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Assignment - M&R


Names and surnames: Claudia Andrea Nanni, Gissella Elizabet !iguer"a #alenzuela, Mar$a %"urdes !ern&ndez Mart$nez, Miriam Cristina !reitas' Login: Group: ()*te(l*+,-+--, Date: A)ril +,-.

Assignment - M&R

SUBJECT ASS/GNMENT: MATER/A%S AN0 RES1URCES GENERAL INFORMATION: This assignment must be done in groups and has to fulfil the following conditions: Length: between 8 and 10 pages (without including cover inde! or appendices "if there are an#$% T#pe of font: &rial or Times New 'oman% (i)e: 11% Line height: 1%*% &lignment: +ustified%

,f for some reason #ou cannot do the assignment in groups #ou will have to do it individuall# (notice that individual assignments will be penali)ed% The ma!imum score a student can get is 8- 10$% The individual assignment must have a length between 8 and 10 pages appro!imatel# (without including cover inde! or appendi! "if there is an#$% The assignment has to be done in this .ord document and has to fulfil the rules of presentation and edition as for /uotes and bibliographical references which are detailed in the (tud# Guide% &lso it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the (tud# Guide% (ending it to the teacher0s e1mail is not permitted% &ll the members of the group have to send the assignment% ,n addition to this it is ver# important to read the assessment criteria which can be found in the (tud# Guide% The assignment mar2 is 1003 of the final mar2%

Assignment - M&R

Assignment: Carr2 "ut t e ("ll"3ing tas4 You are expected to submit a kit of own-produced materials for a specified group of learners in your current or a future context. The kit should be a coherent block of work, produced in response to some observed need of the learners. t must be prefaced by a rationale, in which the issues that have been raised about design, trialling, adaptation and evaluation in the sub!ect are discussed, as they are relevant to your circumstances and the materials. " rationale might include discussion of the context, the age and level of the students, the nature of the syllabus and materials used by the learners, the need you perceive, the belief about language learning and teaching that the materials represent, and any other issues that are relevant to your materials #for example because of the particular media chosen$. You must also include information about how you intend to evaluate the materials when they are used. You must submit copies of the materials you produce, with the teachers instructions that make it clear how they are to be used. %rite these instructions as if they were for another teacher who could use them. &ote' You may find it useful to refer to the reading available in &ssignment 4aterials section #at the same place where you can find this paper$.

Assignment - M&R

INDEX: -' 0ETA/%E0 RAT/1NA%E !1R T5E UN/T 1! 61R7 1R 7/T 8)age 9: A: T e a;t "( )lanning ("r Englis as a Se;"nd %anguage Class' B: Justi(i;ati"n ("r t e unit t")i;: <Ne3 3a2s "( ;"mmuni;ati"n= C: C"nte>tualizati"n ("r t e unit "( 3"r4' 0: /denti(i;ati"n "( "ur students? needs' E: Unit?s g"als@"bAe;tiBes' !: %earning@Tea; ing a;tiBities "r tas4s' G: Ma;r"-s4ills and mi;r"-s4ills in t e unit "( 3"r4' 5: Tea; er@%earner?s r"le' /: Materials and Res"ur;es' J: Met "d"l"g2' 7: EBaluati"n' %: C"n;lusi"ns' C Bibli"gra) i;al Re(eren;es' +' ADDEN0/E / 8T5E 7/T: 8)age -F: .' ADDEN0/E // 8TEAC5ER?S GU/0E: 8)age ++:

Assignment - M&R

-' 0ETA/%E0 RAT/1NA%E !1R T5E UN/T 1! 61R7 A) THE ACT OF PLANNING FOR AN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASS " unit of work is designed for our everyday teaching practice in order to reach (uality in education or in the teaching-learning process. The unit of work gives teachers a plan about what they are going to do, how are going to do that and which aims are going to be reached. )ome tasks are planned dealing with skills and micro-skills and these tasks have to be varied and flexible enough in order to adapt our teaching practice to different students* interests, aptitudes, attitudes and needs. B) JUSTIFICATION FOR THE UNIT TOPIC NEW WAYS OF COMMUNICATION +rom mid-,--.s, some manifestations of the electronic revolution, along with chat rooms, discussion groups, and game environments, gave definition to a new domain of study, called variously /electronic discourse0, /computer-mediated communication0, /textmessaging0 and /netspeak0. "n immediate conse(uence for 1nglish is the emergence of a new range of language varieties, as people, particularly teens, learned to adapt their language to cope with the linguistic constraints and opportunities provided by the new technology. n the current 2,st century, our students are living in a technological era that they may be able to manage even better than teachers. )tudents are able to modify, control and manage new technologies and we as teachers may take advantage of these abilities in order to deal teaching of 1nglish as a second language from a 34 4 approach that is, involving our students in different skills and micro-skills while ac(uiring a second language. "long this unit of work students* motivation and interest may be increased by demanding their abilities using the new technologies and new ways of communication such as text messaging. C) CONTEXTUALIZATION FOR THE UNIT OF WORK The )tate 5igh )chool where 1nglish as a second language sub!ect is going to be taught and learned is situated in a middle-class district with a mixture of cultures due to the increasing immigration movements of population in the 2,st century. +amilies living in this district speak )panish as their mother tongue and students attending lessons in the 5igh )chool are learning 1nglish as a second language. "lthough 1nglish is not the tool our students use to speak out of the high school, we as

Assignment - M&R

teachers have to arise in our students the use of 1nglish as an open-minded language used in almost the whole world as the tool for real communication. This unit of work called &1% %"Y) 6+ 36778& 3"T 6& is intended to be carried out with a group of 29 students who are ,:-,9 years old. 6ur students are moving towards an intermediate level of the use of the 1nglish language as a second language. They attend ; hours of 1nglish lessons per week, each hour consisting in 9. minutes of teaching and learning practice. Therefore, the unit of work is intended to be carried out in a period of two weeks that is < sessions. The lessons take place from =.:9 to -.,9 p.m. on 7ondays and %ednesdays. The students are generally enthusiastic and at the end of the academic course they have completed approximately 2.. hours of work dealing with 1nglish as a second language. +rom a cognitive point of view, these students may show a tendency towards monitoring their own actions but also they may show a tendency towards building up some pre!udices which have to be unlearnt. >egarding )1TT &? available to carry out this unit of work, we are teaching in a classroom with ,9 personal computers which can be shared by 2 or three students, and a digital board for our teaching and learning process. D) IDENTIFICATION OF OUR STUDENTS NEEDS The starting point for a learner-centred curriculum development is generally the collection of data in order to design a programme for a specific group of learners. >ichards suggests that needs analysis serves some purposes' it provides a means of obtaining wider and interesting input into the content and design@ it can be used in developing goals, ob!ectives and content. #,-A:'9$. deally, in a learner-centred system, content should be derived through a process of consultation and negotiation with the learners, the principal consideration being the communicative needs and interests of the learners. n our unit of work, teachers are operating with students coming from the educational system who are used to learning 1nglish as a second language in the same high school and with the same teachers who know their interests and needs from previous academic years. Therefore, our students in the class do not vary significantly from one course to the next. 6ur students have been studying through discovery activities followed by language practice. 4earners are used to dealing with macro-skills #i.e. reading, listening, speaking and writing$ and micro-skills #i.e. scanning, skimming, predicting, etc.$ as the basis for language ac(uisition. 4earners are used to using

Assignment - M&R

nformation and 3ommunication Technologies, computers and the digital board as sources in their learning process. "t the intermediate level of 1nglish as a second language, our students can state their needs reasonably clearly so as learners to have a far more committed and active role in the teaching and learning process. "fter a brief consultation and observation process, teachers assume that these learners are living in a technological era that they like managing and that makes them feel comfortable, confident and motivated when using new technologies. Besides, we guess from our consultation and observation that learners prefer to develop language ac(uisition as a process of ac(uiring macro-skills and micro-skills through different tasks and pro!ects, rather than ac(uiring a body of language content and forms or body of analytical knowledge with no reference to the real teens world. )tudents in our class are a large group of 29 learners who really begin to /take off0 in terms of their ability to communicate using the target language. 4earners, then, need fresh challenges to help them to realiCe how much they know and to make their passive knowledge active, together with a steady and implicit input of new language. E) UNITS GOALS OBJECTI!ES n this learner-centred unit of work specifying unit ob!ectives or goals can play an important part in getting learners involved in achieving those goals and in getting learners fulfill their roles in the teaching and learning process. Through this tasksbased unit, the learners are re(uired' . To act friendly and confident with the material produced dealing with new ways of communication. . To revise and extend learners* knowledge of language use. . To expand new ways of communication-based lexis. . To practice pronunciation and writing new lexis correctly and appropriately. . To be aware of new ways of communication and practical use in their lives. . To be motivated to speak and write about new ways of communication topic. . To feel clear, intelligible and confident when using language, discourse and nformation and 3ommunication technologies #i.e. computers$. . To monitor their tasks individually or collaboratively. . To deal with authentic texts. . To get used to reading, listening, writing and speaking dealing with new ways of communication codes. . To monitor their learning process.

Assignment - M&R

. To use new ways of communication politely, effectively and safely. "t the end of this unit of work, learners will have achieved the following standards' 4earners will use wh-(uestions in conversations and dialogues via textmessaging@ 4earners will use modal verbs related to suggestions and obligation. #i.e. should, shouldn*t, must, mustn*t$@ 4earners will express feelings, agreement and disagreement about using textmessaging among teens@ 4earners will use written texts, managing real texts, discourse, coherence and cohesion@ 4earners will identify the main point in a spoken text@ 4earners will extract relevant information form a spoken or written text@ 4earners will obtain relevant information about new ways of communication and codes used@ 4earners will ac(uire lexis related to new ways of communication@ 4earners will use new ways of communication and nformation and 3ommunication Technologies to produce a final pro!ect@ 4earners will work collaboratively, showing respect and tolerance towards other members of the group. F) LEARNING TEACHING ACTI!ITIES OR TASKS n this learner-centred unit of work, activities must be informed by the attitudes, needs and interests of learners in the class. 3onversation and discussion in class, talking to friends, interacting via new technologies and elaborating a teens magaCine as final pro!ect were all learners* attitudes in our class. >eal-life and psycholinguisticallymotivated tasks and activities seem to be both pedagogically and psycholinguistically sound, and also appear to have the general support of the learners themselves. The specific learner-centred activities and tasks in our unit of work or D T have the following characteristics' "s a warm-up activity our learners will be introduced into a motivating video dealing with new ways of communication among teens. 4earners are shown firstly some logos they are able to recogniCe and to speak about them and expressing their own opinions. %e as teachers should not abandon /free speaking0. Through some (uestions learners get support and they are encouraged to ask and answer while the rest of the class listens. Teacher encourages genuine communication paying attention and underlying some words and vocabulary related to the unit topic. 7eanwhile, pronunciation may be taught by /echoing0 learners who mispronounce but without correcting them too fre(uently since the activity is designed to improve fluency and to warm-up as an introduction for the unit of work. The reading comprehension activity deals with /neti(uette0 or the art of proper behavior online. t is important to create a desire to read, so learners will be encouraged to predict the content of the text by writing the key-word /neti(uette0 on the

Assignment - M&R

board. "fter this predicting activity learners will read the text and answer some (uestions related to the content. 1ventually, learners are taught inductively the 76E"4 F1>B) to express adviceGsuggestions and obligation. 4earners use experimentally the modal verbs forms in context after being presented with the explanation for appropriate use in context. 3oncerning language focus, learners experiment with the new language forms #i.e. modal verbs for advice and obligation$ scanning from a given text. 4earners carry out a top-down processing when ac(uiring the new language forms since clear written model is given to them in order that they are able to hear, write and read what the new language sounds and functions like. %hile producing the new language learners feel confident. Teacher encourages peer correction among all the learners by using the prompt /3an anyone helpH0 and by writing the new language forms in a poster in order to exhibit it on the classroom*s walls. >eading and writing section deals with /textmessaging0 and its codes and abbreviations. 4earners are asked some (uestions as a warm-up activity dealing with their textmessaging routines and feelings about this everyday practice among teens. Teachers use the text as an excuse to make students feel confident when discussing about the topic. n doing so, learners practice the art of turn-taking while expressing advantages and disadvantages of textmessaging. "fter having comprehended the text and the use of textmessaging, a group game make students manage the content of the text in a real situation #i.e. roleplaying$. 7essages produced by students can be shown on the digital board to encourage a group-checking and correction of mistakes and to create an atmosphere of appreciation and motivation. n order to practice the listening macro-skill and its micro-skills, learners are firstly engaged by asking them to look at the pictures and listen to the pronunciation of some related words in order to predict content. )ome vocabulary is pre-taught so learners know in advance how some of the words related to the topic are pronounced. Before they start listening we make sure that learners read and understand the (uestions or activity they are going to carry out. "s a follow-up activity learners may have the tape script written on the digital board so that they can read and listen at the same time. 4earners will elaborate a + &"4 >1F 1% I>6J13T as a way of evaluating our teaching and learning practice along the unit of work, that is, evaluation of both, teacher*s practice and learners* ac(uisition. 4earners will be asked to create a teens magaCine to motivate them at the same time to work in groups, to put in practice the

Assignment - M&R

content of the unit of work and to use nformation and 3ommunication technologies #i.e. computers in the classroom$. The medium used will be the 1nglish language. Teacher will offer support and guidance related to neti(uette, use of language and %ebIages they may use to download images, photos, etc. while learners can ask further (uestions. This final review (uiC motivates learners to practice writing in what is perceived as a /cool0 format' a teen magaCine. "t the same time, this final review I>6J13T will engage our learners in some key competences such as' competence in linguistic communication, competence in learning to learn, competence in social skills, competence in processing information and use of nformation and 3ommunication technology #i.e. computers$, artistic competence, autonomy and personal initiative, among others. n order to create an atmosphere of appreciation and motivation, learners will display their final pro!ect on the E ? T"4 B6">E as a motivating presentation in front of the class. G) MACRO"SKILLS AND MICRO"SKILLS IN THE UNIT OF WORK This unit of work is assessed through four macro-skills' speaking and writing, that is, productive skills@ listening and reading, that is, receptive skills. This unit places e(ual emphasis on the development of all four macro-skills. 1ach skill has got specific characteristics which affect the tasks-design. n order to develop >1"E &? )D 44, the unit of work contains authentic material with pre, while and post activities for comprehension and prediction of content. )ome micro-skills are also developed into the reading comprehension exercises, such as skimming, scanning, inferring meaning from context and title and recognition of our learners* background knowledge. To develop and encourage our learners* 4 )T1& &? )D 44, the activities are designed with authentic texts, use of video, 3Es and pre, while and post listening tasks. )ome micro-skills developed are' recognition of vocabulary, intonation, stress, and background knowledge about the topic. %> T &? )D 44 is a process in this unit of work, not !ust a product. 4earners develop writing skill while they are able to identify the style, cohesion and coherence organiCation into paragraphs and internet and texting conventions as micro-skills. )I1"D &? )D 44 in this unit is put into practice with learners from the very beginning by means of the warm-up activity to introduce the unit topic. 4earners will use real-time processing, interactional language use, negotiation of meaning and presentations via E ? T"4 B6">E or I6)T1>). )ome micro-skills which are developed are' pronunciation, stress, intonation and discourse conventions.

Assignment - M&R

34 4 approach is the base for this unit of work since learners develop positive attitudes, learning skills and learning strategies while working individually or forming groups and while working via nformation and 3ommunication Technology. H) TEACHER LEARNERS ROLE n this learner-centred unit of work the content to be dealt is a collaborative effort between teacher and learners, since learners* needs and interests are closely involved in the pre-planning process of the unit, regarding the content of the unit and how it is taught. 6n the one hand, T1"351> is re(uired to have a range of skills in order to carry out this learner-centred unit. Teacher analyses initial needs, sets goals and ob!ectives, selects content, devises learning activities or tasks, instructs learners, monitors and assesses progress, evaluates materials and manages classroom during the teaching and learning process. n a learner-centred system the teacher has a crucial role to play in both student assessment and unit of work evaluation through observation and selfanalysis. Teacher is also the curriculum developer in this leaner-centred unit. 6n the other hand, 41">&1> is the protagonist of hisGher own learning by being involved in tasks and activities, by group-working in those tasks and activities and by being the source of input for the content and methodology. 4earners will have selfaccess study by means of unit tasks and activities developed by the other learners and by teacher monitoring those tasks. I) MATERIALS AND RESOURCES "t the classroom level, materials often seem more prominent than any other element in the curriculum. 7aterials are the tangible manifestation of the curriculum in action. They are omnipresent in the language classroom and it is difficult to imagine a class without books, pictures, filmstrips, games and so on. "t their best, they provide concrete models of desirable classroom practice@ they fulfill a teacher development role. 7aterials come in many shapes and formats. The most obvious distinction is between local materials produced by a teacher for hisGher class, and those which are commercially produced. n this unit we are dealing with 463"4 7"T1> "4) developed by the teacher on the base of learners* interests and needs. "s our focus as teachers will be on assisting learners to do in class what they en!oy doing outside, that is the case of /textmessaging0 and using /new ways of communication among teens0, our local materials will reflect the outside world. n other words, our local materials have a degree of authenticity. This authenticity will relate to the texts sources, video source and listening source as well as the use of computers in the classroom, the net to

Assignment - M&R

search for information when elaborating a final pro!ect and the use of the E ? T"4 B6">E, in a nutshell, the use of nformation and 3ommunication technology. 7aterials and resources will also foster independent learning by raising the consciousness of the learners and making them more aware of their learning process. This will be done by means of carrying out some tasks, activities and by elaborating a final collaborative pro!ect. >ecognising the inevitability of a mixed group of learners in terms of abilities, materials have been designed so that they are used in a variety of ways and in a variety of learner-grouping. Eifferent sections in the unit of work start with a warm-up activity such as group discussions and into each section different group or peer work activities are developed in order to overlap some proficiency deficiencies in some of our students. The materials are suggestive rather than definite@ they are attractive by means of real texts, images, photos, a video, extracts from ads, signs, logos, charts, etc. Besides, our learners authenticate materials when their background knowledge about the topic is stimulated as soon as the teacher asks (uestions to promote learners interactions about the unit topic. )ince this unit of work is developed with students who are studying 1nglish as a second language, being )panish language their mother tongue, materials generate classrooms discussions and a final pro!ect using the nformation and 3ommunication technology #i.e. computers$, the net and the E ? T"4 B6">E which stimulate genuine communication in the classroom setting in the hope that this will facilitate transfer of learning. %e will encourage learners to make links between classroom learning and outside language use by means of the final pro!ect consisting on elaborating a teens magaCine where learners can write and post romantic stories, teens interests, etc. in order to be displayed on the E ? T"4 B6">E for the rest of the group-class. " presentation supported by the digital board re(uires that learners prepare their pro!ect with the tools they can use to support it. n an electronic context, this means the use of links. By creating links to present a paper, learners must organiCe their thoughts and the content appropriately and the organiCation re(uired by this may encourage our students to make a learning habit out of this discipline. "nother activity supported by the digital board is the correction of a paper by the whole class. They may look for spelling or language mistakes and correct them by overwriting on the board while the rest of the class participates in the self-correction. 6ur impression as teachers is that the E ? T"4 B6">E is a very innovative and powerful support for language


Assignment - M&R

ac(uisition@ it provides a bridge that allows using the features of computers without breaking communication, it even supports it. J) METHODOLOGY This task-oriented unit of work will develop a methodology which takes learners towards the classroom rehearsal of tasks and skills needed for communicating outside the classroom. 3lassroom communication will foster language ac(uisition particularly if learners are given opportunities for productive language use and the negotiation of meaning is small group work. n this unit of work, a methodology which encourages /real0 conversational practice and discussions with the teacher intervention with suggestions and error correction is the single most highly-valued learning modality by our students. Therefore, the sort of approach advocated here in terms of methodology is validated by the data from our students, that is, their interests, needs and proficiency. The F63"B84">Y set presented in the unit is connected with the main topic of the unit and items have been selected for their fre(uency, usefulness and relevance to the age group. The vocabulary set is presented through pictures or texts #written or spoken$. The target vocabulary is recycled and reinforced in texts and activities throughout the unit of work. >egarding 4"&?8"?1 +6>7) in the unit, they are ac(uired inductively and experimentally by learners when working with texts. "ctivities are topic-based, so learners are re(uired to understand the usage and meaning in order to ac(uire the language form using a top-down process. 4earners are given the opportunity to use the new language form in a productive, personaliCed or creative way while teacher is presenting inductively the language form. 7ethodologically speaking, 4 )T1& &? activities in this unit follow a vocabulary set related to the unit topic in context. t provides speakers in real situations and the language used is carefully graded for intermediate students of 1nglish as a second language. This unit provides a variety of )I1"D &? opportunities from the very beginning which are well guided and supported by the teacher. 4earners can simply /perform0 their own dialogues and discussions in pairs or individually, or they can write them down first before reading them aloud. This unit of work provides two different sections to guided %> T &?' the one dealing with /textmessaging0 and the final review /pro!ect0. The support given for the two sections ensures that even the less able student will be able to produce the tasks. n this unit the written text produced is not !ust a product, but a process since different skills and micro-skills are developed while writing, such as' discourse conventions, language use, vocabulary use, social conventions when group-working, etc.

Assignment - M&R

K) E!ALUATION The principal purpose of evaluating the planned unit of work and the assessed unit, that is, what the learner actually learns, is to determine the efficacy of the planning procedures employed and also to assess whether the content and tasks are appropriate for our learners. "ssessing 41">&1> "35 1F171&T is only the first step in the evaluation process. n our large class of 29 students it is useful to involve learners in assessment by asking them to produce a final pro!ect dealing with the items ac(uired along the unit of work. This group-work pro!ect can serve as a common remedy to negotiate and overlap possible inefficient learning strategies or irregular attendance by some of our learners. 6bservation techni(ue is also useful in assisting teachers to monitor student progress. n order to get a score or mark for our students when producing the final pro!ect, a chart dealing with some items will be filled in by the teacher. >egarding 7"T1> "4 1F"48"T 6&, and after arriving at some conclusions related to our students* needs, proficiency and interests from the very beginning of our planning process by conversations or intuition or !ust by having known our learners from previous academic courses, the results regarding the material evaluation can be summariCed as follows' 4ayout and design of the unit seems attractive to students who are presented with a unit of work on the E ? T"4 B6">E, which means a variety of ways of moving pictures and working with items into the planned unit. "ctivities are ranged and balanced reasonably since the amount of language input is developed by means of real and interesting texts. Eiscussions, dialogues, compositions and the final pro!ect are motivating and realistic in context. The sub!ect and content developed in the unit of work match up to our learners* personalities, age, background knowledge, needs and interests. The topic under study avoids harmful stereotypes and impolite ways of interaction #i.e. use of neti(uette$ while working with the technological nature of our current society. 3lear explanations, instructions and stated ob!ectives are used to their maximum advantage in the teacher*s guide. 3onse(uently, this unit of work is highly recommended to be used with a group of students aged ,:-,9 years and moving towards an intermediate level of 1nglish as a second language. L) CONCLUSIONS 3ertainly the aim of this planned unit of work is to train our learners for communicative efficiency, but we have already seen macro-skills and micro-skills development then presentation and practice activities take place. %e have also realiCed that concentration on fluency only may not be in the best interests of the learners. The

Assignment - M&R

importance of sections in the unit of work where there is an emphasis on tasks and the learner*s own responsibility for their own learning has to go together with more formal language work #i.e. use of modal verbs$. By presenting learners a variety of tasks, activities, discussions and a final group-pro!ect we can ensure our learners* continuing interest and involvement in the unit of work. +inally, it must be said that teachers have to be flexible and sensitive to the changing needs of the group as the unit of work progresses. n simple terms it means that decisions taken before the planned unit about what is going to happen are not in some way sacred. ?ood teachers must be prepared to adapt and alter their plans if this proves necessary. B/B%/1GRAD5/CA% RE!ERENCES Jeremy 5armer. #,--,$. The 5ractice of 6nglish Language Teaching% New 6dition% 4ondon and &ew York' 4ongman 5andbooks for 4anguage Teachers. 4ongman ?roup 8.D. 4imited. 7s. "nne 4ennon and 7r. Ihilip Ball. #1ds$ #2.,2$. 4aterials and 'esources in &unan, E. #1ds$ The Learner18entred 8urriculum% 3ambridge "pplied 4inguistics >ichards, J. #,-A:$ Language 8urriculum Development% >143 Journal, ,9, ,. 67L% +undaciKn 8niversitaria beroamericana. +8& B1>. )eries. )eries editors' 7ichael 5. 4ong and Jack 3. >ichards. #+irst published ,-AA$.


Assignment - M&R

+' ADDEN0/E / 8T5E 7/T: 6arm -u): %hich of these logos do you recogniCeH Eo you use themH %hat forH Eo you like themH %hich one is the bestH

#/0E1 s"ur;e to be Iro!ected on the Eigital Board YouTube video' &1?"T F1 1++13T 6+ &T1>&1T 6& T11&)' http',mMNfAMl:


Assignment - M&R

65AT /S NET/KUETTEL &eti(uette is nternet eti(uette or rules that guide us in proper behavior online. These are important rules to help make the nternet a fun and safe place to socialiCe, work and play. These rules can help you remember that everyone you interact with on the computer is a human being. 1ven though youOre looking at a blank screen, on the other side is someone with thoughts, ideas and feelings !ust like you. You must tell the truth online. +alse information invalidates network communication. 8sing all capital letters in internet correspondence denote shouting in internet communication. You mustn?t s "ut at other users because it is rude and is not acceptable. %hen youOre holding a conversation online - whether itOs an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting -- itOs easy to misinterpret your correspondentOs meaning. You s "uld )a2 careful attention to your words. 6n the internet, grammar and spelling errors are common for many reasons. "s internet use increases, so will the number of spelling mistakes and grammar errors. The more you write the more mistakes you make. 7aking mistakes is natural. You s "uldn?t ("ll"3 the temptation to do something thatOs illegal in cyberspace, chances are it*s also bad &eti(uette. >efrain from posting or respond to inflammatory material, flames, on the internet because they are unciviliCed. " flame is a personal insult communicated through the internet. nternet eti(uette rules civiliCe the internet, cybersphere. ,- >ead the text and answer T>81 #T$ or +"4)1 #+$ &eti(uette is everyday life rulesPPPP.. &eti(uette help people to be safe on internetPPP.. You interact on a computer with robots not humansPP. &eti(uette teaches proper behavior onlinePPP..


Assignment - M&R

2- >ead the text and underline the unknown words ;- +ind in the text 2 examples of good cyberspace behavior :- +ind in the text 2 examples of bad cyberspace behavior 9- Iay careful attention to words in bold what kind of information are they expressingH

NET/KUETTE RU%ES: -Read t e senten;es t en 3rite t em as rules under t e rig t ;"lumn' USE M10A% Berbs: 8s "uld, s "uldn?t, must, mustn?t:

3hange passwords often. Threaten or bully others online. ?uard your privacy tooQbe careful about posting information like your address, email address and phone number, or other personal or financial information. Eon*t invite people you don*t know to your +acebook, wiki,etc. Iost personal information about other people, without their permission. Iost or send rude pictures or images of other people. Type in all capital lettersQit looks like youOre yelling. Deep in mind other peopleOs feelings and opinions count too. 8se correct spelling and grammar and make brief postsGemails.

MES N M"u S "uld be ;"nsistent 3it t e use "( an "nline name'

N1 M"u mustn?t t reaten "r bull2 "t ers "nline'


Assignment - M&R

2.,; is all about (uick and mobile internet. 6ur desktop has progressively shortened into millennial !argon, while our handheld text messaging is even more abbreviated to accommodate thumb typing. Text-messaging can be a cool way to communicate in writing. t uses the alphabet and numbers to represent the sound of the words. ts good for facts and information, but its not so good for complex ideas.

5ere are some longer examples of text messages from a teens magaCine. They are written by different people. 3an you understand themH

Texting Abbreviations, 2013

-: Rearrange t e ;lass in a ;ir;le "( ; airs' 6rite "n a )ie;e "( )a)er a message in "rder t" te>t ea; r""m' !"r e>am)le: Dingu: R U "4L 6ant + g" + ;inema %IRL +: 6 en 2"u (inis 2"ur message, s3a) t e )ie;es "( )a)er ar"und' N"3 tr2 t" de;"de t e te>t message 3ritten b2 "ne "( 2"ur mates' "t er using ni;4names as i( 2"u 3ere in an internet ; at


Assignment - M&R

F63"B84">Y: nternet eti(uette' %isten and )ra;ti;e.


!lame )ers"n

0"nPt use 3aps

/nternet +raud

7ee) 2"ur privacy


4 )T1& &? 367I>151&) 6&' 4isten carefully to the people talking about their behavior on line. Then listen again to check your work. 7ichael ?rant Iaul 4emark Yoko Teoh 7aria 7ar(ueC

NetiOuette !lame )ers"n 0"nPt use ;a)s /nternet (raud 7ee) 2"ur )riBa;2 S)am


Assignment - M&R

3reate a magaCine for teens working with your personal computers in groups of ; students. Iublish ; different articles. t must contain'

ti)s ("r a su;;ess(ul ;"mmuni;ati"n am"ng teenagers in "rder t" date, ma4e ne3 (riends, et;' 8Using M"dal Berbs: /n;lude )i;tures, statisti;s, interBie3s, testim"nies, adBertisements, et;' C"Ber and ba;4

The I>6J13T will be done' /n gr"u)s "( . 3"r4ing 3it a )ers"nal ;"m)uter EBer2"ne is res)"nsible "( a tas4 Dresent due t" date'

The 7"?"R &1 published by each group of three will be read and presented in class on the digital board.

W#$ %&'()#% *& )(#+*# *,# )&-#(: tt):@@333'"n;"Ber)age';"m@ tt):@@(a4eazine';"m@

.' ADDEN0/E // 8TEAC5ER?S GU/0E:

4esson Ilan

Assignment - M&R

T e material in t is 7it is intended ("r tea; er?s t" use ("r a )eri"d "( t3" 3ee4s, t at is, F )eri"ds "( 9, minutes'
A: 6arm Qu) ,-Eistribute among )Ts 3ards with numbers, this will help you to make the following activity more challenging and interactive #all the )Ts participate$. 2- 3all out numbers in order to answer the (uestions. )how students the logos on the digital board and ask them the following (uestions' %hich of these logos do you recogniCeH Eo you use themH %hat forH Eo you like themH %hich one is the bestH %hat resources do you use to communicate with your familyG friendsG teachersH Eid you have any problem using these resourcesH

;- 1licit answers from students and led them to the following step. Tell them they are going to watch a short video done by students #,':AS$ :- "sk )Ts >eflexive (uestions in order to make students express their opinion about it #re use the cards in order to make the participation democratic$ Eo you agree with the opinionsH # answers in 4, are accepted$ Eo you feel like those teenagers in the pictureH 5ow many hours do you use internet 5ow often do you use cell phone in a dayH

B: Reading Q C"m)re ensi"n 9- %rite the word &1T M81TT1 on the board and ask students to provide definitions or predictions. <- 5and in the text to students and ask them to read the first paragraph in order to check their predictions. =- "sk )Ts to solve activity , and check it orally T&eti(uette is everyday life rulesP+PPP.. T&eti(uette helps people to be safe on internetPPT.. TYou interact on a computer with robots not humansP+P. T&eti(uette teaches proper behavior onlinePPP.T


Assignment - M&R

A- "sk )Ts to solve activities 2,;,:,9. "fter checking activity number 9 the )Ts should provide the words )5684E, )5684E&*T, 78)T, and 78)T&*T in order to express different ways of obligation or advice. -- "fter that ask )Ts if they use consciously these rules in their everyday life or not and if they think there are any others. Iresentation of grammatical forms' Irovide students explanation about the difference between should and shouldnt as well as must and mustn*t. Eo it in the implicit form using examples from the reading and writing them on the board. Fariant' show 2 pictures and ask individual students to form a sentence giving a suggestion and 2 pictures expressing prohibition and obligation 1x' you should text messages clearly. You )houldn*t write long messages You 7ustn*t use cell phones at petrol )tations You must use a safe internet connection C: Grammar (";us ,.- >ead the sentences then write them as rules or )uggestions under the right column. 8)1 76E"4 verbs #should, shouldn*t, must, mustn*t$. 8hange passwords often Yes &o Fariant' give students strips of paper with sentences and they have to work in groups of three trying to form sentences using the appropriate modal and place it correctly. They will have to write the sentences in a poster to exhibit it later. The group which finishes first is the winner. 0: Reading and 6riting a;tiBit2 ,,- %arm up. Eiscuss how common texting is for students. %hat kind of language do they use in 4,H s it like these messagesH %hat are the advantages of textingH 1.g cheaper than talking on the phone, (uick and easy, you can read messages at any time. %hat are some of the disadvantagesH 1.g its disappointing if you dont get a reply, other people can read it, it becomes compulsiveU Eiscussion. "sk students to read the last two paragraphs before deciding and discussing whether they agree with them. %hat are their reasonsH ,2- >earrange the class in a circle of chairs. "sk )Ts to write on a piece of paper a message in order to text each other using nicknames as if they were in an internet chat room.

Assignment - M&R

+or example' 4oli ' > 8 okH %ant 2 go 2 cinema 4A>H nstruct )Ts that once they finish their written message, they will swap the pieces of paper around %riting' &ow try to decode the text message written by one of your mates and guess who did it. n order to check spelling )ts should write the correct final message on the board. This activity can be done in pairs, small groups #;$ or individually. 1x' cu L8'9 8an , see #ou later9 E: %istening Q C"m)re ensi"n AU0/1SCR/DT M/C5AE% GRANT: have had bad experiences on internet. 4ast year, wanted to buy a computer on line and paid in advance for it but never received it because it was a fraudulent company. Yesterday received an email from someone called 3ollin 7arx dont know anyone called 3ollin with /B"E &1%)0 in the sub!ect box of the email. of !unk mail. "nswer' nternet +raud V )pam DAU% %EMAR7: am the kind of person who posts insults about others and expresses strongly my held opinion without holding back any emotion. 1ven if do not agree with any comments reply in "44 3"I) and dont care if people think that am yelling. 7y parents tell me all the time /you must change your mind0 and !ust replied them, what can do this is my way to communicate. "nswer' +lame person V Eont use 3"I). M171 T5E1: %ell, am a foreign trade manager for a Japanese company. use the mail all the times because need to be in touch with my client around the world. consider people should keep good manners online by using proper internet eti(uette because communication is what makes things happen. t is a good idea not to offend people online unless you deliberately intend to do !ust that. "nswer' &eti(uette MAR/A MARKUER: 4ately, have been receiving mails from unknown people with the sub!ect /Y68 %6& T51 46TT1>Y0. They asked for my personal information@ full name, address, account and credit card number in order they can transfer me the money. tell my mother about it and she told me' 7aria you must not reply this email and keep your privacy on safe. &nswer: ,nternet 7raud (pam : ;eep #our privac# #1CABU%ARM ,. minutes WWWWWminutes

7arx so immediately knew it was a scam. Ieople should not pay attention to this kind

)uggested teaching time' Your actual teaching time'

Assignment - M&R

Before students listen and practice, tell them to look at the pictures and read the captions 5ave student listen and practice. Then ask' 5ave you heard before about &eti(uetteH 5ow is your behavior onlineH "re you a flame personH %hyH %hat do you think about different ways of internet fraudeH

5ave student listen and practice again with their books closed. %/STEN/NG C1MDRE5ENS/1N ,.-,9 minutes WWWWWminutes

)uggested teaching time' Your actual teaching time'

5ave students read the internet eti(uettes in the chart and circle the ones they had experienced. Then ask students to share what they circled. 5ave student listen the exercise. Then have student listen again and complete the chart. 5ave students compare answers with a partner and the correct the wrong ones.

C,+..#/0#: 6n the board write /%hat do you think about keep good manners on lineH0 /%hat should you suggest people that are flame on lineH0 n groups students discuss the (uestions and give examples to support their answers. Bring the class together and reorganiCe groups to share their opinions. !inal reBie3 DR1JECT ,9- n order to revise what the )t*s have dealt with in this Dit ask students to make a pro!ect in groups of ;. The pro!ect consists of designing and producing a Teens 7agaCine which includes' name for the 7agaCine@ tips for a successful communication among teenagers in order to date, make new friends, etc. #8sing 7odal verbs$@ Iictures, statistics, interviews, testimonies, advertisements, etc.@ 3over and back. )tudents will be evaluated by presenting the final product in groups using the E ? T"4 B6">E in their presentation. Eesign and creativity will be evaluated, too. EBaluati"n ;riteria and instruments This pro!ect aims at evaluating the process rather than the final output' 7onitoring and evaluating the process and the end- results of the pro!ect through' Ferify whether the ob!ectives have been achieved, Eetermine the level of competence achieved by students 7easure the final results #summative assessment$ 7onitor the learning process #formative assessment$

Assignment - M&R

mprove education through the analysis of processes and results The ob!ective of guiding learning is particularly important in 34 4. %e tend

substantially to learn what we are assessed on, and if the teacher is oriented towards the evaluation of a particular item, students will eventually focus their attention on precisely that item. 5ence the need to identify the evaluation criteria that cover the components of integration. 3reate a positive Xreturning wave X, enhancing students self-confidence about what they can do through the foreign language rather than focus on the negative aspects, the XmistakesX.
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