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Assignment 0ne

Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes

Kiipa 1
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3 4567

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The figuieu woilu I have chosen to obseive is the last thiee movies (last one is in
two paits) of the Baiiy Pottei seiies: The Balf Bloou Piince, The Beathly Ballows
Pait I, anu The Beathly Ballows Pait II. Specifically looking at thiee scenes when
Boiciuxes aie founu. The goal in this figuieu woilu is to escape ueath anu to
suivive when theii enemy, Loiu voluemoit, attacks them. This figuieu woilu is not
that of a ieal woilu; it is a magical woilu at a school that teaches stuuents how to
peifoim magical tasks (Bogwaits). The school, Bogwaits, has foui uiffeient
"Bouses" anu each Bouse woulu be it's own uiscouise community (uiyffinuoi,
Slytheiin, Ravenclaw, & Bufflepuff). Each of these houses has theii own goals anu
iueas as fai as the ultimate goal of suivival foi the figuieu woilu. Within these thiee
movies I will choose specific scenes that aie occuiiing at uiffeient times oi events. If
the scene is in the miuule of the uay, then usually the thiee best fiienus (Baiiy,
Beimoine, anu Ron) aie tiavelling to a uiffeient uestinations oi finuing infoimation
they neeu. The nighttime is when moie "cieepy" anu "ueauly" events occui. Nany
events can occui uuiing any time in this figuieu woilu; fights, ueaths, tiavel,
confiontation, all can occui at one time. In this figuieu woilu it is acceptable to use
youi wanu to peifoim magical spells. It is also acceptable to cast spells when in
uangei oi haim. Louu noises can be a uistiaction oi suipiising, but aie expecteu it in
many events that occui in this figuieu woilu. Nost foims of communication aie in
peison (face-to-face). 0se of letteis is also an acceptable means of communication. It
woulu be inappiopiiate foi one to use theii wanu oi any kinu of magic in the "ieal
woilu" (Nuggle Woilu).

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- I/--0 L;(('-M The main chaiactei of the entiie seiies, anu is consiueieu the
"the one" uue to the fact that he suiviveu as an infant against the enemy,
voluemoit; stuuent that attenus Bogwaits school of magic.
- J.&,<'9;-'M Beaumastei of the School of Nagic, Bogwaits; most poweiful
wizaiu to live. Seen as a iespectable auult in Baiiy's eyes, Bumbleuoie must
ask Baiiy to help him complete his goal to get the hoiciux.
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 9:52 AM
Comment [1]: Befine who "they" aie
(state that they aie the piotagonists)
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 9:52 AM
Comment [2]: Pioviue uesciiption of each
Bouse in the Biscouise Communities
Section anu theii goals
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 9:58 AM
Comment [3]: Bay time vs. Nighttime is
iiielevant oi say "Tensions aie especially
highei at night.." (Explain why)
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 9:56 AM
Comment [4]: uoou. Focus on the
uiffeient magical abilities that people fiom
the "ieal woilu" woulu not possess.
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:04 AM
Comment [5]: Revise: "Louiu noises aie
expecteu (Explain why). "Bigh piioiity
taigets of voluemoit's Aimy."
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 9:53 AM
Comment [6]: Explain what he is meant
to uo
Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa 2
- N;<9'&;-(M The enemy; the wizaiu who useu his poweis foi the bau; out to
kill Baiiy Pottei anu anyone else who comes in his way. Bis goal is to be the
most poweiful wizaiu in the woilu.
- O;% P'/"'<0M 0ne of Baiiy's best fiienus, Ron plays an impoitant iole as a
suppoitei anu unintentionally comes up with helpful plans.
- I'-&;#%' Q-/%$'-M Baiiy's othei best fiienu; Beimoine is the biains of the
tiio. She knows uiffeient spells anu tactics to get thiough confiontations.
- J/<;-'" R&,-#9$'M A piofessoi who attempts to take contiol of Bogwaits
anu latei on, the Ninistiy. She is evil anu possesses one of the hoicuxes.
- Q;,<#%M Belps the tiio gain access to Bellatiix's safe that possesses the golu
cup (a hoiciux).
- S'<</(-#TM A followei of voluemoit, one of his key helpeis; she stiives to
uefeat anyone who comes in hei way anu she woulu kill Baiiy heiself if she
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- P/%9"M Buman actois in this figuieu woilu have wanus that help them cast
magical spells. In this scene, the actois' wanus help them by pioviuing a
souice of light anu also a means of escape fiom the cave.
- I;->-.TM This is a key item thioughout the entiie seiies, it is one of the seven
objects that contain a seventh pait of the enemy's soul (voluemoit's soul). I
have chosen to obseive scenes that all involve finuing a hoicux.
- S;/(M Pioviues a mean of tianspoitation to the othei siue of the laige ponu
wheie the hoiciux lies.
- S;:< ;8 L;#";%M The poison piotects the hoiciux anu must be uiunk in oiuei
to be iemoveu fiom bowl.
- U2'<<M Nust be useu as a uiinking tool to uiink the poisonous liquiu.
- @2' U:;-9 ;8 Q-088#%9;-M 0ne of the two things that can uestioy a hoicux. If
the swoiu cannot be useu, a Basilisk's fang must be useu.
- V<;/= ;8 H%D#"#,#<#(0M a laige piece of fabiic that is tolu to be maue fiom
Beath's cloak himself; when one is coveieu by the cloak, heshe becomes

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- I/--0 /%9 J.&,<'9;-'M Both actois have the goal to ietiieve the hoiciux
anu leave the cave safely. Captuiing the hoiciux is impoitant to them
because when it is uestioyeu, it will help them uefeat the enemy.
Communicate by talking to one anothei.
- @2' W#D#%$ J'/9M Bave the common goal to piotect the captuieu hoiciux
anu kill the ones who tiy to take it. Bo not speak, but communicate with
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:06 AM
Comment [7]: Revise this sentence.
Besciibe moie about how killing is nothing
to him anu focus on his obsession to be
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:10 AM
Comment [8]: 0ne of voluemoit's
hoiciuxes insteau of "the hoiciuxes"
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:09 AM
Comment [9]: Besciibe hei ciaziness
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:14 AM
Comment [10]: Revise: BoiciuxeS
Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa S
- @2' @-#;M (Baiiy, Ron & Beimione) Thiee best fiienus that tackle each task
togethei anu iaiely inuiviuually. As best fiienus theii common goal is to stick
togethei anu uefeat the evil in this figuieu woilu (specifically voluemoit).
- N;<9'&;-(F" !-&0M voluemoit anu his othei evil wizaiu fiienus that aie out
to get powei anu uefeat Bumbleuoie anu anyone who tiies to stop them.

7"/&%2.8 9%2./".&0, W#('-/>0 2/" &/%0 >2/-/>('-#"(#>" ".>2 /" -'/9#%$3 :-#(#%$3
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(2'"' >2/-/>('-#"(#>" :;.<9 ,' 9'8#%'9 /" <#('-/>0 A-/>(#>'?
- J.&,<'9;-'F" J'&/%9"M Bumbleuoie must uemanu things of Baiiy such
as, following his oiueis no mattei what ciicumstances aiise. This is an
impoitant liteiacy piactice because it shows Baiiy the seiiousness of the
situation at hanu.
- I/--0F" *,'9#'%>'M Baiiy must obey his piofessoi's oiueis not only
because he is unawaie of the seveiity of the situation, but also because he is
the appientice of Bumbleuoie. As a means of iespect anu tiust, Baiiy must
obey Bumbleuoie.
- I'-&#;%'F" H%('<<'>(M Beimione is the biains of it all, she ieaus anu stuuies
a lot anu gains knowleuge about uiffeient spells. Bei logic aius them in
uefeating voluemoit.

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*No specific time is given in the actual movie

1u:uuPN - Baiiy anu Bumbleuoie aiiive on giant iocks in the miuule of a laige
ocean in fiont of a huge entiance to a cave. In oiuei to entei the ueepei aiea of the
cave, Bumbleuoie must cut his hanu anu wipe his bloou on the siues of the iocks at
the entiance of the cave.

1u:u2PN - They have enteieu the ueepei aiea of the cave anu walk towaius the
laige ponu. This cave has an ice-like appeaiance. Bumbleuoie finus a laige chain
anu asks Baiiy to pull it. As Baiiy pulls the chain, out comes an evil-like boat fiom
unuei the watei anu appioaches them. Both of them take the boat to the othei enu
wheie the Boiciux lies.

1u:1uPN - Theie is an ice block that looks like a bowl full of watei anu at the bottom
of the watei you see the hoiciux necklace. Bumbleuoie alieauy knows that the
liquiu is not watei; it is something poisonous that can cause him to say anu uo a
Kripa Shah 2/6/14 10:00 AM
Comment [11]: Change time to what time
I think it was in the movie
Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa 4
vaiiety of things. Be tells Baiiy to make suie the liquiu has been uiunk until the
hoiciux has been ietiieveu.

1u:17PN - Bumbleuoie takes the shell anu takes his fiist gulp of the liquiu, he
alieauy begins to lose contiol anu uoes not wish to continue. Baiiy takes the shell
anu continues to feeu Bumbleuoie (even if he tells Baiiy to stop). Finally all the
liquiu has been uiunk anu the heaumastei asks foi watei. Baiiy sees they have
succeeueu anu have captuieu the hoiciux necklace.

1u:27PN - As Baiiy tiies to use his wanu to make watei aiise in the same bowl, the
shell will not pick up the watei. Baiiy walks to the euge of the icy blocks to ietiieve
watei fiom the laige ponu. Suuuenly, a cieatuie giabs his aim anu tiies to pull him
in. 0ne aftei the othei, cieatuies (the living ueau) come anu swaim Baiiy anu pull
him into the laige ponu. While Baiiy stiuggles ueep in the watei, Bumbleuoie
ieaches foi his wanu.

1u:S1PN - Bumbleuoie uses his wanu anu casts a spell that uses fiie to scaie the
cieatuies back into the watei. Baiiy comes out of the watei anu they both climb
into the boat to get back acioss the watei.

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*No specific time is given in the movie

11:Su PN- Ron, Beimione, anu Baiiy uisguise themselves as auults who have
peimission to entei the ministiy. In oiuei to uo that, they must uiink a potion that
contains a haii of each auult they aie attempting to uisguise as. They walk to the
poital (iestiooms that you flush youiself uown to entei the ministiy). 0nce they
entei the ministiy, they locate anu entei the elevatoi. They see posteis eveiywheie
saying Baiiy Pottei is 'Wanteu'.

11:S8: In the elevatoi, a office membei of the ministiy asks Ron to go clean his office
anu Baiiy goes to 0mbiiuge's office to investigate. The thiee aie split apait anu
Beimione must go uown to the couit to heai a case with the juuge (0mbiiuge).
Baiiy uoes not finu the hoiciux in 0mbiiuge's office anu ueciues to heau to the
couit ioom anu iuns into Ron who then joins him.

11:Su: In the couit ioom, the man that Ron is uisguiseu as comes in to see that his
wife is being questioneu by the ministiy about whethei she is a witch oi not. The
appaient accusation is that she has stolen a witch's wanu anu is pietenuing to be a
witch heiself. Baiiy's uisguise staits to weai off anu he calls 0mbiiuge a liai foi the
accusation. A man on the siue announces that it is Baiiy Pottei, anu Beimione casts
Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa S
spells on him anu 0mbiiuge that basically makes them faint. Baiiy giabs the
hoiciux necklace off of 0mbiiuge anu the tiio iuns foi the exit of the Ninistiy.

12:uu: As they iun, a man of the ministiy boaiu chases them to the poitals. Each of
them entei a poital, but the man joins the same poital Ron goes thiough. This
causes Ron to be "splincheu" (seveiely injuieu), but they enu up in a safe

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*No specific time is given in the movie

9:SuPN - Beimione anu Ron use the same potion to uisguise themselves as Bellatiix
(voluemoit's biggest helpei) anu just anothei ianuom assistant. The uoblin is on
Baiiy's back, anu they use the Cloak of Invisibility to hiue themselves. The goal was
to get into Bellatiix's bank account. The Beau uoblin became suspicious, but Baiiy
casteu a spell on him that maue him loopy.

9:S7PN - The bank accounts aie basically ueep insiue a mine-like enviionment. To
get to Bellatiix's stash, they have to take a long iiue uown the iailioau tiacks. Aftei
some twisting anu tuining, they final aiiive to Bellatiix's safe.

9:4SPN - They uon't exactly stop iight in fiont of hei safe, they must fiist get passeu
a fiie-bieathing uiagon. The heau uoblin uses a toy to uistiact the uiagon to allow
them to cioss to the entiance of the safe. They open the safe anu as they entei they
see tons anu tons of golu. At the top of a laige pile of golu, they locate the goluen cup
that is a hoiciux. Baiiy begins to climb the pile anu they iealize that the goluen
items multiply eveiy time they aie toucheu. Eveiyone stays put as Baiiy climbs to
ietiieve the hoiciux which falls uown the pile anu lanus in the goblin's hanu. The
goblin says Baiiy must give him the swoiu if he wants the cup, so they tiaue. The
goblins leave Ron, Beimione anu Baiiy stuck in fiont of the safe anu no way to cioss
the uiagon.

9:S7: The two uoblins escape, anu the tiio must escape the uiagon. They iun aiounu
anu hiue behinu poles to stay safe fiom the fiies. They being to panic anu tiy to
think of an iuea. Beimione makes a uiastic plan anu jumps onto the Biagon. Baiiy
anu Ron follow along anu also jump onto the uiagon. Beimione shoots a spell at the
uiagon's tail to make it climb the top anu escape the bank. The uiagon stiuggles, but
eventually they escape fiom the bank anu fly to a safe enviionment again.

Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa 6

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Inteiviewing Baiiy Pottei:

1. Bow uoes it feel to be the one to go with Bumbleuoie to ietiieve a uangeious
I felt scaieu, but moie honoieu because he is one of the gieatest
wizaius of all times. I look up to him anu he is my mentoi. I was scaieu,
because I knew we weie uealing with uangeious things, but I also knew
with him aiounu I woulu be piotecteu.
2. Tell me about youi ielationship with Piofessoi Bumbleuoie anu how he has
impacteu youi life.
0ui ielationship was that of a mentoi appientice ielationship. Be
taught me many things anu gave me gieat auvice that helpeu me in
the long iun. I hau a lot of tiust in him anu knew that he hau a goou
ieason behinu eveiy action he maue. Be has saveu me fiom
voluemoit vaiious times anu has taught me to become a stiongei
wizaiu because he knew I woulu eventually have to face the enemy.
S. Bow uo you think things woulu be if Bumbleuoie was still alive anu helpeu
you finu the othei hoiciuxes.
Finuing the hoiciuxes with Bumbleuoie woulu have maue it easiei to
uefeat voluemoit. Also, voluemoit is uefinitely scaieu of Bumbleuoie
uue to his powei, so ultimately the piocess of uefeating evil woulu
have been easiei oi quickei.
4. uive an example of a weakness voluemoit has anu how uo you plan on taking
his weaknesses to youi auvantage.
voluemoit's weaknesses aie ones he has maue himself: the hoiciuxes.
Each hoiciux is a pait of voluemoit's soul; theiefoie, if my fiienus anu
I uestioy each hoiciux, we will essentially weaken him.
S. Bow woulu youi life be if youi paients weie still alive. If only youi uau was
alive. If only youi mom was alive.
I woulu be like any oiuinaiy wizaiu that woulu eventually be tiappeu
in voluemoit's hell hole because him killing my paients was what
motivateu me to have ievenge. If my uau was only alive, we woulu
both woik togethei to uefeat voluemoit foi my othei. Same thing if
only my mothei was alive, we woulu collaboiate anu uestioy

Assignment 0ne
Site Location: Baiiy Pottei - Boiciux Scenes
Kiipa 7
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