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Business Law- Week 1

You always have to think ahead as things go wrong. There are unexpected problems. Laws is a tool of promoting ethics and positive results. From ethics, what is appropriate? -Ethics means legal ethics. Ethical situations: Ex: dropping a cell phone in the toilet and c laiming it to the insurance. Law is not necessarily business ethics. Its based on performance.

Topic of term paper: Mortgage agreement. Choose your own mortgage agreement in Ontario

Important to know how to read documents, when things go wrong and they pull the plug on you. Study a national mortgage agreement

The term paper is application. Interpretation of the clauses. If you have specific questions you get specific answers. You control the lawyer.

Bring a sample of the mortgage agreement to next class.

Common Law requires definitions from which you can derive principal.

In class example: Guy turcotte and Isabelle Gaston. He was not sane when he committed the act. And now he is sane. He is back in the field and doing his job after killing his children. People have a difficulty to understand how the legal system can do that. Each specific case has its merit and how we define those principals. In law the definition is exactly the words that we see.

In class example: Mr. Conrad. Obstruction of justice. Takes his wife around the world but gets caught picking up boxes when he's not supposed to and doesn't have someone do it for him.

Law is a game of looping. You lose your momentum. Its a mental training thing. How you negotiate. You have to repeat your orders.

Five legal principles that define our system

Believes in the rule of law - we believe that the law is supreme. Consequently, we need to be bound by the rules that are in acted by the constitution and the Canadian charters and rights. We believe that God is supreme. In our society, everybody here has to define their own God. Everyone has a right to define what are the values they believe in and what defines their God. Everyone is equal before and under the law. Everyone is bound the same laws. We define the values of capitalistic element. - Notion of property rights. You have a mortgage that allows u to have equity in the building. Its the foundation of our legal system Our legal system is there to secure our invested interest and through the help of the court resolve private disputes.Ex: Movie in the US called Starbuck. Purchase of semen. Brother and sister almost got married. They did not know they had the same father. Drive- through service or go to a clinic. 5 to 10000$ a shot. Do you have the right to know how is your biological father? Ex. Is it right to flush human blood of a dead person in the sewer. Our system is there to secure our relationships. It means that you treat your enemies as if they will become your friends. The law is straight. Keep it straight. Ex. paying people under the table or paying HST. If you play well you won't get hurt. We all make mistakes but did you play inside the rules. You hate them or one day you will be with them. You trust legal regime because it is made the right way.

Our society defines the basic norms of what it is to be Canadian. The chart of right defines this. Ex. freedom of expression. Someone on the radio had a discussion about favouritism. Dad prefers boy over the girl. He is entitled over freedom of expression. He is not hurting anyone. Lets be honest and face the reality of things. We should openly talk about it. The favouritism may change over the years. There are norms that tell you that you cannot say whatever you want. The views may be accepted in certain situations. Ex. Pictures of Mohammad published in Canada. It can be published for certain reasons. Like discussion and not hatred. EX. youtube posting video of the guy in Montreal killing the student and the kittens. Freedom of expression. The stronger the court system the more power there is. Freedom, property rights. ...

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