. That's what I hope at least.I missed
his red soft cold lip on mine. I missed
everything about him.I wouldn't know the
answeres to my question but maybe today
tonight it might happen.
The great times we had together. The
undescribable events that I did with him
still frames in my mind.I thought about
stealing my or still former Miss popular
Jennifer boyfriends but that won't make
any difference and beside he wouldn't be
interested in me.He is Mr.popular.
Who care in high school anything is
possible.I was living in a pain with no
love.Pain with loneliness.It felt like my life
was ruled with pain,sorrow.I missed his
cold body on mine.Pain of friends long
gone and unforgotten.
I went to school and saw jennifer standing
with David.
"Hey Jen". I said
"Hi Ash wat's up?"
"Everything girl I don't know what to do
with my life but die". I said
"What's wrong,....heart broken or what?"
"Yahh heart broken.... but not exactly."
"So can tell me if you want"
"Okay but you won't believe me or even
say another word but just say you are
such a big lier(I wasn't going to tell her
that james was a vampire..but if I have to
Than I shall)"
David said"Ya'll want me to leave or
listen".Dah leave
"You might want to leave".Said jennifer
and gave him a sweat kiss
I wanted to do that to James but he-He is
gone for now.
"Bye baby". Jennifer said
We walk and sat on the stair hope no was
listening to us.
I said "First is first I know probably I should
have told you this before but I didn't
because you were hanging out with
David to much"
Jennifer."I know but you can tell me now"
"You have to promise me that you won't
tell anybody". I said with a grin
"Swear". She said
"Here goes I'm dating James.....James
"OMG you -you are dating one of the most
cutiest guy in this school and why are you
saying that your heartbroken!
Mygoodness You should be the happiest
girl in this school girl cheer up! Jennifer
said with much,much excitment than me.
"I know". I said with a little sob..."but he
left me,he left me.I have no idea I just
dunno what to do now".
Jenn"Did he leave you because of what.Is
he the typeof guy that wants to break you
virginity?I could half agree with him just
go with the flow girl"
"That's the problem I have no idea ....he
just said you'll find out tonight or the night
after an so on.Sex well that's not the
problem not that I had done it or anything
but it's not the problem he seems more
old fashioned in a way".
"Okay don't worry honey.....he'll be back
and you'll be together like me and David".
She said
She put her hand around me just like
James used to do...oh gash I missed him....
I missed him so much.
Jennifer said" Is he a good bad kisser?
I said "No his the greatiest wait sexiest
hottiest kisser ever...ever and ever I even
swimed with him.His abs or so,so like
million times sexy"(Talking about him kida
made me feel good and having someone
to talk to that understand not like my
Jenn"He sound great a really great boy
and sexy.But don't worry he'll come and if
he dosen't we'll beat his ass".She teased
"Yaah".I said and smiled at my friend.
"Thank I said I feel a lot more
better.Vampire guy"!I gave her a huge
and the bell rang.Heeeeuuuu.
Jennifer said ."Vampire guy.Now your
breeeping me out.Vampire the last time I
hard about them was when I was in
seventh grade.Long time ago.No problem
you can call if you want but I lost my cell
phone,well I'm grouded and I can't use
it,and can't pay the bill I guess I'll see
around.!Bye Ashley"
"Bye". Jenn I said with a smile!
Agony ripped through me with the
memory of his pale cute
handsome,supernatural face.Just
remembering it.It has been so long since
he was gone.
It has been 4 months.4!!!Four FUcking
SHitty MoNtHs!!!!!
I am alone.Every second,minutes I miss
him with pain on my mind.He'll never be
forgotton no matter what.Everyday when I
think about him and his not here I wish I
could die.I want him back...back on my
side on mine lips.I never thought it will be
this painful,sorrowfull.When the person
whom you love it far away from you.
He could be died but I don't know.For now
all I know is that I'm in pain... for him.Feels
likes I'm in hell,in pain, and love pain for
James.I sit by myslef my knees buckled
under me,sobs building on my
eyes,throat.Time moves one but
sometimes you feel like it should stay the
same no change.When ever I wake up I
feel sad I can't belive that I made to the
other day.It seemed that time passed
really fast,but I had a lot of head aches
and felt like I was beat up.
Times was passing unevenly in strange
and dragging but it passed.My mined
couldn't work clear,past the fear of
anything.What ever was next.I just missed
James icy marble skin.
I came home crumled heart broken.He
made me fell,happy,joyfull when he was
When he kissed me it took my breath
away from me.I would do anything in the
world to have him back here with me in
my arms...but I also think if I do that will
he do that same thing again and again.
My heart will get hurt over and over
again.Hope he feels the same way I do if
he dosen't....I'll still remember the good
times the memories that we have shared
with passion we had and it'll never fade
I'll always love him forever.My love grows
for him everyday,every second,hour,when
ever the clock ticks-I love him more and
more.My feelings for James will never
change.I need someone to save me from
the misery,my sleepless nights,the
pain,heart broken,and half lost soul.I don't
know what to do without him anymore but
kill my self.I don't want to break the
promise I made.
I am so lost without him.
My love was real.No joke.If I were James I
would never put the girl that I love in pain
make her cry never but he made me
cry....their outa to be a nice reason for all
If he comes back.The wish I could make is
that James would come back for me,
and tonight not make me cry but happy,no
more dissapointment.All I need tonight is
his touch.My heart is gone torn apart.Feels
like no one no longer loves me.I'm heart
broken.Even if I try to forget him which I
Heartbroken.I want to leave this world
close my eyes to sleep and make my heart
stop beating right at the moment.
I tried not to think of the sound of his
voice but it make it worse.The heart loving
cold breath I could feel in my face.I hatted
when the wind blows and hits my face it
reminds me of his cold breeze on my face
when his not there.
I wanted my heart stop feeling the
pain.The suffering and all that when your
heart broken. Red were the color of my
eyes the night he left when I cried.My
heart was black stricked with thunder the
night he left me behinds with no
informations,explanation.Wanting to
screame to ripe my heart out.
Will I always say regret what I go for and
say we tried and make the time as a mark
of love.Tonight maybe the night that I
would understand.Their was only one or
two suggestion like he liked me or not or
their was something
comming that he wanted himself not
invovled.As usual I did my nightly routine.I
still wait for him at night like his going to
show up.What ever happens I still believe
hope he loves me and will be back for
me.It's like when your in love their is
nothing that could change your mind.If
you love the boy or girl for life.When
gone it make you
sleepless,dreamless,can't concentrate but
just thinking about them.But when he was
here,You forget to breath.
I have not seen my mom all day.I was
laying on my bed can't sleep.I wished I
could call James.We both had no cell
phone.I closed my eyes for couple
minutes..Than suddenly I hard a sound a
screame and human being cannot or it's
impossible for human to scream that loud.
I quietly walked-No body would notice that
I was walking on the hallway.I got down
strairs really becuase I thought it was my
mom or it I could be J.....J.....James.
I was forgetting about him. But if I saw
him my heart will love him like never
before.I got skinny over the day,weeks
and weeks he had been gone(If I felt all
these pain...James must or is my lost boy
over the weeks I got no flashbacks,no
memory,not even my sweat dreams
nothing but all boring me).I saw my
mother screaming in pain and Saying "Get
out Ashley run or you'll be like me which I
want you to be but not this way not
nooow!!Your a dump bitch just get out of
here".I did't understand what or why she
was saying that but I stayed their to help
her because if I was in pain she would not
leave me even whe she said dump bitch to
me several times.I though my mom was
Than I thought well maybe I should listen
to her and get out here!I saw a huge
blacked bumped shaped in my basement
and it was my mom.It was enormous-like a
horse but more stronger,muscular.It made
a long howl sound.She was screaming in
pain the next thing I know that my
mom my own mom turned into fur I mean
wolf,hairy, shh..shh...she was a werewolf
mom!What the fuck is going on here I
screamed and said
"G..Gaaaaaaasssssshhhh" after couple
secs!!I didn't even know if women turn in
to werewolf. She looked so ugly really ugly
like that.But what I knew that this was
what James was talking about that my
mother was a werewolf.I just hoped he
had told me that sarah was a werewolf.
I'd never thought this but only
in t.v I fainted forward. I didn't know what
happen it seemed
that I only fainted for 4 to 6 minutes.When
I woke up their was nobody in my room.I
didn't know who brought me into my
room.I thought was I going to die right
now?I remember when Sarah said that
she is dangerous to me at
night.Well I though she wouldn't hurt or
would she?I thought I was dreaming again
but I wasn't this thing is happening to me
in-My life-in my life it was hell
happening!!!Than I thought
that maybe why James left me because
my mother was a werewolf. Vamps and
werepeep can't get along.That's just my
theory.I wanted to die .I can't live with this
pain no more.I can't take it.I just wanted
to die......let Sarah rip me apart and don't
have to worry about anything.Either rest
in peace on die hard and get
in hell!I just can't belive that Sarah is a
werepep and she was my
mother.Wooooooooow!!!.I wanted to find
out whose downstairs.This time I didn't go
fast.I grabbed their was a baseball bat in
sarah room and she wasn't there.
I went down stair ready to die!But I wasn't
walking quite I was walking fast and
making sound while I walked.Today was
my last day to live.I wantd to die,die
hard.I'm dead serious as hell.I hate the
way I live my
life!I really doooo!It happend so fast,so
quick that I didn't even know a lot of
James family.His has been gone for a long
time.Instead of getting another boy I
would rather die.Okay here I go down
stairs.I wanted to turn on the light but
than suddenly someone jumped on me.It
wasn't my mother is was....Debbie.She
wasn't supposed to bother me!!"Debbie".
"Well it's good to see you Abigail".I didn't
say anything because I was half panicked
and afraid.I looked around to see if their is
a way around for me but it was No Way
out.I was trapped.If I run she would catch
me really fast.If I crawl she may get on
my back.She than said"I knew you were
going to come here and look for your
How the hell does she know that my
mother was a werewolf!? I wanted to say
"How do you know that my mother is a
werewolf"...before I could speak she
grabbed my throat.She was choking
my.She leaned and putted her mouth on
my neck.I thought it was all over untill
someone or should I say....'Jaammmes'
my vampire soul mate he was their in my
basement and he came to save me. My
knight of night hero is what I would call
him from know on if he saves me again.
Wow wait again?I meant never ahhhh just
forget about it.James pushed Debbie from
and,and his eyes were wide and angry and
his eyes were not dazzling but red
only.And he shouted at me not in a mean
way but for stafety and said"Get to your
room know and lock your door Ashley
Than Debbie throwed him to the ground
but got up real quickly before she took
advanage of him. She was showing no
mercy to James I wanted to help him(if I
had the strengh to) but I was ordered to
go to my room from James.
He was like my mother.Hell, hell she was
stronger than me.I ran upstair and it felt
like I was walking for many houres when it
only took me 1 minuets.I locked my door
and slamed it really hard when I faced the
window their was tall muscular man
grabbed me and said
"Shut up or you die".He was tall but no
masked.If that was the masked dude I
would just surrender.Thank god he had no
sword with him.If he did than I didn't see
it.I tried to slap him to break free but
couldn't.It was terrifying.And he was
million times superstronger than me. I am
just a weak human British girl.
I thought it was a movie that I was as
watching but no it was happening for real.I
just dunno how to explain it's just
horrible.It felt like my whole body has
been squeezed into a tiny ball that you
could hardly see.My Brain felt like it was
falling apart,like when a tall building is
I wanted to take a really great look at the
masked vamp but couldn't.Let's says if I
don't die and the tall man could sit by me
and I wouldn't know him.I couldn't answer
it because he was choking me and bent
and bite me it happen
so so so so million, trillion times so fast
that I wasn't excepting it at all in my live.
Never did.It felt like he was drinking my
blood like water he couldn't stop just
going and going.Till I fell on the ground.I
wanted to scream but the air rushed
threw me without making a sound.But
wanted to become a vampire.
Not this fast though I wanted on my own
paste my choice.This time I had no choice
but it was the tall man choice.I wantd to
breath but what I only sucked was my
blood.My nose was bleeding my
mouth.The pain
have never experiencend anything like
that in my life.
I had no idea he was going to be in my
room and I didn't even know his
name.James brook the door and yelled
"Nooooooo!This can't be happining not to
her no this can't be.She'
wife.Don't go now".I thought I was die but
I could hear his voice clear.I wanted to
answer it more than anything.Ask him
what he meant by I was 'his wife!Whoa
that's a news......the greatest news I have
every hard in my life and also the pain I
have ever felt.
He said my wife in a low soft pained
voice.My heart was trumbling.I was
wishing why did I had to die when James
came.I was feeling my pain.Pain over
here,over my mind,over my soul.It felt like
someone was bitting me again and
again.This death would be a sharp pain to
my heart.The painful death.
I thought this would be farewll to the
world.Enter a new world.My heart stoped
beating.Pain in every where in my life.That
how it felt.I couldn't breath it was hard for
me to.The angel.I was just wanted a
second chance in life..When I hard the
voice "No don't go Ash...please don't not
all after these years I have been looking
for you and now I finally got you,found
you and your....your gone,vanished".It was
James but I was gone vanished like he said
when he was leaving me.Those word were
in my head till.My eyes opened to a white
bright room.It looked so familiar.This was
when happiness doesn't work.It was a pain
like a trapped freezing rain and blazing
I was laying in a uneven bent bed.The
pillows were flat.Their was too many
things on my arm.I hated the beeping
sound it made.I was looking around and
saw boy way sitting on a chair right next
to me and I was laying on the................
hospital bed.I knew than I was not dead.I
share my life with James...forever if I make
it out of this bed. It was James my vampire
soul-mate he was with me.I wanted to said
something but just opened my mouth and
said nothing ,but just breath came out
from me.James said Shhhh."It okay I'm
here.I Love you". I wanted to say I love
you too,I always did and always will no
matter what.After
mintue later I said. " I remember
everything". He really was my husband
from centuries when we got in a
accident,the car accident.The memory of
pain.I lost my memory since than.I
remember everything.I was the one that
asked James to a car race he really didn't
want to but he also didn't want me to be
upset.We like more than 199 miles per
hour.Our two cars crashed in to each
other.Our two cars roaring.
The wheel was spining that made a smoke
come out.It was all foggy.But it was not
icy.We-were alive which was
amazing.Since than I lost my memory and
James did to.I can't believe that I was
seeing him and couldn't notice that he
was the boy.....the lost boy.
He was the Angle of vampire love.The
angle that I have been looking for.The
vampire I have found long time ago but it
was a turinng angle for him and me.
But now we found each other and we'll
stay togethere for ever and ever..course
when I get up.But I still don't rememeber
who my partents were and wasn't clearly
sure if James was really married to me.I
wished I could have told Jennifer but I
couldn't she would faint and die right at
that moment.She haven't
even hard the word vampire since seventh
grade.I was doing this all in my mind.So
glad to see James righ here with me!!!
He smiled at me and kissed me on the
cheek.I was so happy to feel thoses lips on
my body.I missed it.A doctor no ya a
doctor Dr. Jeff James father came and
checked me he said "How are you feeling
Ms.Ab-Ray".I didn't want to say I was in
pain than I'll get the shots which I hate it.I
said "I'm feeling great".I hard James
chuckled and said "Afraid of needles".He
whisphered and I whispered back "Noo".
But I really was. I hate them so bad.But
Dr.Jeff didn't really care so just gave me
the needle.Than I fell back to sleep.I hard
my voice when I said I love you to James
after his step-dad left and it sounded so
cute I loved myslef.I smiled at James and
my eyes were closed shut.My dreams
were coming but not good I was dreaming
that I was going to kill my mother I had
to,in order to save my vampire family or
we all
die(Jacob,rosa,jeff,kate,james and me
ashley).My mother had other people
werewolf their was 3 of them my mom
was the leader.I was the one who had to
kill her my own mother. I had to see her
die in my own eye killed by my own
hands.I only had my mom.My dad die long
time ago. I only have seen him in pictures
but not in real life.He almost looks like
( they really are alike like brother and
brother but that was just my theory).But
somehow I felt like my dad was alive in my
heart.I was sleeping on a bed my hair
messy and wearing my P.J. I got it. It was
James room.Why was I not in my room,my
house with my 'weremama' house.
But what was I doing here with him
course his my boyfriend but it felt like I
was sleeping here which I did. I just
gasped.I thought I was alone but I wasn't
james was coming inside the.Something
must have happend today,night which
ever it is.We tried wish I could have told
you.I don't remember it clearly.Sorry but
maybe next time.........................
...............................when we try.Ha.Jame
was smiling.No it didn't happen I con't just
break my virginity not knowing it he won't
do that to me sides I'm not naked though
he could dress me up with vampire shitty
power wow.And said "20 seconds". Came
in bottle filled with..........with blood.My
food from know on I guested.He gave me
a bottle and toke the other one for
himself.I drank it all too I was thirsty for
more but I thought I would throw up. So
didn't bother it at all.We both were done I
kissed him and than............I stoped.He
was suprised.I asked him "What time is
He said"7".
I was still laying on the bed.I didn't want to
move.I whispered ."No no it can't be
happening not this fast.What about my old
life?Only one bite changed everything! I
can't believe it".James said."I'll explain
everything to you just calm down.You'll be
suprised and shocked.Weird".Long silence
he butt in.
saying "What are you talking about I
thought you wanted to be a vampire and
you are one right know but why
complaining?"."That's not what I mean". I
said but before I could finish my stomach
growled when I was human.It
reminded me of my mother Sarah when
she turned in to a werewolf.My heart
trumbled.Am I still human? I'm
confused.Than I felt my muscule every
were in my body was sooo sore.Not only
growled once but twice. James said "I
sucked the venom out of you beacuse I
didn't want you to leave your normal
human well half human life.
You have fun when your human but once
you're a vampire you won't have that
many fun.You will know what loneliness is,
but you have to find it deep inside you.My
parten dead more than 400 years ago.
(Sorry I said but he didn't answer just
nodded his head once with really dark red
eyes.He was maybe sad I said that)
Spanish influenza.I wanted to save them
but their was nothing
I could do to save them.I gave up on life
when they die.I always though I would the good guy.But when I grew
up I couldn't control my thrist for blood.
I have murded many people.....killed
them.I always was with you in Las
Vegas.Than when you moved to Chicago I
came to your house evevryday listened in
to you dream.
You are not an human...exactly.I know
your true identity.You really talk when you
are sleeping.Maybe give out too much
weird information.Con't be FBI for that.It's
sometimes fascinating hearing your sleep

Explanation!DREAM! Real Parents?

MYMYGOD.Fairy tale baby fairy tale!!!!)

I know what you really are you?"What

am I than". I said with a interested
voice.James "Deep inside.............You
were born in human form but not human".
I repeated "What am I than please James
tell me please"."Half human you have the
style,eat like a human,garlic doesn't
bother you that much as to me right"?I
said "Right".James continued and said
"You are really vampire. Your mother is
not Mrs. Sarah".
"Whaaaat!?".I said it with a little fear.
"That's impossible. She is my mom what
the hell are you talking about James.I
have been with her all my live".Jame "You
real parents are both alive and are going
to be here in 20 minutes and you are
going to meet.Just relaxs and wait for 20
minuets to really met you real parent".I
asked him
"Are you really serious that Sarah is not
my mother?"Yes I'm seirous as hell Abigial
.I wanted to find your real parent you told
this in one of your dream but you don't
remember it was a long time ago.Before I
even met you in this school.Just be patient
and relaxes.
Breakfast-In the kitchen.Get dressed and
be ready to met your momie and
daddy".Okay I said with a smiled and
kissed him.
I was really excited to meet my
real...real...real parents.Someone knocked
the door.James quick kissed.I said "I'm
gonna pee on myself just beacause
nervous.Oh god.Ohgod.I con't beli-".James
said "Don't worry you'll be fine.Try not to
faint please.Or you'll give me a heart
attack".Heart attack?
Him his heart doesn't beat most of the
time but sure I'll try not to faint.James got
the door.I couldn't believe who my real
parents were.My parents were....were
Kate and Jeff were my parents.
James step parent are my real parents.I
was shocked.James parents are dead.So
he was adpoted parent.I didn't
know where to start.I said "Hi Kate and
Docter Jeff".Kate and Jeff chuckled and
both said "You have really grown up
honey".Yes Kate.......Jeff.
I asked them Why did they left me with
Sarah and she told me that my dad dead.
(Remember when I said that I felt like my
dad was not dead I was right and
remember when I said that jeff was like
my father).For heavens peter.My dad Jeff
said "The reason we left is
were human first you were adopted by
her.... Sarah.We gave you to her.When we
blooded you but only half of the venom
transferred to your body. The case you are
half vampire and you have grown up these
couple three years.We are so sorry that
you had to live with her.We really are.It
was going to be dangerous for you to stay
with us....we could have killed you.Your
mother didn't
want that to happen.
When your mother an I want one trip,you
and James got in a accident that you
dared him to do.Ya'll lost your memory.I
can't believe you didn't know each other.
You could have but maybe your vampire
sense of smell hasn't captured it yet.Soon
it should.You were married just like Rosa
and Jacob".I cut him off and said."I was
married ....but where is my ring...the ring-
wedding?Where did I go for my
honeymoon?What did I do for my
wedding? How many people came? What
kida of dress did I wear"?James was
laughing soft behind me.My parents were
chuckling to.Than they stopped.I said "Can
you answer my question I really don't
believe you are my real parents".I could
but it's so hard to.How could they be?It's
just impossible but could be captured
sooner or later.My mom stepped
forward."I can believe that your my real
daughter and Jeff is your real dad.I don't
know if you were having flashback.If you
didn't than you'll soon"."Yes I was having
those flashing things.Creep me out beside
some are great". I said.She smiled."We
can take blood test if you want".
She added after a minutes of silence.I
should believe them."You didn't answer
my question about my wedding with
James".My mom said "Sarah is a werewolf
and we didn't want you to stay with
her....James is your husband you'll get
remarry or married if you like and you'll
live happily ever after.You could have a
party".I was excited for my wedding and
said "Do I still have to go to school.I mean
I could but I don't want to.But if you guys
want me to go
I could go.But I would love not to go to
Roosevelt High.Not that I hate school-I do
though it's just that I don't want to go
since I'm vampire-Right?-I mean you're
the parent now so now you get to choose
my choice thing?
"Not if you want to.But it would be great if
you would but it wouldn't really
matter.You have been to school enough
for years and centuries over and over
"Sweet.No school.What other life would I
wish for.....But this.Heaven on earth.I FEEL
LIKE IN HEAVEN ". I said it out loud that
she joined me.James was holding me
around the waist.I was happy for like
Bella and Edward.But she faced battle
almost.I didn't yet but it might come.Hope
not after my wedd or during that will suck
really bad.I would hate it.Whom ever
makes a mess in my wedd like fight or
does something stupid I would kick them
out I want this to be the most memorable
day in my life.In my life.Than I asked my
"Who would me my wedding planner"?She
relpied with excitemeant and almost
shouted "Rosa".I was so,so happy I could
know more about Rosa she loves to dance
walk with her husband Jacob.I dreamed of
this day when I had the dream that I was
going to marry James.Know I'm
vampire/human.James is vampire.He
wouldn't hurt me,kill me I would be with
him for the rest of my life.So James was
right that I was his lost girl.I just can't
belive I didn't notice him right away but I
was always curious.Rosa
"I'm so happy to plan your wedding
sis.We'll have a lot of fun together.Your
wedding song
will be great we will play 3 great songs
that makes people cry and really know the
true meaing of love. Okay sis?".I said
"okay".I couldn't wait for the biggest day
in my life.I was going to marry my knights
of night hero how sweet.
Dream girl!Dreams do come true if you
truely believe in them with no dout.I had
the biggest wedding cake you could ever
imagine."Okay Ashley are you ready
James it outside waiting for you"."Yaa I'm
ready Rose.Just nervous"."Don't be you
look sexy hot for James".You already got
the minister?
"Yah girl let's go now.People are waiting".
The piano started slowly I walked done the
long stairs.Their was my James.Standing
there with his black 2 button tuxsedo
extra fine wool high twisted
wrinkled.Beautiful size and the perfect
body.With a black robin.It showed
his pale skin so good.He reached my hand
held both of my hand.We toke our
volas."Yes I do" said James smiling at me.I
thinking I was crying.....for joy of
course."Yes I do forever". I said with smile
on my face just like James did to me."I
now pronounce you Husband and wife.You
make kiss the bride".The minister was
nice.Jame bent and kissed me I had to
reach on my toe.His a bit little taller not
that tall though.
I ain't that short at all.I kissed him back I
almost forgot their were people their.I
wrapped my hand around his neck and
really kissed him.We hard the crowd
cheer....than he pulled he face away from
mine and chuckled really soft.The crowd
throwing flowers.I threw my boutique to
Jennifer and James threw it at
David.They'll get married someday.They
should that's their luck.I can't believe I'm
getting married at
age 18 and James 19.But I have to ask him
if half vampes could age.I'm a half vamp.I
don't want to grow up get old and their my
handsome husband will stay young in his
teens for ever.I would rather be full Vam
then half.No no no.We are really
young.College is maybe out of the list.No
not maybe really out of the list.Or not.Will
just have to see it.
My wedding dress was so Fantasic.I had
two beautiful wedding cakes.My wedding
was great I loved it.Jennifer and David
were came to.Jenn said "I'm so happy for
you girl but how are you going to come to
I said "I won't be comming but I'll see ya'll
around.I'll visit sometimes if I have a
chance.I won't forget about you guys.I
promise friends for ever(Forver untill she
dies and I get to see them but me alive
forever)David just said "Congratulation
Ashley will miss you at school.Thanks for
the flower thing J-James"."Pleasure". Jame
and nodded his head.I danced with David.
I danced with James we kissed.I forgot to
dance with Jacob.While me and James
were dancing Jacob came over and
said"You know I can dance with her since
she my lil sis may I have this dance bro
c'mon you'll have plenty of time togehter
after today or what ever..and have kissc
kissc time later when the party is over".I
giggled.James said "Not for long make it
fast".And added with a soft mocking
laught.Jacob said "I'll really try to make it
fast..but I will take my time.
Welcome to the family clan.I'm just going
to tell you-That you'll hate me and you'll
see what I mean by that after this"."Well
I'll try to ignor you jokes"."You might not
be able though.They could be really bad
and private.You had my warning don't cry
now"."I wouldn't cry unless it's
painful.Painfull.But otherwise I'm
ready".While we were dancing I
spotted.....Sarah..the werewolf woman
who was my adopted parents.Jacob just let
go of me and went somewhere.When I
turned around Jacob nor james were
there!Crap I said with a hiss.I looked
around and didn't saw any of my
family.Sarah was rushing
threw the the crowds.
My wedding was not the way I planned it.
I didn't want sarah here.What could she
possibly be thinking of?Why would she be
the one who was going to ruin my time,my
paste the biggest day?It can only happen
one time in my life but for me it was two
already know three I couldn't let that
happen.Sarah was standing right in front
of me I wanted to yell James but wasn't
around.Was this the dream that I had to
kill sarah my old mother during my day?
Sarah smiled politely and said "Good to
see you Ashley Ray.Or Mrs.Adam.You
know the truth now"."What are you doing
here-I could hurt you know! You only said
your my dad dead and you are my
mom.You are a lier.I have my own mom
and dad.
"Where are they right now if they are your
real parents".I didn't want to back
down.Showed my fangs.She gasped."How
dare you betrayed me I this close making
you like me fainted and your
parents cames to rescue you." I was
suprised that my mom and dad were the
one's who put me in my room.They really
are my parents.I took one step back.
Sarah"I know how I can hurt you". "What"?
I said with no hesitation.She took her out
from her pockets and she had and garlic
on her hand.I just said "that doesn't hurt
me.Half vampire doesn't hurt that.Haven't
read you jold tales stories that well.You
might need to re-check it.Fast as you can
Sarah Paul!".She took mirror but she could
see me from it."Don't give me Paul in my
name.Lillian is my middle name.You are
just dump bitch like I said when I was
drunk,and when I wasn' suck you
know that".
I wanted to jump on her with my
wedding dress but that will attract the
crowds and run away I didn't want that on
my biggest day.Everybody eating cakes
enjoying themselves.The light so dim and
great.Laughter. "What do you want? Why
did you came here?
Sarah said "Tell your family for battle
including you".
I said "No they didn't bite".Me because I
remember James saying that they would
get in trouble if they blooded human.They
would break the rule between....the
...werewolf but it was only Sarah who else
could their be."No they didn't bite me I
was born with human form. I really am a
vampire that my true identity..and I'm
special I can eat like human,have human
and on the outside I....pretend I'm a
human that's what James told me you
have to belive me Sarah".Her forhead
frowed and said"What ever just tell your
family that we are having a battle 1 week
from tonight.
Your the main person for this battle.So it
would on Friday from tonight get ready
and get prepared.It's going to be you an I
no one else or it will not be a fair fight
bring a sword that's all you'll need and she
blew me a dirty kiss.
I was shaking and sweating like a
pig.Sarah was gone and we were going to
met her on friday. For battle.I was
included and was the main person for the
battle.I quickly went upstair people.I got to
James room and they weren't their.I was
walking quickly walked to Rosa room and
they were all their but Jacob and my dad
Jeff weren't.It was James,my mom,
I was panicked to say anything but ask
them something .
"Where is dad and Jacob where are they"?
James eye were blue as ever.So velvet as
he spoke.
"Don't worry they on their hunting trip".
"No! I just had a talk with Sarah and she
want a battle with
she wants to fight me not you guys.What
should I do?".
I asked worried for my safety and since
know I knew that I was vampire it was
even more pressure for me.James shouted
I tried to clam him down but his blue eyes
were no longer shining in the light.Rosa
said "I'll train you if is not with hands".
James was no longer waiting for me to met
his gaze he does the opposite if I look at
him he looks away.His eyes no longer
dazzling.Worried about me.
I had to start training with Rosa.She
teachs me a lot of moves.Like when I'm on
the ground I have to get up really fast or
stuck the sword into the person.
"If the person is on the ground don't jump
on them or they'll move and you'll stuck
your sword on the ground and it will be a
while until you take it from the
ground.Don't give her the chance....but
you'll probably get some scars but not too
many and try not to get many
or you'll lose a lot of blood and you'll be
like James! Rosa said.James never came to
my practice.I didn't really care I would
understand why he wouldn't come.I asked
Rosa like what she meant by you'll
became like James?
Rosa said "I might get in trouble if I tell
but I trust you and you won't tell him I told
you this".I said "I promise"
(Oh god I'm not a great secret
keeper)Rosa said-"James was one of the
most blood,killer,murder in history in our
family.James had killed over 2000
humans.More.When his paretns die Jeff
and Kate found him in a small house and
Kate turned him into Vamp.
He was a newborn.He at night he sneaks
out and kills human and sucks their blood
he did that almost every night and day.It
has been in the newspapper for many
many times saying blah blah dies today
and it's not any
kind of murder it like someone has drunk
from their blood.He couldn't controll
himself.Even know Kate and Jeff don't
even know about it right now.I saw him
one night sneaking out and he said to me
If I tell kate and Jeff he would kill himself
he can't help it.He has once been cought
but he killed the police he told me.
And once cough drinking so was Jacob
that's before I meet them.And another
time for driving,drinking,and suspicious of
killing two girl that they hung out with
weeks ago.Which they killed but denied an
killed the officers.So yeah.
I didn't want that to happen and that was
before I meant Jacob and you weren't
even in Vegas yet and he didn't meet you.
James doen't like battle that why he
shouted 'No'.He lived in a bloody
world.He'll never for give himslef for killing
all those people.Human blood for him is
like......everything.It tastes great I even
did it once but only 10 than stopped.Only
ten.Though that's a lot.James had a rough
history and faced a lot.He doesn't like
people to know about his Monster
side.Please don't tell him or he'll...or he'll
die kill himself"."Woow". I said and I added
"I swear I won't tell him or even give him
sign".I said to Rosa "I only have one more
day ha?"."Yup". she said "and I think you
have it all and take no chances
of...dieing.Just concentrate and watch your
moves and hers".

Farewell! Battle!!! Honeymoon? Near

death!Happily after?

I had one more day left.My dad,mom

Jacob,Rosa and my lovely vampire
husband will not,could not, would not help
me that was the rule of the game,battle.I
though that was the end of me I was
gone.Never seeing my vampire mate.I just
met my real parents but know I was
probably be the one leaving them
hanging.I had to kill Sarah 'were' Paul.The
one that
used to be my fake mother but my deadly
enemy now.I Didn't have enough sleep.I
couldn't sleep.James was just playing with
my hair as we lay on the bed.Than he
finally said "You can kill her.Go to our
honeymoon in Vegas".
I said."Yah". He said and tickled my nose
and I burst out laughing that he joined
in.Than he frowed wrinkled his forhead. No
longer blue dazzling eyes.I asked him
"What's wrong? He sat on the bed and
said "Abigail I can't....I just can't let you
fight with Sarah she's stronger,bigger I
fought werewolf when I was growing up.I
didn't kill him until....he missed the sword
and that's how he die.His swored got stuck
in the ground.
I threw it away from and while he was
trying to get it I stabed him with my silver
sword.It was hell of a long battle.
And I'm not going to lie to you they are
stronger than we are stronger than
me...and how are you going to survive...I
just can't .It was bloody war.What was the
worst was when he died.I could smell his
human 'were' pure blood.It smelled so
good I couldn't stop smelling it.
He was dead.All I was thinking about was
sucking his blood.I didn't want to do it but
I couldn't help myself.I was weak.When it
comes for drinking blood my whole mind it
set on it to do it no matter what I try to
convince myself with.The next thing I
know is I was feeding from him.Since than
I was a killer.A killer.Became blood thirst
Vampire.I sneak at night a kill people
during the dark time when they come
from work or where ever.Everday their
was something in the newspaper about
people being killed....disapearing.I wanted
to be the
good guy......but I was not superhero.The
bad guy I was and still half am.Not even
close.Kind feels great telling.Hm.
I met you a day at the park.You were
wearing red short dress and a black
jeans under it.Wearing your tennis
shoe.You looked so amazing.When I
looked at you passing you stared back and
blinking a lot of times.I never broke my
gaze from you.That day it felt like their
was light in my heart.It felt like I was in
Thought I prefer hell.When I saw you my
heart felt like it glowed.Each breath
I took and saw your face and your eyes
made it like I took thousands of breath at
the same time.It felt like I was shown to a
whole new universe.You toched my
soul.Though I think I have no soul.But for
once it felt like I had a
..... soul..... for you.No more darkness.Out
of the you said at
school.From that day on I loved you just
by looking at you.I don't know what what
made me feel so drawn of you.I never
knew I would find someone like you.
I'll never let you go again.I couldn't do my
work when I was away from you.
I never ment to hurt you.Will you forgive
"Yes no hard feeling just don't leave me
"Never I promise I won't leave.I won't.You
were the best think that ever happend in
my existence.Than you taught me how to
be me.No more killing.You were the
peace of my life.As long as we stay
together I have everything I need.
You are always with me.Either it's
memeory,moments we share, and your
smile.Your my love always will and will
never change.Always.If it wasn't for you I
would have never stopped killing.You
saved me from that.
You taught me how to controll my thirst
and not be a slaying killer Vampire.
I really Thank you for that.The day of our
wedding was the greatiest day ever till the
werewolf I thought I killed showed up.It
was a shock he did nothing.Just left the
Since than I never saw him.But I know his
alive somewhere.And he is going to attack
one day with group of his kind.That will be
a bloody war.It will be devastating.Like
your living a nightmare that you can't
wake up from.Feels like your running fast
but you can't you feets won't obey your
orders.If I ever saw I would kill him
myself.Course if their is many I die".
"No you can't say that I will come with you
we'll die together or live together".
"Don't worry I'll I swear I won't leave ever
again.But I don't want you in a battle that
has nothing to do with you either.I don't
want you to die.If I die it's okay you'll find
another person or not.But if you die and
leave me I will never forgive myself.I'll
always regret that day no matter how long
I live.
How long I live.Bet you hard enough of my
stories.The point is werewolf are strong.I
don't want you to fight them...not that
your weak but I don't want you.If I could
trade places with you I would but
I.....can't.I would love to.
But just can't.Don't hurt youself their and
act stupid.Just focus on her she may be
back when you thinkg she's died.Don't
hurt youself please don't.I will always love
you.............even if your long gone.But
don't leave me here alone.I don't want to
be a monster again.Not for another
century.No please".
My husband was a killer but I loved him.He
looked away. I turned to him and
squeezed him will all my might.I was half
scared but had to face my fears and keep
foces.I don't want to leave James here
alone either.I whispered "It's okay I
swear.I promise that I'll kill her with all the
training that Rosa had taught.I know.....I
can do it".My own voice didn't sound
convincing enough for me.But I had to be
I have to.You have nothing no worry about
James. "This battle I'm not going to die
Sarah is". I said with and angry
voice.James chuckled I just wanted him to
do that but than I continued."I'll be with
you for the rest of my life and I wouldn't
still have enough of you."James smiled
and said
"Okay get some rest tomorrow it's
the ......biggest day in your existence".I
complained."But I don't want to sleep this
may be the last time with you so I'll stay
awake untill I feel sleepily"."Okay what
ever you say my love".
James kissed me. I kissed him back that
might be our last kiss,the last time I would
share my life with him.With all these
stories I didn't want to sleep.I didn't want
to got to the battle field but I had to or
else I will live with shame.I have to use the
gut like how I killed that black
masked dude.
The last time I would feel those lips thar
shiver me pressed aganist mine.I still
could see his was face with black fury.I'll
probably never see any of my real family
again.All these flashback I been
having,everydream I had,everything made
sense.I felt tired when I looked at the clock
OMG it was already 7:A.M. It was the day
the day for the battle.I had to face my
fears and focus on my battle with Sarah
'were' Paul.
I looked around my head was one James
chest.James arm were locked around my
waist and the other hand on my
head.When I saw his face their was
everything,pain,unforgiving for
himself,frustrated.Than he looked me with
his red buring eyes I couldn't look away.
He turned to me and kissed me,with
presure, pain,rush,and most of all good
luck,farewell that made me shiver as
always all over my face,hands moving.I
fall on the bed.James said "I'm sorry I
didn't mean that"."It's okay".
I said with a giggle that faded into the
air.I said to James."Today is the day to
battle my old mamah Sarah Lillian
Garcia".She's half Spainish thing.Mexicano
"Yap". James said and grined at me and
chuckled."What". I asked?
"Nothing" he said and pointed at my hair it
was all messy and stuff. My face was like I
was crying.My cheeks were red."I'm not
nervous". I said to James."So your saying
that your not even nervous a bit "."Well
maybe a little".Than I giggle James
chuckled too."Can you help me find what
to wear please". I asked him.He said the
blue shirt and the black jeans .I gave him
and quick soft kiss and said "Thanks"!
I go to the bathroom and took my last
shower.The wall it looked little funny an
wanted to run away from the shower thing
was. I was thinking about the gas
chamber.I thought weird.Drinked my juice
actually 'Blood and juice'.My brother Jacob
"Kick her ass little sis don't let her have a
break or she'll hurt you when she recovers
from the pain don't let her have that
opportunity.Hope you had a pleasent
night last night!".
He said shaking gis head in
greement.Okay maybe little but not much
to get mad at.I just looked around shamed
actually and itched my head for no
reason.He started.I understand what he
ment by that.
At the end he laughted and James and dad
joined him to.Rosa,mom,and I were just
staring at eachother."Kay" I said.Jacob
came and gave me a huge big brother
hug and kissed me on the forhead.Rosa,
she was sobbing as I was but she didn't
have tears dripping from her eyes.She
huged me and kissed me on the cheek
just like the first time I met her.She said
"Be carfull out their don't get yourself
hurt.Follow the moves I thought you"!
I turned to my parents and tears were
dripping from me even faster. I said
"I'm s-sorry to leave you so soon so early
I just am."It's okay sweetie you'll come
back and you'll not leave as again beside
we'll be their with you in the battle
field......we just can't help you".She indeed
was my mom those words melted inside of
me and I wasn't ready to leave them
I huged them both.My dad said"Go out
there and do everything you can we'll
cheer you on.Beside she is not going to be
in her wolf form it'll be easier to....kill her.
She is not that stronge in human form but
you still have to be carfull." I will dad".I will
I said to myself with a whisper.I didn't
want to say bye-or goodbye-see you now
is what I wanted to say James my
husband,my knight of nights hero,he no
longer can help me in this battle can't
save me... but I had to save him I had to
save them
all I had to save myslef in order to
save..them them,them.
My mom and dad,sister brother all left to
the kitchen it was only me and my mate
James.I gave him a huge hug and putted
my head on his cold shivering chest that
felt nice on my skin.He embraced me and,
lifted my head and kissed me the
sweetest,tastiest, wanted more kiss for a
really really long time.
He kissed me wildly.This I call it the two
kiss or more.First this was I'll miss you
kiss.Second it was a pain reliever kiss and
thired please come back kiss.The way he
kissed me I loved it,it was, so sweet,so
warm,soft.This was a kiss that was with
passion and got wild in a good way.It was
the most gentle wildly sweatiest kiss.
His lips went wild......and mine to.Our two
fangs knocking against each other.Their
not that long.I'm just teasing.You can't
even see my or his fangs.Little bet if I
smile wide yes you will see them shining
like star.Curling my fingers into his black
lush hair.I was flattened against his
chest,inhaling sweat,wanting more and
more.He cold body pressed aganist mind
holding me tight like and other man
would do.This was a farewell kiss.I was left
with unshed tears and with a love that will
He was really mine all mine.That was the
kiss of my life.He was so cold and so
alive.More than I could have ever
imagined.I almost felled but kept my
balance as Rosa taught me.
He stopped and looked me with his
creamy vanilla,velvet, dazzling blue
sparkly shining,bright eyes.I was breathing
hard and he was but more even than
mine.I thought I was going to melt right
down their.It felt like he was back to life
not like last night when he had those red
eyes. Heeu.James said
"Be carfull their...I know you can do it ....I
really know you can do it. You are going to
survive and we'll be together forever and
ever".I will James.I kissed him.I hard
the...door bell ring than my head
spined.James said."I'll go get it". "But I'm
not done kissing you. "Okay silly
princess".James said
He bent and kissed me lightly this time to
mine lips.'For the most thing that was
explainable.In his arm and with his soul
affection I have found a brief moment
prefection(S.M)'.I was finished and James
opened the door it was no surprise it was
Sarah'were'paul.I made her middle name
werewolf because she is one with no
lies.No lies at all.
"Good to see you Sarah" James said with
no expresssion on his face.Sarah just said
"Where is your you dump bitch wife.I
have another news for you James
remember when you fought with the other
werewolf guy that you thought you killed
is sure alive and his my husband.He won't
be in this battle but if she killes me you'll
die all of you family".
"Don't you dare even try or ever say that
to my wife again or I'll kill you myself don't
you ever. Don't you ever call that name to
my wife ever.I'm warning you get it
striaght or your dead right now.You are
the dump bitch not har.We are ready for
battle if you want a battle but first you'll
die.Starting from you today.Speak your
last demon words.But shall not destroy us
today nor ever".James said with a angry
expression.His voice was dark.I said "Don't
worry you won't have to hear it again after
today cause your going to die Sarah
'werewolf' Garcia.
Sarah complained and said "Tell your du-."
"Don't even try". James said his necks
reaching for Sarah.I told him to calm down
"It's okay"."No it's not okay".James almost
shouted I had never seen him
dispolite/mean,bad manners to anybody
but today their was another kind of him
another side.The monster side of
him."Okay it's not okay". I said and James
didn't look at me still looking at Sarah.I
pulled him to my side and he wrapped his
arm around my waist tight.
Almost ready to slide me to the other side
and kill Sarah for himself.I almost felt I
couldn't breath but I did. My mom
dad,sister,brother came and we came
outside.I gave them one last glare James
offered his hand to me and I cuddled to his
He kissed my head and lifted my chin and
kissed me one last time.
My heart beat fast not even with his.That
was a pleasure with pressure.Than said
"You can do it we...will be bewildered if
your gone...especially me.Forever my
love".Me too I said and walked away
about.It felt like leaving James.I was
breaking up with him.Every step I took I
looked back to see if my family was
there.Bye I yelled.My heart trembled like a
thunder when I yelled that word.Today I
stepped into a new world old memories to
you farewell.Today I'm in out of the
shade,pain and dismal thoughts farewell.
"Are you ready Abigail Wiliam Ray or
should I call you princess.Mrs. Adam".
Sarah said."I prefer none of that let's get
this over".She offered her hand but I didn't
want to shake it.She tried to stabe with
her swored but missed. I said to her good
try.I cut her hands deep.Blood was
flashing from in she screamed in pain.
"Had enough". I coughted."No" She
shouted and ran to stabe me but......she
cut my stomach a reeaally deep.I'm glad
that what was on my stomach didn't come
out.I screamed pain it was my turn. My
stomach felt like it was shattered in to
pieces.I fell down holding my stomach
where it was bleeding but it was
unstopabble.I screamed in pain again
moaning with pain,agony.This pain was
sharp,cutting pain,feeling unlikely and
other pain that I have faced in my life.The
pain of memories,unforgettable,like
daggers and knives and spears.The pain of
buring fire.The pain of darkness,buring
hell,red as blazing flames.Hot anger and
revenge that you can't resist.Fear of the
vast dimension of eternity.
Felt like hinding behind stones.Word that I
never told bottled up inside me.I kept it in
my head.I wanted to tell him.Which I
should have told them,even though they
know.The pain that went through my
brain,moving slowly.This was a pain to
remember for the rest of life,eternity.This
was both a pain that you can hear and you
can feel,and smell even taste with
flash,splash.The pain that causes me
unbearable.I feared death,fear of
confusion.I feared of panicing.My fear was
should I run away if I could stand.
The fear that I would leave my loved
ones.Sarah had me where she wanted me
to be.I was screaming and saying
ah,ah,ah.My blood wasn't stopping and I
thought vampire could grow their skin
again.But I wasn't a full Vamp.I was half of
Human and half of vamp.She shouted and
yelled to my family, my family and
said"Your daughter is gone and will be
gone in just a few minutes just wait until
you hear her scream and she gone really
gone.I already cut her stomach so their is
not much left of her James.
Your lost girl.....sweetheart is gone for
good and is by me.She going to vanish
away." I hard a sound that shouted
"Noooo"! I knew the voice right away it
was James.I didn't want to leave him.Not
for the second time.I tried to reply it but I
lost track of my blood flowing on the
ground.I wish I wasn't on the the
ground,afraid but truely with no lies I am
afraid,paniced,hurt and missed.I wanted to
tell James and My family that I love them
which they knew but I wanted to say it
again.I didn't know if this was going to be
the ending for me.
I wanted to tell them that I love them right
now but it's ridiculous with and revenge.I
had a flashback it was not the right time. I
had my flash back that if I die James was
going to kill himself...because I would die.I
truly didn't want to belive my flashback.
I thought maybe I really was going to
die.But I wasn't ready.....ready to just go
yet and leave and all the other
behind.While Sarah was shouted I got to
my feet.I couldn't stand clear but I was on
my feet
I wanted to shout to Don't worry James but
couldn't.The sorrow pain I was feeling.I
said "Sarah are you ready to die".When
she said yes and turned around at the
same time, I stuck my long silver straight
sword threw Sarah and she scream.This
sword was really important for James and
me.He gave it to me
for the battle I was trained with this sword
James was to.Their is history in this
hhhh noooooooooooooooo
it.......can't..............happen .....Not from
you ashley". I said "Sorry but not sorry
your, are out and died with all the lies you
have taught.So long momie I'll really miss
ya".Sarah said with
ot..enough"."Right". I said "Not enough".
Took the sword from her stomach.She
growled and fell to the ground and said
"ahhh".Thank god,please god forgive me
for my bad deed.Than I got to my knees
and fell.I hard a sound calling my name
'Abigail are you okay'? I wanted to reply
but it was too far away it was James.It felt
like my head was too big to pick up like a
heavy rock.
My blood splashing from my stomach was
getting really bad.I was a laying one the
ground trying to cover my stomach but it
was bleeding too fast.I knew I lost alot of
blood. I knew this was going to be the
end.I was dieing with Sarah,with my
werewolf enemy.Going to hell with her.
I'll meet her again in the blazing flames.I
was curled up on the ground holding my
belly.When James came my eyes were
open and he said"You're going to be all
right.....I promise you you'll be okay don't
worry". I just nodded and closed my eyes.
I though at first I was in paradise because
of the warm cold temperature.I felt I was
gone.I saw in a pretty room so nice that
you'll cry just how beautiful and pretty it
was.I opend my eyes to see if I really was
in paradise.
It was only James room.I got up and
ckecked my stomach but their was no
wound-No wounds crazy,weird but I was
glad,no scar.I healed really fast.James
walked in the room.Ooh boy my face lite
up like never before when I just saw his
face when. I thought it was the last time I
would when we last kissed.
He smiled a huge smile at me that just
made me melt to the ground.I ran cross
the room and huged him with all my
might.He fasted walked toward me too.I'm
so glad I'm alive and here with you the
world couldn't get any better,any better I
said inside me but he might have hard it.I
couldn't really think that well.
Hello I was bleeding from the stomach.
James said with a huge smile "Not until
we go to Vegas."Eeeeeepppppsssssss". I
screamed."The sounds about right for my
princess forever and ever"."Vegas here we
come here we come get ready
for.....vampires in the town"."Get it
vampires in town". I said again."But we
won't hunt you down like werewolfs do".
James laughed at loud I almost jumped.
Jacob said."Wow you beat the hell outa
her ha.Have a great time in Vegas".
"Yap I surly did with pain though".
My mom and dad said"good to have you
here".I this times kissed Rosa on the
cheek and said Thank you for everything
sis.I huged everybody in my family.They
all said have a great honeymoon in
Vegas."Oh we will I said with a grin".
"James". Called my mom.
"Yes". Answered James with confussion on
his face.
"I was just going to say we were traveling
we'll be gone for a really long time.So you
two can take your time and if you have
any problem with the house you can call
us.We might at least be gone
for........ummm......3/5 months.If you two
come home early back you have the
keys...........well Jeff and I brought you kids
your own house like Rosa and Jacob.You
don't have to pay us.It's not that far from
our house or Jacobs and Rosa.You have 2
rooms and really big living room and 2
bathrooms and pool,backyard,little yard
they have flowers already.I already
planted them for ya'll.The rooms are
colored really great.Warm great
Abigail their food in refrigerator, and more
that if you want.The house your going to
is the same.So here you key for your new
house and the one your going for the
honeymoon.It's from all of us as a
present.Hope you like it."
"Thank you very much mom.We really will
like it.It really nice for ya'll to give as this
for present".Said James and gave them a
I said."It more than a present it
whacked.We will really will love it.That's
one thing parents are good for.They
always do what good for you......that's
course if you like it.Thank you guys."
James got the keys.
"Stay together call us if you any
problems.Don't forget call if have any
"Okay"Me and James said togehter and
"Oooh one more thing".Said my mom.
What could that be?Guys she's talking too
much today.Alot,lot lot.
"Congratulation.Don't ask'll find
out when you get there.Don't get mad at
eachother.Again this maybe annoying but
call us if their is a big problem don't
hesitate.James you don't have to ask as
anything thing.If you want something you
can get it from you wife.Abigail if you want
anything anything you can ask James and
I'm sure he'll hive you.What ever it is.You
don't need our go
"We promise we will."James said with
almost and irritated.
I skipped threw the door got to our car
Vegas here we come.We ran to the car
actullay.I had flowers on my hair so did
James.We listed to music one our way to
vegas.James was driving us.As he smoked
about one time while driving.We were
taking turns after couple hour.....really
couples hours.It was hell of a long ride to
me.We kissed before
James carried the luggage it was huge
espacially my clothes.'Heeeeu' James
said.I totally agree with him.We got off.We
had rented a house with 1 bedroom 1
bathroom and a livingroom,kitchen as any
house.It was great.
James and I swimed togehter during night
and sometimes day.Their was no
distraction nothing at all but me and my
mate James.Hope their will no longer be
Distraction.'Hopefully'.We watched
romatice movies drinked our wine what
we call 'blood'.Red pure blood that tasted
nice.Especially human ones, but we didn't
kill anybody only animal.We were laying
on the bed.I had to ask this
question."James can I ask you a question?
"Sure.But it's not about that don't worry
we'll try? "Yes it was part of that.But it's
another one that bothers me.I want to
know if you can tell."
"Anything"."Well don't be mad or
anything"."I won't.Now go ahead".
"Well I'm a half vampire and half human
"Right".He said his voice with
confussion."Well I was wondering on our
wedding day.Will I keep on aging?".He
didn't answer it right away.But when he
did it felt like he was angry,sad,mad.But it
didn't show on his face.He tried to use
light tone.
"Yes.........they do age but really slow.But
not that fast.You have to be a full vampire
to not age anymore."
"So...I'll be the one who will be aging and
not you.You'll stay in you teens and I will
maybe not.I'll be old but you never will
age.You'll.....leave me...........when I'm
old.Find another person like
"No that's not right.I will not never leave
you.I swear unless you want me to
"I never do.But someday I will be old and
you can't possibly stay with me.That may
or may not be true".
"Your over reacting Abigail".
"You always well most of the time you say
that.That's not right though".
"Then what is right?".Okay he is now really
angry.Can tell by the face
"I don't really know.But.....ah just forget
about it".
"You can tell me...if you want.Don't be
afraid.You can tell or do anything you
want with me though they are weird and
lame sometimes".
"I'm not afraid James.I'm not afraid of
you....that's why I married you and I love
you.I would have not married you if I were
afraid of you.Do you think?
"No I don't.....but their is something you
wantd ask me beside this right?
"Right"."Than what is it?".
"This may or will make you mad,angry at
me.It's lame.But have to ask....if you don't
"Don't worry about my's
just my temper sometimes I have trouble
with......not you are your sometimes weird
I know this may change his expression but
I have to say.He might not even talk to me
tomorrow.But I have to get it of my chest.
"Okay I want to be a full vampire.I want
you to....bite me.Change me to like you."
"You don't need to be like me.You are
beautiful just like this and I love you just
the way you are.I don't need to change
"No,no,no I want to be like you please
change me.You can talk to Kate and Jeff
I'm sure they don't mind you changing
me.Pleas James Change
"No....I don't want to change you".His was
angry now really angry.You can tell it by
his voice tone and face.Not good.Not good
at all.
"Okay tell me one damn good reason why
you won't change me.Tell me one good
reason".I felt like I was in England I it
seems I use the accent when I'm bit angry
"I don't want to change you.I want you to
be the same.You'll change once your
changed-You won't have the same smell
like in the rain.You will smell a good way.I love you like
this.I always will".
"That's an okay reason.But I want you to
change me.You......I don't like being half of
two creatures.I really don't it bothers
me.....a lot".It really doesn't but I just want
to not age.I'll age and he doesn't-That
doesn't look fair.I have the chance
now and I want to use it before it goes
away from me.Chance is the chance that
you need to take it even though it's a might later regret.......when
shouldn't be.But I won't trust me on that
for once friends.
"What exactly bothers you Abigail"?He
sounded irritated like wanting to punch
something or someone in the conversation
errr that would should just shut
my trap before I get in a deep hole when I
can't climb out from it.Agree?Good!!
"Well aging and not u. Your only one
creature not half of two creature.I'll be old
and you'll be not.I may not be
same....same girl.Wrinkled and shaky
more breakable than now.But I'm stronger
than you think.
I read books that half vampire are not that
breakable as you think.The truth is I'm
jealous of you.For not aging and only one
thing.Forever frozen in 19 me and I'll be
that age and pass you when you still are
that.How confusing".
Really it is.
"You'll be the same to me".
"Yes to you but I won't or I won't like
myself.I want to like myself......not only
"I don't know if that's the best thing for
you.I really don't".Best.Best are you
kidding me it will be the greatest thing
ever if he just changes me now an this
would be over.The venom would spread
and I'll be a full vamp that's how simple it
is.Hello listen to yourself James.C'mon
"But I do.I know it's the greatest thing
ever.I will like myself and you'll love me".
"I love you now...isn't that what matter?
Enough for now and talk about this later
when later time comes".Maybe but later is
now I wanted to say that but calmed it.I
think I'll win this one for sure.....errr....I'll
take back just incase I don't win it and
you'll say you'll win and all that.......
"Yes but I want to change that's what I
want my desire.Please just change me.I'm
sure it won't hurt just one bite and all
"Your desire?That's what you want to be
like me.What would you say if......I do it
Scared but will not say no.I winning so
why drop now when the case is being
claimed!Howdy partner!Great!Now we are
in Taxes take that and obtain it okay
fellow friends!
"No problem.You don't really need our
parent 'Go'.Remember when you said 'we
peomise we will'.
"Yes I do".Good cause if you didn't I would
repeat every word that Kate said when we
were leaving.I remember it clearly fine
nothing missing at all(I would just go up
an copy an paste it an read it so yeah).
"She said you would give me anything-
anything I want and I'll give you anything-
anything you want".
"Yes"."Your just saying yes I do or yes!
Are you really going to change me."
I could give him a hard time like the time I
asked him if we can try.That wasn't hard
but he said it was hard what if I putted it
this way for him:Yes mean yes.No means
Yes.He'll just think but not an answer.You
got what I'm trying to say.No wait he could
just ditch me an that never mind but
"Which on is it than James?".I had to sit up
on the bed so did he.This must be yes.I
want to be like him exactly.Well not
exactly-exactly.That would be
"What is it James?Are you going to change
He didn't say anything but putted both of
his hand between my face and slowly bent
and kissed me.I kissed him back.We were
kissing okay good sign I guess.Right.We
were kissing.
He was kissing me serious.I couldn't help
it I went for his shirt collar and he didn't
stop me.I unbutton his shirt.His hand
moving all over.I could feel his cold body
on mine.(Not his entire weigh
though.Kidding I just wanted to say
something inside my mind ).
I had to gasp for air.But he never left my
body.If not the lips goes to my
jaw,neck,cheek.It was just a good feeling.I
thought their was something else you
do.But I didn't quiet get it.Was he going to
change be?Let's hope yes.We'll not you
but I want to change.
I want to change so bad.While he was
kissing or what ever you wanted to call he
whisphered 'You smell good.Sexy hot'.It
was hard for me to talk when he kisses me
but I finally managed to say'Thanks'.When
I did he chuckled soft his lips against my
Jaw.I was taking a breath.He could hold his
breath for a while.Or forever.....but me not
that long almost
like human but not the same.Okay so we
kissed or more than a kiss.I was tired.I was
breathing so uneven.I wasn't the only one
though.It was great.My head was laying
his chest.The marble chest.The hard stone
cold great shaped chest.I-well we finally
caught up with our breathing.I asked him
still didn't not forget completely. I want
him to change me.
"So are you changing me?".
I took a deep breath as I said that.My eyes
went up to see his.
Still not sure if I wanted to start this
converstaion.But did anywazes.
"Are you changing me James?".
"No". He answered.It was a surprise to
me.I was thinking he would say 'Yes sure
let's do it now.Tonight'.
I couldn't speak.My head was swirling
really bad.I got light headed."WHY?".I
asked my voice broke off.Tears were
around the corner of my eyes.
"I don't want to change you".
"You hate me that's why ha?".
"No I don't hate you".
"Why than?".
"You are stupid Abigail.Why do you always
want something thats not good for
you,something that bad.I'm
sorry".Sorrie.Fucking kidding me.Maybe
that's what you get when you get married
at eighteen to a 19 year old sexy full
"Don't be.Cause your not sorried.Don't say
I'm sorry.If you were you would have
changed me when I wanted to.You know
why didn't you just let that venom spread
when that men bit me.It wouldn't have
hurt exactly!".It hurted like hell!!
I said it angerly.I almost shouted.
"Can we please not have this lame
conversation again.An beside when that
man bite you.You woke up almost wanted
to scream at me which you half did when
I told you that you were vampire and I
suck the venom out of you.Just stop it
right now.Just now!".Demand or an order
which ever it is I'm not stopping till I win
that case Sir!Now that's what I call case
reclaim!I should be a lawyer!An he was
serious.Guess our first fight how sweet!
Yeah right!!!!
"No I won't.Chang me right now I want to
"James". I called his name but his didn't
answer.He was facing the other side of the
wall.Not moving at all.All frozen as he
would be paid for the world unmotionless
"James please this will be the only major
thing you can do you me.Please
James.Please babee,honey.Please.I won't
ask anything stupid.Please James.I
promise I will not ask anyother one of my
lame dangerous questions.Just this it for me.I beg for you.Just this
once please.James.J-james please".
He wasn't even looking at.My head was off
from his chest.I was staring at him but he
never did look up at me as I sat down.He
laid their flat.No blinking much.As
normal.But he didn't move or say anything
as I spoke.
Not even a fraction of inch.Nothing.Just his
head titled and looking the other side of
the wall.I laid on the bed putted my head
back to his chest and all he did was hold
me tight against he chest.He didn't say a
thing but
looked at me and turned away again.I
whisphered"Please.I beg you".That's all I
have got.I don't know what else to say but
please baby,honey.Sweetie I won't lie I
hate that word.The sound of it makes me
Uhgee feeling.
"I'll do anything you want me to do for you
please James.I beg you....babe.I love
you.Please talk to me.I feel like an idiot
talking to you and you not talking.Please
James.Will you change me?.I'll even do
chors if their chors that vampire fo like
mortal.I'll do all your chors.All for only 5
months".When he wasn't talking.Tears full
around the corner and three came out I
tried to
held it from cuming but it did come out
anyways.It workd thought.I wasn't using it
for him to talk.It just happpens.Remember
I have emotion problems.He finally
speak.Goodness.He is not a easy man to
talk.Easy husband to talk to.To make
things agree with him.
"I will chang you".He said it with sadness
in voice.Anger.Through his teeh with a
little growl.
"I can't say no after how much you begged
me.Yes I will change you.But
not....tonight.About later.About a week are
two later than I'll change you.....if I can
stop myself".
"Really?". I asked excited.
"Really".He said it with relief it felt like
that to least."Your the
greatest........husband ever James.It's it
okay if I say that?".Every step I take I need
to win it before he lacks out of word.I need
"What ever makes you happy".
"Great.Okay now.I will tell you it's not
stupid.I will just ask you this question.I'll
give you a choice.You can if you want to or
not if you don't want"!
"When you putted that way it makes my
curious.So if you'll like."
"Okay.Don't get mad.But:How can you Kill
a Vampire?".
"You really want to know?
"Well yah why did I ask for if I didn't want
to know about it.
"The only way to kill our kind is to burn
them".He said it fast!Why not slow paste
to past step by close!
"That's all.You burn them and they die."
"Yah their more but I'm afraid that
I'll......scare you.The rest or more graphical
then just burn."
"Oh.Well I gues I'll let it go."
"You don't want to hear it right?.
"Ummmm.........I don't really know.But I
will think of another question if I can."
"Tell me when your ready."
I was just thinking.I still wanted to know
what more ways can you kill a vampire
than just burn.But it may not be good for
me.You know I want to know more about
him.About his parents.My parents too.I
don't know much about than but I'm just
going to ask other ways can
you kill a Vampire.
"Okay I'm ready.I know what I want to ask.
"What will that be?."
"I want to know what other ways can Our killed."
"Ah you still want to know about that".
He said with irritated tone.That made me
sad but I'm still going to ask.My hand
traced on his chest.
"Yah.Does that make you mad....that I'm
asking you how to kill Vampire".
He was quite for a while.Answered my
question trying to put it in a light tone.
"No.It doesn't bother me you
reaction to things I sometimes say".
"Don't worry about my reaction.I promise
I'll tell you when you going way too
far.Really way too far.I'll tell you when I'm
getting scared.Will that help".
"Little bit".
I could feel relief in his tone.Then he softly
moved my head from his chest and sat
up.He looked into the eys.Apparently
something caught his attention.He slowly
putted both of his hands on my cheek and
said"Can you tell me what you are
thinking than I'll tell you".
"Well.....I was thinking of another question
but I am sure you don't want to hear it.You
don't have to be curious.I'll tell you some
other times".
"Edit.Tell me if I go too far.Really to
He bent really quick and gave me a kiss
on the lip.He layied down on the pillow.We
were facing eachother.
He started talking.I started to listen.He
might be expecting for me to get scared
and I'm sure I won't.I will not trust me.
"The other way we can kill our kind.It's
really bad.Terrible than any other way
anybody could or can die.You have to burn
every singal part of their body.The most
common way 'Human' try to kill as it this
1. As we all know one of the most classic
methods for killing a vampire is the stake
in the heart. According to folk lore, the
perferable wood for the steak is aspen.
Ash, hawthorn, maple, or black thorn will
aslo work well. The steak is best pounded
in with the flat of a shovel. In addtion to a
steak, throns, nails, or red-hot iron bars
will aslo work. According to some the
steak my be driven into the navel as well
as the heart. The original notion of this
idea was to pin the soul to the body but in
more monderized verions a steak causes
our kind dissolve into dust.
2. A suspected vampire corpse can be
washed in boiling wine or the coffin filled
with garlic or poppy seeds thouhg I don't
know if that works mortal could say it
3. Mondern accounts of vampires fire
works quite well.Really great better than
the holy thing the human use.
4. Another common one is cutting off the
head, preferably with a sword or with the
shovel of a grave digger. Some say the
head should then be stuffed with garlic,
but it is often prefered to just cremate
body and head after the
decapitation.Abigail you better hope that
doesn't happen to you"."It-It won't-I'll be
on my best guard to watch out for human
my love".Ahhhhhhhhhh that I hope it wont
5. Dig a vampires corspe up and reburry it
again, but at a crossroads. In come
locations however the crossroads do not
keep restless spirits and vampires from
straying, but rather sets them free.
You have to let the body burn into ashes.If
you want to make sure you have to see it
for youself.When they burn you it like you
are taking shower with hot boiled
oil.Sometime you could see the red blood
dripping from them.Their face covered
with blood and screaming in pain that you
resiste.It's like hell.A blazing flame.The
older Vampire are the tougher they are to
kill like..Masters and long lived vampires
can survive a massive wound to the
heart.Or even when you bite them on the
neck they could regrew it if they would
want to live another 100 more years or so.
Older vamps can also survive a bullet to
the head they can still be alive even if
most of the brain is gone. They must be
able to feed or pull power from their
followers to heal.Like their family clan
member.Rotting vampires,
those that can cause their bodies to rot,
must be burned to ensure that they are
truly dead. They can withstand multiple
bullets, and being fully dismembered.If
you want it to kill then by surprise.
Though it's hard but you can still
do.Cutting the vampire head off.It's really
messy,burn it right away and you can
watch the blood dripping from it.We also
hate silver....Stake through the heart-."
He stopped Ohmygosh.I was scared to
death.I never thought it was that how you
can kill one of us.I wanted to say stop.....I
am scared really scared that I couldn't say
stop.This is bad.I couldn't speak.James
finally picked my head from his chest and
looked at me.I couldn't blink.The worst
part was stake through the heart,cutting
the head off,looking at them die in the fire
and seeing their blood dripping from their
face.James was right this was not a good
idea.Not at all.
"Abigail....are you okay".
My mouth was open but said nothing just
blinked my eye again.I didn't even know if
my heart was beathing.
"Ashley.....can you hear me".I finally
nodded,my eyes red.
"Are you okay love."
"N-n-no.....I'm not okay".
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to go into that
much detail.I'm really sorry.Won't happen
to you.I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare
you.I won't tell you something like that
ever again.I swear I'm sorry.Sorry."
"No,no You don't have to be sorry.I
should.I wanted to say stop but I couldn't.I
wanted to say stop but-but my voice broke
off when I said stop and you didn't hear
me.I won't ask you anything like that ever
I again.I'm really sorry.You warned me but
I didn't you.Sorry".
"It's okay.For sec you made me
scared.Thought you past out on me"."Well
sorry I didn't mean that".
"Can I ask you a qusetion now".
"After all I asked yes".
"What were you thinking when I told you
those things.Are you scared of me now"?
Sarcastic James?No I was the on I thought!
"No I'm not scared of you but when you
were telling the thing the only thing I
imaging was and seeing in my head was
what you told me.The blood,head off,stake
in the heart,the flames.For a moment I
thought I was the one who.....That's what
got me really scared and lost my voice."
"Well now you know when I say the thing
is dangerous or bad for you hear.Right?
"R-right". I said.My voice cracked in the
middle.I was just thinking if we fight
against humans I will have to die like
that.Tears filled in my eyes and some no a
lot of them driped on the bed.James felt
the wet and touched my eyes.I was
shamed.I cry to much even though I'm
a ..............wife.That word it hard to say in
some cases.
"Don't be won't die like that.I
won't let it happen.I'll protect you from
danger or what ever it harm to you.I
"I think I'm dump I ask lame question and I
can't even handle it.I'm and idiot".
"Well I wouldn't say that exactly.But you
sometimes can be".I yawned."Are you
tired.You go to bed and ask me question
"Okay.I love you."
"I love you too.Dream well"."You too". I
said and slept.He cold arms around my
waist.I slept.
I didn't want to open my eyes.
I finally opened my eye.First I didn't it felt
so good laying their and not opeing my
eyes.When I did I saw a little white card
that haves heart shaped.It read.
Don't worry I'll be back. I just went to
Love you
Well that was surprise.It was kinds of
boring I had nothing to do.I took
shower,brushed my teeth.Well their was
nothing else I could do but I cooked my
self eggs.It tasted good.I ate it.Since I'm
half Vampire.....well I could that's what my
family told me any ways I could eat
human food.But once I'm a full vampire I
can't and I'll be just like James.While I was
eating I felt a cold finger lightly on my
"James you back".I huge him really tight.
"Sorry I had to leave".God this boy says
sorry a lot.Well at least that's a good
manners that's what the parents
say.Please,and Thank you,sorry are the
magic word-From Barney.Yes I watch that
"It's okay.I ate food.Took shower...And I
was just humming to myself.....a lullaby
song.So are you full?
"I'm pretty good.You?
"Great I'm just going to finish eating my
"Okay".I gave a quick kiss.
started eating my eggs and finished it.
"So what are we going to do today."
"Ah.We could to the park,fishing.What
ever you want.Or just watch movies".
"Can we do two things.Let's see first go to
the park than watch movies.If that's okay
with you?
"Sure are you just going to wear you P.J for
the park or wear something else".I didn't
want to walk I felt to full of these
eggs.Haa.Feel fat!Ugh!
"No I changed my mind can we just watch
"What ever you want.What movie shall we
"We could watch any movies."
"Okay let's go than".
He carried me to the living room and we
sat me on the sofa.
"Let's watch.....action movie like
Transporter 3."
"Fine with me."
So we watched the movie.It wa great I
love action movies so why not go for it.It
was about really 6/7 O'clock.I felt sleepy.
"James.I'm tired........can I sleep or do you
want me to stay up with you?
"No you can sleep....I'll take rest myself".
"Where are you going to rest?."
"Hmmmm......I'll sleep here."
"Don't you want to come in
you just too tired to get up and walk.I can
help you...give your hand.C'mon".
"No.I'm fine really."
"Why don't you want to come inside?."
"I really don't feel like getting up.But if you
want me to I can come with you".
"Great! Let's go'".
We got to our room."Are you tired of me
asking you question"."No not really I like
that I share everything with you.It makes
me happy in a vampire way."
"Got one.Can Vampire....ah just forget
"You can ask me anything I won't mind
answering.If I know the answer I'll tell you
if I don't that means I either don't want to
answer it or don't know.Got it".He kissed
me on lips.I couldn't breath for-------then
finally said.
"Got it".
"Now go ahead and ask your question."
"Well can Vampire have children from
their spouse?".I closed my eyes waiting for
a harsh answer.Like an angry expression
answer.Instead I got the opposite.
He soft laught and said."No not really it
never happen in my 119 years.I don't
believe it will never happen.The only way
to be a vampire is to be bitten by one.It's
takes about
2 day for the Venom to spread around
you bloody,body.That's the only way to be
a Vampire.I hard about that somewhere in
Kates or Pa-Jeffs mind".Pa-Jeff maybe papa
Jeff.Weird but fabu.Another one."Do you
like or love babies"?
"I guess I like them.Do you"?RETURN!
"I love babies.They are so adorable.I love
them so much.Their cute and funny,and
small.Smelly to sometimes but tiny.May
sound stupid are maybe it is.I love when
babies cry to me it feels like that's the
only time that they could express their
feeling.It feels like they are trying to say
something...but you just can't tell
the.Another can I ask".
"Sure but I thought you wanted to
sleep.Aren't you tired"?
"No I'll be fine."
"Go ahead."
"Well would you like if we get our without being created or
being bitten,just born as normal like
humans babies".
"Can we talk about something else.Now
"C'mon that's the easiest one."
"Please Abigail
"Fine!".Gash it's just a question it doesn't
hurt to answer it Yes or no.Damnit.I have
to think if he like babies or not.What in the
world will he do if we have one...If we get
our own baby.No ones elses but my I
mean Ours.That'll be sweet.
I frowned at him.We were quiet for a
"Never mind I'll just go to sleep anyways
my question are annoying".
I waited for him talked so he did.
"Have fun sleeping.You could use a rest".
"Never mind I'll just ask you couple one
million more question".
"Let me guess 'What would the color of
the baby eyes be?
"No-yes but you can answer it if you
"No just ask me you question and I'm sure
it'll be enough for one night".
"Well have you ever liked or love someone
like you do now.Did Jennifer show some
interst as she said?".She said she did.
"Yes-no.I liked Debbie but we never really
went out ar anything like this.Jennifer she
did but I didn't return her favor.She was
being liked by David as tha time when she
liked me.Beside I didn't show up to class
of the time.Didn't really matter to her...I
think.She liked me more than I liked
her.But don't worry we never kissed or
anything like that at all.Were you jealous?
"N-yes.That's good to hear.You don't like
her still do you?
"No-How can I love someone when I
sleeping here with one of the most
beautiful ladie in the whole intire
unvirese.Your my soul".
He leaned forward and kissed me a great
good night kiss.Felt dizzy.I kissed him
back.He chuckled."What?"."You hair
smells like a rainforest.Every time
different smell I like it".
"Is that good or bad".
"It's...fine.Now go sleep my love."
This dream was amazing.One of the most
greatist dream I have ever had in my
live.She was so so million times pretty.Her
blue eyes in the baby bed.Smiling at
me.When ever she smiles it felt like the
whole world was full of light.It was just
amazing. I loved her.
She was like my every thing.When ever I
look at her if I was feeling pain she
relieved all of my pain.She always smiles
so bright, so young that you wouldn't want
any other person to touch it but you.I
loved her beauitful dazzeling blue eyes
just like her father....James.It was like
that's all
I need her and her father body and soul
and my world was full of hope.Her
Magnificant blue eye it felt like it can light
a whole room in the dark.As I look at her
eyes it full of love and life that loves
me.She looked like her
father James.Her pretty little face.Black
hair.Tiny itty finger......just like anyother
baby that's born.My own little girl.I didn't
want to open my eyes.....but I can't sleep
all day long.I thought it was really real.
It seemed so real.Felt like I could touch
it.Right in front of I could hold
her.When I opened my eyes it wasn't even
day yet.Night about 2 p.m.I sat up really
fast and tears were filled and driped on
James hand.In the middle of the night I
had to sit on the bed.It felt like
I could grab her and sing for her.So nice
but it vanished away like a ghost."What's
wrong...did I hurt you".No silly my dream
hurted me because I open my freaking
"N-n-no.It seemed so real James. It was
the greratest dream ever it was so
nice.Everything so great.Why wasn't real?
It seemed real".
"You can tell and that will maybe help".
"No forget it.It was just dream.A really
good one.So-so milion times true".
"Can I help?".
"Yes".I wrapped my hand around his neck
and kissed him.He kissed me back but
confused.Pressed my lips against his.He
gently pulled me away from his lip.He
pulled back really quickly."
should go back to sleep.It's in the middle
of the night".
"No I don't want to sleep.I'll dream again
and it would not be real".I started kissing
him again.I was getting serious.I wrapped
one my leg around his waist.He pulled
back from my lips.
"No-no-no you should go back to sleep
"Please James.Please you
"Abigail why do you always want
something that's stupid for you?".Doing
this is not dangerous.In a way it's kinda
fun if you like that
"I don't know.I guess I'm just stupid".
I got upset.Laid on the bed and and my
tears did their job.
After couple minutes passed no one talked
but he finally did."Did I hurt you
feelings?".Hell yes.It's just
wat's up with that word that he using
closely everytime I want to kiss him for
serious or he pulls away really fast and
distracts me and
sure as hell I'll feel for it and their goes my
chance.He'll blow it away.This time no.He
wouldn't.Who cares about dangerous as
long you love it.That's the point.Isn't that
"No.....I'm f-fine.Great".Yaa he didn't buy
that.My damn voice broke an he knew that
was fake but did he buy it for me no he
"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings".
It's just simple.Let me just do it and so he
doesn't have to say'I'm sorry' when ever
My stupid tears drip.He kissed me on the
"I'll just go back t-to sleep."
"Sorry". Goodness James just let as do it
nothing will happen-I wanted to say but
that will make things fly from prey to
predator.If you know what I mean.
I laid their eyes doing their jooooobbbs.I
didn't want to stop.Their was more that
you do than just that simple process.I
knew it as hell would do it's
work."Please.Please James.Please
sleep.Please.Please".I wanted to be strong
as I can so my voice wouldn't break in the
middle.Hopeless and half breathless
withing the minutes that passed buy I was
asking.It sounded dread.Weird in many
Girl damn or smart.I'll go with both.I could
be be both at one time like now would be
a great example.I shuted my mouth for a
long minutes till I wanted to begged
I said it one more time hopeless.I sat up
on the bed.He was still sitting his face
covered with hizes pale huge hands.I
moved closer to him looking at
him.Waiting for the move."Please".
He took his hands away from his face.He
slowly.Real slowly bent and pressed his
cold loving lips again mine.Maybe it was
the crying that made'em him worried.He
didn't want me to be upset.Something like
that.See that was easy.I was actully
enjoying.I don't know about him.His such a
fabu kisser,love maker.
So great it felt.Different hand
placement.Breathing.Undress maybe that
part I'll take back but might be true I con't
be so sure and make sure that ya'll know
So I won't say the undressed part though I
might be so yeah deal with it.Though I'm
not sure if I were.........Felt nice.Really
nice.Extremely sexly nice hot night well
midnight.I never thought it would have
been this great.
Guess it worked out really really perfectly
great.Great-I'll stop I can't seem to tell
every detail it's too much writing and
thinking at the same time kissing.Yeah to
me it won't work out.Bye now and let me
have my time alone with my man!Bam!!!!

So the midnight he called went on with

happy ending for me.Nothing but my
underwear(Or maybe nothing.Hey not
punny(funny)....and my...Br....You have
got to be kidding me if you didn't figure
our what were the word that were
missing.Or panties you could say.I ain't
telling it to you.If you are a man sure you
know it already I meant teenage or
teenage girls and boy.
Trust me they do it half of the 70% of the
time when they are high.For sure.The next
thing I know is that my hand was laying on
his icy great shaped chest.Curled up to
him really close.I half opened my eyes to
peek on him.
He was just staring at the wall.Nothing
fun.I wanted to say I'm sorry but I wasn't
so what's the use of it.He wouldn't even
know what I'm sorrying for.I wouldn't
"Good morning.Was I naughty last night?".
I said.My own voice sounded awful to
me.Like I was crying all night long last
night.Which would be part shelly true.
"No-yes.Naughty that's a word you could
say.Nice day out".Sure it's a word.He
probably didn't want to talk about it I
think.It was great night.Must have been
bomp.Just thought kidding.I can't read his
mind How can I suppose to know that.But
his voice seems extremely high hot full of
enjoyment.Yah-Ha!I know my husband
and you don't so listen and be-carefull
girl.He is mine
only.Okay.Understood.Hooooray let's end
it their.
"I'm sorry about last night.Well not sorried
that I did it but just little sorrie.Okay.I
couldn't help myslef.I'm really sorry it
won't happen again....if I can controll.I
promise".And gave him a quick kiss.
"No you are really fine don't worry about
last night.It's okay.I was worried about you
"Really?Why?What did I do wrong?Did I
hurt you?-I mean the other way around
cause I don't feel any pain it's that best
day night ever.Ever".Yeah I had nothing to
say my wording just lost me inside
them.So I lost my point.
He laughted good sign for the morning
mood-Wouldn't be like me sad in the
morning if school day mostly Monday.I
hate Monday.It Fucking gay sucks!
"No your fine.I was worried that you were
dead actually.You sleep like a dead
Abigail.Though you are half dead.Ha.If it
wasn't for your breathing I would have
called the hospital.Just could have carried
you you home or call Jeff".
"Ah sorry.I don't know what's wrong with
me these days. I'm sleeping too
much.Way too much and when I get up
like know I'm always hungry".
"I cooked eggs for you if you like I'll bring
it here just wait couple secs about 35".
"Th-anks".He was gone before I couldn't
finish.I didn't want to eat food without
brush.I splashed water on my face.Took
shower.I came out.He was their sitting on
side of the bed.Shaking his head.Like he
was following a music ryme.Sat by him.I
didn't disturbe him."Hmmm do you want
me to bring it to you here or the
kitchen?".I distracted him than
"Kitchen"."Okay let's go than"."Umm can I
change my clothes first please".
"Sure".Gave me a cheek kiss and>
"I'll be downstair".
Wore my clothes.Their is something wrong
with him.I thought he should be mad at
me.He does seemed distrubed.I got down
stair.He was sitting on the black wooded
chair.I sat by him.He said
nothing.Nothing,didn't move an inch.I was
maybe doing something wrong.I was
making him do something he didn't like
nor enjoy.I should maybe stop acting like a
Being stupid.I couldn't take it."James say
something.Am I making you do something
that you don't like?Are you enjoying
youself?I can cook for my self if you don't
want to...I really can when I wake up?You
don't like me do you wife that sleeps most
of the time and wakes up at night and
dreams and crys almost at everything that
upsets her.I can change.Do you or are you
enjoying you self when I ask you?
Do I always make you make or do
something you don't like?Do you hate me?
Please James say something.I promise I
won't make you don't something that you
don't want.I swear.If you didn't like or
enjoy youself....well I did and you didn't
hurt me.You won't break me.
I'm stronger than human.I'll try to say
something if you hurt me you know?My
talking mouth doesn't hide
anything.Really.What's that that bugs
you".While I was speaking he eyes we
staring at me wide.Maybe that was a sign
to stop.Really stop before I explode.
"You think that I didn't enjoy my self last
"Well ya I did".
"I enjoyed myself.......last night.No I don't
hate you nor Do I mind cooking for
you.You don't have to change.You did
nothing wrong.Beside sleeping is what we
can only do.That's our nature.You never
told me about your dream?"."Oh the
dream.It was just a dream.That seemed so
real.So vivid.It's nothing.I don't remember
it really after last night.It's not real
"Okay I was planning---".I cut him off.
" Are we leaving already!? Can we stay for
another week or two please".
"I was just thinking about that.Ya we could
stay week or two and go back home.I was
planning on going hunting today
now....but it won't be that long.I'll be back
before you know it.You could come if you
want..and get yourslef a drink if you
"No I'm good.Are you really that thirsty?
"Yes...It won't take long-I'll just look for
little stuff which won't be full but I'll be
back.I promise".
"Okay I'll just wait.I love you".
"Love you too".He gave me a sweet kiss
on the lips."Bye". He whispered and was
gone before I could manage to open my
eyes.Well I was alone.I was hungry
already.I looked at the refrigerator.Their
was food.You can microwave or cook it for
youself.Meatball,Hamburger, and vegies.I
Made meat ball for my self.I ain't a good
cook.My meat ball got half burned
the fire detector got turned on and it was
making that stupid Beep beep beep
sound.It was so annoying.I hate
cooking...cause I'm not a good cook One
great fantastic reason why I hate it.The
rests I don't know.Ah got it I burn the food
and never make it perfect.The career
being chef it off the list.Way off.Long long
time ago really long.James was gone for a
while.He really must be thirsty.
He probably drinking a lot so he doesn't
have to leave the next two week but I
might.If I wanted to.Drinking blood and
killing animals sound wrong but that's
how we can survive espaically full vamps
like James.If your half vamp it okay you
can stay thirsty for quite some long.I was
bored.I turned on the
T.V and watched Nicktoon.I watched Tom
and Jerry.I half love this cartoon shows.I
hate most of the movies that have
Romance in it that much.Tell me about
horro I could do a pretty good job of
screaming and loving it.I sometimes love
something that freaks me out ands
sometimes ohmygosh I would wanna kill
me for just watching the beginning.I need
use the restroom.Today my menstrural
cycle would be cuming.Damn.Man I have
gained about 5-10 pounds on my belly.
Where it really
.Family and
Need to do some work out.Really fast
before I get really fat.We have been here
since the last week of Feb and now it's the
3 week of March.It should be coming
today.I used the toilet nothing
came...that's red.Well it'll come
tomorrow.James "Your back".I almost ran
across the living room.Wrinkled his
noise."Something smells burnt"."Oh yaaa I
cooked a meatball...and I burned it.I'm not
a good cook".
"You were eating again"?He wanted to
laugh but didn't.Looked happy.
"Well ya I got hungry I'm getting fat look".
I showed him my belly getting fast an
weird shapped.
"You don't look that fat or big to
me.Maybe little but now much".
"Well it looks like fat to me.Any ways how
as you Drink"."Great.I loved it. Yours?".
"Not good I felt like I was going to die
when I ate it but I still did it.Hope it won't
make my stomach mad!
"Your stomach gets mad at you when you
eat something you don't like?".
"Something like that.We have been here
for 2 week and this is our 3rd week right".
"Right.Why it their something you
"No just asking.Making sure.I'm tired
already.I'm going to sleep do want to". "
No I'll just stay here an rest let the drink
settle in.You sleep like the dead love-You
should sleep".
"Oh........okay than I'll just stay here and
watch this cartoon do like Tom and
Jerry"."It's okay...I kinds like action
"You rest I'll watch".
"Have fun".
"I will".I was watching it than suddenly
something came out from mouse all the
thing I ate.James moved so quick.I got
really dizzy."What wrong are you
okay?"."N-n-no".I could finish after the
second food came out from mouth like
water."It's the stupid meatball I ate.I fell
like I'm going to die".
"I'll carry you to the bathroom".He
grabbed me and carried me to the
bathroom really fast like I was just a
baby.Eeeeeewwww it was so naassttyy.I
think I'm going to die.My face faced the
toilet.And throwing up.James held my hair
for me and the other hand rubbing my
back.I finally got done."I think I'll be fine".
"You should not eat something that you
don't like".
"I ate burnt meatball before but this never
happend.Maybe I cooked it all wrong".
"Next time be careful"."I will".
"I feel much better okay.I'll clean the
floor.Thanks for carrying me up here ".
"Anytimes-I can clean it up".
"No-Your babying me too much.I'll do it.I
need to do it to lose some pound ,run
something like that.Thank good it wasn't a
cartpet".I cleaned the floor.I had to say
this"Eeewww this is so growse."
"Maybe you should come with me next
time when I go hunting"."Great
idea"."Well".We both said it together and
laughted.We were watching the
news'CNN'.Their was a house on fire but
everybod in their was safe.No one
"Can you tell me more about Kate and
Jeff"."Sure.Kate can see the future-though
it's not always right.Be she could tell
what's going to happen the month we are
in and half of next month.Jeff could be
really helpful for teaching us how to
controll our thrist.He is better than all of
us on keeping his thirst more manageable
than any of us.He is a doctor.
Your mom and dad and my parents were
really close friends but they die almost like
year after years....I never got why they
were dieng year after years eactly beside
the spanish influenza.They were really old
though maybe that's the reason.My mom
names was Elizabeth Mark Adam.She was
the most caring full mom I have ever
know.They all were.I missed them but the
past is the past their is nothing you
chang.If you
go back in time and try to save them
they'll die in many ways then one way.You
just have to let their spirits go.Your mom
and you grandmother are like really
alike.If she was alive You would probably
get them mixed up.They look like their
twin.Same everything.Height,hair
color,eyes maybe weight was
different.Jacob and Rosa are the first one
they had I was their third adopted
child.They really treated me like they were
my parents I really liked that.But it was
for controll my blood,....did Rosa
tell you"."You can't controll your thirst for
blood and killed people at night and once
she caught and Kate and Jeff don't know
about it yes... but I shouldn't have told you
because she said you would....k-kill
youself.You not are you?".
"No...I just said so that she wouldn't tell
Jeff and Kate.They'll be really disappointed
on me.I didn't want them to know
how..................weak I was controlling my
thrist.It was like drug to once I taste it.I
couldn't stop myself.Can I tell something
it's not bad".
"Okay.I think I can handle it".
"Well I can show you your grandparents
and you'll meet my parents but they are
different.Their Bats.You can only see them
at night.They are bats...if you just died
without killing many off people you'll turn
into bat.I'll show so they can meet
you.They'll like you.They chang at night to
real people form but only for couples of
hours.They'll love you I'm
"That is awesome.Will you turn like that
when you die"."If I get killed by human".
"That's cool not that you being killed by
human though.But the whole other
things.Hmmm let's talk about something
"No you should go to sleep.It's already
"Good idea I need to rest before I say'I'm
hungry'.An fat.Are you going to
sleep?".Seems to be awake whenever I
wake up.
"I'll try".We both went to our
bedroom.Holding hands.Got to bed.Laying
on the bed.It's been a long day for me.Or
him too.
" more question tonight".
"No I have I one an easy one.Can you read
Jacob,Rosa,Jeff,Kate mind like anyother
human mind?".
"No I can only read Jeffs and Jacob
sometimes Rosa when she's in
presure,sad,mad.But Kate never did.But-
but when she is excited to tell something
but even at that time I don't get clear view
of it as much as I get from Jacob.In our
house their is no secrets that you could
possibly hide".
"So I'm not the only one with the freak
mind"."You thought you were the only
with the freak
mind.Wow you think way
different"."Well....I'll sleep now".He gave
me a sweet good night kiss.I was getting
carried away than I pulled myself back
before he gets mad at.He chuckled softly
and kissed me again."Good night".
"I love you". I said with almost out of
"I love you too".I closed my eyes than I
had to use the restroom.I got up really
quickly and almost fell on the floor.Ran to
the bathroom.
"Ashley are you alright?"."No.Go away".
"Gash I think your dieing on me today".
"No I'll be fine.Now go away please".He
came in the bathroom anyways.I was
sweating hot.I felt like their was a volcano
near that my body was going to turn into
It wasn't like the pain that you yell but a
pain that you sweat.It felt like it was over
200' Degree in the house every where.The
bed that's why I ran and the bathroom is
"You are sweating. What do you want"
All I could hear was 'Want'.
I felt like I lost my mind.My head was
spining all around the place.You know like
when a cartoon it's being hit really hard
and have a five stars around it's head and
sometimes their head feel likes it too
many head but only one.I felt like I was
riding a hollar coaster all day long.Again
and again.All I could responed was"H-H-
Hot.Need cold water.Please cold
water..Need cold shower bath.
"Cold bath"."Y-y-y-yes cold bath".
"Okay don't worry love"."I f-f-feell dizzy
cold water".By that time my body was filld
with water.Like when the garlic accident
happend long time ago.I'm sweating like I
just had taken a shower with my cloth.It
was making me hot a lot hotter wearing
the cloth."Just wait a 10 secs ".
"Okay.Hooooooott". I screamed.That all I
could remember.The next thing I know is I
was in a cold big white long bath filled
with ice cubes.
"Ashley can you hear me".
It seemed like 10 milion years for moving
my head to see where the sound came
from.I wanted to get out but I realized
that I was naked.Naked?Naked?I can't
believe I didn't die.I'm here with James.My
husband.I wanted to say 'Yes' but opend
my mouth. My eyes were closed I opened
both of them and said nothing but closed
my mouth and nodded my head and he
knew I was was not dead.And lightly put
his hands on my wet hair and and kissed
me on the forhead."You'll be okay don't
worry-I promise".
"J-ames I'm really sorry I didn't mean to
worry you".
"It's really great don't worry love.You'll be
fine.I promise"."I'm cold not can I get
out"."Sure.Give your hand".
"Ooopppps sorry you need a towel.Hold
one a sec"."Oohh yaa naked".
"You don't were
naked.You were almost crying at the same
time sweating.You said...'get my clothes
off it's buring me like hell'.So I took it out
for you and putted you in the bath".
"Seces away from my death.I love you
more than you could ever imagine".I gave
him a kiss on the cheek.I got
dressed."How long was I in the icy bath?".
"From yestrday till today at 12 pm.You
don't recover fast like full vampire do".
"I can't believe it.I am never eating a
meatballs ever again"."Rice if you like.You
were saying food food.You said a lot of
stuff.Some I didn't even understand".
"Your so sweet .It'll be a marked in my
mind that will stay forever".He hugged me
really tight and kissed me on the head.I
looked at him and kissed in the lips.He
kissed me back didn't pull away this time
when I wrapped my legs around his
waist.While he was kissing me his lips on
my jaw."You know you should eat.Before
you faint again".
"You'll save me again".He came back for
my lips,and went for my neck.He
chuckled."What"? I said."Your neck is so
cold colder than mine.I think".Without
breaking the kiss he walk
downstairs.Flew.We were at the
kitchen ....already."You should eat".He
slowly let me to my feets."Thanks for the
rice "."Anytime".I ate half of the food but
didn't finish it as normal."You didn't like it?
"No I feel full.I need to use the
restroom"."You are okay right?"."Never
been better.Look at my belly how big it's
getting.I think if I eat more it's going to
grow more.I just need to use the restroom
to pee"."Oh,okay.Try to yell when
something doesn't feel right"."I will".I gave
him a quick kiss.I really went to the
to ckeck on periods.It has to come
today.It missed yesterday today it has to
come or......or....or I m-m-maybe p---
regnant.But that's possible.Vamps can't
have babies.Though I wanted to.We could
if possible.Well I got to the
bathroom.Peeied first got done.Didn't
flash the water
toilet yet.I wanted to see if their was a-
red thing.Meaning my period ba but their
was nothing I stood their shock.It can't
really be.I can't be pregnant....James said
we can't make babie.Though I have made
love with him.It can't be
I'm just freaking out that's all.Nothing
else.But I had to make sure it had to come
today.It really didn't take long.If I missed
yesterday and today I maybe
pregnant.What will James say?This is
bad.Really bad James
warned me this is dangerours.My big
mouth and tears didn't take no as an
answer.But cried,an talked.I can' tell him
that my period had not come and it two
days.He'll never talk to me.We might not
be married.But if I don't eventually my
stomach will grow if it's true.When I said
big stomach.
I looked my self in the mirror and picked
up my shirt.I think I may be pregnant
ya'll.My belly was shaped r-round.Coming
out in a circle way.And it was showing
really good.I can't hide it.I can't stay in the
bathroom.I didn't want to go to the living
room either.This is stupid but I just got out
from the and sat on the floor of our
room.Putted my head between my knee.I
didn't know if I was pregnant.Then before
James came.I looked around to see and
pragnacy test.I don't hell know I putted in
my suit case.But I found it.I peeid it can't be I
can't be,It's impossible,he said it never
happend.It can't be blue.He'll be mad at
me.No no no.My life is ruined.I slowly walk
to the mirror and looked at me in the
mirror.Did the same thing touched my
belly.The shape.Seemed so real.It was
real.I'm pregnant.What will my family say
but.....kill me maybe.How will James live?
I was standing their shaking.All my legs.I
couldn't feel my self.I felt numb.Tears in
my eyes dripping uncontrollable.I walked
again sat on the floor and puted my head
between my knee.I was crying of real this
time.I wanted a
baby--but what if James doesn't like.He
didn't answer my question when I asked
him'Would you like if we get our own
baby'.All he said was'let's talk about
something else please'.I was crying.Of
course he knew I couldn't be in there all
this long.
"Abigail are you okay"?I didn't know what
to say.Should I say I'm pregnant right
away.I didn't know what to do and to
say.He came and grabbed my hand and
saw my face all red tears filled and
"What's wrong?Are you still dizzy sick,you
want to go back to the bath again?
I nodded my head no.He was confused.He
bent really slowly and kissed me I kissed
him back.It went on for couple more secs.I
was enjoying it but their is something I
needed to tell him. Pulled away as fast as I
could.His eyes still confused."Are you mad
at me.Want to be change today,now.I
could do that if you...........want".
It's a little late for that.Why didn't he do it
before when I was ready.I had to speak
before he going to get mad anyways why
not do it right know."You know that I have
been eating alot,crying a
lot,dreaming,sleeping a lot James?".
"Yah.It's okay your just resting your brain
you ask too much question".
"Will you be mad,(Yes he will what's wrong
with me) if I told you something that t-
that's a shock.I really did mean anything.I
really didn't know what would the
outcome will be.But now I know and it's
going to make you mad angry at me or
youself.But's my fault.I'm afraid to tell you
though.I'm not even sure how to put it".
"You can tell me anything.You not thristy
"No I'm not thirsty-(God I swear something
just kicked inside my belly.I swear.Oh
good this is real.I can't do it)"."Okay your
shaking,and crying.Your face it's all red.I
have never seen you like that before".He
was staring at me
I stared back but I blinked tears."Go
ahead tell me"."Okay yestrday my period
was supposed to come it didn't.I waited for
today and it didn't come the
other long day".He seemed calm his
expression didn't change at all."That what
your crying about.You.......period didn't
come"."Yes-that's,that's not good for an
me for the moment.Do you know what
that mean honestly".
"Yes-no.I don't know,what does it mean?".
" means that I'm( I
took a deep breath.Brefore I say the
word.Pregnant.I think I'll faint to slip to the
bed)It maybe means that I'm I'm pa-pa-
pregnant".His eyes got wide his hand
dropped that was around me.I was
shaking.He didn't move put putted both of
his hands big hands and covered his face.I
didn't know what to do,Crying jump from
the window,Kill myself.This is bad.
My mind can't take it at all.I stared at the
mirror.My hands on my belly.Touching the
small circle round thing.The bump in my
stomach.Part of my memory was in
space.It seemed different in the
dream.The tears stopped.It was all quite
nothing but hear the sound of the wind.
I could picture the prettty a baby that I
dreamed about and stare at my stomach
feel the bump.James finally could move.I
didn't know how long we were quite not
talking or looking at eachother."Is it
mine?".I couldn't belive he said that.Does
he think
I had sex with another man or what?When
he asked this question than tears burst in
to my eyes.It wasn't water tears blod tears.I could smell.I
slowly put my hand on my cheek and
taste my blood tears.I just went to sit on
the bed.I felt like I was going to
slowly moved toward the bed.But
stopped.I had to say this question.If I had
said it again I need it say it once
"What do you think I am?What kinds of
question is that?Do you think I would do
that to you James?If you did you are dead
wrong!I would never do that!Beside their
nobody here beside you,me
and.................this baby.I never saw
anyother man?
I thought I was the one who asked the
stupid question!But this is way more than
a stupid question it's like you think that I-I
am in a sell out.It's free for anyman.But
I'm not.Never.Beside you sh-sh-should
You said it's impossible.It never
happpen.But possible. I think we should
call Jeff and Kate.I'm sorry if you mad
angry at me.Sorry I just had to let it out.I
thought you would be I could
tell you aren't and you maybe never
will.You hate me more than anybody in
this world .I'm the last person you want to
see in this world.
It's okay I'll die......kill myself.Their was
nothing in this world that belonged to
me?Their never was no space for me in
the first place!I shall die.But I will harm by
baby after she's/he's born......I know what
to do.To be out of your life.And never
return as I never married you,never met
you.I could do that...I would if you want
me to.Do I look like the wife that cheats on
her husband?".
I took a deep breath,a faced the bed.I laid
on the bed.Ready for him you yell at me.
What ever he felt like to do.He could do
anything.I would leave kill my self.Liked I
planned when he was gone but kept my
promise not to kill myself.(I said too much
maybe a pade essay.Ha.I just had to let it
flow it was insde me so yeah).
This time he would be happy.Never be in
his life.I would leave the baby for him if he
wants that.
I would die anyways.He still was was
standing still.Head covered on his face.I
wondered how his face looks like.Red like
the demon.Black eyes that feels like you
could see threw but can't.He must be very
mad.He finally moved his hand from his
face.I got up sat on the bad but missed
instead I fell to the ground.Dang it."Are
you okay?".He was like already their.
"".I was trying to jerk
my hand away from hizes.Ya he didn't.He
better not.If he does that mean we and
me are maybe over with this honeymoon
thing.Ahh got a head spin.Got a
headache."Sorry I can't leave you nor can
I live without you".
Hmmm pleasing.Pleasant to hear.Really
pleasant.He doesn't sound mad but some
anger in his voice...maybe cause I said
those word."I love you.I always will.I didn't
know how to ask you the question.I was
shocked.It just came out.I know you didn't
have it with anybody else.
Don't take personally.I didn't think that
you cheated on me...I don't it just came
out.You just opened your mouth and
started talking.I'm really sorry.Maybe or I
shouldn't have with
you.It's all my fault.I Let it happen.I really
sorry.I won't let the thing hurt you.
Though it's bit to......late.I can't change
you like this.It' way for more danger".It felt
like and ice melted in my in my heart
when he still loved me.He slowly walked
toward the bed and picked me up from the
ground.Looked deep in my
eyes.Apparently something caught his
attention again.I almost whisphered
breaking his gaze and looking at a side.
"Do you hate me James?You want me to
die?Kill myself".
"No,no.Hell I love you more than I could
say.You should alwys know that".
"Really?".Still looking aside.But could feel
his gaze still on my face.Inches away from
my face.If I turn around and look at him
I'm afraid that I might cry.
"Really,really.I have to call Jeff and we
need to get home as soon as possible.I will
drive.I promise will be their in no
time.Only 3 hours and 23 minutes.We can
drive really quick.I'll pack you things.You
take shower".
"Oh okay than.I'll take shower...would you
mine if you make a cold bath
"Anything for you love.Just give me a
couple of secs".
"Sure I'll just rest my head.Feel
lightheaded"."Will this help little bit?".I
looked up too see.And he bent slowly
cupped both of his hands on my cheeks
and bent and me so gentle 'K'.
The made me feel much better not even a
bit.But great.Felt fine.Than he pulled
back."Better?".He asked with still holding
tight.I could feel soft laugh in his
voice."Just a bit more".I teased.He bent
againg kissed me for while.Pulled back.
"Great but never enough"."I'll go get you
bath ready".He kiss me on the cheek and
left.Well that was heart warming for me.I
still want to ask him this question.Does he
love baby? This may start another bad
conversation that's what I always do.I
have to ask though we may be having our
own baby.Not created-Just born like
anyother baby.I can't wait."Your thing is
ready.You want me to carry you?"No-I'll be
"Okay I'll just wait pack your cloth".He left
out of the door no wanting to see me
naked like he haven't before.Anywho.Got
undressed sat on the bath.Just thinking
how she will look.Like I have dreamed
about.Just like her father James.Her blue
dazzling eyes.Her pale skin.Black hair.Her
dimples when she smiles.That part she got
it from me...not her father.Me her mother.
"Can I come in Abigail?"Sure".He got
in.Closed the door behind him.I was
rubbing my round ball cute baby inside.I
liked the bubble shampoo bath.An
freezing fcking cold.Okay.My baby girl.
"I talked to Jeff.He thinks well he knew this
might happend he didin't want to he never told me.He
has been doing researchs and stuff from
lap.I dunno where that is.It didn't happen
during my time or his but our parents
He said we have to get their really fast
and take the thing it won't hurt
you".Whaat in the world is he talking?They
are not talking my little girl out.She's
going to come out when it's time.I don't
care if I die giving birth to her.
All I need is her safe.Her safe.Now they
say take the'thing' out.It's not a thing it's
s life that lives inside me.Which I
love.They can't do that.I can't let them do
that.No.He could see the horror in my
"It's okay he won't let it hurt you.He
promised.It won't hurt you.It won't hurt".I
wanted to speak but I knew if I opened
my mouth I would cry instead I stupidly
nodded my head and sank into the
bath.Came out after a few minutes he still
was there.Smiling at me.I smiled back and
he slowly came to my side."Does it hurt
"No not really really.I'm fine.You want to
take bath?
"Naah I'm fine.I just toke shower when you
were taking your bath ".
"Ah.That was fast.Let me guess you
already finished packing everything".He
smiled wider.He bright white teeth
showed.So bright it's like the sun
light."Yes.When you are done.We'll stay
for about half hour and will go.In case you
were going to get hungry I got juice as in
the red color juice"."Thanks.I'll just stay in
here for couple about 5 more minuets and
I'll get out.You know you didn't answer my
question from nights before!
"I still remember.".Can't belive he did.
"You did?".
"Yaah.I-I loves babies.Anything behind
your question memory?
"No-I just wanted to hear you say that it-it
makes me...........happy.You don't mind do
you?Are you just said it to make me not
"No I really mean it".I was happy he meant
it.He loved babie.I loved babies."Well if I
was thinking if we both love
babies.......why can't we keep this
baby".He closed his eyes really tight.
"I'm ready to get out(Bath getting out
Uhg)".I could carless if that's
dangerous.I'm keeping my babee.I don't
care.I love this baby.I'm keeping it.My
family could hate me.I'll do anything to
save this little adorable girl inside me.Or
"You could stay".He putted his hands in
his black hair.He looked so hot when he
does that."No I'll be fine really fine
"Okay".He out.I got up and looking for the
towel.Stupid stupid.It's in the room.No the
bathroom.It' still on the bed where I left it
last time when I fainted in the bathrrom.A
bad experience.Dang it again.I'll have to the room
doesn't matter his my husband it's
nothing.I hope.Naa-I'll just call him to get
the towel.Much easier.
"James".I yelled for his names
."Yes-".It felt like he rushed to the
bathrrom...came threw the door.He saw
me naked.He looked away really
quick."You called for-".
"It's okay.I just towel to cover me up so I
can get out"."I'll get get you a t-towel
".Acting weird.
"Thank you again "."Sure".I came out.He
leaning against the door."We are leaving
"We have time for me to get dressed
"All time".
"I picked a clothe for you already.It's more
comfortable for you.There on the
bed"."Fantastic".I wore my cloth.Drank red
juice.Got plenty more left for 3 hour and
23 or so and breaks.
"Ready to go?"
No not really.I'll miss this place"."I
know.....we maybe could come for visit".
"Okay I'm ready".Their everything was
great.The house was clean.Left it the way
it was just for one pillow missed up that
got to the trash,already.Weared my seat
belt.He kissed me on more on the
cheek.Car engine started and their we left.
Every two one minuets he looks at
me.Long ride for me.I had ask him to stop
so I can get break.My back feels
crumbled."Ahh James do you mind if we
stop for couple 5 minutes my back feels
"Sure.On the next gas station.Will that be
"Doesn it hurt you?
"No-it doesn't I jut feel I need to walk for
awhile.My backs hurt if I sit to long I
think.But the baby doesn't hurt me at all.It
kicks though I tell you when it does.Would
you like to?"." Sure".I couldn't tell the
excitment in his voice.We got to the gas
station.He helped me get out from the
car."Feel much more better".
"Only five minuets okay".I wanted to
argue but not in public place.What a
shame that would be."Sure.Hey look at
that fireworks.It's cool".
"Haven't you seen one before they have it
on T.V every new year.It really good
watching all the color"."I have seen it.It
pretty cool.Me and Sa"."Don't worry she'll
not come...if she does I won't let you hurt
again.Do you want any chips anything"."I'll
want hot chee-tos".
"C'mon let's you those".We got to the
store.It wasn't that big.The cashier was
well looked like mexican.She was a
women.She starred at us.I tried to avoide
it but stared back.
"Hi.My name is Nina"
"Nice to meet".You said James.
"You couples?
"We are".Said James his voice annoyed by
the question...I was too.
"Ya'll look really young to be married?
"Don't you think your going to a personal
"Oh sorry.I never seen ya'll around".
"We don't live.We are passing by".
"First baby ha.Boy or girl".
"We-I don't want to tell you".He didn't
know.Neither did I.I just think it's a girl.Or
"Just cheetos".
"Yes only those ".
"You could buy more with a drink.Chee-tos
are hot.Might burn your wife throat.It's
maybe not good for the child.She may not
pee well.I had that experience.It was
terrible.My boyfriend hated me.I throw up
many times.Our little house started to
small.He left me.I got the baby.I couldn't
handle it so I gave it to my friends.I never
saw her than.I'm singal alone.Work here".
I was getting mad I couldn't handle it.
"Will you shut up and sell the damn chee-
tos so we can leave woman,-without
another word.If you may".I really got
mad.I hell don't need to know her
story.Hell I'm never going to meet
her.Anyways.So whatever major
loser.Goodness.She brings my nerves
"Okay Dollar 99 only".
"Have a great day.See ya'll around".
"My day it's already ruined from you damn
freaking story".We left then."You really got
mad Ashley?".
"She was getting my nerves-Who want to
hear her lame story?She's the one who got
pregnant without getting married and now
she is going to tell us.Not interested at
all.Were you?".I'll be suprised is says
"I was thinking of something else.Like how
to shut her up.But you handle it very well
than I was thinking".Killing ha.?Woe fast
ob thinks
"It's took as more than 5 minuets you
know"."If it wasn't for her.But we are
good.Another 1 hour ride.It won't be that
long"."Listen James.C'mon it's kicking".He
slowly putted his head on my round ball
and listen really closely.
It was just so nice him liking babies.I don't
want her gone,I don't want then to take it
out.It's only going to be couple month
before it comes out.About couple more.It
stopped kicking.James slowly moved his
head away.He was smiling.About
something."You like it?"."Yah.You wanna
know the coolest thing though".
"What?"."She loves you"."Sh-Sh-she loves
"Baby girl?Hm"."Ah-ha.You know the
night that I was crying I had the dream of
having a baby girl Her eyes blue
...dazzling blue, her prefect black hair like
your, so cute.It felt like it was true.When I
opened my eyes it wasn't true my heart
felt so bomped.I wanted to be true.I was
afraid if I told you-you would not want to
hear it.But you did.Does this make you
mad"."No".He leaned and gave me a
travel kiss.
"It's nice that you told me".
"I thought you would get angry at me".
"Their is no reason for me to be angry at
you.It's just sometime like I told you half
vampire don't have this problems but full
vampires do.They have some controll
problems....with their temper.I'm never
mad at you it's my temper I sometimes
that I can't controll,my voice.
I sometimes forget how close to be with
you.That's makes me mad.Than I'll hurt
you.Your still alomst like human but little
bit stronger.Your not stronge as the rest of
us.I feel....weak when I can't controll
"Can we keep........her please".Or him
"If you want her.But you have to ask would say yes but won't
know what that might be a
problems.Dangerous".What's up with the
D word.
"Their is not problems having your own
baby James.It's yours no on should mind
it.What problems can it really do?I know
you know it just tell me"."Look we are
home.10 minutes away and we'll see
"We came home.I didn't feel a
thing.School again?Ugh.How many
colleges have you been?"."Over 50
different colleges.That's reminds me.You
should apply for one of them.I'll teach it's
really easy.I'll help you apply for one....
course once you get that out".That?Hm
"I missed Jennifer,David.
Actually me and Jennifer applied for one
college when I was with Sarah.I don't know
what happen to it.Either she threw it away
or I didn't get accepted.But I bet it'll be
fun going to college.I can't wait to see
Rosa and all".
"Wish I could read you mind right this
moment what you truly are thinking.I
always want to hear your minds like any
other human.Theirs so easy to read you
and your mother and sometimes Rosa are
hard for me to read"."Sweet home.Finally
He stopped the car parked it their.
"What if my dad says we can't keep the
baby.His going to take it out anyways.Will
they like me if I say I want to keep my want her James.I want her to
see the world...not by force but when her
time comes
.She won't be like human....Well I
think.She probably will be Half vampire
like me.Their no problems with that?Is
He didn't say anything.Just got out from
the car and opend the door for me in
secs.He grabbed my arm.Walked to the
stair of the house light outside were
off.Weird but alright.How needs light when
their eye are supper flashing great."You
can tell him you want to keep it.I'm sure
he'll let you if their won't be any
problems"."But what if h-he says no
"I'm sure we'll work out something".He
bent and gave me an sweet kiss on the
lips,and on the forhead.Opened the door
for me holding me on my hands.I feel fat
with this baby inside me.Wow fat.Is that
how people who are pregnang supposed
to feel because I do I really seriuosly
freaking do?An that weirdy walk you
"Oh-I have to tell you this Ashley before
we get inside.You know how I read the
thing inside you mind(I
nodded.Thing?)Well it likes when you stay
in the the cold icy water.It makes her feel
good inside you more necessary.I guess
you could say that.Doesn't like the hot-
She could feel it inside".
"Really?Well maybe that's why I started
liking cold icy bath.My belly doesn't look
that big Right"."No-not exactly.But
round.Though round enough".I could feel a
small laugh in his voice.Yes my belly it's
getting rounder and rounder
everyday.Getting bigger bigger.Untill it
comes out..I'll take care of it.
"Don't be nervous you make her nervous
too"."I'll do my best".Gave him a quick
kiss on the lips.
"No"."I bet they can hear us-Let's go
inside".It smelled the same.Cold I
usual."Rose!".I was so happy to see her.I
gave her a her a side hug.Front not so
"I'm so happy to see you Abigail.Look at
you you belly.Your baby it's going to have
the time of it's life when it's comes put.It's
going to be like so sweet.I'll dress her.I
will want to do everything".
"Me too.I think it's a thing".James said a
thing so why not me.A thing.It hurts to say
a thing something that lives inside you.Got
the point dreaks?!!!.Oh.Okay.
Than I hard a male voice who was
laughting.Who else could it be that brokes
from roar of laughters."Hey round
ball"."Jacob!"."Hi little sis.You have
changed. A lot. A big change.A really big
one.But don't worry the thing (Even him
see it.)it's going to come out anyways and
you'll be back to normal....Jeff is already
ready to do his work.Just waiting for ya'll
to arrive.It's going to upset you but that
thing needs to
come our before you can be turned he
said.It.......won't........... live though.You
won't feel a pain.His going to give you a
lot of needles and pain killer.Morphine
thing.When you wake up with your new and James could go to your
own house.But the baby it's going to be
born........dead.Sad ha?Don't worry you'll
be fine and be a full vampire as you
wished in your dreams....err I think".
"Why?!".Me and Rosa said it together.I
thought she knew it.I guess none of the
girl know about it at all."Where are Jeff
and Kate?".Jacob had to answer this one.It
felt like he knew everything."They are
talking upstairs...oh never mind there they
are"."Mom! Dad!".
"I felt like little kids who has been lost had
finally came to see their parents.
"I'm so happy to see
everybody"."Welcome back kiddos".I
huged them.We all hugged eachother.Well
James and I were the one's being
hugged."Are you ready for me to take out
the thing honey"."What thing?".I knew
what it was but I was just going to act
lame for this one.
"The baby.I'm allready".Jeff said
"I'm tired can we do it tomorrow please.I
think I need some rest before It
happens".Nor ever."It's good to do it
now.It'll be fast.No pain.No nothing.I'll
make it really fast.Or you want to think
about it?
"Dad I don't want my baby...out.I want to
keep the thing alright?.I want the thing to
stay with me.I just want to keep her.I feel
like I need to keep her.Their is nothing
wrong with that!Keeping your own blood
baby I never thought their would be any".
"Well you can think about it.But I'm sure
you'll make the right choice.You may rest
and think about it but I think I shall do it
today.It's good when you are not rested
"Daaad!I want to rest and I'll think about it
I said but My answer will be 'I want to
keep my thing.Okay sir?!"."It's better to do
it now.We don't need any tesion from
anybody before to late Abigail Ray".
"She said She want to rest and think about
it". Said James between his teeth."Well I
would like to do it today-tonight-now while
not rested.Think about it Abigail but make
it right before we are all in danger that we
can't escape from it".
"You don't understand dad do you.I want
to keep my baby.I want my thing.I want
her and she'll want me when she comes
out on her own time".I got mad and tears
we comming from the eyes again.I walked
passed then all and went upstair."She
want to keep her baby Jeff".James said it
with more anger this time and followed
Called James behind me but I didn't look
back.I was so mad at my dad.He doesn't
understand.I went upstair and slammed
the door.I got in the room and sat one the
ground facing and looking at myself in the
mirror.I slowly took my hands and placed
it on my 'round ball'.What me and Jacob
call.I rubbed it slowly.
Half took off my shirt to just show my
stomach.How could I let him take it
out.When I love it,When I dreamed
about,When she loves James and I. I can't
let her out without being fully grown in my
belly.After her months are done.I don't
care if I have to change.She's going to be
half vampire like me.
Me and her would be the same.James will
be the father I'll be a mom.For the first
time.I can't even know how to feel.For
one thing I don't even know how to take
care of baby....but if it's mine hell I will
learn it just like that.
It's easy their not much you have to do
beside feed them,bath them,get their
nap,change diaper most of all love them
with all your heart.Always be open to
them.Let them enjoy their childhood or I
would like to call 'Babyhood'.Let them
explore the universe threw their own eyes
and let them have their freedom.
I was still rubbing my belly feeling the
bump over and over again.It doesn't hurt
just growing and growing.Some one
knocked the door."Can I come in".
It was James.I still was rubbing my
Ball."Come in".
"You okay?
"I'm fine just got little temper so I came
here to relax a bet"."Feel better?".
"Ah-ha little bet.But Jeff just drove me nuts
out there.I said I'll think about when their
is nothing to think about when I told him
and he still said the same thing again and
again to me take this thing out.I want to
keep it.Their is not problem to that.She's
mine.She's not going to die.I'm not going
to say take her out James.I wouldn't care
much if he hates me/you hate right at this
moment.I want to keep her James.I want
to to see her in my hands.Looking her in
the eye just like yours.I want to see
everything about her".
I feel much much more great.I let it
out.Wow I had something to say."You'll be
fine get some rest".He sounded worried."I
don't feel tired at all.Nothing.I just want to
sit here and look at my self in the mirror
like this".
"You sure?".
"Okay.Jeff wanted to tell me I'll go and find out what".
"You can just read his mind and it's a lot
easier"."He wanted to talk to me face to
face.Nothing personal.It's like me and
Jacob are going to talk to Jeff".
"So boys meeting".
"You could call that.Ha they're rushing for
me to come down stairs.Just yell my name
if you need any help"."Okay.I love
you".Got my answer on the cheek he
softly kissed me an left.I sat their doing
really nothing got tired of rubbing not that
I hate it.Just tired arm started hurting.I
started humming for her like she could
her.But I still did.It kinda made me go to
I didn't want to get up and get on the
bad.I just cruled up there.Didn't bother to
get up walk cover myself with blanket.I
legs felt weak.I was humming and drifted
to sleep.Than the hell battle nightmare
stared.It was foggy morning.
The sun didn't come out yet.But you could
see some light.I was walking alone on the
path.But nobody with.No one,not
James,the girl.I was walking walking till I
reached a long red carpet on the
ground...I followed it.I kept on walking
and walking.
It seemed endless.I took about 8000
steps like I was couting.It seemed I got to
the end when I hard voices around my
head saying"keep on going.Don't
stop.Only couple more step and we'll be
free"."Whose there" I said.My voice I was in the forest are
somewhere deep.But no one answered
me.I kept on walking,slowly
really slow that I could almost hear the
carpet sound.I reached the end.I saw
something shining so big.Colored red.It's
was one of the most
glomeorus,brightest,biggest ring I have
ever seen.A voice whispered like a wind
like it was righ their standing with me
telling me to "touch it-don't be afraid.It's
only a ring.
You'll love it.Go ahead touch it only one
touch and you let go if you want"."Where
are you talking from"?"I'm in the shadows.
but you'll see me once you touch it.You'll
be amazed how much you could do.Touch
it know and see for your self-Please go
head a do it or you are a chicken."I am
not a chicken.No one ever called me
that"."Now do it than.If your not a
"Fine.But you should never call me a
chicken if I touch it".I can't believe I was
agreeing to a shadows.I slowly walked
toward the ring.But before I reached for
it.....someone grabbed my arms and made
it touch it really fast I couldn't see it.It was
a trick.A trik that tricked me.
When my hand felt that ring.It was
hot.Hot as in lava hot.I was screaming.
Screaming.I wanted to say dead but only
air came out.My lungs felt like they were
being cut into pieces and eating being
Screaming didn't help but it forced me to
screamed.Making me worser and
miserable.I could only scream but not say
the word I wanted to say.I wished to get
out from this hell and die but still breath
with my lung.The only think I could think
that was my cutting heart was
hate,anger,and revenge.
My whole body sweating.When I hard a
voice not at lound laught that reminded
me of of S-Sarah.The woman I have
killed.But not I only hard women voices I
hard many other voices laughing.When
sunddenly some one took me and pulled
me away from the ring..It sure indeed was
Sarah.The woman I have killed I thought I
have killed."Sorry Abigail babee.You killed
me but you didn't kill my Werewolf form.
And know it's revenge time.You have
woken all of us.Every singal were that
have been killed.You shall thank me.
I did you a favor.I could kill you right now
but I'll wait for the right time,right day,and
you'll be ready.You'll know I'm there.This
is not dream.You have saved all of the
werewolf that have died.We Thank you
but we'll kill you when times come.You
wound we heal.This is not anyother dream
Abigail.It's real.It real as hell as you last
By the way you should not let them take
out your baby cause if it wasn't for him
you wouldn't have done this.If they take it
out it's just wast of hope.You still are a
bitch to me.No baby".I woke up screaming
in my room on the bed.Ahhhhhhhhhh!.
"What's wrong?"."This was real James it's
going to be real.She said it....would be
real.That would happen to me.It will I
know.I can sense it.It's true".
"What's true?"."That Sarah it's not
dead.She'll come back.One day the right
time and the right place.She's comming
with group of her kind.A lots of wolf.She
said this is not any other dream that I
have had.It's true.It'f gonna happen
"That's what Jeff told me yesterday when
he talked to me and Jacob.You mother told
him.It's true.You and your mother are like
the same but different you could see the
future by closing you eye and
sleep.Hm.She could by only losing her eye
but she can only see couple thing"."Sarah
also said it's because of the.............b-
I swear I didn't mean it to go this far at
all.I didn't mean for them to be woken.All I
wanted to go was keep the baby.That's
why Jeff said to take the thing out.I'm
stupid.I really the stupidest person in this
world.I can't do the right thing,right
choice.Nothing.But like she said that I'm a
"None of those are you. You better than
that way far more than better.Hottiest gurl
ever.No one would ever have but me.So
just calm down and take an cold bath and
everything will just work out.....fine.No one
it going to hurt you.Not even the
baby"."Are you just saying that to make
me feel better?".He sometimes does but
this sounded serious
"No.I mean it.I'll show you what I mean by
that when that thing comes out. Show you
the bats I was talking about to".He leaned
and gave me and kiss on the cheek."My
only love you go take a cold bath.It's
alread ready.No need to thanks"."I love
you always".
"Forever.I'll just sit here till your done
but..........I'm thristy.Me and Jacob and jeff
are going hunting.We'll come back by
tonight.Late night.Don't worry we'll be
fine"."Oh-oh-oh-okay".That was sad.He
need a drink...we have been here for
almost couples of weeks.I'll agree."I'll be
back by midnight.You'll be asleep by
than".He hugged my and gave my a quick
lip kiss....and gone.Well I got inside my
bath.Someone came in.
"Sorry I had to make sure you didn't
drawn....your husband told me to take
care of you while his gone.I'll just leave".It
was Rosa.She's nice.....she's going to be
my sitter for a while.Grreeeaaattt.Well I
didn't have to stay in the bath that long as
normal.Got dressed."You done alread.He
said you took little bit longer than.Not in a
mean way though"."I know I just wanted
to get out really fast today.So what shall
we do?".
"I don't know.I was just thinking lets' talk
about babies.Well since James told me it's
a boy I brought so cool clothe for it.We
shall try it on once his born"."James knew
it was a boy?He must have don it to make
me happy that I liked baby girl....such a
gentlman."Well ya he didn't want to be
upset if it wasn't a girl.So let's girl talk
while their gone it's only you and me.Kate
went with them"."Well that nice off you
buying cloth for the boy".
"I know no need to thank.Look you want to
see your house.The new one for you and
James and your baby".
"Are you sure we can get there?"."No
problem I can carry you .Don't be shy
"You carrying me.No I'll rather
walk"."Afraid that you're going to fall"."Yes
but let's just go before they came and see
no body here"."Great wear you jacket and
get ready.I'll start the car instead of
"Is it that cold?"No-okay C'mon lets go".
We got to the car.Drove not that far away
from the house we just left from.Goodness
my little sister loves music."Rose do you
mind if you make the volume low little
bet.My ears start hearing the sound bom!
"Sorry me and Jacob love lound
music.James does I bet he doesn't do it
this loud"."No....never seen him.But I saw
him shake his head for music when his
sitting on the bed"."Look see that over
there"."Ah-Ha ".
"That's the house"."C'mon
inside"."Ohmygosh the is beautiful.It's so
colorful.So warm color.I love it.Wait did
Jame see it?."No-but he won't mind"."Are
you sure?".
"Yes.Now go look at the closet.Kate and I
brough all the cloth.Hope you like".I
walked.OMG this is like a fashion modle
dresser.How big it was and it was colored
purple and white stripes."Rose this is
amazing.I can't thank ya'll enough.I own
She teased.The house was perfect.The
baby room was great.He had his own
dresser.Alot of clothes.James and I-our
cloth were in the same dresser closet but
wall seprate it.The rooms tempt
I hard a sound."Was that you Abigail?"."No
I thought it was you"."Let's go look". We
said it together.We came down stair.Their
was nothing."Let's go.I just wanted to
show you your new home".We left.Came
home.They haven't came yet.Than
This can't be right.No it can't.It's her it's
her.Sarah. She on our door step."Off of
our land now". Said Rose,holding me
behind her."Don't worry I just came here
to deliver a news.
If you haven't gottin one.The right
time,the right place we'll warn you and
we'll attack.But their is a lot of us.Thanks
to Abigail in her dreams.I just came to tell
you so you can get prepared.Where is she
anyways.I could smell her.Oooop right
behind you.Come out.I won't hurt just
wanna see you face and you stomach".I
came from Rosa back ans said"What do
you want".
"Just telling a news.Woow you stomach
has grown it'll be born soon ha?About
couples week more like on week.Right".
"Right.....why does it matter to you
anyways?"."Just wondering.I don't want to
make this conversation anylonger
so.....bye.See you in the battle
fields".Their she left."I'm sorry Ashley.Did
she scare you?"."No-I'm just in shock.I
can't believe that's she's alive.Though I
saw it with my own eyes".
"Don't think about it.We'll protect you.We
are getting more people in contact to help
as.She's right their is too many of
them.But we can handle with no fear.Fight
with honor and die with pride.Did James
tell you about Bat"."Yes-Their going to
"They delt with this kinda of battle
before.The only way to distract from
battling is by bats.They'll never want to
fight again...if the bats are in our
side.We'll do well.It's time for your
sleep.James said you get some sleep...but
if you dream bad knock my door and I'll
sleep with
you if you want".I went upstair to my
room.Laid on the bed.My eyes couldn't
sleep.I was waiting for James to come.I
hummed for baby and myself.And their I
slept.I didn't know what happend till cold
arms touched me."James!Your back".
"You were falling".That wasn't great at all.I
half quivered when said that."I...was".
"Yaa.You were humming to yourself an
slept.I was here but didn't want to disturb
you.So how was your dream".
"I didn't have any dreams.I'm so
happy...but I saw it with my own eyes".
"What what did you saw?"."Okay we went
to our house.Hope you not mad.(He just
smiled).Then when we cam back Rosa and
I saw Sarah.She came to warn as that
they'll attack,The right day,right time"?
His eyes grew in worry and regret."Did she
hurt you?I shouldn't have left.Did she do
anything to you"?
"No-She only looked at me and said see
you in the battle field"."She won't hurt
you.Your not going to face her.Don't worry
my love she won't you".
"What time is it?
"Almost an hour away from the
morning.You shall sleep.I can hmm for you
if you want"."Naah I'll just be awake.If I
sleep and wake up later I get dizzy.Let's
talk about something fun".
"Like what".
"We can ask eachother simple question an
answer it.Fun question"."Okay-ladies
first"."I want to know why do you like the
guitar?What got you into playing it?What
was you influence?"."Hmmm.Lay down
rest you head first.And I shall start".I laid
on the bed beside him.He wrapped his
arms around me and went on.
"Because I used to do it when I was's still inside me.I love many
bands.Kinds of style or music type are
Alternative rock,Pop rock,Some Rock and
roll,And more.I play it beacuse it like my
passion.I got influeneced by anybody who
I have watched and played the guitar or
any other instruments"."Cool.Now your
turn to ask".
"Ahh.What's your favorite color?What
music do you like or instrument?Why do
you like those?"."Well I love any color
depends on my mood.But my favorites are
purple,blue,black,organe,red,lime.I love
the piano.Well my mother I mean Sarah
used to play it I and I loved it so much that
I got into.I never really played it for that
much but I love it.And I like guitars too.I
just like them all.The sound the feel and
the color"."That's good".
"Who do you love in this world?The intire
world?"."Hmmmm.I love you and when yo-
our baby comes out.Is that good answer?".
"Perfect"."Now I'm curious.Who do you
love in the intire universe?You'll spend the
rest of your life?Never give up on".
"Ahh.You are my love for the rest of th
world and spend eternity and never give
on is you.My only and always
love"."Great".He kissed me on the
head.Knock knock."Who is it?". James
asked."It's Rose"."Wait a minuets".
"No it's okay....I was just making sure that
you were here"."Okay bye".
"Excuse me please".I said
"What wrong"."Wet-water wet"."What
does that mean.Should I
"Ahh call Jeff....hurry fast.It's getting all
more weter"."Y-
Yes".Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The thing is
coming out.Dang it.It's comming out.My
little boy it's going to come out.My little
adorable boy will come out..."Hey sweatie
don't worry it's comming out.You will feel
little pain but only for a while.Can you
walk?."Yes- oh god.Second thought no".
"Get me the structure".It was like I was in
the hospital.I'm starting to feel the pain
now.Not much.But getting hot.
"I need cold water on my head please.I
feel whoozy"."It's okay love you'll be
fine.Once this is over you'll be in your new
"How long James?It's starting to hurt
more".I took a deep breath gaaasshh
giving birth it's not easy."Ahhhhh.I'm
getting hot I need cold water.More
please.When is it going to be over.I'm
getting tired.I-I- I-am afraid I won't make
it.It's took strong.I can't take it.It hurt.....d-
do something.Give me the needles so it
can end this pain please.It's burns please
Dad.Hurry.I-I never thought it would have
been this heard.It
"Be calm honey you need to push it
out....before I give you the needle"."Oh
god.I con't push it's stronge did you hear
me.I can't push it"."Only three more and
you'll be fine.C'mon push"."I can'
hurt.I'm scared".
"Don't be-You'll be okay".He was rubbing
my hand but nothing helps.It seemed like
a buring hell.It was too strong for.
"The next two more honey.Just two
I pushed one more I couldn't do one other
more.It felt like my lunges have been
crashed when ever I push.I couldn't breath
free."I c-c-can't breath.I caa.......nnn't.I
can't do it"."Try my love ".Those wore the
last word I hard and my eyes shuted like a
robot that has no battrey.Like the robot
has touched water.My eyes closed.I hard
nothing else since that.
As my eyes opened.I didn't know what
happend.The pain was bewildering.I didn't
know what was happening.I had no sense
of what was happeing.Than I started to
feel little pain but tried to reject it.The
I tried to clear my mind but it seemed I
didn't know how.What was the last thing I
remember?OMG.I need to open my eyes
ans see the boy.My
baby.James,Rosa,Jacob,Jeff,Kate and the
baby.I don't know his names but I need to
open my eyes.I thought I lost my mind.I
need to open my eyes.But I hear sounds.
"Breath my love breath.You can do.Keep
you heart beating.Stay with me".I wanted
to say yes but air only came out.I didn't
know what do to.Where my heart was.How
to inheal.How to the
pain.Ripping.Comming.I could feel
something comming threw so hard so
much pain.I could feel something pushing
it's way out.Gash it hurts.At the little time
I have wished why
I wanted a baby.It yanked sideways.Felt
like glasses have been shattered on my
throat burning.Like hell.I screamed in pain
I couldn't breath.It was like hell.Like your
are in hell trying to ecape and go to
heaven.At the time I was thinking what to
do.Than something came out.I hard a
baby cry.Something got stuck in me.I
couldn't feel any pain.It was gone.I was
numb.I still couldn't open my eyes and see
either but I could hear.My eyes squeezed
Gasping for air.It felt like my whole body
inside was out but came back roughly,like
a bus and a car has been crahsed
together.Than maybe after couple
minutes,seconds I don't know I could feel
cold smooth lips on my cheek.I still
couldn't see.Gashping for air to my
lungs.It whipered in my ear so low and
musical in my ear "Alexander" .
Alexander!A boy it's born.I wanted to say
something.Trying to find my lips and say
something quite didn't know yet.I opened
my eyes since the pain was over but still
som remaind."C-c- can I see him".My eyes
wide open could see.Just I how picture but
in a boy way instead of girl.He was almost
just like his beautiful.His eye wide
open just like my but looked shocked.
Entered a new world than the dark inside
me.His skin looked so cute pale.Paler than
me but like his father.His tiny face was
unbelilevably amazing.Almost impossible
just how cute he was.Alexander what
name.His face so perfect, perfect just
perfect...His just cute.I said"Sweet".Sweet
I said.Dang it."Ahhhh!".I gashped in pain
again it returned.They took the perfect
face away from me.Why I wanted to shout
at them but weak.
My own arm seemed so have like it
weighted over 800 pounds.I went numb
again.I couldn't feel anything.Nothing.My
heart was like a thundre has stricked my
so badly that I could no longer live live.But
that meant.NO James,No Alexander my
little angel.Live without him will be
worthless,nothing.Like if I get cut James
gets cut.Our live can't
be apart.Not for any length of time.Not for
a minutes but...felt like I was
leaving.Dying leaving them for good.I
wasn't afraid but I was scared to leave
them here.Son without mother.His mother
died when she gave birth to him.How will
that count on his live when he grows up.I
was leaving.I'm dying.
Leaving them going away.No,I need to live
survive for them.I had to try.Do
everything.Anything that I could to escape
from this killing pain.Anything.The pain is
getting worser and woser.I can't take I
give up.I tried but didn't help.My lungs are
being crashed.I can't move.
Nothing.I just hope I could die.Now.NO I
have to fight this.Fight this hard.The pain
was worser than death by itself.I felt like
my skin was buring.Like their is someone
who has a heat on top of my head.
The buring grew and grew.It was inside.It
was unpredictable.I though I was being
burnt.I felt like my head was cut off
someone was killing me dragging me.My
chest was buring like hell.Lava.The pain
that you can't resist.Can't bear.The worst
part was I want to rip my heart and threw
it away.It was where all the pain was.I still
had the chance to that......if I could feel
my arm.
I would have done it.To take that pain
away.I was getting hotter.I wanted to
scream.This my son kicking through me
to come cut when I said It hurt that was
nothing compare to this.This was a killing
pain.I was dieing.I prayed for to death.Let
me die please let me die make it
easy for me.I wanted to die than not feel
the pain that I'm feeling right now.You
couldn't imagine.My whole body felt like
1000 of pound.I couldn't move.Everything
felt so heavy.But getting stronger.It was
like any pain,
hell pain,break,ripping pain any pain that
you have ever felt in your life.It's
unimaginable.The undisguiseable.I would
never wish this to happen to anybody.
I needed to escape.I need to wake up if it
was dream.The suddenly I started hearing
voices.Getting clear and clear.I hear heart
beats.Talking.Than I could her me I could
feel me.This was my chance to move but
But too late again.My throat felt like their
was a hot buring oil getting threw it's way.
I thought the pain was over but it just
cuming back.Something jerked me
back.Pulled me back by force.I was trying
to get up.Than than it was gone the pain
the buring everything was gone.I could
feel,hear but for sec or minutes didn't
know how to open my eyes.I gashped
and felt someone their rubbing my hand
only I could hear him or her breathiing no
one else...I hard no baby no laughting but
me and that person breathing.I wanted to
open my eyes.When I did.I was in a room.
A blue room.I was laying on a bed that
was flat.Pillow under my head.Than Than I
finally saw James their.His black hair
pulled back in ponytail.He looked so
handsome.No cute.No unbelieveably
sexy,hot,Unexplainable."My ashley can
you hear me"?It has been like years to
me since I have not hard that
sweet,dazzling,loving,handsome voice.Of
all the pain I felt I never thought I could
hear this again not ever but I never gave
up.I wanted to say yes I can hear you...but
I had trouble getting my grammer out.I
had trouble thinking.He waited patiently.I
finally get what to say.For the first time I
could her my musical voice.
Not the first but it felt so different.Felt like
everything has changed these couple of
dazes,monthes have no clue here
friends.It sounded so small and loving.My
voice got little bit smaller and softer not
that it wasn't before."I love you James".
It was like I have never said that to him
when those words came out."As I always
loved you".It was so amazing.Than I could
see everybody else.I wanted to shout their
names to tell them how happy I'm and out
from that buring hell."I'm so happy to see
you all".
James slowly came to my side.Offered his
hand and I gave it to him.I huged me so
tight and said 'I love you'.Than I kissed
him so-so our first kiss.He
did the same.This kiss was beyond
different.Much force.He was kissing me
with greatness.It was so amazing!I think I
ruined his ponytail.Who cares as long as
he still loved me and always did.
But I didn't see my cute little baby
Alexander nor Rosa.I hard somone
cough.Course I knew it was Jacob.James
pulled back his face never felt any happier
or paler."Hi.Sis" ."Hi
Jacob.....everybody"."So how did you feel?
".Jeff asked."Well I was alone in a room a
dark room feeling pain buring pain like
lava my throat too.It's so dry hot.Than I
saw light and all of you"."Oh we need you
"I'll go hunting with her".Hunting with
James god.How else can I put this.Killing
animal.I normally get the the 'Juice'.I don't
need to hunt as they do.But now I had
to.To survive just like James and the
others."Me hunt.But I.....don't know how.I
never did.What if-if I kill someone
by.....mistake?What do you use I know
about the fangs but their small.Don't you
I really was confused.How can you used
those little teeth to stick it to the animal
or what ever.How sharp or they.I never
tested on any body.But what if-if I become
a blood thrist vampire.Kill people.How will
I controll my self?I'm going to be the worst
undead vamp ever.But I can't be like that.
"It's okay.I'll show it to you.It's simple.It
really easy".
"Easy?How will that be easy when I never
hunted before?I don't even know how
these little fangs can sink in to the body
fat fur".I said raising one of my
"Maybe not easy for you.C'mon I'll
show.It'll get worser and woser if you stay
too long"."But where is".They all looked at
eachother like I said something bad.And
James said."We know that your not weak
but....he has the human sense.It'll be hard
for you to catch him now"."Oh-
okay......lets' go than".Why, why,why.I
know I won't hurt my own baby.I mean
how could I?I could though?Couldn't I?
What's wrong with me hodling my own
"Don't worry you'll see him.He is with
"Who does he look like the most?"."Well
he has my hair,his color it more like
human or is human, and the eyes blue,and
he had dimple like yours.He grows faster
and taller faster than human
babies.Maybe even talk sometimes
soon"."So how long was not talking?
Awake?"."No that long.Only a dazes.How
do you feel"."Well I-I thought I was dying.
The pain was hard harsh. I didn't know if I
was going to make it or not.But I tried the
pain was like I was being burned in fire
being killed.At first I thought I was in a
dream a hell dream tried to wake up but
nothing than I realized it was the venom
that was spreading.I had wished that very
second to kill myself.
My heart was buring like I had lave has
passed threw.I wanted to ripe it away if I
had the chance.The pain seemed endless.I
wanted to die than live.It was harder than
death.It was painfull.I only thought it
would be bite and over their I'll be like
you.But no-no it was painful.So how was it
for you?
"The same but mine took longer like three
day.I was being changed to vampire when
I was human.It's more painful not that
yours wasn't-but if your human wanting to
be Vampire you sure hell will face a lot of
pain". By this time we were in the wood.I
hand holding eachother.Not walking
though.Running but not running at the
same time."Okay.Now to hunt you need
your sense take over and listen for the
beat.You can even smell it how thy
taste.Just warning some are not that tasty
but give it a try.
I'll go do mine".
"Okay.I'll call when needed help".Their he
left.Okay I started sniffing.I could smell it
really good.It smalled so sweet.Hot warm
heated blooded.The next thing I know is I
jumped on the thing and bite it.It tasted so
good.But it was screaming.I didn't even
stop till it stoped.When I was done...I so
happy my throat felt much much more
better.This tasted great than anyother
drink I had.Really different.Like 200%
times different.When I cooled down and
opened my eyes to see what exactly it
Before I was done he was right their on my
side."J-James I have commited a crime.On
my first day.James look I have killed this
poor inocent h-human.James look what I
have done.I couldn't stop.Even when it
screamed"."No ashley no.Y-you have
wounded a vampire.We we have
to leave now".He murmured something
like'Just an old friend'.I was still as a
stone.My hand on my face.Unmoving.
"C'mon love.We need to run....before we
are found".I was standing their in shock.All
I hear is killed.Human vampire I dunno.I
killed.I knew I can't stand there anymore.I
started running with James we got close to
home but we didn't go to the big
house.We went to the our house."It's okay
Ashley.Don't worry".
"James it's not okay.I killed a man the first
day I went hunting.How do you say that's
okay?I can't handle this!I-I'm weak James.I
can't control what I do-it seems that way
James.I can't.I'm strong enough as you
are.Think about what I would to my
son.You said he is half Human.I can't
controll me if I scent his blood.I won't be
able James.I can't hold my own Alexander.
I can't.I'm a monster James can't you see.I'm
a killer.I can't.I'm weak.I can't".I can't do
it.It hard.I don't know how to hold my own
son.What if-what if I kill him.I can't be
alone with him.I need to be watched over
him.His mother is a killer.It harder than it
seems.I can controll it seems my scents of
smell took over.
I didn't know what to do.I can't believe I
have just killed a man.I still have his
picture in my head.He had a brown
hair.His eyes were closed but I didn't see
it.His neck was red flashing blood..He was
shaking,an screaming but I didn't stop.I
could picture my eyes black and enjoying
myself killing a man.
"Don't worry Jeff will handle it.He'll teach
you how.You won't hurt Alexander.I'll be
there to help you hold him.Nothing will
happen to none of you.It'll take a while but
you'll be trained really fast.You just a Alexander in a different
way.Don't worry love".
"Oh James".Was all I said an gave him a
huge hug."It's okay.We'll go tomorrow and
tell Jeff.Don't worry about his
expression.He might react not bad.The
only way to help you though is to see
Alexander and you'll be tested and you'll
be fine if you don't hurt him"."But what-
what if I do hurt him?.
"You won't you'll be fine.It's something to
regret for what you have done today but
times heals and wounds.Okay"?."Okay.So
what do we do here?
"Hmmm I don't know we could have
fashion show.We have all the cloth that
anybody could have.Try them
on.Model"."Well I'm not a good mold...but
I'm sure I'll beat you".
"We'll see about that.The first one to come
out from the closet is the winner"."Good
enough.No judge? "No".
"Okay. On your mark".I got to the dresser I
had no idea what to wear.Their was a
black short jeans cut really short but not
like that-that way too short.If you know
what I mean.Their was a blue stripes black
short sleave shirt and I weared.Came
out."I won.How did he get here so fast.
You cheated.Your still wearing you old
"I'll be the judge".
"Not fair at all James".
"I never said I'll play fair did I love"?
Their was a laugh in his
voice."Cheater.James is a cheater".I was
playing like a little girl and singing he is a
cheater."So how do I look judge?
"You look beautiful always.Perfect".
"I love this you judge"."Your not suppose
to say that to the judge.You might give the
judge hard time choosing if the cloths are
great or think about the emotion".I just
smiled wider
"They won't get mad if I don't wear the
cloth today or all of the cloth will they?
"Why should they?We could tell Rosa that
you tried almost the entire closet-you
played with it.That part is true".Our faces
was inches away from eachother.He pulled
me to his face with sudden fierceness.Felt
I didn't have time to make myself
ready.Like when we first met and the
electrical current passing threw.I hard
something ripe as in cloth or not riped.I
missed being half Vampire.
Today wouldn't have happend.I wouldn't
have killed or hurt that man.It was just
scary.Yes hell ya vampires get
scared.They are like anyother
people.Okay.Fine not like anyother people
but close beside the 'undead','underworld'
But otherwise you and me are almost the
same.We can be human but they are just
way ddep down somewhere.It's comes
out.No always.He is just and Alexander
are the most thing to me now.The most
thing ever and I will ever have.His skin so
warn and flash to me.
His perfect body.That you can stare at but
won't have enough of it.Our body tangled
together.Nothing could distract us.No
human needs.I didn't have to breath after
all.Just him and me made me almost
forget what I have done today.But not
all.It's hard to think about those kinda of
stuff.You can't just kill a man or not and
forget about it.That I can't do.His skin so
marble so sensitive(S.M).No one would get
Heck not that one.He didn't have to pull
away like-When I was Half vampire he
used to.Now we both had the strength.No
one hurt.Finally we both were eqaul.He
didn't have to say 'You are a half
vampire.You are stronge but I'm stronger.I
can hurt you' and blah blah blah.I hated
when he said that.I knew I wasn't going to
be broken that easily no like human.But
he said He could think of something while
kissing and BAM.
He makes a mistake and hurted me how
do you think that would live my life if that
happens?Me I don't know....but what I
would know it that I enjoyed myslef.So
should he be.Every kiss every touch was
different.So amazaingly different.Just
amazing or more.My hand around his
neck.My finger tangled into his black long
hair.Holding me around the waist an so
It was like he was holding so much of
himslef way behind.The kiss and all the
other things were different and great.It
was if he goes I go.He die I die.He stay I'll
stay forever no matter what happens
nothing would do as part in
anyway.Nada.Nada Nada.Absolutely
nothing.As I was kissing him I
remembered he said he would show me
the Bats.So I would ask him know.He was
kissing me throat."W-When are you going
to show me the bats?
"Sometimes tomorrow.They'll be
expecting you I already told them.They're
really nice"."Do you miss your parents
somtimes when you think of the past?
"Sometimes yes,but I see them as bat and
sometimes in Vampire form you just can't
see them like anyother vampire.They're
like shadows that disappear within time".
"I can't wait to meet them.I have never
met any bat in my live nor did I saw
it.People say they come outside at night in
the sun they get burned cause they're
vampire.I never really believed them
really well".
"They're really happy that they are going
to meet you.You warm and soft".I could
have blush if I could but nomore.Doesn't
mater though I'm with him forever."Can
you promise me something
"Where you go I go.You die.I'll die.Never
leave eachother alone ever,for matter of
how long never leave eachother
alone.Stick together as a glue does when
you glue it to something.Promise me
"I Promise".I wanted to tell him something
else but by the time his lips were on mine-
I totally lost it just like that.As long
James,Alexander were with me my world
is an always will be full of joy and
everything else..
The next thing was the morning.My head
on his stone chest my hands around his
waist.His arm tight around me.I was
craved close to him.Didn't quite tell if I
was breathing last night or not.I moved a
little than he knew that I was awake."Good
morning".He laught as I got my head from
his chest to look at his face."What"?
"You hair is like haystack"."Oh-well I'll just
fix it.It's to late to see....Alexander.Does
he sleep like me?
"Yep probably longer but stays up
late.Rosa was complaining last nigh that
we didn't go back.Go get dress and we'll
be there in no time.This time I'll beat you
for real.Fair play"."Okay".I got off from
bed.Same didn't know what to
wear."James can you help me.Their is
bunch of cloth to choose from and I don't
know where the jeans are".
Dang the closet it bigger than the
room.Two closets togethere.I have been
with him with accent I use it most like
most of the time that I talk now really
do.Kida mafish(done) about the American
"Can you wait about 10 secs and I'll be
there,or just sniff for it".I started
sniffing.Than found my jeans and weared
a white shirt with it.James came to my
"Golly cow.Your dresser is like 2x bigger
than mine Ashley"."I know.Let's go".He
beat me this time.But only for 2 secs not
bad.We left and got to he other big family
house."Hey how long does it take ya'll to
come from watching the news.
What did you learn.I was watching the
news too last night and saw pets being put
in the animal shelter did you?The news
was only a breaking news about that
lasted one hour only.Wasn't it great?".That
was a private Joke.From Jacob he warned
me on my wedding day
"Jacob.Nice to see you". "To you too sis
and James.I thought ya'll never come back
till next year just to see your
baby.Wow.Well got my answer.Also we
saw you yesterday about you hunting
activity I'm afraid it might have doon little
bitter sweet damange but we cool.Jeff will
work it out with you-".I cut him off."How
did you know that Jacob?
"Ahh kate told as after you left when it
happen she saw it.We wanted to find you
but ya'll already left and we didn't come to
bother you.But the man wasn't died.He is
here.He is friends of ours we called him
sometimes yesterday".
"Oh what a shame.How will I greet him.His
is died to me".Someone I have never hard
his voice called from behinds."Hi Abigail. Is
"Ummm yes.I'm really sorry about that
hunt.I couldn't controll myslef.It was my
first hunt.I'm really sorry.I thought you
were died".
Well I'm in my 500 years of being
vampire.I'm wise enough to find a way to
survive.I'm Cicero,and these are my
Jasper"."Nice to meet you all.I'm Abigail or
you could call me Ashley"."Well,It's nice to
see you and your son Alexander,and your
husband James.We have been friends for a
while and we'll battle for honor and pride
till death.Now if you may excuse as my
group are going to pratice.
We'll be back tomorrow and be
ready.They'll be here in their wolves
form.You may also bring a sword just in
case you never know what they'll do.With
pride and honor.Whom ever is died in here
they'll shall be no worries no tears, but
happiness and joy.They died on the battle
of their dreams.They fought with respect
and honor and they'll earn their pride.
It's maybe sad but time heals and wounds
as ones said before.If one of die don't be
scared burn as.Every singal piece till you
see the ahses don't leave any"."Ay
sir.That's a promise kept.If one dies from
ours same goes.No hesitation.It will be
hard but that's what they woud want and
so be it.Wolves may be stronger but you
have to be wiser to defeat them.Than you
my frineds Cicero I'll meet you tomorrow
on the battle fields.With pride and honor".
Said Jeff and they all left."You know them
James"."Yaa.But I didn't know it was
him"."They talk about honor a lot"."All
vampires are like that.Everthing has to be
for something in return for this battle.If we
defeat the wovles they'll never
exist....almost for ever".
"I'm just so worried that someone is going
to get hurt really bad and they'll-they'll die
and be burned into ashes.I have a feeling
of that James"."I promise you it won't be
you I'll take care of Alexandder and
you.You have nothing to worry about
"."Can I see......him.Please?
"Ahhh sure.I'll be with you.Rosa can you
bring him here".She came down stairs.Her
arms around the little adorable face that I
haven't seen in 3 day...err more I
think."You sure she can handle it
James?"."Rosa she can do it just give it to
her".She hand it to me.Winked at me and
smiled as she did.Sundenly her eye got
wide in worry.I wasn't going to kill my
son.Hell no.Ain't happening.
"Oh one thing this may sound werid James
already got it from My mind-I'll just tell
you.It may sound really weird and great
-Well he can kinda talk.Unexpected
ha?".My eyes got wide.It felt like it's going
to pop out.How in the heck a week or
more old baby talk.Is she joking me.His
eyes opened it felt like
the door of light have opened.And his
black curl hair and small cheek.By just
looking at him it was my everything.He
really had dimples.....ohmygosh.He he can
talk he just said moma and pointed at his
father and dada.Unexpected.This c-can't
be real.How can he....What have she done
to him.Than suddenly I became calm and
focued on his face.All my mind clear.Just
picturing him againa and again.
It was so amazing to hear his voice.So
little but classical,musical like anyone of
us.He touched my cheek and smiled.I was
looking away James was talking to the
other.The baby was pulling my
hair.Ow."Mom and Dad"."Yaaa.Me mom
and daddy there".Wow I can't believe I'm
talking to my baby.I was acting weird like
crazy when I pointed at James there was
a pause just weird that this baby can
talk.Hell I am not kiding you.I must have
grown fast when I was human half
vampire girl.OHGOG.This is what I call a
baby miracle.I serious guys.He can
talk.Fantastic.He really is talking to
me."Mom.I want to walk. Aunt Rosa held
me all the time.She changed me too
"You.Can.Talk.Like. A.1.Year.Old
Alexander.Wow I'm totally amazed.I'm
shocked.Yeah no confussed.Weird.This
can't be real.I mean it could.Right
ha?"."Set me down and I'll show you
something".I set him down to his
feet.Surprise.I'm doing what my baby
said.I could hear him.What in the world
was I seeing."Your t-tall.H-h-ow long was I
really asleep meaing not awake from the
"Didn't dad tell you like 1/4 days.That's
why you were dreaming,and fainting and
all that.I could tell when you were in
presure.The only why you can be calmed
is getting in a cold bath like dad told you
right".OMG.OMG.OMG.I could say this and
it'll not help.How is this possible!!!
Baby boy talking to me in great grammer
and can tell if I'm on presure."How did you
all these stuff?"."Well aunt Rosa told me a
lot.But I saw someone dieing and it's
Cicero two other people in our and his
member can't tell who.If you tell Cicero
he'll still want to battle.So that's all"."You
see thing.You are an amamzing baby.
You grew so fast.Does you dad know
about your.......talking".I swear I didn't
know what to say I'm just impressed by
him.I swear I didn't know what to say to
impress him or something it was just
overwhelming.Way of the hood.Dang Rosa
teaches good.Good,good."Almost since
the first day I was born.But dad had to
leave.It's going to be me and you
only...His going to
tell Edwin to take as to a save part.We'll
be fine so will dad"."He is leaving us.But
why?I didn't see that in my dreams
yesterday....though I didn't dream last
"Don't panic mom.His going to be
alright"."How do you know? "."I don't
really know they just come to me...but
little hurt or a lot you could say.No
worries".I gave him a huge hug.It was just
amazing talking to a weeks monthes old
baby.It's just weird I don't even know how
in the world to explain it.I really don't.It's
freaking me out him talking about
this.But cool in a nice way.Someone called
my name it was Rose."Sorry to say this
but tomorrow we'll have to leave and
James and the rest of us will maybe be
gone.We'll have to make sure you and
Alexander are save.You don't need to pack
anything but Jackets if you want.We will
be okay".
My face just fall when she said two
people.Who could the other person
be.Her?She is so small skinny.Her hair
organe and black mixed.It's all my fault.If I
wasn't found and I didn't know James this
wouldn't have happend.No one would die
for me or for anybody else.We all
would have our normal lives.This is all my
problems.I brought problems to them.I
can't fight with them.What would Sarah do
if she finds out that I'm out from battling
she'll hurt someone that I love.
It could be anybody.There is no escape to
this horror of battle with sword and
blood.A bloody war as James said once.But
the almost bright side is that I met James
and have a kids and met my real
family.But my old family became my
enemy.James will leave again but may
or may not return this time.It's
sometimes sucks to be me.Course I'm a
vampire I could kick some batts.Who will
he stay with.What if we hide somewhere
and sarah finds as!
James came walking toward me with a
unreadable expression on his face.
"Sarah will be in the battle but you'll not
be hurt an Alexander too.You'll both go
with Edwin and the wovles won't have to
track you down".
Here we go.James fighting .I can't help
though I can be helpful.What if he is the
one who gets hurts?What if something bad
happens to him?He can't leaves us.I could
cry right now but no tears would
come.What if Edwin is a bad guy.I know
that he is with Cicero but when
I saw him at the house before they left he
gave a evil look.A weird wide eye
look.That doesn't look hot.Maybe I'm
overeacting but .Their was something
suspicious about this Edwin.Sure I don't
heck know a lot about him.But sometimes
you can tell what the person is by just
looking at them.But who knows?.
"But what if you get hurt James?".My voice
cracked like I was crying just no tears
dripping.Missed that part of being half
vampire and human."You don't worry
about me.Just take care of Alexander and
yourself.I'll be fine.It's goning to be
tomorrow not today or the day after.I'll be
fine you just take care of him and
you"."How can I not worry about you?".His
face wrinkled.He eyes closed.He spoke
threw his teeth."Just try.I'm telling you I
won't be hurt that ba.......".
"So y-you will be hurt.Why are you going if
thats what's going to happens James"?
He took a deep breath.
"Abigail you don't need to worry.It's only
going to be a bite.It'll hurt but I can
recover from it soon enoug so it won't
spread on my body.We'll go home and
you'll see tha bats that I was talking
about.We can bring Alexander of you
"Hi honey".Mom.I'm not a person who likes
to talk but when I do you need to answer
all the things I ask.I don't talk to my
partens a lot.I just am that type of
person.Not that social enough if I wanted
"Hi mom.You are going too aren't ya?".
"Yes indeed we all have to go but you and
Alexander will be with Edwin and the
wolves won't bother you.It'll be okay.If we
die....well that's sad but you have let that
person go(When she said that I looked at
James he looked back) they dies in a
battle with honor an they get their
pride.It's not much but pain that you'll
face that'll go away.Sure the wolves are
challenging to beat when in their form.We
need to use our brain to beat them.They
don't think smart when they're in animal
form.You don't need to be nervous.Were
going got be fine.You'll be save with
Edwin".Like that helps.I hate war.I hate
people-well in this case werewolves
fighting Vampires.How neat or better
could it get or worse?Guess we'll find out
in couple more hours.Damit someone
knocked the door.
"Who is there".Kate asked
"Just warning.Tomorrow will be the time
and date.The battle fields.Be ready.It's
news from the wolves.May the best team
win.Good luck".
"To you too Sarah".Mother said.In a
serious tone.She looked like a real
vampire to me for once I haven't seen her
that but just using her soft melody
voice.Her smug smile.Her fangs.Laught
thats about it from her I see most of the
time I talk to her.She open the door and
closed it right the second Sarah
left.Fast.Well it's time for us to go
home.James asked almost irritated"Are
you ready to go home?
...Sure I'm.....but I want to say good luck
to Rosa,Jacob,Kate,Jeff.Before I leave.Do
you mind"."Not a problem.I'll be outside I'll
carry Alexander"."Okay". So I hand it him
to."Rosa,Rosa"."Yes Abigail?Werid.
"I just wanted to say good luck
tomorrow.Hope you all make it"."We'll be
fine Abigail don't worry about us.Don't be
silly.We'll lets' say the luck of the vampire
with us,the irish luck and the England
luck.We'll have every luck in the world and
we'll kill them one by one.You no need to
worry about anything just sleep....".
What does every one say that.Well I gave
her a huge than Jacob came."Hey don't I
get a big bother good luck hug?
"Yes. You will".I gave him a huge."Well this
might be the last time we might see
eachother sis.Hope we could kick some
batt.Blood I might be even able to sucks
one of them blood if they don't turn to that
kinda dog.Darling and nasty.I should cut
one of them necks and see the blood flash
and sprinkle spine around.Would you like
"Ewww.Sad.No.But hope you could kill
them instead of drinking the blood....that
would be growse.Nasty.Wouldn't be like
throwing up all the food you just
devored.Ugh.Well good luck James is
waiting outside"."Don't take too long like
last time.Hurry.An don't kill my
brother"."How will I bre-".I'll just ended it
tight their while he was laughting.He
wouldn't hear it anywazes so why waste
my talk.No I wouldn't.I took a deep breath.
"Oh Jacob.We'll huryy as fast as we
can.Don't call.Now I'll say bye to Jeff and
kate"."Mom good luck tomorrow and you
too dad.I love you"."We love you too
sweaty.If no one of us dies or both don't
fear nothing.Just,move on and let go of us
okay.You'll alwazes be mybaby
girl".Baby.Okay I'll take that for now.But
I'm married and have a son that talk which
the mother is stunnded by that in
anywazes if possible.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.It felt like their was a
shot threw my head and riped aparted
when they said that.How will they even
say if one or both of us dies.What in the
world.I gave them a huge hug an came
outside.James was in the car sitting and
Alexander on his lap.Rocking him.Talking
to him.Cool."Hey guys......boys talk"."Ya
momie boys talk.Do you want to
know"."Sure if you'll like"."Me a daddy
were just talking about self defense you
know when someone tries to kick you and
you defend
".They both laugh.Laugthing at me."And
and we are going to see bat,Grandma and
grandpa.It's going to be great.You like
bats mom"."Sort of.Do you"."They're
great.I just can't wait to meet them.It's
only 1 more mintues.They live on the
trees.But they can change to normal
people form only for certain time like
shadows.I can't wait mom can you?
"Ya I can't wait either.Ah I think their it's".
"Finally ".
James said.He opened the door for and
and still holding his son."Okay we only
wait for 10 seconds and they'll come here
Abigail and Alexander.Okay?Before I could
answer.Alexander said it."No problems
Dad.We could wait a minutes I just want to
see them".James just broke into roar of
laughter.Really loud I never hard him that
that loud.Than we hard a wind like
voice."Nice to see you Son" .
Oh mygod.They're the same.Just like
as.Blue eyes pale skin and long hair just
like mine.Their were four of them.I can't
quite tell which is which.But they look
great.All wearing white."Pleasure.This is
my wife Abigail and my son
Alexander"."Ohh is so delighted to you
two.Can I see that little one.If that's okay
with you"."No problem".Alexander he
talked for himslef.
"Wow that's quite a son you two have.He
can already talk.That's how modern
vampire were before an they still are
now.Hmm.I'm Elizabeth".
"It's really nice to meet you".Mother in
law.Sweet.But where is the dad.James
never talks about thim.Only once but
never again.She held him for a while."Your
hair is long?".Alexander said playing with
har hair.
"Oh dear.It hasn't be cut for long time".
"You guys ever come to that house?".He
"Not anymore".
"WHy not?".
"Well because we are dead bats parent I
"But I'm talking to you?".He asked
"Yeah it's like a long story maybe your
mom an dad could tell you stories abouit
someday when you are all grown up.An
you'll understand it".
"Would it be like scarey story and I gat
"No really just some our lengend of our
vampiric kind my love".She said to him
smiling.Wow he askes lots of question an
talky looking too.
"Oh.Okay".He saidan maybe done for the
night or so
"Tomorrow we'll be there but only for
short amount of time.Hope you don't think
of anything else".She said
"No we totally understand".James said
"It was really great meeting you Abigail
and these little son of yours
Alexander.Quite smart boy.He might be
just like his Grandma Kate or
James.Reading minds.Seeing the future.It
could transfer to generation to
generation.Hope maybe someother time
we could do it again.Pleasure meeting
you".She said
"Whenever you want just let us know.Well
sorry it's time for us to go.Okay bye than
Abigail,James,and my little one
Alexander".How amazing she remembered
our names."They love you two
already".James said smiling at me and
Alexander."Umm dad aren't they
supposed to be old.Really
old.Wrinkled.You know?".
"No they are not aging.Just like any other
vampire who doesn't age.You'll age till
certain amout of time than you'll be
blooded and frozen of whatever age you
are.Forever.Got it?".
"Got it"."Okay let's go now".We drove
back to our house."I'm sleepy mom".I'm
scared son.I wanted to say that but why in
the hell bother that with him."Don't worry
your room it's over their.C'mon let's put
you in bed".
We putted him in his room alone.I was
kinda scared."Do you want to hear a good
night story"."Ummmm it won't help me
sleep w-well".And he yawned and we
left.Got our answer.
Went to our room.I felt sleepy too.
"Does it suck to be the only one not to
sleep James"?
For me it would be boring.No one to talk to
but watch T.v....I'll just die.I think.Hey
don't make fun of me it could be true.You
should try it if you can even do it.
"No that much really.It's kinda good.I
could take a nap only for certain
minutes...good enough for me to focus for
the day"."So you have a nap at
night"."Yahh not as long as you and
Alexander"."Ah". Was I all said.I'm really
tired I didn't do much today.I yawned."You
should go to sleep"."I can but I can't at the
same time.I'm still thinking and worried
you and the other.I don't want y-you to go
James.If something happens I won't be
able to take of me nor Alexander.I don't
want you to go James".
"Don't worry love.I'll be okay.Nothing be
will make as aparts.I'll always love
you.Nothing will change my love to
you.Don't worry".I curled up to him even
closer.He kissed me on the hair.I turned
an kissed him on the lips.And so on from
that point.I love you I said while he was
kissing me on the neck.As I love you he
said.And I drifted to sleep.Nightmare
stared.Hell nightmare.
I was dreaming about.My mom kate and
Cicero and Edwin and my husband
James.How the hell does this happen.Kate
was going to die.In a bad way.She was
going to be hunted and killed by two
wovles.They over come her and shes
going to be riped apart like into two
pieces.We burnt her.My dad no longer felt
stronge but let her go.For me it was hard.I
only knew her for little while.I missed
her.James always tried to make me feel
good.Alexander never felt the same.He
grew faster and faster everyday.When she
was riped into pieces.The blood comming
from both parts.She no longer moving.
Jeff did anything to save her but didn't
work.She died right their.In front of us.I
cried blood.Tears that I haven't be able to
cry on with my new body but I cried blood
treas.Cicero happend the same thing to
him but he had
little live and said before he spoke his last
words were."This was a fight with honor
and pride I never thought you would
betray us my ".But he didn't finish and
then his eyes closed.Edwin was a lier.
He lied to all of the people he tricked
us.He wasn't a true honest trust worthy
vampire but I couldn't see it really
good.By the time I thought I saw it James
came into my dreams.James my lovely
sexy husband was sure indeed bitten by
Though that wasn't all.He had no time to
save himself from becoming
one.Changeing to be one.Their was too
many of them.When the battle was
over.He was bleeding from his left
hands.He was bleeding really bad.The bite
from the wolve.
They didn't kill all of the wolve one got
ecaped.They had no time.My love mate
was being was going to be transformed
and be a werewolf.He was turing to be
one.No more vampire.Jeff had no time to
heal him really fast him.They were burning
the died bodies.I never saw what happend
next and scream from
dream."Nooooo!"."Calm down
Abigail.What's wrong?".
"James please don't go.Don't go"."I'll be
fine don't worry I told you already"."I just
saw a dream a really bad one.Kate is-is
going to die and Cicero to and Edwin but
I'm not sure about him.And you-you will
turn into like them a werewolve.Please
don't go.We can't be aparts.I'll need you
Alexander will too.We.....can't be apart for
any length of time love.It's was a horrible might be real just like anyother
dream I had".
"It's just a dream.Now try to
sleep.Relax"."Oh James don't go.I love you
don't go.Please"."I love you too.Now got to
sleep and everything will be fine".He gave
me a long kiss and I slept from the point,I
don't remember what happend.I woke up.I
stretch my arms.Yawed.I wanted to curl to
something but felt nothing.Or say good
morning but nothing was there.Their was
no body with me on bed.
That's why I streched.Where is James?
They already left Oh my god.They left he
did even say bye.He didn't even say bye.I
didn't kiss him bye.What did I do wrong
last night beside dream and wake up and
go back to sleep again.Ooops I hard a
baby cry.Damit baby cry.I got off from bad
really fast and ran to Alexander rooms.He
was yelling"moooom".The door was
locked.I knock and knocked but he didn't
"Alexander open the door.Hurry open it".I
pushed threw the door and luckly it opend
for me really fast.I switch the knob again
and it was easy it
opend."Alexander.Wh-".Edwin had my
baby almost chocking him and he was
crying."Well we finally get to talk
Mrs.Adam".I moved toward him about 3
step away from him.He was holding my
baby tight around his stomach."I knew
their was something wrong with you.Let
my baby go now.Edwin.Please let go of my
baby".He walked toward me circling
around me with my baby.
"I can't just give you the baby without
some action.I need little some'em
some'em.You know".
"J-Just give me my baby please.I don't
want any action act all.Just my
baby.Please".He stopped infront of
me.Inches away from my face.Set down
my baby but still holding his hand
tight.Alexander reaching for me but his
hand little too short.
"Just a kiss and your baby will be free.Just
one.I won't tell James if yo afraid of
him"."Shut up and give me my baby noow
please".He still moving toward me.I moved
back,almost against the wall."Mom help
his almost breaking my armah"."I don't
what do Alexander.
J-Just hold on.Remember what you dad
thought you in the car.The defense
thing.Do one of one of it.Fast"."He knows
nothing.Don't worry about defenese
thing.His just a weak sick son"."I'm not
sick. Sucker".I was not expecting that
word sucker from Alexander.The next
thing I know is.
He got kicked from the boys private
place.Guts.I wouldn't have done that but
My son did it.Can't believe that's what
James thought him."Ahhh
stupid.Ahhhhh.Shit werdr talking
baby.AHHh".Alexander ran to me.I held
tight on and putted him around hip and
ran away from the room."I got you baby
don't worry".
I locked the door."Momie are we going to
die"."No baby no.We are going to be
alright.I-I ".I wish James was here.I hope
his okay.I missed him already.He didn't
even say bye or gave me a I'll be fine
kiss.I missed him already.I just held my
Alexander tight.He was half crying.I
couldn't help.I mean Edwin is a man
stronger than me.I could denfened myself
I'm woman.I'm not that weak
though.While I was trying to find
something than door broke."You are died
Abigail.I swear to you"."Please leave us
alone just leave us.I don't want anything
just leave Edwin".
He was moving toward me really fast and
grabbed my son away from me."Nooooo
Alexander.Please Edwin let go of him
nooooww".Omg.My son was crying.Edwin
he was being choked.I grabbed Edwin and
hands bite him but he still didn't let go of
him.He threw me away im."Ahhhhhh.P-
please let go o-of him.Please".
"Shut up.You want him to go there his .I
let him go".He dropped him on the
ground."Nooooo.Alex-".Before I could
finish Edwin grabbed me and and twisted
my arms.I yelled in pain.My arm felt
broken.But my baby was crying on the
ground.His head hurts.
He's not old enough to handle that pain."I
just want a kiss.Or your son will die".I
could kiss him but what if James come
while kissing him and James would think I
was cheating on him or something like
that.You know like you kiss someone to
save someone else that's really important
to you but you husband or BF comes and
thinks of it the other way.
While I was trying to get up Edwin
grabbed my baby from the ground and
threw him like and ball on the bed.Thank
good it wasn't the ground."Know kiss me
or you'll both die"."I can't kiss you I'm
married.Go home to your wife or GF"."I
don't have a wife nor GF.You'll kiss me
now while you have the chance"."I'll never
kiss you.You broke my arm you jackass
ass hole freak.Just leave me alone and
I was crying.I couldn't help me or my
son.Edwin walked toward me and grabbed
my arm and pulled me close to him
before he could lean and kiss me I from
my free hand grabbed the lamp that was
close to me and hit it to him.He let go for
8 secs.And from the five I ran and grabbed
my baby.My hand hurted but no time to
wait before he recovers from the pain or
I ran to the litchen and looked for a
knife.Luckly I got on right away."What's
that for mom".To kill Edwin or threaten
him with it if he gets afraid.
"Try to keep us safe of Edwin won't hurt
us.You'll be okay don't worry.I wish James
was here".I got two knifes just in case.I
was half ready."Daddy will come back
soon"."Okay I'm going to put you under
here and don't move or make a soud.I'll
stand here don't move or make a sound.If
you hear me screaming in pain try not to
I'll be.....fine.If anything Happend and you
daddy comes tell him I love him and I love
you too".
If something happen I love them both with
all my heart.I'm sure I'll deal with pain but
I can't let my Alexander see me suffer for
him.I don't want him hurt at all.I'll face all
the pain and if I.............die I died for
saving my son.
No regret.I'll do my best to fight the pain.I
putted my son under the cabnet and
kissed him on the forhead.
"I love you momie"."Love you too.Now if
you hear me call your name than come
out but if he does don't even
try.Understand sir"."Yes ma'am".I walked
away from the sink and walked out from
the kitchen when suddenly Edwin threw
me away from the place I was walking
from and I fell to the ground-I got dizzy
and ddin't know where I was at that
"You'll die for good Abigail now.Hope you
sent your prayer to your family and
god.Well your going to hell don't worry
about that for sure.Just one kiss you
refused.Wow".I was there on the ground
moaning.Moving my head side to side.He
looked to me like five heads."I'-ll n-never
kiss you".
"You really shoudn't have said that.I will
kiss you than kill you".I got up to my feet
walked toward him and slaped him on the
face.He bent down and held both of my
hands and I couldn't move.I struggled to
move but he held me tight and bent and
kiss me.I didn't move my lips at first but
he forced me to.He let go of my hands like
I was going to kiss him seriously.
Heck no.Hell no.Ugh.I did the stupiest
think ever.
I kissed him and wrapped my arms around
him and also got smarter than him. I got
to my pocket where I kept my knife in and
before I got to it he pulled away and
said"Told you.Aren't I a great kisser than
him".I half got the knife and he saw
it.Grabbed my arm and-and whispered in
my ears and s-stuck it into my the side
of my stomach and I collasped.He stuck it
so hard that's impossible to take it out.I
was screaming and the blood was
coming out really fast.The more I scream
the more the blood came to."
Sorry Abigail I had to do that.Now tell me
where your son is.I did you a favor I didn't
stuck it to your heart.Oh gosh I wish I
could see the look of you husbands face
Well he trusted me which he shouldn't
have.No one did beside my partners.I
wouldn't hurt them but you-you have the
love. When I have no one.But let's not get
carried away from this conversation.I want
something more.More than this.Be the
worst killer of all of them.Even you
Abigail.We'll you'll die first and them
would follow.Just wait my
love.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha".He bent down to look
me in the eye.
Remember I had two knife and he didn't
see the other one.While he bent down.I
was holding one hand with my bleeding
side and the other under my back trying to
grab the knife.I just wanted to stuck it to
him while he bent down.Stuck it to his
heart.I never wanted to kill him
but I have no choice."I hate you.I'll never
love you.You sound so we-we-werid just
look at your face.And will not tell you
where my son-".I shouldn't have said
that.When I did he pressed his foot on my
chest and I screamed.It felt like a hard
rock was dropped on me.I felt like I fell
from a moutain.
Mount Everest.The blood comming from
my mouth and nose.I was dieing.I knew I
was.But I won't tell him where my son
is.He could just finish me while I was
will not till you tell me where your son is.I
will kill you.If you don't! I'll never and you
know what I'll kill you.You'll die
with meee."Clev-".Before he could finish I
stuck just like I wanted to.I stuck it to his
heart.All I hard was.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.You k-k-
killled me.I'll never-".Than he fall to the
ground.I called for my son Alexander.Their
was glass broken on the ground.My blood
flooding on the carpet that can't never get
"Momie your bleeding.You need help".The
word were hard for me to say but I had to
try.Try to say my last word of
earth.Though not all the people I love are
here especially my James.What a sad way
to die if do.I would join my mother in
where ever she'll go.I was dieing.Leaving
them behind.I would miss them more than
anybody in this world combined.I have so
much sorrow
pain now but my mistakens are taken
away from me.Every life has a death in
the end.Whether we have a soul or not we
die a new lifes are created as times
passes by.But you die hard you get to the
hard place that you never accomplished in
your life at all in one fucking million years.
Never but death for me would maybe be
where I would learn my mistakes and no
looking at this time.Move on.No regrets so
whatever.Look the road ahead of me.Lifes
ends but the roads are kept on being built
so they'll never end till the people die.Still
it'll keep on rolling till they reach their
point when the stones are set and find it's
peace of hell or heaven whichever it's
Hell is a place where you can't escape but
try in many wazes as you dream would
lead you sometimes.The burining fire
you'll see with your own eyes and thrown
to it.Heaven well it's heaven not much to
say about that.A great place enjoy.You
obyed everything that that lord had
said.For me you see I won't be tasting any
of peace from this fucking pain and killing
animals so as humans in the past.
I took my breath and breeze one last time
as I say what ever I would want to say for
my love ones and hope they would let go
of me as I die and suffer the pain of
gravity.I'll just have to be killed by
force.Accelerate as the cars does and her
goes click click boom the bomb goes and
we die....My last words would come out for
my love ones who loved me an I loved for
alwazes and forever.Eternity.
"My Alexander I love you.Tell
Daddy I love him too.Tell him
I'm sorry.Let him forgive me for
what ever I have done wrong".I
needed to take a deep breath for the.My
lungs hurts and as I talk the blood feels
like it's going to just blaah out from me
right at this moment.
"Also tell him that I'm really
sorry that I kissed E-Edwin. I
just wanted you to be safe.I love
you all".I didn't want to have any sins
before I die thought I would end up in hell
from any........
He was crying.I was too.Crying blood
tear.My mouth full and blood dripping and
some going back to my stomach.I was like
half choking with my own blood that was
comming out from me.Hard to take a deep
long great successful breath.He kissed me
on the cheek I kissed him back leaving
blood on his cheek."I'm sorry momie".He
was repeating that over and over again
about five time when the other door
"No Ashley No.Stay don't go".It was James
it came late.I was dieing he didn't even
say bye to me.Maybe I shouldn't too.I was
mad at him but he came when I'm
dieing."J-J-J-James you came.How are you?
Are you hurt".Even though I was hurt
badly I still wanted to know if his hurt.I
didn't want my son to have no parent at
such a young age.
He face wrinkled for me asking those
question.I was worried about him.I'll
always love him even when I'm in hell or
whichever I was chosen for."No Ashley.I'm
sorry I shoudn't have left.I'm really
sorry.Please don't go Abigail.Pleasy
stay.I'm really sorry forgive me my
love.I'm sorry.I promise I'll seek revenge
on whom ever did-".He didn't see that all
stared saying was those words not even
sure if he saw Alexander but me laying
and blood floowing like water face.I cut off
him to point at Edwin.I have never seen
James cry.Mens cry in the hood-Don't
they?.Never since I meet him he looked
more anerer than
Red blood tear like all of us would do.As
Vampires wed do."No,no no,I'm so sorry
Abigail.I shouldn't have,I didn't know that
he was,I really sorry.I didn't know.I'm so
sorry.I can't even tell you how sorry I'm.I
really sorry.I love you"
I placed my unpained hand on his face to
feel it on last time."I love you too.If I die
you take care of Alexander an you'll both
will be fine.I always will love you.Don't w-
w-worry about me".
"No don't say that you'll be fine.I promise
you.You'll be fine.You'll stay with us and
you'll be fine.D- don't go yet.Stay with us
please try.Stay.Please.Abigail.I love
you".My hands dropped from his face and
he bent and kissed me on the forhead.I
love you were the word that I hard last
and my eyes closed.

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