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Report: On the Quito Fire The whole town was wool [] we reinforced the whole town, but I guess

it just burnt through. -comp nd then, se!eral months later, "ancuneous purposel# burnt it down. [$e was a...] famous griefer. -%ane &uito was founded b# 'omp. The fascists ruined e!er#thing, before we too( it into the "))". -%ane I blame mar(et socialism for it all. - 'omp %ane* failure of a wea( go!ernment. +iller did e!er#thing - 'omp ,ho- 'omp, millerman./., canobiecra0#, 'hristian1irch, 2c. +illerman./. as current +anager. ,hat- 'omp founded &uito alongside 3rolo. ,ithin the 4ederati!e go!5t of the ')'. )ocial democrats failed. 6o one joined the ')' due to mini-communes. In the end, ended up as onl# socialists. ,here- &uito and surrounding area. ,hen- 1eginning of 'i!7.8. +o!ements are older, though. ,h#- 4ailed re!olution in the former 1uenos ires. 9:iles formed 1elgrade. ,hen e:iled again, formed 1elgrade II, near 'ommuna ;)oc. 4ed. <f =ugosla!ia>. t that world5s end and refresh, formed &uito as part of ')'. ?ue to closeness, formed republic coalition. 1oredom on 'omp5s part, lobb#ing in <rion ;The 'ommonwealth-> @ 'anobie rats out ')', runs off scot-free. +ost of the people from &uito (ind of left, and 'omp doesn5t remember much more. $ow4irst fire* un(nown force @ griefer, lightning, act of Aod, 'anobie farting into a match. 78* Arief b# "ancuneous. +ajor abandoning e!ent of &uito and 3rol. 4ederation turned into 4ed. <f 3rol. nd then to "))". 4irst fire happened while still ')'. )econd as "))". +iller too( o!er management two wee(s ago. 1efore then, was in a state of disrepair and reall# damaged and left abandoned while we focussed on 3roletars(a#a. ;%ane>. 'hec( 'IB+C. The bandoning 9!ent* www.reddit.comDrD'i!craftDcommentsDEl0uF.DpearledGb#G0anetntGforGe:posingGthatGtheGcscGwasD E

%* t the !er# beginning of the founding of the ')' and all the cities within it, there were other cities, li(e <!erwatch ;the $'4 ;$ard'ore 4actions> fol(s, from another ser!er>. The# were !er# nice to us. Cifetime was still an ass, though. <ne da#, it was found that <!erwatch was griefing, so the# left for a while, ceding control to 3rol. The# returned for a short while, then left again. ?an (#ro#d wanted to start a new <!erwatch, and needed 3rol5s help. ,e helped, and the# re!ealed their real reason* the# wanted to attac( people, but the# needed a reason to fight people. ,hat cities to attac(- 'riminal cities, etc.-, the# wondered. list of our friends and enemies ;and the ser!er5s most hated list> was gi!en. 'arson was considered to be the worst, and we said, 5,ell, not a lot of people li(e 'arson [] the ser!er as a whole probabl# won5t care5. )ome of us wanted a new communist 3art# in The 'ommonwealth. )ome $'4 people ran in and ra0ed our bo#s. Turns out that the# were ?an5s bo#s. 'anobie frea(ed out, got all frea(ed out and told e!er#bod# we hired a bunch of $'4 members to attac( fol(s in 'arson and e!er#where else. nd so ')' went inacti!e for some three months, due to .8-diamond bounties on the heads of the leaders and others.

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