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The Stony Brook

The Community News and Features Paper

Vol. XXVIII, Issue tk “Please don’t ruin the cover with a bad quote tk.” tk August 10, 2000
2 Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

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Grads to Martin: C’Mon Man!

tration has decided to grant the $2,000 office, George Bloom, President of the and solicit opinions from students.
By Jake Conarck increase to new hires only; creating, in CWA Local 1104, and Mike Murphy, Martin explained that given signif-
essence, a two-tiered system of pay. Chief Steward of Stony Brook GSEU, icant cuts from state’s budget and Pres-
This inequality raised the ire of the met with Dean Martin, but were unable ident Kenny’s reallocation of $1.6
Amid chants of “equal pay for equal Graduate Student Employees Union to reach an agreement. million from the Provost’s budget to the
work” and “assistants need assistance (GSEU), which had previously orches- “We think [the stipend raise] is School of Medicine, financial prudence
too”, about 150 graduate students rallied trated a contentious meeting of the ridiculous,” said Bloom. “How can you was necessary. Although many ideas
at the fountain on the academic mall to Graduate Student Organization (GSO) start a tiered system without even ne- were brought up, such as decreasing the
protest what they viewed as an unfair to inform Lawrence Martin, Dean of the gotiating with the union, and how can workload for current GAs and TAs, they
raise of the stipends for some teaching Graduate School, of the unhappiness of you justify that someone is worth were dismissed as improbable or im-
and graduate assistants, and not others. graduate student workers. $2,000 more than someone else? They possible.
The stipend raise is part of Shirley “The cavalier manner in which the make such ridiculously low wages as it “It meant a lot to me, personally,
Strum Kenny’s five-year plan to raise university ignores current TAs and GAs is.” that Dean Martin returned to further
the status of the university and is neces- so it can attract incoming graduate stu- Joining the protest was Stewart discuss the issue with the senators,” said
sary to compete with other research in- dents is less than laudable,” said Victor Acuff, organizing director for the AFL- Naydan. “I think it meant a lot to the
stitutions which offer higher stipend Rosado, business agent for GSEU. “It CIO. Acuff, a veteran union organizer, senators, too.”
rates. For example, the stipend at Stony ignores the real contribution TAs and spoke briefly at an impromptu rally, The union, however, is not in such
Brook is currently just over $15,000. GAs make to their departments and to held inside the graduate school after it a conciliatory mood and is pressing to
Rutgers, another member of the Asso- the university.” was announced a deal could not be take the issue further. Rosado has said
ciation of American Universities (an Feeling the need to pressure the ad- reached. “We’re in this for whatever it he will make this a statewide issue in
elite body of schools Stony Brook re- ministration to raise the stipend of all takes, for as long as it takes,” said Acuff. upcoming collective bargaining negoti-
cently joined—given our raised aca- of its graduate employees, the GSEU de- After the rally, Lila Naydan, presi- ations with SUNY administrators and
demic expectations, they are our new cided to mount the protest, with addi- dent of the GSO, Eran Shor, secretary of the State of New York. “This matter ef-
peers), situated in an area with a similar tional help from the Communications the GSO and Susana Huidibro, the fects compensation paid to bargaining
cost of living, offers stipends of nearly Workers of America, its parent union. Graduate Student Advocate, met with unit members, clearly a term and con-
$20,000. However, because of budget After a short rally at the fountain, Dean Martin to discuss possible resolu- dition of employment,” said Rosado. “It
shortages, Stony Brook does not have the protestors unexpectedly marched to tions to the problem. Martin expressed may well be a unilateral change in the
the money needed to raise the stipends the graduate school and chanted out- an interest in returning to a Senate negotiations agreement.”
of all graduate workers, so the adminis- side of Dean Martin’s office. Inside the meeting to discuss those resolutions

Researches at Stony Brook Body-Slam Autism

to better classify the type of autism they definition of autism has broadened in techniques, some of which involve ge-
By Jon Singer have and to be better able to treat them, the past ten years to include disorders netic testing and others that are simple
whether via education or specific drug such as Asperger’s Syndrome, which observations of a child’s behavior.
therapy,” Hatchwell “Our approach is to try and find as
Researchers at Stony Brook Univer- said in an email inter- many genetic causes as possible,”
sity Medical Center have uncovered a view. Hatchwell said. “The unexplained cases
new gene that could answer a few ques- The challenge that remain after are potentially the re-
tions about autism. comes at a time when sult of environmental insults.”
A team of pathologists that included advocacy organiza- Hatchwell said the study could not
six Stony Brook faculty members re- tions say that autism have been done ten years ago, as the
ported the existence of the gene, called rates are increasing, technology of microarray (a small glass
contactin 4, in a study published in although government slide onto which tens of thousands of
March. “Contactin 4 plays an essential organizations have DNA sequences are printed) did not
role in the formation, maintenance and said there is not exist. “The research is significant be-
plasticity of neuronal networks,” says enough information cause understanding the biological
the study, which was published in The to make any conclu- basis of a disease is a sine qua non for
Journal of Medical Genetics. sions. The different future therapeutic intervention,” Hatch-
After studying ninety-two partici- perceptions have led well said.
pants from eighty-one different fami- to debate as the rates Shih said that this genetic study is
lies, the researchers found three swell. Some parents of worth following up and should be repli-
children with abnormal contactin 4 in autistic children have cated before it is accepted. “These
their genomes. argued that mercury genes, when they are discovered, then
Despite the small fraction—of three contamination, espe- to be risk factors, not causes,” he said.
in ninety-two—doctors involved in the cially from childhood More importantly, Shih continued,
extensive undertaking of genetic re- vaccines, casues people need to know what percentage
search call this progress. Dr. Andy Shih, autism. But the of the autism community carries the
Vice President of Scientific Affairs at American Medical probability of a contactin 4 disorder.
Autism Speaks, a New York City-based Association says there Because only ninety-two children were
advocacy organization, said multiple is no link among tested, the Stony Brook study is too
genes are associated with autism. Both mercury, vaccines small.
Shih and Dr. Eli Hatchwell, correspon- and autism. Hatchwell said there’s a belief that
ding author of the study, said that more The Stony Brook eventually the number of genes that are
than 100 genes could be related to study refers to autism known to cause autism will break the
autism. as “Autism Spectrum Disorder,” and re- has been described as a milder form of 100 mark. “Our study adds to the grow-
“The challenge will be to test for all searchers put an emphasis on “spec- autism. This broader definition has ing list of genes that cause at least some
of these in affected individuals, in order trum.” Shih pointed out that the been the result of refined diagnostic cases of autism,” he said.
The Stony Brook Press News 3

Why Your TA is Pissed:The Martin Confrontation

retort that, plain and simple, science cations with the students for which he current thought of Dean Martin on the
By LeRoy Southworth departments have more funds than the is responsible. No grad representative matter. After the demonstration on
humanities (almost all PhD-students in had been consulted about the new pol- April 2, he was quoted in that day’s
the humanities are TAs, as opposed to icy—hence Martin’s surprise at the re- Newsday article “Stony Brook U. grad-
It was with a great deal of self-con- the in the sciences, where Research As- actions. His attempts to end the uates protest pay disparities” by Olivia
fidence—hands thrust securely in sistants (RAs) are predominant) and evening on a “positive note” were curtly Winslow. Martin told Newsday that the
pockets, feet firm upon the Wang Cen- can therefore more easily make the new countered by GSO vice-president Louis money TAs get is a “fellowship”, implic-
ter’s floor—that Lawrence Martin, raise in funds a general one. Most peo- Esparza, who stated, “You screwed up.” itly denying that their efforts amount to
Dean of the Graduate School, faced the ple who reacted also took offence at the When asked, later on, about her work. In addition, he also referred to
enraged graduate population of Stony very style of Martin’s speech: in the opinion on the problem, Liliana Nay- vague additional funds and the fact that
Brook University on March 6. The train of his monologues, graduate stu- dan, current president of GSO, replied SBU pays its TAs double the amount
meeting was organized by the Graduate dents were all too easily equated with that the raise ought to be based on a agreed with their union. No mention
Student Organization (GSO)—which material goods. Students who chafed at principle of “fairness and consistency”, was made of how old that contract is,
occupies itself with pretty much every- this pointed out that this is, most of all, quite unlike the “diminished invest- or of the rising costs of living on Long
thing involving grad students—and ad- a moral problem. One concluded, “We ment” that we have right now. She fur- Island.
dressed one main grievance: why does are not good enough [as opposed to the ther expressed her hopes that graduate However, Ms. Naydan recently
Stony Brook offer its new Teaching As- new students, who get paid more.]” students would form a “united front” stated that the Dean is trying to “make
sistants (for the academic year 2008- The grilling though, was all but
2009) more money than its old ones over. Gradually the true concerns of
($2000 more, to be precise)? grads became clear. No materialism
drove their questioning, but rather
bread-and-butter issues. The expenses
of housing and living on Long Island
came up often, and one irate grad stu-
dent even claimed that to live on
$15,000 (about the stipend old grads re-
ceive) is to live below the poverty line.
To this, Martin shook his shoulders,
looked at the ground and began to ex-
pound on the difficulties the university
has with housing its students: the funds
Albany allots are hardly enough to ex-
pand residential capacities, exactly be-
cause of the great costs that Long
In an accent reminiscent of Eng- Island, as an environment, forces upon
land’s greener hills, Martin offered a its inhabitants. Martin said the admin-
twenty-minute explanation that, rather istration was constantly struggling with
than being a continuous narrative, re- this problem, and stressed his deep
volved around certain themes. Old concern for the fate of his students, new
Teaching Assistants (TAs) should not and old.
be angry because the new raise makes This emotional statement did not against injustices, even if only certain amends” after the April 2 demonstra-
the university “more competitive”, thus segments of the population (the TAs) tion. From now on, he will be working
creating a better environment for study. are affected by what is perceived to be more closely with the GSO on the raise
Another reason why he claimed to be bad treatment. As a token of this soli- issue, to the point of attending meet-
“surprised” by the issues students had darity, she planned to work with the ings. Naydan looks very favourable
with the unbalanced raise, was that a Graduate Student Employees Union to upon this change, although the ques-
general raise of $2000 had already been further a common goal: a universal tion remains whether the Dean’s reso-
implemented last semester, together raise in stipends. lutions will have palpable results. The
with the implementation of new schol- As an epilogue to this, consider the fight seems far from over.
arships that offer support for up to four
years. President Kenny, Martin ex-
plained, struggles with every decision
she makes, and she has been the first
Stony Brook president in a long time to
put such a general payment raise in ef-
fect. prevent people from calling attention to
Expressed reactions from those some points in Shirley Strum-Kenny’s
present were strong and numerous. The already legendary five-year plan. That
issue of seniority often came up: why plan includes promises, both of an ad-
would anyone pay inexperienced per- ditional raise in stipends, and of the
sonnel more than veteran staff, staff creation of an environment that will
that often manages classes on their own produce “happier students.” To most, it
with hardly any help from faculty? was unclear how creating this division
Martin admitted that he “did not con- in the grad student population—be-
sider” this issue when he signed his tween two groups with unequal pay—
name to the recommended raise of was going to promote all-round
$2000 for new students only, but added happiness and mirth.
that the science departments seemed to As the initial ire died down to a sus-
have no trouble at all accepting the new tained discontent, Dean Martin was
policy. To this the objection came the kindly asked to improve his communi-
4 News Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Bob Greene Was A Badass

behalf of the Journalism School. “He “This was a tough guy who had tracked man. He always told close friends,
By Jon Singer was such a vibrant personality.” down some of the top white-collar ‘stringi l’uva [squeeze the grapes].’ He
For the past few semesters, Profes- crooks and organized-crime figures in sure did, down to the last one.”
sor Greene taught JRN 108, The History the country,” Schneider told Newsday Hardly any tears where shed at
When former Newsday reporter and Future of the American Press. This after learning of Greene’s death. Greene’s wake, which took up two
and editor Robert W. Greene died on semester, despite his illness, Greene As a college professor Greene’s ac- rooms in Smithtown’s Branch Funeral
April at age 78, his death sent a shock went to class in a wheelchair, with his complished career made him a legend Home. Instead those close to Greene
through the journalism world. Col- wife, Kathleen, always at his side. among his students. “He was a big man celebrated his accomplished life as a pi-
leagues close to Greene call the journal- “Throughout his illness, he wound that cast a big shadow, and I was happy oneering journalist. “He worked the
ist a larger-than-life figure whose up missing only two classes,” said to bask in it,” said Haag, who was one of story in ways people could just dream
persistence earned Newsday two Schneider. Greene’s students when he taught at about,” said Brendan Greene, Robert’s
Pulitzer prizes. “Hemmingway was a At Newsday, Greene was known as Hofstra University before coming to grandson. Morris called Greene a
tough guy,” said James Haag, one of a genius of reporting. Those close to Stony Brook. “human computer,” who was able to
Greene’s former students. “But Bob Greene remember how he would bury Aamer Qureshi is enrolled in the plow through scores of files during an
Greene may have been tougher.” himself in the details of an investigation. class Greene taught this semester. “He in-depth investigation.
Greene worked at Newsday for 37 But he was also known for “having the was incredibly passionate about the When his JRN 108 class reached
years. During his tenure, Greene trav- soul of a poet,” in the words of fellow subject and it truly showed,” Qureshi the second half of the 20th century,
eled all the way to poppy fields in Newsday reporter Tom Morris. “I said in an e-mail. “He was also brutally Greene’s life provided an example of his
Turkey to find out where exactly the worked on four different ‘Greene honest, not leaving out details of the lecture’s content. “The Arizona Project,”
heroin sold on Long Island came from. Teams,’” said Morris, who spent most of darker side of the history of the press or as it came to be called, is now a mile-
When journalist Don Bolles was mur- his career at Newsday covering regional of America in general - but he reminded stone in the world of investigative re-
dered in Arizona in 1976, Greene led a planning. us that, in the end, the good tri- porting.
team of journalists to expose the organ- It was those “Greene Teams,” crack umphed.” “I have had a few journalism classes
ized crime ring that killed the reporter. squads of reporters led by Robert Toward the end of Greene’s final ill- and many history classes, and none of
Greene’s most recent job was as a Greene, that, among other things, ex- ness, Giovanni Milone, a close friend, those professors presented the informa-
professor in SBU’s School of Journalism, posed land scandals on Long Island, assisted Greene in getting to class every tion as well,” said Katelyn O’Donnell, a
where he inspired a new generation of earning Newsday one of its Pulitzer Monday morning at 7:30 “I really won- former student. “He took heart into
budding reporters. Prizes. At times, Greene’s work helped der if these students know how lucky each lecture and loved each and every
“We are incredibly sad,” said send corrupt political figures to jail. they are,” Milone said. “He was a great second of it.”
Dean Howard Schneider, speaking on

Remembering Bob Greene

Iʼm Awesome!
Greene’s class, “History and the Amer- likes of George Agathos (WUSB and vorite pursuit). He was so passionate
By Vincent Michael Festa ican Press,” it was an easy ride. For The Independent), Rachel O’Brien (for- about his tales that he would forget
three hours once a week we would sit merly of The Patriot, now The Indepen- about giving us our 15-minute breaks.
with Greene and he would tell us amaz- dent), Karen Shidlo (The Press), and Professor Greene wanted his stu-
It was Wednesday the 9th when my dents to learn a lot of press history. It
friend Anna from SBU-TV stopped me was his nature to be aggressive and gen-
in the Student Union lobby. We hadn’t erous, giving us lots to read, and having
spoken to each other in ages and de- each of us report on revolutionary
cided to catch up and trade news. At media events and figures, but it was for
one point, the subject of journalism mi- our own good. He was also full of heavy
nors came up. We compared our compassion, to the point where it felt
progress and our professors. Professor he was your father or grandpa. I do re-
Greene’s name came up and it felt like member having some discussions with
speaking of good times, how Greene him after class in which he was kind,
was this sentimental nice guy. We also supportive, and heartfelt. Greene him-
felt sad for when we both learned he self was a hearty man.
was in poor condition. I later told Anna But I felt bad. There was no denying
that I wanted to visit him again before it he was a big guy and we couldn’t help
was too late; it had been a while and I to feel very sorry to see him in poor
missed his sincerity. health. A lot of my journalism friends
Then on Friday I went to the news- also shared the same sentiment. A pro-
stand and saw Newsday’s front page. I fessor who had a storied and legendary
was more than stunned. My journalism career (helping earn Long Island News-
professor had died. It was indeed too day two Pulitzer prizes), and a compas-
late. sionate personality was at the end of his
Heʼs right!
days and seeing him at the time meant
Spring 2006. At that time, I was tak- that this would be it. It was truly an
ing three classes in journalism. I re- ing stories, one after the other, of how others. honor to have been taught by a jour-
member having to pull all-nighters just the American press came to be. He Sometimes he would tell get into his nalistic legend like Bob Greene. I won’t
to get assignments in. Any journalism would tell it with stress, enthusiasm, own personal history and speak of how forget taking his class. I have his hand-
student would know that these classes and gusto, as if he was there at that he was very proud of taking down cor- outs, the textbooks, even his comments
were tight, full of back-and-forth re- point in time to have witnessed it all. ruption. He would tell the whole class on the reports I wrote. I certainly won’t
search and editing. Sitting in class at that time was a who’s how he took on various Long Island of- forget how Greene will stand out in my
But when it came down to Pr. who in journalistic studies with the ficials, the FBI, and the Mafia (his fa- mind.
The Stony Brook Press News 5

It’s All About Makin’ That Paper Stack

the risk of one of the potential Stony Brook, this has immediate
By James Laudano hikes in the cost of higher ed- and very visible effects since the
ucation. In addition, the fi- school has been going back and
nancial aid system, TAP, has forth with its graduate TA’s over
been restored after fears of a salaries, and there have been
The State Legislature in Albany re-
complete cutting of the sys- whispers of certain departments
cently passed budget the 2008-09 Edu-
tem. While this is a welcome suffering cuts in faculty and
cation and the SUNY system took a bit
fact, many feel that the TAP courses. Additionally, Stony
of an economic hit. While the SUNY
system still needs an update, Brook’s plans to build a new
schools may have suffered a cut, the
since many students’ incomes recreation center, a very costly
student bodies of said schools received
have the potential to change in endeavor (18,000,000 dollars for
financial help from the state. However,
the middle of the semester, the coming year’s phase of de-
with the economic problems now
and TAP doesn’t have any pro- velopment), has many holding
plaguing the country, the budget could
visions for such a case. their breaths. Overall, students
have been worse.
The overall SUNY budgets and faculty alike are waiting to
Student tuition has been frozen
took a 3% cut. In the case of see where they will feel the cuts.
under the new budget, sparing students

Budget Cuts Spark Gloomy Rumors

Staros. In addition, he explained that in ations budget, Stony Brook received the controversy regarding graduate student
By Andrew Fraley and Najib Aminy a normal year classes would be activated largest capital funds of any of the SUNY pay disparities. Incoming graduates re-
weeks in advance of registration. How- schools. Of Stony Brook’s predomi- ceive a fellowship of $2,000, and current
ever, this was not the case this year, due nance, Kaler said, “I think it represents graduates feel cheated about it. Kaler
Provost Eric Kaler laid to rest ru- to the uncertainty of the budget. the fact that the programs here are ex- said, “All the TAs will be paid $15,145 in
mors that 388 classes in the Arts and Dean Staros commended the many cellent and the state sees the worth of in- all years. In addition to that, the enter-
Science program were being dropped, people who spent their weekends en- vesting and building in it, and it also ing first year students have a first year
and that numerous adjuncts were being suring that classes were reactivated. represents our political support.” fellowship of $2,000. We’ve done that
replaced by graduate teaching assistants. “There were a lot of Stony Brook faculty According to Kaler, Stony Brook’s [new] fellowship to encourage those
The SUNY budget was passed a and workers working over the weekend budget is comprised of several aspects: students to come to Stony Brook.” Many
week ago, and despite a 2.9% budget cut making sure that the students had the tuition, state aid, student fees, indirect graduate students are protesting the fel-
for all schools in the SUNY system, classes and what they needed.” Provost costs from research activities and a va- lowship. “Many students have other fel-
Provost Kaler said he was pleased with Kaler agreed, saying the department riety of different income from continu- lowships or access to other support
the decisions made in Albany, as he had chairs responded in a very positive way. ing education courses along with during their time here, so there is a
previously informed the Deans of Stony “They found additional resources, summer and winter sessions. In addi- spectrum of support that graduate stu-
Brook to expect a 4 to 5% decrease in moved some obligations around, I also tion, the Stony Brook University Hospi- dents receive already across the cam-
the budget. “A week or ten days ago it generated some additional resources.” tal has access to all the fees and funds pus,” Provost Kaler continued. He
was a very dynamic situation in Albany, The Provost went on to say that all of for patients. “The university budget is a explained that graduate students get
it was unclear what the magnitude of the the classes that were deactivated for a complex entity,” said Provost Kaler. paid differently in each department, and
cut would be. When the idea came few days were quickly reactivated. “We Responding to the rumors concern- they receive money for whatever fellow-
about that it would be a five percent cut, reactivated over half of them on Friday ing adjuncts being replaced by graduate ships they have attained. A fellowship is
I told all of the Deans to be prepared for and almost all of them were reactivated teaching assistants, Provost Kaler a form of academic financial aid.
that magnitude of a cut,” said the by Monday morning when registration claimed he had no knowledge of it hap- For students, the 2.9% percent
Provost. In response, there were actions opened,” said Kaler. pening. “That is actually the first I heard budget deficit does not threaten a rise in
taken by Dean of the Arts and Sciences There are a total of 11 classes that re- of that, so I don’t know if that’s true. tuition. This does mean that some of the
James Staros, to whom Kaler granted main deactivated. Dean Staros ex- Those decisions are made at the depart- resources offered may be scaled back,
permission to freeze a total of 388 plained that this was a result of mental levels.” Dean Staros confirmed according to the Provost. Resources
classes while they considered the budget procedure, explaining how some classes Kaler’s beliefs. “Each department de- may be shifted, but the 2.9% loss must
situation. do not fill up as expected, may not have cides proposal use of regular faculty and come from somewhere. The details of
“We delayed the activation of these professors to teach them or may not advanced TAs who can teach certain the new budget, however, have yet to be
classes to assess and make sure we had generate student interest. It turns out classes.” released.
all the necessary funding,” said Dean that, despite a 2.9% decrease in its oper- The Provost also spoke about the
The Stony Brook Press News 7

San Dimas High School Football Rules!

and performed vocals. During their showed energy, Taffet in particular was Was Cloudy was ready for their set on
By David Robin final song, the female vocalist held up all over the stage and, at one point, went the opposite stage. The three-piece
individual signs for the crowd saying, into the crowd while playing. Accord- group included a guitarist, a bassist and
“It’s you. It’s me. And there’s dancing!” ing to Taffet, this is a normal occur- a drummer, with the guitarist and
Stony Brook is known to many as a Ignoring the technical issues, the Gekko rence, and he told me a story about how, bassist as vocalists. Their music was
commuter school with no student life State put on a solid performance. at the University Café, he went outside solid and their lyrics were catchy but
and depressed students. One character- The next band to follow The Gekko while playing a song and simultane- some in the crowd were not into it. Peo-
istic that doesn’t help is the fact that State was the Dan Dedora Five, who, in- ously talked to a girl who was smoking ple in the crowd labeled them an emo
Stony Brook doesn’t have a strong music terestingly, only had four members. a cigarette. “Part of being in a band is band and this may have disinterested
scene. In the 1970s, Jimi Hendrix played They included a guitarist, a bassist, a vo- [entertaining] people, whether there are some. However, they played a good set
several times at Stony Brook and the calist and a drummer. They played 3 people or 300.” Honus Wagner did and set the stage for the final band, Vec-
Blue Oyster Cult actually formed here. three songs, “I’m Yours,” “Don’t Look what they planned to do, and fully en- tor Red. Vector Red had the most punk
There were more concerts and, as a re- Down” and “Before You.” The last two tertained the crowd. sound of any band that night. They in-
sult, Stony Brook had a more lively cluded a bassist/vocalist, guitarist and a
campus. While the current music scene drummer. They were also full of energy
at the Brook cannot be compared to and really tried to get the crowd into the
that of the 1970s, the Arts, Culture and music. In my opinion, the lead singer
Humanities’ Battle of the Bands, which needs improvement in his vocal tech-
took place at the Tabler Arts Center on nique but the music was solid. They
Thursday, April 3, proved that it still ex- played a few original songs followed by
ists, even if it is usually hidden. “There’s a cover of a song by At the Drive In.
no way this is the most depressing uni- They put on a good show and ended the
versity in the nation, those bastards at night on a high note.
the Princeton review have us pinned Soon after, Honus Wagner, Mother
wrong,” said Carlos Parreno, Key- F’Nature and Thursday was Cloudy
boardist/vocalist/guitarist for The were announced as the winners, who
Gekko State, referencing Stony Brook’s will play in the finals. The crowd was
rating as the campus with the most un- ready for a competition when they en-
happy students. tered the Tabler Black Box and most of
The Tabler Black Box Theatre them were satisfied with the ending. It
was crowded on the crisp Thursday wasn’t only about the competition. It
evening, and the crowd was ready for a was about people at Stony Brook com-
competition. The event was technically ing to a concert to hear music and leav-
the semifinals of the Battle of the Bands. ing with the feeling of
Six bands were chosen, based on demos satisfaction—they just heard live music,
that had been submitted a month ear- and it was awesome. Both Mike and
lier, and the three winners advanced to Carlos stated that there are many musi-
the finals, which take place on Thurs- cians and music fans in Tabler alone
day, April 24 at the Tabler Café Black and there are many more on the rest of
Box Theatre. There were two stages set the campus. Mike thought the event
up, which kept the concert moving at a songs were original compositions. Their The great performance by Honus was important because it was a compe-
quick pace. Once one band finished, the style was softer and mellower than the Wagner was followed by a band called tition that gave the bands a place to play
next band was already set up and ready other bands, and they showcased it very Mother F’Nature. The band included in front of hundreds of people. “We
to start playing on the opposite stage. well. They were followed by Honus the lead singer, who also played acoustic have a music scene, but it is victim to its
The Gekko State was the first band up, Wagner, a three-person band consisting guitar, a bassist, two guitarists and a members, [who], I feel, are closed to
and they started the night on a high of a bassist, a guitarist and a drum- drummer. One of the guitarists also themselves and choose one dominating
note. The six-piece band included a vo- mer/vocalist, which added a different played keyboard during some of the or popular sound…as a campus we
calist, a keyboardist, a guitarist, a drum- sound to their performance. Their di- songs. They had an experimental sound should be open, eclectic and inviting.
mer, a bassist and a violinist—Press verse set of influences include the Red that could be considered indie rock. Given the new resources we are defi-
staffer Cindy Liu! They had a unique Hot Chili Peppers, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Mother F’Nature came out with an ex- nitely on our way to creating a commu-
style and brought the crowd into the Dylan, Soundgarden, Tool and Glass- plosion of energy and the lead singer nity of musicians who simply want to
show. Early in their set, there were mi- jaw, according to Mike Taffet, the en- kept it up during the entire set. She had express that which they have created,”
crophone problems, and neither vocal- ergy-filled bassist of the band. These very strong vocals and fed off the crowd said Carlos. While Battle of the Bands
ist was heard very well by the crowd. influences can be heard clearly in their very well. They had the most energy of may not rejuvenate the Stony Brook
The bassist and drummer switched off music, which combines the styles into a any band who played at Battle of the music scene, it is a step in the right di-
and their keyboardist also played guitar diverse sound. While the entire band Bands. After they finished, Thursday rection.

to fill up space!
The race...

James never made it to first base with matt

8 Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Editorial Board
Give Them The Business,
Bryan Hasho
Managing Editor
James Laudano In Praise of Congestion Pricing
Associate Editor
Alex H. Nagler
Student journalists should only take change their travel habits or ignorant to billion annually.
Business Manager stances which they are qualified to de- mass transit’s benefits. But even if all the evidence didn’t
Adina Silverbush
fend—there’s a stance for you. Commuters unwilling to use public point towards a successful launch, and
Produce Manager But now that we’re on the subject of transportation in a city with the third even if all the evidence didn’t suggest
Jesse Schoepfer the proposed congestion pricing plan largest population density in the coun- the plan would be a fiscal success ($4.5
News Editors for New York City, here are a few more try are not only selfishly dismissing to billion in investible capital over five
Najib Aminy words from the hip. the societal benefits of increased mass years), opponents of the pricing plan
Features Editor Opposing the pricing plan by sug- transit, but are seemingly ignorant to would be acting, at best, picky, and
Jonathan Singer gesting that it would create a regressive the opportunity for a cheaper, faster and more likely, shallow and self-absorbed.
tax for low-income families that “would more relaxed commute. Anyone with even a remote histor-
Arts Editor
Andrew Fraley still most likely do so by car,” as one The critiques of Bloomberg’s plans ical perspective of the greatest city in
Statesman writer wrote, is not an oppo- are unfounded. Since a similar plan was the world is well aware of the link be-
Comics Editor sition to Bloomberg’s method, it is re- introduced in London in 2003, emis- tween an effective mass transit system
David K. Ginn
sistance to his goal. That is, if the plans sions of the principle greenhouse gas, and New York’s fiscal and cultural pros-
Games Editor for the funds specify a large supply of carbon-dioxide, decreased an exciting perity. The recent defeat of Bloomberg’s
Joe Donato
express buses to the outer boroughs 15% percent. Vehicle speeds in their plan is just a win for a 66-year-old As-
Photo Editors (367 new buses, actually), and one’s re- business district have increased 37%. In sembly Speaker, and a squandered op-
John ‘Caboose’ O’Dell sponse is that commuters will either pay talks about the plan, the expense of con- portunity for a more efficient city,
Roman Sheydvasser
the toll or park outside the pricing gestion has been much ignored in re- cleaner air and forward thinking.
Copy Editors zones, that response is not that the pric- gards to the current system; estimates at
Nick Eaton
Katie Knowlton ing plan is a worthless venture, but that the cost of shipping delays, service tie-
Emma Kobolakis commuters are either reluctant to ups, and wasted fuel are as high as $13
Chris Williams
Vincent Michael Festa
Bring The Metal, Odin!
Sam Goldman You can feel metal inside you. But it was too much for but one man! BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM
You could be forgiven if you over- Joey DeMaio! Eric Adams! Carl BAM twiddle liddle liddle liddle liddle
look the small town of Auburn, New Canedy! Ross! The! Boss! liddle liddle Lidle Lidle Lidle WHU-
York. However! One contribution tow- M A N O W A R ! ! ! ! ! W O W W W W W W W W ,
Minister of Archives
Alex Walsh ers over all of the works of man dating Neeeeeewoooo diddlydiddlydew neeeeeeeeeeeer… dum….dum…dum-
back to the halcyon days of da wanna-wanna-wabbuda-wabbuda- dum… neer neer neer neer…
Distribution Manager

Vinci…and his code! Then, as now, in waaaaaa! Bee-be-beh-bee-be-beh- K l e e e e e e e e r n ow w w w w w w w w w.
David K. Ginn
the words of bassist Joey DeMaio , there deeeeee! Greeeeeennnnnirooooooooo! Blurnow blurnow burneeeeerur.
was “a real lack of big, epic metal that is Dum deedle dum deedle dum dum
drenched with crushing guitars and dum dan dan dan dan beedle leedle
choirs and orchestras.” Drenched! eedle eedle eeedle eedle eedle edle April is Manowar Month.
Kotei Aoki Cindy Liu
Ross Barkan Tia Mansouri In 1980 DeMaio was working as a edrowdrowdrowdrowdrowdidlydiddly
Matt Braunstein Justin Meltzer roadie for Black Sabbath, and he was diddlydiddly diddlydiddly diddlydiddly
J.C. Chan Chris Mellides
Doug Cion James Messina not satisfied! As Gabriel to Mohammed, bum ddidel bum diddle bum diddle
Whiskers T. Clown Steve McLinden so Odin did give unto DeMaio a task! reerrrrrooooowwriiiiingroooow BAM
Jake Conarck Chris Oliveri
Laura Cooper Ben van Overmeire
Caroline D’Agati Grace Pak
Joe Donato Rob Pearsall
Taurean Dyer Andrew Pernick
Michael Felder
Joe Filippazzo
Jamie Freiermuth
Ilyssa Fuchs
Rob Gilheany
Joanna Goodman
Stephanie Hayes
Marta Gyvel
Jon Pu
Aamer Qureshi
Nirmala Ramsaran
Kristine Renigen
Berta Rezik
Dave Robin
Joe Safdia
Natalie Schultz
Write for e P!
Andrew Jacob Scott Silsbe
Elizabeth Kaplan Rose Slupski

Meetings Every Wednesday at 1PM, Union Building 060

Olga Kaplun Amberly Timperio
Jack Katsman Lena Tumasyan
Rebecca Kleinhaut Marcel Votlucka
Bryan Lew Brian Wasser
Antony Lin Matt Willemain
Iris Lin Kelly Yu

The Stony Brook Press is published fortnightly during

the academic year and twice during summer session
by The Stony Brook Press, a student run non-profit or-
Meetings Every Wednesday at 1PM, Union Building 060
ganization funded by the Student Activity Fee. The opin-
ions expressed in letters, articles and viewpoints do not
necessarily reflect those of The Stony Brook Press as a
whole. Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect
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The Stony Brook Press 9
E-mail your letters to letters

Wanted: One large, empty loading dock for private dance parties.
About me: I am a private dancer, a dancer for money (do what you want me to
do—if you know what I mean). I cannot abide a loading dock cluttered up with the var-
ious odds and ends, because my end has got to have space, baby, space! I’ve got the
moves—I’m locked in grooves—and I need to clop clop with my hooves.
If you have a loading dock, I can imagine a scenario in which you and I come to
a mutually satisfying exchange-arrangement, estranged from derangement and sensible
like Jimmy Sensenbrenner. Please, do tell…are you my swap-match?
I figure, best-case scenario, we’re talking the kind of loading dock which might be
featured in a forgettable arcade shooting-game as the setting for a prolonged series of
gunfights progressing along a fixed path. Like that one with Aerosmith, or the Motley
Assortment of a Crew, or what have you.
I have enclosed a photograph of the kind of loading dock that makes me drool, as
I anticipate lithe bodies writhing and grinding to the smooth, soothing sounds of Eifel65.
Enclosing a photograph made me feel productive, so I went ahead and enclosed an ad-
ditional photograph, this second photograph is a photograph of former Judiciary Chair-
man Sensenbrenner.
Make my world come together. Right now I am stuck with a loading dock that is
far from tidy! So far, as a result, no one has elected to join me in my very elite private
dance parties. There can be only one…solution to this problem. I have both goods and
services which I am willing to exchange. Call me on the telemephone.

Your Ad here!
Request an ad packet
10 News Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007
The Band of the Month: Manowar!

Do it in the Dark...and Use a Condom!

Thursday, April 17. When most people reusable water bottles and t-shirts. In The Environmental Club will be of-
By David Robin think of rock concerts, eco-friendly is addition, CHOICE will be giving away fering students the opportunity to take
not a word that comes to mind, how- free condoms as well as stressing the a pledge that says that they will stop
ever, the bands will be using a battery importance of safe sex, thus hinting at drinking bottled water on campus. This
Recycling is a serious problem on that will be charged with solar power another meaning for the name of the action is part of a larger campaign that
the Stony Brook campus. One stroll during the day for use during the con- concert. involves a petition to ban bottled water
through the academic mall in the mid- The name of the event, “Do it in the on campus. “Suffolk County is among
dle of the day reveals a wasteland of Dark,” stresses that students should re- the best tap water in the country. So
plastic bottles, sandwich wrappers, and duce energy consumption. Electricity is much waste comes from manufacturing
pizza boxes. Some of this garbage falls overused throughout the dorms and the water bottles” says Michelle Pizer, the
off of the top of overflowing garbage event is trying to spread the idea that President of the Environmental Club.
cans but other articles of trash are left turning off your computer, or even just According to Pizer, to manufacture a
or purposely thrown on the ground by turning off your lights, can have a sig- plastic water bottle, oil and other chem-
fellow Stony Brook students. Stony nificant impact on the environment. ical byproducts are used and these hurt
Brook has made an effort with the plac- Walking instead of driving to class and the environment in which they are
ing of recycling garbage cans in public carpooling are other ways to reduce our made, which is usually in Africa, India,
areas as well as in every dorm room. impact on the environment. Brendon or another country that cannot fight the
What else can Stony Brook do to con- Parker, the guitarist for Double Won- pollution generated by these manufac-
This is where you do it.
tribute to the earth friendly effort? derful, one of the bands playing at the turing plants. The pledge is designed so
One event that answers this question event, understands the importance of that students use water fountains in-
every year is EarthStock, which takes the event. “I feel it’s important to take a stead of buying Dasani water bottles.
place from April 11 – 18, and involves a cert. In addition to the music, there will stance on environmental issues…If you This saves money for the individual, re-
variety of unique events. One of the be two guest speakers. The first speaker think of all of the electricity that bands duces unnecessary trash, and would be
more interesting events taking place is will be Professor Michael White, who use, it’s amazing that solar power can be beneficial to the environments in these
“Do it in the Dark,” a “renewable rock will talk about Suffolk County’s drink- used and that it is an available option.” factory-ridden countries. Pizer hopes
concert” hosted by the Environmental ing water. There will be many other ac- In addition to Double Wonderful, that “having this event will encourage
Club. The event takes place in the tivities, such as glow in the dark soccer Honus Wagner and Vector Red will be people to make better choices in the fu-
Mendelsohn Pit from 7 pm – 11 pm on as well as free food and a raffle for playing at the event. ture.” Captain Planet would be proud.

Wang’s In Business
ever, upon further investigation, the gift shop carries a small selection of are varied. “I think it’s pointless. There
By Andrew Jacob opening was found not to be a hoax. jewelry including necklaces and hand- are a lot of things that the school needs
After six long years, the long-empty gift made wampum. Still, some students before they open another location for
shop has finally opened. believe that the gift shop doesn’t offer us to buy Stony Brook t-shirts,” voiced
Ever since the Charles B. Wang The store is similar to other gift anything extraordinary. “I think they junior Matt Finelli. Junior Joe
Center was officially opened in 2002, stores throughout campus in the fact could offer a wider selection of things. Pietrafesa had a different opinion,
many have anticipated the opening of that it sells a myriad of Seawolves and There isn’t really anything good in claiming that the gift shop “is a great
the gift shop across from the popular Stony Brook-themed apparel. From t- there,” said freshman Jessie Stanzione. addition to an already great facility.”
Asian restaurant, Jasmine. Well, finally, shirts and boxer shorts, to ties and FSA Director of Marketing and Com- The Wang Center gift shop is open
on April 1, 2008, the Wang Center’s gift handbags, the Wang Center gift shop munications Angela Agnello was un- Monday through Friday from 11am to
shop was opened. At first, it seemed like has it all. (Disappointingly however, able to comment on the future plans for 6pm and is located on the second floor
an elaborate April Fool’s joke played by there is no “Wang Center” specific mer- the gift shop. of the Charles B. Wang Center.
the ol’ rascals in Administration. How- chandise.) In addition to clothing, the Student opinions on the gift shop
The Stony Brook Press News

by Seth Badu the MCs told him to leave because he wasn’t
officially part of the show. I, for one, was sad
he annual Sholay Show, hosted by to see him go and I believe most in the audi-
SASA, the South Asian Student Al- ence felt the same way. I hope he performs
liance, was quite a spectacle this year. next year.
The event apparently was sold out and the Utsavam was the next official group after
SAC auditorium was packed with spectators. Desired, and their performance was similar
The long line outside, filled with expectant to the one given by Unleashed. By this I
visitors, was proof of the quality of previous mean they probably would’ve been the win-
shows and the eager anticipation accompa- ners of their segment if they hadn’t had the
nying this one. The show itself had some- misfortune of coming in after Desired. (Sug-
thing for everyone. There were highs and gestion to Utsavam for next year: try using
lows, hits and misses, but overall for those GREEN smoke). Their performance was
who went to see it, it was a night well spent. ality TV show by depicting the lives of some supply of members in the audience to re- also very spirited, their choreography was
The performance opened with two MCs, fictional Stony Brook students in a suite. spond to their chants. The Sig Rho routine complex, and they got the crowd involved.
Kurien Matthews and Talha Qureshi, warm- However, it failed to please the crowd. In was clearly well-rehearsed and almost flaw- Overall it was a nice treat for the audience,
ing up the audience by going into a comedic fact, after several minutes of the perform- lessly executed. Despite the inherent ten- and it transitioned well into the next act by
routine about life in Stony Brook. This got ance the increasingly restless audience fi- dency of frats to be clique-y, Sig Rho Parvaaz. Parvaaz followed Utsavam’s per-
the crowd laughing and broke the ice. The nally erupted into a chorus of “boos”. It was managed to keep the audience interested. formance with a medley of songs. The two
people who actually arrived at the advertised a welcome relief when the next act, Solo Their eagerness even briefly made me want guys, one guitarist and one vocalist, brought
time (the show started two hours after it was Dance, came out. In the middle of this rou- to join a frat. Briefly. But they were really the third segment to a delightful end. Al-
supposed to at 9pm) had been waiting and tine, however, five or six other girls joined good and I enjoyed watching them. I give though Desired won the third segment, the
were understandably impatient. The MC in, which had me questioning the segment’s them a B+.
routine succeeded in title choice. Sig Rho then gave way to Desired, and
getting everyone re- The “Solo Dance” what a transition that was! Desired went all
laxed and ready for the (note the quotation out in their performance. Their routine was
show. As the night marks, they’re neces- a complex and creative mix of hip hop
went on, they provided sary now) was fol- break dancing with some acrobatics thrown
welcome comic relief lowed by FLO, a group in. They even had red smoke! I mean I’ve
after lackluster per- of guys wearing white seen black smoke and white smoke and
formances and rein- masks and white even grey smoke. But red smoke? That’s
forced the spirited gloves. They reminded witchcraft! These magicians put the audi-
ones. They were unde- me of Michael Jackson ence under their spell and got an ovation other two acts deserve an honorable men-
niably the most consis- back when he was still after their performance. tion. The third segment was by far the most
tent performers of the cool (before he started entertaining of the night.
night. getting into trouble After Parvaaz, the winner of each segment
The first segment began with a group with little boys). Anyway, they had a really had to compete with the others to see who
called Nunas, which consisted of four ladies creative routine and got the crowd moving, the “grand champ” of Sholay was. The three
set the tone for the performances that fol- proving once again that you can be a great winning acts (Unleashed, Bhangra Team,
lowed. next came Reminiscences, a trio per- dancer who wears white gloves without and Desired) each did a minute-long per-
formance where only two members show. having to touch little boys. I would have formance for judging. All three basically did
The duo was followed by Unleashed, a been really sad to see them leave had the an abbreviated version of their routine (ex-
highly spirited group of dancers who thrilled Bhangra learn not followed.. cept Desired didn’t use any smoke this time,
the audience with their dance routine. Un- The Bhangra Team got on stage and once which saddened me). When they were done,
leashed was fun to watch and the group had again demonstrated why they are a constant the audience was asked to choose its favorite
the audience up with their enthusiasm. Al- feature at Sholay shows. The audience got by the volume of their applause. The judges
though the next act, a step dance by Iota Nu on its feet from the moment they arrived, then handed in their verdict, and the winner
Delta, was a good and well-rehearsed per- and a group of their supporters ran to the was Desired. Overall, this was a very enter-
formance it failed to excite the audience the front of the auditorium to dance along. The taining event. The five dollars I spent on the
way Unleashed did. Unleashed easily won team’s brightly-colored clothes and acro- ticket was worth it.
the first segment. batic moves were captivating, and they hand- After Desired, a random guy walked on-
The second segment began with a video ily won the second segment. stage and began dancing. He was really Photographs by Seth Badu
performance called Real World Stony Brook. Next up was the Sigma Beta Rho Dance. good! The audience was cheering for him For full article, visit
This particular act aimed to mimic the hit re- The fraternity had a lot of spirit and a ready and he certainly had my attention, but one of

A A JA : A s i a n A m e r i c a n J o u rna l i s t ' s A s s o c i at i o n
by Huy Huynh Asians and Asian Americans lack presence 1981 by a few Asian American and Pacific show producers and major magazine editors.
in the media and that we need to initiate- Islander (AAPI) journalists who felt a need And hopefully some day one of the read-
This coming May, seven of the current change. to support one another and to encourage ers of the AA E-Zine, or one of its staff, will
SBU AA E-Zine editors will be graduating. So if you are interested in journalism, or more AAPI's to pursue journalism at a time be part of it as they join the ranks of jour-
None of us were interested in the field of simply in having your voice heard, get in- when there were few of their faces in the nalists in America. They can then come back
journalism when we got involved, we are en- volved. This article looks beyond academia media. to be a part of SBU's new School of Jour-
gineers, pre-med and pre-law students, but to the real world in some senses, to the pro- It is a non-profit organization with ap- nalism, which, like the rest of American
our involvement taught us a great deal about fessional organization started by Asian proximately 2,000 members in 20 chapters media, is lacking
how we, as Asian Americans, are portrayed. American journalists, AAJA, the Asian across the U.S. In addition, AAJA has a in Asian Ameri-
For the first time, the Editor-in-Chief of American Journalist's Association. growing number of members working cans faces.
the E-Zine will be someone who does want AAJA is not just for professionals though. throughout Asia, which underscores the
to be a journalist. The fact that his staff will Almost one-third of its members are stu- rapid growth of media on that continent.
be graduating was part of the reason for the dents! It is part of AAJA's push to bring AAJA is proud to include among its mem-
theme of this issue. Many of us attended the young people into the news business espe- bers some of the top journalists in the coun-
ECAASU Conference last month and came cially Asian Americans. try, from network news anchors and
back invigorated about making sure our The following was taken from AAJA's reporters to Pulitzer Prize-winning writers,
voices are heard. We came to realize that About Us webpage. AAJA was founded in editors and photographers, to national radio excerpts in SB Press Vol 19 N 6 Feb 2008 Weekly meetings Fridays 3:30pm at our office in Student Union 071
Graduate Demonstration Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Photos by Jake Conarck

The Stony Brook Press 13

Wave good-bye, Whiskers!

...Because there goes Bryan
Hasho! Our self-proclaimed
“Absentee Editor” for the past
year. Bryan, we may hate you,
but Whiskers will always keep a
candle lit for you. May all your
future endeavors be just as en-
joyable as a man-cream on a
hot summerʼs Sunday!

Much love,
The Press

Please Donʼt Go!!!

14 Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Inside the Features section-
Debbie Does SBU Eye-Talians Mix-Tape Mash Up
Page This One Page 15 Page 17

Did Debbie Do Stony Brook?

experienced ultimately laid the founda- Looking through the user comments, Ltd., was also unaware about the location
By Najib Aminy and Chris Melides tion for what would become the adult there is a user who claims that the foot- of the film. Sutton became president of
film industry. Over time, the industry ball field, locker room, showers, and li- VCX Ltd. in 2006, said that the average
would soon evolve into an avenue of en- brary in the movie were all filmed on employee of VCX is 20 to 25, thus most
As one of the top American research tertainment that grew as a response to the campus at Stony Brook University. Ac- workers were not even born when Deb-
universities in the country, Stony Brook needs of a lustful young audience. Debbie cording to the user from Attleboro, MA, bie Does Dallas came out. Sutton was also
University continues to enjoy its rich 50- Does Dallas played a pivotal role in the the movie was made with the assumption unfamiliar with “the Buckley Brothers,”
year history and remains on the list of adult movie industry and continues to that the Buckley Brothers were filming a reported as having filmed the movie at
scholastic institutions to pride themselves successful and popular today. movie and not an adult film. After word Stony Brook. The adult store manager be-
on integrity and academic excellence. As one of the top five highest gross- on the true nature of the film got out, a lieved the movie was not filmed at Stony
What Stony Brook students, professors, ing pornography films in history, Debbie few members of the administration were Brook due to logistics. “In my opinion
and faculty may not be aware of is the Does Dallas has pleased millions of fans let go from the University due to the em- working on small budgets I can’t see
connection between the rousing success in its three decades of existence. The film barrassment that the film brought to the knowing that the rest of the movie was
of the 1978 porn classic, Debbie Does Dal- did not take off until the mid 1980’s ac- school. To verify this information, done in the city.” The adult store manager
las, and the allegations that cite Stony cording to David Sutton, president of Michael Filene, an actor in the porn in- went on to say, “I can’t believe that they
Brook University as being one of the lo- VCX Ltd., an adult film retailer. As a re- dustry in the eighties, said the movie was would be able to travel all the way out
cations featured in the film. sult there have been numerous sequels, filmed at Stony Brook, according to an there [to Stony Brook] with whatever
Debbie Does Dallas was released by remakes, comic books, even an off-
VCX Ltd. in 1978 after all rights were broadway musical in 2002. As a result
purchased from School Day Films, the there have been productions of the musi-
production company responsible for cal in New York, and San Francisco. Jes-
shooting the movie. Debbie Does Dallas sica Douglas, one of the producers of the
revolves around a high school cheer- San Francisco production said Debbie
leader named Debbie Benton, played by Does Dallas was very popular because it
Bambi Woods, who, in an effort to make was one of the first pornographic films
the Dallas cheerleading squad, must gen- with a plot. In describing the musical,
erate enough money to fund her trip to Douglas said, “The onstage production
Texas. Without help from her parents, does not contain sex or full nudity. The
Debbie and the rest of her high school sex scenes are converted to numbers that
cheerleading team aim to make money are suggestive only in metaphor. The
by taking on odd jobs. Before long, the whole production was done in a spirit of
girls realize they can make fast cash help- comedy and not sensuality.” There have
ing Debbie with her trip by performing been four movie sequels and twenty spin-
sexual favors for each of their employers. offs such as Debbie Does Wall Street in
Despite the fact that Debbie never did 1997 and Debbie Does New Orleans in
Dallas, the question at hand is where 2000. There have also been a few televi-
Debbie “did” everyone else. Through var- sion spin-offs.
ious online sources as well as rumors that Despite having been filmed three
have been spread from student genera- decades ago, Debbie Does Dallas contin-
tion to generation, it is believed that parts ues to draw attention from consumers.
Najib Aminy
Wolfieʼs Gonʼ Get Some Tonight!
of the original Debbie Does Dallas was The film’s longevity can likely be attrib-
filmed here at Stony Brook University, uted to the unique sports-based plot that
specifically the Melville Library as well as appealed to consumers in the late seven-
the original football field and locker ties, when choices in adult films were interview on Xcylopedia, an internet site handheld cameras they had, whatever six
rooms near H-Quad. Thirty years since considerably sparse. “Professionally, I sell providing the history of adult films. In the to twelve people they had working on the
its creation, the question of the myth has it [Debbie Does Dallas] a million times interview Filene was quoted as saying, crew of the movie behind the scenes and
yet to be answered. here. No matter how old it is, come “[the movie] embarrassed the state, from everything and transport them out here
Back around the time of Debbie Does Christmas time I have half a dozen governor down, and I think it cost the to do it and then back to the city, and then
Dallas, America had just experienced two women coming in looking for it for a college guys their jobs. A state attorney out here and then back to the city.”
decades of drug experimentation and stocking stuffer for their husband,” said got a much ignored lifetime injunction Another source that was contacted
was in a time when the free love of the the adult shop manager. The manager against any movie house showing of Deb- was Robin Byrd, a former adult actress,
sixties was being swept under the rug and went on to say, “obviously it [Debbie Does bie in NY.” In addition, there are numer- who starred in Debbie Does Dallas as Ms.
out of the public view. Government in- Dallas] came on the heels of the Dallas ous sites that back the location of the film, Hardwick. Byrd is now the host of The
tervention was on the rise and quickly Cowboy cheerleaders becoming the ‘it’ including Wikipedia. Robin Byrd Show, a radio talk show that
gaining speed. The indecency laws and thing.” However, after speaking with numer- has been on the air for thirty years. Un-
strict federal regulations that would soon Behind the popularity lies the ques- ous sources, the response received was able to get directly in touch with Byrd due
surface in the wake of the Reagan era tion that links Stony Brook to the porn that the movie was not filmed here at to her busy schedule, a personal assistant
gave way to prominent right-wing polit- classic. Location, location, location. The Stony Brook. According to Lauren Shep- responded to the question on whether or
ical influence. The conservative right re- Internet Movie Database, IMDB, pro- row, a media relations officer for Stony not the movie was filmed at Stony Brook.
inforced the many social taboos already vides a service of information regarding Brook University, the movie was not He said no, the movie was not filmed at
gripping the nation during the late 1970’s. movies, television, actors and actresses. filmed here at Stony Brook, and the in- Stony Brook University.
“You were coming out of the sixties where After entering the Debbie Does Dallas formation regarding the potential Stony The question of this myth remains
everything started to open up in terms of page on IMDB, one can scroll to “loca- Brook president resigning after the re- unanswered. Through the various inter-
free love and all that stuff, but as the sev- tions” and find that Stony Brook Univer- lease of Debbie Does Dallas could not be net sources that are deemed not credible,
enties progressed...the country was as up- sity, alongside the Pratt Institute in verified. Sheprow also said that the infor- as well as the vague answers given by Sut-
tight as ever. This [adult film] industry Brooklyn, are credited as locations in the mation from the late seventies may have ton and Byrd’s personal assistant, it is still
definitely was right at the heart of that,” film. If one actually clicks the hyperlink, been destroyed in accordance with New unclear to say whether Debbie Does Dal-
said an adult shop manager in St. James, Stony Brook University has only one York State’s Disposition Schedule for NYS las was or was not filmed here at Stony
NY who asked to remain anonymous. match to locations, and that is Debbie Governmental Records. Brook University.
The repressed sexual urges many teens Does Dallas. David Sutton, the president of VCX
The Stony Brook Press Features 15
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Sicilian Crossings
hattan, to Brooklyn, St. Louis, New Or- quarter, or just had one relative some- about my great grandparents, who I
By Alex H. Nagler leans and San Diego, Sicilians moved where in the past, they came to hear was fortunate enough to have known,
across the country and formed tight this lecture. and I found myself talking about a time
knit communities wherever they ended “Sicily is an inner need, to find out period I was never a part of, but knew
When a school such as Stony Brook up. Mutual Aide societies sprung up for who you are and where you came from. in my mind.
decides that they’re going to stat nam- better off immigrants to help their fel- It is a seed and it’s our job to germinate “When people live on an island,
ing and endowing professorships, you low Sicilians. it, to make it bloom,” commented they have stronger identities.” This
would initially think that the first title All in all, the exhibit was 120 panels Mignone on the process. So, he and statement is true for Sicilians, but is
would go to the Chemistry or Physics of masterfully researched material that Saija set out to make something bigger true for all island dwellers. Sicilians,
department. This isn’t how it actually is being recompiled to produce a book. of this. In 2001, Professor Mignone, many of which are now in their fourth
went: the first named professorship But what is more interesting is the con- President Kenney, State Senator or fifth generation, are still inherently
went to the Center for Italian Studies nection between Sicily, the exhibit, and LaValle, who is Sicilian, and Assembly Sicilian. There’s always the need to go
and the Alfonse D’Amato Endowed Stony Brook. Member Don DiNapoli went to the back. This need has been reflected in
Chair in Italian and Italian American To fully appreciate the connection Sicily and the University of Messina. the exhibit—the opening on the April
Studies. between Stony Brook and Sicily, The There, they signed a Protocol of Un- 4 drew over 400 people, nearly twice as
It was a good two weeks for the Ital- Press spoke with Professor Mario derstanding with the Sicilian govern- many as Mignone expected. “I never
ian Studies department. First, the Mignone, the Director of the Center for ment, as individual regions have more knew the population was this big on
school broadened its international op- Italian Studies and one of the chief ad- direct power than the central govern- Long Island. And when you look at the
portunities for students and established visors for the “Sicilian Crossings” ex- ment in Rome, and agreed to help cre- register of the people who sign in, it’s
a further link with the Florence Uni- hibit. Professor Mignone is part of the ate this museum. No financial support interesting to see their last names.”
versity of the Arts. But more amazingly, reason this exhibit exists, having made was given, just the simple connections This I also understand. My last
the exhibit “Sicilian Crossings” came to several trips to Sicily and established that Stony Brook and the New York name, Nagler, is Germanic in its origin.
campus on a leg of its national tour. ties with the University of Messina to State Senate had to offer. My grandmother’s maiden name was
Sicilian Crossings is an exhibit un- Liotta, which is what it was when my
like anything else, focusing on the great grandfather Jimmy’s family left
plight of the millions of Sicilian immi- Sciacca. Throughout the years, peoples
grants who made the voyage from Sicily last names have gained American iden-
to America from 1892 to 1924, reset- tities, but they still culturally identify
tling themselves in America and work- with Sicily and its Italian nature.
ing to pursue the American dream at all However, Sicily isn’t solely Italian;
costs. The exhibit ran at the Wang Cen- it’s also Spanish, German, Greek
ter from April 4 to April 13, and is, in (Pythagoras was Sicilian), Arabic, Nor-
fact, cosponsored by Stony Brook itself. man, Byzantine, and African. The in-
The opening reception was held on fluences of other cultures on Sicily are
April 4 and drew a crowd of over 200 obvious everywhere you look, be it in
members of the community. Awash in the architecture of the buildings or the
wine, antipasti, and opera, the intro- music. Mosques constructed in Spanish
duction went over as a wonderful way style architecture have been converted
to introduce the larger community to to churches. The cadences of speech are
the new exhibit and explain Stony inherently Arabic, and the music fol-
Brook’s relationship to the exhibit and lows the same tonal patterns and
the history of the relationship between makeup. Town names, like my native
Stony Brook and the Sicilian govern- Sciacca, are based off of different lan-
ment. guages- Xacca in Arabic means “water.”
The exhibit detailed the history of Professor Mignone was ecstatic at
the Sicilian immigration movement, the response from both the community
going from the causality of the factors and the students and is already plan-
that made people leave, like the decline ning more events for the fall term.
Italia, Italia, Italia!
in the tuna and sulfur industries, the These events will hopefully involve Si-
death of the citrus crop, the earthquake cilian folk music and Sicilian cuisine,
and tsunami of 1908, and the unifica- along with more lectures by Professor
tion of Italy. Factors that helped the im- create the Museum of Sicilian Immi- From there, the museum came to Saija. The community interest is there,
migration to occur, like the rise of the gration. life. Professor Saija came to Stony Mignone simply has to provide the op-
steam ship and the inflation of Amer- The museum, off of which the ex- Brook in 2004 as a visiting professor portunities for them.
ica through travel agencies, were also hibit is based off of, was the collabora- with a team of graduate students to re- It’s been a good year for the Italian
discussed. For a Sicilian, America was tive brainchild of Professor Mignone search Sicilian immigration and ac- department. Between the named chair,
a land of milk and honey, where the and the Professor Marcello Saija of the quire first hand documents from the the new Florence site, and “Sicilian
streets were paved with gold, and there University of Messina. Prior to the 2000 descendents of these immigrants. Over Crossings,” they’ve increased their visi-
were good paying jobs wherever you visit to Sicily by President Kenney, Pro- 600 people in the local community do- bility and made it easier for students to
looked. The reality was bleaker: tiny, fessors Sajia and Mignone met by nated photos, documents, and most recognize them. Professor Mignone
cramped apartments, xenophobia from chance and struck up a professional importantly, the stories of their ances- asks that students drop by the depart-
the natives, and few lasting jobs. At the friendship, keeping in touch over the tors, to the museum. ment office on the fourth floor of the
time, Sicilians had the same status as years, and eventually bringing Profes- “It’s amazing,” commented Professor Melville Library and see what’s going
today’s illegal immigrants. But, as time sor Saija to Stony Brook to speak about Mignone. “People who don’t know each on. Attend a lecture, take out a good old
progressed, people moved elsewhere. Sicily. “The turnout was larger than I other or have never fully considered Italian movie (a recommendation: Il
The exhibit then chronologically expected, so was the reception.” It was themselves to be Sicilian are turning to Postino), or simply see what’s coming
followed the arrival of Sicilians in then that Professor Mignone realized the person next to them and sharing up. The seeds of Italian culture are
American and the establishment of just how many people of Sicilian de- the stories of their ancestors.” I person- there, so come rediscover them.
multiple Little Italy’s throughout the scent there were on Long Island. ally understand this on a deep level. I
country. From Mulberry Street in Man- Whether they were a half Sicilian, a am Sicilian and I have my own stories Alex H. Nagler e Siciliano.
16 Features Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

SASA’s Sholay is on Fire

the categorical performances. The first $100, as well as a large trophy. Second but no money. The president of SASA,
By Kelly Yu place winners receive a cash prize of place winners receive a smaller trophy, sophomore Melissa Shah, believes it is
the competition aspect of the club’s
show that sets it apart from other
Stony Brook is famous for many cultural shows. She also has no
things: churning out doctors by the worries about future Sholay events
hundreds, being one of the leading re- to come. “We like to keep it at the
search schools in the country, and an SAC to keep it small….We sold out
overwhelming Asian student popula- [of tickets] today in less than 24
tion on the east coast. With such a hours.”
rich cultural representation on campus Like other cultural shows on
comes interesting and exciting events. campus, Sholay is not exclusive to
Cultural events pop up throughout the South Asians. From the outside, it
month of April; however, one stands seems as if these cultural nights are
out above the rest. intended for to specific ethnicities.
On April 4, the South Asian Stu- It’s apparent that not only is Stony
dent Alliance at Stony Brook put on its Brook recognized for its diverse cul-
annual cultural show, Sholay, which tures, but there is tolerance of all
means “fire” in Hindi. The show was these cultures as well. There were
started five to six years ago by the then many non-South Asians attending
SASA executive board to display a cul- as well as performing at Sholay to
tural show for everyone to enjoy. Since support friends and take part in the
then, this fairly new cultural show has vibrant culture. On the line to get
evolved into something more than just into the event, Indians, Caucasians,
a showcase for South Asian culture. In and other Asians waited excitedly.
the past few years, Sholay has become All the hard work and time put into
a competition for singers, dancers and this production is apparent in its
musicians. A panel of judges, as well success and the amazing energy that
Asian American E-Zinek
as the audience, decides the winners. came from each performer.
The winners in each category per- Sholay Sashay
form a one-minute finale at the end of

Stony Brook Idle? No, Idol.

Park, much less in the context of an Idol strong resonating voices. Laura (and his falsetto). My favorite song
By Tia Mansouri competition, but Shannon Corwin LeBlanc’s clear, sweet voice wasn’t choice was “Killing Me Softly,” per-
managed to surprise me with her ren- drowned out by her guitar, wielded formed by Jessica Peters. I wish she’d
dition of ”Breaking the Habit.” Also with prowess, as she performed the been able to find the track without
I stopped watching American Idol. taking the a capella route were Carine song “Everyday.” Some contestants words, because she had such a lovely
Quite frankly, it’s become a mockery of Valere, with a powerful and soulful ren- danced while they sang but stood still voice that had to compete with the
itself (Simon Cowell used to be my cur- dition of “I Need You Now,” and Nisha during the moments in which they background track. Emily Heath learned
mudgeonly hero; but he has long since Thayil, whose version of Christina weren’t singing, like Anthony Lifreri. I her song, “Have A Little Faith In Me,”
been replaced by Gregory House). Aguilera’s “Hurt” in a day; with all the fans she brought,
Luckily, Stony Brook Idol is still fresh left the audience she definitely did not need to worry
and interesting, and a great opportunity absolutely silent about a lack of faith. My personal fa-
to see the sort of talent that can’t neces- with attention. The vorite was Veronica Scorcia. Imagine a
sarily come out to the Open Mic Nights members of the sweet, demure looking girl getting on
at Tabler or the various productions Beatles were well stage and then proceeding to absolutely
that occur every semester. Semifinals represented via the blow you into next Thursday with her
took place on Wednesday, April 2, and charming interpre- voice, as she sang “Listen” by Beyoncé.
were hosted by Cameron Bowcock. It tations of “All My Needless to say, she was inspiring.
took gumption to get to the semifinals, Loving” and The students selected as finalists
so I believe that each competitor de- “Imagine” sang by were Carolyn, Ejiroghene, Emily, Laura,
serves a little mention. Carolyn DeDora Bernie, Jessica, Veronica, Nisha, and
Jasmine Aceituno recovered from a and Bernie Lubell Anne. While there were a panel of
mistake in her performance quite en- r e s p e c t i v e l y. judges including Howie Gunston, Dina
dearingly, and the fact that she played Ejiroghene Gbene- Moore, and Joe McGrann, students
piano so well while she sang “Alone” is dia and Sade John- voted for who made finals. You can
something for which she definitely de- son both chose the watch and vote for them by attending
serves recognition. Anne Vermeulen same song, “His finals, which take place on April 16 on
also missed the entrance to her song, Eye Is on the Spar- the Staller lawn during campus lifetime.
“Gimme One Reason,” but she infused row”; it would probably have been awk- was highly amused by his impromptu It will certainly be better for your health
her performance with a quirky, edgy ward if one contestant had done a much dancing. Another point of interest was than wasting away in front of a TV
flair that more than made up for it (the better job than the other, but both ver- Jordan Wright’s style. With a super- watching Fox.
song has a really long count in the be- sions were unique and beautiful, espe- shiny belt buckle and shades, he
ginning anyway). I never thought I’d cially since both singers performed brought an enjoyable swagger to the
hear an a capella version of Linkin without musical accompany and had table as he attempted Michael Jackson
The Stony Brook Press Features 17
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Trivia Challenge Blows Girl’s Mind, Others Bored

rent year to be 1988. We didn’t have the heart to tell her For others, the event was not so
By Tia Mansouri “This is stupid. This idiot is asking that the president was not, in fact, much confusing as simply tedious.
what countries that broke off from the George H. W. Bush, but rather, George “I came here expecting to have to
former Soviet Union are trying to join W. Bush, Jr. answer real questions—things people
“I just don’t understand,” sobbed NATO. Last I checked, that wall was want to know—things that matter, such
one girl who competed in the USA just as erect as ever. And I’ll be damned as the airspeed velocity of an unladen
Today Trivia challenge, which took if it comes down any time soon!” swallow,” said one boy, who also refus-
place at the SAC. “The US Attorney When one of the competing teams “...that wall was just ing to be named.
General is Richard L. Thornburgh!” answered “Yugoslavia*” and was told “I just want that hour of my life
Steady, salty tears cascaded down they were incorrect, she stomped her as erect as ever. And back,” quipped the boy, quietly sticking
her face and left watermarks all over the foot and fidgeted. a USA Today pen inside his pocket pro-
pictures of Miley Cyrus littering the “Of course it exists,” she bellowed, I’ll be damned if it tector as he left.
front page of today’s issue of USA while onlookers stared momentarily comes down any time *Now, hopefully you’ve figured out
Today. The girl, who refused to be and then quickly looked away. that this article is a satire. But someone
named, was outraged at the nature of When we showed her the date on soon” actually answered this question with a
the questions that were asked at the re- the newspaper, she scoffed. “Look. It country that no longer exists. True
cent event. Her team consistently got mentions George Bush right here! Now, story.
every question for which they buzzed is the president George Bush, or is it not
in wrong. Why? She believed the cur- George Bush!”

SuperMixTape: D&D at Red Lobster

these improbable pairings. Imagine! at the ready. “but we aren’t on a boat. A strict adher-
By Alex Walsh Batman and Scooby-Doo working to- The night shift manager, John Fort- ence to the rules of English demands
gether to recover the stolen Batmobile! stock, recognized an opportunity. “I the restriction of ‘crab’ usage. I refuse to
That would be like Tiger Woods and asked both of them to sit together for a accept a loose interpretation that ap-
Welcome to SuperMixTape! Having Tony Blair teaming up to find an en- picture. Thought it would be a neat ad- plies it to a restaurant setting. Just as
run out of inspiration for actual content chanted putter. vertising gimmick.” This was to be the they transitioned from ‘crabs’ to ‘crab’
of value to contribute, I asked some of Sadly, cartoon crossovers seem to catalyst for a night of debate and near- when they entered the trap, they revert
my fellow Press staffers to give me five have fallen out of favor in modern tragedy. As the duo exchanged pleas- back once they leave the boat.”
random topics to spin together into a times, so people have tragically few op- antries, the former Attorney General But Gonzales was not to be refuted.
‘news’ piece. The topics I was given portunities mentioned “Alright, so the live crabs delivered here
were… to see gener- that he had are, in fact, ‘crabs.’ But when prepared
From Matt Willemain: Alberto Gonza- ally unre- ordered “a and cooked, they become ‘crab’ once
les is the name of a former Attorney l a t e d lot of crabs.” again. For example, I might say ‘This
General and a New York Yankee. celebrities Fortstock soup needs more crab.’” Before the de-
From James Laudano: Crab is pluralized interac ting quickly bate could continue, the event took a
differently based on context. for their pointed out drastic turn. An armed man entered the
From David K. Ginn: Phlogo, a fictional amusement. that the restaurant, apparently alerted by a
resident of pre-Christian Judea (Well, except p r o p e r friend with a cell phone that Alberto
From Iris Lin: Banana flavored things in rehab.) phrasing Gonzales was present.
From Jon Singer: Being fucking awesome That bound- was “a lot of The lone gunman, Barnard Hughes,
less desire crab.” shouted an incoherent phrase at the
Next time I want topics from you, the was briefly The elder former Attorney General, then opened
readers. So send an e-mail with Super- sated last Gonzales, fire. Hughes, 34, is a follower of the
MixTape in the subject line to sb- weekend by a registering Phloggites, a little-known sect of Ju- Then write whatever chance en- his disbelief, daism who are influenced by the writ-
strikes your fancy in the body. I’ll have counter be- was set ings of Phlogo of Emmaus. Phloggite
some Pressfolk pick out the best five and t w e e n straight by doctrine holds that government offi-
write about them. Get on it! Former US the younger, cials are given their positions through
-Alex Attorney who dis- the will of God. Resignation of such a
General Al- played a sur- position is seen as a high form of blas-
On September 9, 1972, the CBS net- berto Gonzales and the current New prising knowledge of crab terminology. phemy. Hughes’ shots did not find their
work aired “Ghastly Ghost Town,” the York Yankees shortstop of the same Quietly at first, but becoming more target, but did mildly injure Jethro
first episode of The New Scooby-Doo name. confident as the locals backed him up, Ramzab, a retired construction worker
Movies. In each episode, Scooby and The two Gonzaleses had each inde- the Yankee explained that although visiting from Nevada. In the confusion,
the gang teamed up with a pop culture pendently chosen to take in dinner at ‘crabs’ is a proper pluralization of the Gonzales was able to hurl his dessert
icon to foil the wicked schemes of the Elmhurst, Queens Red Lobster. A word crab when used to describe living dish at the gunman. His strong throw-
whatever sordid villain stood in their patron, recognizing the baseballer crabs in the wild, fishers who collect ing arm delivered the confection, ba-
way. “Ghastly Ghost Town” featured the whose admirable performance in Fri- them refer to their catch as ‘crab.’ Seeing nanas and all, to Hughes’ head,
Three Stooges. Throughout the series’ day’s game was much commended, that the discussion could go on for incapacitating the assailant, who was
run, Scooby and Shaggy would stand shouted into the restaurant floor “Yo, some time, Fortstock ordered servings then taken into police custody.
side by side with such luminaries as Gonzalez, you da man!” The embattled of his new banana-flavored dessert con- As he was taken to Elmhurst Hospi-
Batman, the Harlem Globetrotters, former Attorney General, mistakenly coction for his distinguished guests. tal Center, Ramzab was heard to say
Cher, and Don Knotts. All the little kids believing he was being praised, lept to “I can accept that terminology for “That Gonzales is fucking awesome.
of the early seventies thrilled to see the patron’s side, pen and self-portrait crab fishermen,” Gonzales conceded, What a throw.”
The Stony Brook Press Features 18

Man, Oh Man, It’s Man Man!

leased their first album, The Man in a paint, mimicking Man Man’s signature pop-influenced, band. After 2006’s Six
By Laura Cooper Blue Turban With a Face. stage presence and style. They also wear, Demon Bag (a title drawn from the film
It was upon the release of their sec- or draw on, moustaches, in tribute to Big Trouble in Little China), Man Man
earned recognition in the music com-
There aren’t many bands out on the munity, and this encouraged the record-
music scene today that can play “Don’t ing of their junior album, Rabbit Habits,
Worry, Be Happy,” on repeat more than which is to be released in the United
ten times, before their set, without half States on May 6.
the crowd walking out. However, not Given the new music they show-
many bands come close to having the cased at the Bowery Ballroom, it
intensely different sound of Philadel- seemed as if Man Man might be hold-
phia-based Man Man. ing on to that marketability that unex-
Described by as pectedly came from their sophomore
“witty” and “cerebral”, Man Man is album. Their songs still showcase
known for their particular brand of ex- “honky-tonk” piano styles and music
perimental gypsy rock, likened to made from everyday objects, such as
bizarre carnival music, and almost spoons. But, on this release, they make
vaudevillian form. their lyrics audible, even understand-
The band (consisting of four main able—something that Man Man fans
members, all of whom changed their don’t really expect.
Man on man.
names for the project) perform in war After what seemed like the hun-
paint and signature white outfits—often dredth time we’d all heard “Don’t
with neon sweatbands across their fore- Worry, Be Happy,” the crowd was
heads. ond album, Six Demon Bag, that the the song “10lb Moustache.” At this past singing along. The song stopped
“This is the only band that could band toured across the country—no- Thursday’s concert, fans turned the halfway, the crowd applauded, and the
pull this off,” said a concertgoer in re- tably, with the Fiery Furnaces. Their event into quite an experience, shaking song promptly started again.
sponse to the echoing choruses of music, though interestingly different the floor at the Bowery Ballroom Shortly after, the lights finally
“Don’t Worry, be Happy,” while juggling and diverse, seemed to catch advertiser’s enough that it could have collapsed. dimmed, and Sergei Sogay, Pow Pow,
his beer and pushing toward the stage, eyes—their song “10 lb Mustache” Adults threw themselves in the air, Critter Crat, Chang Wang and their
where an almost mosh-pit-like atmos- found its way into the background of a and crowd surfed into the dazed secu- main singer Honus Honus took the
phere had formed. Nike commercial. rity guards, who are used to the calm, stage before an enthused crowd. Beer
Man Man is often remembered as Man Man, like many extremely po- almost pleasant atmosphere which the flew into the air, bags were dropped and
the opening band for Modest Mouse’s larizing bands, has an interesting, yet Bowery Ballroom usually radiates. a crowd of people rushed the stage,
2007 tour, but the group has been mak- devoted, fan base. Fans come to con- Man Man is currently on tour with jumping frantically, as if they’d been set
ing music since 2004, when they re- certs wearing white outfits and war Yeasayer, another experimental, but on fire.

Wang Welcomes Wong’s Womanly Wonder

audience shifting in their seats and the performance, she urged (or, dare I Kristina, participated in a question and
By James Laudano nervously laughing. say, forced) the answer session regarding the central
Even when Wong audience to themes espoused in the show. The
sought to drive an im- stand up and panel served as a more stripped version
Kristina Wong wants to make you portant point or mes- sing “We Are of the performance, allowing Kristina
uncomfortable. After all, it’s when we’re sage home, she was able The World”, or and the audience to tackle some of the
uncomfortable that we really start to mix in a bit of light- chant an im- issues in a more direct fashion.
thinking. It was with this in mind that hearted humor, keeping provised song “It was amazing. The performance
she brought her one-woman show, the audience on their she cooked up just struck home so much,” said Yina
“Wong Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” toes and in anticipation during one of Chun, a sophomore and editor of the
to Stony Brook’s Wang Center on April of her next move. her more fre- Asian-American E-Zine here at Stony
10. Perhaps the most netic moments Brook, after the show. The rest of the
“Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo’s memorable aspect of on stage. This audience seemed to echo her senti-
Nest” is about the high rates of anxiety, her show was the way aggressive, in- ments.
depression and suicide among Asian- she kept the audience your-face style Kristina’s website, www.kristina-
American women. Described as involved in the flow and was a refresh-, serves as a venue for her
“swear-to-God-not-autobiographical,” narrative of the per- ing change booking, upcoming shows, blog and
the show is centered on Kristina’s pres- formance. Wong would from most similar. The layout and content of the
entation of why Asian-American stop her lesson-style shows and site follows the same sort of charming
women suffer from such issues and monologues to chat (or helped keep humor that made “Wong Flew Over the
what, if anything, can be done. Like sometimes argue) with the audience Cuckoo’s Nest” so appealing. Later in
many similar shows focusing on a dark a member of the audi- both engaged, April, Kristina will be performing in
subject, Kristina strives to raise aware- ence. (In fact, The Stony uncomfortable both Queens and Manhattan if you
ness and exercise the topic’s demons Brook Press’ own Arts and completely want to catch her. Dates and venues are
through comedy. Her humor is inva- Editor, Andrew Fraley, That yarn was soon thrown into the audience... aware of the available on her site. Either way, let’s
sive, yet, at its core, mostly innocent. was the target of one very serious hope that the next time she’s in the area
When explaining the concept of the cli- such tangent, in which Wong pleaded messages she presented. she pops in for a visit to Stony Brook
max of a dramatic story, she faked an with Fraley for the chance to touch his Following the performance, the au- and, once more, makes us uncomfort-
orgasm for a solid minute, leaving the “white-people” hair.) At other points in dience and three panelists, including able.
19 Features Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

What a Drag Show; Warning: Full of Innuendo

clapping and the performers skipping nitely the climax (seriously), and kudos gestures, they would find it necessary
By Doug Cion together and bopping their heads, this to Dick for being the first solo per- to bleep out the curse words of the
performance lubed up the audience for formance. No assistance was necessary. song. After Esinem, gangster, walked
the rest of the night. From there, Jay-X At the midpoint of the show, we met back to 8 Mile, Mixie returned to the
When I heard there was to be a drag and Heyonce Squared (a lineup which Marvin Zaas as Meatloaf and Ellen stage with Charlie for a steamy yet skill-
show happening in Tabler on April 10, consisted of one woman impersonating Damnation as that girl who sings with ful dance to “Hot Stuff.” In her cocktail
I figured that this would be a great op- Jay-Z and two men as Beyonce) did a Meatloaf. Their rendition of “Paradise dress and dancing shoes, Mixie whirled
portunity for me to get involved with mock performance of “Crazy in Love.” by the Dashboard Light” was pretty im- and twirled as Charlie did what every
the activities on campus. When I ar- It was quick, funny and it brought out pressive. Though it is a very long song man does when dancing: sat there and
rived at the Tabler Arts Center, a place the first drag queen performance. By (there were times where the perform- watched. (I am just kidding, Charlie.
I have never been before (I have passed including props like stripper poles, the ance was losing it) it was purposely cut The dance moves you showed were just
the dreaded steps many times but never performers in this act made sure the shorter, and that may have been re- as good.)
ventured up them), I knew I was in for After this, Richard Fitswell and Ta
something different. I am as straight as Quanda (from Heyonce Squared) came
they come, but I am all about one’s free- back on stage for another performance,
dom. For the members of the Lesbian, with Chris McFeeley, as they nailed the
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance Merry Men dance scene from Robin
(LGBTA) to have gotten people in- Hood: Men In Tights. Kudos to those
volved with their club and had fun who performed more than one scene—
doing it, I give them my utmost respect. especially Ta Quanda, who went on
The show, in fact, was something dif- with the show despite a “wardrobe mal-
ferent and quite enjoyable. The audi- function”.
ence laughed, clapped and danced Upon their exit, we were introduced
while the performers on stage truly to TheO, another solo act, set to the
brought a new meaning to the term ‘in- music of Barenaked Ladies. This per-
terpretive dance’. The end of the show formance was uplifting and more rock-
was the icing on the cake, when the out-with-a-certain-appendage-out.
people in the audience were invited on Though the title of the song was “It’s All
Alison Heunger
stage to flaunt their inner gay. How- Been Done,” this could have not been
ever, it seemed very fitting that the final more wrong. The show could have re-
act, which was the audience participa- mained entertaining for hours, but
tion was entitled “Sexy Party.” I have audience would remember their seg- sponsible for its success—that cutting, there are only so many LGBTA mem-
not attended a sexier party since the last ment. The third performance brought and Ellen having the biggest boobs out bers.
time I sat in front of my computer. out the Backdoor Boys and their rendi- of all the performers. (Yeah, I crossed It is after this performance when we
The show consisted of ten acts and tion of cheesy boy band choreography that line). got to the conclusion of the show, in
then the audience participation. The and goofy song lyrics. The energy and Now we come to my favorite per- which Alex is invited back on stage.
first thing I would like to bring to the enthusiasm of the lead “singer” of the formance of the night. Everyone loves Now, Alex had been walking around in
reader’s attention is the ability of the group brought excitement to the audi- a little Esinem, and I think the audience a trench coat all night. Could it have
Press’ Alex Nagler and his showman- ence, and the other four just made it loved his rendition of Eminem’s “Lose been that he had something special on
ship. Alex is a true showman. He en- sexy. Five girls dressed as the clichéd Yourself.” The lips were in sync with under it? Maybe it was the clean-
tertained the crowd as the crew was shaven legs that gave it away the sur-
setting up more chairs for the relentless prise for me—rather than Alex coming
flow of viewers, kept everyone’s spirits back on stage, the crowd was treated to
up and controlled the atmosphere of a cameo from Shirley Johnson. With
the audience. Let’s face it, the people Shirley controlling the crowd and all
who had come to the show knew what the performers back on the stage for
they were coming to see, but Alex made their curtain call, the Sexy Party had
sure everyone was prepped and ready begun.
to have fun. Upon Alex’s return to his Upon the conclusion of all the per-
original position as sound guy (he does formances members of the audience
it all), the two drag king MCs took over. were allowed to come on stage and
Overall, they did a bang-up job keeping show their stuff to Right Said Fred’s
the show going, as well as impersonat- “I’m Too Sexy.” When the song ends
ing men. Their jokes had their mo- the show is over right? In this case, not
ments, but when they started losing the if the LGBTA had anything to say about
audience, they promptly kept the show it. The humping party on stage contin-
moving and got to the performances. ued to the trance hit, Darude’s “Sand-
When they introduced the audience to storm.” This capped off a terrific and
Alison Heunger
the character of Mixie, to get the show entertaining show that was worth both
started, they delivered a taste of what to Shirley Johnson! Hot-cha-cha! of the two dollars I had donated. As the
expect. It created anticipation, which is humping party continued, I got up and
always a good thing. boy band members: this one was defi- the words, and the mimicked move- headed towards the exit. As I pro-
The first performance was one of nitely one of my favorites. It was after ments really embodied he who is the ceeded to leave the Arts Center, I
the best of the night. They kicked the this performance that we were intro- rapper known as Marshal Mathers. thought to myself, “What a world we
show off right, with an A Night at the duced to Richard (“Dick” for short) The black eye was extensive—however, live in. What a perfect time to be un-
Roxbury parody by David and Michael- Fitswell. Dressed like your typical R&B it sealed the deal and made this act my sure of one’s sexuality, to be confused or
mangelo. Dressed in sporty shorts and singer, Dick unbuckled the belt holding favorite. The point I would like to to be worried about acceptance.” There
a batman t-shirt, they made a gayer up the pants containing the audience’s make about this segment, though, is is always someone out there who is
Batman than Joel Schumacher could heart. Though it did have some dull that I find it quite amusing that in a available to help and who knows what
have ever created. With the audience moments, the shooting star was defi- show full of sexual innuendo and crude it’s like. Great job, LGBTA!
20 Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

arts&entertainment Arts Calendar

Made: Kentucky Colonel
4/22, 10:00pm, MTV

Proof of Evolution
Mac, as well as other platforms such as be changing. Even though the overall tone kept a mystery to the public. Much like
By Jonathan Pu handhelds and cell phones. At a recent I- might stay the same, there’s no strict pat- the other designers for creatures and ar-
Con seminar on Spore, some details re- tern that’s adhered to. Rather, the music chitecture, the spaceship builder is
cently kept under wraps were revealed to will be constantly generated and you will freeform enough to let you build pretty
Spore is proof of evolution. That’s a small audience. The two main features much anything you want and then to
right. Spore. It’s an interaction simulation discussed were the music system in Spore color it any colors you desire. In the power
that shows the progression of species as and the spaceship designers. point presentation, we were shown a few
they start in tide pools, grow limbs (or Spore’s music system is as unique as the of the spaceships, of which included a
not) to climb onto land, form tribal exis- game itself. Unlike most games, Spore’s Nintendo GameCube shaped ship. I guess
tences, build up civilizations, and then fi- music will be, more or less, completely with the Wii taking over the GameCube’s
nally blow up other planets. randomly generated. The music system functionality, it seemed only proper to
I really hope you didn’t believe a word will key into certain aspects of your style give it some other role.
of that first paragraph because if you ever of play to generate music that best fits the If you’ve seen any other Spore pre-
wrote a thesis saying that Spore proved culture of the creatures you create. Say you views, you already know how exciting this
Darwin’s theories, society would shun make a militaristic society. Your species game is without the two aspects I just
you, your family and anybody else asso- will be very rigid in their movements and briefly went over. However, if you haven’t,
ciated with you. the layout of cities will reflect this with it’s about time to check it out, seeing as the
Honestly though, Spore’s a game cur- straight roads. However, the music will game’s been in the works for years now.
rently in development, and has been in key into this as well and align itself to pretty much never hear the same thing Expect a revolutionary evolution this Sep-
production for a long while now. It’s more of a marching beat with a strict tone twice. tember 7 for PC and Mac gamers (pfft, a
planned for plenty of platforms including to it. Also, unlike what’s been come to be The spaceship designer was also a big Mac gamer?!) with the title coming to
the standard slew of consoles, the PC and expected, the music in Spore will always part of the presentation as it was mostly other platforms shortly thereafter.

Panic at the Disco Playing w/ Punctuation

complete songs…There was never a de- for Panic, it is almost impossible to ig- bit of a throwback to the 60’s style of the
By Kelly Yu cision to just start completely over. We nore the influences of the Beatles strung Beatles.
just said we were going to start writing throughout the album. I’m flattering the However, the greatest surprise
songs that we wanted to write.” The first band, but this sound wasn’t what they was that Brandon Urie is not the only
It seems that emo kids do have song they wrote after scrapping the first were going for: guitarist Ryan Ross said vocalist on this album. All four band
something to fear from Panic at members took part in different in-
the Disco’s sophomore album, struments and vocals on Pretty.
Pretty. Odd., released March 25. Odd. However, it was refreshing to
The band, once known for their hear guitarist Ryan Ross singing his
hard beat, techno undertone and own songs. Like Pete Wentz in Fall
circus theme, has emerged from Out Boy, Ryan Ross is one part lyri-
their three years of song writing cist and one part singer. This album
with a new and more mature is a huge collaboration from a
sound from their first release A (somewhat) still new band trying to
Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. If find their feet in this complex
you’re expecting to hear another genre.
“I Write Sins Not Tragedies” bit, So, if you’re looking for
you’re going to be surprised. Panic! At the Disco, they left with
Panic has replaced their long their last album. They have
winded song titles with shorter, dropped the exclamation point
more symbolic, names, as well as from their name, claiming that it
Lewis Carroll references. The wasn’t really intended to be there,
techno beats have become but was an add-on from fans that
melodic brass and string lines they decided to adapt to. This new
running with the chorus. Some- Panic at the Disco has found their
what angry and vengeful lyrics mellow sound as well as a different
have been replaced with hopeful performance style. If you are plan-
and positive messages about— ning to see them headline the
what else—life. So, what led to Honda Civic Tour this spring with
this drastically different album? Phantom Planet, The Hush Sound
What started in a Cali- and Motion City Soundtrack, ex-
fornia cabin in early 2007, ended pect fewer contortionists and tra-
in the famous British recording peze artists and, instead, a more
studio, Abbey Road. As initially down to earth, acoustic guitar ses-
conceived, the sophomore album sion. Fans shouldn’t worry, though.
would have followed one consis- As singer Brandon Urie sings on
tent story throughout. In July 2007, the concept became the album’s original in an interview that although they all do their first track, “We’re So Starving”,
band decided that this concept was too single, “Nine in the Afternoon.” After love The Beatles, he felt that they were “You don’t have to worry because we’re
constraining and started from scratch. the change, the creative freedom felt doing what was right for each song. The still the same band.”
Bass Guitarist Jon Walker said, in an right, and they continued to write eight upbeat retro sounds of specific songs
MTVU interview, “The problem with more songs for the album in six weeks. such as “When the Sun Met the Night”
that stuff is that there weren’t any real Although this is a new sound and “She Had the World” seem to be a
The Stony Brook Press Porn 21

Frosty Finish 2
Studio: Vouyer Media exceptional camerawork, director stead of busying herself with house- tion. She performs very well and only
Director: Donnie Cabo Donnie Cabo rises to the occasion and hold chores. Her punishment includes adds to the fun, begging the question:
Cast: Crissy Moon, Faye Valentine, saves this particular film from being being doused with seven hefty loads of What’s not to like about this film?
Heidi Brooks, Misti Love, Mya Lu- lost in the industry clutter. To keep cum, which was a true sight to see.
anna, Nadia Nitro Nikky Lov things interesting, Cabo throws a few The highlight of Frosty Finish 2,
Genre(s): Blowjobs, Cumshots, Group noteworthy plot devices into the mix however, would have to be Faye Valen-
Sex, Toys and the inclusion of the occasional toy tine’s performance. At the start of the
Condoms: No added a little spice and made for some scene the cameraman finds fifteen
excellent film segments when vaginal very eager men ready to give it their
The good folks at Vouyer Media penetration became common. best. The guys are shown sitting
have done an excellent job in bringing Actresses Crissy Moon and Nikky around a table and talking about how
us a hot and nubile cast of starlets Lov show us that they’ve got the goods they’d like to get fucked and sucked,
whose lustful appetites and combined and offer brilliant on-screen perform- and Ms. Valentine conveniently shows
enthusiasm make this flick stand out ances. Moon is a delight and provides up to greet them. The beginning of the
against a score of similar titles. us with the film’s opening scene. This shooting was a little slow-moving, as it
Frosty Finish 2 possesses the stan- vivacious 22-year-old brunette enters took our starlet ten minutes to round
dard formula responsible for making the set dressed in pink looking eager the room and give each cock her at-
successes out of other films associated to get to work. Luckily for her, there tention. This vignette was a long one,
with the genre. Each vignette begins are four throbbing cocks primed for and if you’re into oral action, then look
with the casual introduction of its star- sucking in the next room. Any inno- no further. At the end of the scene,
let, who then finds herself administer- cence is cast aside once Moon starts Valentine sits and anxiously waits for a
ing countless blowjobs before ending gulping down dicks like a pro. few servings of cum. She ends up get-
the scene with one hell of a messy fa- Throughout the course of servicing ting completely wrecked, dripping
cial. What makes this film different her horny male actors, Moon is caught with semen well into the close of her
however, is its superb production getting fucked with a large rubber spot.
quality. Often times blow bang films dildo before her companions treat her Bonus material includes some be-
take on an amateurish feel and lack the to some baby batter, leaving her face hind-the-scenes footage, a great photo
excellence needed to merit a memo- completely covered by the end of the gallery, and, to my amazement, an ad-
rable viewing experience. Thankfully, scene. Later, the beautiful Nikky Lov ditional vignette! This delightful sur-
this isn’t the case with Frosty Finish 2. is introduced as a Russian maid who prise features Mya Luanna, a smoking
Due to his attention to detail and decides on chatting on the phone in- hot Asian with a body built to perfec-

Love At 1st Fuck 2

Title: Love At 1st Fuck 2 gish performances during their vi- to the action, much less maintain an light on bonus features. There’s a be-
Studio: Red Light District gnettes. Cover girl Nadia Nitro’s less- erection. hind-the-scenes, a cumshot recap, and
Director: John Strong than-stellar acting is a testament to On the other hand, though, Tris- a drab photo gallery worthy of a few
Cast: Harley, Nadia Nitro, Mike Long, that fact, and her boredom with her tan, who stars opposite John Strong in yawns, but that’s it.
Tristan, Jaelyn Fox, Marina Mae, partner was increasingly apparent well scene two, puts on a fairly good per-
Marly Jane, Michael Stefano into the start of her scene. formance. There was plenty of oral,
Genre(s): Blowjobs, Cumshots, Marly Jane and Marina Mae’s per- and John ran Tristan through several
Gonzo, Straight formances were equally terrible. Marly sexual positions within a short period
Condoms: No shows up wearing a fishnet top and of time for the sake of keeping things
pink hot pants and due to what ap- interesting. At some point during the
Interest in a sequel is usually gen- pears to be a grooming error, her scene, he even asked her where she’d
erated as a result of the success of the poorly done eyebrows make her look like him to put his dick. A prompt re-
film that precedes it. In porn, this idea unintentionally surprised throughout sponse on the part of our starlet led to
can easily be disregarded, especially the entire scene. If that’s not bad a little doggie, which made for some
when dealing with gonzo films, which enough, Marly has the habit of making excellent viewing. You could see waves
lack plot and meaningful story dia- gorilla faces when she gives head. Ob- of pleasure crashing over Tristan,
logue. When it comes to quality how- viously, this scene is definitely worth whose involvement in the scene was
ever, I can’t help but feel that the skipping over. Meanwhile, Marina genuine and incredibly sexy.
second installment in the Love At 1st Mae has a face that could stop Man- Overall, Love At 1st Fuck 2 was
Fuck series comes up short when com- hattan traffic. Sure, she has a slam- painfully mediocre. There were few
pared to the original. ming body and her abundant exceptional performances, and the ac-
Among the starlets featured in this enthusiasm and dirty talk makes the tion on the DVD was pretty bland.
film, few are attractive, and those who sex intense in her scene. Yet, when the Like many of the other titles released
lucked out in the looks department camera was fixed on her mug, it was by Red Light District, this flick came
gave minimal effort and put on slug- ridiculously difficult to pay attention up a little empty and was significantly
22 Video Games Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

While it may be a year old, I doubt no one was willing to admit they were Call of Duty 4. That’s not to say Viva The Sims was that it was hard to gauge
anyone at Rare is complaining about an- wrong. Piñata isn’t without its own brand of ir- what made them happy or why bad
other Viva Piñata review. Positive or The only reason I have the game is reverence. Most of the basic gameplay things were happening. What Viva
not, any exposure to Microsoft’s 2006 because when my Xbox self-destructed is tame; breeding piñatas is referred to Piñata lacks in random unwanted bull-
flagship failure is going to be good at for the sixth goddamn time, Microsoft as “romancing,” and the actual sex is shit happening constantly it makes up
this point. Viva Piñata was billed as the was kind enough to offer me a free nothing more than a simple minigame for in sheer content.
premiere family title for the Xbox 360 game. My options were Project Gotham and a video of two piñatas dancing From the opening tutorial to my last
in holiday ‘06, set up alongside Gears of Racing 3 (I already owned PGR4), (after which an egg is delivered by a five-hour marathon session, Viva
War (of all things) in their first-party Kameo (Rare’s mediocre 360 launch weird fat lady). However, I doubt I’ve Piñata consistently doled out new con-
lineup. It previewed poorly in the platformer, and another reason to pre- got many parents reading this, so I’ll let tent. Each step of progression is
months before its release, with poor hate VP) and Viva Piñata. When I chose you in on how far down the Bunny- awarded with another layer of gameplay
frame rates and oddball gameplay mak- Viva, John Smith from India told me, comb hole goes. or new piñata species. Depending on
ing it a hard sell. Despite great reviews “You know that’s a kid’s game, right?” The helper characters are where the your pace, I’d say there’s between 30 and
and some brilliant advertising, it was a You can’t even outsource to fucking game presents much of the humor that 50 hours of refreshing content, and if
market disaster. The next year, a sepa- South Asia without coming across nay- will fly well over most kid’s heads. you attempt to accomplish every goal
rate developer slapped together Viva sayers. But I suppose when the build- While your garden is filled with inno- the game throws at you, you’re looking
Piñata Party Animals, a Wii-esque ing they work in was constructed out of cent and colorful piñatas, the shops are at hundreds of hours. Again, it all comes
shovelware party game that more than unsold copies of the game, they’re en- full of dirty humans. A woman named down to how you play. One person may
likely sealed the coffin on the VP license couraged to turn people away. Costolot runs the item shop, and as her choose to focus on a small number of
forever. piñatas, naming and accessorizing
We all know the 360 is a mancrafted them, sending them away to parties,
piece of manliness. Especially in that and evolving them into new forms. An-
year when almost everyone played other may set up elaborate breeding
Gears of War, a game about shooting camps, detaching themselves from
your way through grey town and brown these virtual pets and breeding as many
town and chainsawing monsters in as they can to sell off and reach the level
half. I was guilty of matching the 18-24- of “master romancer.”
year-old Shooter McBulletsmith demo- Yet, possibly the most brilliant as-
graphic as well. Nearly everyone with a pect of Viva Piñata is that, as cold and
360 was enamored with Epic’s lowest calculated as you may choose to play it,
common denominator adventure. Don’t not only will it stay consistently fun, but
get me wrong, Gears was fun, but it it’s also going to get you at some point.
was stupid, it lacked art direction, sto- Okay, so I still haven’t said what the name states, she is a greedy, chocolate In my case, I’d finished breeding Fudge-
rytelling, and a third of the five-hour game is, so let’s get into it. Viva Piñata coin-hungry wench. She’s also sugges- hogs and reached master level for that
campaign was abysmal. And now when combines the cultivation and develop- tive. One of her recurring lines as you species. I sold off all of them but my
I look back, having played both, it puts ment aspects of life simulators like The enter the shop is, “Are you looking for first one, and decided to name it and
some perspective on how unfortunate Sims or Rollercoaster Tycoon with the something seedy? Oh, I didn’t mean dress it up in a pirate hat and hand
Viva Piñata’s failure was. discovery and collection elements of like that.” You know there’s some “ro- cuffs. (The accessories are out there.)
A year later, the 360 hasn’t ex- Pokemon, a dab of RPG-style quest- mancing” going on in that store after But Sonic the Fudgehog wasn’t happy,
panded it’s demographic. Now, rather ing/leveling, and brilliantly colorful, hours. and eventually no amount of joy candy
than shoot ugly grey mole people, we clean, timeless graphics. It’s all of these Willy Builder is the shop owner in could cheer him up. He became so de-
shoot terrorists and purple aliens. It’s things, or it’s only some of them. You charge of building the various sex pressed that he stormed out of my gar-
not necessarily a bad thing, as some of start with a small junkyard, and after shacks you need to get your piñata den singing Dashboard Confessional,
the bigger games of 2007 pushed differ- the tutorial section in which you clean it breeding mill running. He’s a drunk and I never saw him again. It was a de-
ent genres (Mass Effect), told real stories up and start your garden, the game is who shows up to work late, overcharges, pressing moment, but it also amazed me
(Bioshock), or even just added a few col- what you make of it. and only eats bacon sandwiches. He’s that I’d grown somewhat attached to
ors beyond grey and brown to the As you develop your garden, it be- basically the stereotypical construction this virtual creature.
shooter palette (Halo 3). However, Mi- comes an inviting area for the various worker, except he nurses pints of milk. Viva Piñata may be a hard sell, but I
crosoft has yet to come back to the fam- piñata species in the area. In this game, Leafos, the first of the humans you think anyone can get hooked on it. I had
ily demographic in the same way it did you play the role of the omnipresent come across, seems innocent enough. it for a few months before I even both-
with VP. In fact, I’d go as far as saying cursor that, armed with a shovel, water- However even she falls prey to typical ered to open it, and over a year after its
that there hasn’t been anything like ing can, and bag of seeds, sets out to be- human weakness, spreading gossip and release, it feels refreshing and brand
Viva Piñata this console generation. come the best gardener on Piñata false rumors and leading you down new. I can’t recommend it enough.
So what is it? Well, that’s where this Island. There’s more to the story, which dead ends. What does it all mean? Tracking down a copy shouldn’t be
review gets difficult. I can go on and on you unlock over time through a story- There’s definitely a bit of social com- hard, and you should be able to find it
about its market failings, and how un- book, but the lore of VP is ancillary, and mentary going on here. for a mere $10-20. I’d easily have paid
fortunate it is that this gem got cast I mostly ignored it. The real plot is your All the while your innocent stable of full price for Rare’s masterpiece, and I
aside, but the reality is the game is hard experiences and what you take away piñatas go about their predictable daily honestly wish I’d bought it back then
to quantify. Not only that, but at first from it. lives. One of the great things about the and never gave Gears of War a passing
glance it looks fucking dumb. Everyone Now, if I haven’t lost you already on game is that while there are many com- glance.
in the game journalism community that last paragraph, I understand I’m plicated aspects to the piñatas, they’re
seemed to take it at that basic face value probably not selling many of you. Un- consistent. A BarkBark is always going For questions, comments, or if you’d
until it came out. When the pessimistic derstand that, while there’s truly mass to start a fight with a KittyFloss, a Lick- like to trade a Roario for a Chewnicorn,
previews ceased and the glowing re- appeal in this game, it is a family game, atoad is going to eat a Taffly, and an Ele- email me at
views started coming in, it was already after all. If Pixar movies make you phanilla will accidentally trample
too late; the real coverage died out, and cringe, then I’d probably just go back to smaller piñatas. Part of my hatred of
The Stony Brook Press I-Con 23

Ode to an I-Con
when Mom came in with an ice pack, I a sealed copy of Bible Black and a pin pink donkey—not my type, but she was
By Zack Fair could see her hesitate. The wall scrolls bearing the image of Knuckles the still a fine piece of ass. I choked, as I
dripped with humidity, but my rig ran Echidna. I checked up on my guild in glimpsed, to my right, a sweet Amy
cool with quad core processors and one of the computer labs, and then, Rose. Oh, how I’d love to cream in her
For three weeks, I toiled away in my four gigs of RAM. My mom sprayed after a few sticks of Pocky, I was ready rabbit. A single tear fell from my face as
room. Sweat-stained Hanes contained me down with Febreze, and the cool to head out. I saw her arms around Sonic, and in
rolls I had been trying to get down. touch of the ice pack on my back I-Con—my time to party—anime lonely frustration, I ran out. I wan-
The diet of McDonald’s number two warmed my black heart. dance party. I passed out from an dered the endless tunnels for hours,
meals and Taco Bell’s chalupas did not If only I could find a woman like my overzealous fog machine and the sweet chaffing in every crevice of my fur suit.
help, but while I bookmarked Goons mom at this con. I imagined meeting a stench of 5,000 pounds of nerd in the At last I found a ladder out.
with Spoons, running a guild takes up Yuna or Tifa while my mom massaged room. My last vision was of an over- A group of students suddenly sur-
too much time to cook like that sweet the small of my back, and the touch of weight Edea Kramer as I hit the ground round me. Pink collared shirts and gel-
Rachel Ray. I was up all night on my a woman stretches my Hanes ever so and felt my Garnier Manga Head hair laced hair contrast with giant muscular
seventh bottle of Bawls, cardboard and little. When she left, I browsed through spikes stab into my temple. physiques. They tore off my mask and
duct tape strewn all over the room. My the Deviant Art for FFX-2 hentai and I awoke in a secret den of furries. A asked me what I was supposed to be,
costume would be the star of the show. made a deposit into an empty Mc- fox and a horse told me to drink down and when they noticed my suit’s glory
Sure, there’d be plenty of Clouds, but Nugget box. The image of three cactu- some Red Bull, and like the recipient of hole they beated on me like a meat
Zack cosplayers? (Cosplayers dress up ars penetrating Yuffie from every a Phoenix Down, I was alive again. I piñata. A blow to the head sends me
as their favorite character from car- direction left my mind as I unstuck my- saw steam pipes all around me, alas, the reeling, and the last thing I see is a
toons or video games) No, I’d be the self from the chair and return to my furry underground I-Con lair! I real- white light and Sephiroth reaching out
only one, seducing all the con honeys work. ized my Zack costume is gone and re- for my hand.
with my forty-eight-inch Buster Sword. A few days later, I found myself placed with a Knuckles suit.
I pulled a muscle in my back measur- amongst my kind, in my element. I ex- The room was stale with the stink of
ing out the sword to perfection, and plored the Dealers Room and picked up yiffing. I looked to my left and saw a

Billy West came I-Con and did funny voices.

Just because you didn’t get to go to I-Con
or didn’t attend his panel doesn’t mean you
have to miss what he said.
Go to
and check out what Fry, Zoidberg, Ren,
Stimpy, and Doug had to say about them
selves, the process, and Billy West.
24 I-Con Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

By Tia Mansouri

In this New York Magazine-inspired

feature, we talk to some of the colorful folks
that one would normally see at I-CON.
Many of them cosplay, meaning they dress
like characters from their favorite shows,
video games and what-have-you. At I-
CON, almost anything goes.

Liz, Maria, Sheena, Keith;

•So, who are all you guys?
Zelda, Sprite, Link, Ganon, from the 1989
Legend of Zelda cartoon.

•Why cosplay characters from the old car-

The cartoon has a certain nostalgia; we all
grew up in the 80’s, so it’s special to us. No
one else has ever done these costumes, ei-
ther. The simple costumes gave us a lot of

•How long did it take you to do your

makeup, Ganon?
Two hours.

Courtney Hume,
C osplayer
•Who are you?
Prince of Katamari.

•What do you do?

I make stars in the sky.

•What’s the big gest thing you’ve ever

The Sun, in [the video game] We Love

•How long did it take you to look like this?

Weeks of working until four in the morn-
ing every night.

•What do you think of your dad’s awfully

tight pants?
He embarrasses me.

•Would you say you have daddy issues?

I don’t think so. I like my mom more than
my dad, and wish she got more airtime. I
love my cousins, too!
The Stony Brook Press I-Con 25

Platypus Guy,
Yearly Attendee
•How many years have you been coming
to I-CON?
This will be my twenty-first time.

•What’s up with the platypus?

It’s just a silly thing I do every year. People
want to take pictures with the platypus.

•Why is Cthulhu on your head?

Because his legs are too short to walk.

•As a veteran, what do you t hink of I-

CON moving?
It’s been a long time coming. Maybe it will
breathe new life into it. I mean, I met my
wife here twenty years ago, it’s a great ex-

•What’s the platypus’ name?

Pookah. He says, “hai!” [in platypus voice]

Jessie Pridemore,
Who are you?
Robin, from Witch Hunter Robin [anime].

Why choose Robin?

I like her character, and it’s an easy outfit to make.

Do you cosplay a lot?

More than I should.

Have you ever been hit on at one of these [conventions]?

Yes. Many times.

Any parting messages?

Do what you love.
26 I-Con Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Film and T.V. Legend Ernie Hudson Arrives at I-Con

the ice, as he leaned back in his chair Space Hunter. That long silence down wide total of $215,500,000, the second
By Najib Aminy and raised his feet onto a table. Hudson the elevator [was broken when Ivan eclipsed that with $291,632,124.
was asked many questions that resulted said] he was doing a project called Hudson was very nonchalant in de-
in him talking about everything from Ghostbusters. But he said there was scribing his role in the movie, simply
To the person who dislikes anime, being a ghost buster to his view on reli- nothing for me. I am like ‘Ok, whatever.’ saying that he was just an actor. “It is
science fiction and costume fornication, gion, as well as the heroes he looks up But then I found out there was a part for very hard for any actor to understand
I-Con is not the place to be. With hun- to. me.” So Hudson tried out for the role, his place in all this and ask, ‘How pop-
dreds of peculiar fans dressing up as Hudson explained that it was an el- after two months of trying to set an in- ular am I? Am I more popular then this
their beloved characters, it appeared as evator talk that introduced him to the terview, and took part in one of the actor or that actor?’ To me, it is just a
though Hallowe’en came early this year. movie Ghostbusters. “I was on an eleva- greatest movies in American cinematic job; that is what it really is. None of it
However, amid the sword-dueling nin- tor and Ivan Re- history. has really been life-changing.” Hudson
jas, the medieval women and—yes— itman got When asked if he failed to ini- went on to explain that he was very for-
Moses, there was one of American on. He tially appreciate the tremendous tunate, also saying that it was a blessing
culture’s greatest supernatural fighting produced success of the movie, Hudson to still be working after so many years
legends, Ernie Hudson, the ghost a movie I said, “No, no. I think I appreci- of acting. When asked if he still believes
buster. d i d ated it. I think when the movie in “UFOs, astral projections, mental
Entering the athletic complex, my called first came out, it was so huge, telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit pho-
eyes opened to a world of devotion and and I really expected certain tography, telekinetic movement, full-
extremism with which I was unfamiliar. things to happen. And it took trance mediums, the Loch Ness
One could say that those who dress up me a while to realize that, you monster and the theory of Atlantis,”
for I-Con are similar to the fans who know, it’s never going to be what Hudson replied just like he did in the
paint their chests at sporting events; re- you think it is, so drop your ex- movie twenty-four years ago. “If there is
gardless of this conjecture, my one pur- pectations. It’s all good.” The a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe in
pose in attending this carnival of movies were huge; according to anything.”
eccentricity was to meet the man who, while the Hudson also joked when asked
defeated the Stay Puft Marshmallow first Ghostbusters about being so mellow. “Yeah, after you
Man—the man who had slain an army grossed a go through Ghostbusters and all that
of diamond-protecting animated world- disappointment, then you learn how to
chimps and a hippo—the man who was go, ‘You know what? Hey, whatever.’ You
a detective in a neighborhood of sexu- survive that. You just go, ‘Hey, what-
ally frustrated housewives. ever.’” Clearly joking, Hudson created
Walking down the stairs, I was a placid feeling in the room, as he
a bit star-struck when I saw Ernie was so calm and friendly.
Hudson for the first time. I was When asked about the Statue
surprised to see the sixty-three- of Liberty scene in Ghostbusters
year-old legend signing auto- II, Hudson talked about how
graphs and greeting fans as if many members of the cast felt
they were old acquaintances. honored to be filming at Ellis
Ernie Hudson is well known Island. He said that many
for playing Winston Zedde- people were excited, as
more in Ghostbusters I and their grandparents had
II, Sergeant Albrecht in come here many years
The Crow, Captain ago. “I was like, ‘my
Munro in Congo and grandparents didn’t
Detective Ridley in stop at Ellis Island.’ I
the popular Desperate knew what it was
Housewives. As I about, but part of
learned later on, dur- me was like, ‘hell
ing a question-and- naw!’” Hudson
answer session Hudson then talked about tak-
held, this ghost buster ing his kids to the
was one cool character, Statue of Liberty.
on and off the set. What was supposed
Hudson entered to be a homecoming
the room with a swag- for Hudson turned
ger that boasted a re- sour as a fan recog-
served, yet friendly, nized the famous
manner. “So, yeah…what’s ghost buster and made
up,” asked Hudson, breaking sure everyone on the
ferry ride to Ellis Island
The Stony Brook Press I-Con 27

something going on—something intu- His upcoming movies include The Man
itive. You can deny it, but you know in the Silo, which will come out later this
there is something beyond this physical year, and Dragonball, based on the car-
thing.” toon show DragonBall Z. Hudson col-
The heroes Hudson looks up to are laborated with his Ghostbusters costars
the people who are always there: the av- to make the eponymous video game,
erage guy who does what he has to do which is due to come out later this year,
to get by. “The guy who gets up and and which was named one of the years’
goes to work and takes care of his fam- most-anticipated video games accord-
ily, and then his kid, at eighteen, says ing to Image Games Network (IGN).
‘fuck you, Dad!” He laughed and went To meet an actor—it is ok. To meet a
on to say, “Or the guy with the wife who movie star—it is a little better. To meet
says, ‘I should’ve done this and this and a person who is just so cool and content
this’—just the guy who shows up. Not with life as a whole—it is rewarding.
the guy who just goes and gets some Ernie Hudson is more than a ghost
cigarettes and you never see him.” buster—he is an inspiration; the epit-
Hudson spoke about how he wished ome of coolness.
for people to value
knew about it. In fact, as the boat I never look at a character like, ‘oh, themselves. “I wish peo-
docked, the ecstatic patron made sure thank God, they have a black character.’ ple really got how spe-
everyone at the docks knew as well. “So I am always happy to play a black char- cial they are and that
I never left the dock, and my wife took acter because I always have a shot at a they didn’t feel they had
the kids to see the Statue of Liberty. So job.” to do something to earn
we don’t talk about that,” said Hudson, Somehow, religion was brought into that.” It is a problem he
laughing. the conversation, and Hudson revealed has experienced with
Asked about being the token his beliefs on sin. “The thing about reli- his friends and many of
black ghost buster, Hudson replied that gion is the sin thing, and I am like, ‘why the people with whom
he was not too fazed by it. “I think it is don’t we drop the whole sin thing and he has dealt. “You don’t
important for movies to reflect the so- replace it with mistakes?’ I work in a have to earn it, it is al-
ciety that we are a part of. It annoys the business where we can do a lot of takes, ready there. But it is not
hell out of me—like Woody Allen and if it doesn’t work, we can forget there unless you see it.
movies (and I like Woody Allen)—but ‘bout it. Just do it over again.” Hudson Once you see it, then
it was like, ‘What New York is that? said he believes in a superior being but you don’t have to worry
There are no black people, Hispanics or does not invest too much into it. As he about taking anything
Asians,” said Hudson. He then went on says, “We all sense something greater from anybody else to
to joke about black characters who than what we see. There is something make you whole.”
seem to be included purely for the ap- along the lines of what we don’t know. Hudson has a few
pearance of sensitivity to race-con- The end of the world, and God appear- films coming out, as
sciousness, saying, “I think it’s great, but ing—even if we don’t believe it, there is well as a video game.

Clockwise from opposite

a) Ernie chills with Press
Editor Najib Aminy.
b) e Ghostbusters T-
shirt Ernie signed for e
c) Ernie as the ultra-
badass Munroe Kelley, in
the 1995 movie Congo.
d) Not e Real Ghost-

I-Con Layout by
David K. Ginn
28 Comics Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007
The Stony Brook Press Comics 29
The Stony Brook Press 30
Undemocratic Corporate Globalization
It is no secret cate General of the U.S. Navy has the Bush ad-
that the Council stated, “The main purpose of the m i n i s t r at i on
on Foreign Rela- Council on Foreign Relations in pro- talk about is
tions (CFR), set up moting the disarmament of U.S. sover- our “security.”
by globalist king- eignty and national independence and So instead,
pin David Rocke- submergence into an all powerful, one they’ve decided
feller, exists to world government. Once the ruling to take away
JOHN push for a world members of the CFR...have decided our Constitu-
MARTELL government. Car- that the U.S. Government should adopt tional rights.
roll Quigley, men- a particular policy...the very substantial The Bush ad-
tor to Bill Clinton and member of CFR, research facilities of the CFR are put to m i n i s t r at i on
says himself, “The Council on Foreign work to develop arguments, intellectual has signed
Relations...believes national boundaries and emotional, to support the new pol- agreements at
should be obliterated and one-world icy and to confound and discredit, in- the Security
rule established.” In an effort to make tellectually and political, any and Prosperity
this a reality, they have used incremen- opposition.” and Partner-
talism as a way to gain gradual accept- Corporations have influence or con- ship meetings
ance of their plans. trol over all the Presidential candidates, that are physi-
The first step, with the European Congress, and the mainstream media. cally creating a
Union, and now North America, was It is the corporate goal to accelerate the North Ameri-
trade blocs, then misnamed protec- flow of both cargo and people across can Union
tionist “free trade” zones, then the this country’s Northern and Southern under our eyes,
physical merging of key infrastructure - borders. They want an international all without
military, legislative, and other bodies. NAFTA superhighway even if it means public dis-
This whole process is done with a blind using eminent domain to steal people’s course or open
eye from Congress and the mainstream ranches and farmland. Another dream debate.
media, with the exception of CNN’s is to have a workforce consisting com- Despite
Lou Dobbs. It is also being done with pletely of illegal immigrants who they their name, the
the full approval of all the Presidential can underpay off the books and save North Ameri-
Candidates of both major political par- money on wages, taxes, and benefits. can Free Trade
ties, with the exception of Ron Paul. Their goals are sadly being accom- Agreement and the NAU - just like the tional government started with the Eu-
CFR President Richard Haass be- plished as the Bush administration fails EU are not free market institutions. ropean Union....and now a European
lieves “states would be wise to weaken to enforce this country’s border laws, They are protectionist communities Parliament that is feverishly passing
sovereignty in order to protect them- even in the wake of 9-11 and terrorist who compete with other trade blocs laws that override the laws of the mem-
selves,” and that “Globalization thus threats. like the European Union and soon-to- ber nations...a [European] constitution
implies that sovereignty...needs to be- We’ve had a record three million il- be Asian-Pacific Union. While tooted was drafted but rejected by many mem-
come weaker.” Admiral Chester Ward, legal immigrants migrate into this as free market to get the approval of ber nations. Never mind, they imple-
former CFR member and Judge Advo- country in the last year, yet all you hear conservatives, the NAU is anything but mented it anyway. Now its North
a free market. In America’s turn....the President has at-
laisez-faire eco- tended secret meetings and signed at
nomics, no institu- least two agreements. Money from our
tions exist to treasury is being spent [to create] a new
hinder the free flow currency, the Amero, and a new Con-
of goods from one stitution, modeled after the Soviet
place to another. Union’s Constitution…Our rights will
The NAU, like the not be inalienable but they will be
EU, would have an granted by government, who can also
external tariff, take them away. You will have a [North
making imported American] ID Card with a Radio Fre-
goods more expen- quency Identification Chip in it.” -Stan
sive and hurting Jones, U.S. Senate Candidate, Libertar-
the free choice of ian Montana
the consumer, in It is important to note that
order for govern- every Presidential candidate (besides
ments and corpora- Ron Paul) is a CFR member, the Oba-
tions to generate mas, John Edwards, and the Clintons
enormous profits. included. A Democratic Party admin-
“The secret or- istration will not save us from the on-
ganizations of the coming but not inevitable North
world power elite American Union. It is not inevitable if
are no longer se- we join the informed uprising – the
cret. They have “Ron Paul Revolution” of people who
planned and are will not simply demand but physically
now leading us into become the leaders who will adhere to
a one-world Com- the Constitution and who will swear an
munist govern- oath to protect National Sovereignty,
ment. The and of course never join the CFR and
combining of na- reject its undemocratic goals.
31 Sports! (Except the Sucksketball Mutes) Vol. XXIX, Issue 12 | Wednesday, April 16, 2007

Men’s Lacrosse Spears Hartford

On Saturday April 12, the men’s worked together
Najib Aminy lacrosse team looked to increase their along with their
conference record with another win team to outscore
against the defeated Hartford Hawks, the Hartford
After losing a close conference who have yet to record any wins for the Hawks 5-0 in the
game to the University of Maryland, season. As the twilight sky lit the sta- fourth quarter,
Baltimore County, the Stony Brook dium, the Seawolves were, surprisingly, preserving the
Men’s Lacrosse team bounced back, fighting off a possible upset by the Hart- win.
winning two conference games against ford Hawks. The Hawks kept the game Sophomore
Vermont and Hartford, 13-9 and 11-7 very close, only to fall behind on a 5-0 defenseman
respectively. run in the fourth quarter. Steven Waldeck
The majority (Levittown, NY)
of the game was a and Senior de-
back and forth tug of fenseman Nick
war between both Maturro (West
teams, in which de- Islip, NY) com-
fense was the deciding bined to pick up a
Najib Aminy
balls capitalizing Hahahaha! Fucker got owned!
factor. Trailing 7-6 total of 11 ground-
going into the fourth
quarter, Freshman at- on the Hawks’
tack Jordan McBride turnovers. Notable Lacrosse team continues to excel, as
(New Westminster, goal scorers were McBride, who their record is now 6-4 and 2-1 in con-
BC), Senior attack Bo recorded a Texas hat trick by scoring a ference play. Of the four games lost this
Tripodi (Hauppauge, team high four goals, along with Crow- season, each deficit was no more than
NY), Senior mid- ley and Adams each scoring three goals. three goals. The Seawolves will travel on
fielder Owen Adams In addition to his three goals, Crowley the road and play Binghamton on April
(Norwalk, CT) and had three assists, leading the team with 19, and the following week will face
Najib Aminy
SBU Lax is so fast everyone else is just a blur!
Freshman midfielder six points. Hofstra at home on April 26.
Kevin Crowley (New With a packed crowd of nearly
Westminster, BC) 1,000 fans, the Stony Brook Men’s

However, Hartford’s Revenge Was Forthcoming

Game one of the double header and eight hits in five innings of play. Matt Harloff (Valley Stream, NY)
By Najib Aminy proved to be a close contest as Stony The second game of the double-header recorded his second loss of the season—
Brook had control of the lead with a was not much different. For Stony now at 0-2—allowing five runs and six
score of 3-1 at the bottom of the third. Brook, nearly every at bat was a pop out hits in three innings of play. Hartford
The Stony Brook Men’s Base- Hartford fought back, tying the game or a grounder resulting in an out. pitcher Peter Moraski recorded the win
ball team fell to Hartford, losing two up at the top of fourth inning, eventu- Though having seven hits in the game, pitching in all seven innings and only
straight in a double-header on Saturday, ally leading 5-3 at the top of the seventh. the Seawolves left runners on base nine allowing one run, boosting his record to
April 12 and falling 0-3 in the series. Despite Junior centerfielder Michael times throughout the game, and were 2-1 for the season.
The Seawolves lost 5-3 in game one and Tansey’s (Valley Stream, NY) three hits, thus unable to produce any runs. Hart- The men’s baseball team will travel
trailed 6-1 in the second. Having lost two runs and one RBI, the Seawolves ford led 5-1 in the bottom of the sixth for the next couple weeks, facing Hofs-
three straight games, the Seawolves’ fell short, losing their second game to until Tansey hit an RBI single, allowing tra, Vermont, Maine and finally coming
record is 15-14, flirting above .500 and Hartford in the series. Senior Gary No- Freshman second baseman Chad Mar- back home against Fairfield on Wednes-
is 4-3 in conference play. Hartford vakowski (Prospect, CT) recorded the shall (Paris, ON) a run to prevent the day, April 30.
bounced up to 12-14 and 6-1 in confer- loss, tainting his record to 4-2 for the shutout.
ence play. season. Novakowski allowed four runs Stony Brook Sophomore pitcher Photos by Najib Aminy
Death Egg Zone

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