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Business Law - Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Scroll down below to see the answers.

REF is the pa e n!"ber in the te#t the answer is on. $ll answers to the short answer %!estions are in &o!r notes.
True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' 1. (he three branches o) the *.S. o+ern"ent are ,nown as the le islati+e, e#ec!ti+e, and ad"inistrati+e branches. 2. (he *.S. S!pre"e Co!rt -!stices are selected b& the states. 3. Co!rts can "a,e laws b& decidin whether or not laws con)lict with the Constit!tion. 4. .hen !nethical b!siness practices are disco+ered, new laws are o)ten created to hold all b!sinesses "ore acco!ntable. 5. (he d!ties and re%!ire"ents )or ser+in in state and local o+ern"ents are deter"ined b& the )ederal o+ern"ent. 6. (he "ain so!rces o) the law incl!de constit!tional law, co""erce law, stat!tes, and ci+il law. /. (he 10th $"end"ent a+e wo"en the ri ht to +ote. 1. E+er&one in the *nited States "!st )ollow an& treat& that the *nited States has si ned. 0. Ci+il law is enacted to o+ern the relationships between two parties and !s!all& in+ol+es the o+ern"ent.

'''' 12. Ci+il liti ation !s!all& be ins with pleadin s and a pretrial hearin . '''' 11. $ cri"e is an o))ense a ainst the p!blic ood. '''' 12. 3oti+e pla&s no part in pro+in cri"inal liabilit&. '''' 13. $ person clai"in sel)4de)ense "!st retreat be)ore resortin to )orce. '''' 14. 5t is )irst4de ree "!rder i) so"eone is ,illed while the acc!sed is co""ittin another serio!s cri"e. '''' 15. Robber& is the wron )!l and +iolent ta,in o) personal propert&. '''' 16. E"be66le"ent is what cri"inals do when the& need to hide lar e a"o!nts o) "one& ille all&. '''' 1/. $idin and co")ortin ene"ies o) the *nited States is called treason and is ille al. '''' 11. (he person acc!sed o) a cri"e is called the plainti)). '''' 10. (he $"erican le al s&ste" is a d!al s&ste" "ade !p o) the )ederal co!rt s&ste" and the state co!rt s&ste". '''' 22. (he p!rpose o) the 5nternational Cri"inal Co!rt 75CC8 is to pro+ide )ree attorne& ser+ices to *.S. citi6ens arrested o+erseas. '''' 21. $ tort is a wron co""itted a ainst an indi+id!al. '''' 22. 9!blic o))icials "!st pro+e act!al "alice to s!cceed in a de)a"ation laws!it. '''' 23. 5n+asion o) pri+ac& is an !nintentional tort. '''' 24. E+en the "ost careless cond!ct will not res!lt in liabilit& )or ne li ence !nless there is act!al har".

'''' 25. (he "ain di))erence between intentional torts and ne li ence is that one is deliberate, while the other is !s!all& ca!sed b& carelessness. '''' 26. $ltho! h the reasonable person test is +er& s!b-ecti+e, it is !sed pri"aril& in intentional tort cases. '''' 2/. (he tort)easor is the plainti)) in a laws!it. '''' 21. 3e#ican tort law does not pro+ide )or co"pensation )or pain and s!))erin . '''' 20. C!rrent tort re)or" le islation incl!des s!r+i+al stat!tes and wron )!l death stat!tes. '''' 32. 5) &o! are dri+in &o!r car too )ast on a rain& e+enin and ha+e an accident, &o! "i ht ha+e co""itted an intentional tort. '''' 31. $n oral contract is not en)orceable b& law. '''' 32. $ +alid contract "!st contain at least )o!r o) the si# ele"ents o) a contract. '''' 33. Consideration is the le al abilit& to enter a contract. '''' 34. .hen a bilateral contract is "ade, one person "a,es a pro"ise to do so"ethin i) and when another person does so"ethin . '''' 35. Contracts )or clothin and "otor +ehicles are e#a"ples o) e#ceptions to the "irror i"a e r!le. '''' 36. $ccordin to co""on law, when &o! send an acceptance o+er lon distances, it is e))ecti+e three da&s a)ter it is sent. '''' 3/. $ contract that is +oid has no le al e))ect. '''' 31. (he Stat!te o) Fra!ds re%!ires that both parties in+ol+ed in the contract be honest with each other. '''' 30. $d+ertise"ents in newspapers, price ta s, and si ns in store windows are treated b& the law as in+itations to ne otiate. '''' 42. $n o))er "!st alwa&s be "ade serio!sl& )or it to be le al. '''' 41. $ "inor has an absol!te ri ht to a+oid a contract. '''' 42. $ "inor "a& a))ir" part o) a contract while disa))ir"in another part. '''' 43. $n e"ancipated "inor is a child who is no lon er !nder the le al control o) his or her own parents. '''' 44. Re)rainin )ro" doin so"ethin ille al is a t&pe o) detri"ent. '''' 45. 9arents ha+e certain ri hts !nder the law re ardin their "inor children, incl!din the ri ht to discipline and the ri ht to "ana e their children:s propert&. '''' 46. 3inors who ha+e si ned a "ilitar& enlist"ent a ree"ent can le all& et o!t o) it based on their a e. '''' 4/. Capacit& r!les allow "inors, people with "ental i"pair"ents, and people !nder the in)l!ence o) dr! s and alcohol to disa))ir" a contract. '''' 41. ;ne o) the characteristics o) consideration is that it "!st in+ol+e so"ethin o) +al!e. '''' 40. For a contract to be considered !nconscionable, there "!st be e%!al power between the parties in+ol+ed. '''' 52. 3inors are not allowed to enter into an& contracts. '''' 51. (he co!rt will not r!le on when a contract "!st be co"pleted i) ti"e )or per)or"ance is !nspeci)ied. '''' 52. (he doctrine o) s!bstantial per)or"ance is o)ten applied to constr!ction contracts.

'''' 53. Endin a contract b& "!t!al release is not allowed b& law. '''' 54. (he destr!ction o) the s!b-ect "atter needed to per)or" the contract, thro! h no )a!lt o) either part&, dischar es that contract. '''' 55. <o! ha+e a ri ht to s!e a person who breaches a contract "ade with &o!. '''' 56. $ person "a& win a laws!it )or )ra!d e+en i) no loss is s!))ered. '''' 5/. .hen act!al ph&sical )orce is !sed to ca!se another person to enter a contract, the contract is +oid. '''' 51. .hen a bilateral "ista,e is "ade, neither part& "a& +oid the contract. '''' 50. $ le al "eans )or en)orcin a ri ht or correctin a wron is called a re"ed&. '''' 62. .hen &o! win a laws!it and collect tho!sands o) dollars be&ond what &o! act!all& lost, &o! ha+e recei+ed bilateral da"a es. Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. '''' /1. $ set o) laws "ade b& the co!rts based on the c!sto"s and traditions o) the people is called a. the Ro"an Code. c. co""on law. b. ad"inistrati+e law. d. "oral law. '''' /2. =ecisions "ade b& the hi hest co!rt o) an& state )ollow the law o) a. ori inal -!risdiction. c. citation. b. prosec!tion. d. precedent. '''' /3. ;ne di))erence between cri"inal and ci+il proced!re is a. the -!d e can decide who has the ri ht to d!e process and who does not. b. in ci+il cases the proced!res "!st be )ollowed e#actl&, while in cri"inal cases the& do not. c. in ci+il cases the de)endants ha+e the ri ht to d!e process, b!t in cri"inal cases the& do not. d. in cri"inal cases the proced!res "!st be )ollowed e#actl&, while in ci+il cases the& do not. '''' /4. <o!n people who appear be)ore a -!+enile co!rt ha+e a. the ri ht to an open trial in )ront o) the -!r&. b. the ri ht to re%!est to be tried as an ad!lt. c. no ri ht to a trial and no ri ht to be released on bail. d. a ri ht to a trial and a ri ht to be released on bail. '''' /5. $n appeal in a ci+il case can a. be based onl& on the ar !"ents "ade d!rin arrai n"ent. b. be based onl& on a le al "ista,e b& the -!d e. c. lead to a retrial at the appellate le+el. d. lead to )ines or i"prison"ent. '''' /6. $ case that has been decided b& a state s!pre"e co!rt "a& be appealed to the a. eneral trial co!rt. c. *.S. S!pre"e Co!rt. b. special *.S. co!rt. d. inter"ediate appellate co!rt. '''' //. Stat!tor& laws are si ned b& the 9resident or >o+ernor a)ter the& are passed b& the a. -!d es. c. le islators. b. co""erce board. d. re !lator& a encies. '''' /1. (he !nlaw)!l ,illin o) one h!"an bein b& another, witho!t "alice a)oretho! ht, is a. -!sti)iable ho"icide. c. second4de ree "!rder. b. )irst4de ree "!rder. d. "ansla! hter.

'''' /0. 5n a cri"inal proceedin , the o+ern"ent is re)erred to as the a. de)endant. c. plainti)). b. o))ender. d. prota onist. '''' 12. 5) a law en)orce"ent o))icer ind!ces a law4abidin citi6en to co""it a cri"e, the acc!sed "a& clai" a. sel)4de)ense. c. endan er"ent. b. entrap"ent. d. insanit&. '''' 11. (hreatenin a person at !npoint is called a. ,idnappin . c. tort!re. b. a ra+ated assa!lt. d. larcen& b& )alse pretenses. '''' 12. (he wron )!l ta,in o) another?s propert& b& a person who has been entr!sted with that propert& is a. e#tortion. c. larcen&. b. robber&. d. e"be66le"ent. '''' 13. Cri"es are cate ori6ed into cri"es a ainst people, propert&, "otor +ehicles, and a. "!rder, "ansla! hter, and rape. b. assa!lt, batter&, and arson. c. b!siness, o+ern"ent, and societ&. d. ,idnappin , do"estic +iolence, and +andalis". '''' 14. .hen &o! lie !nder oath d!rin a co!rt process, &o! are co""ittin a. disorderl& cond!ct. c. briber&. b. per-!r&. d. treason. '''' 15. $ "inor o))ense that is !s!all& p!nishable b& a )ine rather than -ail ti"e is called a. a "isde"eanor. c. entrap"ent. b. a )elon&. d. an in)raction. '''' 16. $ wron )!l in-!r& to, or inter)erence with, the propert& o) another is a. n!isance. c. trespass. b. de)a"ation. d. in+asion o) pri+ac&. '''' 1/. $ )alse state"ent "ade orall& to a third part& is a. slander. c. breach o) d!t&. b. de)a"ation. d. libel. '''' 11. 9eople who are en a ed in e#tre"el& dan ero!s acti+ities "a& be held liable e+en witho!t ne li ence or "alice@ this is ,nown as the doctrine o) a. ass!"ption o) ris,. c. !nintentional liabilit&. b. strict liabilit&. d. dan ero!s liabilit&. '''' 10. (o deter"ine i) the de)endant?s cond!ct was the pro#i"ate ca!se o) the plainti))?s in-!r&, the co!rt applies the a. pro#i"ate ca!se test. c. )orensic test. b. act!al ca!se test. d. )oreseeabilit& test. '''' 02. (he ne li ence de)ense that "i ht be !sed b& a baseball cl!b that is s!ed b& spectators is a. contrib!tor& ne li ence. c. ass!"ption o) ris,. b. co"parati+e ne li ence. d. pro#i"ate ca!se. '''' 01. (he di))erence between a cri"e and a tort is that a cri"e is co""itted a ainst the p!blic ood, while a tort a. is co""itted a ainst a partic!lar person or propert&. b. is ca!sed when so"eone is bein threatened. c. is considered a wron a ainst all o) societ&. d. h!rts all "e"bers o) the co""!nit&. '''' 02. *sin e#plosi+es and ,eepin alli ators as pets are e#a"ples o) a. s!r+i+al stat!tes. c. con+ersion. b. ne li ence. d. strict liabilit&.

'''' 03. (he re"edies a+ailable in tort law !s!all& incl!de a. a p!blic apolo & b& the tort)easor printed in the local newspaper. b. prison ti"e )or the tort)easor. c. )inancial co"pensation to the +icti" )or in-!ries ca!sed b& the tort)easor. d. )inancial co"pensation )or the +icti" and prison ti"e )or the tort)easor. '''' 04. (he ta,in bac, o) an o))er b& the o))eror is a. re+ocation. c. cancellation. b. re-ection. d. consideration. '''' 05. $ contract that a"o!nts to nothin and has no le al e))ect is a. !nen)orceable. c. +oid. b. +oidable. d. !nilateral. '''' 06. $ contract that contains a pro"ise b& both parties is a. e#press. c. bilateral. b. i"plied. d. !nilateral. '''' 0/. (o be e))ecti+e, an o))er "!st be co""!nicated to the a. attorne&. c. lender. b. o))eree. d. o))eror. '''' 01. 5n order )or the acceptance to be le all& bindin , it "!st be a. "ade in person and in writin b& the o))eree. b. !nconditional and in writin b& the o))eror and o))eree. c. "ade in person and )ollow the r!les re ardin the "ethod o) acceptance. d. !nconditional and )ollow the r!les re ardin the "ethod o) acceptance. '''' 00. 5n China, when people si n a contract, it "eans a. all parties ,now what to do and b& when. b. the& are read& to )!l)ill the contract. c. that e+er&one will co"plete the re%!ire"ents o) the contract. d. the& si"pl& want to do b!siness with each other. '''' 122. 5n contract law, consideration can be de)ined as a. the thin o) +al!e pro"ised in e#chan e )or so"ethin else o) +al!e. b. an&one who enters into a le al contract has the abilit& to do so. c. contracts that in+ol+e ille al acts are not allowed. d. both parties co""!nicatin clearl& when enterin into a contract. '''' 121. 5n+itations to deal, trade, or "a,e an o))er b& the seller are considered in+itations a. o) le alit&. c. to "a,e a co!ntero))er. b. to ne otiate. d. )or consideration. '''' 122. (he a e o) "a-orit& in "ost states is a. 16. c. 22. b. 11. d. 21. '''' 123. $ "inor who clai"s to be o+er the a e o) "a-orit& co""its a. )ra!d. c. e#tortion. b. "isrepresentation. d. larcen& b& )alse pretenses. '''' 124. .hen a "inor disa))ir"s a contract, the "erchandise recei+ed !pon enterin the contract sho!ld be a. !nda"a ed. c. paid )or. b. ret!rned. d. rati)ied. '''' 125. $ "inor is held responsible )or the )air +al!e o) a. athletic shoes. c. "edical care. b. C=s. d. +ideo a"es.

'''' 126. .hen a !ardian is appointed b& the co!rt )or a "entall& i"paired person, that person:s contracts are then declared a. +oidable. c. +oid. b. bindin . d. disa))ir"ed. '''' 12/. >i+in !p so"ethin that one has a le al ri ht to do is a t&pe o) a. bene)it. c. detri"ent. b. )orbearance. d. obli ation. '''' 121. $ co!rt "a& re)!se to en)orce a contract that it )inds a. )air. c. inade%!ate. b. ill!sor&. d. !nconscionable. '''' 120. .hen a contract ends, it is said to be a. dischar ed. c. tendered. b. released. d. a+oided. '''' 112. $n o))er to do what &o! ha+e a reed to do !nder a contract is called a. s!bstantial per)or"ance. c. tender o) per)or"ance. b. accord and satis)action. d. satis)actor& per)or"ance. '''' 111. Speci)ic per)or"ance as,s the co!rt to order the other part& in a contract to a. pa& the contract in )!ll. c. stop doin what the contract sa&s. b. obe& all in-!nctions i""ediatel&. d. do what he or she has a reed to do. '''' 112. .ron )!l acts o) one o) the parties "a& dischar e a contract b& a. the .ron )!l $ct Stat!te. c. operation o) law. b. the stat!te o) li"itations. d. "!t!al release. '''' 113. (he le al trans)er o) a ri ht !nder contract is called a7n8 a. alteration. c. no+ation. b. assi n"ent. d. dele ation. '''' 114. (hreats o) a b!siness nat!re that ca!se a person to enter into a contract witho!t real consent wo!ld %!ali)& as a. !nd!e in)l!ence. c. econo"ic d!ress. b. d!ress. d. )ra!d. '''' 115. $ deliberate deception to sec!re !n)air or !nlaw)!l ain is called a. "isrepresentation. c. a !nilateral "ista,e. b. libel. d. )ra!d. '''' 116. .hich o) the )ollowin is A;( a re"ed& )or a breach o) contractB a. <o! "a& re%!est the contract be contin!ed. b. <o! "a& accept the breach. c. <o! "a& s!e )or da"a es. d. <o! "a& as, the co!rt )or a re"ed&.

Completion Complete each statement. 125. (he heart o) the '''''''''''''''''''' is e"path&, which "eans p!ttin &o!rsel) in another:s sit!ation. 126. (he )irst a"end"ents to the *.S. Constit!tion, which protect o!r indi+id!al )reedo", are called the ''''''''''''''''''''. 12/. '''''''''''''''''''' are laws speci)icall& passed b& a o+ernin bod& created )or that p!rpose.

121. $ccordin to the principle o) '''''''''''''''''''' a person cannot be tried twice )or the sa"e cri"e in the sa"e co!rt. 120. 5n a ci+il case there are two t&pes o) ''''''''''''''''''''C one is a pa&"ent o) "one& and the other is so"e other action b& the de)endant. 132. (he person bein tried )or a cri"e is called the ''''''''''''''''''''. 131. $ cri"e that is less serio!s and has a less se+ere penalt& than a )elon& is a7n8 ''''''''''''''''''''. 132. $ )ather who !ses )orce to sa+e his child )ro" an attac, "a& clai" ''''''''''''''''''''. 133. Dillin so"eone witho!t intendin to do so is ''''''''''''''''''''. 134. (he re"o+al or restraint o) a person a ainst that person?s will is ''''''''''''''''''''. 135. Shopli)tin is a )or" o) ''''''''''''''''''''. 136. (he will)!l and "alicio!s b!rnin o) a ho!se or b!ildin is ''''''''''''''''''''. 13/. So"e states classi)& lesser cri"es as "inor "isde"eanors or ''''''''''''''''''''. 131. 5) &o! si ned a )alse si nat!re on a chec, intendin to decei+e so"eone, &o! wo!ld be co""ittin ''''''''''''''''''''. 130. .hen one person inter)eres with another?s ri hts, either intentionall& or ne li entl&, a7n8 '''''''''''''''''''' is co""itted. 142. Eo!d noises late at ni ht, no#io!s odors, and )!"es co"in )ro" a nearb& ho!se are all e#a"ples o) ''''''''''''''''''''. 141. (he wron )!l act o) in-!rin another person?s rep!tation b& "a,in )alse state"ents is ,nown as ''''''''''''''''''''. 142. 5) a wron doer has in-!red another part&, a co!rt will !s!all& award '''''''''''''''''''' to the in-!red part&. 143. '''''''''''''''''''' consists o) lies abo!t ob-ects. 144. 5n a prod!ct liabilit& case, both the seller and the '''''''''''''''''''' o) the ite" are liable )or in-!ries ca!sed b& the prod!ct. 145. Enterin another person?s land or propert& witho!t per"ission is called ''''''''''''''''''''. 146. $n& a ree"ent en)orceable b& law is a7n8 ''''''''''''''''''''. 14/. 9eople so"eti"es enter into '''''''''''''''''''' contracts witho!t e#chan in a word. 141. (he o))eree?s re)!sal, or '''''''''''''''''''', o) an o))er ends that o))er. 140. $ contract is '''''''''''''''''''' i) it can be canceled b& one o) the parties. 152. $7n8 '''''''''''''''''''' contract is stated in words and "a& be either oral or written. 151. $n o))er "!st be de)inite, co""!nicated to the o))eree, and ''''''''''''''''''''. 152. (o )!ll& !nderstand the nat!re o) contracts, we "!st !nderstand the '''''''''''''''''''' that "a,e !p a contract. 153. $)ter reachin the a e o) "a-orit&, a person "a& '''''''''''''''''''' a contract "ade d!rin "inorit& b& !sin , sellin , or ,eepin the ite", or b& "a,in pa&"ents.

154. Contracts "ade b& a "entall& ill person who has been declared insane b& a co!rt action are ''''''''''''''''''''. 155. Consideration is the e#chan e o) '''''''''''''''''''' and detri"ents b& the parties to an a ree"ent. 156. $ contract in which one part& has "!ch "ore power than another is considered ''''''''''''''''''''. 15/. 3inors "!st !nderstand that dri+in is a7n8 '''''''''''''''''''', not a ri ht, and it "!st be earned. 151. Fla,e and 9hilip decide to le all& settle their contract!al disp!te b& ha+in Fla,e accept as )!ll pa&"ent G122 less than the a"o!nt in the ori inal contract. (his is called '''''''''''''''''''. 150. For +alid '''''''''''''''''''', each part& "!st i+e !p so"ethin in order to et so"ethin in e#chan e. 162. $s lon as all ter"s ha+e been carried o!t properl& and co"pletel&, the contract is dischar ed b& ''''''''''''''''''''. 161. $7n8 '''''''''''''''''''' is an a ree"ent between two parties to end an a ree"ent. 162. 5) the ti"e )or per)or"ance is not "entioned in a contract, the co!rt will sa& the contract "!st be co"pleted in a ti"e that is s!itable and )air, or in ''''''''''''''''''''. 163. $7n8 '''''''''''''''''''' "ista,e is an error on the part o) one o) the parties to a contract. 164. $ person who intentionall& )ails to re+eal an i"portant )act is co""ittin the )ra!d o) ''''''''''''''''''''. 165. .hen act!al ph&sical )orce is !sed to ca!se another to enter a contract, the contract is ''''''''''''''''''''. Matching Match each term with its definition. a. s!bstanti+e law b. appellate co!rt c. alternati+e disp!te resol!tion d. constit!tion e. precedent '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' 1/5. 1/6. 1//. 1/1. 1/0. 112. 111. 112. 113. 114. ). . h. i. -. eneral trial co!rts ethical proced!ral law -!risdiction ad"inistrati+e law

$ doc!"ent that spells o!t the principles b& which the co!ntr&:s, state:s, or local o+ern"ent operates R!les and proced!res established b& re !lator& a encies Has two "a-or di+isionsC ci+il and cri"inal (ells !s what the law is, not how the law wor,s State co!rts located in each co!nt& handlin cri"inal and ci+il cases $ re%!ire"ent )or a -!d e to )ollow an earlier co!rt decision when decidin a case with si"ilar circ!"stances Co!rts that re+iew cases )ro" lower co!rts Chan es in these standards o)ten lead to new laws Federal co!rts ha+e this o+er patent and cop&ri ht cases $ s!bstit!te )or a laws!it !sed to resol+e disa ree"ents o!tside the co!rt s&ste"

Match each term with its definition. a. cri"e b. insanit& c. in)ractions d. plainti)) e. sel)4de)ense

). . h. i. -.

prosec!tor batter& )elonies "ansla! hter "isde"eanor

'''' 115. 5n co!rt, the part& that acc!ses a person o) a cri"e '''' 116. $ t&pe o) de)ense )or people who belie+e the& were in dan er and had no other choice b!t to !se )orce to protect the"sel+es '''' 11/. 3a-or cri"es s!ch as "!rder or rape '''' 111. Dillin so"eone witho!t intendin to do so '''' 110. $ t&pe o) de)ense )or people who do not ,now what the& are doin '''' 102. $n o))ense co""itted a ainst the p!blic ood or societ& '''' 101. So"eti"es called the district attorne&@ represents the people '''' 102. $ speedin tic,et and other "inor tra))ic +iolations are e#a"ples '''' 103. Eess serio!s cri"es s!ch as dri+in witho!t a license '''' 104. (he )orce)!l and !nlaw)!l to!chin o) another person Match each term with its definition. a. intentional tort b. strict liabilit& c. n!isance d. de)a"ation e. ne li ence ). . h. i. -. d!t& o) care pro#i"ate ca!se contrib!tor& ne li ence co"parati+e ne li ence ass!"ption o) ris,

'''' 105. (he obli ation to !se a reasonable standard to pre+ent in-!r& to others '''' 106. $n&thin that inter)eres with the en-o&"ent o) li)e or propert& '''' 10/. Ae li ence o) each part& is co"pared, and the a"o!nt o) the plainti))?s reco+er& is red!ced b& the percent o) his or her ne li ence '''' 101. (he )ail!re to e#ercise the de ree o) care that a reasonable person wo!ld ha+e e#ercised in the sa"e circ!"stances '''' 100. Feha+ior b& the plainti)) that helped to ca!se the in-!r& '''' 222. $ctions that are deliberate and ca!se h!rt or e"barrass"ent to others '''' 221. .hen the plainti)) ,new o) the ris, in+ol+ed and still too, a chance o) bein in-!red '''' 222. (he wron )!l act o) in-!rin another?s rep!tation b& "a,in )alse state"ents '''' 223. (he le al connection between !nreasonable cond!ct and the res!ltin har" '''' 224. $ le al doctrine that sa&s so"e acti+ities are so dan ero!s that liabilit& will alwa&s )ollow

Match each term with its definition. a. contract b. o))er c. acceptance d. "irror i"a e r!le e. !nilateral contract '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' 225. 226. 22/. 221. 220. 212. 211. 212. 213. 214.

). . h. i. -.

e#press contract i"plied contract co!ntero))er re+ocation re-ection

$ contract that co"es abo!t )ro" the actions o) the parties (he ter"s stated in the acceptance "!st "atch the ter"s o) the o))er $ re)!sal o) an o))er b& the o))eree that brin s the o))er to an end $n& a ree"ent en)orceable b& law $ response to an o))er that chan es the ter"s o) the ori inal o))er *n%!ali)ied willin ness to o alon with an o))er Contains a pro"ise b& onl& one person to do so"ethin when the other part& per)or"s so"e act 9roposal b& one part& to another part& to enter into a contract (he ta,in bac, o) an o))er b& the o))eror $ contract stated in words@ "a& be oral or written Match each term with its definition. a. capacit& b. disa))ir" c. )orbearance d. consideration e. !nconscionable contract ). . h. i. -. adhesion contract rati)ication pro"issor& estoppel Stat!te o) Fra!ds ille alit&

'''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' ''''

215. 216. 21/. 211. 210. 222. 221. 222. 223. 224.

(he act o) a reein to o alon with a contract that co!ld ha+e been +oided .hen the consideration is so o!t o) line that it shoc,s the co!rt $ ta,e4it4or4lea+e4it o))er Ee al abilit& to enter a contract Can destro& an otherwise +alid contract (he principle that a pro"ise "ade witho!t consideration "& be en)orced to pre+ent in-!stice $ state law that re%!ires certain laws be in writin Aot doin what &o! ha+e the ri ht to do (o show the intent not to li+e !p to a contract (he e#chan e o) bene)its and detri"ents b& the parties to the contract

Match each term with its definition. a. dischar e b& a ree"ent b. per)or"ance c. assi n"ent d. dele ation e. s!bstantial per)or"ance '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' 225. 226. 22/. 221. 220. 232. 231. 232. 233. 234.

). . h. i. -.

tender !nd!e in)l!ence breach o) contract stat!te o) li"itations )ra!d

.hen the part& co"pletes the "a-or re%!ire"ents o) a contract with onl& a )ew "inor details re"ainin (he trans)er o) a d!t& !nder a contract $ deliberate deception intended to ser+e an !n)air ain $ ti"e li"it )or s!in in a ci+il case Foth parties a ree to end the contract (he trans)er o) a ri ht !nder a contract $ctions that "a,e inappropriate !se o) one person:s power o+er another $n o))er to do what &o! ha+e a reed to do !nder a contract .hen the parties )!l)ill the ter"s o) a contract b& doin what the& pro"ised earlier .hen a person )ails to per)or" the d!ties o) the contract

Business Law - Final Exam Study Guide nswer Section

T!"E/F LSE 1. $ASC A$(C 2. $ASC 3. $ASC A$(C 4. $ASC A$(C 5. $ASC 6. $ASC A$(C /. $ASC A$(C 1. $ASC 0. $ASC 12. $ASC A$(C 11. $ASC 12. $ASC 13. $ASC 14. $ASC A$(C 15. $ASC A$(C 16. $ASC A$(C 1/. $ASC A$(C 11. $ASC 10. $ASC 22. $ASC 21. $ASC 22. $ASC 23. $ASC 24. $ASC 25. $ASC A$(C 26. $ASC A$(C 2/. $ASC 21. $ASC 20. $ASC 32. $ASC F 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 AFE$ 5F2a F 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5F3d I AFE$ 5C I AFE$ 5C1a I AFE$ 5C2a ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5$3a F 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5F ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5F3b ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5=3d I AFE$ 5=3e ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 AFE$ 5E2b ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 AFE$ 5E2b F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5E2b I AFE$ 5E3a ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5E2b F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5E3d F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 AFE$ 5E3e F 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 ( 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 F 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 REFC 12 REFC 10 REFC 13 REFC 0 REFC 12 REFC 0414 REFC 12 REFC 14 REFC 22421 REFC 22 REFC REFC REFC REFC 35 31 42 42

REFC 44 REFC 45 REFC 45 REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC 35 36 3/ 55 51 51 63 56 I 61


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 3/. 31. 30. 42. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 4/. 41. 40. 52. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 5/. 51. 50. 62. 61. 62.


AFE$ 5E3d F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3a F 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3a ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3b ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3b ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3) F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3) ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3) ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3) I AFE$ 55$3 ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3h F 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3o F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3d ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3d F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3d ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F1a I AFE$ 555F2a F 9(SC 1

=5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 1 2 1 1


=5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 3 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 1 1 2 2 1 1

REFC 122 REFC 124 REFC 123 REFC 116 REFC 125 REFC 124 REFC 121 REFC 116 REFC 11/ REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC 122 131 132 133 135 136

=5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 2

REFC 141 REFC 144 REFC 144 REFC 145 REFC 146 REFC 32/ REFC 331

63. 64. 65. 66. 6/. 61. 60. /2.


AFE$ 555F3( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3e I AFE$ 555F3) F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3c ( 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3F 9(SC 1 ( 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3 F 9(SC 1

=5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 2

REFC 331 REFC 330 REFC 321 REFC 341 REFC 332 REFC 333 REFC 334 REFC 336

M"LT#$LE C%&#CE /1. $ASC A$(C /2. $ASC /3. $ASC A$(C /4. $ASC A$(C /5. $ASC A$(C /6. $ASC A$(C //. $ASC A$(C /1. $ASC A$(C /0. $ASC 12. $ASC 11. $ASC A$(C 12. $ASC A$(C 13. $ASC 14. $ASC 15. $ASC 16. $ASC 1/. $ASC 11. $ASC A$(C 10. $ASC A$(C 02. $ASC C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5F = 9(SC 1 = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E2a C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5C3b F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5=3) C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5C3d I AFE$ 5=3) C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5F2b = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E2b C 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E2b = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E2b I AFE$ 5E3a C 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 = 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 $ 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E3) = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E3e C 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 3 =5FC 3 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 3 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 2 1 1 1 1 3 REFC 11 REFC 11 REFC 24 REFC 2/ REFC 24 REFC 1/410 REFC 11 REFC 42 REFC 35 REFC 30 REFC 43 REFC 44 REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC 42 46 35 50 51 64

=5FC 2 =5FC 2


01. $ASC A$(C 02. $ASC A$(C 03. $ASC A$(C 04. $ASC 05. $ASC 06. $ASC A$(C 0/. $ASC A$(C 01. $ASC A$(C 00. $ASC A$(C 122. $ASC 121. $ASC 122. $ASC 123. $ASC 124. $ASC A$(C 125. $ASC 126. $ASC 12/. $ASC 121. $ASC 120. $ASC 112. $ASC 111. $ASC 112. $ASC 113. $ASC 114. $ASC A$(C 115. $ASC A$(C 116. $ASC A$(C 11/. $ASC A$(C 111. $ASC A$(C 110. $ASC A$(C 122. $ASC A$(C 121. $ASC A$(C 122. $ASC

$ 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E3c = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E3) C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 5E3 $ 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3a F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3b = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3b = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3p $ 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 $ 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3) C 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 = 9(SC 1 $ 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 = 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 F 9(SC 1 C 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3d = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3d $ 9(SC 1 AFE$ 55$3o $ 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F2b F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3= 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3a I AFE$ 555F3d = 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3 F 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F2b F 9(SC 1

=5FC 3 =5FC 2 =5FC 3 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 3 =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

REFC 56 REFC 64 REFC 56 REFC 01 REFC 14 REFC 15 REFC 10 REFC 10 REFC 02 REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC 13 11 123 123 124 124 122 116 11/ 131 132 14/ 135 13/ 144

=5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 2

REFC 141 REFC 145 REFC 321 REFC 331 REFC 331 REFC 330 REFC 321 REFC 332

A$(C 123. $ASC A$(C 124. $ASC C&M$LET#&'

AFE$ 555F3= 9(SC 1 AFE$ 555F3 $ 9(SC 1

=5FC 2 =5FC 2

REFC 333 REFC 336

125. $ASC >olden R!le 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 126. $ASC Fill o) Ri hts 9(SC 1 12/. $ASC Stat!tes =5FC 1 REFC / REFC 12 REFC 11 REFC 12 REFC 24 REFC 35 REFC 35 REFC 42 REFC 42 REFC 43 REFC 44 REFC 45 REFC 35 REFC 45 A$(C AFE$ 5E3a A$(C AFE$ 5E3a A$(C AFE$ 5E2b A$(C AFE$ 5F3b

9(SC 1 =5FC 2 121. $ASC do!ble -eopard& 9(SC 1 120. $ASC re"edies 9(SC 1 132. $ASC de)endant =5FC 2 =5FC 2

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 131. $ASC "isde"eanor 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 132. $ASC de)ense o) )a"il& "e"bers 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 133. $ASC "ansla! hter 9(SC 1 134. $ASC ,idnappin 9(SC 1 135. $ASC larcen& 9(SC 1 136. $ASC arson =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 2

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 13/. $ASC pett& o))enses 9(SC 1 131. $ASC )or er& 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 =5FC 2

130. $ASC tort 9(SC 1 142. $ASC n!isance 9(SC 1 141. $ASC de)a"ation =5FC 1 =5FC 1 REFC 55 REFC 50 REFC 51 REFC 56 REFC 50 REFC 64 REFC 50 REFC 12 REFC 15 REFC 02 REFC 14415 REFC 15 REFC 11 REFC 12413 REFC 124 REFC 122 A$(C AFE$ 55$3 A$(C AFE$ 55$3a A$(C AFE$ 55$1a A$(C AFE$ 55$3a

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 142. $ASC "onetar& da"a es 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 143. $ASC =ispara e"ent 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 144. $ASC "an!)act!rer 9(SC 1 145. $ASC trespass 9(SC 1 146. $ASC contract 9(SC 1 14/. $ASC i"plied 9(SC 1 141. $ASC re-ection 9(SC 1 140. $ASC +oidable 9(SC 1 152. $ASC e#press =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 151. $ASC serio!sl& intended 9(SC 1 152. $ASC ele"ents 9(SC 1 153. $ASC rati)& 9(SC 1 154. $ASC +oid 9(SC 1 155. $ASC bene)its =5FC 2 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 156. $ASC !nconscionable 9(SC 1 15/. $ASC pri+ile e =5FC 1

REFC 116 REFC 11/ REFC 124 REFC 122 REFC 116 REFC 131 REFC 133 REFC 131 REFC 143 REFC 142 REFC 144 REFC 332 REFC 320 REFC 321 REFC 331 REFC 336 A$(C AFE$ 55$3d A$(C AFE$ 55$3d A$(C AFE$ 55$3d A$(C AFE$ 555F3A$(C AFE$ 555F2c A$(C AFE$ 555F2b A$(C AFE$ 555F3A$(C AFE$ 555F3e A$(C AFE$ 55$3h

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 151. $ASC accord and satis)action 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 150. $ASC consideration 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 162. $ASC co"plete per)or"ance 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 161. $ASC "!t!al release 9(SC 1 =5FC 1 162. $ASC reasonable ti"e 9(SC 1 163. $ASC !nilateral =5FC 1

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 164. $ASC conceal"ent 9(SC 1 165. $ASC +oid =5FC 2

9(SC 1 =5FC 2 166. $ASC Aational Eabor Relations Foard 9(SC 1 =5FC 3 16/. $ASC i"plied co+enant 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 161. $ASC i"plied contract 9(SC 1 160. $ASC (a)t4Hartle& 9(SC 1 1/2. $ASC Fo!rth 9(SC 1 1/1. $ASC sa)et& =5FC 2 =5FC 2 =5FC 1

9(SC 1 =5FC 1 1/2. $ASC E9$ En+iron"ental 9rotection $ enc&

REFC 333

9(SC 1 =5FC 2 REFC 333 1/3. $ASC EE;C E%!al E"plo&"ent ;pport!nit& Co""ission 9(SC 1 =5FC 2 1/4. $ASC $=$ $"ericans with =isabilities $ct 9(SC 1 M TC%#'G 1/5. 1/6. 1//. 1/1. 1/0. 112. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 11/. 111. 110. 102. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 10/. 101. 100. 222. 221. $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC = J H $ F E F > 5 C = E H 5 F $ F C J > F C 5 E H $ J 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC REFC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 0 16 22 22 10 11 16 0 16 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A$(C AFE$ 5F2a I AFE$ 5F3c A$(C AFE$ 5= A$(C AFE$ 5E A$(C A$(C A$(C A$(C A$(C AFE$ 5F3d AFE$ 5C3c I AFE$ 5=3) AFE$ 5$2a AFE$ 5C3a AFE$ 5=3b =5FC 2 REFC 3314330

REFC 342

A$(C AFE$ 555F3)

A$(C AFE$ 5E2b

A$(C AFE$ 5E3d A$(C AFE$ 5E3d

222. $ASC = 223. $ASC > 224. $ASC F 225. 226. 22/. 221. 220. 212. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 21/. 211. 210. 222. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 22/. 221. 220. 232. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 23/. 231. 230. 242. 241. 242. 243. 244. $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC $ASC > = J $ H C E F 5 F > E F $ J H 5 C F = E = J 5 $ C > F F H C F H J $ 5 > F E =

9(SC 1 9(SC 1 9(SC 1 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 9(SC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

=5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC 1 =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC =5FC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A$(C AFE$ 5E3e A$(C AFE$ 55$3a

A$(C AFE$ 55$3b A$(C AFE$ 55$3b A$(C AFE$ 55$3a

A$(C AFE$ 55$3d

A$(C AFE$ 55$3d

A$(C AFE$ 55$3o A$(C AFE$ 555F3i A$(C AFE$ 555F2b A$(C A$(C A$(C A$(C AFE$ 555F3h AFE$ 555F1a I AFE$ 555F2a AFE$ 555F3h AFE$ 555F2c

A$(C AFE$ 555F3b A$(C AFE$ 555F3b

Short $nswer K!estions. <o! need to ,nowC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. /. Eist the 5 "ain so!rces o) law 7ch 18 Eist at least 2 di))erences between a ci+il case and a cri"inal case co!rt proceedin 7ch 18 Eist, de)ine and i+e an e#a"ple o) the 3 t&pes o) cri"es 7ch 28 Eist and e#plain the 4 ele"ents o) ne li ence 7ch 38 Eist and e#plain the 6 ele"ents o) a contract 7ch 4 L 58 Eist and e#plain the 4 basic ri hts a))orded to all e"plo&ees 7ch 158 Choose a case )ro" the list below. E#plain who was in+ol+ed, the co!rt:s decision and the reason the co!rt a+e )or their decision. a. b. c. d. e. ). . h. i. -. Frown + Foard o) Ed Roe + .ade 3iranda +. $ri6ona *nited States +. Ai#on *nited States +. John w. Hin,le& Eiebec, +. 3c=onalds Resta!rants 9hillips +. Cric,et Ei hters Mo,es +. $rth!r 3!rra& Hei"an +. 9arrish 9a+licic +. Mo tsber er

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