Key 8

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KEY: USE OF ENGLISH (March 2014) 20. Rachel reminded me to post the letter 21.

Mr Attinks admitted having made a mistake (=admiti haber hecho) 22. Trevor warned Laura not to touch the wire 23. Paul apologized for having been so rude (=se disculp por haber sido) 24. She asked the doctor how she could lose weight 25. He asked me to close my eyes and open the parcel 26. My mum wanted to know if I had paid the electricity bill 27. She said he had never asked her 28. Her father wondered if Lisa would be safe on her own 29. My mum ordered not to stay up reading too late 30. Do you know where the post office is? 31. Could you tell me if this train stops at Leeds? 32. I want to know if we are going out tonight 33. He asked me if I could speak French 34. He wanted to know how long I had been employed at Smiths Steel 35. He denied having hit him 36. He begged me to give her some money 37. He invited me to have a cup of tea 38. He wondered what he would do 39. He advise me to try to find another job 40. He asked me where I was going 41. I accused my father of not having paid attention to me 42. He told his son he would help him to do his homework as soon as he could 43. She refused to go to that hotel again 44. She admitted not having stopped at the red light 45. My boss agreed that I had found the best solution 46. Timothy offered to help me with that suitcase 47. She apologized for not having sent me the letter 48. Charles said that if I really thought he had said that about me, he was not surprised that I was angry with him 49. She congratulated me for the prize 50. He complained that the room was too small 51. The woman begged us to give her some food for the children 52. Marilyn apologized for being late 53. You reminded me to set the alarm clock 54. Are you planning to write a novel next summer? 55. She last celebrated her birthday at home three years ago 56. Its less macabre than the previous film 57. He invited me to go in 58. My friend complained that I shouldnt have told anybody about it 59. Charles baker, who was famous for his views, died yesterday. 60. Shall we have this tree cut down? 61. The hotel is too expensive for us to stay at it for very long 62. I havent drank sherry for a month 63. This painting is believed to be worth a lot of money

64. Am I allowed to leave now? 65. Jennifer wished she hadnt behaved so foolishly 66. We neednt have taken so many clothes 67. The children denied having painted on the wall 68. If her husband hadnt been so cruel, Mary wouldnt have left her husband 69. These photographs were taken by a friend of mine 70. I told him that he might have imagined it 71. They couldnt play because of the rain 72. I wasnt allowed to stay in the country 73. If you dont study harder, you wont pass 74. My brother was astonished by the old man 75. Its the first time I have been to a ballet 76. If I could speak French, I would go to France 77. I am not used to getting up early 78. He wanted to know if they were coming 79. The bridge needs to be finished before May 80. She suggested buying a new car 81. The last time I heard about John was a long time ago 82. The match was being watched on Tv by many people 83. People say that Sharon is very attractive 84. Frank may win the pools 85. Antonio Banderas is thought in Spain to be very famous in the USA 86. Unless we leave at eight, we will miss the train 87. I havent seen him for a long time 88. The old man who was injured in an accident is now in the hospital 89. If my parents could afford it, they would buy a new car 90. I asked him if he would pay for it 91. She asked what time the children came out of the school 92. The doctor advised me to take more exercise 93. The inspector accused Mrs Ansley of having stolen the money 94. He said: Dont leave the window open because you may catch cold 95. She said that she hadnt seen him come 96. You arent allowed to leave school until you are 16 in Spain 97. John may be working this weekend 98. You neednt worry about the money 99. You mustnt ride a bike along a pavement 100. Last years model is not so fast as the latest model / .. is slower than

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